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(cf. Para 5.2.1 of these Guidelines)
Illustrative Format of key fact statement/fact sheet
(to be provided in a language understood by the borrower)

Date: 09/05/2023

Name of Regulated Entity: HDFC Bank

Applicant Name: nitika Achanti

Parameter Details
(i) Loan amount (amount disbursed/to be disbursed to the borrower) (in Rupees) 23766.19

(ii) Total interest charge during the entire tenure of the loan (in Rupees) 2109.74
Other up-front charges, if any (break-up of each component to be given below) (in
(iii) 234.82
(a) Processing fees, if any (in Rupees) 234.82

(b) Insurance charges, if any (in Rupees) 0

(c) Others (if any) (in Rupees) 0

(iv) Net disbursed amount (in Rupees) 23766.19

(v) Total amount to be paid by the borrower (sum of (i), (ii) and (iii)) (in Rupees) 26110.75
Annual Percentage Rate - Effective annualized interest rate (in percentage)
(vi) (computed on net disbursed amount using IRR approach and reducing balance 17.91%
(vii) Tenure of the Loan (in months/days)
(viii) Repayment frequency by the borrower Monthly

(ix) Number of installments of repayment 12

(x) Amount of each installment of repayment (in Rupees) 2156.33

Details about Contingent Charges

Rate of annualized penal charges in case of delayed payments (if any) – Penal
(xi) interest 3% on outstanding amount, cheque bounce charges Rs 450/- plus all NA
applicable government levied taxes
(xii) Rate of annualized other penal charges (if any) NA

Other disclosures
Cooling off/look-up period during
which borrower shall not be
(xiii) NA
charged any penalty on
prepayment of loan
Details of LSP acting as
(xiv) recovery agent and authorized NA
to approach the borrower
Name, designation, address and You may write to our Principal Nodal Officer Mr. Ripal
phone number of nodal Kiritkumar Sheth at HDFC Bank Ltd., 5th Floor, tower B,
grievance redressal officer Peninsula Business Park, Ganpatrao Kadam Marg, Lower
designated specifically to deal Parel (West), Mumbai 400013 or E-mail at
with FinTech/ digital lending [email protected] or Fax at 022-30788580,
related complaints/ issues Alternatively, you can call at Tel: 022-62841505.

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