Chapter V

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The purpose of this chapter is to summarize the study that was conducted. Included in

this summary are a review of the purpose of the study, a restatement of the research

questions, the research methodology used, and a summary of the results, conclusions and

discussion. Recommendations for further research and possible studies conclude this



This study aims to determine the level of comprehension of Senior High School

of Queen Anne School of Sta. Rosa, Laguna Year 2017-2018. Thus, the study use

Comprehension Test compose of 30 items consisting levels of comprehension such as;

creative, analysis, evaluate and knowledge level. Also the survey questionnaires were

included their background of their grades and demographic profile (age, gender and sex)

that distributed to the seventy senior high school students;

The data gathered were statistically treated using the frequency, mean and percentage

distribution. From the analysis of the data, more than the majority of the students are low

in their reading comprehension ability, as clearly manifested in data, the low analysis

ability of the students ranked the first with the percentage of 77.7, followed by the

knowledge level with 70.5%; creative level with 63.5% and evaluative level with 54.2.

This implies that the students have not developed their higher order thinking. Their high

comprehension ability needs to be reinforced. They do not perform well in answering the

questions elicited by how and why. They do not have much skill in giving judgment and
they could not generate ideas implicitly stated in the selections. Their critical thinking

should be improved.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the research on the reading

comprehension, including the cognitive processes employed during comprehension of

text and determining the levels of reading comprehension of the Senior High School

students in Queen Anne School of Sta. Rosa

Restatement of Research Questions

The research questions for this study were (1) Demographic profile of the respondents in

terms of age and sex. (2) What are the characteristics of an efficient and effective reader?

(3) What are the levels of reading comprehension of the students in Queen Anne School

of Sta. Rosa? (4) What are the materials should use to enhance reading comprehension?

(5) What are the skills that should be improved among Senior High School students in

Queen Anne School of Sta. Rosa?

Research Methodology

The research used a descriptive research type method to develop the inclination of

this study and used survey questionnaires for the data gathering since the researchers will

focus on the senior high school students of Queen Anne School of Sta. Rosa, School Year

2017-2018. The researchers used simple random sampling technique in data gathering of

this study. Simple random sampling technique is used, to choose sample from a

population of students in Senior High School Department of Queen Anne School of Sta.



Based on the gathered results from Queen Anne School of Sta. Rosa with seventy

respondents, therefore conclude that:

1. Queen Anne School of Sta. Rosa had a maximum of students that lack of reading

comprehension. We see that, they are more confident than reading not in comprehending

the words or text.

2. Thus, their higher level of thinking comprehension must be enhanced by using

reading strategies and various reading materials.

3. Teachers therefore have a very important role to play in helping their students get

most out of reading and become good readers. They need to introduce to them extensive

reading and provide them essential guidance as they read comprehensively.

4. The activities and programs of the government can be helpful in improving and

enhancing the reading comprehension of the students.


Based on the findings and conclusion, the following recommendations are presented;

1. Students should spend time to explore any reading materials especially to those

students that will enhance their thinking comprehension skill. Knowledge of the students

should enhance their ability on reading comprehension to avoid misunderstanding or

misinterpret on the word or text that we are unfamiliar. Also, students should then use

basic reading strategies: Scanning and Skimming.

2. Teachers should use methodologies, strategies and activities that will develop their

pupils reading ability most particularly their higher comprehension skill. They should

also choose the strategies and books that appropriate for achieving their own teaching


3. The DepEd administrators should include in the curriculum in all grade levels the

development of student‟s thinking abilities by incorporating some reading materials in

the all lessons even in grammar. They should also see to it that the students are provided

with adequate opportunity to read and the appropriate and varied reading sources.

4. The lessons should be incorporated with good reading selections, effective teaching

procedures, reading comprehension activities and techniques that introduce interesting

topics, stimulate discussions, excite imaginative responses and become springboard for

well rounded, fascinating lessons.

5. For the participants of the study, have a strong commitment, dedication and full

cooperation to the work, be attentive and attend every meeting.

6. For the Future Researcher, through this tracer study, we encourage the future

researchers to use this as basis for them to have additional information to be able to have

them an effective research. In addition, we recommend them to have a great motivation,

determination and hard work to finish their work, be committed every meeting and
continue discovering and finding new or updated inquiries and research that will be

useful in their paper. However, this research can use this as their sample references.


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