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1 2. (concert > abe Rr oe = ot meme cens > err = ate > aba Rema Ts caht aT E Factor Be Bx, ATURE fet ee face > fa co a BA 12 reife Fon esos wan erate ce Ferma et Inu: (Seren after gs area TIO, + 2Mg~ Ti+ 2Mg0 (i) SraRe wAGR Freee TIO, + Ti+ Op ‘rfone Beaten Fares suns fie Sen aan arg aca Boren cor orafOR Kereta a1 (Ti = 47.88 and Mg = 24.3) : ARIE (aa Rea = A 10086» 37.2665 (i) AO Rem AEE 100% = 59.9396 « (A Re a REA ee ij] | if Green Chemistry 3p 7 oP Sexe Bee IRUET7.18) Green Chemistry erm Rar. Geom afer eh aN eer OT WEA AA w EMBER rea mats Bs a ‘Aes: 9. ite fea eon ew oa rae Sse Bhi Rear an ine a RE aera safe Ta 2. fiom pa ree oeree sian Reto aOR xa 8. aera mafce ARON ute Boe etary 2. AH es ae tere Bure Py fren Ba wea Be GP A BE ae ae] (CRN es Fr rma ee xe ea Geo Beer TT] 3 ea Frcs ea gH oat DR AC wet (—) weHTE Sear et eon a on whe SE cee (4+) REIT ‘co wos Fmt xX + y¥ —+ mat nN ja fatirare feteeraa = 2 SRY aaa Wy QUINCE AMES. X ao ETA APTA = AX]; ¥ a TROT AREA = ALY Moa errata SoA aM); Nas wenraTa fase = ALN] ‘fatara aa ara:a se se OL 2448 Cee) ecemerss eso tinier {KUETI8-19] 22x? @19xi? — @iax1? 2410 (44x10? Cede tbl maa t07 fn 21092 447 ET on, ta 28 Seba wo" vse eens MUN M)SHE THA TAD" I MST ATA AE AT IT tle ta tas 6} IKUETI7 18) oe wo-% @-M= 282 w, Oe es omen econ fe er 020 len) eo a E15 10° (KUETIS-16] (8) 8.0 x 10°%dm? mols (@) 4.0 x 10-dm'mol"ts"* (80 x 10°dmémol-?s* (0)4.0 x 107Fdm?mol™ ast (6) 1.6 x 10-¢dm* mols - ‘aT: (a); OAT ENA, 04. A> x Faftemnba Fatima ae eo (omnes Rea ent at $2 aa), k= SET atmos? = 4.0 x 10-%dartmals (ans: BRUET (od oat Nene ear Sema 3.0 x 10™P ml L* eee er Ta aTE 6 see °F NOp ' {BUTEX'20-21] feo or Rime Sra: 2,04 AN + Og; mcs, SHC 2 faftrara a = 28a = 3 222 ins c102 Me 06. 327°C era Ht Fran eH ~ SG = KC fs OMT K = 4 10-6 litre. mole" see"! 1
C= Tot 11, ers HATERS BRT CuSO. A LAE GUTH RIA 15.0 see 1.510 mold’ sme FEE ‘sronfies Sonnac faerie ae facings IKUET*03-04) HME: 26S, + AKL Cugly 4 2K $04 + hy faftrare ga = 2582" moldm“*s"! = 1 x 10-*maldm . e | 8 ay Concept | E Berm eeu — a wtenncoterarcat Ate: “cme Bh fon Tea Mere A A waa se Res, co. wie, Bet ar wma feeb at 2 oe ara ea ren at TO RTT fae a, ee Pome Sa TR em eT + raregte Bor fio Farner ararae Saas wate roe ert es eis ero (es wees fates ree ea TTR (a a aaa farmer rice ora GE Gi wena apr (eo) Cerna iret ‘epee Pres oom ater [oovmreraror. 02, 05, Sar AN 1 &@ > Inky = B+ a6 log Ky = > SAIC, Ky = eFRe DIe aT ae ‘aH = fafiem = ee Ae = 8314 Jmol? T= sa erate : > Ink,
eo Been Firma we, att = (~)ve er DIT eT 4/7 =L- TT OS ‘weg faieur Wey, AH = (+)ve aa Oe WEE Tea > i —4 Inshe synthesis of ammonia using Haber-Bosch process, an increase in pressure should (IUT"18-19] (@) Increase the production of ammonia (b) Decrease the production of ammonia (c) Have no effect on the production of ammonia (qd) None of the above Solution: (a); Nz + 3H, = 2NHy;An = 2—4 =~2 So, increase in pressure will increase the production of ammonia : ‘An exothermic reaction is at equilibrium. If temperature is increased, which ofthe following will take place? (@) The vatue of K! will increase. (b) The value of K' will decrease, [Ans: b] [IUT'17-18] (©) The value of K+will not change.“ (@) None of them, oat aerate anaraers fare am? (BUET"12-13} ese errr (orwrar Os at: (a), FST aM aN Bore STATI BAT CIR 5 AG aA SM aR oH HI RM CU TMT eR RT NS ATT CHS RH I (RUET I-13} (are ORT (oy poate wrermTAT Cc) Feu wrerara. (4) Cu aR rT FRAT: (a), ATA eT ‘Roe Graft ernie oe ser rare STENT? (BUET"11-12} (a) NHgCI(s) = NH3(e) + Hcleg) (b) NHgCl(aq) = NHJ (aq) + CI (aq) (©) Crattaa01n(5) = Ca2Haa0y4(29) () CaC05(5) # Ca**(@) +'COF-(®) ‘ART: (b); NH,CI(aq) + NHG (aq) + Cl” (ag)EEE \ 2 cer (writen } aT ae Fence em x ose fone fra Fees Sere em ea 8 farsa era arr 3 [BUET'20.21] ( CaO(S) + COa(G) #CaCs(S) Gj) 3 Fe (5) + 4H 0G) = FeyO,(9) + 48,0) RTE (i) BOA BALA, An = —1 Gi warase are, An = 0 07. (a came Fara arora (saND) ca aT BH? IBUET*14-18] (by Frac acre rar firs sere Bon fief eetire #> (i) (qraphite) +05)» CO (gh AH= ~395 KI (ii) Hp (g) + be (s) —» 2 (g), AH = + 52 bd a a) em ret i gene oe Fre eMC fH ge TN ae by (i) eH FF iy TO Fae ‘TaAABE:Cgraphite) + Oa(g) + CO,(g), AH = ~395 kj (i) Br eer GAB (i) CretaraT ETE MTA PES Ca geen, sara a i ea me (cacao frm) Ci) H.C) + i(g) 2HIC@) aH = +52 ja TO Fae ‘aes: cy ore Far ip re FE i) HPT TT Te wr Fe ce TC eee ara em: ACH) + HB(y) = eC) + UDC) Pie 0 Seren Se wee ae at OTE ATTEETE, Ke = iqayggs “Ke = Seg Winsor Sore wacom ea STH sae mer areTs, Ky = Eth = x, = Miemnemns sapiens on firg ante Rfrae K,. aR ae Ke ae. PCs (6) © PCy () + Ch me : = N04 (8) * 2N02(@) atm 8, @)+h@ + 2m @) aaa ot Nz (@) + 3H (@) & ANH, (@) oe 7 Be I ib: Borge Fatiea ores fabeeucen ee We, SI Gm we Wea Ky
Ke Dy > Key at ar wer ee eT CH EA (i) = Key = Ky fae ara ae, ca Fk aA He oor es NH WEN CS TTA Lrot, SOUR PRT 20 ire ELS MN, .92 ON Ma E819 TE Ny So 2 ET [ATI (6); Ny + 3H v¢ 2NHy wea) | Fae Ka 1.7 x 10% em, RR on a eT? ICkRUET 22-23} ! (a (fienen mre soe cree) ORRTITR LTA) | Go) Carrere sroree era) (a) (cory Fear wT) (e) ara ogi ea) { Ke=1700M= “Qe > Ke + Fara ror Rs i. 02, cof eu ara fir an = 1 76 CoE MIE Ky @ Ke A WORE 40.5 5.5 A? 0.082 Latm.mol“?. K-? [CKRUET'21-22, 20-21, CUET"13-14, 11-12), 273.16 (0) 346.32 (0 661.26 (6) 76000. (43228 seme (6) GE = (RTO 2125 = (0.082 xT = T = 661.26K 03. 727°C the equilibrium constant forthe reaction 2505(g) + Oa(@) = 2503(8) isk, 3.50 atm" Irthe total pressure in the reaction flask i 1.00 atm, andthe partial pressure of Op at equilibrium i is 010 atm, clelate te paral presut of $0; wuP20-21) Ta (@) 057 atm (033 am (©)043 am (01060 : Solution: (9:250,(@) + 02(B) = 250,(8) Kom eg 235 ) x fy B= 05916;Po, +o, +P, * = Po, x 059164 Ry, +01 = 1 Ro,(15926) = 0.9 Poo, = 0.56568 atm = 0.57 atm (04. Forth reaction Ns(@) + 3Hs(@) # 2NH() Ky is 43 x 10°44 375°C.Caleuate Ke. wwrs.20) (00.023 mol dm? (&)0408 mal“Zdm? (6) 0.013 mol*dm® (@)1.217 mol-*am* )5 1.217 mol"2am’, n= 2-4 = 2 Na(g) + 3Hi(@) # 2NH®) Ky = Re (DM 9 Ke = a Ga? 1.217 mol-?12s 1.217 mol-#dm® 15. 700 K WIRE NaC) + 05(8) # 2NO(g) Fem TET K, 8 WH 0.0625. 700 K CATE NO(g) = $No(e) + 202(6) fafa K, aa ww RA? IKUETI6-19) @oosizs 025 (39x10 (0375 wa FHI (0); Key = FET 06. Ata temperature of 30°C and 1.6 atmospheric pressure, dicnitrogen tetraoxide (Nz04) was dissociated to 20% nitrogen dioxide. The value of Ky forthe process is- HUT"18-19] (2) 0.20atm (©) 0.25 atm (©) 0.30 atm (@) 0.32 atm (0); Nay + 2NO> + K, WS; a= 0.2 Ky = 0.25 atm EXE. retro |\\ ‘SHES dA OE: TIIT-08 07, ap amfiea AB = AY + BT a ABER 2 ABS oa ore ete TR UE ce coe farm HE IRV MOE KAR K, | ACH [At] (ABZ) SHOTS wR IKUET'I6-17] () [Bo] aero (0) (B] or arene ©) [87] eae aaetton (©) (B] are aragertee (6) [B™] aa Boe Rea «(as Ky = a rare: as, = MUD SK, hag ie * RE 08, $0,(—) +$05(G) = S04(@); Ky WR 2805(—) = 2505(—) + Ogg); Ke SH ATUETE Ky ae Ky HES sent rb (BUTEX'16-17] (@) 2K, = Ky KAZ OWEy @K.= PRIME (6); 2503 + 02 -> 2503: KF 2803 ~ 2803 + Orig = Kx KE 09, 1F4.25 mol Hy and 4.75 mol fy is kept at 8 11 flask end heated to 300 K then 6. mol HI is pfoduced. Find equilibrium constant K, aud Kp. {UT 16-17] (2) 3.563,3.563 * (b) 35.63,35.63 (@) 35.63,87.63 —(@) 3.563, 87.65 Solution: (b)s A Hy + ly = 2Ht e 7 425 478 0 ik (425-335) (478-325) 67 a Kp = Ke [an = 0] # Ky = Ke = ST = 35.68. iB 10, 25°C SreatH 1.0 atm BIH NO, 10.5% Rrmfers en) Se facmenra wT K, oH ETAT) (KVETLS-16) (o.iaz ()239 x10" ©) 5.7310 (@S.TEx 10") 0.0692 ‘ARTI: (a); NzOy =# ZNO2 dete _ onto 7 = 3 = OU = 94172 arm eee 79x 10-4 moll“ ; 0,082 x 298 Las 7 11, 25°C wrrmaT 25 atm Bem PC 65% Pm WOH PCI, eet Cl, BOM EH GPE K, TP (@) 7.475 x 10 mol L (b) 8.101 x 107% mol L“* {CUET*15-16] (©) 6.239 x 10° mol b>? (4) 7.263 x 107? mol L“* FIRM (@)i Ky = Esp = = Sco* X25 atm = 1.829 atm Kp = K(RT}E = Ke RT = Ky = $B m 5 SIE mol Lot = 7475 210°? mol I} 12. ce we Boue FiemH ‘sce, R = 0.0821 L atm mol“? K-*) (CUET"15-16} (a) 506.54°C (b) 34.45°C (©) 97.45°C (4) 779.54°C RET: 0; Ky = (RTD 9 BK. KORTE 9 RT = 4 8 Tm Ke 779SAK = 5065HHC 13, 33°C wre @ 2.5Satm FT 16.50% PCl, Remre BE MAREK, AAMAS? KUET N45) (8) 7.13 * 10-#atmn (b) 7.48 x 10-Zatm (©)3.74x 10-atm —(d) 7.13 x 10-Fatm(e) 3.56 x 10-2atm FRAT: (2); Pele = POs, + ce Gat +e Cea tee cde il = £5 = 00713 = 7.13 x 10-%atm14 i 16 18. 2. 21 > aN \. ‘WAR 94 a: TAII-O8 | 30°C Bre 1.5 atm BI 15.6% PCL Farner Ber wreMTTH K, aw [RUET'14-151[BUET"13-14] (@) 0374. () 137%4.m (6)00378a0m ——(@)235Tatm —_(&) None FRI (5 PClg > PCa + Chai Ki dak ohe fe xP= 3.0374 atm * N,O4(g) # 2NO, (g), at 250°C in this reaction mixture, partial pressure of NzO, and NO, are 0,69 and 0.31 atm, respectively, then what is the value of Kp? puTid.t5] 0.156 (0) 0.139 atm (6) 0.145 atin (20.126 atm. Solution: (0); Ky = 0.139 aun Hg(@) + ta(g) = 241(g); in equilibrium of this easton, Hy and Hl concentration ave 8,3 and 28 moVL; then K, ofthis will be- wur1.t3} @)36 (32.67 (0335 (343 Seluion: Ke = hg Ma sz67 ‘af Fara BG 25°C TAT Ky 1H 1.95 10%atent, eR WTA Ke TR A 2NOCe) + Cle) = 2NOCICR) : . IRUET I-14) (a) 4.6.x 10" {b)3.2x 197% {0) 5.9.x 10 (d) 10.2% 10% (e) None, ARTA: (8); Ky = Ke (RTI 5 Ke = GBs = SARE = 4.6 108 PCIg(g) = PCIg(g) + Cla(g) FRRrRIEH 25°C ICANN Ky, A 1.78atm, eR CANA Ke AT 7S? (a) 72.75 x 10™molL-* (b) 82.75 x 10-?molL-* [BUTEX"13-14) (c) 72.75 x 10™*molL™* (@) 82.75 x 10? moll“? SERN: (as Ke (RTP = Kyo Ke = 72.75 10"? 398K WPA Re, 250 kPa FE NO, 10.5% Fer ai ATER, Ky aE CAB? = [KUET“12413] @) 59524 ©) 59.5212 (038.4278 (0.4539 (©) 22081 [ERT (25 NaOy-e 2NOz 1 oo. te teg Lox 2x £5 GE I RATT 1-4 xe 0, = 0.185, Fro, Po, = ‘x 250 = 78.059 kPa Faso, = EE 9 Faso, = SBME x 250 = 171.974 kPa i, = Gee — S00 5 35,4378 = 35.4278 kPa Ky ae Ke Wt Wat Sethe BE [Ans: aj [BUET'I1-12) (a) OrraRaT (by BI" (c) raat (@) All of these Dror yk ace cos MTTTETH Aare Vr Ce GAG NTR (BUET'11-12) N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH5(g) (a) Kyra ar eofate era 0) K, 08 fh eH (0) Kp <0 mm arr oTeR (GK, eae K, 28 mA ate: 0); FS oe OR TTT TRIO Ky A APT AE | SES. = ta aera Rr. |ESD en ml 2, 23 24 25, 26, 2. 28, > rarer F00°C revere Fe FREE Kp et TT RF 0.01.28 atm BH, WRC Ket MI A? {KUET 11-12] IN, + 2H, & Ny {@) 040molL~* (©) 042 molt (231% 10-¢mol* (@) 398% 10-* molt* (©) 0.70 moi ATM (0): Kp = KeCRTYIE Fo Ke = Ky(RT) = 0.70 Lmol™* (aa corer wre ater a) 700 K STATA e 20 atm BIE Nz (g) + 3Ha(e) = 2NH3(g) Rettrnaite ATTTERTE 2196N, 6 16%0NH, AIC) Fatt kaa a we? : (CvErH1-3} (a) 1.097 x 10-tatm ~ (0) 4.6 x 10°? atm (©) 1.2 x 10-atm (d) None of these PATRI: (A); AIBTTRETH, Hz = 100% ~ (21 +16)% = 63% + By, = 021% 20 = 4.2atm: Ay, = 0.63 x 20 = 12.6atm; Fay, = 0.16 X 20 = 3:2atm a Fe Ny Hy Ny Kp = GER aH Kp = SOE oy = 1.2 x 10°F atm? 50°C OTHMAN NO, FEATOCT Kyo STH 3.11 atm MEA NO, a RFF Be 0.45 atin Oy et arbre ot 38? curiae (290.06 aim ©) 0.07 aun (©) 0.065 atra (@) None of these E RTE: (€) N20, = ZNO, Fefteurt wm, QAR, Ky = 3.11 atm | * : : | Kp = Fite Pug, = Bo Ryo, = ES 0.965 mm | Frog = 045 tm yoy = E ‘The relation between Ky and Ke forthe reaction Na(g) + 3He(g) 6 2NH, is- mura) (a) Ky = Ke(RT)* (0) Ky = Ke(RT)~? (OK, = KeCRTI (@) Ky = (RT) Sotution: (6): Ky = Ke(RT)®" = KeCRT)-? 300 K SITE NH Cl(s) FRCRETAT K, © Keer WATE Cat? IKUET 0-11) (a) 600.64 atm*L?mol-* (b) 606.64 atm*l?mol-? {c) 612.64 atm*1?mol~? (@ 618.64 atm*L?mol-* (e) 624.64 atm?1?mol-? IRATE (0)5 Kp = (RY Bn = 2—0=2 0.0821 L atm mot K~* [NH,Cl(s) -+ NH$(aq) + clfaq)|;T = 300K RE = (RT = (0.0821 300)? = 606.64 atm*L?mol- 400°C RTE Ns + 3a <2 2M Fema ATHMURE Ka EH OSE K, ASE FE? — (CUET*0-11] (R= 0.0821 Lit atm K-!'mol™) (0.00016 atm-# (by 0,00906atm-? (6) 2759 atm? _ (a) None ofthese FIRINTR: (a); An = 2 ~ (3-41) = ~2; Ky = Ke(RT)* = OS x (0.0821 x 673)"2 = 0.000264 atm 1 mole of each CzHs0H and CH,CO,H are allowed to reac in 1 lite of solvent (dioxane), equilibrium is «tablished when one-third of a mote ofeach ofthe reactants remains. What isthe equilibrium constant K of the reaction at this state? nurie-11) (0) 025 @2 1 a4 CH,c00¢, 5 4,0] {Hs on)(¢H,cooRt Solution; (a); K =29, Dh Wk az rae UR ct Faftemr eee eH 5.0 dm? ETA a st 4 mol Few A Flew PERT OF CH THT 1 mol A ARB ate Fru aTaTUR He? [BUTEX'22-23} oa: QA 2 Y + 2 enefier sag: 4mot 0 ° 2 205) 97 ott* ssmere, K, = AEE § 8G" 27 moll 30, Pepa Bone cae ATER Ne Hy cm WTA faferet aoa TE K, fAdeea) [BRUT 21-22] Na(@) + 3Ha(@) = 2NHy (lal INH} an Initial 02 02 - | Equilibrium: - - 0.0450 4 SRI: APUTAR, [Na] = 02 —x fi [H,] = 0.2-3% 4 INH] = 2x. Vi wb, 2x = 0.0450 + x = 0.0225 ' a Kem tal = Lovesey = 4.9043 (moll)? Tete * GE aRIKeATOTT 31. A.) +8,(e) # 2AB@) ‘rm aL rere ore ma eH PEMA OTE A CH TPA 2,By A TERRA 2. ATER Se eena RTPOARNT 3.121 Ky Ke aT FAR SR [BUTEX'21-22} FI: An(@) + BA(g) = 2AB) sree wee: 2mol 2 mol Omol PATE CAI: (2 = x) mmol (2—xJmol— 2x mol 209,23 = 3.12 mol,x = 1.56 mol {A:] = "9" = 022M (8) a set 229 50.22 m; [AB] = 222 = 156M ws ise te 7 Tasks = Bzaxoas = 50.28 + 41 Ke= 50.28 32, 30°C HHeTATaR ae 1 atm DIC ApB, 0H 20% Facarfons aa; bier af fear ear eH wrece fafeare: fhe cara few ace raf sie Pra [BUTEX 24-23] aa AgBy #208, ser ee i 0 7 raat Hox 2k Gai CTEM 1+ De 1+ x a5, Pao 190 PRR Ky = pe GF toa Bat Pao SAP, = YRCWO, y= Lam, xy 02 # hy =H a stn SOR Pym Dat, 2 y AEE 9 EE = 0148 = 1439 < 20% ie Fle rare Raarerara H Ae «: FRRAT oPTe ce wsTA wT \\\ SPIES OF 91: TRTTI-08 eB wr 35% CO, - 6596 CO mF arta mee 700°C “Bor et Fr en Bon fo ge FT Fras (onow aI Fe(S) + CO2(Q) = FeO(s) + COCR); K = 143) (BUET20-21) FIMO: Qy = 60. = S82 = 1.86 > K. meaty, afRDT GER AT 34. AGB) + 3828) 2AB,(8) {BUTEX’20-21] SL SMC GH FH BF, 450°C IMRAN TE ATTITEN Se AB, MEH CHEAT Kp Ada, GORI A. B ctr tere FH RETREAT 7 @ | SRT: A © B en NeRETA No H 5 887 FARM: Na (g)-+ 3H) = 2NH(@) eefice erage: 1 3 ° MORRIE x 3~3K Ox 0.25 ay on, V = SI. Gy we we ave Bey tase te = 0.7316(molL-!)-? = 0.7316 Lmol~? 23K + Ky = Ke(RIY-? = 0.7316 x (0.0821 x 723)-? = 2.076 x 10~4atm? « EER Kp = 2.076 x 10 atm? 35. Lamers oP ence a8 O.tmol PCI, ce Bes aT, aT ca BF BE 4.38 x 10!Nm? ToeTaT T= 450K a omnTE, K, aoa Pies! [BUET‘19.29) am PCl, = PCI, +Cly @1) 0 ° @1-x x x = NS OL-x4xtK= (OL +x) srw, PV = okt n= B= “600,01 4 x= 0.11707 I ana 0.01707 mol = 0.11707 moi ony = Seaton = Gy gad 13145.70Nm"? = 0.129738 atm 36, Aa + By AB RARRIRT AT WT K, RON AB = A, + 1B, Peete wer IKUET19-20] TaN a + By 2A ee aK = EE ty gt Wadextbstt _ (lasdetoelyi (2)2 A Aa + $8 fern are, x= al gy (2) 37. PCs + Cly o Poly Pras SFT 230°C OMA Ke wa ATH 491 Ah PCI, © Cl, eETeAPR OS mol Biers 1 comer weft rca Rem wBKa eu, Sc4 2 eremtarr arama Bofes Satna carn fy aa IRUET19-20) FRM Ply + Cl + PCly owes: Emol mol omal ma: fie bag Kom i = 49 Crs 49 Sa= 4902 — 490 42> 49a — 540+ 12.25 G @=0.78, 032 va%0S + @=032 c Tec, = 37032 = 0.18 mol; ng, =3—0.32 = 0.18 mel; Mey, =032 mol CDE s: ari aoamervon.. N |} <=: \. sero me | 25°C WTRTART 4 20.0 atin BIE Mose AAKMBTS ATER CTE CITE 16% NH, wee) BE wTEN ‘fara Ky ea wr FARR IN, + 2a = NH (BUTEX19-20) Ny + 3H Ny wna aw) de GiB ots 1a +3-3a+24=4—20 sFERC8, 2a = (42a) x 0.16 +. = 0275862 oy = (ESE) xP = 4zatm By, = Sx P= 12.60 Z Eero aaain = = peiies = 0038 atm? hor, 39, erm Re TT we TON TREE AT (BUET18.19] aero = germ ora 0.244 ebro aT DAL eT 25°C IRR AT A WG 0.11 oF ZT @ fftere e Berane im crete () frais arenes fen) (OTH aS OM BE YEAS ofits eT? irom neon ; Seta laselst ty EMS, 0.244 —x = 0.113 x = 0.244-0.113 ae o% 40. 1.6g N20, 27°C rere sree Fears 8eTERT 760 mm FE SOO mL STATES HTH NO, RMT ee ‘fate at) [BUTEX'18-19} ARTE N20, = 2NO2 16 = aL ol safe sere: 0.0174 = N20, 3 = 0.0174 mol meme 00174- n= =—25_ ~ 9.9203 mol 0174 — x + 2x = 0.0203 = x = 0.0203 — 0.0174 ee uma 9x 1073 mol t een a = = EA i)8, “SIS, R = 0.0821 L atm mot! K~1, PRT: SRT, Ky = KCRTIHN (RTI (%) 9 779537 1K = $06.5376C et 5 Foi cron aa K, au K, at IBUET'LS-15) DSB RT == 64 22°C SIATATH, N20, e 2NO, FiemBre, N20, sae NOg eH Te BI ARERD, 0.75 atm 0.25 atm Reteutba KK, a were a (CURT 13.14) FT Kp = Gata” = 2 9355 19°? atm, Kp = Ke(RT}4 Po, = 0.25 atm SRE = 34107 moan Ke = aye = Ans: 8.33 > 10? atm, 3.4 10-2 molden7] 4.08 mol ARETE 43 4.65 mol STEMFEN 444°C eremtaTE iran Tee KK. Pr a: ~ Hp) +12() = 2Hi(g) ie. 405 465 Omote rare (4.05 ~ x) (4.65 ~ 2) 2x mote 2e= 6.75 x= 3375 mole Gi, cine =v wn © GT al K. = 52.94; an = 0 Ky = Ke(RTI" = 82.94 x (RY? Parog = 0.75 atm an=2-1=1 1 L EH ate wilt FET 6.75 mol Ht Beem eM (RUET 213) DIG aa = 5294 p 25° GWOT BE NO, 18.59% fess Be Fea HK, ee ey (BUTEX‘11-12] NO, = 2No, sans) soe 0.141 atm PCh + Cl, = PCI, fara was 230°C wrrrmTaRE K, wt wT 49 iB exter aes xX#2x= 1 tx 17 PCly 9 Cl, a eareiBa 0.50 cat ara fa 5.0 litre srmoza onc sre, ere a wren Fe oreo eee wo? iRUETH-) ar: Pole + Cy = PClg ents wea: 05 05 x mole APTEl: OS—x05-x xmole 7 ett = epee as a a S9ee a, SSF YATE, x = O.782cimol (aA) wat O:319Smol (2H) AERET0.702¢ mol (Sete) -, ay FEL, PC, = 0.3195 ma PCls = Cly = (0.5 ~0.3195Ymol : feck} S22 moll 0.0361 moll! me § UGS 7)? = Sx a 12.25 ~ 49x 449%! 9.1805 mol « [PCIe] = 2228 molt = 040639 moll; ari commer von. | |49. s1 46. 47, 48, St aE 700 K erm & 20 atm BIC Na (4) + 3Hy(g) = ZN (a) Rema THT 219% Na @ 169% NE ICL RRB Ky © Ke Fifarea IRURT*10-11,05-06,03-04) FAITE Ny = 21%6NH, = 16% HI; = 100~ (26-421) = 63%, 1= Bx Pag = Gop 20 = 42atm + Ky mss eS Kp = Ke(RT) 6 Ke = Gites = att an = 2-1-3 = —2) =3.9537 mol? 6008 Bevere Peox RAFU KT 61.7 2H Ka MA [BOTEX'10-11) 802430; = 0, ‘WANT: $0 +302 = $03 7 OOM ICR Ke = 61.7 126m Fy, = 220 = 3.2 atm 210° atm? 7 Ky = KARTE" = 61.7 (0821 x 073) Faun} = 7.260 kmh 444°C wrorrany 8.1 FA eRe 9.3 fH, Pr sncnocrT fe Fefteurn 13.5 fi, fr eecEICER, RTCRTEFES (HI) Defra ea wre Farms rare Rete eT [RUET"09-10] oa He) + h() #28) enefice: 8imL 93mL Omt aaa + (@1-675)mL (936.75) 13.5 mL. i = 1.35 mL = 255 mL _ amare = AE 18S" goog Teaitsi ~ tasers . eiearedicer Ghtattcer Rema Fra: * a {BUET*08-09) N204(g)= 2NO2(g) UREN 25°C Wea HH HU Bt AATIATE Po, = 0.69 atm RR Py, = 0.31 atm. (8) ARETE Ko © Kase (oj ak wrrean sertchcok armesa aa sar Fe 7 FOR: NO, ot 2NOa! Ky = Pts = 1D" atm = 0.139 atm Ky = Ky(RIyH 2 = MIE = 5.68 10% molt + ghey yg A. $H08030 1 os = erate tt p= AO 1 0.103 = 10.3% 25°C SOPOT ATT Nz, FACE tet N30, a EFF Bt 0.75 atm. : or RRA K, = 0.33 x 10°? atm, RtrmaK. «a. NOs aalanAre om RAE eT) FRUET*OR.09} mame mee = Pao, = Rp X Figo, = VESTN IOTROTS = 0.25 tri” Ky = Re(RT)O = Ke = Gig = SBM ws 3.408 x 10-9 moll* SOO°C MARAT Hy 38 Nz, ARERT CH Nits eA ems Ae K. = 60x 10°? WO Ky an THO AR? SRN Ny + 3th; = 2H, > [CUET‘08-091 Ky = Ke(RT)*” = 6 x 10°? & (0.0821 x 773)"2(atm)-? = 1.489 x 10°5(atm)-32, 53, st 55 56, Lsiecane ey | 25°C ‘TARA 1 atm ET 18.5% NO, Fecnfrs eE NO, WUI & SHRRRARTG 0.5 atm BIe4 NO, «a Rene an es ze? {BUET‘07-08] ‘ N,0,2 2N0; —] =0.1418atm | HM = 0.185;Ky “fA, aH owen FOR a, Ky = 0.1410 = Ky = HF» o.ase = Hes) = 0.1418 ~ 0.141843 = 2a} + a3 = 0.066 + a, = 25.74% Go free Farmer own K, © K, aa 0 Yo ON: + 3M, # 2NH, G4) Pedy «2 Poy + Cly (9) 4.05 mol RRCETTER oe 4.65 mol TEEN 444°C IR XL WHER GAR Bit Fe 6.75 mol HBO 7g + Iw 2 flab a are KK, Fi? PARI: (3) () Ne + 3H, + 2NIIy IRUVET‘07-08} Ana 8 G41) #2 Ky = KX (RTH 9 Ky = Gi) POs = POIs + Cy:dn = 2-1 = 15K = K, x (RT) 0) He + iy = 2H 405465 405-x 465—x ae e Gag, 2x = 6.75 9 x= 3375 : 5 “Ke = Gypectarsyeascaim 7 5294 “Ke = Kp_= 52.94[4n = 0} i 298 40 OH 19 mo RIES 3.0 mol WN Ea fet Gos eee RO 25% | ‘Sronfhnice aeTre era Ny + 3H = NH, SHER Ke aA ER) [BUTEX'7-08, BUET‘06-07)—— aa: Net 3H, = NH are: 1 3 ° ORR: 1-025 30-025) 2x 025 ieee heehee 25°C SRNR © 1 atm BE PCL 80% Fara a Pcl Cl COMM ACE Ply wae Cl RAPHE ET, Ky @ K, kad IRUET‘O607,* Rely» PCy + Che 02x14 os. 08 fev og ona es 1, XP, _ 04 PCL eet = 5g x Lat = oat | Ky = AE Ch sa se wt = SSE x atm 3 O84 atm Ky = BE = 7.2% 10-2 { 30°C wrrmares Fae fefermoa ry wete (K,) 2.9 x. 10°? atin mer Farm Far aa Retr, WA ay Fc a wt 1.15 atm ~ IKUET"04-05, CUET"04-05} >on: 7 (so,)elPex) S0,Ch # $0, +l, rorca) 1 0 0 Ime awREND \\_ rear ce rere 57, Safe apa feq ses 30° C WITHA @ 31.5 atm AY BIC 15.6% PCI, Farms ei Se ATTEN Ky HI fra ; (CURT 03-04) rae Gra a Fa eres AR a car Fra ee 8 acu Sofie roc ae eran argos Pog = Poh Cy i i H RUTTEN 0844 = 0.156 0.156 a wean ‘Ait arse ‘ean watt HY aa aRCBS 2 ast caida wa ra er Varney ae wa ‘Berge fete for: wee eae oe TT Gig iw 6 Bla ia GIA: HCI @ NaOH HA patie o ig win Gaia: CH COOT © MOTH Big ais oH wee ORE CIS NIGH Be Rahs oa TF cam facet Goin | ae Be ee FRRCH,COOH @ NH,OH dt sfaeéay cfc fara rH: cio, > Hy50, > HI > lr > HCL> HNO, > H,0* > 1,80, > H,POg > HNO, > IF > CHl,COOH > HO, > HEN > fo ae eee eee neni ee “font afte : 7 Feros Ge«2 03, os, 08, o 10. >. WARS dF 7: SIT-08 | | THIN H,S0, > HySeO, > Hy TeO, wR eM ea eae eT eam Me CRI ra cP Fro eysranocence re for aff aNpTES AEG : 1BUET‘01-02] F.H,0,NHla, O8-, COP “Oilof Vail” Wa 1° Ans d] BUTEX'16-17] (@) HNO, (0) HPO, fone (8,80, 3 acid rain happens at ILT, what Will you use to anak the sil nom? HUT 16.17) Tse (V(NH){C0,—_{<) Dolemite (4) NO, (60: Dolomite: CaCO, MgC, which is Bie compound ‘0 Aer strength, which one ofthe following stamens mol rue? [mss Ql fLUT'16-47} {a} NCI > 1,80, > HNO, (0) HPO; > HPO, > HOM {oP > HNO, > CH1,CO,H + (@)HyP0, > HNO, > HCO, fren coe acorn fiom re? (BUTEX 15.16) (a) 1ICI0, Hel (oucio, (€) HCI0, RTA (2): CIO, @ Cla rae ere 471 cee eramrgs OTe ry cA Re aS fee ema a H0-+ NH = NIE + OH Firms of fit Ans: a] [CUET*10-11] @ss orn (Brac (a) None ofthese ro ene ort : iaorsvwan [9 Sear: AP 8 Frafeice wesoFa era, rit oren fare fone evans Rte arc ort 1 WBUETOs05) | (@)CHCOONa —(b) Zac (OKNOs E at IC wai cooNe Omid, avo, cH,coowa = cu,co0-+ Nat | anc, zn? + 200 KNO, 2°. K+ NOs Nat + O1-NaOHi **+ 2011 + 2n¢or, K+ + OH >xOH, 7 tees en) Ke Git, = C00" +H" Ch, — Goon ai ate, Nog + Hono, | eet oir =| we atitee | ea frac ep ace came Cats cea aaa es fiw Ch Be wha: TUE Tox6g (i) He, HF GIHCIO, HOO. Gi) HNOs, 1804 (x) HI, HCO, te SHIRE ICL Gi) HHCIO, Giiy 180, iv) CIO. ava ernst wine fon aragh MCA Mee] H, FeO, H,50,, HySeO, [BUET*03-04) a a8) re = | 41,0 110-8" NR 56310" HE 6.76 x 10-4 thot = fo ‘SEG. HO" S HF > Niy > COs > H1,0 5 HNG OH” > CO} > Nig >‘fra wares eA: Ky = [H30*][0H™] fiemp TK, 7 fm McQ ok, dec roman one ares OREM (K,,) 9 Ce A cS Fares @ RCHfsTE Tt ENTE CH : ICKRUET'21-22] (1.20 10-1 (160% 10-1 @)1SOX 1-1) 1.80 10-1 (6) 1.90 107721 ME: (4); Ky = 1x 107; [H*] = Ry = Loe 107M; [820] = 95.56 M «Fare irs fe ge = PE = 1.85 107% 02, 298 Koorennare oa sre area AH IRUTEN'1816, BUET" (10% (eyo (107 (a0? ET: (0 Ky = (H*YOH) ; 29m K BTA, pH = pOH = 7 = [H*] = [OH" one 10°7 Ky = 10-7 x 10"? 03, Fa ores cena re? [BUTEX’13-14) (@) 146M (b) 556M. (©) 18.36 (55som ae anole. 2000/1Bmle 5s 556 M : fre FOr (4c reser 1000 gam LIER wee) : os, nf Frarors arse Forte =m; rT SIT 25°C IMRT Ky, = Lx LOM {KUET'19-20] ‘arta 2H,0(D) + Hy0°Caq)* OH (aa) fic wa gt! TH AL Re ORT 58,55 moll* =324x10-" > HAS HT + A> afices Rome eee, K, (wary Thal > BOW BY + OH@ race Fatman eae, Ky, = ST)1 02, 03, 0s. Fr td > ON ‘SOTEA dF a: WeNT-08 | | McQ , : ‘Calculate the pti of 0.1 M CHsCOOH. The dissociation constant of acetic acid is 1.8 x 1078, (WUT"20-21) (a) 1.80, (b)2.17 ()3.19 (4) 2.87 Sotution:()i Ka = Caf; CHaCOOH(aq) =* CHsCOO™(aq) + H*Caq) | [fH] = {CHyCOO™]]” =e = i iy log(1.3416 x 10° = [i] = JK [CH,COOH] = Vigx TO X07 M eee 28723 = 1.3416 % 107M i ‘sorcery EAS SE NH; ot K, = $.8 x 10719 ACH NH, wt ky a? (CUET"14-15) (2) 5.8 x 10°! molt (0)58x 10-4 mol >t (01.72% 10°5 mol L (0) 1.27 x 10-5 mol t-t SINT: (6); Ka % Ky. Kyy 6 5X 1071 Ky = 107 Ky = 1.72 10 mol Lt 298 K OPTRA HNO, Pro PER are 4.5 x 10-* | ce MaATATE TER 5% oTafrw wa wr fife aa [BUTEX"12-13, KUET‘07-08] @)oisM. (8) 0.09 M (005M (2) 0.005 M (©)0.0005M FRI (A) Ky = RG; C= SE Sg 0y feof tc Fen ercee wee cient Xen or XCF SN otoRA 10 mLICL aRCHT pH= 2, aw omean | HE 20 mL CHaCOOH HRC at 0.002 M sae ow orca SH @ AH oneaR Tet aftaToR EROTIC RIO era Frets pH = 2.46 ome ote ears wT Be CHyCOOH ~aa Farrar wa faa IBUTEX'22-23] sonra: 94 tem, [HCI] = 10-2M : : a ‘OR PHCH, (H] = 107246 = 3.467 20-2 OF AS, HCL we [H*] = HEE 3.33 x 10-2M, = CHyCOOH Bre wae fHt] = 3.467 x 10°! 3.93 x 10-7 = 1.34 10-*M fifire wa oC = [cH,COOH 1.333 x 103M “fi CH,COOH et Fearer at = a aC'= 1.34 10-4 >a = BIE 5 9.1 & 1095 fry 300 mL OM HaS Bete ot a HEAT EE HS a FACT 10 OH EATER? [HS aK = 9.1 x 10-8) (BUTEX"20.21] raters: . H,S(aq) # 2H* (aq) +S? (aq) G-ae 2a¢ ac eK, = GeObae w _awet De ee “i feel war cae FemTeH wrat a! W = a+106 = 110, c= 04M, d=? 1 0-8 = OE a 0.040" + (9.1 x 10-%)a~ (9.1 10-9) = 0 = «= 0.013094 fal = 11a = 0.144034 5 c= 255283 x 10° M w 2.55 > 10-2 M « fie TR = 2.55 x 10-2 M Nig i SE SK, ATA S.8 x 10-19 em NH a Ky, AT (BUTEX'18-19)se Acid meee pH 7 Fe sce cafe EH wee [HY] eT MTR aE 10-7 CUM RATS WI WHT AC pH 7 XT pit = ~log(Ht*] pOH = —logioH) 298 K SITAR Gott Racers weet {H*] = [OH execa, Rarer BAUR pH = pOH = ~log 10? =7 Sr oS a Aer TA EAA pH ate pOH FA x Maemo ae fs PETE pH = —logla], x M wae an eae pOH = 2M fort orae afte eats pH = —logl2x], x MA. SU eT Ta BALA POH = ~ log[2x] 2M fran sae air watt pH = —logl Sx), x M ft ba er TR BACHE pOH = ~logl 3x] ede ins ae de ea RAT pH ee POH Fe sre ars o orca pl Peers a SoTL TN 5 eH ACE BUI 5 = 1077 mol loglx] SST HH Gs Re EK, = OF Ht ace YR XE + pil = ~Logltt*] = ~log(ae “afar og YR e) “SFR coe IT [Nt] a aT Te 10-7 cx ACS wa (Bee, 10-7 ete Pacer Beene [HI] OHS Sra wT) erate oft ors ee a Fre rE, [14] MeV DeSVOpae 7 iv ElesVpaee SY on" fey etre erate pit: 7 omne pH mnt pH wie 398 comer 6-8 wyatt Gea rere a | 66-73 core i 66-76 | * yao sats are 62-74 | orapr Brae Tere 66-69 ee (aera) aa 45-8 ee 7 735745 Hea TS GS rare 15-35 ime a a a 748 “i03, 04, 05. 0, 09, Fath ae wae pH aI WERTH 3, 4 6 $ | ak ar fae op era fier ARE ere FETE aT Ree fies wera Ht rece WaT eS BTA? {Ansiel{ CKRUET22-23}, (26x10) AZx1O™M (37x TOM @)4.9.x 10-5M(e) LB x 10-5 Fmt: («5 9H ot, [HI], = 10°%; guoriag, HW", = 10%; ert, (HY ]s = 1075 fie ree +) = Corer 37x10", Cor BRU pH = BS ay SINGH 2 lire HAC OTE HY ara ITE? (CKRUET'21-23} (a) 7.27 x 10° (b) 4.16 x 10° (©) 5.48 x 105 (0) 4.76 x 1015 (e) 1.90 x 1085 SATA (@); [H*] = 1077 = 10°RS = 3.16 x 10-2; SHY = 3.16 x 10-9 x 2.5 = 7.905 x 10-Fmol « H? SIMARD FAT = 7.905 x 10% x 6.023 x 10 = 4.76 x 10% [AIR HUT pH 7.4 AO ACO | mL OH” eRe May ICKRUET21-22] (@1atx10% ——134x10% — | 18ax10 —-@Isix108 1.49% 10 ERT: (@); POH = 14 ~ pH = 14 ~ 74 = 6.6.4 [OH"] = 10-6 = 2.512 x 10-7 M Amb @ OH” area = SPIO etO 1 519 10M WHT OTP ATA pH 3.8 Rt Ba OH” ae ATT we? ICKRUET/20-21,CUET?15-16) (9) 63310" M (0) 6.54 10° M (675 107M (84x 10-4 (asl x 10-8 M HTM (a); pH = 38 pOH = 14 ~3.8 = 102 —log(OH] = 102 3 [OH™] = 10-8? = 6.31 10-9 M . ‘The concentration of hydronium ion in a water soliton is 2.5 x 103 M, The softion will be HUT"19-20} (a Acidic (b) Neutral (©) Basie (d) None of the above Solution: (a); pH = —logl2.5 x 10-3] = 2.6 then itis acidic, nacht sifice Frere cara esta pt core ca? IKUET 18-19] GrSmgso, a4, hy Naceat GE ReChaM—«e) FAT: (); NaC, HART IR oH pH RENT CA Xe Y AP BFR Hee OH TAR 8 8RR 11 AY HHO SRE MTGE BPS eS ee? Nagco, we) NH chaee IKUET'18-19] G@)1:10%108 21 (Lox Wet — @LL0 x1 — 10x I10%1 Seat: a ra ‘sample of sea water has an OR” concentration of 1.50 x 10~! M, The pH ofthe sea water is-MUT'18-19} (a) 8.20 11.70 (102 es Solution: (¢}; POH = = log[OH™] = 3.8 > pit = 10.2 >rrafere aia OH” SerHCRR NTA 5.0 x 10° M Ror Tw Hy 0° HATA HRN HS RIA? | KUET17-18) (1.0% 10°77 (6) 20x 10-M (©30% 107m (40x 10M (59x 10M ‘WaTAPE: Ch); [HyO*][OH“] = Ky» [H,0*) = 22 = 2x 10-7 M, NoOH <4 0.1% ert Bete pH oy {SUST'17-18, BUTEX’ (as 90 (104 (124 ()130 toe ANA: (@); [OH] = [NaOH] = pOH = 1.6 = pH = 14~ 14 0025 Mj () svete tea g & id age u >: \ aim coater or, MlPSD eon moe of 11, 0.002 NaOH a pH =75? [BUTEN'16-17] (3 7 ou ws, FRM: (e); pH = 14 + loglOH 12.100 ml. swe ont estate errs acs 16.9 mL. HCL ace oR TCE Hane GE? |KUETS-16] (#) 169 ppm (6) 338 ppm (©) 338 ppb (0169 ppm ——(@) 84S ppm at a): 3 ISP = 2 xB (3s C2005) = g = 0.0169 gm = 169 9m “1000 mb, 63 WA FAAEY = 169 ppm 13, see ara Wats 0.020 mol NH OH 4% 0.035 mol NH,CI SITEs BAA pH FB? (Ky = 1.8 x 10-5) IKUET 5-16] (705 (0) 4.988, (9.01 @ 11.03, (807 tsa ye aH: (2; POH = pk, + log EAE a log ky + log ms = ~log(1.8 x 1079) + log 988 pH = 14-4988 = 9.01 14, sa pH cen cna cat I FEST TP Ans: | RUET"14-15] (a) Na and Mn () Zand Na (¢) Cand Mg. (d) Kand Zn (¢) None. 15. 002M NaOH sce pH cH? : IKUET 14.15) ( (1.69 . 8.77 (©1230 (iaat ©1398 Ht MT: (e); POH = — log(0.02) = 1.7; « pH = 14 ~pOH = 12.3 . lf 16. A solution has hydroxyl ion (OH) concentration of 6.2 x 10-7 mol/L, The pH of this solution will be- war 78 (68 21 uuT1415) Solution: (b); pOH = ~logiOH=] = —logl6.2 x 10°7] = 6.2 « pH = 14-pQH=7.8 | 17, mba pH 3.0 a went Been aT EICR BP ca, TA ST {Ans: 2] [BUET? 13-14), ata agate eer enme (sire aircon ofan pores a nce (ovate sn 94 ere (0) aba Borers frre a ica i 18, 0.02 M Ba(OH}, Baa pH Fay (RUET 13-16) (12.60 (6) 536 siz us Nowe, 19. 0.025 MOH” Fa pH cre? (BUTEX13-14) I (a) 1.60 (6) 3.69 (91031, (@) 12.40, HRIKI: (d); pH = 14 ~ pOH = 14-+ loglOH"] = 12.4 20, Fira cara ACOA pH we ATA? I RUET 12-13} (a) 7-755, (0) 645-745 (60-745 (735-745 (79-80. 21, 25°C IeTIRAN 0,015 M ae 3.75% Renate OPS BCA pH ew LA? (KUET11-12) (a) 1.8239, (b) 1.2498 (3.2498 (a) 2.2498 (e) 1.4259 HRT: (©); HGR GUT ARE > 0.015 « (3.75 + 100) mole = $,625 x 10~* mole PH = ~log(5.625 x 10-4) = 3.2498 i 22, COMER pit = 85, wee FOR HY A aT (BATE TE =2.3 litre) IRUET"H-12], (a) 727% 10° b) 3.16X10- —(4BBX 10 — (LATO! —_(e) None. 3.16 x 10° moll* 38 x 1085 8 MTA: (6); “loglH4"] = BS + [1] HY a eet = 3.16 x 10-9 x 2.3 x 6.023 x 1028 = mya (@) 665-638 6669 (4875 (20.16 24, 10M H,S0, wate Boies eReeICe era cote a a fAns:b)[ BUTEX"11-12] @ 10M (b)20M (30M (@4om 25. How many times will the concentration of H* ion in a solution decrease ifits pH is changed fom 2 10 5? (2) 10000times —__(b),100 times (©) 1000 times (€) 10 times (Ams: ef UT'14-12) 26, "Rem ice Bere car cm Fa pH asa ea {ns:e} [BURT"0-11) OSTA — (70ST ET (6) 7.0 (None 27. SST ea 1.0 M BAIT BAC pH GSE WO? Ans: b| [BUET*10-11] aos 70 was mss 28 0.2 gm NaOH 250 mi few snfire WANES waee BAC pH ATA He eR? IKUET 10-11 123 6) 13.3 (its (103 (93 RTA: (a); 250 mL. ITE NAOH TR O.2 gm” Be CHAE 0.02 MPH = 14-4 10g(0.02) = 123 29. subs pH aaa aw? (Ans: d] (RUET10-11) oss et0 62 wa (©) None 30, ER EAH pH wa WF 3,6 Wet BAMA [H*] ot TA CoM? ICUET'10-11) (a) 251% 10° nol /2 (0) 252 10° mol/L (6) 251% 10°4 mol/L a None FATA (C) pH log{H*) = (H*] = 10-P" = 10-36 = 2.512 x 10-4 mol /L 31, 0.0001 M HCl Bac pH wa ate 5? + (cveriay (a) 4.0 (0) 3.0 (35 (d) None of these ATT: (a). pH = —log(H*) Wog(0.0001) = 4 32, eB Here AH PRTRICEEN TAA TAG 3.3 x 10"? Ma ace pH wo? (CUET041) («) 200 iss (aes ais FMATA: (b) pH = —log[H*] = —log(3.3 x 10-2) = 1.482 33. Ifthe hydrogen ion concentration of a fruit juice is 3.3 x 10-2 M, what is the pH? (RUT'10-U1) (a) 2.48 (b) 3.48 (c) 2.18 (d) 1.48 * Solution: (d); pH = ~log[H*] = —log(3.3 x 10-2] = 1.48 rn 3M Whatishe pit ofthe solution a 198 consining 2 gof NaOH in S00 ml of water? LUTO8-0 @p 62512786 (a 12204 Sotuons (05 C= 20H = 100» 9.9675 4 pOH logC = 1.20412 » pH = 14- pOH= 12.796 35. The number of H" ions preset in I ml. ofa solution having pH = 13 is: (UT"08-09) (a) 10"? (b) 6.023 x 1019 (c) 6.023 x 107 (d) 6.023 x 107° 10°PH = 10-19 moll“; No.of ion = 2 Uxsezsntort a aera eo | 6.023 x 107 x ‘WARIS 9A 1: TRIT-O8 mi cores ont pl Sha era. jAns:e][ BUTEX11-12}38 39, 40, 4 > \ SORIA OF OM: TAT-08 a Fron Ree pi acre Ah Fe iy AA YEA (i) RRA FMNME ().62—74 IS 35 1M, 0.1 M8 0.001 M NaOH aces pit Ferm) IRUET19-20] IBvETI9-20, I: pH + pOH = 14 = pl = 14 ~ pon = M4 + logiOH"] pHCLM NaOH) = 14 4 tog(t) = 14 pH(O.A M NaOH) = 14 + 1og(0. 1pH(0.001 M.NaOH) = 14-4 og(0.001) = 11 50 ink CARTE H,S0, 100 mnt. coFIENETA NaOH FESS war Fae wary ete ea? et cae ‘wana Fifa IRUET"18-19] sr = Bae ASHEN 97667 «fires ttn expen, H,S0, — 2H + SO%- {(H,504] = 0.1333 M 1,80, <4 rear = 0.1333 M : | worse 1OmL 0.2 MUCLEAt 30,08 M NaOH 1D mL 0.4 M NaOH ee fore ere ftipe ace era pH ee a Fra ft] = MMC B Me WH HOA 92m (4) sora wrasse pea LOH”) = 0.20M OH = —logiOit-] = 0.5528 pH = 14 — pow = 13.4472 7 Faces i foe ph fr e441 BU ‘Subject (pH range manne as Peers wi wer Die S EEE ora [Subjet «pf ra 135-145 _SRCRTSA SEAT 6 10"? wa FSD RIG weve ae RCA EC 4x 10-2 MW ‘Fete 500 mi, ence a ftte aca wer ae ara Fes Dee ear ee) wees ADA Fats pH ww EC? we Fora fae area ea Bh? [BUET16-17) orate: | ‘ ™ loglH*} = 1.301, 1 ofS SAI wre al otc BCA aT) 105 M bo. ifensora erorca Page oT,EEEEDD.\ 2c | 42, af ora arate ee sooner an Refs ee To ROT DICER a CER HE iC Ate 1 a athe carer wera 0.01 M wee FREI WA Ky = 1.80% 10°9 eH REM ECAR TAR pH wE RCA? ga nen oer BE xa aH : [BUET16-17} ‘waves: [0it-] = JK XC = VIER TOE XOOT = 4.2426 x 10-4 M ‘soapr aft, {H*][0U-] = 1 107! 3 —log[H*] = ~ log(2.357 x 107) = 10.6276 “al WRT DICKS BoA aca a, 357X107 M a 43. 25 mL 0.1 M HCI Bae 0.1 M NaOH weet wat DRGonas a Pig Boe Referers pH et MH aT (2499 mL NaOH ou BEET) IBUET"I3-14) (0) 25. rl NsOH CO : IR a) (H*] = EIA Gy — gl = 46909 SSA IDNIE Oy: pf = 14 pOH = 14+ opt] = 103001603 44, 0.01 MNNAOH (Ky = 1.8% 1075) eet pH st AT IRUET"10-11) AR NAOH = Nii? + OF ca-«) ac aC Ky = 28m atc o- f- = TOM [OH] = ac = 42426 x10 x 001 = 4.2426 x 10-4 } ‘Sr, YON] = brome] = Ey = 2.357 «10° pi =~] = —1og(2257 «10-1 = 106276 ; eer ater: pli = 14 — pOH = 14 + logloH~*] = 14 + log (VROXE) = 14 + og VEBRTOSTONT = 10.6276 : 48. 001 MNSOH TRC pH RTE)” (BUTEX*10-11,06-07 FRITH 0.01 M NaOH Fars POH = —logfOH-] = —logl O01] = 2. plh= 14-2 = 12 46, eo ere sore Rag NE eA 3.9 10"? Mee eH HOI RE BNLAT az pOH eames e (aver 08-09) FAM [Hy O'] = 33 107M; POH = 14 ~pit= 14 — 24015 = 1252 4.2426 x 10-* DIES aa 9a PH = —loglHt,0*} = —log(3.3 10-8) = 1.4815 «pH <7 «wee we 47. 0.01 MHCI Bana pH Fe? A (BUTEX‘08-09, 06-07) ‘ASAE pH = — Jogl H*] = ~log{ 0.01) = 2 48. 0.0003 M cairatirara aRcaranes wees pH Fide eA (BUET‘07-08) ANT: [O11] = 2 x 0.0003 = 0.0006 M; pOH = ~loglOH 14-3222 = 10.778 48. com afro pi TEA 2.5 WE mst oO AEE RCN SIAC TR] PBUTEX"OT-OM| an ETA A, pH = —IoglH*] 25 = —ogl*} [HL = 10°84 = 3.16 10°? moll! 11a, 1000 cm® a afRcgiem ER 3.16 < 10°F moh Lem? was st 222" nok = 2.16% 10°F mol FATE, 1 mol = 602 x 107° (B 2: 3.16% 10° mol = (602 « 108 x 316% 10°) B= 1.9% 10! a) = triacs er. ||
TVR mm [BUTEX"05.06) area wT 25°C errs HCL aw ae aU pH 2.6990 wa waa tt TAC AEE Fa [BLET*03-04) ‘rater: pl = —loglH*) => 2.699 = —log{H*] = [H"] = 1.99986 « L073 moll=! = 2.x 10°? moll? Hcl» HY + cl- fafeur ers, HCL aa aa 2 10" moll a BR ATTA A HTE B-H? 1% NaOH BHR pl FAT IRUET*3-08) AA: SOT Ha: RLS RPT IT ATE TA MT “awe wae: CU HR A Pra pH ATC TR TAT A IW NaOHcn rat = 22 = 0.25 He CH/V) = 2 a] _ pOH = —log{O!t~] = ~1oy0.25 = 0.602 = pH = 14 — po! orga aor BT BT PRCT SIUC ATT 2.8410 moll (Eo pH ee? iy TH AA wee [WATER (i) pH = —log[H*] # —log(2.8 x 10-5) = 4.55 Gi) ai hs pir aR cerca ate [OH"] = 3.4 107 May, raga ae pH (BUTEX'01-02] Sra pI RO a [HY] METAR WE NT TAIT p= — logl H*] pOH = “log 3.4 « 104) =4.46882 .. pl = 14 4.46852 = 9.53148 eae 13, IBUET"02-03} iF concept . SRT HATA pH seat. CETIP torrets Sta ‘ef va BAC OF, pH = pK + log 5 eae HAN aT HaCaT, POH = pKy + tog cre fea ITH WAT GET ARATT + pH = pK + log, op = ara ve saree OY CH TT SB ere ee AT OTe ACT pase = AA SOR BATT ECA EY HLT Sain wa Eas slate aie cam Fea pH] WEN wwe BGT Wee aire aM eT pl ‘ffiréa: pH = pK, + log 22 | fend: POH = pkey + log “aa area eet STORES ra cor aa pit senda, | aan area Bed flees cae ACA pH AE pH = pk, + log Tn 2 ART ae COPS SIVA BISA Cate AIT aT AS OPPS HSA HTC TA FATTo1 02, 04, 05. 07. 08, Bi >.< How many grams of sodium acetates 1 be mixed with 1.0 dm 04 molar avétc aid solution to have hydrogen ion concentration, (H*) = 2.0 x 10* gion dmv? in the solution? [K, = 1.8 x 10-9] fur19.20) (0) 24.528 (0.036 g (292g - were om: (2; Miturs of CH,COOH & CHjCOONa willbe buffer, pH = pK, + log tao" fotscoons) Sol Neon) 79 —log(2 x 104 ~log(.8% 10-5 + log"22 (sn er ture their vole willbe sa) 287 = ATA + gO jog! = 1.06 nay, coong 0065 W = 1036 x 82 =2952 What ratio of M41 is required fora buffer sotution that has p a 7.02 [K, Value of NH ion = 5.6 x 10-19) (56x 1077 (0) 65x 10°" (c) 177.83 (@) 17,783 (LUT'16-17) Soliton: (a pH = pk + Tog MER, Ml = 5.6 x 10-4 25% were eS APR pK, wT 4.761 5.0 pH 98 Sirs wae cfu omCET cee fasts onge eat = CUETIS.16) (@)None of them 7 (8) The ratio of sodium acetate «acetic acid is 1:1.738 (6) The rato of sodium acetate o acetic acid is 1:1 {d) The ratio of sodium acetate to acetic acid is 1.738:1 | soma om oct IEE (pH = plat fog = § = 4.764 og Bw Sa = 10476 = 19924 = 1.736; PH = 4.60 RAY we are was sree UTE cx NCS Ha aS CTC REE RMR ate: aire BTS we? (oom wicepk, = 4.75) 1KUET 1415) (@0708:10 (060410 (—)OG071.0 ——OSOR.TO fe) 0.804: 1.0 ARTE: (a pl = pK + log SL 4.6 = 75 + og tg td B20 Terr Eee Te eR: . tans: b) (RUE 1415} (2) 0.2 M 10 mL. CHsCOOH +0.2.M 10 mLNaOH (6) 0.2 M 10 mL CHyCOOH + 0.1 M 10 mi. NaOH (€)0.1M 10mLCH,COOH + 02M 10 mL.NaOH (dl) 0.2 M 10muL HCL + 0.1 M 10 mL NaOH (©) None se PETA BT HCN we NaC BH Bas WRT 0.025 M ee HCN reAeae ar 7.20 % 10°F Roa BR A? wea ee ETA fea IKUET"13-14) (a) 7.20 10-°M (by LOM. (©) 0.025M — (4) 5.67 x 10-** (6) 29.45 x 10-10 RHE (0); pH = “Iog(7.2 10-5) + tg els ~ gl = —togt2 x 10-9 [Ht] = 7.2% 10-5 M ace ree fora sates cord? {Ans: a} RUET"'2-13] (@) H2CO, + H,0 = H,0* + HCO; (b) CO, + H,O = 2H* + COR (©) HCOS = Ht + COz- (Gd) HCOD = H* + Coe (e) None ‘Frost coat area Hee ae? JAns: ¢/[BUET11-12) (a) CH,COOH + CH,COONa (b) H2CO3 + NaHCO, (© Helo, + cl,cooH (0 NaligFO4 + NaH, i feo aren PAGE ROT.| =D. rere 19. Henderson 7iteras ara cara Face Caras fo aR jAns: ¢, d][KUET 1-12) (a pit= pk, —top 2 (Ky = ~plt + Log (©pptt = ply log SE Go pli= vk, + ng 88 (e)toglt] = tog + tog 10. aah ares Bas HCN GNaCN BER BRC TET O.01M I MH HCN oe TERRA HAT 7.2 x 10 ewerant err 2 OH STE OT FS? \cuEr Hn] (a) 1389 10M ()L3 x10 M— (@) 1.389% 10F M(B) None ‘arate: (a) pit = pk, + log HL = pit = pk, + log = pit = pK, +0 pH = pKa 2 {Ht] = Ky = 7.2. 107 Ms [OH] 389 x 10-'M 11. 1 once $3.45 mg NH, CL HATS ee Rew wea BATH pH Ma HT BARTER) 6 BTS [NHS] [NH] ca ay (M9) Fr aeH [NIG TET, = 10°24] {BUET"21-22] ‘RTA: NH aK, = 107%2° 7 2p, = 926 ~ 5345 x 103 HEEES {NHg) = = 9.99 x 107M NH ai pk, = 14-926 = 4.74 pH = 8. pOH = 14-8=6 DoH py +o ("= 6 =474 og (1!) yyy = 55% 10°9 mal ce [Nits] = 5.5 x 10-8 (ore AL] 12,¥0.0S M CH,COOH BRU Area FS ‘em? 0.1 M CHy COONa 4a4 CUteT Taree BAC pH 4.0 A? - armen cue aeare a Se, pH = pKa + jog ARSON!» |. [BUTEX'21-22] tog(L8 x 10° + og aust HEH = 08 a4 = “etucootett = 0.18 + Veujcoons = 54cm? 13, as ca eae ane o ww car carat eID ars 7 FBR HRCH 4 x NaOH wag aT eT BOTs fee pit Fda ay bio airren Facute es = 1.8 x 10°41 IBUET19-20] ERT: pl = pk, + log SBSSONe = —1og(1.8 x 10-5) + log, a a) ceeeres BH 0.1 M ME 2 crm? CD aC IE HEAT RAT Ia BWA CAT O.1 MATA HC 0 5 co? eH GUM AT RET Be pi TAH [Ky = 33 x 10°) IKUET19-20) sre: em: NH + HCl + NHQCI : ORCS: (0.1 x 25) @ixs5) 0 =25mmol 05 mmol cnot: 2mmot G05 mmol Be NHL Cl ree Pecans ea oe SAME NH, NHL,OH TRE ACH IGS iy #0" NH OH POH = pky Hop aL, = ~log( 38% 10-9) + og = 3.06 + pt 15, 4.05 pH wx aa apa as ere 20 S00 mL oTFITE 1.2 g CH, COOH we RGAE STR CHjCOONa co Bete 4-388 = 10.12 SIRO BTR? (K, = 1.8 x 10-5] {BUTEX'19-20) ste p= py +g 405 =~ tg. 20-9) + 2 W = 0.3312g CHyCOONa 16, 0.280 M NH,CI ae 0.0700 M NH, zeta tte pH fore O21 NH. HAUNT FACTOR aA Ky, = 1.76% 10°F) DRA a A: POH = pki + log 2 = —Iog(.76 x 10°) + og 2 RUE 1#-19} pOH = 536 « pil= 14~ pot = 0643 17, 400 mL. 0.1 M NaOH 1 774 600 mi.0.2 Mare ans cM A eM I AS AT | AT AT pH are? (ae fares wT: pK, = 4.76) (BUET7-181 >a: CH,COOH + NaOH = _ CH;COONa+H,0 oH: a b ° rare: (a-b) 0 b (012-004) 0 0.04 a= acid an om mole = SV = 02x #2 = 0.12 mole b= base et ara mole = SV = 04x pit = pk, + logit 446 1 (ere BY IRUETIS-16) ae: ce A HATH HH ARO IAT IC TNE HEM AE (b cereTaTa area ara fre rer BL ATA BA, pH = pk, + log Et ; wat arn HALA, pH = 14 ~ py — log ies (c) 6 rer 0.25 M NH, 60.40 M NHC SR) BeBe pH PAT SHEAR Ky 1.8 x 10°F aa DOH = pk og = —og(.8 x 10°) + og = 4948 3 pH = 14— pOH = 9.05118, 20. a 2. 26. at 25°C wrormrare omIfate eAITER pK, = 4.76, STH 5.0 pH ae aT Bae Cnfoura SHTFACED cue Freee ies a (CUE) Rr: p= pk + logit 5 = 476-+ og At logit = oe = 1.7362 + 5.0 pH am rere ret teft wae CrfeAa SNES @ MAS ofS 1.738: 1 IAEMICE Rete eA | 4.60 pH a4 aoP anata wae Zefa aCe eras aeHT eR Force 0.01 M SITES aPC 10.0 mL Bat GR S500 cs wo we so (aL) OT COT HEE HA pk = 475] [BUET'12-13} ane p= pk, + loge 34.6% 4:75 + log EE Va 30cm? 0.1 M NaOH Hc 100 con® 01 M Rarities iceR es CaM ar Kon 2B aa ee pe iy CReraice aH Ky = 1.8 x 10°51 [BUTEN'11-12] sem p= pk, +1 NaOH + CH3COOH + CH,COONa + H,0 2 TRC TA EAH = 30x 01 x 10°F mole» ATER GAT RAT = 70 x Oct x 10°? mole «pH = ~log( 1.8 10°) + tog (22) = 6377 «afb ater RES HCN NaCN BT eT AT 0,01 M 1 HCN SA A 7.2 10-20 [ERIRCH He ON: seers WTA FE? [CUET'09-10, RUET?04-05} ‘iat: pH = pK, + log 22 “pH = 9.143 Peta To | th nto 9.209) Ah pH == logic, + log et “(HY) = 7.2510" = =10g (721079) + log 22 @ eran) ta fers ago ona [RUET*08-09) RR RT eA ee kA A Tt aM eT A pH mI ATER AT AC eo are me ae ge IC PITS TN DK eM A TTA HR SS a (0) 10 mL 0.1 M ef fits ect 4 ml. 0.1 M NaOH Bee cM are Bee BEES pH ER? [pK 4.75 THIS: 4 mL, 0.1 M NaOH = 4 mL.O.1 M CH,COOH NaOH + CH COOH =5CH,COONa + #0 ‘waft afte = 6 mL. 0.1 M pH = pK, + log itl = 4.76-+ og 222 = 4.504 025 Mwai ate et 0.100 M onfSUN wa Use wae pH ew? (K, = 1.8 10-4) 274 + log (8) = 3.74 -03979 = 3.346 [CUET 8-09, eo wr es SHAS aPceR KH 0.20 moll eae cafe BTIPTCCS WARE 0:30 moll! fe «aces Riemer WAGER ATA 1.80 x 10-* moll? ea Heat pH wo? [BUTEX'08.09] FAN pit = pka + log SH = —log( 8x 10-4) + log (22) = 4.92 (a) core ar wes RTCA ICTS WATTAT 3 x LO-Smoll~* ay, 2B HACE pl WE Ra? HAE eS AY (0) cower zac hese Br CRE ALEC CATHIOTT re [RUETU7-08) ARTE: (a) pH = —log{ H*] = —logl 3x 10-5) = 4.5228 sansa arf eB wraM pH <7. (cero carenera rae am a BAT pH Ft TIE AA pH = pk, + log Set CREP ora HAC SCTE (oes wees pi Pree at ATT (i) ARG pH a era et ee mE HO 9 ETA HA AT IN eM TTT sae fre eat era wre a en) =<. ae\ ‘WHEE 3A AF: TENTT-08 i 27.4.0 pH sraara wea Cela a6 60 mL 0.05 M wae oF wre mw mL 0.1 M Coeur ATA rae GUT eae ‘G4 (HCOOH a pk, = 3.8) {CUET‘07-08) FIM: DH = pK, + tog tL 28. (9) HACIA pH © Ta was Hea fre [RUET*06-07) STATA: pH: Set Borge H* ru Wr EE Aen PIR pH ACA) pH = ~log[H"] WR A: HBA pH MRE TEN OR BHA APH AM AH GTA: CH COOH @ CHjCOONa sf He) (6) 0.1 M SHES APIs @ 0.1 M CnReAy SERED RA wens pH fits aa Be wate acgICeA SrA WHHNAT FS? (K, = 1.6 x 10-5) Jae pH = DK, + fog = —log 1.80% 10°F gl 22!] = 4.745 (H* ] = antilog (4.745) = [H*] = 1.80% 10-3 mol t-* 29. 25°C Trae 1.0 dm? er area BAT 0.025 mol NH,OH us 0.035 mol NHAC et 30a) & 68% opr NH OH sm caer rae, Ky, = 1.8 x 10-5 apete waefOa pH RL: IKUET‘0S-06] = 38 + log(Z82) = 47sA6rmt ' THR FOH = py + og EL 14 pH = ~ log (1.8310°) + log 22-5 ptt = 924 30, 0.1 MST as ee 0.15 M cnfoUr aE aT TOA 1G ETH Bra pH on es Bes BCs RPRCHTCNRT {CUET“08.06) [J “Sree wera Feit Hai (Ky = 1.8*10-% mol L*) THAT: CR, AFF] = 0.1 M; MI= O.15M; K, = 1.8 x 10-§ mol I> DH pik + opt = p= og (Ky) + og! -Iog (10x 10-4) +0476 pt = 492 ‘SI, pH = —log(H*}=>[H*] = 10-* = 1.2 x 10-5 (H*} = 12% 105M id 31, 30 em, 0.1 M NaOH BH se 100 cme, 0.1 M CHs COOH ee aren Rea Metre esta put AE [k= 1.8107) IKUET (3-04) FRA a 72% Oclmole mos = 2 x mole DH = Bk + og St = og (10°) + lg( 2622) 52577 32, RETA ERCRT pH set HBS cowTIHT teas PHT eA [CUET"03-04) ‘TAIN: CH; COOH = CH, COO + H* Hy = AEE ey = 6 EL og = oe + lag = PH = iy ~ og 28 2 ih =p, + og SE 33. Re Ras rae oe ACO pH = 7.4 RAW [HCO; | [HsCO5) ee PRE WE? (K, = 4.3 x 10-7) RT: H,CO, = HP 4 605 (BUETO1-03) PH= pk, + og 7.4 =tgl.3 «10-7 + ot aca 974 = 6367 + log Sat = SN = yqra-ose7 = 19.79 ,, Ce) [,) ~ 4a Ree ao a arr aR aT a RACIAL aT BTA CT TOR ATTEN AD INS ROP Ay STATA ATA ACH SEHR TAT, CAGRy TR TUT OOM AE CRU TENG “TT RED CT onal 0.79 inc > inet = om vedo onan. |
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
Thomas L. Friedman
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The Outsider: A Novel
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The Outsider: A Novel
Stephen King
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
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Yes Please
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Yes Please
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
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Fear: Trump in the White House
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Fear: Trump in the White House
Bob Woodward
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
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John Adams
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John Adams
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
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