DR Study

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Name of Classificati Indications Route/ Mechanism of Side Nursing
Drug on Dosage Action Effects/Adverse Responsibilities
Generic Therapeutic: Prevention Adults and Terbutaline is a CNS: Nervousness, Monitor glucose and
Name: and reversal of Children age12 selectivebeta-2 tremor, drowsiness, potassium levels,
Bronchodilator bronchospasm and older: adrenergic receptor dizziness, pulmonary function, and
TERBUTALIN s in asthma agonist. headache, CV effects (HR, BP,
E SULFATE and reversible 0.25 mg sub Agonism of these weakness, anxiety, ECG, QTc-interval
bronchospasm cut. If needed, receptors in somnolence, prolongation) in
Pharmacologi associated bronchioles insomnia. pregnant patients.
Brand Name: c: repeat in 15 to
with bronchitis 30 minutes. activates adenylyl
Brethaire, and cyclase, increasing
Brethine Maximum,0.5 CV: Palpitations, Look alike-sound alike:
Beta2 emphysema. mg in 4 intracellular arrhythmias, Don’t confuse
Agonists hours. If patient cyclicadenosinemon tachycardia, terbutaline with
Pregnancy Action: fails to respond ophosphate (cAMP). flushing. tolbutamide or
Category: Relaxes to second dose, Increased cAMP terbinafine.
B bronchial consider other decreases
intracellular calcium, GI: Nausea,
smooth measures. vomiting, dry mouth. Patient teaching: Ensure
muscle by activating protein
kinase A, patient and caregivers
stimulatingbet Adults and understand drug’s use.
a2 receptors. inactivating myosin Metabolic:
adolescents light-chain kinase, Hypokalemia,
older than age activating myosin transient Instruct patient to
Contraindicat 15: light-chain hyperglycemia. immediately report
ion phosphatase, and changes in heart rate
&Cautions: 2.5 to 5 PO t.i.d. finally relaxing or rhythm, which
every 6hours smooth muscle in patient may experience
Contraindicate while awake. the bronchiole as feeling anxious,
d in patients Maximus, 15 mg palpitations, or racing
hypersensitive daily. heart.
to drug or Skin:
symphatomim Children ages Diaphoresis, pain
etic amines. 12 to 15:2.5 at injection site.
Advice patients to
mg PO t.i.d immediately report
Use cautiously every 6 hours wheezing chest skin
in patients while awake. color or difficulty
Effects on lab test
with CV Maximum, 7.5 breathing
results: May
disorders, mg daily
increase glucose
level and may
m, diabetes, or
decrease potassium
Administration: level.

PO - Give
drug without
regard for food.


Give sub cut

injections into
the side of the

Protect drug
from light.
Don’t use if

Name of Mechanism Indications Contraindication Side Effects Nursing

Drug of Action Responsibilities
Generic Magnesium  To  Parenteral CNS: Before:
Name: Sulfate is prevent administrati drowsiness  Take an
Magnesium essential / on , depress appropriate
Sulfate element for control contraindica reflexes, seizure precaution.
muscle and seizure ted inpatient placid
Brand nerve in pre- with heart paralysis, During:
Name: transmission. eclamp block hypotherm  Check
Magnesium Extracellular sia myocardial ia Magnesium
Sulfate fluid damage. CV: level repeat
levels:1.5  To hypotensio doses.
Dosage: – manage  Use n, flushing Disappeara
>Preeclampsi 2.5 mg/L. Mg preter cautiously bradycardi nce of knee,
a depresses m inpatients a, Jerl and
woman: 4g the CNS and labor. with circulatory patellar
IV in 250mL controls impaired collapse, reflexes is a
D5W with convulsion by renal depress sign of
normal blocking function. cardiac impeding
saline and 4- release of function magnesium
5 g. deep IM acetylcholine  Use Skin: toxicity.
into buttock at the cautiously in diaphoresis
alternate in myoneural pregnant  Monitor
every 4hrs., junction. woman urine intake
P.R.N 4g I.V. Also, mg during labor. and output.
Lodding dose decrease
then 1-2 q sensitivity of After:
hr. as I.V motor end  Observe
infusion. plate to neonates
Dose should acetylcholine for signs of
not exceed and magnesium
30-40 g. daily decreases the toxicity.
excitability of
the mother
Classification membrane.
: as a laxative
Anticonvulsa it acts in the
nt small and
intestine to
attract and
retain water
in the
pressure, also
Drug Name Dosages Therapeutic Indications Adverse Contraindicati Nursing
Actions effects ons Responsibilities
Generic Drug: PO Betamethaso Systemic Sodium and Hypersensitivi Assessment
Betamethasone Allergic and ne is a administration fluid ty; systemic
inflammatory corticosteroi retention, fungal or  History
Brand Name: disorders; d with mainly  Hypercal potassium acute (Systemic
Celestone, congenital glucocorticoi cemia and calcium infections administration):
Celestone adrenal d activity. It associate depletion. Infections, fungal
Soluspan, hyperplasia prevents and d with Muscle infections,
Betaject, 0.5-5mg/day. by controlling cancer wasting, amebiasis, vaccinia
Betamethasone IM the rate of  Short- weakness, and varicella, and
IM/PO Allergic and protein term osteoporosi antibiotic-resistant
inflammatory synthesis, manage s.GI infections; kidney
Classification: disorders as depressing ment of disturbance or liver disease;
Corticosteroids betamethasone the migration inflamm s and hypothyroidism;
Na phosphate of atory bleeding. ulcerative colitis
and polymorphon and Increased with impending
betamethasone uclear allergic appetite perforation;
acetate: leukocytes disorders and delayed diverticulitis; active
Initial:0.25-9 and , such as wound or latent peptic
mg/day in1-2 fibroblasts, rheumat healing; ulcer;
divided doses. and reversing oid hirsutism, inflammatory
Ophth Allergic capillary arthritis, bruising, bowel disease;
and permeability collagen striae, acne; CHF; hypertension;
inflammatory and diseases raised thromboembolic
conditions of lysosomal (eg, SLE), intracranial disorders;
the eye as 0.1% stabilization. dermatol pressure, osteoporosis;
soln: As Na ogic headache, seizure disorders;
phosphate: diseases depression, diabetes mellitus;
Instill 1-2 hrly (eg, psychosis, lactation
until symptoms pemphig menstrual
are controlled. us), irregularitie  Physical:
As0.1% oint: status s. Baseline weight, T,
As Na asthmati Hyperglyce reflexes and grip
phosphate: cus, and mia, strength, affect
Apply2-4 autoimm DM. and orientation, P,
times/day or at une Suppression BP, peripheral
night w/ the disorders of pituitary- perfusion,
eyedrops. adrenocorti prominence of
Topical Skin  Hematol cal axis. superficial veins,
disorders As ogic Growth Rand adventitious
dipropionate disorders retardation sounds, serum
(0.05%) or : in children electrolytes, blood
valerate (0.025 Thrombo (prolonged glucose
or 0.1%): Apply cytopeni therapy).
as directed a Increased Interventions
purpura, susceptibilit
erythrobl y for Systematic use
astopeni infections.
a Topical use:
 Give daily
dose 9am
 Ulcerativ atrophy,
to mimic
e colitis, local
acute irritation,
exacerba folliculitis,
tions of hypertricho
roid blood
MS, and sis.
palliation Inhalation:
 Increase
in some Hoarseness,
leukemia candidiasis
s and of mouth
patient is
lympho and
subject to
mas throat. stress
Topical  Taper
 Trichinos application doses
is with to the eye: when
neurolog Corneal discontinu
ic or ulcers, ing high
myocardi raised IOP dose or
al and reduced long-term
involvem visual therapy
ent acuity.  Do not
Intradermal give live
injection: virus
Local vaccines
hypopigmen with
tation of immunos
deeply uppressiv
pigmented e doses of
skin. Intra- corticoste
articular roids.
Joint Topical
damage, dermatologic
fibrosis, esp. preparations
in load
joints Examine area for
infections and
skin integrity
before application

 Administ
y to
and can

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