Adobe Scan Feb 25, 2023
Adobe Scan Feb 25, 2023
Adobe Scan Feb 25, 2023
(10 marks)
l. Read the pass.lg~ giv~n l,clow: • ,
1, ·s 1•nnkc cho1ccs l o ,21 dv;-'lncc
' the CJusc
l'L' ,m:- dcrn,u1d ing , f d cslruct1on
Citi.tcn::-: c\·crnd1L'
· ' that their
. lcac ct , b <t·wccn o ur powc1•so
of ro,10:-. \\1h,1t is dislurbit\~ is the grotesque 1rnbalancc e .
,1.nd our fallin,.,. cthic,ll c,,put.:ity for crnpnthy and sclf-restrnint.
,:, . ,ntapped resources that can help
HoweYcr, 1 fir rnlv· believe that we . possess •immensef 11I TheL '
key to th .is 1 .
s a new ethic.
0~tablish a cre,1ti\-c, d\'na · rni c harmony that
• · 1s pence
f · .
· 1.tcrconncct1o n, the awareness that
coe, i.ste.nce one that enco unwes apprec1at1on o o ur ll
. ' 0 f . • ts 1s all T his in turn requires that we
" ·hat impacts anv one member of the amt y m1pnc L < · 1
refocus on in.did.dual human beings, that we estnblish a ' life-sized ' approach.
\ Vhen ,re are presented with the realities of other people's Jives, feelings o_f connection
and empathy naturally arise. This is why war and violence a lways start w ith efforts lo
dehumanise the 'enem y'. This is why the media in any cour1.try will portray 'our' suffering
in detail, while minimising or ignoring the misery inflicted on the anony m ous mass that is
'them' .
Imagine >·ou are travelling to enemy lands, and follow in your rnind the li ves of those on
the other side of the TV screen. You will find that people there are no different from you.
They too like fellowship and love, celebrate the vibrant growth of children, pray that their
parents may enjoy security and health. This is the reality, the fabric of ordina ry life. Post·
war, buildings may be rebuilt, but the wounds and scars and v io len ce n ever really heal.
Genuine leadership must be based on a solid comn,itment to protectin g the precious fabric
of ~y life. The ordinary citizens of the world are raising their voice, insisting that all
d~1ons whether political, military or econo1nic- may be m ade with this human reality in
rrund. The common cause of htunan happiness is the strongest ba sis for hum,rn solidMit~ -
In a world of interconnection' sol·d · 1t
· · d to jus t one o·roup or nation.
1 an·tY cannot be limite
U-LI KE English--X
iew n(!e d not ,tcparate
1 Ii; .., ,
' 'I 11 0 1 c·m pty id, ·,1/is ,n . ·1 he..• r<•o l c.JiffcfL•ncc~ of col tum and wo rldv
ft! alS<1 ct,>smicln it.S<,utkx,k. Whcn
t' ;,, ·., , "m oi 111 10 I) /<' w,1y. A ' lifo•s/,,c<cf' ilpJ, ro.a c.h
11 111
" Plll
t,- Y un1que
cftn 1-1crit',1ch pcr,uma.t1 manlfef;tinga
<. v,( 11 ,il h11m 1111 lwl11g"', w,•
111 <ll l/ 1,, Oil 111 • If . I
,1 s p l'c t , •
<· nc Vil ti, · p<miti on of Sa nkara.
0 ,1 l1111 vl' ,..,l, w it/1 II 1
•St1 nk,1r.1 I 1 trna, without attributes,
1c10 • i I w
.-. u,, , ~'.
/ 1/
l<'or y of Hr[l /1n1,1, p<•r rui vin)? it ac; nir~
but 111 cJ 11ifc tely true and
!>ag un a f._1 h,c. 1~
>, 11 S( /( w, ifh/:>c r son o J i1llr ,·1,,,,, .,,, Hrlf:~ un ,1. Ni rr uni'l bcin15 ulti ma
t nr--11, •11 1/,cc/ ti tM , w w' M <· one, rcfa tcd as bod y and
, s t1g1111 n ,1nu 111rg
• J• T ht' Urnh, ,irllc
sou . _1n111n . ' . /o<ry
rd,1li<J11 I11 •S·• 111 k or,1 /,-; c·xp/;11n ed ,n th,, <,nakc ;ind rop e ::ina 17 -
, -~ . . 11 c1 ,w , orld
w h c, (;' tl'1e 11 /usioi, 1!:i en use d by n-, ' 1 •
. •Hlo <•n~ fl rur<' fur a Hn:ikc:.
Bas ed on yo u,. und c,.ts h111dmg of the J,o• asagc, an E-J wcr £h e questions given bel ow :
(1 / 10 = 10)
's d d •
(i) Wh y do you thin k cili zcn • · cm.1n for pea' ce ca t · /' •
.. ' nno mater,a JS<: in to rca ltty ?
(u) Ho w can har mo ny be crca !'cd ?
w ca n fee lings of em pat hy a 1 con ncc t1.on be pro mo ted ?
(iii) Ho
. , - nc
. . ga d ·
ti,e suff· enn ·
sn t the me dia poi·tl·a y Of
(iv) Wh y doe•
n mis ery th e Crlem y cou ntr y?
v) Wh y is hum an sol ida rity imp ort ant ?
( - and a r ope ?
(vi) WJ,at doe s San kar a wis h
to convey th ro .ug h ana 1ogy of a snake
· · ·
The wo rd tlw t me ans the sam e as 'ha rsh ' __ __ __
(c) deh um ani se (d) des truction
(a) gro tesq ue (b) ethical
dur ing war-times 7
(viii) What kin d of role me dia pla ys
(a) To ma inta in peace am ong ma
(b) To bri ng out the wro ngd oin gs
of the rival side.
(c) To be prejud ice d hig hlig htin g
onl y the dam age inflicted to own side
(d) To sho w gro und reality. ?
(ix) Ho w is ord ina ry life diff ere nt
from political issues that lead to war
Political Issues
I Ord ina ry Life
Nat ion al interests
(a) Love for lux uri es
/ Self-supremacy
/ (b) Solidarity, sec urit y, sur viv al 1
Pro mo ting brotherhood
(c) Throat-cut com pet itio ns
Global recognition
(d) Pre ten tion s and ost ent atio ns 1
_ __
(x) A true leader bel iev es in _ _ _
(b) sec urin g self-in terests
(a) universal har mo ny
n (d) blu rrin g rival's image
(c) iRd 1stinct com mw i.ic atio
(10 ma rks )
the pas sag e giv en bel ow :
ed ver y sig nifi can t to ass ess the spr ead of Covid-19 in the pas
e of testing rem ain
ere nt num ber s to confirm how much
years in the cou ntry . Dif fer ent states pro jec ted diff ieved their highest ra te of testing
ala ach
had been carried out . Som e sta tes like Ker lly
hou gh tes ting had dec line d fro m the pea k ra te achieved typica
. tdose to it. Alt
ed in con duc ting mo re tests later than
first week of Jun e, mo st sta tes we re inv olv
.· _gthe
. pre-second wave period early las t year.
w ll
I llt h,r 1h
ofw ha t 1 llll \.t
' ""1 lit
-l., ptr m1 lho n,t tw r,1 ll
1c,1 u lt, 19 6f o,U ihi r ' 11ll 110, 1 ,2 for l ti ll Pr 1 1 Ii
wt thb elo wl ,O OO tl'" ' OO<J r <t
t·r ~,a te- ., the tl-. ..ll ng, ,,tt. • ,n Pt, 1g ul l•d w I t.•n 2. ' ooo lo 1, or< ,01 ,S1 ~k u n )r1c t
Am on g sm all 1 ,·11 1 c;oo ,111 1 2 Ol" l
ile for Mn mp 11r un d 1'\ l1•g h.1 l,H ,, 11 w 1.., he h, L , J\ tt I pt•r nu ll 10n
Tripura wh , ,1\. t'r,1 g,•
wL ~ I(' lhn
on 1lw 1i .. 1 \\ 111•11• llw 1 • 11 i1 I 1lOl l .-in (l I l t
Nagaland \'H is lhl ' on h st,, tl• n tin y po pu ,on
n111 lh1 s, 111111 ,,n su
U1 s l'\l lud ,•d r, 1
n11•.1n l'" lT1
pe r mi llio n. Sm.111'-''
,Hl ''
intl ,111 • llw , ,1h ·.
a mm or ma e., -.p in tc, tin g,
rul lio n rna
th,1 1 m. uw sl, ,te s did nn l I rns s llw 2,!100 lt•s ts pt• r-r
Pa 5t da ta als o re, '-'• ''" les ti rw rat , rhk t'Vl'tl
'-'f tlw !-l'<' nn d W, l\ '-' Fm ins l,ll H c, tlw hig h,, sl d,1 ily o c: ac l('V
du rin g the 1w ak . Pr, ,dl 's h, Wt >sl Bl' nga l t1nd Raja t Cd
. L ll.t r Pr, ,dl ..,h, M,1dhy,1 han
b) Od 1,h a, Jha rkh ,rn d, B1h,11 1w r mi llio n.
m 2,0 00 tl•-. t-.
in 2021 wa s .,h , ,\) !-- k!--. th. av e pcri1Jd
n.'a ~~ d r,lh ..' of tl•~ tm g m d1ffcn•nl sl,1tt~!> po st- 2n d-w
Th ~ inc
% of ma x
7-d ay ovorogo Tosts pe r tin g rate
STATE mll llon tes
of tosts {lo kh) *
4,5 87 ·100.0
Kerata 4,3 36 95 8
Jam mu and Kashmir 3,5 63 82. 8
As sam 3,3 36 ~ 68 8
De lhi ~ \ 0.7 86. 2
I \C" .)~ 1 .1 2,931
Telanaana '-... -1/ 2,2 64 62 3
Uttarakhand 2,0 36 76.8
Ka ma tak a
Tamil Na du
1.5 2 ,00 1 ~ 85.8
98. 8
0.7 1,6 73
Ocl1sha 1,6 72 60. 1
Himachal Pradesh 1,5 36 68.5
Maharashtra 1,4 50 87 7
Jha rkhand 1,391 66. 4
a Pra des h 0.7
An dhr 1,2 44 55.1
Chhattisgarh 1,2 03 49.2
Pu nja b 1,1 96 95. 6
Bih ar 1,0 52 71 .7
Pra des h 2.4
Utt ar 939 36.8
0 .7
0.7 846 iii ii 85. 6
Ma dhy a Pradesh 816 39.1
0 .2
Ha rva na 430 60.1
Be nga l 0.4
We st 36.0
0.3 378
Rajasthan 56.6
17.4 1,2 80
Ind ia
bel ow :
g of the pa ssa ge , an sw er the qu es tio ns giv en
Ba ed on yo ur un de rst an din (1 X 10 = 10)
tests per million?
low est tes tin g sta te of the co un try in ter ms of nu mb er of
(1) Whidt is the
nu mb ers tha n De lhi ?
(i,) Ho w ma ny sta tes tested mo re in
d from this co mp ari so n ?
(ii, ) Why were sm all er UTs ex clu de qu en cy of testing in the country?
rea se in the nu mb er / fre
(iu) Which factor led to an inc
tes fo un d to be tes tin g les s tha n 1000 tests per milljon?
of the sm all er sta
sa me as 'sh ow s' ?
wo rd in the pa ssa ge me an s the
U•LI KE f r,gljsh-t
fo)IO\ "'in~ sente nce ;
lete l h C
•:\ cofllP d :l" one of tho~c states which h.1d ___ ___......;,_.
("'''' khan w, · ....,._
Jtiilf' k of the ~c.>t·on d wa, c of Covi.d -19. testing rate even
ing pea . , .
dU r st 1terncn t t11-at Jb not true .
()OSC t1,c
,;iJ) Cl en> <.tc,tcs h,1V(' perfo rmed bcth.'r than the small
(t )r~1rr ,- . ' JIO states for avc:m:taP .1,.. -y tna~
(11 · 'Ilion for Covt • 7 ,,,.. uq11 "-Qung
pt!f J')'ll
J(er.1la ha!- torrc d the covid - 19 l~~tin g t.1lly.
(h) Uniof l territo ries wen.' not consi dNcd for comparic;on of
{c) covid -19 test condl tCted
~very day.
d) ~he way J & K l~as condu cted_Covid - 19 dai ly tc<iting b admirc
~Vh1ch of the follow ing ~ta tc~ ach1evccl best figure ~ at condu cting
t<.>Sts per mHlion ?
(iX) (a) Harya na (b) H imach n l Prndc $h
(c) Maha rashtr a . {cf) West Benga l
rala rnana ged to dea l with lhe pand cmk in ___ ___ ___
p·) .((c _ way.
. . ·h· .
· (ii) alarrru ng and a storus mg (b) s~lcn d1d and system atic
(c) rapid and restle ss (d) discre et and darLng
t any ten of the follow ing quest ions :
I Attemp . (10 marks)
Il · my collec hon of books . (to expre ss prom ise)
(1) 1 - - - .
(a) have had lent (b) will le~d , (c) lend _ (d) am lendin g
(ii) Tirn - -- - move out of his paren ts house becau se
he did not have a job.
(a) may not (b) canno t (c) shoul d not (d) could not
(iii) The following parag raph has ~ot ?een edited . There
is one error in each line. Write the
incorrect word and the corre ction m your answ er sh eet the
correc t blank numb er.
The first one has been done for you.
(1 x 2 = 2)
Error Correction
What do you does when some one e.g., does do
you loves more than your own life (a) _ __
tells you that he have an (b) _ __
uncontrollable urge to attem pt some impro bable feat, inher ently
fraug ht with dange r.
{iv) Read the conve rsatio n betwe en fathe r and son and comp
lete the passa ge that follow s:
(1 X 2 = 2)
Father : Son, You have score d only 20 per cent in Maths . Do you
think you need extra
help with it ?
Son : Dad, I had misse d out on classe s due to my cricke t match es. Mr Desai
h as asked
ll}e to stay back after schoo l to help me cope up with the Math s
syllab us.
said to his son (a) ___ __ only 20 per cent in Math s and asked
him if he neede d
help. The son answ ers that he had misse d out on classes due to his cricke
t matches
Mr Desai (b) _ _ __ to stay back after sch ool to help him cope up
with the Maths
qi \ \ 11 Ill I• 1 l1 •• 1•, 1
(/1} \ lw u1,H h ,1 -,kL·d llw 11•11111 If llwy .Ht' 1011lld1•11I ln I l1i1lkn H1' ll 11 •i1 lljl j H11i• · lll ,;
(t) 11w ro,Kh ,,skcd tlw l1-.11n if lhl'y wt•t'l' rnnlld1•11 l ln r h,1 llr •11p,( llwlt ni, 11 , 111 .. 111•1
(d) I he cc1i1ch nskl'd \lw te111T1 lh,d if lht•y Wt•n • confltl1 •11l Int li,1ll1 ·11p,(' tl11•i1 '>pp, 11 u,,ih
(i•iii) Na1xy 1-,,1id, " I m,1y visit l1w muscurn lo111orrow,"
(a) N.mcy :-.,lid lh,1l nhc ,night vlsil Llw n111nc u1 n llw 11t•xl d t1y.
(b) N.rncy ::,,lid thul she in ighl visi t the rnu sL• u rn ln1nurrnw .
(c) NMK)' nskC'd if she should visil the museum ll w lH·xt tlt1 y.
(d) Nancy informed 1nc to visi t· the muse utT, tomorrow.
(ix) Unforlunalel y, I did n' t gel _ _ _ _ _ _ l'imc lo Wt1lch lh<• crkkc•l m,1ltl1.
(a) few (/J) no (c) 1nu ch (d) little
(x) Select the option that identifies the error and supplies lhc co r rection for lhe fo llow,·"•~; 1111('
Four kilometers do not take m uch tiJile to cover if one wt1lks briskly.
Optio11 no. Error Correctio1,
(a) do docs
(b) much more
(c) walks wn lk
(d) No error
U-LIKE English-X
"0 1p t .ll'l) ' on e fr om (A ) an d CB) gi
? Altt: . ve n be lo w :
.,. 13,r ~r .:tf..,h be lo w 11\ustTatc~ th e ex pe nd itu
}. 1hL' • ' 1\ re tw .
l . \\' ritL' ..,n _" 11..1 tit.a l pa ra gr ap h ( 100- 120 w or ds ) in cl0 co un tr ie s mok (S marks)
• 1· irt lh1 t1on
ud · \ ' ~ co n consum
. . in g ~ I the de ta ils as er go od s.
1!1 l r - - - - - r =D~ ~ : : ; - ; - - - - - pe r th e sh ar ed
Country X
■ Co un try Y
~ 40 0
~ 300
.s 250
w~ 100
Cars ~r--+-~4-♦
Computers Camer
as Washing Machine
Consumer Goods s
2.B. The table gi ve n be lo w sh
ow s th e te n ca us es
information gi ve n in of de at hs am on g In
th e ch ar t, in te rp re t di an population. Usi
th e da ta ac co rd in gl ng the
C au se s of D ea th y an d rationally .
M al e( % )
1. H ea rt D is ea se Fe m al e( % )
To ta l(%)
2. R es pi ra tio n D is ea 18 .3
se 15 .9
10 .1 17.5
3. D ia rr ho ea 8.3
7.5 9.2
4. Fu ng al D is ea se 8.9
5.4 9.1
5. Tu be rc ul os is 3.2
7.2 4.2
6. M al ig na nc y 5.3
7. Senility 3.3 3.6
5.0 6.1 5.5
4.0 2.8
I • I I 3.4
8.9 7.5
tentio•nal in ju ri es 6.7
4.3 4. 4 4.3
10 M A R K S
Attempt any on e of tw
All o ex tracts gi ve n : (5 marks)
th ro ug h th e ni gh t, n1 th h
f hi s on e ho pe : e 1 f G od whose eyes,
ashe ha L en ch o th ou gh t o
d be en in st ru ct ed , se e YO . d
epo ,
ev er yth ing, ev en w ha t is in on e's conscience.
eep Lencho
-9 161
, . nirnnl in llw f!('ldH, h11I Hilll h1• ~lh• i I
ddng ltkc tin ,1 . I I ,v 101v I
Xof n (llflll, wo k I I bc1rt11\ In wrl 11 ' 11 ('I l( 'I' w I lrl I lw Ii ln1s1•1r !l IVfil '.
ll' clS an O,
d ' dnybrea I l( n
',un D) , •
Wo111 I t I~
1c 1'
folkl\VJilg, I ce in the nHl ii. •lrry t,,
to""n ,rnd p n , .
' Iy hope wm, - - - -
(i) t cnd10 s on (h) l'lw poHllll dHl1 •1·
(11) Gm~ I from l·hc govcrnmenl (d) s,,lling his ox
(t) the llC P
(ii) Lencho vvas writing n lrllcr - - - -
(a) to the government for help (/1) lo Hw po:-i l111 i1Hlt•r fm li t•lp
{c) to his son for he1P (rl) ln Cod for hlHh1 lp 1
(m...) Lenc10
1 l·rns
, been called
' 'nn ox of n mnn ' becnus1• lw wn s . .
. ) 1'hl' pI.H·ase- 'm1.
(ni r
inner scnsC'
of right nnd wrong ' dS Wl(•d 111 llw l'Xl1'n('l i11 lht• •fl •line,,
t at1Y
ne of the two extracts given :
>ttell'P the last voice at night,
,. t{e Uing cars,
~,., ~ r,1tf0 ·th his brilliant eyes,
,,.- -~\\11
J 5tiP"~ ,,
..w rilllant stars.
,l. refers to - - - - ·
tO t-{e t ,·oice heard is of _ _ __
'f}le las
t,1) hot fired from a rifle (b) pa trolli ng cars
{tl) a S
unds of other animals (d) trainer
(£) so
k\' is brilliant because _ _ _ __
(iiil {he s ."
(a) it 1.5 vast
lb) it is blue . . . .
(c) it is beautiful with stars shmmg bri ghtl y in it
(d) it symbolises freedom
:., The poetic device used in the stanza is _ _ __
t--~ rnplete the fo uowing
. f ormat.
f) C_:...---~S-::-tim-:-.
0 -ul-:-u_s_ _ _ _ _T""_ _ _ _ _O_u_t_co_m_c_ _ _ _ __
,!B. Belinda paled, and she cried Help! Help!
But Mustard fled with a terrified yelp,
lnk trickled down to the bottom of the household,
And little mouse Blink strategically mousehold.
(~ Belinda cried for help because _ _ _ __
(a) of Custard the dragon (b) Mustard was hurt
(c) she saw Blink (d) of the pirate
(ii) Ink was _ _ _ __
(a) little grey mouse (b) the little black kitten
(c) the little yellow dog (d) the little bird
(fu) 1nk hid in his - - - -
(iD) Theword 'bark' as used in the stanza is _ _ __
(r,) Belinda paled means _ _ _ _ _.
Ca) Belinda had yellowish complexion
(f,) Belinda didn't use to eat properly, hence her pale complexion
(c) Belinda got terribly afraid
(d) Belinda yelled so loud that she turned pale
\I I . J\ t\l 'IW N .HI V . f th e {o ll ow iu.l(
fom o \1\ .i bo ut 40 -5 0 w ur
. dt i e. l. dt :
(1) '' N\,'\'1..'\' l\\ tl1
1 J ., lw . _ li d " l (a t, ):!,.{,.'t lH \ b! ', {!!. _
ll, !'- ~'- , 0\',I~ t.: lt \ IJ ll ,. • , ., ~ ~-..
Cl-I.JG. t ha":-e t(l n\
[ hl' C-l)l\l l\ll·t\. ;r w '1-. . . \ 1·~1lh- ~ort, tunJ 1Jl i,)k.11
:_ -~,..
. \S. "O h, rh.m:::..! uo ~ - ~-
thw nt.\d,11n," hi...' ~ati...l. u t LQ
~..- .....
Wh,\l dl1<...'~ Lht ,1\:l
uvt '-' 'tr..1d t~ \ l',J l
tu) t low C\ \\1 a b,1k ..ibout V..iUi. ? ·'
ct be rl'CVf,ni:::~1..l ?
\lt i) w hr it dot.'~
l.h\.' statl.:tnl'n.t "C u;
th~rc' s ...1 cnL:rch.u-
C hu bu kl.>V ? tt cu1uQ fur Ll$ ;im
us ~
(IP) Why did th
e ot he r peb::~ compar1
:c: C u~ t~ d w it h Pc
(<') t\n1trn.d a sytn
boll:;cs . .1U th~ yo un
VIL Answer o.ny tw g gi.r-1.s. ju stify.
o of the fo ll ow in g
(i) W hy was M
in ab ou t 40 -50 vvu.rd
at il da Lumu.ppy in s e;ich:
he r eo..rly mc1.r:rie1.1 _ :: :::; ~~
(ii) R ic ha rd 's n-,
ot he r ha d beilll. in li fe ?
vi te d to a ta lk sh
1--fo.rv.-wd tb ow ~ Rid...:irci
.e hi gh es t ho no ur '5 ~ ~
m em or ab le th ing s. Y au at te nd ed th e
sh e sp ok e an d vv ta t:, :w.uw tv=:;:te: U:i.e ~
(iii) Eh.oli w ns a ne ha t yo u tr u n k re ve
gl ec te d ch il d. E xp al s ab ou t 1.1 &.
V ll l . A ns w er an la in..
y on e of th e fo ll ow
in g in ab ou t 1.00-1
(i) T he cu lt ur e, 20 w on is : :
li fe st yl e an d tr ad {':__ x .:: = .:l u::,niG
or se ttled th er ea t it io ns of a p lace ar
so m e po in t in tirn. e in fl ue nc ed ty tc_~e ~
e_ C ul tu ra l a..c;;siinil l e i'inu .rra:?:
st ru c tu re of a so ci .c.'1.ti..on ad ds : fL:I.,;:zour m :: ic
e ty . S um m ar is e yo ~ ~ ,.__
ur op in io n. on th e
gi ve n id ea .
(ii) T od ay 's w or ld Or
is co nf lic t ri dd en
th e w or ld . T he po . Pe op ie fi.g:l.1.tmre
em 'F ir e' an d 'le e' r va ri ou s is su e: an
re d ~ i5 -r r: c: ~ s
E xp la in /D es cr ib fl ec ts up on . thehollmvn
e ba se d on yo ur e! ::.-s : oft±-.:erru:;,.:c,wm::.
IX . A ns w er an re ad in g of th e po ::..
y on e of th e fo ll em 'Fir:e- an ci Ic e' .
ow in g in ab ou t 1.
(i) W e sh ou ld be 00-1 20 w or ds ~
co nt en t w it h w ha C... < E- = u :: n .~
t li fe gi ve s us . Ju
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