Basic of Corrosion
Basic of Corrosion
Basic of Corrosion
Aasem Zeino
Senior Water Treatment Specialist
Dammam – Saudi Arabia
Topics to be Discussed ..
Corrosion’s Definition
Corrosion Mechanism
Corrosion & Environment
Engineering Materials
Forms of Corrosion
Corrosion Control
Open Discussion
Corrosion Definition
What is corrosion ?!
The deterioration of a metal or its properties because
of a reaction with its environment (NACE).
• Oxygen Reduction
Aluminum: Al Al+++ + 3 e-
2 H2O + O2 + 4e- 4 (OH)-
O2 + 4 H+ + 4e- 2 H2O
All anodic reactions make the
metal more positive and produce
electrons All cathodic reactions make the
metal more negative and
consume electrons
Corrosion Reactions
4 Requirements …..
Anode Cathode
Corrosion Potential
Energy naturally flows from sites with high energy to sites with low energy.
Thermodynamics can predict if corrosion will happen under specific conditions.
Kinetics can predict the rate of corrosion reactions.
A corrosion potential is made by comparing a metal site’s voltage to a reference
electrode’s potential.
Applying thermodynamics (Nernest Equation) & kinetics (Farady’s law) will
determine the corrosion rates.
Galvanic Series
Benefits ….
What is Passivity ?!
A relatively inactive state in which the metal displays a more
noble behavior than thermodynamic conditions predict or simply
defined as Formation of passive films of reaction products
• Stainless Steel
Occur Naturally • Nickel Alloys
• Titanium
No Corrosion
Corrosion Rate
Ceramics Concrete
Elastomers Plastics
Metals Metallurgy Concepts
Crystalline Structure:
Repeating pattern of atoms called Unit Cells (Crystals = Grains)
In each grain the crystal structure is fairly uniform (0.025 – 0.25 mm)
Grain boundaries is area of disorder (less purity – Imperfection)
Metals Metallurgy Concepts
Mixture of two or more metals, 2 types: Solid Solution, Multiphase
Solidification by slow cooling produces large grains
Solidification by fast cooling produces large grains
Quenching Problems:
Stresses may be produced during quenching which will produce
corrosion cells
Non-uniform structures may produce corrosion cells caused by
non-uniform cooling rates
Some of the problems can be corrected by heat treatment after
Metallurgy Cells
Welding Benefits:
Low cost solution
High strength
High corrosion resistance
Wide range of materials (Filler Rod)
Some materials are unweldable
SS 316
Carbon & Low Allow Steel (CS)
High Silicon
Gray CI Malleable CI White CI Ductile CI CI Alloy CI
Brittle Failure
Copper Alloys
Principle : Always use UNS & ASTM numbers for alloys, No common names
Copper Alloys
Technical Points
Copper corrodes in the presence of oxidants such as Nitric acid, hydrogen
peroxide .. etc.
Copper alloys are generally subject to erosion-corrosion in high velocity
flow conditions.
Poor resistance to CO2, acids, chlorides, sulfides and ammonia
Patina: a thin protective layer of corrosion products.
Stainless Steel
Martensitic Austenitic
Ferritic SS Duplex SS
• AISI 400 series • AISI 400 series • AISI 200 & 300 • 20-30% Cr + 3-
• 12-30% Cr • 17-25% Cr + 9- 10% Ni + 1-5%
• 12-17% Cr Mo
• Better corrosion 10% Ni
• Moderate • High corrosion
corrosion resistance • 200 use Mn
partially of Ni % resistance
resistance • Resistance to Cl
stress cracking • High corrosion • Resistance to Cl
• Weldable resistance (Ni) stress cracking
• Difficult to weld
• Used for valves, • Mo addition is • Good ductility &
• Used for furnace high strength
cutlery parts, exhaust good for Sea
systems water • Used for marine
• Weldable tanks, heat
Nickel Alloys
Highly corrosion resistant
Corrosion resistance depends on alloy & environment
Resistant to alkaline environments
Highly resistant to pitting & crevice corrosion
Must be carefully selected & specified
Not universally immune
Aluminum Alloys
Aluminum Alloys
Used for low weight applications
Reactive metal (Amphoteric metal)
Corrosion resistance due to passive film (Al2O3)
Exfoliation problems
Stable in neutral solutions & oxidizing acids (why?!)
Unstable in acids, alkaline & Cl solutions.
Titanium & Its Alloys
Forms of Corrosion
Forms of Corrosion
More than one form of corrosion can, and usually dose,
occur within a system, even on a single alloy at different
General Corrosion
Proper surface preparation (ex. Sand blasting)
Clean & dry surfaces for coatings
Which corrosion is that?
Galvanic Corrosion
Galvanic Corrosion
Affected by …
Nature of the Environment
Potential difference (metals) Why ?!
Resistivity of electrolyte
Corrosion Fatigue
4 - 5 fps (1.2 – 1.5 m/s) for hot water systems < 140º F, and 2-3
fps (0.61 – 0.91 m/s) for hot water systems with a temperature
greater than 140º F.
De-Alloying Corrosion
Methods of Corrosion
Corrosion Science
Design Parameters
Materials Selection
Modification of Environment
Chemical Solutions
Cathodic Protection
Protective Coating
Design Parameters
Cooling Basin,
Tank, …
Corrosion Inhibitors
Coating Materials
Thank You
Questions ?!