Chapter I PDF
Chapter I PDF
Chapter I PDF
C. Research Questions
Based on the background of the study above, the study formulates the
research questions as follows:
1. What is the most preferred learning style of second school students in
SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Surakarta?
2. Are the teachers aware of the second school student‟s learning styles?
source, technique of collecting data, the technique of analyzing data, and the
credibility of data which consists of validity of research data, reliability of
action research, and triangulation.
Chapter IV contains data analysis, research finding and discussion that
consists the description of analysis the individual students preference learning
style, description of overall students preference learning style, description of
teachers‟ awareness of students‟ learning styles, analysis of the data and the
discussion of the result findings.
Chapter V is the conclusion and suggestion that provides the basis of
research findings, discussions, and some suggestions for students, teachers,
and future studies.