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SY 2022 – 2023

No. of Items DOMAINS

Learning Competencies %
Days Placement R U A A E C
Use context clues through definition
in finding the meaning of unfamiliar 12.5% 1,2,3,4,5 /
Use possessive nouns in phrases
5% 6,7 /
and sentences correctly.
Identify the correct collective noun to
7.5% 8,9,10 /
be used in sentences.
Identify the verbs in the past 5% 11,12 /
Identify the time signals/
7.5% 13,14,15 /
expressions used in the past
Identify adjectives in the sentences. 7.5% 16,18,20 /
Use the positive, comparative and
superlative degrees of 2.5% 19 /
adjectives in the sentences
Determine the correct order of
2.5% 17 /
adjectives in a series
Identify verbs in the sentences. 7.5% 21,24,25 /
Identify the simple present tense of
2.5% 22 /
verbs in a sentence
Use simple present tense of verbs in
2.5% 23 /
a sentence correctly
Identify some time expressions in the
10% 26,27,29,30 /
Identify the time expressions in the
2.5% 28 /
Identify pronouns in the sentences. 12.5% 31,32,33,34,35 /
Identify subjective personal pronouns
10% 26,37,38,39 /
in sentences.
Identify objective personal pronouns. 2.5% 40 /
TOTAL 100% 40 12 8 5 5 5 5

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