Orthodontics: Developments in
Orthodontics: Developments in
Orthodontics: Developments in
MAY 2021
2 C E C R E D I T S
The Next
of Continuing Education in Dentistry
MAY 2021 | www.compendiumlive.com
Matthew T. Ingram
of Continuing Education in Dentistry
elcome to another edition of the C. Justin Romano
Compendium eBook series focus- SPECIAL PROJECTS COORDINATOR
June Portnoy
ing on clinical topics addressing of Continuing Education in Dentistry
the latest developments in oral Bill Noone
healthcare. CREATIVE
Claire Novo
General practice dentistry is expanding treatment offer-
ings as more sophisticated digital technology becomes widely Jennifer Barlow
Tridimensional Reconstruction of
a Complex Iatrogenic Defect Using
Orthodontic Forced Eruption and
Minimally Invasive Bone Grafting
Ernesto A. Lee, DMD
ABSTRACT: As the use of dental implants has become more common, so has the frequency
of complications and unforeseen outcomes. This article describes the treatment of a complex
iatrogenic defect secondary to a failed implant (No. 7) and multiple bone-grafting attempts in
the maxillary anterior region. The patient’s revealing smile line and high-risk circumstances
demanded the use of an interdisciplinary treatment approach with high potential for predict-
able esthetic results. Forced eruption was performed to restore the alveolar height deficit and
develop the compromised hard and soft tissues around teeth Nos. 6 and 8. The subperiosteal
minimally invasive (a)esthetic ridge-augmentation technique (SMART) was subsequently
used to provide horizontal bone augmentation while preserving the soft-tissue architecture.
After bone-graft integration, immediate postextraction implants were placed at Nos. 6 and
8 using a flapless approach, and a screw-retained long-term polymethylmethacrylate provi-
sional prosthesis was delivered during the same appointment. The synergy of these combined
therapies resulted in a complete tridimensional reconstruction of the defect. Gingival and
alveolar volumes and gingival margin levels were successfully restored.
• Discuss the rationale for • Describe the minimally • Explain how forced eruption
implant therapy in the esthetic invasive bone-grafting used in conjunction with min-
zone technique used for treating a imally invasive bone grafting
complex iatrogenic gingival- can enhance the reconstruction
alveolar defect of gingival-alveolar defects in
the esthetic zone
he use of dental implants has be- revealing smile, treatment of these complica-
come increasingly widespread tions represents a high-risk proposition for
and, along with it, the frequency clinicians, which is compounded by potential
of complications and unexpected medico-legal implications. The most difficult
outcomes has risen. In particular, endeavor in these situations is the recreation
iatrogenic sequelae from failed implant and of an ideal gingival architecture, particularly
bone-augmentation procedures in the esthetic when dental implants are involved.
zone pose a significant challenge because of Alveolar ridge defects have traditionally
the often catastrophic nature of the resulting been treated with surgical techniques that in-
gingival-alveolar defects. In the presence of a volve the reflection of a mucoperiosteal flap.
DISCLOSURE: “Subperiosteal Minimally Invasive Aesthetic Ridge Augmentation Technique” and “S.M.A.R.T.” are trademarks of the author.
The method and its associated devices are the subject of one or more pending patent applications.
3 COMPENDIUM EBOOK SERIES May 2021 | Volume 42 Number 5 www.compendiumlive.com
Because these defects often require signifi- of combined therapies, including orthodontic
cant volume augmentation, a greater degree forced eruption and distraction osteogenesis,
of flap reflection and advancement is needed may provide more predictable alternatives to
to achieve adequate co-aptation. The risk of vertical bone augmentation while preserving
complications is also increased, including in- the soft-tissue architecture.3,4
complete wound closure and soft-tissue de- The purpose of this article is to demonstrate,
hiscences, which could lead to exposure of the through the presentation of a case report, the
membrane or graft material, infections, and use of an interdisciplinary approach that in-
compromised hard- and soft-tissue outcomes.1 cluded forced eruption and a novel subperi-
An evaluation of the predictability of bone- osteal minimally invasive (a)esthetic ridge-
augmentation procedures in the esthetic zone augmentation technique (SMART) for the
must take into account the resulting peri-im- treatment of a complex iatrogenic gingival-
plant soft-tissue architecture. This factor be- alveolar defect.
comes a crucial concern in high-risk scenarios
when improved esthetic outcomes are required Case Presentation
and minimally invasive surgical techniques A healthy 20-year-old woman presented to
need to be considered.2 Additionally, the use the author’s office requesting treatment for a
Fig 1. Fig 2.
Fig 3. Fig 4.
Fig 1. The patient presented with a large deformity stemming from a congenitally missing maxillary right
lateral incisor. Fig 2. A failed implant and bone-graft procedures had resulted in a substantial iatrogenic
gingival-alveolar defect. Fig 3 and Fig 4. Tomographic images revealed a tridimensional defect extend-
ing to the apical third of teeth Nos. 6 and 8, a buccal bone dehiscence on tooth No. 5, and associated
thin labial plates.
Successful outcomes with forced eruption 8 and Figure 9 depict the treatment progres-
require the establishment of treatment end- sion with forced eruption. The restoration of
points, which may include overcompensa- adequate alveolar height was achieved while
tion beyond the desired soft- and hard-tissue enhancing the soft-tissue architecture, and
changes. For the present case, achieving ideal the everted sulcular epithelium on tooth No. 8
gingival-alveolar socket architecture required proceeded to develop keratinization. However,
force-erupting tooth No. 6 to the level of the the pre-existing defect still manifested itself
apical third and tooth No. 8 beyond the con- in the form of a residual cleft.
fines of its alveolus. As the gingival sulcus is After 3 months of post-orthodontic stabi-
everted through the eruption process, a gin- lization, a cone-beam computed tomogra-
gival red patch corresponding to the nonke- phy scan was taken to re-evaluate the results
ratinized sulcular epithelium may appear, as and plan the future treatment sequence.
shown around tooth No. 8 in Figure 8 and Tomographic images clearly showed verti-
Figure 9. This tissue will develop into keratin- cal gains in alveolar height, including in the
ized gingiva when exposed to the oral environ- edentulous area corresponding to tooth No.
ment.31,32 Additionally, when forced eruption 7 (Figure 10 through Figure 12). The apex of
of this magnitude is performed, there may be a tooth No. 8 was forced-erupted beyond its
tendency for lingual displacement that needs socket and could be visibly located within the
to be addressed with root-torquing orthodon- soft tissue.30,33
tic auxiliaries (Figure 6 and Figure 7).
When forced eruption is completed, the Minimally Invasive Bone Grafting
teeth should be splinted for a 3-month sta- The effect of complications secondary to tra-
bilization period,30 which will allow miner- ditional bone-augmentation procedures on
alization of osteoid tissue and settling of the the peri-implant soft-tissue architecture is
gingival remodeling process. The degree of an important consideration. Evidence sug-
forced eruption in the present case was such gests that flap-based surgical techniques, such
that extreme mobility precluded the use of as bone augmentation and GBR, may have a
a provisional restoration. Instead, a metal- deleterious effect on implant esthetics.2,20-22
reinforced direct composite splint extending Minimally invasive procedures offer the po-
from teeth Nos. 6 to 8 was fabricated in situ tential to decrease postoperative complica-
(Figure 8 and Figure 9). When compared with tions and morbidity. Although a variety of
the preoperative condition (Figure 2), Figure tunneling techniques with particulate bone
Fig 10. Fig 11. Fig 12. Fig 13. Fig 14. Fig 15.
Fig 10 through Fig 12. Tomographic images of teeth Nos. 6 (Fig 10), 7 (Fig 11), and 8 (Fig 12) clearly
showed vertical gains in alveolar height, including in the edentulous area corresponding to tooth No.
7. The apex of tooth No. 8 was located within the soft tissue because it was force-erupted beyond its
socket. Fig 13 through Fig 15. Flapless horizontal bone augmentation in the areas of teeth Nos. 6 (Fig
13), 7 (Fig 14), and 8 (Fig 15), using SMART method.
4) were accomplished using two remote inci- predictable outcomes require training and ex-
sions. It must be emphasized, however, that perience. Unlike lateral subperiosteal tech-
this procedure may be technique sensitive, and niques, the SMART method is based on the
development of a laparoscopic tunnel from a
remote incision to access the graft site. A sub-
periosteal pouch is subsequently created to
confine the biomaterial particles (Figure 17
and Figure 18). This approach ensures that
surgical trauma to the subperiosteum and the
associated inflammatory reaction do not inter-
fere with healing of the bone graft. Specially
Fig 16. designed instruments are required to control
the elevation of the periosteum, reach the graft
site, and develop the subperiosteal pouch.
The bone graft underwent a 6-month matu-
ration period to allow integration of the bio-
material. At this point, teeth Nos. 6 and 8 were
atraumatically removed, and implants were
immediately placed into the extraction sites
without elevating a flap (Figure 19 through
Figure 21). The gingival tissues exhibited a
moderate degree of inflammation as a result
of the difficult access for oral hygiene pro-
Fig 17. cedures under the post-orthodontic splint,
which at the time had remained in place for 9
months. Implants featuring a tapered design
were selected, and excellent primary stabil-
ity was achieved (Figure 22 and Figure 23).
Insertion torque values in excess of 45 Ncm
were recorded for both implants, which al-
lowed an immediate loading protocol.6,7,63,64
A screw-retained three-unit provisional pros-
thesis from teeth Nos. 6 through 8 was deliv-
ered during the same appointment (Figure 20).
Fig 18. Additionally, direct composite occlusal over-
Fig 16. The SMART bone-graft procedure was lays were bonded to the central fossae of the
extended to horizontally augment adjacent ar- maxillary bicuspids and first molars to open the
eas that exhibited dehiscences and thin buccal bite and disengage the maxillary anterior teeth,
plates. This augmentation is clearly evident when
compared with the preoperative condition shown
thus avoiding centric and excursive contacts
in Fig 4. Fig 17 and Fig 18. Illustration of SMART during the osseointegration period.6-8,10,12
method. A full-thickness incision is made at a At the patient’s return visit 3 months after
remote location, and a subperiosteal tunnel is implant placement, the composite overlays
developed to provide laparoscopic access to the
site (Fig 17). A subperiosteal pouch is then created
were removed and the incisal edges of the pro-
to confine the graft without damaging the perios- visional restoration were modified to approxi-
teum (Fig 18). mate the length of the contralateral teeth. The
Fig 21.
Fig 22 and Fig 23. The implants selected for teeth Nos. 6 (Fig 22) and 8 (Fig 23) featured a tapered de-
sign. Fig 24. At 3 months post immediate implant placement and provisionalization, complete regenera-
tion of the defect and adequate osseous crest levels and bone-to-implant contact were evident radio-
graphically. Fig 25. Three months post-treatment, peri-implant soft tissues appeared healthy. Fig 26 and
Fig 27. Three months post-treatment, favorable gingival architecture was preserved.
54. Urban IA, Monje A, Lozada JL, Wang HL. Long- Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2009;29(3):245-255.
term evaluation of peri-implant bone level after re- 59. Cardaropoli D. Vertical ridge augmentation with
construction of severely atrophic edentulous maxilla the use of recombinant human platelet-derived
via vertical and horizontal guided bone regeneration growth factor-BB and bovine bone mineral: a
in combination with sinus augmentation: a case case report. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent.
series with 1 to 15 years of loading. Clin Implant Dent 2009;29(3):289-295.
Relat Res. 2017;19(1):46-55. 60. Nevins M, Camelo M, Nevins ML, et al. Growth
55. Nevins ML, Camelo M, Nevins M, et al. Minimally factor-mediated combination therapy to treat large
invasive alveolar ridge augmentation procedure local human alveolar ridge defects. Int J Periodon-
(tunneling technique) using rhPDGF-BB in combina- tics Restorative Dent. 2012;32(3):263-271.
tion with three matrices: a case series. Int J Peri- 61. Zhu SJ, Choi BH, Huh JY, et al. A comparative
odontics Restorative Dent. 2009;29(4):371-383. qualitative histological analysis of tissue-engineered
56. Buser D, Chappuis V, Bornstein MM, et al. Long- bone using bone marrow mesenchymal stem
term stability of contour augmentation with early cells, alveolar bone cells, and periosteal cells. Oral
implant placement following single tooth extraction Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod.
in the esthetic zone: a prospective, cross-sectional 2006;101(2):164-169.
study in 41 patients with a 5- to 9-year follow-up. J 62. Ceccarelli G, Graziano A, Benedetti L, et al.
Periodontol. 2013;84(11):1517-1527. Osteogenic potential of human oral-periosteal cells
57. Jensen SS, Bosshardt DD, Gruber R, Buser D. (PCs) isolated from different oral origin: an in vitro
Long-term stability of contour augmentation in the study. J Cell Physiol. 2016;231(3):607-612.
esthetic zone: histologic and histomorphometric 63. Ottoni JM, Oliveira ZF, Mansini R, Cabral AM.
evaluation of 12 human biopsies 14 to 80 months Correlation between placement torque and sur-
after augmentation. J Periodontol. 2014;85(11):1549- vival of single-tooth implants. Int J Oral Maxillofac
1556. Implants. 2005;20(5):769-776.
58. Simion M, Nevins M, Rocchietta I, et al. Vertical 64. Greenstein G, Cavallaro J. Implant insertion
ridge augmentation using an equine block infused torque: its role in achieving primary stability of
with recombinant human platelet-derived growth restorable dental implants. Compend Contin Educ
factor-BB: a histologic study in a canine model. Int J Dent. 2017;38(2):88-95.
2. Why is a greater degree of flap reflection and 7. When a tooth is moved in a certain direction,
advancement is needed to achieve adequate bone resorption occurs on the side where:
coadaptation for failed implants? A. heat is applied to the periodontal ligament.
A. because these defects often require B. cold is applied to the periodontal ligament.
significant volume augmentation C. p ressure is applied to the periodontal
B. because these defects are infected ligament.
C. b ecause these defects have virtually no D. vibration is applied to the periodontal
blood supply of their own after an implant ligament.
has failed
D. because these defects have approximately 8. For orthodontic forced eruption, bone
25% shrinkage of the flap within 30 days apposition is stimulated by:
A. the compression generated on the opposite
3. Establishing esthetic and restorative side.
objectives is essential in treatment planning B. the tension generated on the opposite side.
for complex defects in the C. t he compression generated on the same
A. mandibular premolar region. side.
B. mandibular molar region. D. the tension generated on the same side.
C. maxillary molar region.
D. maxillary anterior region. 9. What type of forces are applied to the
periodontal ligament during the forced
4. The patient’s high smile line and esthetic eruption movement?
demands precluded the use of: A. vertical B. lateral
A. a traditional metal framework removable C. stretching D. rotational
partial denture.
B. a
provisional acrylic removable partial 10. Forced eruption in conjunction with
denture. minimally invasive bone grafting may provide
C. a
ny prosthesis incorporating pink what type of advantages for the predictable
restorative materials. and efficient reconstruction of gingival-
D. metal copings. alveolar defects in the esthetic zone?
A. commensal
5. Several authors have reported that which B. synergistic
of the following exhibit an increased risk of C. parasitic
complications and compromised peri-implant D. esthetic
A. bone augmentation
B. guided bone regeneration (GBR)
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include the use of mini implants, mini plates, and extraoral Fernando Amaral Moreira
devices to reinforce anchorage; however, some patients may Guimaraes, DDS
Private Practice, Itaúna, Minas Gerais,
oppose these aggressive methods. This article describes the Brazil
use of frictionless segmented mechanics that provide dif-
Giordani Santos Silveira,
ferential moments for controlled space closure during full DDS, MS
retraction of the incisors without using extraoral forces or PhD Student, Department of
Orthodontics, Pontifícia Universidade
temporary anchorage devices. Católica de Minas Gerais, Belo
Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
ncisor protrusion is a fairly common condition that often
results in lip protrusion and increased facial convexity.1 A
prevalent treatment strategy for this circumstance involves
the extraction of the first premolars to immediately create
the necessary space for incisor retraction.2 However, the
space closure phase can be challenging for clinicians, because in
cases where the mesialization of posterior teeth is undesirable it
needs to be avoided or at least minimized during the retraction of
anterior teeth.
Alveolar or extra-alveolar temporary anchorage devices
(TADs) and extraoral forces have played important roles in
cases that require maximum anchorage,1 but patients may
not be receptive to further surgical treatment in addition
to the extraction itself and may be reluctant to use external
devices. Therefore, clinicians should be cognizant of alter-
native clinical strategies for anchorage control. Attention
should also be especially given to incisor torque control since
uncontrolled tipping of the incisor crowns may result in sag-
ittal and vertical problems.3
The following case report describes a relatively simple, con-
trolled segmented mechanical approach that utilizes differen-
tial moments without friction to minimize anchorage loss and
control incisor torque. This treatment option enabled definable
and predictable force systems to be applied so or the periodontal and periapical aspects. She
that the intended treatment outcome could be had no notable medical history.
predictably achieved.
Treatment Objectives and Options
Case Report The treatment objectives were fivefold: im-
Diagnosis and Etiology prove the lateral profile and lip line, obtain
The patient was a 31-year-old woman whose ideal inclination of the anterior teeth, main-
chief complaint was that her maxillary and tain the class I molar and canine relationships,
mandibular front teeth were "forwardly placed" achieve ideal overbite and overjet, and attain
and her smile was "unesthetic." Facial photo- a mutually protected functional occlusion.6
graphs taken by the clinician demonstrated a Four treatment plan options were identified
convex facial profile and a slightly asymmetric and presented. The first was to extract the four
face (Figure 1 through Figure 3). She also pre- first premolars and retract the six anterior
sented with lip incompetence and was unable teeth in each arch simultaneously with TADs.
to close her lips without mentalis strain. The second treatment option was to extract
She was diagnosed with an Angle class I mal- the mandibular first molars, each of which had
occlusion,4 mild crowding in the mandibular a large amalgam filling, and the maxillary first
arch, bimaxillary protrusion, and lack of ca- premolars, and to fully retract the entire max-
nine guidance (Figure 4 through Figure 6). A illary and mandibular dentitions using TADs.
lateral cephalometric analysis showed a steep The third alternative was to perform an ante-
mandibular plane (SN-GoGn 37°) with severe rior segmental osteotomy combined with ge-
labioversion of the anterior teeth (1.SN 109°, nioplasty. The fourth option was to retract the
IMPA 100°, 1.1 109°) (Table 1). Her lips were anterior teeth with a two-step space closure
protrusive, with the upper lip to Ricketts "E" without using TADs, instead using frictionless
line at 2 mm and the lower lip to "E" line at 8 controlled segmented mechanics that utilize
mm (Figure 7 and Table 1).5 A panoramic ra- differential moments with power arms for
diograph showed no abnormalities in the bone anchorage control. The patient declined the
Fig 1 through Fig 3. Pretreatment facial photographs. Fig 4 through Fig 6. Pretreatment intraoral
surgical treatment plan and the use of TADs stainless steel wire passing through the slots of
and did not want her mandibular first molars the incisors, which created an incisor segment.
extracted. Therefore, the fourth treatment The anterior and posterior power arms were
plan was selected. positioned as close as possible to the center
of rotation of the molar and incisor segments.
Progression of Treatment To address the treatment objectives for
A transpalatal bar and lower lingual arch were space closure, the power-arm heights were
placed to avoid molar rotations and undesir- adjusted to be 3 mm to 5 mm apical to the
able transverse changes. Standard edgewise bracket position (shortening of the anterior
brackets and tubes were passively bonded to power arms provided controlled but not ex-
the teeth to allow the prompt distalization of cessive lingual/palatal torque).7 Segmented
the canines after the extractions. The distal- mechanics were used to slightly intrude the
ization of the canines was initiated 1 week after mandibular incisors during the retraction of
extraction of the premolars using a "T-loop" the maxillary incisors (Figure 10).
spring made with a 0.016-in x 0.016-in chro- Once the retraction of the incisors was
mium-cobalt wire, to achieve closure of up to completed, a panoramic x-ray and maxillary
two-thirds of the spaces (Figure 8). and mandibular impressions were taken to
After retraction of the canines, the next step evaluate root parallelism and possible mar-
was to retract the incisors using two power ginal ridge discrepancy. The patient was then
arms on each quadrant connected with a power debonded and rebonded for final alignment
chain, which delivered a force of 100 g on each and leveling. When both arches had been lev-
side (Figure 9). The posterior power arms on eled and aligned, continuous 0.019-in x 0.025-
the molars were made with 0.017-in x 0.025-in in stainless steel arch wires were inserted for
stainless steel wires and were distally placed torquing control (Figure 11). The archwires
in the auxiliary tubes of the first molars. The were sectioned distal to the canines and verti-
anterior ones were part of a 0.019-in x 0.025-in cal elastics were utilized in the posterior teeth
ANB = A point–nasion–B point angle; FMA = Frankfort mandibular plane angle; Gn = gnathion; Go = gonion; Fig 7. Pretreatment lateral cephalo-
IMPA = incisor mandibular plane angle; SNA = sella–nasion–A point angle; SNB = sella–nasion–B point angle
metric radiograph and tracing.
for 1 week to hone and settle the occlusion. the maxillary lateral incisors for composite
The appliances were removed after a build-ups because of a tooth size discrepancy.
24-month treatment period, at which point
a maxillary wraparound and a mandibular Treatment Results
bonded premolar-to-premolar fixed retainer Facial photographs showed the improve-
were installed. A slight space was left distal to ment of the patient's profile after lip
Fig 8. Fig 9.
Fig 8. Canine retraction with T-loop segmented mechanics. Fig 9. Power arms used for retraction of
mandibular incisors. Fig 10. Power arms for retraction of maxillary incisors, and cantilevers for intrusion
of mandibular incisors. Fig 11. Torquing control with 0.019-in x 0.025-in stainless steel arch wires.
Fig 12 through Fig 14. Post-treatment facial photographs. Fig 15 through Fig 17. Post-treatment intraoral
in addition to moment-to-force ratio, are cru- may create distal crown tipping (Figure 20).
cial variables determined by the orthodontist The use of a more determinate system and
during treatment.11 The force systems should differential moments for space closure may
move teeth at an ideal rate (0.8 mm to 1.2 mm also allow the orthodontist to minimize side
per month)13 in an extended range of activa- effects, such as anchorage loss, without the
tion while producing a relatively constant use of TADs and extraoral devices. TADs have
force system. This reduces tissue injury and shown to be a stable source of anchorage for
the number of appointments and, at the same retraction of maxillary and mandibular ante-
time, results in tooth movement with a nearly rior teeth.10,11 However, as seen in the case pre-
constant center of rotation.10 sented here, patients sometimes decline the
This case report describes a mechanical sys- use of invasive methods or extraoral devices
tem that provides definable and predictable that would provide anchorage control. With
orthodontic forces. Moreover, constant force this in mind, the use of frictionless segmented
levels can be maintained, and the moment- mechanics with differential moments can be
to-force ratio at the centers of resistance can a beneficial clinical alternative to produce a
easily be regulated to produce the desired predictable force system between the poste-
tooth movement. The estimated position of rior and anterior segments, enabling the mag-
the center of resistance for the incisor segment nitude of the moments and forces delivered to
was located within the mid-sagittal plane, ap- be well controlled in the three planes of space
proximately 6 mm apical and 4 mm posterior and yielding minimum anchorage loss.1
to a line perpendicular to the occlusal plane Anchorage preservation is a critical fac-
extending from the labial alveolar crest of the tor in treating patients with alveolar dental
central incisor.14 The resulting force system protrusion. As observed in the superimposi-
can easily be modified by altering the magni- tions presented in this case, anchorage loss
tude and direction of force in relation to the was minimal but the result was comparable
center of resistance of the anterior segment; with traditional methods of achieving maxi-
this can be done by changing the height of the mum anchorage.11 Moreover, as stated in the
anterior or posterior power arms. literature, when first premolars are extracted,
Excessive retroinclination of the incisors can the posterior teeth can be expected to move
be moderated by the shorter distance from the forward approximately one-third of the space,
force line of action to the center of resistance leaving the other two-thirds for crowding re-
of the four incisors and by the buccal crown lief and incisor retraction.16 Therefore, abso-
torque created by the binary of forces gener- lute anchorage of the posterior teeth may not
ated by the rectangular wire in the bracket be essential to retract the anterior teeth as
slot.10 The power arms inserted in the auxil- long as the orthodontist maintains approxi-
iary tubes of the maxillary first molars play an mately two-thirds of the extraction space,
important role in anchorage for two reasons. which can be achieved easily with this seg-
First, this allows the placement of the vector mented technique.
of force close to the center of resistance of the Another advantage of the method presented
teeth (in the trifurcation of the roots),15 which here is the lack of friction during retraction
minimizes the mesial crown tipping created of the incisors. It is estimated that 50% of an
by the counter-clockwise moment. Second, applied orthodontic force is dissipated due to
the applied force causes a clockwise couple of friction.4 Therefore, the total force applied in
force in the molar tube due to the gap between an orthodontic treatment should be twice the
the wire and the inner walls of the tube, which force necessary to produce an effective force
in the absence of friction. Excessive force, E. Soft tissue changes following the extraction of
however, may increase bracket friction and premolars in nongrowing patients with bimaxillary
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