Becoming A Disciple Summary & Quiz: First Principles of The Faith
Becoming A Disciple Summary & Quiz: First Principles of The Faith
Becoming A Disciple Summary & Quiz: First Principles of The Faith
Becoming a Disciple
Summary & Quiz
First Principles of the Faith
In the early church, before new believers were accepted into the church they needed to
learn The Didache. The Didache literally means the _______________________.
What is an apostle?_______________________________________________
What is a Disciple? ______________________________________________.
Embracing the gospel is the first step in becoming a disciple. The gospel means
The early church referred to the gospel proclaimed by the apostles as the
Kerygma is a New Testament Greek word which means ______________________.
The Greek word baptizo means _________________________.
The genuine weaker brother/sister is ____________ susceptible to stumbling in the
area of doubtful things. They need to be __________________.
What kind of doubtful things might a babe in Christ stumble on? _______________
The mature, non-participating brother/sister has learned that it is not
_______________ and sometimes not prudent to ___________________ all the
liberty that is theirs to enjoy.
The immature, participating brother/sister becomes a __________________ of
liberty and tries to get others to ___________ in his/her beliefs. They can cause harm
by injuring the lambs.
The mature, participating brother/sister is _________________ in applying their
freedom in Christ. They exercise their freedoms without offending others.
Which session in the booklet did you enjoy the most?________________________
Why? ________________________________________________________
Which session in the booklet did you enjoy the least?
Why? ________________________________________________________
What can we do to make the training better? _____________________________
II Timothy 2:2 And the things that thou hast heard of me among many
witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to
teach others also.
What you have learned and lived must be taught to someone else. Jesus started with 12
men that according to Acts 17:6 turned the world upside down. What would happen if
each of us made it our goal and prayer to win one (1) other person to the Lord, train
them and have them set the same goal?
What would it mean to your church if God answered that prayer for five (5) years for
you and the people you win to Christ? Assume that it takes a year to train the new souls.
Do the math, share your results, and insights:
Souls Won
Total Souls