The document discusses computer languages and language processors. It classifies computer languages as low-level, middle-level, and high-level languages based on their proximity to machine-level instructions. Low-level languages are closest to machine code while high-level languages are easiest for humans to understand but require translation. Language processors such as assemblers, compilers, and interpreters are used to translate between language levels so programs can be executed.
The document discusses computer languages and language processors. It classifies computer languages as low-level, middle-level, and high-level languages based on their proximity to machine-level instructions. Low-level languages are closest to machine code while high-level languages are easiest for humans to understand but require translation. Language processors such as assemblers, compilers, and interpreters are used to translate between language levels so programs can be executed.
The document discusses computer languages and language processors. It classifies computer languages as low-level, middle-level, and high-level languages based on their proximity to machine-level instructions. Low-level languages are closest to machine code while high-level languages are easiest for humans to understand but require translation. Language processors such as assemblers, compilers, and interpreters are used to translate between language levels so programs can be executed.
The document discusses computer languages and language processors. It classifies computer languages as low-level, middle-level, and high-level languages based on their proximity to machine-level instructions. Low-level languages are closest to machine code while high-level languages are easiest for humans to understand but require translation. Language processors such as assemblers, compilers, and interpreters are used to translate between language levels so programs can be executed.
Low Level Language Middle Level Language High Level Language 2) Language Processors Syntax - Structure of sentences Program – It is a set of instructions given to a computer. These collections of instructions are written in some specific language that can produce various kinds of output which is known as Computer Language or Programming Language. Here even computer can communicate with its own languages like: Low Level Language Middle Level Language High Level Language Computer Language
Low Level Language Middle Level Language High Level Language
Low level languages are considered to be closer to computers. The instructions are written in binary numbers i.e 0’s and 1’s. They can be easily be understood by the computer, but difficult to read and write by the user. Low level language is closer to the computers. Low level language is also called as Machine Language. It does not need any translation to execute a program as it is executed directly by the computer. So low level programs are fast in execution. Middle Level Language is also known as Assembly Language. In middle level language. binary digits are substituted by symbolic codes called MNEMONICS. This helps to improve the understanding of the language between the user and the computer. A mnemonic is an alphabetical abbreviation used as memory aid. For ex: to represent store, the mnemonic is STA may be used. Output - OUT , Input – IN , Load – LDA Assembly programming is simpler and less time consuming than Low Level Language. High Level Language is very similar to the human languages and have a set of grammar rules that are used to make instructions more easily. It is a computer language which can easily be understood by the users. It is also called as Fourth generation language. Every high level language have a set of predefined words known as KEYWORDS and a set of rules known as SYNTAX to write program. It is easy to understand by the user, but computer does not understand it and it has to be converted into Low Level Language. It requires a translator. Eg: C, C++, C#, Java, Ruby, Delphi, Perl, Python,Visual Basic, etc. Language Processor is also known as Language Translator. Language processor is used to convert High level /Middle level language codes to machine language codes. Functions of Language Processors Language translator automatically converts the program into machine language. To detect error in source code during translation. Types of Language processors: 1. Assembler 2. Compiler 3. Interpreter LANGUAGE PROCESSORS ASSEMBLER COMPILER
Translates high level language into
Translates assembly language machine level language. into low level machine language. Converts the entire program before Converts the entire program running. before running. INTERPRETER
Translates high language into
machine code language. Converts the program line by line until any error is rectified.