ABB Power Cable Systems PDF

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Power Cable Systems

High voltage cables engineering phase or making preparative studies of the power
the arteries of the power grid grid in order to design and offer the best solution. ABB can
ABB offers high-voltage power cable systems for underground offer turnkey systems and project management or just cables,
and submarine applications. We design, produce and install accessories, or installation of the cable system.
polymeric insulated cables for direct current (DC) or alter-
nating current (AC) and mass-impregnated, paper-insulated Customer value
cables for DC. Combined with ABBs cable accessories they The AC- as well as the DC-cable systems from ABB are very
form a reliable cable system with a very long service life. Cable reliable. They have a service life of many decades and a low
systems from ABB can be found all over the world, trans- life cycle cost. There are many other reasons for choosing
mitting power between countries, connecting offshore wind underground or submarine cable transmission solutions as for
farms and oil/gas platforms to mainland grids and feeding example lower electrical and magnetic fields, avoiding expo-
power into major cities. sure to harsh weather conditions or minimizing the environ-
mental impact.
Your needs our response Since we manufacture the power cables as well as the associ-
The requirement from our customer is to have a connection ated cable accessories, the products are designed to work
from A to B with minimal environmental impact and low together. We know what we connect and by having one sup-
losses at the lowest cost. The customer decides the degree plier for the entire system our customer can save a lot of time,
of ABBs involvement. It could be assisting during the pre- effort and money.
Scope of supply Power Cable Systems
Our goal is to offer the most optimal solution for underground Our cable development has for HVDC applications been
and submarine cable systems which can include: closely linked to converter development from the start in the
Power cables for underground or submarine applications early 50s until today (HVDC Light cables). DC cables can be
XLPE (polymeric insulation) cables for AC up to used over long distances and has reached such capacity that
1,000 MVA at 420 kV. they now can substitute long overhead lines.
HVDC Light (polymeric insulation) cable systems for
DC up to 1,100 MW at +/- 320 kV. The latest example of customer driven development is a dy-
Paper-insulated (mass-impregnated paper insulation) namic polymeric insulated cable we have designed for an oil
cables for DC up to 2,000 MW at +/- 500 kV (bipole). platform in the North Sea. It is the worlds longest AC sub-

2011-04, 2GM8000 GB
Separate or integrated optical fibre cable marine cable involving dynamic cable to connect a floating
Cable accessories platform to shore.
System design for network optimization
Civil works To maintain our position at the forefront of the cable technol-
Cable laying, installation and supervision ogy, ABB invests heavily in research and development.
Testing and start-up operations Buying from ABB means buying the best and we are deter-
Disassembly and recovery of old cables mined to meet our customers needs today, and well into the
Fault locating and cable repair future.
Complete project management

ABB pioneers and leaders in cable technology

Very few manufacturers can point to such a long tradition in
the high-voltage field as ABB. We delivered our first electrical
cable as early as 1883! ABB has always been a pioneer in the
high-voltage field and we have many worlds first and world For more information please contact:
records among our references.
ABBs high voltage cable unit in
Customer demands have challenged our development and
Phone: +46 455 556 00
we have risen to the occasion. In this interaction with cus-
Fax: +46 455 556 55
tomers we have taken our major steps of successful market
E-Mail: [email protected]
introductions. This is valid both for DC and AC cables. We are
interested to work with our customers to take the next steps
in this spirit.

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