Part of Newspaper 4 LP 1

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Grade 4 Teacher Winnie Joy J.

LESSON PLAN Time Allotment
Grade Level Grade 4
Learning Area English
Quarter 4

A. Content Standard They often include materials such as opinion columns, weather forecasts,
reviews of local services, obituaries, birth notices, crosswords, editorial
cartoons, comic strips, and advice columns.
B. Performance The learner competently performs in a full- length play through applying
Standard effective verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources
based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery and Dramatic
C. Learning Identify the different part of a newspaper
D. Objectives At the end of the lesson, 75% of the class should be able to:
1. Become familiar with each section of the newspaper.
2. Explain the important and use of a newspaper; and
3. Discuss the application of the information gathered in your daily life.

II. CONTENT Parts of the newspaper

A. References
1. Teachers Guide
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages
B. Other Resources PowerPoint presentation, projector, pictures, , activity sheets
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
Preparatory Activities Prayer
Let’s start our class with a
prayer! Who wants to lead
the prayer? Okay! What is
your name little girl?
Thank you Cami! Everyone please
stand up we’ll have our prayer now.

Good Morning class!
Good morning, ma’am!
Class Structuring
Before you take your seats, please
Will you please pick those papers and
plastics underneath your chairs and
arrange your chairs properly.

okey please seat down

Checking of Attendance
As I call your name, say present!
1. Camie Morgan
2. Deib Enrile
3. Einah Villegas
4. Maxpein Moon
5. Xavier Serrano

A. Presenting the New Before we proceed to our next topic,

Lesson / Review of let me ask you some question and
the Past Lesson please raise your right hand if you
want to answer. Are you ready, class?”
Yes, we are teacher!
Who remembers what we learned

okey Deib, What we've learned from me ma’am


What are some of the different types of about Journalism

professional writing in the world? Can
you give me some examples?

”Novels, short stories, non- fiction,

Plays, movies, poetry, newspapers,
Magazines, televisions, radio,
advertising, etc. All of these are
examples of Journalism.“
Who among you here can define what
journalism is?

 Teacher... journalism is the art of

writing for publication in newspaper
and other media, embracing all
thoughts and actions That has
significance and interest to the
Very good class...

How about the people who write

journalism, what do we call them?

Ma’am…the people who write

Journalism is
called “journalists.”
 Excellent class.

B. Establishing Purpose Before we unlock another knowledge,

for the Lesson we will have a very short activity.

Are you ready? Yes Ma’am!

I will show you a puzzle class. Find and

circle each newspaper word in the
puzzle. Words maybe written
horizontally, vertically or diagonally.
They may be Written in reverse order
so you have to read them From right
to left.

Directions: Find and circle each

newspaper word in the puzzle. Words
may be written horizontally, vertically
or diagonally. They also may be
written in reverse order, so you may
have to read them from right to left.

byline column cutline

dateline editorial feature
story Five Ws flag
graphic gutter headline
index jump line
lead news masthead
quotation sidebar

Anybody from the class who knows

the answer may come in front and
encircle the letters...

One by one, students will go in front

That is right...very good class. and answer the puzzle.

C. Presenting This morning we will discuss about a

instances/examples newspaper and its Different parts.
of the new lesson Anyone who can define a newspaper?
Teacher, a newspaper is a
publication that is printed and
distributed usually, daily or weekly
And contains local news, letters to
the editors, entertainment and
classified ads.
Very well said. We have also the basic
parts, who can give me those?
Answers may vary. Local and foreign
news, sports page, business and
finance, editorial page,
entertainment section, classified
I told you yesterday to bring a,
Who's got the newspaper today?
me teacher!
me ma’am!
me teacher!
me ma’am!
very good every class
now look at the newspaper
what do you see?

The Headline:

The headline functions to grab the

reader’s attention while
successfully summarising the main
point of the article.

Key features of the headline:

 It needs to be short and

snappy, which can
sometimes mean missing
out non-essential words
such as ‘the’, ‘a’, or ‘to’.
 Headlines also need to be
eye-catching, which can be
achieved by using humour,
alliteration, or a pun.
 Write in the present tense
even if the event has already
happened. This will help to
simplify your language
 It should be written in the
third person.

The Byline:

The byline is the easiest part of the

entire article as it does not require
much creativity. It functions to tell
the reader who the article is by,
what their job role is, and how to
find more of their content.

The byline structure:

 Start your byline by

inserting your full name
after the word ‘by’.
 Add your speciality, so you
may be a sports reporter,
education reporter, or a food
writer, for example.
 Then detail how the reader
can find more of your
opinions or your work, so
add in a made-up social
media name, such as

An example byline:

 By Joe Bloggs
 Sports Reporter
 Social Media: @Joe.Bloggs

do you see class?

Yes ma’am!
The Lead:

The lead could be seen as the most

essential part of the newspaper
structure. It should be one
paragraph long, and by reading it,
your audience should be able to
understand exactly what your
article is about and what you are
reporting on.

Key features of the lead


 It needs to be short and

snappy so that the message
is portrayed clearly. You
can achieve this by
communicating your
message in as little words as
possible- just make sure it
makes sense.
 The lead paragraph should
explain clearly what has
happened, so that if your
reader stopped reading after
the lead, they would
understand the main
message of your report.
 Stick to using the past tense.
 It should be written in the
third person.

The Five Ws (and H)

Another way to make sure that your

reader gets the key messages on
your report is to stick to the Five
Ws in your lead paragraph. These

 Who: which people were

mainly affected by the
events you are reporting on?
 What: what are the key
events that happened?
 Where: where did those
events take place?
 Why: is there a specific
reason why these events
 When: what was the time,
day, month, and year (if
necessary) that the events
 How: this isn’t strictly a
word starting with the letter
‘w’, but it is useful for your
lead paragraph. Explain the
manner in which the events
occurred, or what made
them able to happen.

The Body:

This is the main section of your

newspaper article, so it will include
lots of important information about
what happened, along with more
detail about what you said in your
lead section. The body should be
around 3-4 paragraphs long,
depending on how much your
teacher has instructed you to write.

Key features of the body:

 This is the chance for you to

go into as much detail as
possible about what
 The most important
information about the
events should go first.
 Each paragraph should be
on a slightly different aspect
of what happened.
 It should be written in the
third person.
 Explain the background
information that is relevant
to the story.
 Include evidence, facts, and
quotes from people related
to the event.
 You could also include a
quote from an expert on the
topic you are reporting on.

The Tail:

The tail includes the least important

information from your report and
functions to sum-up the events.

Key features of the tail:

 Add any extra or

surrounding information
about the event or related
 Include links for where to
find extra information about
the topic or other news
 You could also feature a
quote from an expert or
witness to sum up the story
or imply what may unfold

D. Discussing new *tarpaper

concepts and Look at this newspaper and label the
practicing new skills different parts.

Anybody from the class who knows

the answer may come in front and
encircle the letters...
One by one, students will go in front
and answer the puzzle.
very good class
E. Discussing new Class, I will group you into five
concepts and groups. You will write your own news
practicing new skills stories. For a minimum of at least 2-3
#2 paragraphs. Each group will be
reporting in front of the class and they
will identify the five W’s and H of
their news stories.

Now I have a question. How did you

achieve a great job? What characters
you and your partner? portrayed to
have a job well done?

 Very Good! you possess teamwork

and cooperation

F. Developing mastery Ask the students to get one-fourth

(leads to Formative sheet of paper, Administer the quiz
Assessment 3) below.] Fill in the blanks with the
correct answer.

1.___________ large type written

and designed to summarize a story and
attract the reader’s attention.

2.A column featured on the

__________page that expresses an
opinion of the newspaper and
encourages the reader to take action.

3.____________ is the art of writing

for publication in newspaper and other

4.A _________ is a publication that is

printed and distributed usually, daily
or weekly and contains local news,
letters to the editors, entertainment and
classified ads.

5.______ tells who wrote the story and

may include the writer’s title.

1. headline
2. editorial
3. journalism
4. newspaper
5. byline
G. Finding practical
application of what is benefit of reading Newspaper? It carries information about politics,
concepts and skills in economy, entertainment, sports,
daily living business, industry, trade and
Will you give the 6 part of newspaper? the headline
the byline
the lead story
the five Ws (and H)

what is the five Ws (and H)?  Who: which people were

mainly affected by the
events you are reporting
 What: what are the key
events that happened?
 Where: where did those
events take place?
 Why: is there a specific
reason why these events
 When: what was the time,
day, month, and year (if
necessary) that the events
 How: this isn’t strictly a
word starting with the
letter ‘w’, but it is useful
for your lead paragraph.
Explain the manner in
which the events
occurred, or what made
them able to happen.

H. Generalizations and why newspaper is important in our

abstractions about daily life?
the lesson Newspaper is important in our daily
life because it provides information
from various parts of the world.

I. Evaluating learning *they will use the newspaper that they


J. Additional activities
for application or On a sheet of paper, create your own
remediation editorial news using “May 2019
election” as your topic. With a
minimum of 3-5 paragraphs.

Prepared by:
Winnie Joy J. Apolonio

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