Efficency and Effectiveness of Wind Farms - Key To Cost O&M
Efficency and Effectiveness of Wind Farms - Key To Cost O&M
Efficency and Effectiveness of Wind Farms - Key To Cost O&M
Operation and maintenance (O&M) cost will be the key to the economic viability of large
offshore wind farms planned worldwide. In order to support investment decisions a systematic
mathematical approach to the O&M cost contributions is required prior to detailed engineering
or even construction of the wind farm.
Adopting the general terms of efficiency, productivity and effectiveness defined for pro-
duction processes we introduce the Wind Farm Process and its Total Overall Equipment Effec-
tiveness (TotalOEE) by considering wind farms performing a transformation of produced elec-
trical energy to delivered (sold) electrical energy. This transformation process consists of an
installation, i.e. properly selected wind energy converters and their arrangement to form a
wind farm, and of a process comprising operation and maintenance. Both are the subject of
optimization to maximize the annual energy output by minimizing the different kinds of losses.
In a systematic approach to the causes and nature of losses in wind farms the terms theoreti-
cal production time, available production time and valuable production time are redefined in
unit full load hours. Then, a calculation scheme is developed to quantify wind farm production
losses in terms of planned or unplanned downtimes and speed losses and to relate the associa-
ted reduction of revenues ⌬R to the theoretical maximum of annual wind park revenues
Rtheo(park). It leads to the simple equation ⌬R / Rtheo = TotalOEE – 1 ⬍ 0.
2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Wind farm; Operation; Maintenance; Service; Efficiency; Overall equipment effectiveness;
Productivity; Availability; Performance; Capacity factor; Failure rate; Downtime; Speed loss; Revenue
0960-1481/03/$ - see front matter 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
2166 H.-J. Krokoszinski / Renewable Energy 28 (2003) 2165–2178
1. Introduction
Offshore wind farms are a rapidly growing source of renewable energy. After a
tremendous boom of the on-shore wind farm business experienced in the past few
years, especially in Germany, the first offshore wind farms have been installed close
to the shore and the first really big ones (0.5–1.5 GW) are being planned at larger
distances from the coast line. With the currently available size of wind turbines for
offshore applications (2.0–4.5 MW) the number of Wind Energy Converters (WEC)
per wind farm ranges up to several hundreds. Although constructed for the highest
reliability it can be anticipated that operation, service and maintenance of WECs
will be continuous tasks in order to maintain the energy output at the maximum
level. Since productivity and maintenance costs are very much influencing the econ-
omic viability of these high investment facilities, the generation of a comprehensive
O&M strategy is mandatory prior to engineering or even installation of wind farms.
Instead of the usual assessment of energy production from rated wind farm power
and an availability simply calculated as uptime divided by 8766 h we derive a math-
ematical model comprising correct relationships of parameters and variables
determining O&M cost and revenue losses. Since the model is not necessarily limited
to offshore installations we keep it in general terms.
Fig. 1. General definitions used in production processes starting with raw material as reference input
and ending with products as actual output [1].
H.-J. Krokoszinski / Renewable Energy 28 (2003) 2165–2178 2167
energy at the terminals of N individual wind energy converters is taken for raw
material and reference input to the wind farm process. Hence, we consider the con-
version of mechanical (wind) energy into electrical energy being complete and optim-
ized (by selecting the right type of WECs) rather than being subject of our wind
farm process.
The total annual electrical energy of an individual WEC with rated power Prated
can be calculated from the annual wind speed distribution of a specific wind farm
site (Weibull curve h(vw)) and the selected wind turbine’s power curve P(vw):
Etot(i)(WEC) ⫽ 冕 a
P(vw(t))dt ⫽ 冕dE
a dt
dt ⫽ 冕
dvw (1)
⫽ 冘 k
h(vw(k))P(vw(k)) ⌬t
where ⌬t = time interval between wind speed data vw(k) and vw(k+1) and
Σkh(vw(k)) = 1
The reference output is called theoretical electrical energy Etheo(park) (see Fig.
2). It is the maximum possible output of electrical energy that could be fed into the
grid per year, if the complete reference electrical energy Eref was transformed
(transported to grid connection) with exactly the specified reference productivity.
For wind farms we name it the Layout Factor LF. It combines the specified (=
simulated) wake losses due to the arrangement of WECs in the wind farm (i.e. the
park efficiency η(park)) and the calculated electrical losses (described by the electri-
cal efficiency η(el)) of the cables and devices all the way down the line from the
WEC-terminals to the grid connection point.
2168 H.-J. Krokoszinski / Renewable Energy 28 (2003) 2165–2178
Fig. 2. The Wind Farm Process: production process definitions of Fig. 1 interpreted for wind farms.
The actual input is called available electrical energy Eavail and reflects the amount
of energy that is available per year to be fed into the grid after subtracting scheduled
(i.e. inevitable) downtime losses from the theoretical electrical energy of the wind
farm. These losses are called external losses (section 3.1) since they are determined
by external influences and planned before starting operation of the wind farm. For-
mally, they are taken into account by the Planning Factor PF:
Eavail(park) ⫽ Etheo(park) PF ⫽ Eref(park) LF PF (7)
The corresponding time span in units of full load hours is the available pro-
duction time:
Tavail ⫽ ⫽ Ttheo PF ⫽ Tref LF PF (8)
N Prated
The total efficiency η of the wind farm describes the losses that are already determ-
ined in the engineering and operation planning phases of the wind farm, i.e. the park
H.-J. Krokoszinski / Renewable Energy 28 (2003) 2165–2178 2169
efficiency and the electrical efficiency due to positioning and cabling of the WECs
(combined in the Layout Factor) and the planned downtimes:
Efficiency η ⫽ LF PF ⫽ η(park) η(el) PF (9)
The available electrical energy is not completely harvested either since technical
losses reduce it before being fed into the grid. The actual output is called valuable
electrical energy Evalu. The productivity p ⬍ 1 of the wind farm process describes
the energy losses associated with all technical problems encountered during operation
and maintenance processes. With respect to the reference energy Eref(park) the valu-
able (i.e. finally sold) electrical energy Evalu is the result of the efficiency of the wind
farm installation and the productivity of the O&M process:
Evalu ⫽ Eavail(park) p ⫽ Eref(park) η p (10)
In equivalence to the energy, technical problems reduce the number of full load
hours operated per year from the available production time Tavail down to the valuable
production time Tvalu:
Tvalu ⫽ ⫽ Tavail OEE ⫽ Ttheo PF OEE (11)
N Prated
⫽ Tref LF PF OEE
The factor between valuable production time and available production time is
called Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). It is clear that OEE in the time scale
is equal to productivitiy p in the energy scheme. Hence, compared to the theoretical
production time (the theoretical maximum of deliverable electrical energy) the actu-
ally valuable production time (the finally sold electrical energy) is described by the
Total Overall Equipment Effectiveness (TotalOEE):
Tvalu ⫽ Ttheo TotalOEE (12)
The TotalOEE combines the Planning Factor PF and the OEE comprising all losses
on top of the inevitable losses (wake and electrical losses), i.e. unplanned downtimes
and other technical losses incurred during operation (see section 3.2):
TotalOEE ⫽ PF OEE ⬍ OEE since PF ⬍ 1 (13)
In Fig. 3 the relations between the time periods are depicted. It is clear that, once
the production facility (the wind farm) is built, the reference production time cannot
be changed any more since the site and the turbines were selected. Similarly, the
theoretical production time (resulting from LF) is also fixed, since park efficiency
and electrical losses are results of engineering work. Additionally, the external losses
are basically determined by planned downtimes (see Table 1 in section ). Hence, by
definition, they are pre-fixed in the engineering and operation planning phase (Fig.
4) and described by a Planning Factor PF which has to be carefully determined in
agreement of wind farm developer, wind farm operator, the owner and the utility.
2170 H.-J. Krokoszinski / Renewable Energy 28 (2003) 2165–2178
Fig. 4 clearly visualizes where the wind farm developer is responsible (lower left-
hand triangle) and where the wind farm operator is active (upper right-hand triangle):
Layout Factor and Planning Factor are fixed during wind farm development whereas
(Total)OEE is the result of an effective O&M strategy. However, it is obvious that
the planned downtimes (as part of PF) are on the boarderline between the Engineer-
ing Phase and the Operation and Maintenance Phase which implies the possibility
for the wind farm operator to reduce planned downtimes (compared to the plan) by
a clever O&M strategy including optimized spare part stock and skilled crews and,
thus, to increase the available production time and with it the valuable production
time (revenues).
3. Classification of losses
According to the theory of production processes [1] both external and technical
losses can be classified in terms of causes: downtime losses, speed losses and quality
losses (Fig. 5).
The external losses are subdivided according to Table 1 and interpreted in wind
farm specific terms. It can be inferred from that list that these losses are partly
planned (e.g. scheduled maintenance) and partly imposed by external factors like
weather conditions that deviate from the specified (statistical) average (too low or
too high wind speeds) or diseases or strikes. Thus, not all external losses are planned
although being described by the Planning Factor PF.
External losses in terms of annual average planned downtimes per WEC ⬍tdp⬎
are the result of the O&M planning process (Fig. 4) which has to fix number np and
average length of planned downtimes like scheduled maintenance [3] (auto control
stops, regular maintenance + major overhauls, see Table 1, row (a)) or external speed
losses. With np = number of planned actions per year, nsp = number of shifts per
action, 12h = shift length, msp = number of shifts per day, we define the annual
average planned downtime per WEC:
H.-J. Krokoszinski / Renewable Energy 28 (2003) 2165–2178 2171
Table 1
Subdivision of external losses developed on the basis of general theory [1].
Types of Losses Causes of External Losses Causes of External Losses (for Influence by
(General theory) wind farms) O&M?
(a) External downtime Planned downtimes for –Auto control stops, i.e. remote Yes
losses preventive maintenance controlled stop, system test and
(Scheduled maintenance) auto-restart
–Regular maintenance
–Major overhauls including
upgrades, modifications of hard-
(b) External speed losses (i) Lack of demand –Limitation of transmission grid No
(ii) Lack of raw material –Less wind than expected No
according to statistics
–Lower farm efficiency by No
deviations from specified wind
(ii) Too much input (wind) –Blade overload protection (Yes)
–Cable overload protection (Yes)
(iv) Lack of personnel Epidemic diseases, strikes No
(v) Environmental deals –Reduction of production to No
preserve nature
(c) External quality losses Missing of rated quality Derating of power delivery due No
(e.g. during start-up) to bad power quality
Fig. 4. Division of the Wind Farm Process concept in Engineering and Operation Planning Phase and
the Operation and Maintenance phase.
Fig. 5. Classification of losses (both technical and external) in terms of downtime losses, speed losses
and quality losses based on [1].
= integer(nsp) 12h, where integer(x) := nsp - 1 for all x in interval (nsp - 1, nsp] ),
which influences both downtimes and O&M-cost [3]. In addition, we have to con-
sider a need for planned maintenance of the grid connection equipment since there
is a number of components / subsystems (MV-switchgear, MV/HV-transformers,
power converters, HV-switch-gear, cables) which need regular maintenance or even
service & repair in case of statistical failures (see section 3.2.1).
If we neglect in a first approach the external speed and quality losses, then the
Planning Factor can be calculated with (Eq. (8)) and (Eq. (14)):
⬍ tdp ⬎
PF ⫽ Tavail / Ttheo ⫽ 1 ⫺ (15)
Example: np = 1 / year, np = 5.5 shifts, msp = 2 =⬎PF = 1 – 66 h / 8766 h =
0.992. If we don’t plan for nightshifts we get with msp = 1: PF = 1 – 126 h /
8766 h = 0.986.
The total annual downtime due to unplanned stoppages is the sum of the individual
downtimes in these classes (k = 1,…,4) times the statistical frequency of occurrence
tdu(N) ⫽ 冘 k
λN(k) 8766htdu(k) ⫽ N 冘 k
nf(k) tdu(k) (18)
⬍tdu(WEC)⬎ ⫽ tdu(N) / N ⫽ 冘 k
nf(k) tdu(k) (19)
2174 H.-J. Krokoszinski / Renewable Energy 28 (2003) 2165–2178
Besides the WECs we have to consider failure rates of the complex grid connection
equipment comprising offshore substation(s), subsea cables and onshore
substation(s). Let us define a combined failure rate λGC for the complete system:
λGC ⫽ 1 / τGC ⫽ nf(GC) / 8766h where τGC is the MTBF of a grid connection
If the system exists twice in a large wind farm then the total failure rate is, of
course, doubled. Similar to the WEC case we define an unplanned GC-downtime
due to statistical failures of grid connection equipment with need for switch-off and
immediate service and repair. The duration tdu(GC) = ⌬ttra(GC) + ⌬trep(GC) consists
of ⌬ttra(GC) for transportation of spare parts not available inside the wind farm and
⌬trep(GC), the time for actual repair work. Let nGC be the number of independent
grid connection branches (1 or 2) with equal share of wind farm power. In contrast
to WEC-failures, where each time only the production of one WEC is lost, each grid
connection failure causes the loss of electrical energy of the total or (with two
branches) twice as often half of the windpark (2 ∗ N/2 WECs). Then the GC-induced
downtime of each WEC is on the average:
⬍tdu(GC)⬎ ⫽ (N / nGC) nGC λGC 8766h tdu(GC) / N
⫽ λGC 8766h tdu(GC) ⫽ nf(GC) tdu(GC)
Defining ⬍tdu(WF)⬎ = ⬍tdu(OWEC)⬎ + ⬍tdu(GC)⬎ as the Annual Average
Unplanned Downtime per WEC we get for the net Availability related to the planned
uptime (= 8766h - ⬍tdp⬎) [6]:
⬍tdu(WF)⬎ ⬍ tdu(WF) ⬎
A ⫽ 1⫺ ⫽ 1⫺ (22)
8766h ⫺ ⬍tdp⬎ 8766h PF
Betz’ law says that you can only convert less than 16/27 (or 59%) of the kinetic energy in the wind
into mechanical energy.
H.-J. Krokoszinski / Renewable Energy 28 (2003) 2165–2178 2175
Fig. 6. (A) Speed losses due to non-perfect MPP tracking; (B) Speed losses due to deviation of the
actual power curve from the rated power curve. Both cases are quantified by a power reduction factor
f = Pac / Prc used for Performance P.
ence to the maximum power point (MPP) is lost power. Reasons for missing the
optimum tip speed ratio can be:
In all these cases the WEC’s (and hence the park’s) valuable electrical energy (the
valuable production time) is reduced as if the production speed was decreased
(therefore: speed losses).
Alternatively, the performance of the rotor or generator might be disturbed in
2176 H.-J. Krokoszinski / Renewable Energy 28 (2003) 2165–2178
terms of deviation from the specified power curve (see Fig. 6B). Hence, although
running with optimum tip speed ratio the power produced at a given wind speed is
lower than specified during engineering. Hence, the WEC is performing as if it was
running with lower speed (therefore: speed losses). Reasons for deviations from the
rated power curve can be:
Appropriate on-line condition monitoring and power curve modeling systems can
detect such deviations and initiate service and/or maintenance [8].
Minor stoppages comprise quick corrective maintenance actions to fix minor faults
identified by condition monitoring, i.e. those that did not lead to WEC shut-down.
In the most benign cases, the faults can be fixed during the next regular maintenance
period, but if the function or proper control of the WEC is disturbed a separate quick
repair is performed on one of the next maintenance tours, whereby a short switch-
off of the turbine is initiated to allow for safe access of servicemen. Since this switch-
off is only for minutes or 1 h the loss of produced electrical energy resembles more
the effect of a low-wind period rather than a downtime; therefore, it is listed as
technical speed loss. Averaging the technical speed loss factors over all WECs the
Performance becomes (with f = power reduction factor):
P ⫽ Tnet / Tgros ⫽ Enet / Egros ⫽ ⬍Pac⬎ / ⬍Prc⬎ (23)
⫽ (1 / N) 冘 fi ⫽ f
From our present point of view, the term technical quality losses is not relevant for
wind farms unless unplanned power quality deficiencies really occur at grid connec-
tion point and, additionally, lead to the need to derate the wind farm power level.
Hence, in a first approximation we can confine to OEE = A ∗ P ∗ Q = A ∗ f with
A according to (Eq. (22)).
In the present paper we confine the application of the model developed in sections
2 and 3 to the calculation of average annual revenue losses. The derivation of sea-
sonal variations of revenue losses and of maintenance cost, especially crew sizes
and labour cost, will be published elsewhere [3].
The calculation scheme is based on the average annual downtimes for scheduled
maintenance and unplanned service and repair as well as on external and technical
speed losses. From this we finally get the valuable production time and calculate the
revenue losses ⌬R(losses) due to lost production time:
⌬R(losses) ⫽ [Tvalu⫺Ttheo] N Prated e ⬍ 0
where e ⫽ energy price (USD / kWh)
H.-J. Krokoszinski / Renewable Energy 28 (2003) 2165–2178 2177
Since Tvalue = Total OEE Ttheo, we get Tvalu - Ttheo = Ttheo (Tvalu / Ttheo – 1) =
Ttheo (TotalOEE – 1) and, with Etheo(park) = N Prated Ttheo from (Eq. (6)), (Eq. (24))
transforms into:
⌬R(losses) ⫽ Etheo e ( TotalOEE ⫺ 1 ) ⫽ Rtheo(TotalOEE⫺1) ⬍ 0 (25)
where Rtheo = Etheo e are the theoretical wind farm revenues. Hence, the relative
annual revenue losses are:
⌬R / Rtheo ⫽ TotalOEE ⫺ 1 ⫽ PF OEE ⫺ 1 ⬍ 0 (26)
[6] Krokoszinski H-J, Voll B. Availability of offshore wind farms. Submitted to All-Energy Opportunities
Conference 2003, Aberdeen, UK.
[7] www.windpower.org/stat/betzpro.htm
[8] Waldl H-P, Pahlke T. Wind farm surveillance and video monitoring. Proceedings of the European
Wind Energy Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2001, p. 1110.