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NSW  Submarine Telecom Systems.


Turnkey solutions for the future, delivered today.

Norddeutsche Seekabelwerke
GmbH (NSW)
 The submarine competence center within the General Cable Group

After NSW was founded in 1899 cables plus products in the energy, A century of experience in ar-
by Felten & Guilleaume and industrial and telecommunication mored and non-armored cables
the Deutsch-Atlantische Tele­ sectors. for carrying power, signals, com-
graphengesellschaft, Siemens munications and fiber-optic appli-
became one of its major share- NSW benefits not only from General cations has formed the foundation
holders in 1931, and acquired Cable’s profound expertise, but for a forward-looking organization,
the remaining stock in 1995. In also from its global reach in the committed to innovation and unri-
2000, NSW became a subsidiary wire and cable industry. Quality, valled customer service.
of Corning Cable Systems. Since state-of-the-art technology and
2007, NSW has been a 100-per- customer focus are General NSW’s research-and-development
cent member of the General Cable Cable’s top priorities. and product management teams
Corporation (NYSE:BGC) and has work in close cooperation with
become the competence center for Experience, Innovation General Cable’s experts and
submarine cables for the General and Service specialists from leading suppliers
Cable Group. NSW has been manufacturing of electronic telecommunications
underwater cables since 1899. transmission equipment to create
The General Cable Corporation is NSW was already laying its first state-of-the-art solutions for the
one of the Fortune 500 companies, transatlantic submarine telecom- world’s leading network operators.
a world leader when it comes munication cable in 1904, approxi-
to developing, designing, manu- mately 7,993 kilometers
facturing, marketing and selling in length.
copper, aluminum and glass-fiber

NSW  ® Submarine Cables for

Telecommunication Networks
NSW has established itself as one
of the leading turnkey suppliers
for providing state-of-the-art sub-
marine cable systems worldwide.
NSW offers fiber-optic submarine
cables, accessories and asso­
ciated turnkey services. Investors
and network operators are in-
creasingly opting for the point-to-
point or turnkey approach. By
placing the entire project in the
hands of a qualified expert, the risks
that result from a lack of submarine
project management experience
are avoided, and time to market is
brought down to a minimum.

NSW  ® Submarine Cables Submarine System

for the Offshore Oil and Repeatered

Submarine System
Gas Industry
The increasing complexity of
data transmission requirements
(platform-to-platform, platform-
to-subsea control system and
platform-to-shore), challenging
technologies like “free-floating”
platforms or sub-sea exploration
and the need for higher levels of
system reliability results in the
development of new telecommu-
nication system solutions for the
offshore industry.

Remote control, automation and

other bandwidth demanding appli-
cations are obvious trends in the
industry. Fiber-optic submarine
networks can be easily adjusted
to continuously changing business
environments and can be incor-
porated into future engineering
NSW  ® Submarine  
Telecommunication Cables

NSW   ® MINISUB ® is a rugged, Both cable transport and cable equipped with industry standard
lightweight fiber-optic submarine laying are facilitated by the highly repeater technology, can be
cable with unique features. Within compact design of the cable. It installed in water depths down to
the NSW   ® MINISUB ® cable family, provides less weight for more 8,000 m.
NSW offers repeaterless as well as convenient, but also cost-effective
repeatered cable types optimized transport arrangements. Innova- All NSW   ® Submarine Cables are
for all network requirements. tive and efficient means of trans- Universal Joint qualified by the
porting NSW   ® MINISUB ® cables Universal Joint Consortia.
Key design element of the can greatly enhance turnaround
NSW   ® MINISUB ® is the central time. Containerized modular Low resistance of 0.6 Ohms / km by
copper tube which ensures reli- tanks enable NSW to transport using both a central copper tube
able protection of the fibers in the the cable on standard container and an outer copper layer above
core against hydrogen ingress. vessels, offering regular feeder the strength members reduces
NSW   ® MINISUB ® fibers have services as well as fast and reli- the overall power feed voltage and
excess longitudinal length and are able turnaround. On reaching its therefore the power consumption
not coupled to the cable’s outer destination and depending on the of the wet plant.
structure. This prevents fiber lay spread involved, the cable can
damage during cable handling and either be laid directly from the NSW supports its customers
laying, and thus guarantees opti- tanks, or alternatively coiled into with cost-efficient system design,
mal fiber performance throughout the tanks of the cable layer. which also includes a careful look
the lifetime of a cable. at route engineering, cable pro-
Repeatered NSW  ®  tection measures, transport logis-
The high specific gravity of the MINISUB® Submarine Cables tics and wet plant installation.
cable results in optimal sinking Repeatered NSW   ® MINISUB ®
speed to facilitate accurate laying Submarine Cable Systems, sup-
exactly “on-route”. porting up to 8 fiber pairs and

Both repeaterless and repeatered

types are available as lightweight
(LW), lightweight-protected (LWP),
single-armored (SA) and double-
armored (DA) cables.

Repeaterless NSW  ® 
MINISUB® Submarine Cables
Repeaterless NSW   ® MINISUB ®
Submarine Cables can comprise
up to 144 fibers. NSW   ® MINISUB ®
can be installed in water depths
of up to 5,000 m. NSW branching
units for the NSW   ® MINISUB ®
submarine cable family provide
flexible fiber management and
routing features.
Selected References
2007 2006 2009 – 2010
Manufacturing and installation Manufacturing and installation Manufacturing and installation
of a 960 km repeaterless cable of a 855 km repeaterless cable of a 1,200 km repeatered cable
system Scotland–Orkney– system along the Norwegian system in Borneo and a 500 km
Shetland–Faroe. coastline. repeatereless cable system

2000 – 2002 2005 2006 – 2008

Manufacturing and installation of Manufacturing and installation of Manufacturing and installation of
a 6,800 km repeaterless cable a 625 km repeaterless cable a 1,000 km repeaterless system,
system, connecting 20 countries system Sicily–Sardine–Italy. connecting Greek islands with
in the Carribean. mainland Greece.

Turnkey Project Management is collected and evaluated, the sys- tion sleeves, burial depth etc.) as
NSW’s customers benefit from a tem architecture is reviewed and well as all necessary cable joints,
century’s experience in successful the final technical parameters of housings and other system details
implementation of turnkey sub- a system are defined. Initial legal, will be specified.
marine cable projects. The faster commercial and contractual prepa-
a project can be implemented, rations for implementing the proj- Project Communication
the more economical financing ect are made hand-in-hand with The key element of NSW’s project
becomes. NSW supports custom- the customer in order to gather all management is a small, dedicated
ers to achieve profitability through required approvals in time. project team with a direct com-
efficient management of their munication path to the system
turnkey projects. An optimum Marine Survey owner. NSW’s local project office
trade-off is maintained between NSW carries out detailed seabed allows fast, effective and regular
the cost and the technical mea- surveys along the proposed cable exchange of progress in the same
sures to meet the customer’s route through competent partners time zone, enabling ad-hoc meet-
present and future objectives. to align and update the database ings to address the challenges of
of the desktop study prior to the project in face-to-face consul-
Business Case Development the cable manufacturing phase. tation with the system owner.
The feasibility of adding new NSW’s experts are on board the
bandwidth supply depends on survey vessel to monitor the Installation and
economic and technical charac- work and data on the cable route. Commissioning
teristics of the systems already in Depending on the geophysical NSW’s laying and logistics con-
place. Additional regional net- and environmental data collected, cept allows simultaneous cable
work rings can bring capacity to the cable type and protection manufacturing and installation.
users in areas not immediately measures (armouring, protec- To facilitate uninterrupted lay-
contiguous with landing points of
transoceanic systems, and can
also provide an economically
attractive complement to exist-
ing terrestrial networks. In close
cooperation with the customer,
NSW reviews the feasibility of a
proposed cable system, and sup-
ports the preparation of a de-
tailed business case to satisfy the
requirements of equity investors
or lending institutions providing
project financing.

Desktop Study
Once the frame parameters of a
project have been defined, NSW
prepares a desktop study in which
all available information on the
proposed submarine cable route

ing operations, laying vessels are ISO 9001 & 14001 Measuring and Testing at NSW
supplied by feeder ships, making Out of conviction, NSW has A wide range of measuring and
it unnecessary for the cable- implemented quality standards test equipment and trained staff
laying vessels to return to the in its company processes and experienced in all the relevant
cable factory to load cable in the expanded them to an integrated measuring methods and test
course of the project. Cable shore management system according standards is available. NSW works
end operations can be effectively to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. As in accordance with national and
executed as direct landings from work safety is an essential part international test standards. In
the main lay vessel, or even be of NSW’s philosophy, we are also addition, NSW makes use of inde-
planned by a pre-laid shore end by certified according to OHSAS pendent test bodies such as BAM,
a small strategic spread utilizing 18001. Consequently, the syner- PTB, VDE, EPM, FHG / ILV as well
local resources. NSW’s expe- gies created by a holistic system as other certified laboratories.
rienced cable laying crew fully can be employed in the interests
monitors the laying operations to of our customers. In order to assure the quality of
ensure highest quality during the NSW products, intensive, long-
operation. Independent companies use term investigations are carried
regularly occurring inspections out on the product and materials,
Commissioning comprises all to monitor compliance with the going far beyond the specified test
required acceptance tests, train- requirements of the standards. requirements.
ing of customer’s personnel, The certification documents from
as well as a complete as-built- Lloyd’s Register Quality Assur- The continuous checking, moni-
documentation package including ance GmbH attest that NSW uses toring and evaluation of the tests
all installation logs. an active and well-functioning is just as much as a part of the
quality and environmental man- investigations as the subsequent
agement system. The criteria for documentation of the results.
production and environmental
management systems contained
in the ISO 9001/14001 standards
apply throughout the world, and
of course NSW cables and joint-
ing technologies possess the full
range of quality approvals (ITU-T,
IEC, ISO Certificates).
120 Broschüre SPC 2011-10

Germany Great Britain Norway

Norddeutsche Seekabelwerke GmbH NSW Technology Limited General Cable Nordic AS
Unit G8, The Enterprise Centre Randemveien 17
Kabelstr. 9–11 PO Box 113, 1541 Vestby
Exploration Drive, Bridge of Don
26954 Nordenham Aberdeen AB23 8GX Phone: + 47 64 95 59 00
Phone: + 49 4731 82 0 Phone: + 44 1224 339880 Fax: + 47 64 95 59 10
Fax: + 49 4731 82 13 01 Fax: + 44 1224 339889 [email protected]
[email protected] [email protected]

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