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UNIT 1 - Introduction To EDA Tools

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Definition of Simulation, Need of Simulation, Brief
introduction of various simulators, Description to simulator
tool, Hands on practice on available library of components,
wiring and schematic designing

 Electronic Design Automation or EDA tools

Electronic systems are an integral part of human life. They have simplified our
lives to a great extent. Starting from small systems made of a few discrete
components to the present day integrated circuits (ICs) with millions of logic gates,
electronic systems have undergone a sea change. As a result, design of electronic
systems too has become extremely difficult and time consuming. By using
computer aided design tools, we have been able to come up with quick and
efficient designs. These are called Electronic Design Automation or EDA tools
The term Electronic Design Automation (EDA) refers to the tools that are used to
design and verify integrated circuits (ICs), printed circuit boards (PCBs), and
electronic systems, in general.

 How Does EDA Work?

Electronic Design Automation is primarily a software business. Very sophisticated
and complex software programs function primarily in one of three ways to assist
with the design and manufacture of chips:
Simulation tools take a description of a proposed circuit and predict its behavior
before is it implemented.
Design tools take a description of a proposed circuit function and assemble the
collection of circuit elements that implement that function. This is both a logical
process (assemble and connect the circuit elements) and a physical process (create
the interconnected geometric shapes that will implement the circuit during
manufacturing). These tools are delivered as a combination of fully automated and
interactively guided capabilities.
Verification tools examine either the logical or physical representation of the
chip to determine if the resultant design is connected correctly and will deliver the
required performance.

T. Y. B. Sc. (SEM -V) PAPER- X: ELSEC 351: UNIT: 1 Introduction to EDA Tools. Notes by, Mrs. Monali Niphade
 Definition of Simulation
Simulation is a discipline of modeling some real life problem or theoretical concept
and observing corresponding output in artificial or synthetic environment e.g.
computers. Simulation has great importance in the field of application of Electronics
engineering where electronic engineers or students can check their models or theory
before applying for development practically.
A simulation is the imitation of the operation of a real-world process or system over
time. Simulations require the use of models; the model represents the key
characteristics or behaviors of the selected system or process, whereas the simulation
represents the evolution of the model over time.
Electronic circuit simulation uses mathematical models to replicate the behavior of an
actual electronic device or circuit. Simulation software allows for modeling of circuit
operation and is an invaluable analysis tool. Electronics simulation software engages its
users by integrating them into the learning experience.

Transistor simulation – low-level transistor-simulation of a schematic/layout's behavior,

accurate at device-level.
Logic simulation – digital-simulation of an RTL or gate-net list’s digital (Boolean 0/1)
behavior, accurate at Boolean-level.
Behavioral simulation – high-level simulation of a design's architectural operation,
accurate at cycle-level or interface-level.
Hardware emulation – Use of special purpose hardware to emulate the logic of a
proposed design. Can sometimes be plugged into a system in place of a yet-to-be-built
chip; this is called in-circuit emulation.
Technology CAD simulate and analyze the underlying process technology. Electrical
properties of devices are derived directly from device physics.
Electromagnetic field solvers, or just field solvers, solve Maxwell's equations directly
for cases of interest in IC and PCB design. They are known for being slower but more
accurate than the layout extraction above.

Simulation is used in many contexts, such as simulation of technology

for performance tuning or optimizing, safety engineering, testing, training,
education, and video games. Simulation is also used with scientific modelling of
natural systems or human systems to gain insight into their functioning, as in
economics. Simulation can be used to show the eventual real effects of alternative
conditions and courses of action. Simulation is also used when the real system cannot

T. Y. B. Sc. (SEM -V) PAPER- X: ELSEC 351: UNIT: 1 Introduction to EDA Tools. Notes by, Mrs. Monali Niphade
be engaged, because it may not be accessible, or it may be dangerous or unacceptable
to engage, or it is being designed but not yet built, or it may simply not exist.

 Need of Simulation
Simulating a circuit’s behavior before actually building it can greatly improve design
efficiency by making faulty designs known as such, and providing insight into the
behavior of electronics circuit designs. Almost all IC design relies heavily on
simulation. The most well-known analog simulator is SPICE. Probably the best known
digital simulators are those based on Verilog and VHDL.

For complex enough circuits putting together a simulation is way faster and cheaper
than building a prototype. You save yourself time by validating your ideas, tweaking
component values to achieve intended result. You only start building on a breadboard
after you are reasonably certain that your thing will work. Even then you might be
surprised, since as they say the difference between theory and practice is that in theory
they are the same, in practice - not so much. All simulations make assumptions for

Simulation is a very important means in the field of power electronics.

Simulation leads to
– saving of development time,
– saving of costs (‘burnt power circuits tend to be expensive’),
– Better understanding of the function,
– testing and finding of critical states and regions of operation,
– Fast optimization of system and control.
Today it is difficult to imagine the task of power electronics development without the
help of simulation.

 Brief introduction of various simulators and

Description to simulator tool

A simulator is a device, computer program, or system that performs simulation. A

simulation is a method for implementing a model over time.
There are three types of commonly uses simulations:

Live: Simulation involving real people operating real systems

Involve individuals or groups
May use actual equipment
Should provide a similar area of operations
T. Y. B. Sc. (SEM -V) PAPER- X: ELSEC 351: UNIT: 1 Introduction to EDA Tools. Notes by, Mrs. Monali Niphade
Should be close to replicating the actual activity
Virtual: Simulation involving real people operating simulated systems. Virtual
simulations inject Human-In-The-Loop in a central role by exercising:
Motor control skills (e.g., flying an airplane)
Decision skills (e.g., committing fire control resources to action)
Communication skills (e.g., members of a C4I team)
Constructive: Simulation involving simulated people operating simulated systems.
Real people can stimulate (make inputs) but are not involved in determining
outcomes. Constructive simulations offer the ability to:
Analyze concepts
Predict possible outcomes
Stress large organizations
Make measurements
Generate statistics
Perform analysis

NI Multisim is a powerful schematic capture and simulation environment that
engineers, students, and professors can use to simulate electronic circuits and
prototype Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs).

For this introductory example, you will simulate a standard non-inverting operational
amplifier circuit (shown in Figure 1). The gain of this non-inverting amplifier is
calculated by the expression Gain = 1 + R1/R2. Therefore, if R1 = R2, then the gain is
equal to 2, which you will verify when you run interactive simulation in Multisim.

Figure 1. Non-inverting amplifier circuit.

Part A: Selecting Components
Begin by drawing your schematic in the Multisim environment.
1. Open Multisim by selecting All Programs» National Instruments» Circuit

T. Y. B. Sc. (SEM -V) PAPER- X: ELSEC 351: UNIT: 1 Introduction to EDA Tools. Notes by, Mrs. Monali Niphade
Design Suite 13.0» Multisim 13.0.
2. Select Place» Component. The Select a Component window appears (also
known as the Component Browser), as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Select a Component window.

The Component Browser organizes the database components into three logical
levels. The Master Database contains all shipping components in a read-only format.
The Corporate Database is where you can save custom components to be shared
with colleagues. Finally, the User Database is where custom components are saved
that can be used only by the specific designer.

Additional Points
 The components (or parts) are organized into Groups and Families to
intuitively and logically group common parts together and make searching
easier and more effective.
 The Component Browser shows the component name, symbol,
functional description, model, and footprint all in a single pop-up.

3. Select the Sources Group and highlight the POWER_SOURCES family.

4. Select the GROUND component (as shown in Figure 2).
5. Click OK. The Select a Component window temporarily closes and the ground
symbol is ‘ghosted’ to the mouse pointer.
6. Move the mouse to the appropriate place on the workspace and left-click once to
place the component. After placing the component, the Select a

T. Y. B. Sc. (SEM -V) PAPER- X: ELSEC 351: UNIT: 1 Introduction to EDA Tools. Notes by, Mrs. Monali Niphade
Component window will open again automatically.
7. Go to the Sources Group again and highlight the POWER_SOURCES Family
(if not already highlighted from the previous selection).
8. Select the DC_POWER component.
9. Place the DC_POWER component on the schematic.
10.Repeat steps 7, 8 and 9 to place a second DC_POWER component.

Additional Points
 Without a power and ground your simulation cannot run.
 If you need multiple components you can repeat the placement steps as
shown, or place one component and use copy (Ctrl+ C) and paste (Ctrl+
V) to place additional components as needed.
 By default, the Select a Component window keeps returning as a pop-up
until you have completed placing your components. Close the window to
return to the schematic entry window.

Now place the remaining circuit components using the techniques discussed in the
previous steps.

11.Select the Analog Group and the OPAMP family.

12.Type AD712 in the Component field.
13.Select the AD712SQ/883B component, as shown in the next figure:

Figure 3. Selecting the operational amplifier.

T. Y. B. Sc. (SEM -V) PAPER- X: ELSEC 351: UNIT: 1 Introduction to EDA Tools. Notes by, Mrs. Monali Niphade
Note that this component is a multi-section component, as shown by the A and B tabs.
14.Place section A of the AD712SQ/883B component on the workspace area.
15.Return to the Select a Component window.
16.Select the Basic Group, Resistor Family.
17.Select a 1 k Ω resistor. In the Footprint manufacturer/type field, select IPC-
18.Place the resistor.

Note: you can rotate a component before placement by using the <Ctrl+ R> shortcut
on your keyboard when the component is ghosted to the mouse pointer.

19.Repeat steps 16, 17 and 18 to place another 1 k Ω resistor.

20.Select the Sources Group, SIGNAL_VOLTAGE_SOURCES Family, and
place the AC_VOLTAGE component. At this point, your schematic should look
something like the following figure:

Figure 4. Components placed on the workspace area.

Part B: Wiring the Schematic

Multisim is a modeless wiring environment. This means that Multisim determines the
functionality of the mouse pointer by the position of the mouse. You do not have to
return to the menu to select between the placement, wiring, and editing tools.
1. Begin wiring by moving the mouse pointer close to a pin of a component. The
mouse appears as a crosshair rather than the default mouse pointer.
2. Place an initial wire junction by clicking on the pin/terminal of the part (in this
case, the output pin of the opamp).
3. Complete the wire by moving the mouse to another terminal or just double-click
to anchor the termination point of the wire to a floating location somewhere in
the schematic window.
4. Create a copy of the ground symbol using Copy <Ctrl+ C> and Paste <Ctrl+ V>.
5. Complete the wiring as shown in Figure 5. Do not worry about the labeled
numbers on the wires (also called nets).

T. Y. B. Sc. (SEM -V) PAPER- X: ELSEC 351: UNIT: 1 Introduction to EDA Tools. Notes by, Mrs. Monali Niphade
Figure 5. Wiring the schematic.
The last key step is to connect the power supply terminals to the positive and negative
power rails of the opamp via a virtual connection using On-page connectors.

6. Select Place» Connectors» On-page connector and connect it to the positive

terminal of the V1 power supply. The On-page Connector window will open.
7. Enter +V in the Connector name field and click OK.
8. Select another On-page connector and connect it to terminal 8 of the opamp.
The On-page Connector window will open again.
9. Select the +V connector in the Available connectors list and click OK. The
positive terminal of the V1 DC power supply is now connected to pin 8 of the
opamp via a virtual connection.
10.Repeat steps 6 to 9 to connect the negative terminal of V2 to pin 4 of the opamp.
Name the On-page connector –V. The schematic should now look like the
following figure:

Figure 6. Schematic with On-page connectors.

Part C: Simulating the Circuit

You are now ready to run an interactive Multisim simulation; however, you need a
way to visualize the data. Multisim provides instruments to visualize the simulated
measurements. Instruments can be found on the right menu bar and are indicated by

T. Y. B. Sc. (SEM -V) PAPER- X: ELSEC 351: UNIT: 1 Introduction to EDA Tools. Notes by, Mrs. Monali Niphade
the following icons.

Figure 7. Instruments toolbar.

1. Select the Oscilloscope from the menu and place this onto the schematic.
2. Wire the Channel A and Channel B terminals of the Oscilloscope to both the
input and output of the amplifier circuit.
3. Place a ground component and connect it to the negative terminals of the
4. Right-click the wire connected to Channel B and select Segment color.
5. Select a shade of blue and click the OK button. The schematic should look like
Figure 8.

Figure 8. Connecting the Oscilloscope to the schematic.

6. Select Simulate» Run to start the simulation.
7. Double-click on the Oscilloscope to open its Front Panel and observe the
simulation results (see Figure 9). As expected, the input signal is being amplified
by a factor of 2.
8. Stop the simulation by pressing the red stop button in the simulation toolbar.

T. Y. B. Sc. (SEM -V) PAPER- X: ELSEC 351: UNIT: 1 Introduction to EDA Tools. Notes by, Mrs. Monali Niphade
Figure 9. Simulation results.

Part D: Transferring to PCB Layout

Part E: Routing the Board

Proteus PCB Design and Simulation Software – Introduction
Proteus is a simulation and design software tool developed by Labcenter
Electronics for Electrical and Electronic circuit design
About Proteus
It is a software suite containing schematic, simulation as well as PCB designing.
 ISIS is the software used to draw schematics and simulate the circuits in real
time. The simulation allows human access during run time, thus providing real
time simulation.
 ARES is used for PCB designing. It has the feature of viewing output in 3D
view of the designed PCB along with components.
 The designer can also develop 2D drawings for the product.

Starting New Design

Step 1: Open ISIS software and select new design in File menu

T. Y. B. Sc. (SEM -V) PAPER- X: ELSEC 351: UNIT: 1 Introduction to EDA Tools. Notes by, Mrs. Monali Niphade
Proteus File Menu

Step 2: A dialogue box appears to save the current design. However, we are creating a
new design file so you can click Yes or No depending on the content of the present
file. Then a Pop-Up appears asking to select the template. It is similar to selecting the
paper size while printing. For now select default or according to the layout size of the

Proteus Default Template Select

Step 3: An untitled design sheet will be opened, save it according to your wish, it is
better to create a new folder for every layout as it generates other files supporting your
design. However, it is not mandatory.

T. Y. B. Sc. (SEM -V) PAPER- X: ELSEC 351: UNIT: 1 Introduction to EDA Tools. Notes by, Mrs. Monali Niphade
Proteus Design Sheet

Step 4: To select components, Click on the component mode button.

Component Mode
Step 5: Click On Pick from Libraries. It shows the categories of components available
and a search option to enter the part name.

Pick from Libraries

Step 6: Select the components from categories or type the part name in Keywords text
T. Y. B. Sc. (SEM -V) PAPER- X: ELSEC 351: UNIT: 1 Introduction to EDA Tools. Notes by, Mrs. Monali Niphade
Keywords Textbox

Example shows selection of push button. Select the components accordingly.

Push Button Selection

Step 7: The selected components will appear in the devices list. Select the component

T. Y. B. Sc. (SEM -V) PAPER- X: ELSEC 351: UNIT: 1 Introduction to EDA Tools. Notes by, Mrs. Monali Niphade
and place it in the design sheet by left-click.

Component Selection
Place all the required components and route the wires i. e, make connections.
Either selection mode above the component mode or component mode allows to
connect through wires. Left click from one terminal to other to make connection.
Double right-click on the connected wire or the component to remove connection or
the component respectively.

Component Properties Selection

Double click on the component to edit the properties of the components and click on

T. Y. B. Sc. (SEM -V) PAPER- X: ELSEC 351: UNIT: 1 Introduction to EDA Tools. Notes by, Mrs. Monali Niphade

Component Properties Edit

Step 8: After connecting the circuit, click on the play button to run the simulation.

Simulation Run
In this example simulation, the button is depressed during simulation by clicking on it
to make LED glow.

T. Y. B. Sc. (SEM -V) PAPER- X: ELSEC 351: UNIT: 1 Introduction to EDA Tools. Notes by, Mrs. Monali Niphade
Simulation Animating
Simulation can be stepped, paused or stopped at any time.

Simulation Step-Pause-Stop Buttons

T. Y. B. Sc. (SEM -V) PAPER- X: ELSEC 351: UNIT: 1 Introduction to EDA Tools. Notes by, Mrs. Monali Niphade

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