TBT 50 Roof Collapse PDF

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Roof Collapse

Although the foundation of a building Remember This

affects how sturdy the structure is, the  Make sure the roof is secure to the walls and
roof and its supporting elements are just tightly anchored before getting on it.
as important. Improper supporting  Use the correct roof brackets and nail size.
elements can lead to serious hazards, Choose a nail that is three times as long as the
including a roof collapse. thickness of the material you are fastening.
 Nail lengths are measured in pennies. The symbol
Miguel, Jose, and David’s Story is “d”. Below is a size reference chart.
Miguel, Jose, and David were installing roof
2d= 1 inch 9d – 2 ¾ inches
shingles on the porch of a single-family dwelling 3d = 1 ¼ inches 10d = 3 inches
under construction. The new roof was fastened to 4d – 1 ½ inches 12d = 3 ¼ inches
the side of the home with two brackets on one 5 d = 1 ¾ inches 16d = 3 ½ inches
side and nailed to the inside frame on the other 6d = 2 inches 20d = 4 inches
7d = 2 ¼ inches 30d = 4 ½ inches
side. The workers were using personal fall-
8d = 2 ½ inches 40d = 5 inches
protection equipment that was secured to the roof
of the structure. The four bracket nails used were  Consider using scaffolding or a bucket/basket
too short to hold he brackets in place. They pulled power lift on solid footing.
out, causing the roof to collapse. All three  Make sure that guarding and/or fall protection is
employees fell to the ground. Miguel was treated in place. Consider installing permanent anchor
for a lacerated chin. Jose and David were point safety features for future repair or
hospitalized, one for a fractured leg and the other maintenance.
for a fractured wrist.
 Inspect the fall protection to make sure it is
 How could this incident have been prevented? working, and always use it correctly.
 Do you know someone who has had an injury  Inspect the job site for hazards every day before
from a roof collapse? If so, what happened? work.

How can we stay safe today?

What will we do at the worksite to prevent injuries from a roof collapse?



OSHA Regulation: 1926.501

©2017, CPWR-The Center for Construction Research and Training. All rights reserved. CPWR is the research and training arm of NABTU.
Production of this document was supported by cooperative agreement OH 009762 from the National Institute for Occupational Safety
and Health (NIOSH). The contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of
Roof Collapse

 Make sure that there is guarding and/or fall protection.

 Make sure the roof is fully nailed to the walls before getting on it. Use the correct roof brackets
and nail size.
 Inspect the job site for hazards before work.

©2017, CPWR-The Center for Construction Research and Training. All rights reserved. CPWR is the research and training arm of NABTU.
Production of this document was supported by cooperative agreement OH 009762 from the National Institute for Occupational Safety
and Health (NIOSH). The contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of

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