DLL - English 4 - Q4 - W2

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School: Grade Level: IV

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Learning Area: ENGLISH

Teaching Dates & Time: May 8-12, 2023 (Week 2) Quarter: FOURTH


A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding Demonstrates an understanding Demonstrates an understanding Demonstrates an Demonstrates an understanding
of the importance of using of the importance of using of the importance of using varied understanding of the of the importance of using varied
varied sources of information to varied sources of information to sources of information to support importance of using varied sources of information to
support writing support writing writing sources of information to support writing
support writing
B. Performance Standards Uses varied sources of Uses varied sources of Uses varied sources of Uses varied sources of Uses varied sources of
information to support writing information to support writing information to support writing information to support writing information to support writing
C. Learning Competencies/ Write a reaction about the story Write a reaction about the story Write a reaction about the story Write a reaction about the Write a reaction about the story
Objectives read read read story read read
( Write the Lode for EN4WC-IIf-22 EN4WC-IIf-22 EN4WC-IIf-22 EN4WC-IIf-22 EN4WC-IIf-22

II. CONTENT Writing a reaction about the Writing a reaction about the Writing a reaction about the Writing a reaction about the Writing a reaction about the
( Subject Matter) story read story read story read story read story read


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials Modules Modules Modules Modules
from Learning Resource
LR portal
B. Other Learning Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations,
Resources pictures pictures pictures pictures
A. Reviewing previous Lesson What is a Fiction story? Read the story entitled: The Connect the pictures in Column A Fill in the blank with the correct Summative Test/Weekly Progress
or presenting new lesson What is a Non-fiction story? Spirit of Bayanihan and be able to the story elements in Column letter to complete the word Check
What are the elements of a to answer the Comprehension B. being defined.
story? Questions the follow. 1. It is a written statement at
the beginning of a reaction
The Spirit of Bayanihan paper.
Lea E. Basquińas Answer: I__ T R O__ U C__ I__
One midnight, a typhoon N
devastated Barangay Mabait. 2. It is the main part of the
The people, especially Mabini reaction paper that explains
Family, were so shocked and the important points to part of
frightened. the story that the reader wants
“Oh Lord, spare us from this to talk further in relation to
typhoon,” pleaded Mang Ambo. his/her opinions. Answer:
“Papa, what shall we do now?” __OD__
asked Tisoy, his eldest son. 3. This is the final statement to
“Let’s just pray and trust Lord’s what the reader is discussing
plan,” replied Aling Yolanda throughout the body of the
Morning came, the typhoon paper. Answer:
ended. The Mabini family went C__NC__USI__N
outside their garden to see how
the typhoon destructed their
place. They were so sad about
the scene
“Oh my God! Our vegetables
were gone,” cried Aling Yolanda.
“Mama, look at our fruit-
bearing trees, all were
uprooted,” added Ursula, their
“We do not have anything to
eat, Papa” added Tisoy.
Their neighbors, Mang Jose and
Aling Minda came to visit.
“Good morning, Mang Ambo”,
greeted Mang Jose. “I bought
some food to eat which my
daughter and my wife cooked a
while ago and a half-sack of
rice,” as he handed over the
food to Mang Ambo.
“Good morning too, Mang
Jose”, replied Mang Ambo.
“Thank you for this food. This
will help us a lot. “How can we
pay you for these?”
“You do not need to pay me
Mang Ambo. It is our pleasure
to help you, our neighbors,” said
Mang Jose.
“Aling Yolanda, I have here
clothes for your family I hope it
would fit them all,” said Aling
Minda as she handed the
clothes. “And here’s a little
amount. We hope this could
“Aling Minda, I do not know
what to say,” replied Aling
Yolanda as tears flow from her
“What are neighbors for?” said
Mang Jose smiling as they bid
goodbye to Mabini Family.
In times like typhoons, the spirit
of Bayanihan lingers in
everyone’s heart. It is the time
of helping others without
expecting anything in return.

1. What is your reaction when

the typhoon hit Mabini’s family
vegetable garden?
2. How would you feel if you
belong to Mabini’s family?
3. What do you think of the
Mabini family neighbor?
4. What can you say about the
Mabini family?
5. What can you say about the
story? Write your reactions on
your answer sheets.
B. Establishing a purpose for When was your last visit to a Study the picture below. What Have you ever experienced a Have you seen a jelly fish?
the lesson friend or to a relative who was do you think the picture is all situation where you find it How does it look?
sick? How was your visit? about? What is your reaction on difficult to achieve what you Why do you think a jelly fish
this picture? want? doesn’t have bones?
C. Presenting examples/ Read the story carefully and be Read the short story and note Find out how the crow finds ways Read the story. In the selection
instances of the new able to answer the the significant details. Be able to to get what he wants by reading that you will read, find out;
lesson. comprehension questions that answer the comprehension the short story. why the jelly fish doesn’t have
follow. questions. a bones?
A Visit to Kumpare Dave the Dog is Worried About by: Dimple Kothari (Read the story at the last
Lea E. Basquinas Coronavirus page.)
One day, Aling Tale went to the Written and illustrated by Molly
market to buy vegetables and Watts Answer the following
meat. She happened to meet There was once an owl called questions.
her Kumareng Choleng along Dotty, a nurse with a uniform all 1. Why did the king call the
her way. spotty. She works in the hospital There was a crow which was very brave fish?
“Kumare, good morning! How up the hill, looking after all the thirsty. He searched for water _________________________
are you?” said Aling Tale. children who are ill. Near to everywhere. At last he saw a _________________________
“Oh, Kumareng Tale. I’m good Dotty, there lives a dog called water pot near a well. 2. Did the brave fish follow the
but I’m so busy. Your Pareng Dave, who every morning gives He looked inside the pot. There king’s order? Why?
Berto was admitted to the nurse Dotty a wave. was very little water in the pot. _________________________
hospital” replied Aling Choleng. But this morning, Dave doesn’t The crow saw some stones _________________________
“I’m sorry to hear that Kumare. have his normal big grin, nearby. He thought of a plan. He 3. What happened when the
But how is Pareng Berto now? Is because there is something picked up some stones. brave fish found the monkey?
he recovering” asked Aling Tale, really worrying him. There has He put them one by one into the _________________________
worriedly. been a talk about coronavirus pot. The water level in the pot _________________________
“Yes, he is. The doctor advised everywhere, and hearing about came up. The crow drank the 4. What can you say about the
him not to eat fatty foods it is giving Dave a big scare. It is water and flew away happily. monkey’s trick?
anymore,” explained Aling on the TV, at home and school _________________________
Choleng. every day. Dave is worried that _________________________
“Oh, that’s fine. I’m sure Pareng everything won’t be okay. Dave 5. If you were the brave fish,
Berto will listen to the doctor’s is anxious and nurse Dotty can 1. What is the title of the story? would you believe the
advice. Where is he admitted so see that, so she decides to stop 2. What did the crow search for? monkey? Why?
that I can visit him” asked Aling for a chat. There are lots of Why? _________________________
Tale. different and scary things being 3. How did the crow get the _________________________
“I am going to the hospital right said, so nurse Dotty wants to water in the pot? 6. What did the king do to the
now, Kumare. Do you want to make sure Dave knows the truth 4. What kind of crow do you brave fish? Why?
come with me?” asked Aling instead. think it is in the story? Why? _________________________
Choleng. Nurse Dotty tells Dave that _________________________
“Yes, of course. I’ll go with you. coronavirus is an illness that 7. If you were the king/fish,
I’ll just buy vegetables and meat some people will, but that most what would you do?
later, Kumare” said Aling Tale. people will not get really poorly _________________________
The two kumares went to the from it. Nurse Dotty said _________________________
hospital and visited Mang Berto. washing his hands is the most 8. Why did the jellyfish lose his
important thing Dave should do, bones?
it should be for at least 20 _________________________
seconds or singing happy _________________________
birthday twice through. This will 9. Do you like the ending of the
help to try stop him from getting story? How would you like to
coronavirus himself, and it’s a end the story?
way that Dave can help to _________________________
protect everybody else. _________________________
To be safe if Dave gets poorly, 10. What is your reaction about
he will have to stay at home, but the story?
his family would stay with him _________________________
so he would not be alone. Many _________________________
things have been cancelled and
Dave will not be able to go on
holiday, also he might not see
people he normally does. At
home, they may need to stay.
Some schools and shops have
also closed to stop lots of people
being all together, but just for
now to keep people safe; it will
not be forever.
Dave has a grandma and he
knows she is a little bit old, he is
worried because coronavirus is
more dangerous for her, he has
been told.
To keep everyone safe is the
reason that there are all these
plans, all Dave needs to do is
stay calm and remember to
wash his hands.
Now Dave knows the truth, he is
no longer scared, he knows
what to do to keep himself

Comprehension Questions:
1. What does the main character
learn in this story?
2. How do you feel about the
3. What is the main problem in
the story? How was the problem
4. What was your favorite part
of this story? Why?
5. Why did the author probably
write this story?
6. How do you feel about the
story? Would you recommend it
to someone else?
7. What were the most
important events in the story?
Did you learn anything new?
8. Is the story believable? Why
or why not?
D. Discussing new concepts 1. Who are the main characters There is no right or wrong Reaction paper is a type of What is a reaction paper?
and practicing new skills. in the story? answer to a reading response. reader’s response that provides A reaction or response paper
#1 2. Why is Mang Berto admitted Nonetheless, it is important that personal opinions to agree or requires the writer to analyze a
to the hospital? you demonstrate an disagree the whole story or to text, then develop commentary
3. If you were Aling Tale, would understanding of the reading some parts of the story read. related to it. It is a popular
you also want to visit Mang and clearly explain and support academic assignment because
Berto? Why? your reactions. STEPS IN WRITING A REACTION it requires thoughtful reading,
In writing a reaction about the ABOUT THE STORY READ research, and writing.
story read, you must think about A. Prewriting Activities: Reaction or response papers
the following: 1. Read for understanding are designed so that you'll
➢ how do you feel about what 2. The process consider carefully what you
you are reading Underline keywords in sentences think or feel about something
➢ why do you like or dislike the or parts of the story that interest you've read or seen.
reading you.
➢ explain whether you agree or B. Writing Activities:
disagree with the author 1. Introduction
➢ identify the reading’s This will be 1-3 paragraphs. In
purpose, and paragraph 1 - give the title, the
➢ critique the text author if there is any, and a short
The following statements could description of the story. In
be used in prewriting your paragraph 2 - give a brief
reaction: summary of the story you are
My reaction to what I just read responding to. Summary is a
is that… shortened and rewritten
- I think that - I see that interpretation of the major
- I feel that - It seems that events in a story using the
- In my opinion - A good quote is reader’s own words to express
- In addition - For example the main ideas.
- Moreover - However 2. Body
- Consequently - Finally Briefly explain the important
- Because - In conclusion points of the story that you want
to talk to and give your own
opinion to it whether to agree or
disagree on the whole story or to
some parts of the story read.
3. Conclusion
Provide closure to what you have
started in the introduction –
ending of your story, how the
story met your expectations/
how the story changed, or how
the story helps in understanding
or interpreting the general
information you have stated at
the start.
E. Discussing new concepts What is a reaction? What is a reaction? What is a reaction? What are the parts of a
and practicing new skills A reaction is a feeling we give on A reaction is a feeling we give on A reaction is a feeling we give on reaction paper?
#2. a certain situation a person is a certain situation a person is a certain situation a person is 1. INTRODUCTION is the part
experiencing. In giving reaction, experiencing. In giving reaction, experiencing. In giving reaction, where the writer provides a
emotions are needed. emotions are needed. emotions are needed. short description of the story
and presents the issues to be
In giving reactions, one should In giving reactions, one should In giving reactions, one should addressed, including the main
put first himself/ herself to the put first himself/ herself to the put first himself/ herself to the points and themes/ thesis of
situation embedded with situation embedded with situation embedded with the story. The phrase “quality
emotions. You cannot give emotions. You cannot give emotions. You cannot give not quantity” certainly makes
reactions without emotions on reactions without emotions on reactions without emotions on it. sense here, so try to keep it at
it. it. 4 or 5 sentences. The
introduction should also
include a brief thesis
statement, or a sentence that
summarizes the main point of
the reaction paper.
2. Body is the flesh of the
paper and a place for the main
ideas to be explained in detail.
Within the body section, each
paragraph should start with a
topic sentence that
introduces the idea of the
paragraph to the audience. As
with any arguments and
reactions you write about, back
them up with suitable and
credible source material.
restatement of what is said in
the body of the paper. It
should be brief and should
contain information on your
thesis and main ideas, which
were shaped throughout the
F. Developing Mastery Write TRUE if the statement is Define the part of the reaction
(Lead to Formative correct and FALSE if not. paper that uses the following
Assessment 3) 1. It is not important to expressions below by writing
understand what you are Introduction, Body, or Conclusion
reading. to the space provided before
2. A reading response asks you each number. Write the answer
to examine, explain and defend in your notebook.
your personal reaction to a ____________1. I love the way
reading. the character ______.
3. There is no right or wrong ____________2. The story is
answer in giving reaction to a written by ______.
story read. ____________3. The story is all
4. In writing a reaction to a story about _____.
read, do not critique the text. ____________4. I am saddened
5. In writing a reaction about to how the character _____.
the story read, it is important to ____________5. To sum
know how you feel about what up_____.
you are reading.
G. Finding practical Read the story and write a Directions: Read the story below Read the story for understanding. Read the story carefully and fill
application of concepts reaction to it. Using the guide and give your reaction on why Underline key words in sentences in the blank with the
and skills in daily living question, write your reaction on Rosie might have done what she or parts of the story that interest appropriate phrases/sentences
your answer sheets. did. you. to complete the reaction
Rescued Kitten The Kitten THE MISER AND HIS GOLD
Lea E. Basquinas Rosie wanted a kitten more than Aesop’s Fable THE BOY WHO CRIED WOLF
anything in the world. For By: Aesop’s Fable
One afternoon as Zarie and his months she had dreamed of the There was once a young
grandfather went home from day that she and her parents Shepherd Boy who tended his
school, they met an abandoned would go to the pound and sheep at the foot of a
kitten on the road. The kitten adapt her brand-new pet. But mountain near a dark forest.
was so weak that it couldn’t Rosie’s mother insisted that they An old miser lived in a house with It was rather lonely for him to
walk. wait until Rosie’s birthday, a garden. The miser hid his gold play all day, so he thought
“Granpa, look out!” Zarie which was still two months coins in a pit under some stones upon a plan by which he could
exclaimed as loud as she could. away. Rosie thought of kittens in the garden. Every day, before get a little company and some
“What is the matter with you, all day. She hoped hers would going to bed, the miser went to excitement. He rushed down
Zarie?” said his Grandpa angrily. have blue eyes, fluffy fur, and a the stones where he hid the gold towards the village calling out
“Can’t you see I’m driving?” happy purr that Rosie would feel and counted the coins. He “Wolf, Wolf”, and the villagers
“Oh, I’m sorry Grandpa but I through her shirt when the continued this routine every day, came out to meet him, and
want to rescue that little a kitten kitten curled up on her chest. but not once did he spend the some of them stopped with
that we just passed by,” Zarie Walking home from school one gold he saved. him for a considerable time.
explained. day, she passed a neighbor’s One day, a thief who knew the This pleased the boy so much
“But you do not know where house and noticed a big old miser’s routine, waited for that few days afterwards he
that kitten came from,” said her cardboard box on the porch. the old man to go back into his tried the same trick, and again
Grandpa. Curious, she ventured closer and house. After it was dark, the thief the villagers came to his help.
“But Grandpa, if we won’t saw her neighbor, Mrs. Spencer, went to the hiding place and took But shortly after this a Wolf
rescue that kitten, who will lifting a fluffy kitten from the the gold. The next day, the old actually did came out from the
probably rescue and help that box! The words “Free Kittens” miser found that his treasure was forest, and began to worry the
kitten?” argued Zarie. were written across the side of missing and started crying loudly. sheep, and the boy of course
His grandpa thought for a the box in big black letters. cried out “Wolf, Wolf,” still
moment as Zarie’s tears run Mrs. Spencer saw Rosie eyeing Direction: Write a reaction paper louder than before. But this
down her cheeks. the box and waved to her to of the story “The Miser and His time the villagers, who had
“Alright, let’s go back and come closer. “Your name is Gold”. been fooled twice before,
rescue that kitten,” said Rosie, isn’t it? You live down the thought the boy was again
Grandpa. “But, that kitten won’t block.” Rosie nodded and held deceiving them, and nobody
live with us but at the animal her arms out for the kitten Mrs. stirred to come to his help.
shelter nearby.” Spencer was handing her to So the Wolf made a good meal
“Thank you, Grandpa.” replied hold. It had blue eyes and its fur off the boy’s flock, and when
Zarie. “But can we visit that was as soft as Rosie had the boy complained, the wise
kitten at the shelter?” asks Zarie dreamed it would be. man of the village said: “A liar
hopefully. “Would you like to adapt that will not be believed, even when
“Yes, we can visit the kitten”, kitten?” asked Mrs. Spencer he speaks the truth.”
said Grandpa. smiling kindly. Before she knew
Grandpa got the kitten, put it in what she was saying, Rosie
a box and placed it inside the blurted out, “Yes!”
tricycle beside Zarie. “Is it alright with your parents?”
“Do not touch that kitten, Zarie” “It’s fine. We’ve been planning
ordered Grandpa. “And let us go to get a kitten for months.”
to the animal shelter”. Though it wasn’t the whole
Zarie asked the volunteer in the truth. Rosie couldn’t help
animal shelter if they can visit herself. She let Mrs. Spencer put
the kitten, give food and other the kitten into a little box, hand
things needed. her a can of food, and send her
“Yes, of course, Zarie you can,” on her way.
replied Ms. Joyce. “You can also
be a volunteer for the shelter. Why didn’t Rosie tell the truth?
All you have to do is to ask Write your reaction.
permission from your Grandpa if
he wanted to and you can visit
us anytime you wanted to”.
Zarie asked his grandfather if
she can be an animal volunteer.
Her Grandpa permitted her and
he even volunteered to be an
animal volunteer also.
Ms. Joyce thanked Zarie and her
grandfather for the good deed
they have done.

1. Who are the characters in the

2. What do you think about
Zarie? Grandpa? Ms. Joyce?
3. What can you say about the
H. Making Generalizations What is a reaction? What is a reaction? 1. Reaction paper is a type of What is a reaction?
and Abstraction about the A reaction is a feeling we give on A reaction is a feeling we give on reader’s response that provides A reaction is a feeling we give
Lesson. a certain situation a person is a certain situation a person is personal opinions to agree or on a certain situation a person
experiencing. In giving reaction, experiencing. In giving reaction, disagree the whole story or to is experiencing. In giving
emotions are needed emotions are needed some parts of the story read. reaction, emotions are needed
2. Introduction is a written
statement at the beginning of a
reaction paper.
3. Summary is a shortened and
rewritten interpretation of the
major events in a story using the
reader’s own words to express
the main ideas.
4. Body is the main part of the
reaction paper that explains the
important points to part of the
story that the reader wants to
talk further in relation to his/her
5. Conclusion is the final
statement to what the reader is
discussing throughout the body
of the paper.
I. Evaluating Learning Read the story and write a Directions: Read and understand Direction: Read each statement Encircle the letter of the
reaction on your answer sheets. the short story carefully. carefully and choose the letter of correct answer:
the correct answer. Do this in 1. This requires the writer to
Devoted Teacher Rochelle’s Birthday Surprise your notebook. analyze the text then develop a
Lea E. Basquińas It was Saturday, the day of 1. It is a type of reader’s response commentary related to
Ms. Sanchez is a teacher who Rochelle’s birthday party, and that provides personal opinions it?
devoted her life to teaching the she was so excited she could to agree or disagree to the whole a. Research paper b. Reaction
children. During weekdays, she hardly keep still. She had spent story or to some parts of the paper c. Editorial
teaches at school, and on the whole morning decorating story read. 2. This statement belongs at
weekdays she gathers all the her house with streamers and A. Narrative report C. the end of the first paragraph,
neighboring children and balloons. She had set the table Observation paper also known as the
teaches them to read, write, and with matching plates, cups and B. Reaction paper D. Summary introduction.
count. napkins. Best of all, she had 2. It is a connected series of a. Thesis b. Lesson c. Main Idea
One day, the barangay officials baked and iced cupcakes for events told through words, 3. This is where the writer
notice the generosity done by each of her friends, without imagery, body language, provides a short description of
Ms. Sanchez to the children. anyone else’s help. performance, music, or any other the story and presents the
They decide to go to her house. Rochelle’s little brother Romy form of communication. issues to be addressed,
As they reach Ms. Sanchez’s was his usual bouncy self, A. Story B. Paragraph C. Sentence including the main points and
house, they are so surprised to “Happy birthday, Rochelle,” he D. Poem themes or thesis of the
see a mini-classroom in her yelled, running around the 3. The following expressions can story.
garden where the children learn kitchen and waving a balloon be used to conclude a reaction a. Body b. Introduction
to count, write, and read. he’d torn down from the wall, paper EXCEPT one. Which one is c. Conclusion
Ms. Sanchez is also surprised to where Rochelle had taped it up. it? 4. This is the flesh of the paper
see the Barangay Officials in her “Calm down,” she ordered. A. In conclusion C. Lastly and a place for the main ideas
house. She hurriedly entertain Romy’s jumping was making the B. To sum up D. The story is all to be explained in
them. They ask Ms. Sanchez if counters tremble and Rochelle about detail.
she is willing to be a volunteer feared her cupcakes would fall 4. In writing a reaction paper, one a. Body b. Introduction
teacher in the Literacy Program on the floor. “Get out of here, must have the _______ of what c. Conclusion
of the barangay. and quit tearing down my the story is all about. 5. This is a restatement of what
Without much hesitation, she decorations or I won’t give you A. interpretation C. prediction is said in the body of the paper.
accepts being a volunteer the cupcake I made for you.” B. understanding D. All of the a. Body b. Introduction
teacher on the Literacy “I get a cupcake? Yay!” Romy above c. Conclusion
Program. The barangay officials shouted, bouncing around as 5. Why is a reaction paper helpful
leave her house happily. boisterously as ever. for me as a pupil who wants to
“Stop it, Romy, you’ll ruin learn basic skills in English? It is
1. Who are the characters in the everything!” Rochelle wailed, helpful for me because ______.
story? Romy didn’t stop. Finally, A. it helps me acquire new
2. What do you think about Ms. Rochelle picked up a cupcake vocabulary as the basic goal in
Sanchez? Describe her. “This one was going to be reading activities.
3. What can you say about the yours,” she told Romy, and B. it encourages me to make
story? threw it to the floor, where it reading a habit for English
landed upside down with a plop, communication development.
Romy stopped bouncing, looked C. it increases my efficiency with
down at the cupcake and began rereading to locate important
to cry. details.
*Your task is to write your D. All of the above.
personal reaction about the
story read. Write your reaction
on why Rochelle ruined Romy’s
J. Additional Activities for Read a story and write a Cut or copy a latest news story Read the story carefully and fill in Choose a story to read. Then
Application or reaction about it. from a magazine or from the the blank with the appropriate write a reaction about it
Remediation internet in the Philippines and phrases/sentences to complete following the format and
write your personal reaction the reaction paper. Do this in parts of how a reaction paper
about it. your notebook. should be written.
In Barangay Dagbasan, there
lived a girl named Althea. She
was very happy with her family.
But her happiness has faded
when COVID - 19 pandemic
affected everybody’s normal way
of life in their place. Althea
missed her friends, teachers, and
One afternoon after lunch, while
Althea and her parents were
watching TV, she said, “Ma, I am
bored staying inside our house
for many months, can I go out
and play with friends now?” Her
mother explained that little
children are not allowed to go
out because they are more
vulnerable to infection like COVID
- 19.
Althea willingly obeyed her
mother because she knew that
her mother only wanted what is
best for her.
A. No. of learners earned
80%in the evaluation.

B. No. of learners who

required additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by:
Checked by:

Teacher III
School Principal I
How the Jellyfish Lost His Bone
Reader’s Theater

Narrator: Long ago, the jellyfish had bones just like all the other fish. At that time, the king of the fish was getting old. One day, he married
a pretty little princess. But the princess was so unhappy with the old king. She made believe that she was very sick and that only a
monkey’s liver could cure her.
Little Princess: Get me a monkey or I will die!
King: My Queen, monkeys could only be found on land and it would be very hard to get one.
Little Princess: I don’t care! I must have a monkey!
Narrator: The king called the brave fish and ordered him to look and bring back a monkey’s liver. After a long swim, the fish found the
monkey seated on a tree.
Monkey: Who are you? What do you want?
What do you think the brave fish did to get the monkey’s liver?
Brave Fish: I’ve just swam around the world. And I am going back to the finest land I’ve ever seen. It has beautiful trees for climbing and
plenty of fruits for eating.
Monkey: I want to go, too.
Brave Fish: Climb on my back!
Narrator: The Brave Fish smiled and off they went. When they could not see land anymore, the monkey became afraid.
Monkey: I’ve changed my mind. This land is too far; please bring me back to my tree.
Brave Fish: I have to bring you to my Queen who is sick. Only a monkey’s liver can cure her.
Monkey: Why didn’t you tell me sooner? I am very honored; but you see, my liver is quite big and heavy, so I keep it on a branch of the
tree. We’ll have to go back and get it.
What do you think happened to the fish and the monkey?
Narrator: They turned around to get the liver. When they reached the tree, the clever monkey quickly jumped to safety and looked around.
Monkey: Somebody must have taken it. I’ll have to find another one. You’ll have to tell first the king that I’m looking for my liver. Come back
to fetch me.
Brave Fish: That’s a good idea. I’ll do that. The king will be so happy for that.
What do you think happened to the brave fish?
Narrator: When the brave fish returned home with nothing, the king was so angry. He ordered the brave fish punished. The poor fellow was
beaten up until he had no bones left. And when it was over, the brave fish was all pale and soft like jelly
and no one could hurt him anymore. The queen went on pretending to be sick and asked her silly, old king for all sorts of new cures.
Source: English 4 Lerner’s Material pp.188-189

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