DAY 27 DAY 27: Read This Week's Notes. Accountability Read Ecclesiastes 4:10 & 12

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DAY 27

DAY 27

MORNING ______________

Read this weeks notes.

EVENING ______________


Review the dot points. Which of them is going to be hardest for you to do? Why?

Read Ecclesiastes 4:10 & 12


These verses outline what accountability can do for us as far as supporting one another


through tough times, or times when we might be slipping back into old habits. God


is always there for us, but he also puts people in our lives to encourage, love, affirm,
confront, intercede for, and walk out life alongside us. When we recognize that the


heart of man is deceitful above all things, we know that we need others in our lives


to reflect back to us honestly how we are really going. We need to meet regularly with


two or three other men, in a group, so as to develop relationships where we feel safe
enough to be honest about our struggles, our defeats and our victories.


Anyone can see there would be benefits from being part of an accountability group.

There can be many things in our lives that become idols and images, all of which

How do you feel and what are your thoughts about becoming part of an ongoing

have the potential to keep us distant from God things like our sexual distortions,

accountability group at the end of this series?

possessions, pride, relationships, etc. What idols and images do you have to destroy in
order to draw nearer to God?

Idolatry is not only the adoration of images. but also trust in ones own righteousness,


works and merits, and putting confidence in riches and power.

Martin Luther, QV.6071
Whatever a man seeks, honours or exults more than God, is idolatry.
W.B. Ullanthorne, QV.6076


If you are interested in forming an accountability group at the completion of the Valiant
Man program, talk to your facilitator.

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