Exercises Verbs
Exercises Verbs
Exercises Verbs
Underline the verb in each of the following sentences. Then on the line before each sentence,
write the first letter of the verb found in that sentence. Finally, write the twenty consecutive let-
ters on the lines below the last numbered item to identify the names of five boys.
, , and .
englishforeveryone.org Name________________
1. For many verbs, the simple past tense does not end in –ed.
2. The simple past form of these verbs is irregular.
Note: The simple past form is the same for all persons:
Example: I saw the moon. You saw the moon. We saw the moon.
They saw the moon. He/she/it saw the moon.
Directions: Write the correct form of the irregular verb in simple past tense.
Directions: Now make your own sentences using irregular verbs in simple past tense.
1) _____________________________________________________________________
1) _____________________________________________________________________
englishforeveryone.org Name________________
• Use the correct form of the helping verb “to be” and the past participle after the subject.
[subject] + [form of “to be”] + [past participle]
Directions: Choose the correct form of the helping verb “to be”. Then write the correct form
of the verb in irregular past participle form.
Directions: Now make your own sentences using irregular verbs in the past participle form.
1) _____________________________________________________________________
2) _____________________________________________________________________