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4as Lesson Plan

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4As Lesson PLAN

Education (Central Mindanao Colleges)

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Downloaded by Eva Mae Bonghanoy ([email protected])
Detailed Lesson Plan in
Competency Formulate claims of fact, policy, and value
I. Objectives  To distinguish claims of fact, value and
policy from the given example;
 To formulate claims of fact, value
and policy; and
II. Subject Matter
 Topic TYPES OF CLAIMS (Claims of Fact, Policy and
Quarter 2nd Quarter
Materials Power Point Presentation, Video Clips, Pictures,
Laptop, Speaker, LCD Projector
References MELCS, LRMDS, YouTube.com, scribd.com,
III. Procedure
 Preliminaries Prayer/Greetings
Checking of Attendance
Reading of the House Rules
A. Review 1. What is parallelism?
2. Who can give an example of a
parallel sentence?

o Presenting the day's Objectives

At the end of the discussion, the
students are expected to:
1. distinguish claims of fact,
value and policy from
the given example
2. formulate claims about some
issues in the society
B. Motivation o Before proceeding to the motivation,
 Watch and Learn! the class will be divided into FOUR
HOUSES. The House of Gryffindor,
House of Slytherin, House of Hufflepuff
and House of Ravenclaw.

1st group will be called ambitious, shrewd,


These students are loyal,

brave, courageous,
d a r in g ,
Downloaded b y E va M
a d v e n t u r ou s a n d
a e B o n gh a n o y (e va .b o [email protected])

o Show the score board to the students and

roup will ebxepclaalliendtthhee mechanics that
every question th a t i s answered
correctly has
hese stucdoernrtessapreonding points which will
pati be tallied dworkinga,tdtehdeicaetnedd, of the class,
hav and whoever wins tahree
ent, and
khnoouwsnetocup will be rewarded.
e a strong moral code.
1. Watch the short video entitled “What’s my
favorite country?” by Nas Daily.
/ww w.youtube.
co m/watch?
 Establishing a
purpose for the

2. After watching, ask the following questions:

1. What is the Vlogger’s favorite country?
2. Why does he consider The Philippines
his favorite?
3. How does he feel about Filipinos?
4. What should be done in order to
attract more tourists like him?

When we deal with any content, we can always

notice that the writer has something to convey,
 Presenting either explicitly or implicitly.
of the new lesson
C. Activity A claim is an arguable statement. It is an
opinion that a writer asks an audience to

Downloaded by Eva Mae Bonghanoy

accept. It is what the writer tries to prove by
providing details, explanations, and other types
of evidences.
As a reader and as a writer, it is a must that we
know the different types of claims.
 Each group will be given a picture, all
they have to do is examine the picture
assigned to them and think of any ideas
or opinions about the issue presented in
each picture.

D. Analysis
Three Types of Claims:
1. Claim of Fact-asserts that something is true
or not true. To support—use factual evidence
that is sufficient, reliable and appropriate. This
claim is basically debatable yet verifiable.

a) argues about a measurable topic (fact)
b) describes how things were in the past,
how things are in the present and how
they will be in the future

1. The 2020 national budget amounting to
Php4.1 trillion, which is 12 percent larger
than the 2019 budget, can really help in

Downloaded by Eva Mae Bonghanoy

boosting the economy through various
infrastructural projects.
2. Being the richest city in the country, the
City of Makati can implement better
projects needed by its citizens.

2. Claim of Value-presents an assertion as to

whether something is good or bad, more or less
desirable. This is debatable in nature since
people may have different opinions on the given
claims or concepts.

a) argues about something that is moral,
aesthetic or philosophical
a) considers the merits or advantages
of something and discards the
disadvantages of another thing
b) can be used to argue the value or
importance of varied topics like lifestyles,
films, or civic organizations
1. Taking vitamins is better than eating fruits
and vegetables in terms of boosting our
immune system.
2. If I were to choose, I would prefer the
work from home (WFH) scheme than
working in the office as this gives me
more family time.

3. Claim of Policy- supports that an action

should or should not be done to address a
certain case or policy. Policy claim indicates that
an action should be carried out either in
support or in opposition of a particular
a) asserts what a reader should do, and what
course of action a reader should take
b) argues about an actionable topic, which
means the topic is convertible to action
c) convinces the reader about the merits of
one course of action as opposed to other

Downloaded by Eva Mae Bonghanoy

courses of action
1. The city’s health department must learn
from how other cities successfully address
the concerns against COVID-19.
2. To further improve one’s skills in speaking
before a large number of audiences, one
must consider enrolling in personality
development classes that can help boost
confidence and improve one’s self-image.

E. Abstraction Task: “Signal Your Claims!”

Analyze each sentence below. Identify whether

it is a claim of Fact, Value or Policy. Use the
following hand signals to show your answer.

F t Val Policy

1. Criminal liability age must be lowered from

15 to 9 years of age..

2. Living in the province is better than living

in the city.

3. Gender equality needs to be strengthened

in the academe.

4. Using the solar energy helps homeowners

to save money.

5. For me, animation is the best TechVoc Strand

in the Senior High School.

Downloaded by Eva Mae Bonghanoy

F. Application Task: The Hall of “Claimer” Challenge!
 The teacher shall present an issue through an
 Each group shall assign one representative to
formulate and present a claim out of the
provided pictures.
 Choose only one type of claim.

G. Assessment Directions : Identify each statements below as

a claim of fact, value, or policy.

1. The death penalty does not deter crime.

2. The death penalty should be abolished in
all 50 states.
3. Mac computers are more reliable than
4. Cell phones pull students away
from learning.
5. Capital punishment is unjust.
6. There should be criminal charges for
people who use social media to
bully others.
7. Too much fatty foods can cause heart
8. The 20% of Americans believe that the
U.S has never landed on the moon.
9. Realme is better than Samsung.
10. Schools should implement rules to
prevent the spread of covid 19.
IV. Assignment Task: The “Write Stuff”
Compose a short paragraph (minimum of ten
sentences) about one area of concern in your
Then write a corresponding claim of fact, value

Downloaded by Eva Mae Bonghanoy

and policy respectively.
Present your claim and support it. Be guided
with the rubric below:
Excellen Way to Good! Almost..
t! go! (3) .
(5) (4) (2)
The claim The claim The claim The claim The claim
is clear, is clear is clear, is clear is not
comprehe and comprehe but not clear, not
nsive and comprehe nsive but comprehe comprehe
well- nsive, not well- nsive,
nsive, not
organized well- organized well- and not
and is organized and organizedwell-
free from but contains and organized
grammati contains grammati contains and
cal errors. grammati cal errors. grammati contains
cal errors. grammati
cal errors.
cal errors.
V. Reflection Most people don’t really want the truth. They
just want constant reassurance that what they
believe is the truth.

Prepared by:

Downloaded by Eva Mae Bonghanoy

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