Lesson Plan 4:14

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Teacher: Ms.

Gabrielli Class: 2nd Grade Date: 4/14-4/20

Lesson Concepts & Motivation: Materials: Set-up:
-Singing and chanting in major and minor. -Speaker -Youtube opened up to Swan Lake
-Singing in duple and triple meter. -Laptop with Youtube open
-Chanting in duple meter.
-Listening, echoing, singing and chanting
-Movement: flow, macro, micro
-Learning about Form (ABAC)
Song/Chant/Activity/Objectives Step-by-Step Procedure Evaluation Time
S/C/A: Form (ABAC) - Swan Lake Position: Standing Circle Formative Assessment: 15-20 min-
Theme -T will observe S perform motions utes
Tonality: Minor Tchaikovsky - Swan Lake Suite Op. 20a conducted by -T will observe S match pitch con-
Meter: Duple Sylwia Anna Janiak tours
-T will observe S identify sections
Objective(s): -T plays video from beginning through hand signs
I will listen to a song in minor -T says “Be swans with me but don’t sing” (Section A)
I will sing a song in minor -T sings “Tchaikovsky wrote a great ballet, its name is
I will perform the motions Swan Lake” with oboe
I will do the hand signs for the appro--T flaps arms at their side slowly
priate sections -S listen and perform motions
-T says “Breathe and sing”
SSS: -T and S take a prep breath
MU.2.O.1.2 Identify the form of a sim- -T and S sing theme with oboe and perform motions
ple piece of music.
-T says “Do what I do” (Section B)
MU.2.S.3.1 Sing songs in an appropri- -T bend down and swings arms side to side, slowly mov-
ate range, using head voice and main- ing their body up and down
taining pitch. -S imitate motions

MU.2.C.1.1 Identify appropriate listen- -T says “Be swans again and sing” (Section A)
ing skills for learning about musical -T and S sing and perform motions together
examples selected by the teacher.
-T says “Let’s play the instruments in the orchestra”
MU.1.F.3.1 Demonstrate appropriate (Section C)
manners and teamwork necessary for -T models how instruments are played (Ex: violin, harp,
success in a music classroom. cello, trombone, trumpet, percussion)
-S imitate motions
MU.1.O.3.1 Respond to changes in
tempo and/or dynamics within musical -T says “Now conduct the orchestra” (Coda)
examples. -T waves arm in front of their body
-S imitate motions
DA.2.S.3.3 Repeat given movements
to show coordination between body -T stops video
S/C/A: Transition - Chimes Position: Standing Circle Formative Assessment: 15 seconds
Tonality: N/A -T will observe S follow directions
Meter: N/A -T plays the chimes
-S sit quietly
-I will listen for the chimes
-I will sit/stand when the chimes play
(Stand for this)
-I will wait for directions

DA.K.F.3.1 Follow classroom instruc-
tions given by the teacher.

S/C/A: Form (ABAC) - Swan Lake CONTINUED:

Theme -T asks “What was the first motion we did?”
-S answer
SSS (Continued): -T assigns name to motion: Section A
DA.2.C.1.2 Demonstrate listening, ob- -T shows letter A in Sign Language
serving, and following skills while -T says “Say Section A and do the hand sign”
learning dance movements; and per- -S echo and show hand sign
form them with the teacher and alone.
-T continues with every movement until Form ABAC-
NCCAS: Coda is introduced
MU:Re7.2.3a Demonstrate and de- -T introduces the word “Form”
scribe how a response to music can be
informed by the structure, the use of -T says “Now let’s watch the video and show me the
the elements of music, and context hand signs as we get to the sections”
(such as personal and social). -T says “Show me what section Swan Lake starts with”
-S show hand sign for letter A
-T plays video
-S show hand signs as they hear sections change
S/C/A: Transition - Chimes Position: Seated Circle Formative Assessment: 15 seconds
Tonality: N/A -T will observe S follow directions
Meter: N/A -T plays the chimes
-S stand up quietly
-I will listen for the chimes
-I will sit/stand when the chimes play
(Stand for this)
-I will wait for directions

DA.K.F.3.1 Follow classroom instruc-
tions given by the teacher.

S/C/A: Pizza Pizza Daddy-O Position: Standing Circle 10-12 min-
Tonality: Major utes
Meter: Duple -T says “My turn”
-T sings Pizza Pizza Daddy-O (x2)
Objective(s): -S watch and listen
I will listen to Pizza Pizza Daddy-O
I will move to a song in duple meter -T says “Join me in singing when I say ‘Pizza Pizza
I will sing to a song in major Daddy-O’”
I will follow the leader -T sings Pizza Pizza Daddy-O 
-S watch and join with “Pizza Pizza Daddy-O”
MU.2.S.3.1 Sing songs in an appropri- -T says “Let’s add something”
ate range, using head voice and main- -T performs motion while singing Pizza Pizza Daddy-O
taining pitch. -S mimics motions while singing Pizza Daddy-O
-T introduces new motions at the end (Ex: Rope, swim)
DA.2.S.3.3 Repeat given movements (x3)
to show coordination between body
parts. -T stops and says “Wait let me try something”
-T gets in the middle of circle and performs song
MU.1.F.3.1 Demonstrate appropriate -S mimic and perform song
manners and teamwork necessary for -When T is ready, T spins and lands on a student
success in a music classroom.
-T tells *Selected S* “Now you get to be in the middle of
NCCAS: the circle”
-S gets in the middle of the circle
-T performs motion while singing Pizza Pizza Daddy-O
-S mimics motions while singing Pizza Daddy-O
-T tells *Selected S* to pick two moves before spinning
-*Selected S* introduces new motions at the end
-*Selected S* spins and lands on *New Selected S*
S/C/A: Look to the Window Position: Standing Circle Formative Assessment: 30 seconds
-T will observe S follow directions
Tonality: Dorian -T says “Do as I do” -T will observe S perform motins
-T takes a prep breath -T will observe S sit in a circle
Meter: 5/8 -T sings 1st phrase (“Look”) and performs motions
-S perform motions
-I will listen T sing Look To the Win- -T sings 2nd phrase (“Point”) and performs motions
dow -S perform motions
-I will listen to a song in Dorian
-I will listen to a song in 5/8 meter -T sings 2nd phrase (“Point”) and performs motions,
-I will perform the motions changing the last line to “sit”
-I will sit in a circle -S perform motions
-T and S sit on the floor after song is finished
MU.K.O.1.1 Respond to beat, rhythm,
and melodic line through imitation

DA.K.F.3.1 Follow classroom instruc-

tions given by the teacher.

MU:Cr1.1.Ka With guidance, explore
and experience music concepts (such
as beat and melodic contour).
S/C/A: Miss White - Pitch Exploration Position: Seated Circle Formative Assessment: 7-9 minutes
& Chant -T will observe S match pitch con-
Tonality: N/A -T says “My turn. Find the beat quietly” tours 
Meter: Duple -T takes a prep breath -T will observe S perform mo-
-T performs Miss White [1] tions 
Objective(s): -S watch, listen and find the beat quietly  -T will observe S say the chant
I will listen to Miss White
I will chant Miss White  -T says “Great job! Join me”
I will match pitch contours T takes a prep breath
I will pat the rhythm of Miss White -T and S perform Miss White (x2) [2,3]

SSS: -T asks “What did Miss White see?”

MU.1.F.3.1 Demonstrate appropriate -S answers (A ghost)
manners and teamwork necessary for -T says “Watch me do my best ghost impression”
success in a music classroom. -T performs ghost noises 

DA.K.F.3.1 Follow classroom instruc- -T says “Follow with your finger”

tions given by the teacher. -T points and makes ghost noises
-S points and listens
MU.2.H.3.1 Perform and compare pat-
terns, aurally and visually, found in -T says “Now you try it with me”
songs, finger plays, or rhymes to gain a -T and S perform ghost noises 
foundation for exploring patterns in
other contexts. -T says “Pat the beat while saying Miss White”
-T takes a prep breath
NCCAS: -T and S say chant and pat the beat (x2) [4,5]
MU:Pr6.1.2b Perform appropriately for
the audience and purpose -T says “Pat the beat again, while I’m going to do some-
thing different”
-T and S perform the chant (x2) [6,7]
-S pat the beat
-T pats the rhythm
-T introduces the word “rhythm”
-T says “Pat the rhythm with me while saying the chant”
-T takes a prep breath
-T and S perform chant while patting the beat [8]
Announcements/Administrivia Lesson Post-Evaluation:

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