Conduction (Exercise) Module-3
Conduction (Exercise) Module-3
Conduction (Exercise) Module-3
2K1K 2
(A) K1 + K2 (B) K K
1 2
K1 K 2
(C) K K (D) K1 K2
1 2
Q. 1 A metallic rod is continuously heated at its two Q.6 The SI unit of thermal conductivity is
ends, the flow of heat through the rod does not
depend upon – (A) J s–1 m K–1 (B) J s m–1 K–1
(A) The area of cross section of the rod (C) J s m–1 K (D) J s–1 m –1 K–1
(B) The mass of the rod
(C) Time Q. 7 One end of a copper rod of length 1.0 m and area
(D) The temperature gradient of cross-sector 10–3 m² is immersed in boiling
water and the other end in ice. If the coefficient
Q. 2 A 2cm thick slab of commercial thermocole, 100
of thermal conductivity of copper is 92 cal/ms °C
cm 2 in cross–section and having thermal
conductivity 2 × 10–4 cal sec–1 cm –1 (Cº)–1 has and the latent heat of ice is 8 × 104 cal/kg, then
insulating regions differing by 100ºC. The the amount of ice which will melt in one minute
quantity of heat flowing through it in a day will is
be –
(A) 9.2 × 10–3 kg (B) 8 × 10–3 kg
(A) 20.4 kcal (B) 43.2 kcal
(C) 86.4 kcal (D) 63.6 kcal (C) 6.9 × 10–3 kg (D) 5.4 × 10–3 kg
Q. 3 Two cylinders of the same diameter, one of iron Q. 8 Two identical vessels, made of different materials
and other of silver are placed in close contact as having conductivities K1 and K2 are completely
shown in figure. If the thermal conductivity of
filled with ice at 0°C. Due to temperature of
silver is 11 times that of iron the temperature of
interface A is approximately surroundings, the ice in the two vessels melts in
(A) 91.7 ºC 25 min and 20 min respectively. The ratio of K1
(B) 80ºC and K2 is
(C) 50ºC (A) 5/4 (B) 4/5
(D) 8.3ºC
(C) 16/25 (D)
0ºC (5 / 4)
Q. 4 A wall has two layer A and B, each made of a Q. 9 A metallic rod is heated at one end continuously.
different material. Both layers have the same
After some time steady stage is reached. The
thickness. The thermal conductivity of the
material of A is twice that of B. Under thermal flow of heat in the steady state does not depend
equilibrium, the temperature difference across the on
wall is 36°C. The temperature difference across
(A) the area of cross-section of the rod
layer A is
(A) 6°C (B) 12°C (B) the temperature gradient
(C) 10°C (D) 24°C (C) the mass of the rod
Q. 5 The coefficient of thermal conductivity of copper (D) the time of flow of heat
is nine time that of steel. In the composite Q. 10 Two rods of length l and 2l, thermal
cylindrical bar shown in Fig. What will be the conductivities 2K and K are connected end to
temp. at the junction of copper and steel?
end. If cross-sectional areas of to rods are equal,
then equivalent thermal conductivity of the
system is
K 1 3K 2
Q. 3 The ratio of the heat flow in the two rods is – (C) (D) 3K 1 K 2 .
(A) 0.36 (B) 0.64 4 4
1 Q.10 Wires A and B have have identical lengths and
(C) (D) 1 have circular cross-sections. The radius of A is
twice the radius of B i.e. RA = 2RB. For a given
Q. 4 The ratio of heat flow at M and N are Q1 and Q2 temperature difference between the two ends,
respectively. Then – both wires conduct heat at the same rate. The
(A) Q1 = Q2 (B) Q1 > Q2 relation between the thermal conductivities is
given by-
(C) Q1 < Q2 (D) Q1 = (A) KA = 4KB (B) KA = 2KB
2 (C) KA = KB/2 (D) KA = KB/4.
(Questions asked in previous AIEEE & IITJEE)
SECTION - A Q.4 A long metallic bar is carrying heat from one of
Q.1 The temperature of the two outer surfaces of a its ends of the other end under steady-state.
composite slab, consisting of two materials having The variation of temperature along the length
coefficients of thermal conductivity K and 2K and x of the bar from its hot end is best described
thickness x and 4x, respectively, are T2 and T1 (T2 > by which of the following figures?
T1). The rate of heat transfer through the slab, in a
A (T2 T1 ) K
steady state is f, with f equal to –
(A) (r2 – r1)/(r1r2) (B) ln 2 Q.1 A point source of heat of power P is placed at
r1 the centre of spherical shell of mean radius R.
(C) (r r ) (D) (r2 – r1) The material of the shell has thermal conducivity
2 1
K. If the temperaute difference between the outer
Q.3 One end of a thermally insulated rod is kept at and inner surface of shell is not to exceed T, the
a temperature T1 and the other at T2 . The rod is thickness of the shell should not be less then
composed of two sections of lengths l 1 and l 2
and thermal conductivities k1 and k2 respectively.
The temperature at the interface of the two 4R 2 KT R 2 KT
(A) (B)
sections is
T 1 l1 l2 T2 2R 2 KT
(C) (D) None
k1 k2
Q.2 Two metal cubes A and B of same size are
(A) (k2 l 2 T 1 + k1 l 1 T 2 ) / (k1 l 1 + k2 l2 )
arranged as shown in figure. The extreme ends
(B) (k2 l 1 T 1 + k1 l 2 T 2 ) / (k2 l 1 + k1 l2 )
of the combination are maintained at the indicated
(C) (k1 l 2 T 1 + k2 l 1 T 2 ) / (k1 l 2 + k2 l1 )
temperaqtures. The arrangement is thermally
(D) (k1 l 1 T 1 + k2 l 2 T 2 ) / (k1 l 1 + k2 l2 )
insulated. The coefficients of thermal conductivity
of A and B are 300W/mºC and 200 W/mºC, Q.5 2 Liter water kept in a kettle is heated by 1 KW
respectively. After steady state is reached, the power source. Kettle is open & it loses heat at
the rate of 160 J/s. The time taken for the
temperature T of the interface will be temperature of kettle to change from 27ºC to 77ºC
(A) 8 min 20 sec (B) 6 min 20 sec
(C) 5 min (D) 7 min
Q.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ans. D A B A D A D D A B D C A B B
Q.No. 16 17 18 19 20 21
Ans. B B C B A D
Q.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ans . B C D D A D C B C C C B
Q.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ans . D B B C B D C A C D
Q.No. 1 2 3 4
Ans. D C C B
Q.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Ans. A A B D A D
Q.7 9