Course Notes 1
Course Notes 1
Course Notes 1
why impact evaluation is important and how it fits within the context of
evidence-based policy making
Impacts are defined as: The positive and negative, intended and unintended,
direct and indirect, primary and secondary effects produced by an intervention
(OECD Development Assistance Committee definition)
Other definitions of Impact evaluations:
Impact evaluations are based on models of cause and effect and require
a credible and rigorously defined counterfactual to control for factors
other than the intervention that might account for the observed change.
including that the organization is learning what does and doesn’t work,
and is using this information to improve future implementation and
investment decisions.
What Is Impact Evaluation?
Their design, method, and cost vary substantially depending on the type of
question the evaluation is trying to answer.
Broadly speaking, evaluations can address three types of questions (Imas and
Rist 2009):
Impact evaluation
For instance: