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2022/2023 Semester II
Title of Experiment : Gas Diffusion in Liquid
Date of Experiment : 20 /03 /2023
Group Members :3
Name ID

Group No. :5
Section :
Marks :



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Rubric for LAB REPORT

Item Unacceptable Poor Average Good

Assessed (0) (1) (2) (3)
Abstract  No abstract  No highlight of the  Missing objective and/or  Objective
(x 5) significant results conclusion.  Summary of the
and/or methodology. methodology
 Summary of the results
 Conclusion
Methodology  No flowchart  Methodology flow is  Methodology flow is correct, but  Methodology flow is
flowchart incorrect. not concise. correct and concise.
(x 5)

Data  No table  Tables provided but no  Tables provided, captions given  Tables numbered with the
Tabulation captions given OR and numbered in sequence but Arabic numerals and have
(x 3)  Tables provided but no units captions in sequence. The
captions not in units in which results are
sequence and not expressed are given at the
mentioned in the text top of each column (in
Graph  No Graph OR  Graphs provided but  Properly captioned, numbered  Properly captioned,
(x 3)  All graphs wrongly plotted no captions given OR and graphs mentioned in the numbered and graphs
 Graphs provided but text. However, conditions of mentioned in the text.
captions not in experiment (P, T) not Conditions of experiment
sequence and not mentioned in the caption (P, T) mentioned in the
mentioned in the text caption
Calculations  Calculations not shown OR  Skip a few important  All calculation steps are clearly  All calculation steps are
(x 5)  Calculations totally wrong calculation steps written and correct but wrong clearly written and correct
unit and with correct unit

Results  Data sheet with stamp not  Results given but  Results given but a few not tally  Results shown for all the
(x 10) provided with the report OR significant amount not with the requirements of scopes of experiments
 Results not compatible with tally with the experiment
scopes requirement/ scopes

Discussion  Only mention the results  Attempt to discuss but  Elucidation of result but  Elucidation and supported
(x 20) without meaningful failed miserably contains some flaws by proper references or
discussion logical explanations.

Conclusions  No conclusion sections OR  Conclusion missing the  Conclusions regarding major  Important/ significant
(x 5)  Conclusions totally not important points OR points are drawn, but many are results are highlighted
reflecting the scopes  No recommendation misstated, indicating a lack of which also meets the
given to improve the understanding OR scopes of experiments
experiment.  Conclusion is too general. AND
Several recommendations have  Several recommendations
been given but they are too have been stated.
general and not contributing to
the experiment’s improvement.
References  Copy & paste references OR  Most of citations in text  A few citations in text are not  All citations in text are
(x 5)  Ununiformed referencing are not available in list available in list of reference available in list of
system OR of reference although AND reference and use the
 80% references from internet use same referencing  Use same referencing system same referencing system
OR system OR AND
 Use of Wikipedia  Internet sources > 60%  All references from reliable
Grammar and  Unreadable and not written in  Numerous spellings  Occasional spelling and/or  Correct use of words.
Spelling scientific way and/or grammar errors. grammar errors.
(x 5) Direct translation using
Google Translate.

Total Assessment Marks (198)


Diffusion is the movement of substance from one location to another using random molecular motion's
kinetic energy. Nature prefers to even things out whenever there is a difference in concentration in a medium
by forcing a flow from the high concentration to the low concentration. The diffusion coefficient is then
defined as the ratio of the flux density to the negative of the concentration gradient in the diffusion vector.
The interaction between the solute and the solvent only relies on one factor, in accordance with Fick's Law.
Therefore, this experiment's goal is to investigate diffusion factors and ascertain the mass transfer rate
without taking into account convective effects. To summarise the exercise, then Water is poured into the
acrylic water bath tank until it reaches the water level in this exercise. After using a pipette to fill the glass T-
tube with the test liquid, attach the air tube that is attached to the blower to the T-tube. Record the starting
height of the test liquid level in the T-tube after adjusting the telescope. Heater and primary switch should be
turned on; wait until 70°C. Once the stopwatch reaches 50 minutes, start it every 10 minutes and capture the
information. When the time increases, the change in height increases as a consequence, but for every 3200
seconds, the change in height decreases. Theoretically, it has been demonstrated that higher temperatures
cause substances' molecules to acquire more kinetic energy and move more randomly and freely, which
accelerates the rate of diffusion.
Time, t Lt, Change of height, t/(∆L)
Tap water poured into The test liquid filled into∆L The air tube connected
(second) (mm) (s/mm)
the acrylic water bath the glass T-tube using (mm) which connected with the
600 water filled pipette.The level of the0.90
0.90 blower to T-tube
till its 25mm below the test liquid should not
1200of the tank exceed the water level 2.6
3.50 461.54

1800 7.22 3.72 483.87

2400 10.92 3.70 648.65

The heater was turned on The blower was switched on to The stopwatch started and
and water got heated up high air flow Then, after 10 after 10 minutes Then,
to 70 C. Wait till the new minutes, read the level of after 10 minutes, read the
test fluid in the Ttube. the new test fluid in the level of the new test fluid
The value has been Ttube. The value has been in the T-tube. The value
record record has been record

The step 10 was

repeated in order to
get 5 sets of data

The initial height of the The telescope was

The main switch on test liquid level in the T- adjusted until it focusing
the panel was tube was recorded the test liquid level at
switched on the T-Tube
3200 12.62 1.70 1882.35



Gas diffusion coefficient, D calculation.

x=∆L (mm)
Y=t,∆L (s/mm)
To find slope: ( y2 - y1)
( x2 - x1)
Reading 1:
(483.87-461.54) = 19.94
(3.72 - 2.6)
2. CB1 = CT = (1/�� )(��/�� )
= (1/22.4)(273/273+70)
= 0.03553
D = 1.347× 10−11
The theoretical value for the ethanol gas diffusion coefficient was 1.347 10' m�2 /s, but the observed value was
0.18 m�2 /s, as shown by the slope of the graph. There was a significant disparity between the theoretical and
experimental values. This was due to experimental mistakes that happened throughout the experiment, altering
the outcome. Secondly, because the eye was not perpendicular to the reading of the meniscus, the precision of
the measurement was compromised. Moreover, the instruments utilised in the experiment, such as the syringe
and T-tube, were not cleaned and rinsed before use. The T-tube may possibly include some air bubbles that
influenced the ethanol level, resulting in an incorrect reading. The 5 minute gap period between readings may
have been too short, resulting in unstable readings.
NA = 1.347× 10−11 (0.02528/26.26× 10−3 )( 0.02034 )
= 2.265 × 10−11
0.02528 0.03553
NA = 0.18( 26.26 × 10−3 )( 0.02034 )
= 0.3027

In conclusion, this experiment was conducted out to examine the diffusion coefficients
and determine the rate at which mass transfers excluding convective effects. Based on the
result, the level of ethanol increased as the time increased which is measured every 10
minutes caused by diffusion. Each 10 minutes, we are able to see that the level of ethanol
increased, but afterwards, we can see that the ethanol level remained constant. Therefore,
we can infer that the higher temperature causes the molecules increased kinetic energy to
diffuse into the solution. The concentration of ethanol is dependence upon self-diffusion
coefficients which is related to the structural behavior of the mixture. Water's self-
diffusion coefficient is described by the combined contribution of water molecules
characteristic. An apparent effect on the mutual diffusion coefficient is due to the distinct
diffusion coefficient. Consequently, the combination of the ethanol and water done by
taking place in the model of acrylic water bath tank is viable for representation of the
structure and diffusion properties of the ethanol and water mixture shown by the
experiment. Finally, we can conclude that the experiment was successful in meeting its
objectives of studying diffusion coefficients and determining mass transfer rate without
convective effects.

1. E. S. $ALTZMAN AND D. B. KING (SEPTEMBER 15, 1993), Experimental

Determination of the Diffusion Coefficient of Dimethylsulfide in Water, JOURNAL
d256c f1928278495d.pdf
2. https://www.britannica.com/science/gas-state-of-matter/Diffusion
3. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/309385815_EXPERIMENTAL_DETERMIN

Ethanol in beaker ready to fill a glass T- A group members look into an acrylic
tube water bath tank using a telescope to
make sure the ethanol level is parallel

Stopwatch is setup in every 10 minutes

to get the result based on the experiment

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