Becoming A Disciple Summary & Quiz: First Principles of The Faith

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Becoming a Disciple
Summary & Quiz
First Principles of the Faith

Mt. Calvary, Springfield & New Hope

Mt. Calvary, Springfield & New Hope

Becoming a Disciple Summary & Quiz

First Principles of the Faith
Mt. Calvary, Springfield and New Hope joined together to study the first book,
Becoming a Disciple, in Series I of the First Principles. It took approximately 5 weeks to
complete the first book.
This document is designed to summarize what weve learned, measure what weve
retained, and share how weve applied the teaching in our everyday lives.

In the early church, before new believers were accepted into the church they needed to
learn The Didache. The Didache literally means the _______________________.
What is an apostle?_______________________________________________
What is a Disciple? ______________________________________________.
Embracing the gospel is the first step in becoming a disciple. The gospel means
The early church referred to the gospel proclaimed by the apostles as the
Kerygma is a New Testament Greek word which means ______________________.
The Greek word baptizo means _________________________.

Mt. Calvary, Springfield & New Hope

The Gospel Message Acts 10:1 48, Acts 11:1 - 18

The Kerygma of Paul can be summed up as follows:
Jesus was born of the seed of ___________________________.
He died according to the scriptures to deliver us from __________.
He was buried and rose on the _________ _________ according to the Scriptures.
He is now at the right hand of ________. He is the Lord of the ___________ and
He will come ____________ to _________________________.
Do you routinely share the Gospel? ________________________. If yes, how? If
no, make a plan.

Mt. Calvary, Springfield & New Hope

Baptism The Next Step - Matthew 28:16 20

Matthew 28:16 20 is known as the Great __________________.
Baptism is ____________________. There are no properties in the water that will
cause an inward effect or change. The inward change is a matter of faith a change in
the heart and mind to God through Jesus Christ. __________on the Lord Jesus
Christ, and thou shalt be saved.
Baptism symbolizes a _______ way of life.
Being immersed in the water and coming back up symbolizes Christs ____________,
___________ and ____________________________________.
It shows that you believe in Jesus Christ and the Gospel. It publicly ____________
you with the believers of Christ.
Baptism can be viewed as an __________________-rite.
We baptize because Jesus commanded it ____ ye, therefore, and
________ ,all nations __________ them in the ________________,
and of the __________, and of the ___________ __________:

Mt. Calvary, Springfield & New Hope

The First Principles Colossians 2:6 8

The First Principles are a summary concept referring to the basic foundation of which
our faith is built upon. It can be considered a philosophy-basic beliefs, concepts, and
The lesson, on page 31, talks about living by a set of principles and not a set of rules.
What is your understanding of that statement?____________________________
Once you learn the basics-first principles-you can move on to more complicated
matters. When we complete The First Principles series we will have mastered the
foundation of The Didache.
The First Principles concern daily-life teachings. Christ came so that we can become like
Conversion brings a _________ way of Life. Therefore if any man be in Christ,
he is a ______ creature: ________things are passed away ; behold , all
things are become __________.
Most of the New Testament is written in a pattern. The epistles begin with teaching
about the work of Christ and conclude with directions on how to live as Christians. For
an example read Ephesians 4:17 32.
Being a disciple is being a ___________________ of Christs teachings.
The early church was not perfect, but lived a ___________________ life.
Are we living a distinctive life? ___________________________. If yes, how? If
no, why arent we?

Mt. Calvary, Springfield & New Hope


Mt. Calvary, Springfield & New Hope

Renewing Our Minds Romans 12:1 2

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present
your bodies a living _______________, holy, acceptable unto God,
which is your reasonable service.
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye ______________ by the
renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and
acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
We renew our minds by setting our minds on the things of the _______________.
What are the things of the Spirit?____________________________________.
We are to be filled with the __________________.
The Spirit can ___________________ us; but we have to do our part. We have to
actively ______________ our minds.

Lifestyle of a Disciple Romans 14:1 23

It is important to think correctly about how to live and relate to others in the world.
We are to __________________ ourselves to God for His service.
We must place ____________ priority on what God thinks than on what others think
about how we live.
If our __________ is strong we can handle a wider range of choices within the realm
of serving God fully.
We shouldnt place those weak in the faith in situations that will ___________ their
The professional weaker brother/sister is a ____________ by nature. They
_________ like what you do. They should be confronted in ______________.
Can you give a practical example of the behavior of a professional weaker
brother/sister? _________________________________________________

Mt. Calvary, Springfield & New Hope

The genuine weaker brother/sister is ____________ susceptible to stumbling in the
area of doubtful things. They need to be __________________.
What kind of doubtful things might a babe in Christ stumble on? _______________
The mature, non-participating brother/sister has learned that it is not
_______________ and sometimes not prudent to ___________________ all the
liberty that is theirs to enjoy.
The immature, participating brother/sister becomes a __________________ of
liberty and tries to get others to ___________ in his/her beliefs. They can cause harm
by injuring the lambs.
The mature, participating brother/sister is _________________ in applying their
freedom in Christ. They exercise their freedoms without offending others.

Which session in the booklet did you enjoy the most?________________________
Why? ________________________________________________________
Which session in the booklet did you enjoy the least?
Why? ________________________________________________________
What can we do to make the training better? _____________________________

Discipleship Something to think about..


Mt. Calvary, Springfield & New Hope

II Timothy 2:2 And the things that thou hast heard of me among many
witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to
teach others also.
What you have learned and lived must be taught to someone else. Jesus started with 12
men that according to Acts 17:6 turned the world upside down. What would happen if
each of us made it our goal and prayer to win one (1) other person to the Lord, train
them and have them set the same goal?
What would it mean to your church if God answered that prayer for five (5) years for
you and the people you win to Christ? Assume that it takes a year to train the new souls.
Do the math, share your results, and insights:

Starting Number of Souls


Souls Won

Total Souls

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