Bridget Badiang
Bridget Badiang
Bridget Badiang
in consortium with
West Capitol Road, Balangasan District, Pagadian City
Drug Study
Generic Name, Prescribed Dosage, Mechanism Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibilities
Brand Name, Frequency, and of Action
Classification Route of
Generic Adult 5-20 mg IM/SC Alters Relief of moderate Hypersensitivity to Lightheadedness Caution patient not
4 hrly. Severe or perception to severe pain not opiates; increased Dizziness to chew or crush
morphine chronic painChildn 10 and responsive to non- intracranial pressure; Sedation controlled-release
mg IM/SC 4 hrly, emotional narcotic convulsive disorders; Nausea preparation.
Brand Name: range: 5-20 mg; 6-12 response to analgesics. acute alcoholism; acute Dilute and
Morin yr 5-10 mg, 1-5 yr 2.5- pain. Premed. Analgesic bronchial asthma, administer slowly
Constipation &
5 mg, 1-12 mth 200 adjunct in general chronic pulmonary Sweating IV to minimize
mcg/kg, <1 mth 150 anesthesia diseases, severe likelihood of
Analgesics mcg/kg 4 hrly. Max: especially in pain respiratory depression; adverse effects.
15 mg. Analgesic associated w/ chemical-irritant induced Tell patient to lie
effect Ped 100-200 cancer, MI & pulmonary edema; down during IV
mcg/kg SC 4 hrly, surgery. Alleviates prostatic hypertrophy; administration.
max: 15 mg/dose; or anxiety associated diarrhea caused by Keep opioid
50-100 mcg/kg slow w/ severe pain. poisoning until the toxic antagonist and
IV. Pre-op 50-100 Hypnotic for pain- material has been facilities for
mcg/kg IM, max: 10 related eliminated; undiagnosed assisted or
mg/dose. sleeplessness. acute abdominal controlled
conditions; following respiration readily
biliary tract surgery and available during IV
surgical anastomosis; administration.
pancreatitis; acute Use caution when
ulcerative colitis; severe injecting SC or IM
liver or renal into chilled areas or
insufficiency; Addison's in patients with
disease; hypothyroidism; hypotension or in
during labor for delivery shock; impaired
of a premature infant, in perfusion may
premature infants; delay absorption;
pregnancy (category B; with repeated
D in long-term use or doses, an excessive
when high dose is used); amount may be
lactation. absorbed when
circulation is
Reassure patients
that they are
unlikely to become
addicted; most
patients who
receive opioids for
medical reasons do
not develop
Generic Name, Prescribed Dosage, Mechanism Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing
Brand Name, Frequency, and of Action Responsibilities
Classification Route of
Generic Name: Allergy Symptoms, Prevents Hay fever, Hypersensitivity to CNS: Drowsiness, dizziness, Assessment & Drug
Antiparkinsonism, histamine urticaria, diphenhydramine headache, fatigue, disturbed
diphenhydramine Motion Sickness, mediated vasomotor hydrochloride and coordination, tingling, heaviness Monitor
Nighttime Sedation responses, rhinitis, other and weakness of hands, tremors,
status especially
Brand Name: Adult: PO 25–50 drug angioneurotic antihistamines of euphoria, nervousness, restlessness, with pre-existing
mg t.i.d. or q.i.d. provides edema, drug similar chemical insomnia; confusion; (especially in
Benadryl (max: 300 mg/d) local sensitization, structure. This drug children): excitement, fever.
IV/IM 10–50 mg anesthesia serum & should not be used
Classification: CV: Palpitation, tachycardia, mild
q4–6h (max: 400 and penicillin in new-born or Monitor for
hypotension or adverse effects
mg/d) suppresses reaction, premature infants.
antihistamine especially in
Child: PO/IV/IM 2– cough reflex contact hypertension, cardiovascular children and the
collapse. older adult.
6 y, 6.25 mg q4–6h dermatitis,
(max: 300 mg/24 h); atopic eczema,
6–12 y, 12.5–25 mg other allergic Special Senses: Tinnitus, vertigo,
q4–6h (max: 300 dermatoses, dry nose, throat, nasal stuffiness; ambulation and
blurred vision, diplopia, use side-rails as
mg/24 h) pruritus, food photosensitivity, dry eyes.
Drowsiness is
Nonproductive parkinsonism, GI: Dry mouth, nausea, epigastric most prominent
Cough distress, anorexia, vomiting, during the first
motion sickness
few days of
Adult: PO 25 mg constipation, or diarrhea. therapy and often
q4–6h (max: 100 disappears with
mg/d) Urogenital: Urinary frequency or therapy. Older
Child: PO 2–6 y, retention, dysuria. adults are
especially likely
6.25 mg q4–6h to manifest
(max: 25 mg/24 h); Body as a Whole: Hypersensitivity dizziness
Do not drive or
engage in other
activities until the
response to drug
is known.
Increase fluid
intake, if not
drug has an
drying effect
secretions) that
may make
Do not breast
feed while taking
this drug.
Generic Name, Prescribed Dosage, Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing
Brand Name, Frequency, and Route of Action Responsibilities
Classification Administration
Generic Name: Intramuscular device Acts by A drug used Hypersensitivity to CNS: Headache, • Avoid in acute
0.25mg/0.3mL selectively to block nerve belladonna alkaloids; ataxia, dizziness, hemorrhage,
synechiae; angle-
atropine sulfate 0.5mg/0.7mL blocking all stimulation of excitement, tachycardia, and
closure glaucoma;
1mg/0.7mL muscarinic muscles and parotitis; obstructive irritability, angle closure
Brand Name: 2mg/0.7mL responses to glands and relax uropathy, e.g., convulsions, glaucoma
bladder neck
acetylcholine smooth muscles. drowsiness, fatigue,
obstruction caused by
Atropair, Atropison, Injectable solution (ACh), whether It is also used to prostatic hypertrophy; weakness; mental • Monitor patient
Isopto Atropine 0.05mg/ml excitatory or increase heart intestinal atony, depression, confusion, for tachycardia
paralytic ileus,
inhibitory. rate, reduce disorientation, and palpitations
Classification: obstructive diseases
Selective secretions, and of GI tract, severe hallucinations.
depression of treat the effects ulcerative colitis, • May cause
Autonomic Nervous
CNS relieves of certain toxic megacolon; CV: Hypertension or urinary retention
System Agent; tachycardia secondary
rigidity and poisons. It is a to cardiac hypotension, in elderly
tremor of type of insufficiency or ventricular patients
(Parasympatholytic); thyrotoxicosis; acute
Parkinson's antimuscarinic tachycardia,
antimuscarinic hemorrhage;
syndrome. agent and a type palpitation, • Patients may
myasthenia gravis.
Antisecretory of tropane Safety during paradoxical experience
action (vagolytic alkaloid. pregnancy (category bradycardia, AV constipation due
C) or lactation is not
effect) dissociation, atrial to slowed GI
suppresses or ventricular motility.
sweating, fibrillation.
salivation, and GI: Dry mouth with
secretions from thirst, dysphagia, loss
nose, mouth, of taste; nausea,
pharynx, and vomiting,
bronchi. Blocks constipation, delayed
vagal impulses to gastric emptying,
heart with antral stasis, paralytic
resulting ileus.
decrease in AV
conduction time, Urogenital: Urinary
shortened PR
interval. Skin: Flushed, dry
skin; anhidrosis, rash,
urticaria, contact
dermatitis, allergic
conjunctivitis, fixed-
drug eruption.
Senses: Mydriasis,
blurred vision,
increased intraocular
pressure, cycloplegia,
eye dryness, local
Generic Prescribed Dosage, Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Nursing
Name, Brand Frequency, and Route of Action Reaction Responsibilities
Name, Administration
Generic Injectable solution: Calcium is an Negative calcium Patients with Significant: Assessment & Drug
Name: 100 mg/ml (10%) essential element balance (as in hypercalcaemia or Bradycardia
for regulating the neonatal tetany, conditions associated with Assess for
calcium Tablet: cutaneous
excitation hypoparathyroidism, with hypercalcaemia vasodilatation or
gluconate 500 mg threshold of vitamin D deficiency, (e.g. arrhythmia. sensations and
650 mg peripheral
nerves and alkalosis). Also to hyperparathyroidism,
Brand Name: 975 mg muscles, for blood overcome cardiac hypervitaminosis D, Gastrointestinal with moderate
1 gm fall in BP,
clotting toxicity of neoplastic disease disorders:
during direct IV
Kalcinate mechanisms, hyperkalemia, for with bone Gastrointestinal injection.
cardiac function cardiopulmonary decalcification, irritation,
(rhythm, tonicity, resuscitation, to immobilisation nausea,
Monitor ECG
contractility), prevent hypocalcemia osteoporosis), vomiting, chalky
Fluid and during IV
maintenance of during transfusion of hypercalciuria, severe taste. administration
electrolytic to detect
renal function, for citrated blood. Also renal failure. IV:
and water evidence of
body skeleton and as antidote for Concomitant use with General hypercalcemia:
balance agent; decreased QT
teeth. Also plays a magnesium sulfate, ceftriaxone in disorders and
replacement interval
role in regulating for acute symptoms premature (up to administration associated with
solution storage and of lead colic, to corrected age of 41 site conditions:
inverted T
release of decrease capillary weeks [weeks of Soft tissue
neurotransmitters permeability in gestation and life]) or calcification,
and hormones; sensitivity reactions, full-term neonates heat sensations,
regulating amino and to relieve muscle (≤28 days of age). sweating, local Observe IV site
acid uptake and cramps from insect tissue
absorption of bites or stings. Oral inflammation, may result in
tissue irritation
vitamin B12, calcium may be used local necrosis,
and necrosis.
gastrin secretion, to maintain normal calcinosis cutis.
and in maintaining calcium balance
structural and during pregnancy, Musculoskeletal Monitor for
functional lactation, and and connective and
integrity of cell childhood growth and tissue disorders: hypercalcemia.
Lab tests:
membranes and to prevent primary Tingling Determine
capillaries. osteoporosis. Also in sensation levels of
calcium and
Calcium gluconate osteoporosis, . phosphorus
acts like digitalis osteomalacia, chronic Nervous system (tend to vary
inversely) and
on the heart, hypoparathyroidism, disorders: magnesium
increasing cardiac rickets, and as adjunct Anxiety. frequently,
muscle tone and in treatment of sustained
force of systolic myasthenia gravis Vascular therapy.
Deficiencies in
contractions and Eaton-Lambert disorders: other ions,
(positive inotropic syndrome. Hypotension, particularly
effect). flushing (rapid
inj), syncope. coexist with
calcium ion
Patient & Family
Report S&S of
(see Appendix
F) promptly to
your care
Check with
before self-
medicating with
a calcium
Do not breast
feed while
taking this drug
Generic Prescribed Dosage, Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Nursing Responsibilities
Name, Brand Frequency, and Route of Action Reaction
Name, Administration
Generic Adult & childn Pyrexia of Produce Repeated Hematological, Use liquid form
Name: ≥10 yr 2-3 mL, ≤10 yr 1-2 mL. unknown origin. analgesia by administration is skin & other for children and
Depending on severity of case, Fever & pain blocking pain contraindicated in allergic patients who have
paracetamol dose may be repeated 4 hrly. In associated w/ impulses by patients with anemia, reaction difficulty
severe cases,dose may be common childhood inhibiting cardiac, pulmonary, swallowing.
Brand Name: administered by IV very slowly disorders, synthesis of renal, and hepatic
tonsillitis, upper prostaglandin disease. Contains In children, don’t
Aeknil resp tractinfections in CNS, sodium sulfite, a sulfite exceed five doses
post-immunization relieves fever. that may cause allergic- in 24 hours.
reactions, after type reactions including
tonsillectomy & anaphylactic symptoms Advise patient
other conditions. and life threatening or that drug is only
Prevention of less severe asthamatic for short term use
& Antipyretics
febrile convulsion. episodes in certain and to consult the
Headache, susceptible persons. physician if
cold,sinusitis, giving to children
muscle pain, for longer than 5
arthritis & days or adults for
toothache longer than 10
Advise patient or
caregiver that
many over the
counter products
be aware of this
when calculating
total daily dose.