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11. Write the various engineering apphcatiol:1s of composites.

5 5

B.Tech / M.Tech (Integrated) DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY 2023

PART - C (1 x 15 = 15 Marks) MOTks IlL
First and Second Semester
Answer ANY ONE Question
26. Give a neat sketch of Pourbaix diagr&.!n and explain all the significant 15 3 2
(For the candidates admitted/rom the. academic year 2022-2023 onward!')
features. Note:
(i) Part - A should be answered in OMR sheet witbin first 40 minutes and OMR sheet should be handed
27.i. Explain the stereochemistry of SNI mechanism. 5 J 3 2 over to hall invigilator at the end of 40 th minute.
(ii) Part - n and Part - C should be answered in answer booI let.
11. Discuss about the principle and instrumentation ofXPS. 10 J 5
Time: 3 HoUl's Max. Marks: 75

MlIl'I<s Ill. co PO
* : : :J: * * PART - A (20 x 1 = 20Marks)
Answer ALL Questions
1. What is the Geometrical shape of K4[Ni(CN)4]?
(A) Octahedral (B) Square planar
(C) TetTahedral (D) Trigonal Pyramidal

2. The crystal field theory considers the metal-ligand hond to hc a

(A) Covalent (B) Ionic
(C) Polar (D) Hydrogen

3. The CFSE f()r a high spin d 4 Octahedral complex is 2 :2

(A) -D.6f:..oct (B) -l.R !:::"oct

(C) -1.6f:..oct+P (D) +1.2l.\oct

4. Il1a period with increase in atomic number, the metallic character of an
element: .,
(A) Decreases
. .
across period (B) Increases across period and
mcrease m group decrease in group
(C) Increases across peliod and (D) Decreases across period and
increase in group decrease in group

5. HASB principle was given by 2

(A) Lewis (B) Arrhenius

(C) Bransted (D) j)earson

6. Helmholtz free energy A is expressed 2 2

(~ A=U+~ ~) A=H+~
(C) A=U-TS CD) A=Ii-TS
7. The anode of the galvanic cell has 2

(A) Positive polarity (B) Negative polarity

(C) No polarity (D) Neutral

Page 4 of 4 25MFl,221CYBIOIJ Pnge 1 of4 25MFl,22iCYBlOlJ

2 2 5
8. In corrosion, as a result of decay, the metals are NOT converted into 19. What happens in the case when the intermolecular distance increases due
(A) Oxides (B) Hydroxides to tensile force?
(C) Peroxides (D) Carbonates (A) there is no force between the (B) there seems to be a repulsive
molecules force between the molecules
9. Chiral molecules which are non·· super imposable mirror images of each 2 3 (C) there seems to be an attractive (D) there IS zero resultant force
other are called. force between the molecules hetween the molecules
(A) Enantiomers (8) Diastereomers
(C) Meso compounds (D) Racemic Mixture 20. Usually stronger constituent of a composite in
(A) Matrix (B) Reinforcement
10. The potential energy of n-butane is minimum for (C) Both are of equal strength (D) Can't define
(A) Skew conformation (B) Staggered conformation
(C) Eclipsed conformation (D) Ganche
PART -8 (5 x 8 = 40 :lV1arks) Murks BL 1'0

11. Which of the following IS an initiator molecule 111 the free radical Answer ALL Questions
(A) Benzoyl Peroxide (8) Sulphuric acid 21 . a.i. Explain brieHy about high spin and low spin complexes with examples.
(C) Potassium permanganate (D) Chromium oxide
11. Give lhe differences bet.ween hard and soft acids.
I 2. A compound w.ith the same molecular formula exists in two forms one is
alcohol and the other is ether, what type of isomerism does it show? (OR)
(A) Metamerism (8) Positional isomerism b. Write short notes on structural isomerism in coordination compounds. Give
(C) Functional isomerism (D) Chain Isomersim examples.

2 4 ~ ?
13. The strength of the polymer increases with ._ in molecular weight 22. a. With appropriate examples, elucidate how Nernst equation can bc applied
(A) Decreases (B) 1ncreases in a redox reaction and in an acid-base reaction.
(C) No change (D) SlightlY decrease
8 :I 2.
14. Which of the following is NOT a natural polymer? b. With proper equations compare dry and we1 corrosion.
(A) Rayon (B) Starch
(C) Cellulose (D) RNA 23. a. Explain Calm-Ingold prclog priority rules to determine RIS configuration
on a chiral center taking an example.
2 -1
15. Intermolecular i"orces of thermoplastic polymers are
. (A) More than elastomers (B) Between elastomers and fibers (OR)
2 3 2
(C) Same as elastomers (D) More than fibers h. Sketch the potential energy diagram and explain 1\1 detail the
confonnational analysis of n-hutane.
16. Glass transition temperature (Tg) for Nylon - 6:6 is 50°C, which is higher 3 4
4 4
than polyethylene due to 24. a.i. Give the differences between thermoplastic and thermosets.
(A) Vander Waals forces (B) Covalent bonding
4 4
(C) Inter-molecular hydrogen (D) Intra-molecular hydrogen 11. trow polyurethane is prepared? Give its properties and uses.
bonding bonding
2 5 8 2 4
17. Minimum interplanar spacing required for Bragg's diffraction is b. Write a short note on conducting polymer. Explain nand p doping 111
% (B)
Yz conducting polymer.
(C) 4.-i (D) 2.-i 25. a. Explain Bragg's law with a neat diagram. 8 2 5

18. The source for XPS is 2 5

(OR) ,
(A) Mercury - arc (B) Nernst glower .' 5
b.i. Define the terms
(C) Global source (D) Alka
1) Elastic body
2) Plastic body
3) Elasticity
Page 2 of" 25MF1.22ICYBJOIJ Page 3 of 4 25MFl ,221CYBIOIJ
28. a. Discuss on the principle, instrumentation of X-ray photo electron
10 3 3,6
I Reg. No. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I [J
b. Demonstrate the periodic trends for any two properties with suitable 10 3 :\,6 1,4
Second Semester
29. a. Derive Gibbs-Helmholtz equation and apply it to explain any two uses. 10 3 4,6 1,4
(For the candidates admitted/rom the academic year 2018-2019 to 2019-2020)
(OR) (i) Part - A should be answered in OMR sheet within Jirst 40 minutes and OMR sheet should be handed
b. Compare structural isomerism with stereo isomerism by taking suitable 10 4 4,0 1,6 over to hall invigilator at the end of 40 th minute.
examples. (ii) Part - B should he answered in answer booklet.

30. a.i. Explain the E2 mechanism with suitable example. 5 4 5,6 4 Time: 2\.0. Hours Max. Marks: 75

Mnrl<s Ill. co 1'0

11. Illustrate with an example the Dieckmann condensation reaction. 5 3 5,6 4 PART - A (25 X 1 = 25 Marl{s)
Answer ALI, Questions
1. Which of the following is known as the Schrodinger equation? 1,6
, (OR)
b. Explain in detail the different types of isomerisms exhibited by transition 10 4 .'i,6 4 (A) E = me 2 (B) A, = hlp
metal complexes. (C) frlf/ = E'1f/ (D) _ 1)2 \7 2

***** 2. Two electrons occupying the same orbital arc distinguished by _ _ _ _ 1,6

quantum number.
(A) Azimuthal (B) Spin
(C) Magne.tic (D) Orbital

3. Heisenberg uncertainty principle mathematically describe that the rroduct 1,6

of the position and momentum of the particle is _ _ _ _

(A) equal to hlp (B) equal to E -V
(C) '?.hI47r (D) 2::E-V

4. Which of the fo/llowing molecule is NOT homonuclear? 2 1,6 4

(A) H2 (B) N2
(C) 02 (D) NO

5. The filling up of Molecular orbital takes place according to _ __ 1,6 1

(A) I-Iuckel's rule (B) Bund's rule

(C) Fajan's rule (D) CIP rule

2 2,6 I
6. The different types of energies associated within a molecule are
(A) Electronic, vibrational and (B) Dissociation and potential
(C) Potential and kinetic (D) Only kinetic energy

is the regIOn for studying nuclear magnetic resonance 2,6 I

(A) Microwave (B) Radio frequency
(C) Infrared (D) UV

Page 4 of4 15JF218CYBlOlJ Page 1 of4 15JF218CYBIOlJ

2,6 1 2 4,6
8. Which of the following compounds is frequently used as an internal 18. If our eyes travel in counter clockwise, direction from the functional group
re'ierence in protein NMR spectroscopy? of highest priority to lowest priority, then the configuration is _ _ _ __
(A) TMS (B) TNS (A) R (B) S
(C) DMF (D) DMSO (C) E (D) Z

2 2,6 4 2 4,6 1,3

9. One of the following complex IS having "zero" oxidation state for the 19. Which of the following compound would exhibit geometrical isomerism?
central metal ion. (A) 2 - Butene (B) n-propyl iodide
(A) 1(4 [Fe( CN)6] (B) 1(3[Fe(CN)6] (C) Cyclopropane (D) Butanal

(C) [Ni( CO)4] (D) [Pt(NH 3 )4]Cf2 20. Identify the hard acid from the following: 2 4,6 1,3

(A) AICl 3 (B) N2H4

10. The cnergy required to pair up the electrons is called
- -- -
2 2,6 1 (C) H 20 (D) or-r
(i\) Dissociation CB) Pairing
(C) Crystal field stabilization (D) Potential 2 5,6 2,3
21. Tn gauche conformations, the methyl groups arc
energy . (A) 60 0 apart (8) 90 0 apart
11. Minimum inter-planar spacing required for Bragg's diffraction is _ __ 2 3,6
(C) 180 0 apart (D) 360 0 apart
(A) ~ (8) 4Jr
(C) Yz (D) 2,1
22. [ Co( NH )5 N0
3 2 JC/ 2 and [Co( NH3 )5 ONO JCl2
2 5,6

(A) Geometrical isomers (8) Optical isomers

\!2. The pressure correction factor for modilied VanderWaals equation of state 2 3.6
(C) Linkage isomers (D) Co-ordination isomers
(B) 112fv
V 2
23. Find the number of stereo isomers for
~ 5,6 2

(D) V -nb
2 J,G 1,2 (A) 1 (B) 2
13. The Zeft" for 4s electron in potassium atom (Z= 19) is _ __
(C) 3 (D) 4
(A) 16.8 (B) 10
(C) o.H (D) 2.20 5,6 2
24. Which of the following act as an initiator in free radical mechanism?
2 3,6 1,2 (A) H 2 S'0 4 (B) Benzoyl peroxide
14. The co-ordination number and oxidation state for the cobalt atom in the
(C) KMn04 (D) Cr03
complex [Co(NH3)s Cf]C/2 is and _ _ _
5,6 2
(A) 4; +2 (B) 4;1-3 25. An acceptor of pair of electrons is called _ __
(C) 6; +3 (D) 6; +1 (A) Nucleophile (B) Carbocation
(C) Anion (D) Elcctrophile
15. The Bragg's equation for diffraction of X-rays is - - - 2 3,6

(A) 11,1 = 2e1 cose (B) 17,1 = 2d sine

PART - B (5 x 10 = 50 Marks)
(D) 11,1=2e1 2 sine
Marl,s ilL CO 1'0
(C) 11,12 =2dsine
Answer ALL Questions

16. Chiral mo lecules which are non-superimposable mirror images of each 4,6 10 2 1,6
26. a. Derive time independent Schrodinger wave equation.
other are called - - - -
(A) Diasteriomers (B) Meso compounds 10 4 1,6 4
b. Draw and explain the TI-molecular orbital picture of 1,3-butadiene.
(C) Racemic mixtune (D) Eriantiomers
]0 3 2,6 1,4
27. a. With a neat sketch discuss on the crystal field splitting of d-orbitals for
17. The plane which divides the molecule into 2 equal parts so that each half is 4,6
Tetrahedral complexes.
the mirror image of the other half is called _ _ __
(A) Centre of symmetry (B) Plane of symmetIy 10 4 2,6 3,4
b. Consider AB molecule to absorb in Microwave region and behaving like a
(C) Axis of symmetry (D) Improper axis ofsymmetry
rigid rotor. Explicate the rotational spectra for this molecule and predict at
which ~ em -1, the signal is observed in the spectrum for a jump from J = 0
to J = 1.
Page 2 of4 ISJF218CYBlOlJ Page 3 of4 lSJF218CYBl OlJ
b. What is screening effect? Calculate shielding constant and effective nuclear 10 4 4 5
charge for I Reg. No. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I
i) 4s electron in Mn (ALno of Mn=25)
ii) 3d electron in Cu (ALno.of Cu=29) B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, DECEMBER 2022
First and Second Semester
29. a. Explain how Nernst equation is applied in determining the potential of a 10 3 4 1
redox reaction. Mention its applications. (For the candi.dates admittedfrom the academic year 20/8-20l9 to 202l-2(22)
(OR) (i) Part - A should he answered in OMR sheet within first 40 minutes and OMR sheet should he handed
b. Expla'in the Newmann, Sawhorse and Fischer projections and illustrate 10 4 5 4 over to hall invigilator at the end of 40 th minute.
their interconversions with one example. (ii) Part - B should he answered in answer booklet.

30. a. Explain the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog rules to determine RIS conJiguration on a 10 3 4 Time: 2Y2 Hours Max. Marks: 75
chiral centre taking an example.
MllrI" IlL CO 1'0
PART - A (25 X 1= 25 Marks)
(OR) Answer ALL Questions
4 5 3 I. Which of the following molecule does not exist due to its zero bond order? 2
b. Give a brief account on the following with suitable example 10

1. SN' mechanism of nucleophilic substitution reactions (A) H~- (B) Hei"

II. Free radical mechani 'm of addition reaction (C) lle2 (0) Hi.

2. The combination ofH(LS I ) and F(2Px l ) gives .1

* :I: :I: :I: :I:
(A) Bonding orbital (B) Non-Bonding orbital
(C) Anti - Boding orbital (D) Both bonding and antibonding

3. Identify the incon"ect ~tatement regarding aromaticity.

(A) ft is the exta stability (B) P-orbitals must be parallel and
possessed by a mol.ecule overlap
(C) Cyclic delocalizaion takes (D) It does not tollow I-Iuckel's rule
4. According to r-Ieisenberg, the product of uncertainity in the position and
momentum of the body is
(A) ?:. hi 4Tr (8) Equal to hlp
(C) Equal to E-V (D) ~E-V

5. The crystal field splitting energy for octahedral and tetrahedral complexes
is related as
(A) 6.t ~ h6. 0 (B) 6.t ~ ~6.0

(C) 6.0 ~ 26. t (D) 6. ~ ~6.t


6. The different types of energies associated with a molecule are 2

(A) Electronic, vibrational and (B) Dissociation energy

rotational energies
(C) Potential energy (D) Kinetic energy

7. The region of electromagnetic spectrum for nuclear magnetic resonance is 232

(A) Micro wave (B) Infra-Red

(C) Radio frequency (D) UV
Page 4 of 4 20DAl&218CYBIOIJ Page 1 of4 20DAl&218CYBlOlJ
244 2 4 2
8. Which of the following molecule have infra red active vibrations? 20. When a molecule has a plane of symmetry, it will be _ __
(A) NO (B) CH4 (A) Optically inactive (8) Optically active
(C) Hz (D) N2 (C) Racemic (D) Enantiomer

9. The wave numbers are expressed in 2 2l. The potential energy of n-butane is minimum for
(A) sec-I (8) cm- I (A) Skew conformation (8) Staggered conformation
(C) em sec-I (D) cm sec (C) Eclipsed confOlmation (D) Gauche conformation

2 ~ 4 2
10. In K4 [Fe( CN\J, the number of unpaired electrons in Fe are 22. The halide ion is a extremely __
(A) Weak base (8) Weak acid
(A) 2 (B) 3
(C) Strong base (D) Strong acid
(C) 5 (D) 0
2 5 ~

1 1. The Bragg's equation for diffraction of X-rays in 2 23. Which step in S~ reaction is a slow rate determining step'?
(A) nA = 2d 2 sin e (B) nA = 2d sine (A) Attack of a nucleophile (8) Formation of racemic mixture
2 (C) Formation of transition state (D) Formation of an electrophile
(C) nA = 2dsin f) (D) nA=d 2 sin 2 @
24. Identify the one, which does not come under the organic addition reaction. ~ 4
12. Obtain the Miller Lndices of a plane whose intercepts are 4, 4 and 2 units 2 ~ 2
(A) Hydration (B) Dehydration
along the three axes.
(C) I-lalogenation (D) Hydrohalogcnation
(A) (I 22) (B) (2 I 1)
(C) (I 2 I) (D) (I 1 2) 'I
25. Which one of the following is an eXClmple for reducing agen t'?
2 'I 4 (A) OsOt~ (B) pee
13 . In a period, with increase in atomic number, the metallic character of an
(C) l,i Al H'I (D) K2 Crz 07
(A) Increases (8) Decreases
(C) Increase and then decrease (D) Decrease and then increase Mllrl" Ill. CO 1'0
PART - B (5 x 10 = 50 Marks)
2 Answer ALL Questions
14. Repeatabl e entity of a crystal structure in known as
(A) Crystal (B) Lattice 10 4
(C) Unit cell CD) Miller Indices 26. a. Derive Schrodinger equation for a particle in one dimensionall box and
obtain the Eigen valu e by solving the equation.
15. The source for X-ray photo electron spectroscopy is
(A) Mercury - arc (8) Nernst glower 10
b. Draw and explain the molecular orhital energy level diagram for oxygen
(C) Globar source (D) AIKu
molecule and calculate the bond order.
16. Generally electrode potential refers to 3 10 4 2 Z
27. a. Identify the following as high spin (or) low spin complexes and calculate
(A) Electron potential (8) Redox potential their magnetic moment.
(C) Oxidation potential (D) Reduction potential
1. [CoF6 f­
4 2 3-1­
17. The Helmholtz function F is given by II. [ NiC/ 4 ]
(A) U-TS (8) U+TS
(C) -U-TS (D) -U+TS 111. [Fe( CN)G J3­
18. In corrosion, as a result of decay the metals are not converted into 2 5 3 IV. [CO(H20)GJ +
(A) Oxides (B) Per-oxides
(C) Hydroxides (D) Carbonates (OR)
10 ] 3 4
b. Write a note on the vibrational spectrum of a diatomic molecule
19. Identify the hard acid from the following 3 4
undergoing simple harmonic motion.
(A) N2H4 (8) H 20
(C) AICb (D) OH- 28. a. Discuss about the principle, instrumentation and working ofXPS. 10 3 3

Page 2 of4 20DAI&2I8CYBIOlJ Page 3 of4 20DAI&218CYBlOlJ
b. What are the steps involved in the treatment of domestic waste water?
10 2 3 2 ~eg. No. I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I-J
29. a. What is corrosion? Explain the mechanism of dry corrosion with examples. 10 3 4 4
Third Semester


b. What are the factors influencing cOlTosion? 10 3 4 4
(For the candidates admittedfrom the academic year 2018-2019 to 2020-2021)
30. a. Derive Nernst equation. 10 3 2 5 (i) Part - A should be answered in OMR sheet within first 40 minutes and OMR sheet should be handed
over to hall invigilator at the end of 40 lh minute.
(OR) (ii) Part - B should be answered in answer booklet.
b. Explain the instrumentation ofUV-Vis spectroscopy. 10 3 2 .'5
Time: 212 Hours Max. Marks: 75
Mndes ilL CO PO
*** *:I:
PART - A (25 x 1 = 25 Marks)
Answer ALL Questions
I. In periodic table the 18 th ~rroup elements are also called
(A) Noble Gas (B) Alkali metals
(C) Alkali Earth Metals (D) Halogens

2. Io the 3rd period of the periodic table the element having smallest size is
(A) Na (B) Ar
(C) el (D) Si

3. Which of the fo]]owing reaction will need the maxmmm amount of

(A) Na -> Na + + e­ (8) Ca+ -> Ca 2+ + e­
(C) [(+ ~ K2-I- e-· (D) C 2+ ~ C 3+ + e­

4. The correct order of e1ectronegativity is

(A) Cl > F > 0> Br (B) F> 0 > CI > Br
(C) F>CI>Br>O (D) O>F>Cl>Br

5. The element with the largest ionization energy in group 13 is

~) TI ~) fu
(C) Al (D) B

6. What type of reaction takes place upon treatment of a ketone with HeN to 5 3

form a cyanohydrin?

! (A) NuCleophilic addition (B) Nucleophilic substitution
(e) Electrophilic addition (D) Electrophilic substitution

7. Which statement about Aspirin is not true? 5 3

(A) Aspirin belongs to Narcotic (B) It is effective in reliving a pain

(C) It has antiblood clotting action (D) It is a neurologically active

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8. Identify the one which does not come under the organic addition reaction. 5 3

(A) Hydration (B) Dehydration

2 4 4
(C) Halogenation (D) Hydrohalogenation 20. Volatile oxidation cOlTosion product of a metal is
(A) FC203 (B) Mo03
9. Alcohol on refluxing with K2Cr207. Gives 5 3 (C) Fe304 (D) FeO
(A) Ester (B) Aldehyde
3 2 5
(C) Sugar (D) Carboxylic acid 21. Basically a potentiometer is a device for
(A) Comparing two voltages (B) Measuring a current
10. Alkenes usually show which type ofreaction 5 3 (C) Comparing two currents (D) Measuring a voltage
(A) Addition (B) Substitution
3 2 5
(C) Elimination (D) Super position 22. Which of the following IS not a source used U1 mid infrared
11. Bicarbonates in water produce 3 2 (A) Nernst glower (B) High pressure mercury arc lamp
(A) Temporary hardness (B) Permanent hardness (C) Globar (D) Nichrome wire
(C) Acidity (D) Alkalinity
3 2 5
23. Which of the [oliowing molecule have infrared active vibrations?
J 2. Alum is a 3 2 (A) NO (B) CH4
(A) Coagulant (B) Flocculent (C) H2 (D) 02
(C) Catalyst (D) Disinfectant
3 2 :'i
24. Which of the following cannot show a vibrational absorption spectrum?
13. Hardness of water IS conventionally expressed 'in terms of equivalent 232
(A) oes (B) I-hO
amount of (q C02 ~) CH~Cfu
(A) H2C03 (B) MgC03
(C) CaC0 3 :l 2 :'i
(D) Na2C03 25. Which one of the following radiations has the longer wavelength?
(A) Infrared (B) Visible
14. Which of the following does NOT cause the permanent hardness in water? 232 (C) X-ray (D) Ultra violet
(A) Nitrates (B) Sulphates
(C) Chlorides (D) Bicarbonates
MUI'I" ilL CO 1'0
J> ART -- B (5 x 10 = 50 Marks)
15. Which of the following is not a unit of hardness? 2 2
Answer ALL Questions
(A) Parts per million (B) Degree centigrade
(C) Degree Clarke (D) Degree French 10 6 3
26. a. Explain the factors influencing ionization energy of an element. How does
ionization energy varies down the group and across the period in periodic
16. Water is mainly used in boilers for the generation of 2 4 4
(A) Power (B) Electricity
(C) Steam (D) Current (OR)
b.i. Explain the Fajan's rule in detail.
17. Which of the following is not a result of the excess of impurity in boiler­ 2 4 4

feed? 5
11. Explain Lewis acid-base theory with suitable examples.
(A) Scale and sludge formation (B) Decomposition
(C) Corrosion, pnmmg and (D) Caustic embrittlement 10 5
27. a. What are elimination reactions? Discuss about the El and E2 reactions
foaming with mechanism?
18. Which of the following methods IS not used for the prevention of 2 4 4

corrosion? (OR)
(A) Greasing (B) Painting 7 2 5 2
b.i. How do you prepare paracetamol in laboratory?
(C) Plating (D) Heating
3 252
2 4 4 11. Explain the uses of paracetamol.
19. Galvanization is a method to
(A) Protect the Iron metal from (B) Extract iron from its ore 10 2 3 2
28. a. Explain the estimation of hardness of water by EDTA method.
(C) Protect food from Rancidity (D) Improve the ductility property
of the metal
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b. Discuss about cathodic protection methods.
I Reg. No. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i
32. Cl. Discuss on the principle, instrumentation and applications of Atomic absorption
Third to Seventh Semester
b. Explain the principle, instrumentation and applications ofIR spectroscopy. lSCYIOl - CHEMISTRY
(For the candidates admitted during the academic year 2015-2016 to 2017-2018)
(i) Part - A should be answered in OMR sheet within first 45 minutes and OMR sheet should be handed
over to halll invigilator at the end of 45 th minute.
(ii) Part - B and Part - C should be answered in answer booklet.

Time: Three H ours Max. Marks: 100

PART - A (20 x 1. = 20 Marks)

Answer ALL Questions ·
. 1. The purpose of addition of N1 3-NH4CI solution during the determination of hardness of I-:120
by EDTA method is
(A) Stop the reaction between EDTA and (B) Change of coloration
hardness causing ions
(C) Facilitate the formation of comp lex (D) Maintenance of pH
· 2. Caustic embrittlement is controlled by the addition of _ _ __
(A) Sodium sulphate (B) Tannin
(C) Castor oil (D) Both (A) & (B)

3. pH in water is favorable for disinfection in a small contact period.

(A) 8 . 9 (B) S - 6. S
(C) 7.S--· ftS (D) 3-4

4. As per Indian quality standards, the alkalinity in the drinking water should NOT exceed
(A) 300 ppm (B) 400 ppm
(C) 200 ppm (D) SOO ppm

S. Free radical polymerization is generally carried out under _ _ -atmosphere.

(A) Oxygen (B) Hydrogen
(C) Chlorine (D) Nitrogen

6: The structure of low density polyethylene is

(A) Crosslinked (B) Linear
(C) Branched (D) Rubbery

7. Stereo specific polymers can be prepared by following mechanism

(A) Free radical (B) Cationic
(C) Anionic (D) Ziegler-Natta

8. Polyethylene has a Tg of -12SoC. This is because of _ _~

(A) Presence of polar groups (B) High molecular weight
. (C) No strong inter molecular forces (D) High degree of symmetry

Page40f4 21NA3-7/1SCYIOI Page 1 of4 21NA3-7/1SCYIOI

9. The maximum degree of freedom for a single component system is PART - B (5 x 4 = 20 Marks)
(A) 2 .(B) 3 Answer ANY FIVE Questions
(C) 1 (D) 0
21. Write a note on break point chlorination.
10. The mixture of alcohol and water contain _ _ _ number of phases
(A) One (B) Two 22. Describe the principle and procedure involved in zeolite process.
(C) Three (D) Four
23. Bring out any four differences between thermoplastic and them10setting plastics.
11. The eutectic temperature of Pb-Ag system is _ _ _ _ _ oC.
(A) 2.6 (B) 97.4 24. State phase rule. Define all the terms involved in it.
(C) 30.3 (D) 303
25. Give the mechanism for electro chemical corrosion.
12. Viscosity of a lubricating oil is increased by using thickeners like _ _ _ ~
(A) Polystyrene (B) Sodium salts of sulphonic acid 26. What is meant by lubricants? Mention any two important properties of lubricants.
(C) Graphite (D) Barium sulphate
27. What are the advantages of potentiometer titration over the other titrations?
] 3. If the over voltage for the evolution of hydrogen is high, the rate of corrosion is
(A) Slow (B) High . PART - C (5 x 12 = 60 Marks)
(C) Unif orm (D) Zero Answer ALL Questions

14. The unit of rate of corrosion is - - - - 28. H. How will you determine the diffe rent types of alkalinity in water sample? Explain with
(A) ppm (B) mg/L chemical reactions.
(C) g/cm2 (D) mpy
15 . metal is commonly employed as sacrificial anode. b.i. H ow is scale formation prevented by
(A) Bismuth (B) Magnesium l. Phosphate conditioning
(C) fron (1)) Sodium n. Carbonate conditioning
111. Calgon conditioning
16. The coating of zinc over iron is called
(A) Amalgamation
(B) Galvanizing Il. Define Hardness. Distinguish between temporary and permanent hardness.
(C) Alloys (D) Electroplating
29.a.i. Give the mechanism for free-radical polymerization reaction. (8 Marks)
17. The electrode whose potential IS dependent upon the concentration of the lOn to be
determined is Il. List out the applications of fibre-reinforced plastics. . (4 Marks)
(A) Indicator electrode (B) R eference electrode
(C) Counter electrode (D) lon-selective electrode (OR)
b.i. Describe with a neat sketch, the process of injection mOUlding.
18. Finger-Print region in IR spectroscopy is
(A) 4000 - 1400 cm- i (B) 3600 - 3200 cm- i 11. Give the preparation, properties and uses of Bakelite.
(C) 2850 - 2969 cm- i (D) 1400 - 900 cm- i
30. a. Discuss on the salient features of one-component system with a neat phase diagram.
19. Monochromatic light in spectrophotometers is obtained from
(A) Light source (B) Gratings (OR)
(C) Amplifiers (D) Photocell b.i. I-low is thermal analysis done in simple eutectic systems? (4 Marks)
20. n ~ 0' Transition takes place iil _ __ 11. What are adhesives? Explain the physical and chemical factors influencing adhesive
(A) Ethane (B) Ethylene strength. (8 Marks)
(C) Acetone (D) Butadiene
31. a. Discuss on the factors influencing the rate of corrosion.

Page 2 of4 21NA3-7 / 15CYIOI Page 3 of4 21NA3-7/15CYI0l
Reg. No. I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I


1st to 7th Semester

(For the candidates admitted during the academic year 2015-2016 to 2017-2018)
(i) Part - A should be answered in OMR sheet within first 45 minutes and OMR sheet should be handed
over to hall invigilator at the end of 45 th minute.
(ii) Part - B and Part - C should be answered in answer booklet.

Time: Three Hours Max. Marks: 100

PART - A (20 xl = 20 Marks)

Answer ALL Questions
1. In the zeolite process, the zeolite bed saturated with Ca2+and Mg2+ ions can be regenerated by
(A) Sodium hydroxide (B) Sodium sulphate
(C) Sodium phosphate (D) Sodium chloride

2. Extremely high quality water required for nuclear power plants can be made by
(A) Electrodialysis (B) Reverse osmosis
(C) Boiling (D) Filtration

3. The commonly used coagulant in treatment of water is

(A) Ferric hydroxide (B) Castor oil
(C) Alum (D) Ferrous chloride

4. The process of allowing water to stand undisturbed in big tanks for settling of the suspended
particles due to force of gravity is called
(A) Coagulation (B) Conditioning
(C) Sedimentation (D) Screening

5. Nylon 6:6 is prepared by

(A) Addition polymerization (B) Condensation polymerization
(C) Copolymerization (D) Coordination polymerization

6. The polymer that is used for making attractive sign boards and durable lenses for automobile
lighting is
(A) Polythene (B) Bakelite
(C) Polymethylmethacrylate (D) Teflon

7. The alloy called wood metal used for plugging water sprinklers consists of
(A) Lead and Silver (B) Bismuth and Zinc
(C) Magnesium and Zinc (D) Lead and Tin

8. An example of a semisolid lubricant is

(A) Molybdenum disulphide (B) Castor oil
(C) Vaseline (D) Graphite
Page 1 of3 17MAl-7/15CYIOl
9. A good lubricant should have a flash and fire point than the operating temperature. PART -B (5 x 4 = 20 Marks)
(A) Lower (B) Higher Answer ANY FIVE Questions
(C) Equal to (D) Much lesser than
21. How does bleaching powder acts as a disinfectant. What are its disadvantages?
10. At the triple point, all the three phases of water coexist. So the degree of freedom is
(A) One (B) Two 22. Explain condensation polymerization with an example.
(C) Three (D) Zero
23. Describe Pattinson's process of desilverisation oflead.
11. The function of a plasticizer during moulding of plastics is 24. What is anodizing? Explain with an example.
(A) Reduction of rate of reaction (B) Reduction of cOHosion rate
(C) Reduction of intermolecular forces (D) Reduction of friction 25. State Lambert Beer's law. Write the equation.
of attraction 26. How are lubricants classified? Give examples.

12. moulding is used for making articles having a uniform cross section such as pipes, 27. Explain phosphate conditioning with an example.
tubes, rods. PART - C (5 x 12 = 60 Marks)
(A) Injection (B) Extrusion Answer ALL Questions
(C) Compression (D) Calendaring
28. a. Describe the ion exchange process for softening hard water.
13. Alkali and alkaline earth metals form an oxide layer that is
(A) Non protective (B) Protective (OR)
(C) Volatile (D) Soluble b. Describe any four methods for disinfection of water.

14. Phenyl mercapton is an example of a 29. a. Discuss the preparation, properties and uses of
(A) Cathodic inhibitor (B) Anodic inhibitor (i) Bakelite
(C) Vapour phase inhibitor (D) Catalyst (ii) Epoxy resins

15. In electroless plating, the role of a complexing agent like tartrate, citrate or succinate is (OR)
(A) To reduce the metal ion to the metal (B) To enhance the plating rate bj. Write a note on fibre reinforced plastics. List the important uses.
(C) To improve the quality of the deposit (D) To prevent decomposition of the plating
bath solution 11. Explain injection moulding with a neat labelled diagram. Discuss its advantages and
16. The method employed to clean the surface of the base metal is
(A) Pickling (B) Electroless plating 30. a. Explain the phase diagram ofMg-Zn system.
(C) Electroplating (D) Impressed current method
17. In redox titrations, the indicator electrode is b. Explain the phase diagram of a one component system.
(A) Platinwn electrode (B) Hydrogen electrode
(C) Quinhydrone electrode (D) Glass electrode 31. a.i. Explain the mechanism of electrochemical cOHosion.

18. The source of electromagnetic radiation for UV region is 11. Write a short note on bimetallic cOHosion with an example.
(A) Tungsten filament lamp (B) Nemst glower
(C) Hydrogen discharge lamp (D) Powerful magnet of stable field strength (OR)
b. Discuss electroplating with a suitable example. List the advantages of electro less plating over
19. The shift in the absorption to longer wavelength in UV spectroscopy is called electroplating.
(A) Hyperchromic shift (B) Hypochromic shift 32. a. Explain the principle, instrumentation and applications of atomic absorption spectroscopy.
(C) Hypsochromic shift (D) Bathochromic shift
20. type of metals can be easily detected by flame photometer. b. Discuss the principle, instrwnentation and applications of flame photometry.
(A) Transition metal (B) Alkali metal
(C) Noble metals (D) Organic compounds
Page 2 of3 17MAl-7 / 1SCYIOl Page 3 of3 17MAl-7/1SCYIOl
PART -- C (5 x 12 = 60 Marks)
Answer ALL Questions
~~g. No. I
28. a. Derive Schrodinger equation for one dimensional box and obtain the Eigen value of solving
the equation. B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY 2019
First I Second Semester
b. Draw and explain the molecular orbital energy level diagram for CO molecule and calculate 18CYBI01.T - CHEMISTRY
the bond order. (For the candidates admitted during the academic year 2018-2019 onwards)
(i) Part - A should be answered in OMR sheet within first 45 minutes and OMR shc~~t should be handed
29. a. Give the salient features of CFT. Discuss the crystal field splitting of Octahedral complex.
over to hall invigilator at the end of 45 1h minute.
(OR) (ii) Part - B and Part - C should be answered in answer booklet.
b.i. What is the condition for a molecule to absorb microwave radiation? Give un example.
Time: Three J-Tours Max. Marks: 100
II. Discuss ill detail about the selection rHle of a rigid diatomic molecule tor obtaining a
rotational spectrum. J> ART - A (20 x I = 20 Marks)
30. a. Discuss the principle, instrumentation and applications of XPS. Answer ALL Questions

(OR) 1. Which of the following is known as the Schrodinger equation?

b.i. Write the It)llowing equations of state of real gases. (A) E = me? (S) A = hlp
i. Clausius equation II. Berthelot equation (4 Marks) (C) H\f' == pp CD) ._._h 2 \7 2
II. l~xplainwby the substantial decrease in ionization energy is observed between Na and K and
not between Al and Ga. (8 Marks)
2. The CFSE for a high-spin d4 octahedral complex is
(A) -0.6 LloCI (8) -1.8.1oct
31. Cl. With a neat sketch explain Pourbaix diagram f()r Iron. (C) - 1.6.A..ocl+P (D) --· 1.2.1oct

(OR) 3. The allowed electronic transition of hydrogen atom is

b.i. Write about the Geometrical isomerism exhibited by transition metal complexes with
(A) 3d ~ JS (B) 2p -718
sujtable examples. (4 Marks)
(C) 2P= -7 21~ (D) 2~ ~ 21~
Il. Derive Gibb's - Helmholtz equation. (8 Marks)
4. During the motion, if the centre of gravity of molecule changes, the molecule possess
32. a. Discuss in brief the Stereochemistry of SN 1 and E2 mechanism.
(A) ~ lectTonic energy (B) Translation energy
(OR) (C) Rotational energy (D) Vibrational energy
b.i. Mention RIS notations for the following compounds.
(i) 5. The correct order of different types of energies is
(B) E~!le > Erol > EVib > ~r
H-+OH (A) Ee/e > RVib > Ero/ > ELr
(C) Eele > EVib > E~r > Erol
HOTH (D) Elr > EVib > Eraf > Eel

6. The kinetic energy of the photo electron energies is dependent on - - - of the atom,
which makes XPS useful to identify the oxide state.
(ii) (A) Mass (B) Charge
OH (C) Chemical environment (D) Volume

I.. . . ".
Hooe ~"'''H
7_ Which of the following species has the highest ionization potential?
(A) u+ (B) Mg +
(4 Marks)
(C) AZ+ (D) Ne
11. Discuss in detail about the confonnations ofn-butane. (8 Marks)

Page 4 of4 18MAl-2/18CYBIOlJ Page 1 of4 18MAI-2/18CYBJOlJ
8. What are the coordination number and the oxidation state of the cobalt atom in the '16. Which is unreactive in hydride reduction with NaBH4?
(A) ~ (B) o
compound [ Co( N113)5 CI ]C/2 ? II
CH3 / c "",- H CH3/C""'-CH
(A) 4; +2 (B) 4;+3 o
(C) (D) II
(C) 6; +2 (D) 6; +3

9. The spin only magnetic moment value On Bohr Magneton units) of Cr( CO)6 is
(A) 0 (B) 2.83 17. Repeatable entity of a crystal structure is known as
(C) 4.90 (D) 5.92 (A) Crystal (B) Lattice
(C) Unit cell (D) Miller indices
10. Which of the following groups has the highest priority in the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog sequence
rules? 18. The ionization isomer of [ Cr ( H 2())4 Cl (N02) CIJ is
(A) -CH2 0H (B) -eH 20CH 3
( .) - CH = O (A) [ Cr(H zO)4(ONO)]CI2 (R) [Cr(lf 2 0)4 C/2 ](N02 )
(C) [ Cr(H 20)4 C1(ONO)CI] (D) [ Cr(H20)4C/2(N02)JH20
11. For the reduction of silver ions with copper metal the standard cell potential was found to be
0.46 eV at 25°C. The value of standard Gibbs energy, I1Go will be
19. The isomer of diethyl ether is
(F = 96500 CmOr 1). (A) (CH3)2 CHOH (B) (CH:~)3 C - OH
(A) -44.5 KJ (B) -98.0 KJ (C) C3H 7 0H (D) (C2H s )2 CHOH
(C) -89.0 KJ (D) -89.0 J

12. Helmholtz - free energy A is expressed as 20. A possible set of quantum numbers for the last electTon added to a gallium atom (Z = 3]) in
(A) A = U + TS (B) A = H + TS its ground state is (values of n e me ms are given sequentially).
(C) A = lJ - TS (D) A = H- TS (A) 4 --1'h (B) 4 0 0 °h
13. In a reversible process /1,.c..,~SYS + !'>.Sol'llrr is
(C) 3 2 +2 +~ CD) 3 0 0 -li
(A) >0 (B) <0
(C) ?: 0 (0) = 0

]4. 1 he major product formed in the addition reaction of PART - B (5 x 4 = 20 Marks)

CH3 Answer ANY FIVE Questions
CH3 -CH z -C=CH2 with HI is
21. State Fajans Rule. Give example.
(A) y H3 (D)
CH J - CHz - CH-' CH 2- I
22. What arc fundamentul and overtones in lR spectra?
( C) CH
I 3
CH 3 -- CH z -y-CH 3
(D) CH3-CH2-CH=CH~+CH31
23. Compute the Miller Indices for a pJ,ane intersecting at x = ~, y = 1 and z = li.
24. What is galvanic cell? Give its repres~ntation.
15. The most suitable reagent for the following transformation is
' ?
.. /COOH 25. Define plane of symmetry and centre of symmetry with suitable example.
(A) KMn04 (B) Os04
(C) K2Cr207 (D) pce 26. Give the reaction in which K2Cr2 07 and NaBH4 are used as oxidizing and reducing agents
respectively. '

27. Outline the synthesis ofparacetamol and mention its uses.

Page 2 of4 18MAI -2/18CY8101J Page 3 of 4 18'\1;\1-2/18CYBIOI.J

11. What are the factors which influences ionization energy and how does it vary along the
period and down the group. (8 Marks) [ Reg. No. I I I I I I ·I I I I I I I I I I
31. a. With a neat sketch explain Pourbaix diagram for iron.
First / Second Semester
b. Derive Nernst equation and give any two applications.
(For (he candidates admilfed during (he academic yeaI' 2018-2019 onward.l)
32.a.i. Explain Cahn-Ingold-Prelog rules to determine the R-S configuration of a chiral center Note:
taking an example. (8 Marks) (i) Part - A should be answered in OMR sheet within first 45 minutes and OMR sheet should be handed
over to hall invigilator at the end of 45 th minute.
ll. Differentiate Enantiomers and Diastereomers. (ii) Part - R and Part - C should be answered in answer booklet.
(4 Marks)

(OR) Time: Three Hours Max. Marks: 100

bj. Explain E2 mechanism with an example. (8 Marks)
PART - A (20 x 1 = 20 Marks)
ll. With examples write the oxidation reactions ofKMn04 and K2Cr207. (4 Marks) Answer ALL Questions

1. measures
***** (A) The energy of the electron in the ntll orbit
(B) Uncertainty in the position and velocity of the electron
(C) Probability of finding an electron in a given region
(D) The hybrid character of orbitals

2. Zero point energy of an electron is equal to

(A) h2 (B) h2
2ma 2 4ma 2
(C) (D) 2
II h
8ma 2 16tl1{i

3. The bond order of [-fl' ion molecule is

(A) (B) 2

(C) 1 (D) 0

4. The number of unpaid electrons in d6 , Imv spin octahedraL complex is

(A) 4 (B) 3
(C) 1 (D) 0

5. In the spectrochemical series which of the following is the strongest ligand?

0) ~ ~) iliO
(C) N0i. (D) CO

6. The Nuclei with spin quantum greater than _ _ _ only can exhibit NMR phenomenon.
(A) 0 (B) 5
(C) 10 (D) -5

7. Which of the following methods use soft-X-rays to eject electrons from inner shell orbitals?
(A) Vibrational spectroscopy (B) Electron impact spectroscopy
(C) X-ray crystallography (D) X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

Page 4 of4 14NFl-2/18CYBlOlJ Page 1 of4 14NFl~2/18CYBlOlJ

8. The rotational constant (B) of a diatomic molecule is 19. Markovnikov's law is applied to
(A) _h_ (B) h2 (A) Addition ofpropylenc with Ch (B) Addition of propylene with HBr
47r 2
[ (C) Addition of ethylene with Br2 (D) Addition of ethylene with HCl
(C) h2 (D)
20. Drugs that are used to diagonise, cure and prevent diseases are called
(A) Pharmaceutical drugs (B) Addictive drugs
(C) Industrial drugs (D) Single cell drugs
9. Repeatable entity of a crystal structure is lmown as
(A) Crystal (B) Lattice
(C) Unit cell (D) Miller indices PART - B (5 x 4 = 20 Marks)
Answer ANY FIVE Questions
lO. The weak intermolecular forces of attraction that are caused by induced dipoles are called
(A) Ionic forces (B) Hydrogen bonding 21. Write a note on the angular wave function for hydrogen atom.
(C) Coordination forces (D) Vanderwaal's forces
22. What is Linear combination of Atomic orbitals (LCAO)? Give the wave function equations
11. Screening effect ofilmcr electrons of the nucleus causes _ _ __ for the formation of molecular orbital by combination of atomic orbitals.
(A) Decrease in ionization energy (B) Increase in ionization energy
(C) No effect in ionization energy (D) Increase in the atiTaction of the nucleus to 23. What is Huckel's rule for aromaticity? Explain with an example.
the electrons
24. Explain aboLlt high spin and low spin complexes with an example each.
12. A13+ has a lower ionic radius than Mg2+ ion because .."..,...--­

(A) Mg atom has less number of (13) A1 3+ has a higher nuclear charge than Mg2+ 25. State Fajan's rule. Give an example.
neutrons than AI.
(C) Of its electronegativities (D) A1 3+has a lower ionization potentia] than 26. Define Single electrode potential. Write the Nemst equation for the following representation
2n(S)/2n2+ (ag)/ /Cu 2+(ag)/ Cu(S).

13. In a reversible process, entropy of the system

(A) Increases (B) Decreases 27. Bring out the reaction of cyclopropane with halogens and hydrogen iodide?
(C) =Zero (D) Remains constant
PART - C (5 x 12 = 60 Mark'i)
14. Helmholtz free energy[A] is expressed as Answer Al.,L Questions
(A) A =U +TS (B) A = H+TS
(C) A=U -TS (D) A =H - TS 28. a. Derive time independent Schrodinger wave equation for a particle in one dimensional box.

15. Decrease in free energy is given by -I1G = (OR)

(A) nFE (B) n b.i. Describe the structure and pi molecubr orbital picture of butadiene. (8 Mfuks)

11. Give the salient features of crystal field theory. (4 Marks)
(C) nF (D) F
E nE 29.a.i. Discuss on the crystal field splitting in Tetrahedral complexes. (8 Marks)
16. In pourbaix diagram, the redox reaction Fe + + 2e-- -+ Fe(S) is
(A) pH dependent (B) pI-I independent ll. Why tetrahedral complexes are mostly high spin? (4 Marks)
(C) Potential independent (D) Solvent independent
17. When a molecule has a plane of symmetry it will be _ _. b. Explain the vibrational rotational spectra for a hetero nuclear diatomic molecule.
(A) Optically inactive (B) Optically active
(C) Both optically active and inactive (D) Enantiomer 30. a. Discuss the principle, instrumentation and applications ofXPS.

18. The isomers which can be interconvel1ed through rotation around a single bond are caUed (OR)
(A) Conformers (B) Diastereomers b.i. Write a note on dipole-dipole interaction. (4 Marks)
(C) Enantiomers (D) Positional isomers

Page 2 of4 14NFl-2/18CYBlOlJ Page30f4 14NFI-2/18CYBIOlJ

I Reg. No. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I
First / Second Semester

(For the candidates admitted during the academic year 2013 - 2014 and 2014 -2015)
(i) Part - A should be answered in OMR sheet within first 45 minutes and OMR sheet should be handed
over to haJl invigilator at the end of 45 th minute.
(ii) Part - B and Part - C should be answered in answer booklet.

Time: Three Hours Max. Marks: 100

PART - A (20xl= 20 Marl{s)

Answer ALL Questions
1. Temporary hardness is caused by the presence of
(A) Ca(HC03 )2 (B) MgCl2
(C) 'uS04 (D) CaC12

2. Caustic embrittlement can be inhibited by adding

(A) Sodium hydroxide (B) Calcium sulphate
(C) Magnesium hych'oxide (D) SodiLlln sulphate

3. A 100 'e and slimy precipitate formed within the boiler is called
.(A) Priming (B) Scale
. (C) Froth (D) Sludge

4. The zeolite cannot be regenerated if it is used for treating water containing

W ~u $) ~u
(C) cr (D) Ca 2+

5. The number of bonding sites or reactive sites present in a monomer is call~cl

(A) Tacticity (B) Glass transition temperature
(C) Degree of polymerization (D) Functionality

6. The monomer of Teflon is

(A) Ethylene (B) Propylene
(C) Tetra fluoro ethylene (D) Terephthalic acid

7. The random orientation of polymeric chain in a polymer is called

(A) Isotactic (B) Syndiotactic
(C) Atactic (D) Elastomer

8. Which of the following is an example for thennal initiator in free radical mechanism
(A) BF3 (B) H202
(C) AICb (D) Na Nth

Page 1 of3 12DA1/2CYIOOl

9. In water system at triple point, the number of phases in equilibrium is
(A) 3 . (B) 2 PART - B (5x4 = 20 Marks)
(C) 1 CD) 0 Answer ANY FIVE Questions
21. What is breakpoint chlorination? What are its advantages?
10. CaC03(s) ~ CaO(s) + CO2(g) is a _ __ _ component system
(A) Three (B) Two 22. Describe the principle involved in the determination of dissolved oxygen of a water sample.
(C) One (D) Four
23. Distinguish between eutectic point and triple point with an example for each.
11. A gaseous system containing N2 and C02 has degree of freedom
(A) Zero (B) One 24. What are lubricants? .Mention any two properties of lubricants.
(C) Two (D) Tlu'ee
25. Explain differential aeration corrosion.
12. When a compOlmd melts into a liquid at a constant temperature, which has the same
composition as that of the solid, it is said to have 26. Discuss the various types of bencting vibrations upon absorption of 1R radiation.
(A) Triple point (B) Congruent melting point
(C) 'utectic point (D) Incongruent melting point 27. Write the preparation, properties and uses of polyester.

13. Which of the following methods are employed for surface preparation of metals for coating? PART - C (5x12= 60 Marks)
(A) Hot dipping (B) Metal cladding Answer ALL Questions
(C) Sand blasting (D) Tinning
28.a. Explain the deter.mination of bard ness of water by EDTA method.
14. Which one of the foHowing is used as sacrificial anode to steel tanks?
(A) Copper (B) Titanium
b. Describe the ion-exchange process for softening the hard water.
(C) Magnesium (D) Gold
29.a.i. . xplain the cationic mechanism of addition polymerization.
]5. In condensed phase rule as the pressure variable is neglible, the Gi.bbs equation becomes
(A) F = C - P + 1 (B) F = P - C + 1 11. Write a note on Fibre reinforced plastics.
(C) F = C - P+2 (D) F = P-C+2
16. Which of the following methods are employed as metallic coating? bj. Differentiate between thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics.
(A) Acid cleaning (B) Alkaline cleaning
(C) ElectTolytic pickling (D) Electroplating. 11. Describe the preparation, properties and uses of polyvinyl chloride.
30.a. Discuss the phase diagram of a one component system .
. 17. The source used in 1R spectrophotometer is
(A) Deuterium lamp . . (B) Hollow cathode lamp (OR)
(C) Nernst glower (D) Hydrogen discharge lamp b. What are adhesives? How are they classified? Mention any two physical and chemical
factors influencing adhesive action.
. 18. Which of the following are stretching vibration? 31.a.i. Explain the mechanism of Electrochemical corrosion .
. (A) SymmetTic (B) Scissoring
(C) Rocking (D) Wagging ii. Mention any six factors which affect corrosion.
19. According to Beer-Lambert's law b.i. Describe the experiment for the detennination of rate of corrosion by weight loss method.
(A) 1 (B) A=CI
10 ii. Explain the mechariism of oxidation corrosion. State the Pilling Bedworth rule.
(C) A=£CI (D) A=nA
32.a. Explain the principle and application of potentiometric titrations.
20. The electrode whose potential is dependent upon the concentration of the ion to be
determined is termed as
b. Discuss the principle, instrumentation and applications of flame photometry.
(A) Indicator electrode (B) Reference electrode
(C) Calomel electrode (D) Single hydrogen electrode
Page 2 on 12DA1I2CYI001 Page 3 oD 12DA1I2CY 1001
31. a. Derive Gibbs-Helmhotz equation. Give its applications.
, Reg. No.' ,. IJ=OJ=rJ~ I I I I II
b. With a neat sketch explain Pourbaix diagram for Iron. B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOVEM.BER 2018
First Semester
32. a. Explain in detail the conformationalanalysis of n-butane with potential energy diagram.
(OR) (For the candidates admitted during the academic year 2018-2019)
b. How is isomerism exhibited in transition metal compounds? Explain the types with an Note:
example each? (i) Part - A should be answered in OMR sheet within first 45 minutes and OMR sheet should be handed
over to hall invigiJator at the end of 45 th minute.
(ii) Part - B and Part - C should be answered in answer booklet.
Time: Three Hours Max. Marks: 100

PART - A (20 xl = 20 Marks)

Answer ALL Questions
1. Two electrons occupying the same orbital are distinguished by
(A) Azimuthal quantum number (B) Spin quantum nwnber
(C) Magnetic quantulll number (D) Orbital quantum number

2. The de-Broglie hypothesis is associated with

(A) Wave nature of electrons only (8) Wave nature of protons only
(C) Wave nature of radiation (D) Wave nature of all material particles

3. For a homonuclear diatomic molecule the bonding orbital is

(A) a ,: of lowest energy (8) all of second lowest energy
(C) n !; of lowest energy (D) nil of lowest energy

4. Organic compounds which contain more than one benzene rings are termed
(A) Arenes (B) Aryls
(C) Acyls (D) Benzenes

5. The crystal field splitting energy for octahedral (L\o) and tetrahedral (L\{) complexes is
related as
(A) L\{ =:: 4 / 9~o (B) L\{::::: 1I2L\o
(C) L\o =:: 2L\{ (D) ~o :::::4/9L\{

6. The number of unpaired electrons in d6, low spin octahedral complex is

(A) 0 (B) 1
(C) 2 (D) 3

7. The vibrational rotational spectrum is observed in region

(A) Near IR (B) Microwave region
(C) Visible region (D) Radio frequency region

8. In a rotational spectrum transitions are only observed between rotational levels ofAl =
(A) ±1 (B) ±2
(C) 0 (D) ±3

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9. The kinetic energy ofthe ejected photoelectron is dependent upon the energy of the 19. The EI mechanism proceeds via formation of
(A) Ions around (B) Photons around (A) Carbanion (B) Carbocation
(C) Material (D) Impinging photon (C) Double bond (D) Free radical

10. Compute the miller indices for the intercepts x = li,y = li and z = ~ 20. Reduction of ketone to hydroxyl group takes place by one of the following reagents.
(A) NaBH4 (B) 02
(A) 110 (B) 101 (C) KMn04 (D) Cr03
(C) 100 (D) 210
PART - B (5 x 4 = 20 Marks)
11. The smallest interplanar spacing in a crystal which will give nih order Bragg's reflection is Answer ANY FIVE Questions
(A) d hkl = n (B) d hkJ == Ii 21. Discuss the radial wave functions of hydrogen atom.
(C) d hkl = j{ (D) d hkl = %
22. Discuss the energy level diagram of 02 molecule.
12. The second ionization energy is always higher than the Drst ionization energy because the
(A) E lectron is attracted more by the core (B) Electron is more tightly bound to the 23. Explain briefly about high spin and low spin complexes with examples.·
electr ons nucleus in an ion
(C) Stability increases on attaining an (D) Atomic size is larger 24. Discuss the criteria for the IR region.
octet or duplet configuration
13. First law ofthennodynamics states that 25. Write a note on the variation in atomic and ionic sizes across the periods and groups.
(A) 6.U=q-w (B) 6.U = Q+w
(C) IlU =q + Ilw (D) IlE= /lq + w 26. Define: Entropy. Give its signil1cance.

14. In a reversible process, entropy of the system 27. Briefly explain Dieckmann condensation.
(A) Increa5es (B) Decreases
(C) Zero (D) Remains constant PART - C (5 x 12 = 60 Marks)
Answer ALL Questions
15. The name of the equation showing relation between electrode potential (E), standard
28. a. Discuss in detail the Schrodinger wave equation of a partiole in a box.
potential (Eo) and concentration of ions in solution is
(A) Kohlrausch's law (8) Nernst equation (OR)
(C) Faraday's equation (D) Ohm ' s law b. What is Linear combination of atomic orbitals? Draw and explain the molecular orbital

16. Corrosion of metals involves energy level diagram for hydrogen molecular ion ]
[Jl~. and calculate the bond order.
(A) Electrochemical reactions (B) Chemical reactions
(C) Both A and B (D) Thermal reactions 29. a.i. Give the salient features of clystal field theory. (4 Marks)

17. Enantiomers are II. Discuss the crystal field splitting in a octahedral complex. (8 Marks)
(A) Molecules that have a mirror image (B) Molecules that have atleast one stereogenic
center (OR)
(C) Non-super imposable molecules (D) Non-super imposable molecules that are b. Discuss the vibrational spectrum of a diatomic molecul~ undergoing simple harmonic
mirror images of each other motion.
18. In the Newmann projection of2,2- dimethyl butane X & Y can be represented as
30. a., Discuss the principle, instrumentation and applications ofXPS.
Me ~x­ Me
Ii H bj. Write a note on Vander Waal's interactions. (4 Marks)

(A) H & CH3 ii. Discuss in detail Bragg's law for the diffraction of crystals with a neat sketch. (8 Marks)
(B) CH3 & CH3
(C) H & CzHs (D) BothB & C

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[Reg. No. [J I I I I I I I I I I I I I J


1st to 6th Semester

(For the candidates admitted during the aca,demic year 2015-2016 to 2017-2018)
(i) Part - A should be answered in OMR sheet within f1rst 45 minutes and OMR sheet should be handed
over to hall invigilator at the end of 45 th minute.
(ii) Part - B and Part - C should be answered in answer booklet.

Time: Three Hours Max. Marks: 100

PART - A (20xl= 20 Marks)

Answer ALL Questions
1. The normality of water sample (02)is 0.050N.The amount ofOi present in the water sample
(A) 800 mgIL (B) 200 mg/L
(C) 400 mg/I, (D) 8 mg/L

2. Phenolphthalein alkalinity in terms of CaC03 equivalent is

(A) 10 A PPm (B) 10 (A+B) PPm
(C) 10 B PPm (D) 10 AB Ppm

3. Zeolite in the softener is regenerated by using

(A) 10% NaOH (B) 10% NaCI
(C) 10% HCI (D) 10% H20

4. Chloramine is used as a
(A) Decolourizing agent (B) Softening agent
(C) Colouring agent (D) Disinfectant

5. The functionality for the monomer glycerol is

(A) 2, (B) 3
(C) 1 (D) 4

6. Co-catalyst in the preparation ofZeigler-Natta catalyst is

(A) TiCh (B) AICh
(C) AeR3 (D) TiR3

7. Thenno setting plastics are moulded by

(A) Extrusion (B) Injection
(C) Calendaring (D) Compression
8. Role of plasticizer in the fabrication of plastics is
(A) To reduce the cost (B) To improve the plasticity and flexibility
(C) To improve the thermal stability (D) To increase the molecular weight

Page 1 00 13NAl~ I 15CYIOI

9. The maximum degrees offreedom for a single component system is PART - B (5x4 = 20 Marks)
(i\) 3 (13) 2 J\nswer ANY FIVE Questions
(C) 1 (D) 0
21. Give the differences between scale and sludge.
10. Congruent melting point appears in the following alloy system
(i\) Pb -'- i\g (13) 1-:120 - Al . · 22. Give the preparation, properties and uses of Epoxy resin.
(C) Bi - Cd (0) Zn - Mg
23. Write down any four applications ofFRP's.
11. The lubricant used in air craft engines should have
(A) High pour point (B) High fire point 24. Give the number of phases, components and degree of ·freedom for the following systems.
(C) Low pour point (0) Low fire point 1. Zn-Mg alloy system at 590°C
11. Water system at lOO°C
12. type adhesive is used in bonding of glass metal and ceramics
(A) Starch (13) Soyabean glue 25. Define: Oil-dag' and Aqua-dag.
(C) Asphalt (D) Araldite
26 . .Explain Bimetallic cOlTosion with an example.
13. The nature of the oxide layer formed on gold metal is found to be
(A) Stable (B) Unstable 27. Discuss the various types of bending vibrations on absorption oflR radiation.
(C) Porous CD) Hygroscopic
PART - C (5x12= 60 Marks)
14. The process of coating zinc over iron is called as Answer ALL Questions
(A) Tinning (B) Electroless plating
(C) Galvanization (D) Metal cladding 28.a. Explain the determination of hardness of water sample by EDTA method. " ~I

15. metal is commonly employed as a sacrificed anode for steel structures (OR)
(A) Mg (B) Cu b. Give a detailed account on Ion-exchange resin process with a neat- diagram. Mention its ·
(C) Ni (D) Ag advantages and disadvantages.

16. For the phosphate coating which chemicals are generally used? , 29.a. Explain the effect of polymer stmcture on its properties .
. (A) Sodium dihydrogen phosphate (B) DisodilIDl hydrogen phosphate
(C) . Phosphoric acid (0) Boric acid (OR)
b.i. Explain the mechanism of free radical polymerization with a suitable example. (8 Marks)
17. The lamp source used in IR spectrophotometer is
(A) Deutrium lamp (B) Cathode lamp n. Describe the function of fillers in the compounds of plastics. (4 Marks)
(C) Hydrogen lamp (D) Nemst glower
30.a. Discuss the salient features of water systems with a neat phase diagram.
18. The electTode whose potential is dependent upon the concentration of the ion is termed as
(A) Indicatorelectrode (B) Reference electrode (OR)
(C) Calomel electrode (D) Hydrogen electrode b. Explain in detail about any six properties of lubricating oil.

19. Which of the following transitions is the highest energy transition? 31.a. What is dry corrosion? Give its mechanism and also discuss on the nature of oxide laser with
(i\) n~7r* (B) O"~O"* suitable examples.
(C) 7r~7r* (D) n~O"*
20. Which of the following element cannot be analysed by flame photometry? b. Describe in detail the factors influencing corrosion.
(A) Sodium (B) Calcium 32.a. Discuss elaborately the principle, instrumentation and applications of UV-visible
(C) Potassium (D) Cobalt spectroscopy.
b. Explain the principle, instrumentation and applications of atomic absorption spectroscopy.

13NAl-6/lSCYIOI Page 3 of3 13NAl-6/lSCYI01
I Reg. No. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I
b. Explain the factors influencing the rate of con-os ion in detail.
32. a. Explain the principle, instrumentation and applications ofUV-visible spectroscopy. First/ Second Semester


b. Discuss about the different types of potentiometric titrations. (For the candidates admitted during the academic year 2017 - 2018 only)
***** (i) Part - A should be answered in OMR sheet within tirst 45 minutes and OMR sheet should be
handed over to hall invigilator at the end of 45 th minute.
(ii) Part - B and Part - C should be answered in answer booklet.

Time: Three Hours Max. Marks: 100

PART - A (20 x 1 = 20 Marks)

Answer ALL Questions
1. French degree is the number of parts of CaC03 equivalent hardness in _._ of water.
(A) 107 parts (B) 10 5 parts
(C) 10 3 parts (D) 1 parl
2. The purpose of adding buffer solution during the determination of hardness of waler by
EDTA method is
(A) To stop the reaction between EDTA (B) Maintenance of pH between 6-7
and hardness causing ions
(C) Mai.ntenance of pH between 4-5 (D) Maintenance of pH between 9-10

3. The zeolite can not be regenerated if it is used for treating water containing ions.
(A) Mn H (B) Ca2+
(C) Mg2+ CD) Cl­

4. The normality of water sample is 0.05N. The amount of dissolved oxygen present in this
sample is
(A) 200 myl (B) 400 myl
(C) 800 myI (D) 1600 myI

5. The flll1ctionality of monomer H 2 N(CH 2 )4 COOH is

(A) 2 (B) 1
(C) 6 (D) 5
6. Polystyrene has greater tensile strength than PVC due to the presence of
(A) Cross linked structure (B) Hydrogen atoms
(C) Polar groups (D) Bulky phenyl groups

7. The monomers of bakelite are

(A) Phenol, fonnaldehyde (B) Bisphenol, epichlorohydrin
(C) Vinyl chloride - Fonnaldehyde (D) Benzene -phenol

8. The moulding method which is applicable for both thermoplastic and thennosetting
materials is
(A) Compression moulding (B) Injection moulding
(C) Extrusion moulding (D) Calendering

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9. The eutectic temperature ofPb-Ag system is
(A) 323°C (B) 303°C PART - B (5 x 4 = 20 Marks)
(C) 273°C (D) lOO°C Answer ANY FIVE Questions

10. In a one component system, if the degree of freedom is 2, maximum number phases that 21. 100ml of a sample of water requires 15ml of an EDTA solution for titration. 25ml of the
can exist are same EDTA solution was required for the titration of 100ml of standard hardwarter
(A) 3 (B) 2 containing 1g of CaC03 per litre. Calculate the hardness of water sample is ppm.
(C) 1 (D) 0
22. Give a brief account on Calgon and phosphate and conditioning methods of boiler feed
11. Which of the following can be used as a solid lubricant? water.
(A) Iodine (B) Molybdenum disulphide
(C) Grease (D) Wax 23. Describe compression moulding with a neat diagram.

12. For a good lubricant the aniline point should be 24. Discus the classification of adhesives.
W lli~ ~) L~
(C) Zero (D) Neutral 25. Write any two merits and demerits of phase rule.

13. The nature of the oxide layer formed on gold metal is found to be 26. State and explain Pilling-Bedworlh rule.
(A) Stable (B) Unstable
(C) Porous (D) Hygroscopic 27. Discuss shortly the type of vibrations occur in IR spectroscopy.

14. When cathodic area is larger than the anodic area, the corrosion rate will be PART - C (5 x 12 = 60 Marks)
(A) Zero (B) Independent . Answer ALL Questions
(C) Low (D) High
28. a. Discuss in detail the detelmination of hardness in water sample by EDTA method.
15. Buried pipelines are protected from corrosion by method.
(A) Hot dipping (B) Sacrificial anode (OR)
(C) Electroplating (D) Chemical conversion coating b. i. Explain in detail about the zeolite process of purification of water.

16. An example for cathodic inhibitor is u. Explain the desalination of water by reverse osmosis process.
(A) Calciwn carbonate (B) Zinc phosphate
(C) Ammonium chloride (D) Amines 29. a.i. Discuss the addition and condensation polymerizat ion with examples. (8 Marks)

11. Write a short note on the preparation of bakelite. (4 Marks)

17. Reference electrode used in redox-titration is
(A) Glass electrode (B) Quinhydrone electrode
(C) Calomel electrode (D) Pt electrode
b.i. Explain the free radical mechanism of addition polymerization. (8 Marks)

18. The source of ultra violet radiation 11. Write a note on fillers and plasticizers during moulding process. (4 Marks)
(A) Hydrogen deuterium lamp (B) Mercury Arc
(C) Nernst glower (D) Global' source 30. a. Defme Reduced phase rule. Draw and discuss the phase diagram ofPb-Ag system.

19. Which of the following transition requires least energy? (OR)

(A) cr-*cr* (B) n-*n* b. Explain the phase diagram of Zn-Mg system.
(C) n-*n* (D) n-*cr*
31. a. Explain the following with a neat diagram
20. The molecule undergoes _ _ on absorption ofIR radiation. (i) Differential aeration corrosion
(A) Electronic excitation (B) Nuclear spin (ii) Electroplating
(C) Molecular vibration (D) Electron spin

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32. a.i. Explain electronic transitions in UV spectroscopy. I Reg. No. I I II !=rIJ I I C[ I D__J
11. Discuss any two types of potentiometric titrations with suitable graphs.
(OR) First / Second Semester
b. Describe IR spectroscopy in detail.
(For the candidates admitted during the academic year 2015 - 2016 onwards)
***** (i) Part - A should be answered in OMR sheet within first 45 minutes and OMR sheet should be handed
over to hall invigilator at the end of 45 th miuute.
(ii) Part - B and Part - C should be answered in answer booklet.

Time: 1 hree Hours Max. Marks: 100

PAnT - A (20 xl = 20 Marks)

Answer ALL Questions
1. Magnesium ch loride when present in boiler feedwater causes the formation of
(A) Scales (B) Sludges
- --
(C) Caustic embrittlement (D) Foaming

2. One of the following indlcators is used in dissolved oxygen detenulnation using Winkler's
(A) Starch (B) Methyl organge
(C) Phenolphthalein (D) Diphenyl amine

3. Zeolite process can not be used for treating _ _ as exchange of similar cations does not
produce any softening.
(A) Turbid water (B) Water contai\]ing Fe and Mn
(C) Brackish water (D) Acidic water

4. One of the following is used as cation selective mem brane in electTodialysis method.
(A) Polyimide (B) Polyamide
(C) Polystyrene based tetra ammonium (D) Polystyrene based sulphonic acid

5. Polyethylene has Tg of -125°C. This is because of __ ~__ .

(A) Presence of polar groups (B) No strong intennolecular forces
(C) High degree of symmetry (D) High molecular weight

6. The monomers of epoxy polymer are

(A) Epichloro hydrin and Bisphenol A (B) Epichloro hydrin and fonnaldehyde
(C) Ethylene glycol and phthalic acid (D) Bisphenol A and Dichloroethene

7. One of the following acts as a good anti-oxidant in compounding of plastic.

(A) Mica (B) Phenyl p-naphthyl amine
(C) Acrylics (D) Zinc oxide

8. Trade name of epoxy resin adhesive is _~_

(A) Araldite (B) Collodian
(C) Plexiglass (D) Cermet
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PART - B (5 x 4 = 20 Marks)
9. The critical temperature for water system is __~_ Answer ANY FIVE Questions
(A) 274°C (B) 284°C
(C) 374°C (D) 474°C 21. Calculate carbonate hardness and non-carbonate hardness of a water sample containing the
following salts in mg/lit.
10. The point of 590°C where said MgZn2 is in equilibrium with liquid MgZn2 is called _ _ Ca(fJC03 h = 36.8; MgCl2 = 22; Mg(HC03 h = 16.8; CaS04 = 30.4 (Molecular weight of
point. Ca(HC03)2=162; MgCh = 95; Mg(HC03h=146; CaS04=136)
(A) Critical (B) Eutectic
(C) Triple (D) Congruent melting 22. Explain congruent melting point and eutectic point with an example.

11. Greases are intimate mixtures of _ _and soap. 23. Write notes on concentration cell corrosion.
(A) Graphite (B) Molybdenum disulphide
(C) Mineral oil (D) Stearic acid 24. What is the effect of polymer structure on chemical properties?

12. The attraction between the liquid adhesive and adherend surfaces is maximum when 25. Explain the principle of atomic absorption spectToscopy.
interfacial tension between the .two is
(A) Minimum
---(B) Maximum
26. Write a note on semisolid lubricants with an example.
(C) Negligible (D) Same
27. With a neat graph explain break point chlorination.
13. The nature of oxide layer formed on molylodenium metal is _ _ __
(A) Stable (8) Volatile PART - C (5 x 12 = 60 Marks)
(C) Porous (D) Unstable Answer ALL Questions

14. Steel screws in a brass marine hardware leads to corrsosion. 28. a. Explain the principle, procedure and calculations involved in determination of alkalinity in
(A) Dry (8) allstic embrittlernent water sample.
(C) Stress (D) Galvanic
15. One of the following cathodic inhibitors prevent the diffusion of H IOns. b. Discuss in detail the various troubles introduced in boilers by using hardwater. Give its
(A) Na2S03 (8) Hydrazinc preventive measures.
(C) Mercaptans (D) Aqueous.NFb
29. a.i. Write the preparation, properties and uses of Bakelite.
16. Container coated with cannot be used to store food products as it results in highly
toxic compounds after reacting. II. Explain the mechanism involved in free radical polymeriz.ation.
(A) Zinc (B) Stainless steel
(C) Aluminum (D) Silver (OR)
b.i. Explain the function of any three additives in compounding of plastics.
17. The electrode whose potential is dependent upon the concentration of the ion to be
determined is termed as electrode. ii. Explain anyone moulding techniques used to fabricate thermosetting plastics with a neat
(A) SHE diagram.
(B) Calomel
(C) Reference (D) Indicator
30. a. Discuss in detail any four properties of lubricants and give its significance.
18. In Beer-Lambert's law, absorbance is directly related to _ _ __
(A) Pathlength alone (B) Concentration and path length (OR)
(C) Vibration (D) Concentration b. Draw and explain the phase diagram of one component water system.

19. The basic criteria for a molecule to be IR active is - - - - 31. a. Define Corrosion. Explain in detail dry corrosion.
(A) Presence of double bond (B) Absence of conjugation
(C) Absence of dipole moment (D) Change in dipole moment (OR)
b. Write a note on the following with suitable diagram for each
20. Hydrogen bonding can be detected easily by following spectroscopy. (i) Electroplating (ii) Impressed current method.
(A) IR (13) l1V-visible
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