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1 author:
Nsikak Ulaeto
University of Uyo
All content following this page was uploaded by Nsikak Ulaeto on 16 May 2017.
1 Introduction
Structural robustness has become an important requirement in the design of civil engineering structures.
It has been defined as the insensitivity of a structure to initial local failure [1]. Response of different
structural forms differ due to the various possible mechanisms developed after an initial failure of a
structural component. There exists a gap in knowledge of the response of reinforced concrete (RC) flat
slab structures after an initial local failure. Flat slabs are RC slabs supported directly on columns without
beams (fig. 1a), unlike conventional RC framed structures. Bending moment and shear transfer from
slabs to columns poses challenges in flat slab structures due to the possible occurrence of punching
shear failure at very small rotations. The provision of punching shear reinforcement increases punching
shear strength and deformation capacity. However, errors in design, abnormal loading of the structure,
malevolent or accidental actions may lead to loss of a column or the failure of a connection. Loss of a
column or failure of a connection could then lead to a partial collapse (figure 1b) or a complete collapse
of the structure. The primary mechanisms initiated after such local failure would include post-punching
shear, tensile membrane action and asymmetric punching of neighboring connections. Inertia and
material strain rate effects are also very influential on the response of the flat slab structural system at
this phase.
Fig.1: (a) Typical flat slab structure (b) Progressive collapse of Pipers Row Car
Park [2]
Punching shear and post punching responses of flat slab connections are dynamic and nonlinear in
nature, though they have been experimentally and analytically modelled as static nonlinear problems
using displacement based models. While displacements and rotations resulting from punching shear
are small, the post punching mechanism involves large displacements. Significantly high material and
geometric nonlinearities develop during the post punching shear phase of failure making it difficult to
model the response of these connections numerically using implicit-static finite element approaches.
This is primarily due to numerical convergence problems which would result during iterative steps
required to establish equilibrium. However, explicit finite element analysis does not require the
establishment of equilibrium. Nodal accelerations and displacements are solved for directly using time
steps which are of many orders of magnitude smaller than those adopted for the implicit analysis.
Previous researches involving the numerical modelling of progressive collapse in flat slab structures
have seen the use of connector elements (discrete beam elements, connector beams, springs or
connector spheres) for the simulations of the punching and post punching shear mechanisms [3,4].
Load-deformation and load-failure relationships adopted for these connectors are obtained from
analytical models. Application of these models tend to neglect or inadequately predict the contribution
of various mechanisms to the overall capacity of connections when applied to system models. The
interaction between these mechanisms also contribute significantly to the overall capacity of the
connection during failure. Explicit modelling of connections using solid and beam elements allow for an
adequate consideration of the various mechanisms as well as their interaction.
Research currently being carried out at the University of Surrey, aims at developing novel analytical and
numerical methods towards assessing structural robustness of RC flat slab structures, with a view to
improving the safety of structures incorporating this structural system. Presented in this paper, is the
numerical procedures adopted for modeling of punching shear and post punching shear response of
RC flat slab connections using the finite element (FE) software LS-DYNA. Numerical procedure adopted
is validated using isolated RC flat slab test specimens available in literature.
2 Methods
2.1 Element formulations
Modelling of column-slab connections was carried out using solid (three dimensional) elements for
concrete and beam (one dimensional) elements for steel reinforcement. The 8 noded hexahedron
element with its default constant stress solid element formulation was adopted for the solid elements
due to its simplicity and versatility. For the one dimensional beam elements the Hughes-Liu beam
element formulation was adopted. The Hughes-Liu beam element formulation was chosen since it
incorporates finite transverse shear strains in addition to its bending and membrane capability.
The Winfrith concrete material model caters for both triaxial compression and triaxial extension using
the third stress invariant [7]. It includes concrete tensile cracking in three orthogonal planes for each
element and strain softening in tension. Input parameters for normal strength and siliceous aggregate
concrete in the Winfrith concrete model are relatively straight forward. Input parameters for tangential
modulus (T.M) and uniaxial tensile strength (f’ct) of concrete were obtained using equations 1 and 2.
Both relationships are as used in psi by [5] but presented here in MPa. Strain rate effects could be turned
on or off for either a quasi-static or dynamic analysis respectively. For the quasi-static analysis, “FE”
material input parameter represents the crack width (strain) at which crack-normal tensile stress goes
to zero. A constant value of 1.27x10-4 was adopted as recommended for normal strength and siliceous
aggregate concrete [9].
erosion was incorporated. This was due to the assumption of only flexural and shear failure modes at
the connection.
*MAT_PLASTIC_KINEMATIC (material model 3) was used in modelling of the material properties of the
steel reinforcements. This material model is one usually adopted for modelling isotropic and (or)
kinematic hardening plasticity. It is compatible with the Hughes-Liu beam element and strain rate effects
could be incorporated into this model. Erosion was incorporated directly into this material model through
plastic strains.
Fig.3: (a) Finite element meshing for slab (b) Explicit modelling of reinforcements for slab
specimen PM12 specimen PM12
Quarter FE models were analysed numerically using a quasi-static displacement controlled approach
and their flexural, punching shear and post punching shear responses obtained. Sensitivity analyses
were carried out to obtain the optimum element characteristics for punching shear capacity, residual
capacity just after punching and initial post punching capacity. Due to limited analysis time a complete
assessment of influence of the various parameters on peak post punching capacity could not be carried
out. Element lengths of 10 and 20mm, element depth to slab depth ratios (e.d/s.d) of 0.25, 0.1667 and
0.125 were used for the parametric assessment. Inputs of 0.02 and 0.1 were also adopted as inputs for
both erosion failure conditions for Winfrith concrete.
Slab displacements at the side of the lost column (critical side) were assigned a displacement factor of
one. Slab kinematics were assessed at various steps of analysis. Slab displacement contours after the
complete loss of the connections are as shown in figure 4. Slab displacement curve showing
displacements from the mid-spans on either side of column 2 is as present in figure 5. Figure 5 shows
displacement curves at the point of initiation of punching shear failure and at complete loss of the
connection. A displacement of 0.116m was observed at column 2 after the complete loss of the
connection. It should be noted that this assessment was carried out without consideration of post-
punching resistance of the failing connections as well as the failure of other connections.
Ratios of displacement at distances from the column centre at the opposite and adjacent sides to those
at equal distances of the critical side were obtained. Curves for these displacement ratios after complete
connection failure are as shown in figure 6. Displacement ratios decreased with increase in distance
from the column face. Figure 7 shows the development of the displacement ratio through the various
steps of analysis at three points 1.12d, 3.04d and 6.72d from the column face. The negative factors
observed in figure 7 resulted due to positive displacements (uplifts) at the opposite side prior to the
failure of the connection and at early steps of the analysis. Results of presented in figures 4 to 7 were
based on flat slab system developed from isolated slab specimen PM4. Based on these observations,
average displacement ratios of 0.65 and 0.75 were adopted for the opposite and adjacent sides
respectively. These ratios were applied in the numerical assessment of asymmetric punching in isolated
flat slab models.
Fig.4: Slab displacement contour after Fig.5: Slab displacement around column
complete failure of adjacent connections
(displacement in metres)
3 Results
3.1 Sensitivity study
Results of sensitivity studies gave adequate insight into how model characteristics influenced model
behaviour in punching shear, residual punching shear and post punching shear. Inclusion of very small
values of erosion to concrete material model by means of failure strain criteria gave strength estimated
much lower than the actual when these criteria were met. As shown in figure 8 for the PM12 slab
specimen, inclusion of the erosion criteria influences all three connection properties. Hence, when there
is need to model disconnection of members due to local damage without influencing strength properties,
much higher values of failure criteria should be adopted though these strain values may seem
mechanically unrealistic. This sensitivity study was carried out using element length of 0.01m and
e.d/s.d ratio of 0.167. Though it is expected that smaller values of element length and e.d/s.d ratios may
lead to better prediction of strength at smaller values of strain failure criteria, these would significantly
increase computation time and cost, especially when applied to system models.
Sensitivity studies also showed that element depth to slab depth ratios of 0.1667 gave the best
prediction of punching shear strength with a percentage difference of 0.03% (figure 9). Higher e.d/s.d
led to punching shear strengths higher than actual and the opposite case was observed for lower values
of e.d/s.d. Variations in e.d/s.d had no influence on the residual punching shear and post-punching
shear responses.
Element length of 0.010m gave the best prediction of punching shear strength as shown in figure 10.
Smaller element sizes gave lower punching shear strength predictions. There was no observed
influence of variations in element sizes on the residual punching shear and post punching shear
responses. Element sizes lower than 0.010m such as a 0.005m element size was considered to fine to
be incorporated into this sensitivity assessment
Fig.11: Symmetric PM2: Load displacement Fig.12: Symmetric PM4: Load displacement
curve curve
Fig.13: Symmetric PM12: Load displacement Fig.14: Symmetric SS: Load displacement
curve curve
Values of residual punching shear capacities in asymmetric models were higher than those of symmetric
models. This is believed to be due to the early activation of flexural and integrity reinforcements at the
critical side. The PM4 slab model experienced fracture of flexural reinforcement close to the column
face at the critical side but PM12 experienced this at both the critical and adjacent sides. Enhanced
activation of flexural reinforcements are believed to be responsible for the observed fracture of flexural
reinforcement in asymmetric cases. Fracture of flexural reinforcements brought about drops in column
support reactions at displacements 0.1m and 0.064m as observed in figures 15 and 16 respectively.
Fig.15: Asymmetric PM4: Load displacement Fig.16: Asymmetric PM12: Load displacement
curve curve
4 Discussion
Results of analyses showed 0.01m element length and 0.1667 e.d/s.d to be the ideal element
characteristics for modelling for accurate modelling of punching shear, residual punching shear and post
punching shear response of flat slab connections. Use of 0.02m element length would also give fairly
accurate results if adopted to reduce computation time. With element size having no influence on
residual punching shear and post punching shear strength, the use of elements of larger lengths could
be used at a distance of about 3deff. from the column face without influencing the connection response.
A reduction in post punching shear strength was observed due to asymmetric loading which could occur
after the loss of an internal column. Without the consideration of such reductions in robustness
assessment, the robustness of such structures could be significantly overestimated. This reduced
connection capacity should also be taken into consideration during the design of integrity reinforcements
for new flat slab structures. Results proof that accurate modelling of the response of flat slab connection
could be carried out using a quasi-static analysis on LS-DYNA. Hence, this modelling approach could
be incorporated in the system assessment of flat systems both in the quasi-static and dynamic domain.
5 Summary
Finite element modelling of the response of isolated flat slab connections were carried out using by
means of quasi-static analyses using LS-DYNA finite element software. Sensitivity analyses showed
that 0.01m element length and 0.1667 element depth to slab depth ratio gave the best predictions of
slab response in punching shear strength, residual punching shear strength and post punching shear
strength. Good prediction of these strength parameters were obtained for all slab test specimens
assessed. In addition, assessment of the influence of asymmetry which could result from loss of an
adjacent column showed a 12 percent decrease in peak post punching shear strength for slab specimen
without integrity reinforcement but a 30 percent decrease for slab specimen with integrity reinforcement.
This study is part of on a Doctoral research funded by the Commonwealth Scholarships Commission In
the United Kingdom. Presentation of this paper was made possible by grants from the Commonwealth
Scholarships Commission In the UK and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Surrey.
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Accepted for publication in ACI Special Publication (SP) fib/ACI International Symposium on
punching shear of structural concrete slabs (2016)- Honoring Neil Hawkins.