Drug Features Therapeutic Effects Nursing Responsibilitie S Indication Contraindicatio N Desired Untoward

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Drug Features Therapeutic Effects Nursing


Brand Name: Indication Contraindicatio Desired Untoward Before:

Dexamax n -Check blood
. Dexamethason The most pressure,
Generic Name: Dexamethasone e accelerates frequently monitor
Dexamethason use is maturation of reported respiratory rate,
e is a type of contraindicated if fetal lungs, effect by heart rate, and
medication that patients have decrease patient is uterine
can be given to systemic fungal number of the response
Dosage: 6mg pregnant infections, neonates with presence of frequently
Frequency:4 women who hypersensitivity respiratory insomnia during
dose every 12 are at risk of to distress after use medication
hours delivering their dexamethasone syndrome and others administration 
Route: IM babies early or cerebral improves include
malaria. survival in acne, -Educate the
preterm indigestion, client about
delivered fluid their
neonates retention, medication
nausea and

physician if the
relax and the

Brand name:  Treatment for a It is Multivitamins + Constipatio Before:

SANGOBION wide range of contraindicated Iron n -Advice client
IRON+ anemias; Iron with impaired & Calcium dark stool to take
CAPSULE deficiency renal functions, Sangobion Iron Nausea/ medicine once
Generic Name: anemia during nephrolithiasis desired is to Vomiting a day
Multivitamins & pregnancy hypersensitivity helps  Abdominal -Educate the
Minerals  growth. to multivitamins replenish iron Pain client about her
megaloblastic undiagnosed stores and palpitations medication.
Dosage: and macrocytic anemias increases red
250mg hypochromic blood cell Chest pain After:
Frequency: anemias levels in the -Discontinue if
Once a day body side effects
Route: Oral may occur
Assess history
of allergic
reaction with

Table 11 Drug Study of Medication taken of Client C A D

XII. Nursing Management

I. Listing of Nursing Problems

I. Preterm Labor
II. Activity Intolerance
II. Prioritization of Nursing Problems

Problem 1: Preterm Labor

Criteria Weight Multiplier Computatio Justification

Nature and 3 Actual 1 3/3 x 1 = 1 Premature birth is when your baby is born
Extent Problem early, before 37 weeks of pregnancy. It
2 Risk /
Potential needs an immediate attention as it is
1 Wellness dangerous to deliver a baby before 37
State weeks of pregnancy.
Modifiability 2 Easily 2 1/1 x 2 = 2 Partially modifiable because the healthcare
Modifiable provider can monitor full medical history of a
1 Partially client closely during and after  check up 
0 Non

Preventive 3 High 1 2/2 x 1 = 1 A regular prenatal check-up helps the

Potential 2 Moderate healthcare provider to monitor the progress of
1 Low pregnancy. Simply by giving them advice on
what they must do and what they need to
avoid in every step of their pregnancy.

Salience 2 Needs 2 2/2 x 2= 1 It needs immediate action because it can lead

immediate to low birth weight, breathing difficulties
attention underdeveloped organs and vision problem.
   action Children who are born premature also have a
1 Not
higher risk of cerebral palsy, learning
immediate disabilities and behavioral problems.
0 Not
perceived as
a problem/

TOTAL 5 Priority # 1

          Table 12.1 Preterm Labor

Problem 2 : Anxiousness

Criteria Weight Multiplier Computation Justification

Nature and 3 Actual Problem 1 1/3 x 1 = .

Extent 2 Risk / Potential 0.33
1 Wellness State

Modifiability 2 Easily Modifiable 2 2/2 x 2 = 2  

1 Partially Modifiable
0 Non Modifiable

Preventive 3 High 1 2/3 x 1 = .

Potential 2 Moderate 0.66
1 Low

Salience 2 Needs immediate 2 2/2 x 2= 2 disabilities and behavioral

attention problems.
1 Not needing immediate
0 Not perceived as a
condition needing

TOTAL 2.99 Priority # 2

Table 12.1 Activity Intolerance

Problem 3 : Sleep

Criteria Weight Multiplier Computatio Justification


Nature and 3 Actual 1 1/3 x 1 = 1 Premature birth is when your baby is born
Extent Problem early, before 37 weeks of pregnancy. It
2 Risk /
Potential needs an immediate attention as it is
1 Wellness dangerous to deliver a baby before 37
State weeks of pregnancy.
Modifiability 2 Easily 2 1/1 x 2 = 2 Partially modifiable because the healthcare
Modifiable provider can monitor full medical history of a
1 Partially client closely during and after  check up 
0 Non

Preventive 3 High 1 3/3 x 1 = 1 A regular prenatal check-up helps the

Potential 2 Moderate healthcare provider to monitor the progress of
1 Low pregnancy. Simply by giving them advice on
what they must do and what they need to
avoid in every step of their pregnancy.
Salience 2 Needs 2 2/2 x 2= 1 It needs immediate action because it can lead
immediate to low birth weight, breathing difficulties
attention underdeveloped organs and vision problem.
   action Children who are born premature also have a
1 Not
higher risk of cerebral palsy, learning
immediate disabilities and behavioral problems.
0 Not
perceived as
a problem/

TOTAL 5 Priority # 2

Table 12.1 Postpartum Hemorrhage

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