JSA 001 Lifting Activities吊装作业 02
JSA 001 Lifting Activities吊装作业 02
JSA 001 Lifting Activities吊装作业 02
JSA No 编号 HHFGCP-JSA-001 Date Created 编制日期 15th Sep, 2020 Revision No.版本号 02
HDGCP-2,3 & Tinat-1, MDGCP-1 and area under TCC
Job Task 任务描述 Lifting Activities 吊装 Work Area 作业区域
Work Permit System 作业许可: Cold Work Permit 冷作业票 Hot Work Permit 热作业票 Excavation Work Permit 开挖作业票
Scaffolding Permit 脚手架作业票 Electrical Work Permit 电器作业票 Radiography Work Permit 射线作业票 Crane Lifting Permit 吊装作业票 Other Work Permit 其它作业票
PPE Required:
High Risk Work 高风险作业行为: Structural Collapse 结构垮塌 Demolition of Structures 结构拆除 Confined Spaces 受限空间
Work in Tunnel 隧道内作业 Fall from Heights 高处坠落> 1.8m Explosives 爆炸物 Excavation 深度开挖 >1.5m Mobile Plant 移动平台
Drowning 溺水 Asbestos 石棉 Pressurised Gas Pipes/Mains 压缩气体管线 Electrical 电器 Traffic 交通
Tilt-up/Precast Concrete 混凝土浇筑 Chemical/Fuel/Refrigerant Lines 化学品、燃油、制冷管线 Contaminated/Flammable Atmosphere 含有有害物质或易燃物质作业大气环境
Job Step Potential Hazard Risk Rating Control Method
工作步骤 潜在危险 风险等级 控制措施
Crane/Boom truck should have a valid 3rd party inspection sticker and previously
approved by TR and TCC. Periodically monthly inspections will be conducted.吊车
/自卸吊需经第三方检查,并由 TR 和 TCC 检查,同时定期每月检查
TBT shall be conducted by the supervisor to discuss the hazards and control
Safety failures/breaches due to
measures to be implemented 施工主管要组织安全早会,并讨论施工风险及控制措
one of the following causes 由
Copy of the MS & JSA shall be available at site and followed 施工方案和 JSA 的副
Mechanical Failure 机械故 Competent supervision shall be available full time for the lifting work 吊装期间应有
障 完善的监管
All the plans and procedures shall be followed strictly at site 所有的计划和程序都
No Permit or invalid permit
The work shall be carried out according to the agreed HSE plan and procedures
Lack of Supervision 缺乏监 工作将按照商定的安全计划和程序进行
督 Lifting plan required for all critical lifts 特种吊装需要吊装方案
Crane/Boom truck operator must have a valid SAG license and SA certification to
No follow the Procedure 不
operator that specific crane 吊车/自卸吊司机需要驾照和阿美认证的操作证
Preparation for Lifting 遵循程序
M 中等风险 All lifting gears shall be inspected/certified and in good condition 所有的吊索具需 L 低风险
Activities 吊装前准备
Lack of training or 经过检查认证,附相关证书
incomplete risk Instruction will be clear and proper communication means will be available when
assessment 缺乏培训或风 necessary (walkie-talkies)保证沟通顺畅,必要时提供对讲机
险评估不到位 All riggers shall be SA certified to assist the lifting of particular weight with respect
to its weight 所有的起重工都需要阿美认证,并在其认证资格范围内进行作业
Communication Failure 沟
Rigger III will rig up to 10T only; Rigger II will rig up to 40T only; Rigger I could rig
the special lifts more than 40T 三级起重 10 吨以下,二级起重 40 吨以下,以及起
Lack of competency 能力 重无限制
不足 All riggers shall study well lifting plan and attend all preparation and tool box
meeting 所有的起重应当了解吊装计划,并参加准备工作及安全早会
Housekeeping 文明施工
The work area shall be free from obstruction 工作区域无障碍
No signage and Barricade The work area shall be isolated with hard barricades/Red-White warning tape 工作
没有围护和警示牌 区域采用硬维护或红白警示带隔离
Safety signage shall be posted in sufficient sizes and numbers 张贴足够数量和尺
Flagman shall guide the crane during any movement 吊车移动的过程中应有旗手指
Crane/Boom truck Outer rigger sink into the M 中等风险 Before setup the crane, the ground condition shall be inspected by the competent L 低风险
setup for lifting 吊车/自 ground due to uncompact person to ensure that it can beat the load of the crane 在伸腿前,应有合格的人员
卸吊站位 ground 由于地面不紧实,支腿 检查地面状况,确保其能够承受起重机的负荷
Lifting the load using 陷入地面 Compaction test shall be provided by TCC (if required)如有必要,提供压力试验
Job Step Potential Hazard Risk Rating Control Method
工作步骤 潜在危险 风险等级 控制措施
Crane/Boom truck 吊装 Outer rigger pad shall be used with proper size and good condition 支腿垫板应使
The outer rigger shall be fully extended 支腿应完全伸展
The area shall be fully barricaded; no unauthorized entry will be allowed to the
crane setting area 该区域应完全封闭; 未经授权不得进入吊装区域
The operator shall make visual communication with rigger and others working
nearby 吊车司机应与起重工和附近工作的其他人进行视觉交流
It is strictly prohibited to stand on the crane to reduce the impact hazards 严禁站在
Impact hazards 相关影响 M 中等风险 起重机上以减少撞击危险 L 低风险
It is strictly prohibited to stand under boom or suspended load 严禁在吊臂或吊物下
Do not stand on Crane/Boom truck swing areas 不要站在吊车/自卸吊回转区域内
Stay away in front of outer rigger while outer rigger extraction in progress 当支腿展
Before setting the Crane/Boom truck make sure that the working radius is not
affecting by overhead power line 在吊车/自卸吊站位前,工作半径不受架空电力线
In case the power lines exist, the proper distance shall be maintained per voltage
Overhead power line 架空电线 M 中等风险 L 低风险
as mentioned in CSM 如果存在电源线,根据 CSM 中所述,不同的电压应保持不同
Critical lift plan shall be obtained in case the lifting operation takes place near
power lines 如果在电源线附近吊装,需办理特殊吊装许可证
Follow the safe system of work to avoid injuries 遵循安全工作要求,避免受伤
Cuts, laceration 切割,撕裂 M 中等风险 Wear proper PPE (Hand gloves, safety shoe, safety glass, and helmet, etc.)穿戴适 L 低风险
Crane/boom truck overturning M 中等风险 The load weight shall not be exceeded more that 85% of crane/boom truck L 低风险
翻车 capacity 吊物重量不得超过吊车/自卸吊负载的 85%
The crane/boom truck shall be setup on solid, compacted and leveled ground 吊车
The crane/boom truck operation shall not be carried out with wind speed
exceeding 32km/h 风速超过 32km/h (9m/s)时应停止作业
The boom length shall not be extended more than the recommended details in the
load chart 臂杆长度不得超过吊装载荷图中所标明的长度
Crane/boom truck operator shall lift load above ground for few second to check
every lifting items (Lifting should be slow & down)吊车/自卸吊司机应把吊物提升起
Crane/BT operator shall have the final decision on any crane lift that affects the
safety of his crane 吊车/自卸吊司机应对任何影响其安全吊装做出最终决定
SA certified riggers shall be used to rig all loads, regardless of weight to be lifted,
configuration, or location. This includes such operations as standard and critical
Job Step Potential Hazard Risk Rating Control Method
工作步骤 潜在危险 风险等级 控制措施
lifts, loading or off-loading trucks (include boom trucks), etc. the USER shall
provide, in writing, the weight of any load prior to the lift 不论要提升的重量,配置
或位置如何,都应使用 SA 认证的起重工来进行吊装。包括一般吊装及特殊吊装,
The load chart of the crane shall be strictly followed 吊装载荷图应严格遵循
The load capacity of the crane/boom truck shall not be exceeded beyond its safe
working load 吊车/自卸吊的承载能力不得超过其安全工作载荷能力
All cranes shall be fitted with the following safety items: fire extinguisher, back-up
alarm, sparks arrestor etc.所有的吊车需安装一下安全装置:灭火器,倒车警报,
The crane/boom truck operator shall not leave the controls at any time while load
is attached 吊车/自卸吊负载时,司机不得离开操作台
The main boom line and the auxiliary boom line (whip line) shall not be used at the
same time on the same load, unless otherwise specified by the crane manufacture
All cranes shall have load chart available in the cabs stating lift capacity based on
boom length, attachments, boom angle, outrigger configuration, radius, and lift
quadrant. Load charts, if permanently attached to the crane cab wall, shall be
positioned for easy visibility to the operator while he is seated at his control
The competent person shall ensure that there are no obstructions, like building or
other structure in the vicinity of crane/boom truck lift in operation 有关人员应确保
Striking against structure 撞到 The operator and rigger shall make good communication in order to conduct safe
M 中等风险 L 低风险
结构 lifting 司机和起重工之间应确保良好的沟通,确保吊装安全
The operator himself will inspect the area to ensure that working radius is not be
affected by other structure 司机应检查吊装区域,以确保工作半径不受其他结构的
Ensure that the load has been fastened correctly by certified rigger 起重工应确保
All the lifting gears shall have 3rd party inspection certificates/manufacture
calibration certification, and shall be inspected by the rigger on daily and
Load failing 负载失败 M 中等风险 periodically basis 所有的吊索具应有第三方检测或相关的出厂证书,起重工应在每 L 低风险
The area shall be barricaded completely and warning signs posted to prevent
unauthorized entry to the danger zone 吊装区域应进行必要的围护,确保无关人等
Load striking against object or M 中等风险 Tag lines shall be used to control the suspended load 吊装的过程中使用溜绳 L 低风险
Job Step Potential Hazard Risk Rating Control Method
工作步骤 潜在危险 风险等级 控制措施
The load shall not be lifted above the wind speed of 9m/s 吊装应停止在风速达到
Do not stand in line of loads 不要站在吊物的行进线上
The operator shall make a trial lift without load to ensure the area is safe for lifting
people 吊物撞到人或物 司机应在无负载的情况下进行预试,确保区域安全
Cranes shall have a minimum tail swing clearance of 0.6 m (2 ft.). Barricades shall
be provided at the crane’s working radius when working around personnel. 吊车的
尾部摆动间隙应至少为 0.6 米(2 英尺)。应在起重机的工作半径内提供围护,用
The crane/boom truck shall be inspected by 3rd party and inspected by TR and
TCC. Periodically monthly inspection will also be conducted. 吊车/自卸吊需经第三
方检查,并由 TR 和 TCC 检查,同时定期每月检查
The crane/boom truck must have 3rd party inspection certificate with 3 months’
Mechanical failure 机械故障 M 中等风险 validity 吊车/自卸吊需要有第三方检查的标签,有效期为 3 个月 L 低风险
The operator shall inspect the crane before start the lifting, the inspection shall
include visual and functional test of the crane. Check the Anti-two block device,
LMI(Load moment indicator) and Anemometer/ Wind Speed 吊车司机在工作前对
Operator cabin shall be free of any obstruction 驾驶室无任何障碍物
The rigger will stand on visible location and give the signal to the operator 起重应
Lack of visibility/communication
M 中等风险 The operator and rigger shall make good communication to each other 司机和起重 L 低风险
No curtains on cabin glass shall be placed 360 degree around 驾驶室玻璃 360 度
The flagman shall be assigned to assist the traffic movement 吊车转场需旗手指引
Good design of roads and route shall be used to keep the vehicle away to each
other 应确保良好的道路和路线设计,保持车距
Struck by vehicles 车辆撞击 M 中等风险 Good standard of lighting shall be provided for traffic areas 交通道路需由良好的照 L 低风险
The employees shall wear high visibility reflective vest to be seen by operator 员工
It’s strictly prohibited to stand on crane desk while the crane operation in progress
Impact hazards 影响 M 中等风险 吊车运行过程中严禁站在吊车平台上 L 低风险
The crane desk must be free of any material 吊车平台上不得有任何材料
Fire extinguisher shall be installed in crane/boom truck to prevent form static
Fire hazard 火灾风险 M 中等风险 electricity 灭火器应安装在吊车/自卸吊上,以防止形成静电火灾 L 低风险
Combustible material shall not be kept in the crane 易燃材料不得放在吊车上
Static electricity 静电 S 较高风险 The grounding shall be installed in crane/boom truck to prevent from static L 低风险
electricity 吊车/自卸吊应有接地,防止静电
The copper rod should be use for grounding and must be inserted on firm ground
Job Step Potential Hazard Risk Rating Control Method
工作步骤 潜在危险 风险等级 控制措施
proper depth 接地棒应砸入地下足够深
The working area is clear, free from obstacle and free from slippery surfaces 工作
Slip, trips and falls 滑到、绊 区域清晰,没有障碍物,没有光滑的表面
S 较高风险 L 低风险
倒、摔倒 The tools and materials shall be placed in a proper place to avoid tripping hazards
Implement rest periods/break time for all workers 合理的安排工人休息的时间
Ergonomics, Fatigue 人体机 Observe proper body positioning during work 在工作期间注意正确的身体定位
M 中等风险 L 低风险
能、疲劳 Implement proper manual lifting posture 使用正确的姿势抬东西
Designate workers depending on their capabilities 根据工人的能力安排相关的作业
Detailed description of work must properly identify in the permit. 必须在作业票中正
Simultaneous activity during
Work location plot plan must be attached with permit. 作业票必须附作业地点规划
crane lifting 吊装时发生交叉作
Do not perform any simultaneous activity without conducting site inspection. 未经
Lack of communication /
coordination 缺乏沟通/协调
S 较高风险 Proper supervision must available during activity. 作业期间必须有适当的监督 L 低风险
Lack of supervision 缺乏监督
The area shall be barricaded completely and warning signs posted to prevent
Lack of inspection 缺乏检查
unauthorized entry to the danger zone. 作业区域应设置围护,并张贴警告标志,以
Load failing
Load striking against object or
The operator and rigger shall make good communication to each other. 吊车司机
people 负载打击物体或人
Do not stand in line of loads. 不要站在负载线上
Certified and safe elevated platform to be used. 使用经过报验且安全的作业平台
All workers shall be trained work at height training. 所有人员经过登高作业培训
Fall protection and fall arrest system must comply by all. 坠落防护和坠落制动系统
Uncertified elevated
platform 平台为报验
Ensure that all people are doing 100% tie off while working on 1.8 m height or
Unsecured materials 材料
Working at heights 高 more than of it. 确保在 1.8 m 或更高的高度上工作时,所有人都要 100%系好安全
未固定 M 中等风险 L 低风险
处作业 带
Improper access 通道不合
Anchor point should be secure and stable. 锚点应牢固稳定
All opening shall be hard barricaded with toe board. 所有的开孔都应进行围护及安
Fall from Height 高处坠落
Unwanted materials to be removed. 不用的材料移除
Proper access to be provided. 提供适当的通道
Emergency response Inadequate emergency S 较高风险 Inform to TR emergency hot line number in case of any emergency 发生任何紧急 L 低风险
紧急情况 response 不当的应急响应 情况拨打应急电话
Ensure that all the staff understands the action required during emergency
situation 确保所有员工都了解紧急情况下所需的行动
Ensure availability of the first aiders, ambulanced with driver and first aid kit as per
SA requirement. 根据 SA 要求,确保急救人员的可用性,救护车和急救箱
The emergency contact phone numbers shall be displayed at site in visible
Job Step Potential Hazard Risk Rating Control Method
工作步骤 潜在危险 风险等级 控制措施
location 紧急救援电话需要贴在现场可见的位置
All the staff should be familiar with the closest ambulance point at site and
emergency contact numbers 所有人员都要知道最近的救护车停靠点和紧急救援电
Heat stress awareness training will be implemented (considering Ramadan
season starting and to assess additional hazards)进行防中暑培训(考虑斋月季节
During summer season workers are not allow to work under direct sunlight for
12:00-15:00 as per Saudi Arabia Government requirement from 15th Jun-15th Sep.
Works timetable will be scheduled accordingly 夏季,根据沙特阿拉伯政府的要
求,工作人员不得在 12:00-15:00 之间在阳光直射下工作。工作时间表将相应安
Neither hoisting, canting nor lifting by crane maneuvers will be conducted at night.
These maneuvers are planned to start early morning to prevent this incidence.
Only activities no involving high risk nor heavy equipment will be able to be
conducted during night with the corresponding safety precautions (proper
illumination, enough supervision and safety coverage, etc.) 夜间不进行吊装作业,
Harsh weather conditions (high
wind, sand storm, extreme hot,
Adverse weather 及高风险或重型设备的活动中,提供相应的安全预防措施才能在夜间进行(适当的
heavy raining, extreme cold
condition 不利的天气条 S 较高风险 照明,足够的监督和安全保障等)。 L 低风险
and heat stress)恶劣的天气
件 Daily monitoring environmental conditions (air temperature and relative humidity)
and communicate the current heat stress danger category daily. Weather forecast
will be consulted on daily basis. Anemometer will be available at site for
permanent monitoring 每日监测环境条件(气温和相对湿度)并每天传达当前的热
Scheduling work/rest rotation for workers according to the current heat index 根据
During extreme sand storm, heavy rain, thunderstorm or other harsh condition, the
activity will be re assessed and if necessary stopped 在极端沙尘暴,大雨,雷暴或
Drinking water stations and rest shelter will be available at work location 现场应提
Crane & man-lift activities will be suspended during windy conditions (32km/h) or
in presence of gusty winds or sever sandstorms 在风速达到 32 公里/小时或有强风
Prepared by: Reviewed by: Reviewed by: Approved by:
编制 审核 审核 批准
Step 1 步骤 1
Consequences 后果(严重性)
5 – Severe 非常严重 Potential to be fatal. Permanent disability. Destruction of property or plant.潜在死亡事件、永久伤残;破坏财产和设备
4 – Major 较严重 Serious injury. Long term disability. Major damage to plant, property or environment.严重伤害、长期失去身体功能;或造成重大设备、财产损失和环境破坏
3 – Moderate 严重 Potential for injury resulting in medical attention. Damage to plant, property or environment.潜在医疗事件,或造成设备、财产损失和环境破坏
2 – Minor 轻度 Injury requiring First Aid treatment and / or short term discomfort.导致急救事件伤害或短期不适症状
1 – Negligible 可忽略 Cause a near miss, needs to be reported 导致需要上报的未遂事件
Step 2 步骤 2
Potential (Likelihood)潜在性(可能性)
A – Almost Certain 极可能 The event is expected to occur in most circumstances 在大部分作业环境下,该事件预期会发生
B – Likely 很可能 The event will probably occur in most circumstances 在大部分作业环境下,该事件很可能发生
C – Possible 可能 The event might occur at some time 有时,该事件可能会发生
D – Unlikely 不太可能 The event could occur at some time 有时,该事件可以发生
E – Rare 极少发生 The event may occur only in exceptional circumstances 只在一些特殊环境下,该事件也许会发生
Step 3 步骤 3
Matrix 矩阵 Consequences 严重性
Potential 可能性 1 – Negligible 可忽略 2 – Minor 轻度 3 – Moderate 严重 4 – Major 较严重 5 – Severe 非常严重
A – Almost Certain 极可能 M (9) S (15) S (19) H (24) H (25)
B – Likely 很可能 L (7) M (11) S (18) S (21) H (23)
C – Possible 可能 L (5) L (6) M (13) S (17) H (22)
D – Unlikely 不太可能 L (3) L (4) M (10) M (14) S (20)
E – Rare 极少发生 VL (1) L (2) M (8) M (12) S (16)
Legend 说明
Risk Rating 风险等级
Activity to be re-planned and/or re-designed. If this is not possible, an independent Hazard Assessment of the activity is to be completed by the Project Manager prior
High 高风险
to completing the SWMS 作业需要重新计划或设计,如果不能,在完成施工方案前,由项目经理组织完成独立的风险辨识。
Activity Must be reviewed by Senior Site Management Representative and have identified risk controls built into the SWMS and work procedure 作业方案必须由现场高
Significant 较高风险
Medium 中等风险 Site Supervisor must review method of task.现场主管必须审核作业方法
Low 低风险 Some action may be required, Supervisor to determine and monitor 可能需要一些控制措施,由主管决定和监督执行
Very Low 极低风险 Minimal risk, monitor where work changes 极小风险,监督作业变化情况