The Effect of Genotypes and Plant Distances On Leaf Miner Infestation in Pea Plant (Pisum Sativum L.)
The Effect of Genotypes and Plant Distances On Leaf Miner Infestation in Pea Plant (Pisum Sativum L.)
The Effect of Genotypes and Plant Distances On Leaf Miner Infestation in Pea Plant (Pisum Sativum L.)
Green pea plants are liable to infestation by vegetable leaf miner Liriomyza spp. (Diptera: Agromyzidae) ,is
a polyphagous species spread around the world, becoming vegetable crop pests. An experiment was carried
out in the directory of agricultural research, Iraq, Sulaimanyah in Plant Protection Research Station in
Bakrajo region during season 2020 to study the effect of different genotypes and planting spaces on the
population density of Leaf miner infesting pea plants. The obtained results revealed that the population
density of leaf miner on pea plants not differed significantly according to the planting spaces (5cm, 15cm and
25cm) during the season. Planting of pea seeds in the planting space (5cm) population density of leaf miner
decreased by the first planting space (%16.895). The pea plants were sown in the planting space (15cm)
infested by the highest level of the insect (leaf miner) (%18.452) followed by pea plants sowing at the
planting space (25cm) which infestation level was (%17.967) respectively. for the physical characters of the
plant (plant high, total weight and weight of 100 grains) the results shows that the sowing pea in the spacing
of (15cm) were significantly difference, followed by (5cm) while planting distance of (25cm) showed lowest
levels of result for last three parameters.
Keywords: Leaf miner, Genotypes, Infestation, Plant spacing, Pea plant
Liriomyza spp. (Burgess) (Diptera: Agromyzidae) are polyphagous vegetable leaf miners
that have spread over the world and become pests of vegetable crops. In all Mediterranean-
bordering countries, it is universally recognized (Chaney, 1995). The damage is punctures caused
by females during the feeding and ovipositional processes can result in a stippled appearance on
foliage, especially at the leaf tip and along the leaf margins (Chaney, 1995) and (Wilkerson, et al.,
2005). However, the major form of damage is the mining of leaves by larvae, which results in
destruction of leaf miner.
Three to four days after ovipositional, the mine forms and grows in size as the larva grows
(Capinera, 2001). (Bueno, et al 2007). The mining pattern is unpredictably erratic. Leaf mining and
stippling can both significantly reduce a plant's photosynthetic rate. Premature leaf drop can also
result in a lack of shade and fruit scalding as a result of extensive mining (Bueno, et al 2007).
Wounding of the foliage also allows entry of bacterial and fungal diseases (Abou-fakhr-Hammad
and Nemer. 2000). Pea Pisum sativum, Citrine (Leguminaceae) is one of the most important
economic vegetables (Onwueme and Sinha, 1991 and FAO, 1993) its cultivated area was increased
during the last years especially in new reclaimed land for local consumption.
The Effect of Genotypes and plant distances on leaf miner infestation in pea plant (Pisum sativum
Page | 103
Havall M. Ahmed, Bakhan Kh. Mohammed, Nadyah S. Wali
Journal Of Agricultural Science And Agriculture Engineering
Faculty of Agriculture, Merdeka University Surabaya
Available on :
As a result, 100-120 kg nitrogen per hectare is required after harvest, equating to 20-25
tons of organic fertilizer, which is sufficient for the establishment of another crop. Green peas have
a total cultivated area of roughly 2.8 million acres around the world.
Many studies have been conducted in the past on the effects of planting spaces, climatic
conditions, and plant age on the infestation of particular insects that infest leguminous plants,
Meena and Bhargava (2001); Mishra et al. (2001); Wale (2002); AbdElmalak and Salem (2002);
Shalaby (2004); Mittal and Ujagir (2005); Arif et al. (2006); Hanafy A.R.I (2007); Hanafy et al.
(2008); Afsah (2009); Hussein et al., (2010); Abdel Hamed et al. (2011) and Omaprakash and Raju
(2014); Shaalan, H. S. and Maha, S. El-Ghanam(2016).
The aim of the present study to determine the suitable genotype of pea plant to be sowing
to avoiding from the infestation of leaf miner, which causes a serious damage of leaves and study
the effect of three tested planting spaces.
Field experiment was carried out to study the effect of planting space and different
genotypes on the population density of Leaf miner infesting pea plants (Pisum sativum L.). The
pea seeds (Viola and Kaspa) were obtained from Department of crop fields, Directory of
Agriculture Research. An area of about 36 m2 was cultivated in three planting space, 5cm, 15cm
and 25cm in Plant Protection Research Station in Bakrajo region, Sulaimanyah Governorate
throughout season 2019. the experimental area was divided into 18 plots; each replicate was 2 m2.
Each planting space was represented by three replicates. All replicates were arranged in
Randomized Complete Block Design. All agricultural practices were done and no pesticide
treatments were applied. monthly randomized samples of pea leave (20 of each replicate) were
taken after foliage appearance and continue for three months. Each sample from each replicate
were kept in tightly closed paper bags and transferred to the laboratory where all samples were
thoroughly examined by the aid of stereomicroscope to count the number of leaf miner. Data were
analyzed according to XLSTAT program and mean separation was conducted by using Duncan's
multiple range test in this program.
The Effect of Genotypes and plant distances on leaf miner infestation in pea plant (Pisum sativum
Page | 104
Havall M. Ahmed, Bakhan Kh. Mohammed, Nadyah S. Wali
Journal Of Agricultural Science And Agriculture Engineering
Faculty of Agriculture, Merdeka University Surabaya
Available on :
The Effect of Genotypes and plant distances on leaf miner infestation in pea plant (Pisum sativum
Page | 105
Havall M. Ahmed, Bakhan Kh. Mohammed, Nadyah S. Wali
Journal Of Agricultural Science And Agriculture Engineering
Faculty of Agriculture, Merdeka University Surabaya
Available on :
cm), followed by (5 cm), while planting distance of (25 cm) showed lowest levels of result for last
three parameters.
Interaction between genotype and plant spacing on the leaf miner infestation
Table 3. The interaction between genotype and plant distance on the level of infestation
Genotype*plant % leaf infestation plant hight/cm Total weight/gm weight of 100
distance grain/gm
Kaspa*15 14.753 b 107.333 a 2259.667 a 0.340 a
Viola*15 22.150 a 92.333 b 2091.000 a 0.248 bc
Viola*5 23.767 a 74.333 c 1009.000 b 0.213 cd
Kaspa*5 10.023 b 87.667 b 1205.333 b 0.275 b
Viola*25 22.783 a 62.667 c 0.312 c 0.189 cd
Kaspa*25 13.150 b 70.667 c 0.648 c 0.161 d
Pr > F(Model) 0.004 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 0.000
Significant Yes Yes Yes Yes
The results in Table (3) shows the interaction of plant distances and genotype on
infestation levels. Data illustrated in the table shows that (viola) in the plant distance of (5cm)
differed significantly by infestation of highest level of leaf miner (%23.767), followed by (viola)
(25 and 15cm) that recorded (%22.783 and %22.150). (kaspa) in the plant spacing (5cm) recorded
best result of infestation level (%10.023), followed by (kaspa) in the plant distance (25cm) that the
levels of infestation were (%13.150), while the highest level of infestation in the (kaspa) genotype
was (%14.753) respectively. However, for the plant high, total weight and weight of 100 grains
(kaspa) in plant spacing (15cm) showed the best results.
Leaf miner incidence and severity not depended on the plant spacing, that mean sowing the
seeds in plant spacing (5cm), (15cm) and (25cm) not important for pea plant to prevent infesting of
leaf miner (Table 2), on another hand not have significant differences between all three spacing,
that’s because of growing the plant vertically and having no much foliage. Although the results of
Kapsa genotype shows to be more resistance against leaf miner infestation (Table 3).
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Journal Of Agricultural Science And Agriculture Engineering
Faculty of Agriculture, Merdeka University Surabaya
Available on :
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Havall M. Ahmed, Bakhan Kh. Mohammed, Nadyah S. Wali
Journal Of Agricultural Science And Agriculture Engineering
Faculty of Agriculture, Merdeka University Surabaya
Available on :
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The Effect of Genotypes and plant distances on leaf miner infestation in pea plant (Pisum sativum
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Havall M. Ahmed, Bakhan Kh. Mohammed, Nadyah S. Wali