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Wbcn fcrri,: hydroxide is heated, h dccompwcs inlo fcmc oxide ond watu

2Fe(OH)> - Fe, o , • 3H,O

Ferrte hydroxide - Ferric oxide + Water
When leruf nhrnie is heu1ed, ii deeomposes lmo leJul om, nhmll"n dlo1tide mtl oxyg•n.
2Pb(NOl)z - 2Pb0 + 4N02 + Oz
Lead nllrate Lead oxide + Nitrogen oxide + Oxygen
I n abt)\'e c.,uample~~compound" de.con"(M)ced tirc.:.u\C ot'hc1uina;. 110, lhesc rc.Ktaon,c urc C'.a.llcd

Rle>c:tions in which compounds dttompo<• into simple< compountb becllll!Z of passing of
elcc11id1y. :m, Lnown IL< ELECTROLYTIC DECOMPOSITION. '1111, iK also known"'
F.xu,nplc: \Vhcn clccuic11) LIi pa)sed m wutc.t, 11 de,c,;ompc.Me.s into b)-drogen and o:cyg~IL
2H, 0 - 2H, ♦ 01


Reacuon., in wlud! a CQmpound decomposes becuu.<e of ,1mliglu are koown n, PHOTOLYS IS

Exomple: Wlien <il\w chloride is pu1 in sunllghi, ii decomposes Into •ik•er me1al nnd chlorine
2AgCI - 2Ag + Cl,
Slmllorly, when tllvu brt1111iJe " pul under ,unhght, ii dec,ompose, in10 silver met:tJ and
bfumuie SU>·
2AgBr - 2Ag + Br,
Pl1<1ll>Jll'Op1k: pl1p<.r hM C0,11 of ;.,k-.r chloride, which 1um< m10 llrcy "I""' expn<ed 10 ,unlighl.
h hnppi,m bta,usc ~d,-,,, chloride "'<0lourlw "bile •liver ts• ll'•Y 1""1lll.

INJ'EX"[ Otl):;.'ITIQNS PAGF, NO. to

Qu<Sllun I: A snlullon ora ~11h1t11nrr •x· I< ,,s.,1 fur whllr washing.
Cit Illume the >Ul>,<IUIICC ·x· and write lls ronnula.
(UJ Wrhc th< r-.uctlon or lht •ub, tuna, •x• 1111111<'<1 In (I) 11lm,·• \\ith wut.r.
An""<r : Cl) The sub,twlt'\' 'X' 1, cuk1111n o~Wc. II• diennca.l fornwb ls CaO.
(u) Culclurn o.Klde rouct• -,goruu,ly with water to fom1 ctk:ium hydroxide (•fakrd lime).
C.01,1 ~ ll 1Ou,-, Ca(Oll)~.,1
C1k1uni o,liko Wu1u Calcium h)dro,cidc
(Oukl. llme) (Slo~ed lim<)

Q11oik111 2: IVhy IJ the 11moun1 or gi,.<e:ollec'l<d in one or the test tub<;< In Actl<T11 1.7
duuhlt or 11,e iunounl colk..:ted io th• other'/ Nanir 1hls 11111.
A•iswer: Wa1er (H,0) <0nrnins 1wo pans hydrogen and one p.,n o•tt•n 1'114rtfore, 1he
amoum of hydrogen ond oxygen prodUCl!d during electroiy,ris ol' wa1er b In• 2: l rn1i<,. During
elcctrolyc<I.,. since hydrogen goes 10 one 1es1 11100 Md o.,ygen goo.~ 10 w,o1h,r, 11., 1111.,un1 of
gu• rolio<1c'tl 111 one or 1ht 10.,1 111bt:• ls double, or lhc uu10un1 l'OU..'Clcd In the olhcr,

Prcp3red by: M, s, KunwSw;uny. TQTjMa1hs) rag~ -s-

.,,, . htt om o ll 1hr Ui S· ,. ,
'l:o~. tbt nu n~ r or hydro,.-n 11nwh111lu ,1- h Im00
•. . hlch "., .,,.. •ban IIW on
To h:11 11""
1 '" Ii, o ne ui,; ,d, lo , , )• i,n on 1,,. RHS hy 4.
Fe t 4 x H,O - Fo ,O, , 4 x
h•-lma•n aro n" 1- ,
After th.Ji nu ntt r of lll}J<n andii ;; ihn ,c "'' the RHS
uun io Olk l on 1Jac LII S. "ha le '7'
: o n hnl l, .._
. TIit numl,cr of
U, muklpl) lh< ron on
I I IS h)• l .

l'n, pan ,o by. ' J. S. KulJWSwumy. TOTcMoJlt,l

4 x H,
3 X Fe • 4 x H, 0 • F11:,0, t u, lhb. • uw.,on
0101m u! eucb ekt1ac111 bcw n,r ,. '-"jual 011 bulb >idt-s. Th "I
No w lht nu,ooc:r o(
'Ctl cuw .1ion.
bc• IJ11 1"" • buk111. doct
In reacta nt No. of ato m, In pro
l\o mc or a1om Nn. or otorno 3
Iron 3

Afl rr babncing. the above

<qUlllloo CIUI be w,11100 .,. lollow,.
3F e + 4M ,O - Fe 1O, + ◄ H1
md c:al eq uat ion :
al Stutes or ~ubsta o.,. ,. In Ut
Wr ltm g '"" •)'f tlb oh or PbJ >k: n bc\.-01nc:, ,no n, mlonnotl\'C"
of, uli\11111(.-.,, a c-bc-.111<111 '-"ju>tlo
8) "n l hlf the p hys..ul >IUIC> lcd b) •>mlx>I .• •
• a.. ..,u s IIIIIC IS rt:p mim
<)'fflbol 'I'
IJqUKI Sla te• • re ~t ed hy
by ,ym bul ·•
• Soliu \lll lc I> wri tten
"' by •)m hol ·oq· Jy wri11cn abo w
• Aq ueo "" -,luuo n,. " "" "' c.. plm,o: •n 11: cundltiun i,, gencr.i
\\', .m g the cll llll u,n ID ,.w,.,t, "'" ""' tal.
r hl'low !hr urto \\ of a ch~
m"'41 <qllllllon. ,r ..-Mch
Wlid o rondJ, lnn und
or Jlh>"""'' "'••c of <uh,t11111:,... and
Th u,. by wru,ng 1he •>ffliwll< cqll.lliou cuu be 1uaclc wurc 1nforn1Uli,·o.
tta:Oo n tale> p......,.
a cbr11UL-al
: t: NO. II
I NT t:X:C 0 1 &51 10 ,s r Ac
h ,,. bu mt ha air.'
m rib bo n ~ dm ntd bdol"\'
QJ : Why should • mngn. ,.lu wn h o•ygcn to
Atl .'l" tr : M Jll-fk.'\JUJJ I ., un ntn ,uld y "" '""
r ~r m.,gne,wm OD "•blr
' mr1al. \\ll1a1 >10 1cJ . • ,... .,,.Jc i, qUJtt
de on uc <11rfacc Tius 1,,ye by
fonn a b)f f of mJ grr fflll ll oxi n .. IIIOJIIK'\IUJD ribbon~ Cle .we d
\'Cnb fu n lacr 1' '11C floo or 11'1Jl110ftlD1 """ UX) jlCO
1,0" '4l to o,r,
and l'fC
lll) cr ,o lh<II tJ,r u11J,:dyln11
metal cw, l,c n
"''" ' popcr fvr rffl10w1g th..
ad ..,u• tlo n for t h• follo•i
na dlt mkMI l"\'llctlon<.
Qu <a1lon 2: Wr llt th e ba lnn
11,d ro trn r hlo rid t
,0 ll) d ~ + Chk>ri.M - t + \lu n, inin m r ldo rld r
Ba riu m chl ori de + Alu min lun, 1i\ll11lmt o - IJa riu m , ulph11
(Ill ll)drotC'.a
(Ill ) Sod i um + \\u tcr • Smllu m b) d rou dt +
;\ RJ11't:r :
If~,, + Cl 1, 1 -- + 211q, ,
SO ., +2 Al (' l~, 1
l& CI , • Al (SO,). 1--- -+ 10u 1
., + 11.. , 1
:?Na,, •:? 11 .011 - > 2N:i0111 1
b sta ir •1-.noot. for 11,c ruu
u" inll
:ed d1f flll cal cqn ado n "ll
Quest ion J : \\ rite a bul llnc
tt11cd on.t. ..,. ,,.. rca ct to l!fn lru<>lu ble
(ii SoJull0tLC or bu lum cbl
uritfc 1 nd ""' """ ' rul p~ • '" In,
udo n or liOdlum d>Jod;I, .
b:srlun1 sul pb ntr a n d th• sol Cln wu1r r ) IUt "U wit h hydrof'ld
orie ad d '4ll ntlno (In
li) dm dd t sol ull on
(ill Sodium
c hlo rid e sulntlo o and wu ttr.
,... ,.,., to pro d utt 1od lum
An .twwff' : , ,1
0~ , •:? "li10
11.1( 14 ., 1+ Nn}iO~ ., -> ll11S 1
Nn()t1., + I IC-1., -- + N a( 1
1,.., + 11,0 1
1 1 1 1
Prc1,,11·cd by: M, s. KumnrS11;arny, TQ'CTMnth~l Pu_gc-C-

All)' chnngt 0lD b• chisslnl'd llS pbyslml tluoogt and cbmil"'1 t hllll,:e. Pb)slcal d1unnl'.•
e1111 1.e wslly m crsw hul, II Is Ml "8.\1' to n,vcm, a d1cmlcal chnng,.
In chcm!Clll changes. new ,u~IWICCS .,.. formed ond d l• ddlkuh IU rcgcncnlc 1he url1111111I
subMnnces. Chcmictl l hunge., mrT: more pe.rm;uH.!nl tJ:mn phy,.i..-nl clmugc,.,.

Chc111lc1\I l'Cllrtion ltl\'oh·c• chemical change,.

Cbcmlcnl rc>rtio11> an, Lhe pm"""°" ,n \\hlth new ,ub,.111DCeS wi1h ucw prupcnle• ""' foriucd.
During u tlll!tmcnl rr-actlun, u1om!' of one <'lc111!..!nt t.lo 1:KM cb:angcr iruo tho!tC of another e le 111c1u .
O,~y o rc1111•.11'cmcn1 ol nion1> 1iu.e< pla..c in n r hcmlt'nl rcx1ton.

Mugn.,•luon ribbon burn, wilh a d&uJfflg whllo 11,-

and ehnnge• 11110 • "'hitc powder. 111!,,
powder ~ 11'111Jli'<llllll o.,dc, II '" rormcd du,: l<l ohe ruction be1wcM 11111gn<sium and oxyge,1
pr~cnl ln 1he arr.

;:a~:;:; + c:::;•,, ~ ~;~::::~~::~•

TIit! burnlng of n1t1gncsium in llir Lo form magnesium oxide is :in l!Xnmpli! of chenucul ~actfotL


The !i'ltb5tllncl'S which tnke 111111 in a cbemioll nmcUuu lll'f cllllrd l"l!llthllll!I.
11oe new subsionces produced os • rc>uk or elicmk:111 rcACtooo ore called 1>ruduc1•
In lhc above chi,1111Col rc,1c1lon. 1hcrc arc owo ni11ctnn11 : Magnc.1um a11d Oxn:•n 11111 only one
produc1 : Mog,>c>ium o\ldc.


In • chumlcal •-•mn. rmic111111, ore 1ronsrurn,.,,J 1111 11 produ.;1.,
17., hnportrun c.b:lroc:tcri"leo of clicmlt'lll re.ic11on Qre:
❖ Evolution ofn gcb
❖ Porrnaiton or• preeilll1010
❖ Ch,rnge III oolour
❖ Chnnge m tr:mpc.rnturc nnd
❖ Change m stDlc.
All)' one orlhe,.c cl.amc1crl.11"" con uill u, whcoher 11 chcn11CUI rcxdon lw oaken pbcc or no1.

The lt'lO!lhod or r c ~oing Ochc1111c:1J rcaclllon wi1h lhc help or S)mbols and rormubs or the
5Ubsmnccs m,-oh-ed in ii l< k@wn o, d1Cmlc:ol « 1un1lo11.
A "onl ..eq1uaUon 511m,·s l'lumgt" or n:.actnnLit to 11ruductJ lhnmgh tin om,"' pluc,J
between them. l'br l'CIICll1n1.< nn, "rlllrn nn th< ltfl•hand side (LIIS) whh a lllllll il11n l+I
111!1,.ccn limn. Slmllarly, 11rmlu<'IJO Mrc ..-..111,n on th• rlJllol-hantl •kl• [RHS) """ a ph1.•
811tn (+i h chH'<ll them. The prrowh,1'CI 1•1h1lt 111wnnl• thr producl~, 1u1d t,1,0,.-. tit<
dlm!tl1111 11r lite ffileth111.
E>:runplc: A+ B - C + 0
In 1h1, cqun1lon, A ond 8 nrc cnllcd reactant< ond C • ucl I) ,irr rnllcd 1hc pruduct , . Arrow
•how• the din,cnon o( chcmi<ul rei,cuon. Con<lrtion, Ir nny. i• wnncn gcnenilly ubove I lie
arrow .

Prep..-etl by. M, s. KunwSwu111y, TOT!M41b.,l Pngc•I •

Wbon h)'llrogen renc1s ""b o•)'l!<n, i1 gives "•l<r, TI1i> 1·c11011011 ••n bc rcpre<c111od hy
following chcnucal equation:
Hydrogen , Oxygen Water
H2 • 0 2 - H,O
In fim tqUlllion words an, u<ed and ln second ,ymbols of substnnces ure used 10 write the
chemnl cqua1km. Far <'011\'Cnic......,, ,ymbot of •ub,nan<c h us<d 10 rcp,-cscm chcmio::11
equnlion!li. Chrrnicul B.q1mcion 1s II wtty 10 reprr..W'.nl the chemical renc1lon in concise mnd
lnrorn111ll\'C wuy,

Chtm,cal cquauoo cnn he d"ided 11110 1"0 1)-pt> - illl~u-S Chemical 1:<1umic)il 1111d
Unbal1ocod Chcmia,I Uquu,.,n.

ll11h111ecd Ch,mlcul &11mliou: A b.,ill1•:ed ohcmlc,il oquullun ha, number ur Ql(IJlb or ellCh
eleme111 cqu•I nn both , idCli.
E,111111ple: Zn • H1SO, - ZnSO, ~ H,
In lhil equn1ion. numbc"' of :line. b)-drog<-n ond sulphate arc equal on bolh 51Cles. ro ii i, •
t..lM,ed chemical eqUlluon.

Uubulunc<-d Cbmucal E(1uu1loo: If lhc: number of a1011\\ ol cuch clcmo:n1 In reoct••u l< 001
equn.t to 1he number of nmm-.; o f cooh clc:mc.m prc..q:,ru en pmduc1, 1hm 1hc d 1c mioal ~ ui:umn I)

culi<J unb;1J.u,ced cbclnlad cqun1lon.

Enm1ile: Fe.; H,O - FeJO, • H,
In 1iu,i c:Aur1~1k! number •IOnl\ uf ek!meni. are nm i:qu;u on 1wo s.SC. of 1he re11<1i<m. 1=.1r
Cllllllplc, on 1h• leh twNI uh, only one iron 1110m l> present. while three ,ron a1orns m pn,.-ent
on tho right 111111d ,idc Therefore, ii i, M unbolanctd drnucal cq11111Ion.


To t,;tu~-.: 1he yi,cn or My chcm,c<il cquu1ion, follow ,1..,,.,
Fo ; H,0 - FeJO, • H1
Wrilc 1hr number or moms or cl<mcnl<l)t'C.\Clll in rc11c111111S mol m prodUC1> In a 1ublc:., , hvwn
~1une ur ulom No.. of ntom.• fD l'tilctn nl No.. o1 atomi In product
lrrm I 3
llydroi:cn 2 2
Oxygen ,1

(lultira, lhc ~,om which Is 1hc muimum In nunlhcr: on either <idc of chemical «111111,on.
III lhil <qUlliofl, Ibo numb..'< O~)J!CII 1110111 i, lhc n<1~bnu111 OD Ille RMS.
To ht,illnce 1bc oxygen one , 10 multiply th• oxygen on lhc UIS by 4; >D Lhttl LI" number
nf ox;11cn atoms becomes equal on bosh ,l<k!J..
Fe , 4 x H,O - Fe,O, , H,
Now. 111<, number of hytlrogcn a1on1S hecon10s 8 on 1hc I IIS: v.hic:h l< mnre thnn 1lu1 on lhc
RHS. To bobiitt u. one nc•d• 10 muhoply the 11)\lrogcn on Iho RHS by 4.
Fe + • x H,O - Fe,o, • 4 x H,
Af1cr Lh,11 numtu of o, ygcn IUld h)uro11c11 1110111, ~'OIIICS c'ljuw on bulh •!do.
The number or
iron i; one nn the UIS. w l,tlc i1 d three 0 11 the RHS. To b:alzwc,e h. mull~ll)' iron on Lil l'
U IS by 3.

Prcp.,red by. M. S KumarSwn,uy. TGT1M111l"l

DISl'LA l'.El\11'1\7' R.E ACTION
Reaction~ m whK.h a10111'i or km.i IIIU\'C from one l"Oll'lJC'Ulkl 10 other 1u form oow compound
ore Lnown n< DISPLACF-'IIIEN"r REACTION D~,pl;icen.,111 rco,mn,. obo Lnown ••
Sub81 1i111lo11 Rcac1ion or Sinr;I< dl1plac,ment IR,plll(,mc111 RCIICl,on,
A ~c,1crnl dl,11~mo:n1 rc.c1k,11 cun be rcpn,,;crucd uiinjj chcnua,I o,q,mrlon •• lbllvw,:

0♦•-~ · -
Dl~plllcamcru toJICtlon tllkc- plocc only ,-1,..n •A' I, more rc11C1iw 1"'111 8 . Ir ' 8 · I, murc
reactive 1h11n 'A', lhcn "A' will 1101 dlspl.._"e •C' rrorn ' SC' nnd rcxtron ,..UJ 1101 be lttkon pbcc.
Exrmrple: When ~,nc re.ct• whh h),lmchloric ll<'kl, ii give., hydroicn go., ••~I zinc chloride.
Zn + 2HCI - ZnCI, + H,
Wl.,n :,inc rcncr< wnb copper snlpluuc. a fonns zinc sulphote and copper ""''•I.
Zn + CuSO, - ZnSO,, + Cu
When sliver meu,I tS d,pp<d In copper nit= no reocr Ion rnltes pm bcawse silver metal is
les, rcnc1Ive lhlln copper.
Ag + Cu(NO1), - No reaction takes place


Rc.1etlon~ iu " 1lucll itJ.m tire cxclumgcd bct\t.ccn '"'" n,uctwn~ £on.tung ocw compounch OJ-c
colk.'<l double dl'Pi..c.,".,"' ,euc1lo,L,.

W +• - ~ ·~
E,rumplc: When ,olur fon uf buri111n chlondc read• wli h the .,oluuon nf sodhun sulrh310. "'hiJc
pr<eipho1~ of bfflum sulph111• is fomlCd •long with •odium chloriclc.
BaCI, • Na, SO, - BaSO, • 2NaCI
When sodium hydto<lde (• b....-e) reacts"'"" hydrochloric add. sod,mn chloride and wo1er att
NaOH + HCI - NaCl + H,O
Di:rnblc dbpl.acc-mc:nt rcDCt ion. ln whCh prcclpiu.1c: i:1 fonn,i,:,d. is al5o known ,a, procip,1ouion
n,;1c1ion. Ncu1nim.11mn n:a,:1lons arc al>O examples of ,loublc displacen.,111 rcac1ion.


n., chcm.:ol .-tlons which pract!i'd w•h 111<, evulu1lon of be:11 c11ergy urc calkd cJUJt httmlc
Nl + 31:1, - 2Nlll + ll l'lll
All comhu~ron rcac."llollli urc cxo1hcm111:. ll0:,1 energy L< hbemed 11.< 1hc rcuc1lon p<Oeffd•

The chcmlcol ro:,aion.• which pro<ced wlih 1he obsotpuon or li.'lll cnc'l}' nrc coiled
cndn1hc.nmc rcaeuon..~.
2NH, + Heat - ~ + 3H,
.Most or Uic combination 11!l.lctlwu an: cndotbcnnic. Must or the d1.:t.:01n1,or.:ition n::ac.tiotli ore
1'llorhcrmlc. Re;p1111rlon I, " ck-rolllflO'IIK>n rcnctlon in "'hicb <ncrgy rs rclcosed. Wl1<n 4ulck
lime (cak:lum cnrbnruuc) Is 11dded 10 WIit«, Ii docllmposcs ond release,; ""'IIY· Cooking
iJ1rolvcs cbcruldrl rcacuo,t< "'hlcb rue mdotbermk: w. ooolJna L< possible boc:Jtu,e ofbeatu1g.

Pn:p.,rcd hr, M S K11nmSwainv, J'G[IMqlJ15J


O• hhrllttn: Addl11011 uf oxygen or no11-n.,1allk clcmcnl or rc1mv11I 11r h)1lroacn or mciulllc
clc:111<111 li'u111 • cu111pou11J I~ koo"n JS Ollkll1tlo11.
Elc111c111N or .,,.,npou,ld, In whieh 01ygcn or n1J1rnll!talbc elcn.,111 Ii od<lre.l or hydrogen or
mcrnllic elemoni i. rerum••d are C1llled to be oxltllzud.
OxldJ:zlog DRtnt , Compound< "hlc.b cru, n,JJ OX)llCO or ~ noo-11101nllic co...,ound or remove
hvdmnen or mctA1lic: clemcnLt1IC: knm\,i as ox1dmmz'-
Cheinknl reanim~ cm be cbmfied in ft Um<.
• Combinntion Reac1ion °
,mg l)-pes:
• Decumpo,it kin Rcndion
• 01'1'l:ocemcn1 RellClion
• Double Di,,- pbl,0111cn1 Rcac1iun
• Oxidauon and Reduction Reaction

Rem.·tions in wb,ch IWO or more reactnntI cambinr:
COMl31NATION RRACrlON to(onnonc product nn,called
@ ~·-·· v,
A gODl:rul combinuLion rCllCIM>Jt Cllll be ,,,_ _,oJ ,_ lhc ch0 1111-..
·--• cqunuon
. gwcu bore.

Exuinple: When
• 1ri.~
' A + ®- ~
mrn ~ hurru In cur co~Jg.en). nusnesium oxide is formed. In thi"
rcm.-uon. mug~lum ri ccuntN1lll.-d wiLb oxygm. ~
Mg +O, - 2Mg0
Magnesium • Oqgen ... Magnesium oxide
\\'hat cu,bon is burnt in o~'g•n (air). carbon d,o"idr is (anrecL In thil re,ction, cmbcn ·11
conihmcd wllh oxygen.
c.o, -co,
carbon + Oicygen .., CatbOn dioxide
\\~i,:o h)drO~cn react> witlt chlorillll, bydrog,:n dtlorklc: is form,.S.
H, + Cb - 2HCI
Hydrogen + Chlorine .. Hydrogen chlorkle
\Vben calcium oxide ttaet5 wnh water. a Udu.m h)-d:roxide b fonrrd
CaO t H,O - Ca(OH)2
Calcium oxide + Water - Caiclum hydroxide
\Vhen 1:mbc:m t110noxidc n:w:u wiLh ox.n;.cn. c.uarhon J.k,~iJc DI (omrd.
2co • o, - 2co,
Carbon monoxlde + Oxygen - Carbon dloxlde

Rcue1ions in whach one cmupountl dacoatjW.'iC.\ m twv or mu~ L-'OtnpoUJKb· or dcIDl.!Ul an:
lcnnwn o.< DECOMr'OSl1 ION RF.,\C'rlON. fJcco111posi1lnn relK'tlon is.JUSI opJlOSlleof
c:orubinauun rcM-1.ion.
A gencml decoml"><ttion reuction can be ,ep..-ru«J n.< follow.:

~ --0 ♦ @
E>:wnJ>k: Wl11:n c,~,:111111 corbo11a1c is hcnttd. i1 ~L-campo,c, Imo <Ukiwn oxii.l< mad e1rb<Jn
caco, - cao + c02
Calclum carbonale - Calcium oxide + Ca rbon dioxide

l'rcpared hy: ~b s, Kum;ir1'l!'.l!N, TWCMmhsl

1 '"•.i.u -..:u o;. ♦-1 1 ,> 1 l)Milhill !tl\);tlftl )e f \f I \ l~ltfU111oJ nt~-o-


Oddullon: Addltioo of oxygen or non, me1ollk clement or n,_mo,·•I or hydrogen or 111,,illlbc
eleme,u from• •ompound L< !._no" n a, odd111io11
Element< o, compounds in which o,ygcn or non-me11111io clem•m 1, nddcd or hydmgcn or
tnlllnlbc clemi!nt Is mnn,,e<I nre <'lilied to be c,xidw,d,
Oxld Wn~ 11ue111: Compounds "11l<h eun odd ••>'8""
or • non-metnllic c,,i• 1w•I 111 rcmme
hydmg,n or llll!tolli.: clcnt<nl ore 1:nown '" oxidizing ngents.

Redu<tlon: Add,oon uf hydroscn cir n1"1Albc elcmen, or r<mCJval of ox)-gcn or 11on•1""1llll1<

c.-lemenl from • compound as a llcd rcduaion. 1·11c <mnpoumd or clomcm which BOCS undtt
redue1lun IJ culkd 10 t,e reduced.
Redudnu UIJ('.nl : Cmnpound., or clemo"'-< which c,in c•u<c n,due1lon arc culled rcduc,ng
111 n chcmnl """'lion oxidation •nd rcduc10111 bmh 1oltc p~u,c >Jt11Ull11J1C011, ly W1d web
ne>ction; an, niw known :i; RED0 X REACTIONS. In the word REOOX. ' Red' stand, for
n:,luc1lon and ·o,·
"IU!Ch for oiddntion.

Exumplc: When iron rc:M:t< whh a,r, II form, iron oxide (rust)
4Fo , 301 - 2Fe20 3
In this react ion, oxygen ls nddod to ll'lln, 1h11,. Iron Is o:<idm,cL Herc ox>-g•n is oxldl1Jng tllCot
\Vhrn <'llpric ollide rc11ets with l•)'lroa•11. It 1,111..,. copper 011d "'llt<r.
CuO , H, • Cu + H,O
In tltb rcur1101~ oxygen L~ rtlll()>'l.'tl from l'Opptt IIIM.I UX)'lll!ll h mkk-d 10 hydrogen So. cupric
oxkle I, reduced lo copper and bydroi:OJI I,; oxidized 11> wot« Cupric o~dc is oulwng ngc111
ontl hydrogen 1> rc~ucing agent.
\\1"'" M>d111m hydroxide """'1ll with h)'drochloric ucicl, It B"n sodlum chlorlJc and \\Diet.
NaOH • HCI - NaCl + HJO
111 1hls reaction, .,,,Jiurn h}-droxtdc ,s rcdl>Ced rn ,odium chloride since hydrogen is removed
from >Od1111t1 h)-droiude. Hydr<l>Chloric acid is o~dil<d 10 water. since o>tygi,n is odded to
hydrogen ch~,rldc and 110n-111e1nU1< cleme111 chloride is removed, Sodium hydroxide i~
o:Jdd.smg uge111 anJ h)-drCIChlorlc ride! ls rcdud ng agclll.

In 1hls runcllOII oxidfillon und redunlon bo1h tokes plllcc ~lr1111ltunuuu, ly. thut h ban example:
of rcdox rcn«."1N"Jn.
• Rcsp,,atlon i, tJXldntion rc'1<'.tl0n in which food i, oxkll,.,d 10 produce energy.
• Iron g<1• oxldl,oo to forn, ,.,., ; which lead.< 10 cc,rmsion of ,ran 111 th! long run.
• MIKl of the metals....,, with nunosphcric oxygen nn<il Ir leaih to fonna1io11 ,,f n l•y.-r
on the mct'11wtil,le ,,.., mctnl i;cl.5 corroded 111 the 1011111 run
• Rusting ol iron con he pnwcn1cd by p:untinK the Iron an lclc This cun nlso be prcvental
by upply,ng • b)"r uf1.b1c o,-cr iron '1flk:lc. TI,1, 11rocou b l.nown os gulvnni,ntion.
• Fried food a•tc oxldl,ed when exposed 10 ulr Thi• •pc,lk the lllstc of tire foild and lilt-
food becolJIC> 111101 lor COD>Unlptlo.n. TIie •polling of fried food "''°"'"'" ()( OJ<.id4UOO lS
called mnc,duy. Fril.-d food,. often ~•eked In oln,gbl p>da,u 10 pre,•em m11cld11y.

Pn:pon,d bv: M. s. KummS,.,amy, TG'[CMtuh•l

• We nre r,bJo to utiliu ,·arlous t)J)CS ol' fuel bccnu.-e ol 01icla11Qn OXldution of fuel
hdJl" 111 prndud ng energy.

Corrosion " dcfmed "' lhe , low and <ttlldy de.,uucdou of o u1:tnl by lhe enVJrOwnont. It
n,,ult, In the dct<riomtlon nf Ihe 111,e1nl to form mctitl compounds hy menns or ch<,IIIICal
re.1~tion~ wi1h 1he en~rrOMlL!nt.

Corrookm L, a 011 ,~,i.:

ckclro chemical rct1('11011, When the surface of Iron ls lu co111uc1
with moluun, nnd other psc< in th< atmosplll!rc nn elcctn>cl!en:ut- rcaalon occuo;. In this.
unrurc lmn , ul'fucc •=
tU the <athodc rukl pure iron ncL< n., anode. H2C01 Fo rmed from
rnohturc o,.i CO, from wr ocu es cl«trol)1c.
Tho clcarochemknl rcr,ctlon, ore a., rollows:
f« - f..,,, I 2e
O , + l ll ·O I de - 4 0 11
111e: Fe' rons 11n; oXld~ to Pe•· ion,.
11., Fe'· tun, ro1Jlbinc w11h OH Ions to form Fc(OH>,.Titts bcc:omcs rust (Fs'10 , .xHt0) "hich
i. hydnued r,rri< oxide.

'1•: 1IICJl>S OF l'IIE.Vl'.Hl1.S(; t'Ollll0!!10N

Corrosion o f mc1nl, is. pre,\'ntod b) not ollowing tl10111 to come III amtnct with moisturc.C0l
l1nd 02 Titb b o~hfo,•cUby lbo foUuWIJl¥ mcthoili:
• 8y roa1lng wlll1 11uluts: l'outt roou,d m<llll surface.< keep out olr l1nd mois.turt'.
• Dy t'll•lhl~ wilt, ull •nd ~""'"" ArPli<:Uliun or <tit 011d gn,u,c on lhc MltCace or 11'00 tw b
prc,·••M• them from mobiurc 11111) olr.
• Uy ullu)'ln• ...-Ith 011,.,. mcluLoc: Allvycd metal 1> more n:,btn111 to com,,,on.
• Ex,m111Je: Mamie" stccl
• lly tho P"""'"-. nr i;ah11nballon: Thi, I, n J>fOCC.<< or coatmg , Inc on Iron shce1s by u.smg
ckc1ric current. I n lh" 7111C lonm • prmcctl\'c In)"' of nnc cmhon•t• on the s1.11fncc of 1mn.
Thi, pAl\'Clll> co mi.Iron
• llll'tln111b1ll1111: II I; B mctlw;;J roaliltg Olli! IIIUl ijl wltli anolher by p;i>,!Utg tCll'<!trlc .:Uff\!lil.
Eunqilc ~d,er l)Lll illjl, nlckd pwo.,.. Tid, mcllmd 111)1 only lcrld.1>ro1cc1iun bul 111:,u
tnh.'lncc, the 1nc1olllc nppeuruncc.
• SucrlOdal 11ro1ccllon: Mni nc<lum"' tMft n:acti\'c tlu111 Iron. \Vht,n h o ro;itcd on the
ut1lcles n1Jldc or uccl it 'lllCrilloeo ll•clfto prot«i thte .icct

Wbon fm and oils llft oxidbed. thoy h"comc f'lffl<id nnd t11e:ir smell and t11>1c chuns•-
Rnnckhty I, the chcmlcal dccompo<llton of fols. oils anJ ochcf lipklll.

Thttc on, •~ l!)a,11r type.< of mncld11y.

❖ H)drol)11C rancidity OCCUfJ when •••111cr split, l'ntty ocld clwns away fro m the gl)«rol
b:icl<bon< 111 gl)-ccrld<li.
❖ Oxx1J11h,e ranadny occurs wbl'n tho doublo, bonds of an UIWlturutcJ fnny ncld rcllCl
chemlcnlly wnh oxygen.
❖ Mlcmblal runciUU}' tclCl"S t<J n ptoccs• in "hlch u11eroori111ll>t11< such n.s bactcrL1 u,e thdr
cazymcs. including lip,ses. to brool down cbcrnicnl struct ure5 bi the fllL

Pn,pared by: M S. K1t111:trS1<•am,•, TGT!Mnth<] Poge-8-

In °"'"
ca.,e, tlll!M: cl1C11ucol """'lions rc,ult in unw>irublc ouurs un,I !lawro.
it is n condi1M1n produced by om.,I oxidation or unsn1urutcd f;u prcscn1 in foods l1nd other
product<. nwted by unplc,s, 1101 odour or lb,11ur.

\ Vhen n fat ty subslnncc as exposed to air. us un.1U11urn1ed componenu are c.on\'~.ed uuo
bydtopcroxidcs. winch break down into ,-obtik: oldcb)'des. c,,1.n. o.k.-obols, kc111oes. and
In each c<LSe, Lhese dl<!micol R!Xtion., resuk m unckutiroble o,loits and auvurs.
11 is o cond11-,n produced by aerinl oltlda1ion n ( unsaiura1ed far prc<enc in food, ond 01her
proJuo,. marled by unplc"5Ulll odour or O..,-our.

Wl,c11 • foll) ..,b, 1111-.-c .,. e,,po""tl ,., air. II., u11su1u1111cd compo11cu1> ""' coo,•cncd i11111
b)-dro1,eronles. which him do"'n Into ,-ollmlc aldchydes. esten. ak-ohol.,, k<lon... and
hydrocwix,M. some nf "'hlch lu>c dt<ngree:ihlc nd<lul'!,

Buller becomes rnncid by the fan-going proce."" and b)• hydm lys1s. "'hich hhen,1es \'OUlllo ond
u1'llooorous •cio.u. pm1iculurly blll)TIC odd. Su1unatc-d fAts sucll ., beer 1ollow arc =i>1ou1 to
o.<id(lllon oml Kldom bccon,c mncod al ordinary lCIDjletUIUres.

U,u:illy sub,twlCC) ,.hlc:h prcw111 o~id.1tlon (un1lo11tdll11,) urc 11<ld"'1 10 food, ,:0111uinmg ''""
and oil. Keeping food an air 1/1,:ht con1nlnc:n help,, 10 <low down oxicl1111fln.

Rancidity cuo be Q\'Oided by:

I. S1oring food In nir ughl conrnlners
2. Swr,ng fooo in rcfrig.:nuors
3. Addcng ruulo,cidan1.1
4, S1uring food In un cn•UUlU11Cnt uf nitrogen

INT&1'. out;.<n l()SS PAGf: NO, 1,1

Qu ..1lon I: Wby d,..,,. 1he rolour of coppl!r sulplwl• 14Jutlon d111ng• "beo an Iron null I•
dlpp<d In 11,
Ans,.·rr: When on iron ,mil I,. pu<td in • copper sulp.bruc ,oluuon. lrou d ii;pbces copper l'i'on,
copper sulph:11e !l<llu1lon fonning imn sutph:uc, which I~ grc,.'n ln cakiur.
Fe,., • CuSO.,,., - , fcS0 4..,, .i. Cut••
Iron Copper 5ulph.11c Iron sulph.,1c Copper
(Blue colour) (Green colour)
11ic.rcforc. ibc 1,11K, ruluur ol' •oJJJlCf , ulpbn1c wlulion frulc• ruod green ,-uluur oppeor>-

Que.,1ion 2: GiTie an cmmple or II tluuhle dlsplaCffllffll n,a<1lo11 nthr r lhan 1hr onr glvtn
In A<I Ml)' IJO.
Answer : Sodium Clllbocu1c ro,c1< wi1h c11k:iu1n chloride 10 form calcium curbonnie DDd
•odium chloride.
Nu,C0~.,1 • C.Ct11,.1 - + CoC0,,1 ~ 2N•C\.,,
Sodium Cak1um Cokt11111 S.XS1wn
COl'OOIIDIC chlondc corborwlc cflloodc
In dtb """'111111, Mldlum curbo11111c unJ culc1Um dliorkl<: cxch•ngc Ion, 10 form ,,.., """'
conipllund,. Hcrn,o, u Is n double dL,pba!mcni roac1ion.

OW,,,.llon 3: ldmtify lhc subsl.unce.< lhnl nn, oxidised llJld 1hr rubstnnces that 11ft' reduced
In 1hr folkn,;ng: neaclions.
4Na,. +O,._, ---+lNa,OM
CuO,,, t 11. ,. --+ Cu,.• 11,0 ,,,
Answt'r : Ci) Sod111m CN•> i< o•odl,cd a., h gnlns nx)'gcn und oxycen '"" rodU<.'tld

l'rcp,ued by. M S KumarSWJUPy, TGI(Mruh.•l l•nge • !I .

(II) CopJlcr u~klc (CuOJ b reduced 10 CUJlp<r (Cu) while hy,lrugcn (~hl get, u~ld l~cd Ill wuw


()uc,,11011 I: Wbi<b or1ht Slaltmt.nts abou11be l't'llction bdow a rc incorr«t?

2 l'b01, 1 • C.,, ---+ 2 Pb.,,• co,,.
10 wp pcr (Cu ) •l• k b)d rog ,.,, (H1) grt < oo h,c d •o \Oltllt:r
(u) Co ppe r o,l lk (CuOJ "n: du n-d
(H- 0).

5 and J6
EXfillCfSE ou1;.,1'1QSS PAGE NO. J~, 1
!M orr ttt?
mb abo ul lb• mi< tlu o bd o" arr
Qu t>l ion I: Whid1 nr Ute lilu lcm
2 PbO. • c, ___, 2 Pb + ro~..
I• I L<,mJ Is geulog rt'CI u« d.
dk M.
(bl Ca:rhon dlo dd • k i:;Nllni; od
(ti Ca rllo o b R•llln g o>ld.i>Nl
(d I Lta d oxl d• IJ g,u lng ttd uc< d.
ill t a) and ibl
(U) (ul und (c)
11111 l■I, (hi and (rl
Ch i alJ
Att.n<er : (1)(a ) anJ (hi

Qu t'11l111n 2;
tr .O t .?J \1- +A I.O ~2 ~r
t ur 11
TIKI allo, r ,...,.,111111 Is an enu npl
(a) NJmblna1lon l'\'acllnn.
l b) dou ble cllsplll«nictll Mt t11
(rJ d,,;<11111,cJSltlon l'rll<llo o.
Id I d lsplKenK"fl I rr■c:tlon. uoa .
s,.. .,. : (d) 'llt c II" "" rea coo n i> on ••omplr of I dnpbcrmon1 ruc
d nid1loric, acid b •dd td 10 Iron
ml1111>? Tid ,
al bup p~n s "b tn dlh tlt b)
Quc,,11011 J: Wh
lh• co rrt tl IIM ln'I ',
! ■) Hy dro gen ,:as and Iro
n r hlo rltl r •" ' pro d urrtl.
nd r al'\' procluttd.
(b) Cb lor lur gn• and iro n by dro
!•I '1/o l'HC'llon tok,. pla rr.
«d .
(d) I ron Slllt und Wll l~r .... pro du nic reu,~ion k .. fo!lOIYS:
Answ....- : (a) ll)d ros ,o gas and
...... chl ori de. ,. pn,ducrd.
>•, 1 ,-211C l1.,1- l t<.'l~., ,~ II , t
chemical tql llll~ • bo
Qu.<Stloo ~: Wb u l Is I buk iot td
cltctnlClll cqua1lon' / \Vb y ~honkl
hulnn «c n h nl« <o f
n wh ich 1w ID equ .i nu1n ber of> iom , <Jf nll 1hr tlrm cnt s o n bOl
An sw u : A rea cuo
the chlcmicnl eq11,11on ,, called
a l"1bnced chtmteal ,quawm ed He "'e .
oi m, m ~• u 11w ""' "' cnn oeu hrr be errata.I nor destroy
The b,. of '.'IU OD "' of 1ht
<bnuld hr equ.11 10 1hr 1nn,l "''
CO Mtt\
n, 1ht 10101 m.1 ,\ of rea .1an t<
in • chrm.:111 ror,c,-, kl be e4UJI o n 1.,1b
cb It """ "'" 1lw i lhc UM al ou nm of llloJD> uf c.c b d:mc11 1 , hou ,,. should hr
prod11 for Ibo reo.,on 1h.ol chm uco l ..,, ....
mlc ol c11u n1ioa II =. ii I,
sides of • the
l»l an =I llnc~
lh• Co llo. .in, IIJl l... ,cu lS Int o cba ulc ul eqw11loo.< oud 1bm b:tl
Quaaloo 5: Tra nsb t•
l htm .
( a) H) drv ,:m 1(11" comblM
S "ll b nlll'Ol(t'.CI 11> fon n 1tD1tnonbt.
dd e
e MIU bul'O.'l In ulr lo 1h e "u ler ond ml pb ur dlo
dro ~m • ulp bld lum dll url dc uud a
!bl U:y
riu m chl oride rat fb •il h alu mi niu m ,oulplutl• lo 1th • ■Juwln
(f) Ba
prt dp lu, 1t ur bau ium sul pbn 1.. h)d rot :en gn
1JL'1<10111 md ul ruc L• wil h ,n1 ,r 10 ,:Ive po4 a..i om hydroDCI• and
!d i P,,1

Pn: pat td h>- M s, Ku nwS,rnmy, TGTtMa1m1

Pn:p;,rcd by: M S. Kum:1tSwu11w, TGT[Mulh>l l'llgc-20-


I. W11111 L, n buloncal chc111,r11I l'<JUllliuu? Why .J10uld chcmicol cqu111iu11, "" bolnn<'tld?

2. Habmce 1hc follo-.1ng chemic:11equ111inns.

111 NnOH I fLSO.- N>:SO. + H,O
b) Hg (NO,),+ KI - H11 I, + KNO,
c) H, f 0,- l·L-0
d) KCIO, - KCl + Q,
eJ C, H,; 0: - CO,.- H,O

.I. Wrhc 1he hnlnnced chcm,cal eq1131ion• fnr 1t1e rnlk)wing rexiions.
o) Zinc + Sil\'or nitn1.te - Zinc nitrnn, + Silver.
b) Aluoninum t corpcr thlonde - Alumlnu m chlnndc + Copper.
c) H)'tlrogen + Chlorme. - H)'lrogen chloride.
d) Antononium 11hrn1e - N11rogu + C•rbon dioxide - wm..-.

-1. Wn1c 1hc bulunccd d1CJ11ic"lll cqw,uon for Lill! rc, Uowing wad uxlelllify the lyp<: or rca<-uoo 10
11) C1ddum hydroxide,..,- N"nnc add 1-'11- W111er 111+ Calcium oitra1e"°"
bl Magnesium,,,+ Iodine .,, - M•gnesmm lnclidc. ,.
c) Magnc,)iunh,+ Hytlroc.hlont' ""1d,_.., - Magnesium chloride~-- H)dtogCnti,
d) z,...,..,_ Calcium chloride .,. - Zinc Chloride,...,+ en..

~- Fe,O,+ 2N - AL-0, + 2 Fe.

Thi.,°'""" renrtion is an =mple of:
•J Comh,nlllon reuctlon h) Decomposttion ..,,ction
c) Dis1>btt1IEJII rcuction d ) Double dcco111pruitiun reucllon

6. Wlw happens ..1ic11 dil.hydroclllonc ..-lil "'added to lrou ubng."1 01nsc 1bc correct
a) Hydrogen gos ond iron chloride ore pnid~etl.
b) Cblonu: gas and irun hyd,oxidc W'C produ"'--.1.
c) Nn n,;,c:1,on tnl.e< pince.
dJ lron lllxl Wlll<r 11rc pmdu,-..J.

7. Wri1c on ,quot Ion rnr ,1eenmpt,<l1IOn reaction "'here cnorll)' Ii; supplied ,n 1he ronn or hc31 I
6gbt/ clectncily.

8. Wl1.11 llo )Ou mc1111 by prc,,fpllutlon ,...,.,.ion"'

9. Why l< resp11111inn con'l<l<trod ns •• cx01hefmic reac1lnn'/ Expll11n.

10. Wh•1 le 1he d1fferrnce hc1ween di~pla<cmer1' and dnuhle dlspbcement reoctinns'I Wriie
i:qutttkltti'. for t.bcsc n:octions1

11. Wh>I i<1he u.,e ofkeep111g fond in air ngl11 containers'/

Prep.ired by: M. s, Kum;u:Swamy. JGJ(Mnth\J l'a gc-2 1 -

1:37 • 0 (!, HD 4G .4 HD Alx U

5 615922950 ... •

20. Wtuu ure nml-11,ldn111s? Nunie 1wo sub,mmc,:., which ur• usuully uscJ u., nmi-,,xidanu.
2l. S tate nny two Wtl)'5 to prevem the ranc idity o f food l"OJU11ining oil~ nnd fms.
22. \Vh111. obscr\'tllion.s Jo yuu expcc1 to gel when gnmu]atci.1 z.lnc tnkcn in n ltst tube ls
lreated with dihue: suJphuric ncid'f
23. Gini. w1 example or u chc.1.nicu.l rem:don which 1ukc pluce wilJ1 lull in ti!.rnpcrnture.
24. S1utc 011 ch11nlctcrls1lc of chendcul roac1itm Iuldng plucc when
(i) dilute '("'1e uoid i1: mnde to react wilh mnrhle chip~.

(li) lcn•rn juice b 1oltlcd 1<1 • solu1ion ofpu1.1.»lum pcrrR1111g:am11c.

(lli) dllulc hydrochloride od d is lldued 10 n solu1iun o f lend 1u1rute in 1he cold.
(iv) wa1er is nddctl to quick lime.
25. Which of the following reuc1ions we exothermic und which arc cndo1hermic?
(i) Burning o r uutund gas
(ii) PholOS)'lllho:sis
(iii) Elec1mly., i, o f waler
(iv) Respirn1io11
26. Wbu1 -.oukl you observe when loud ultmc il, bcutcd In o test tube'/
1:1. V/hy L~ respirn1 km consklt!r'cd nn exOL~m1je rcuct ion?
28. Gi,·c uu example of a de<:omposition renction. Describe an ac1i,•i1 y 10 illuwaic such n
reaction by hearing.
29. Whe n hydrogen ls passed o,·er copper oxide. copper und sreiun ure fo rmed. Wrile a
balanced 04u111ion for 1l1is rcuct Ion nnd srn10 which of 1hc chc111iculs nre (i) clcn1c111s
(il)(-ompounds (li]J rcac1w11s (iv) produc1s (v) rncutls (vi) 11011-metuls
30. (u) Whut is • baluJccd chcrnlcuJ oc1uo1loo'/ Wby shoultl cl1entlcuJ cquutlons be bttlunccd?
(b) Alw11inium burns in chlorine w form nluminmm chloride. Wrlle n bn.lnnccd cbcmicol
cquntkm for t.lus rcuclio n.


J, Bulw1<:e 1ho dieml<ul ,-quutkius for 11,e l'ulltowlng re.octlor":

(I) Cu + H,SO, - CuSO, + SO, + H,O
(ii) NaOH , H,so, - Nu,so, + 1-1,0
2. Oiffcrcnt i:uc bc1wccn bnlunccd ond un unbnlunced chcmii-ol equation.
3. Write the follo\Vlng d1emleal equation wllh S1.n1e symbols:
(I) C.CO, - CnO - CO,
(ii) 2Nn + 2H, O - 2N110 H ➔ Ha
(lliJ AgNO, -1- NoCI - AgCI + NuNOJ
Prepared by: M. S. KumarSw.uny. TOTCMuths) Pngc - 19·

(iv) 6CO, + 6H10 - C..lfoO• + 602

4. Wbut do you mean by cxw1hcnnic ttnd cndotbcnnic reuctions? Gi,·c cxwnplc,,.
=':, \Vluu i'i I.he difference between displacemc.01 nnd double displucemeal reac1ioas? Write
cqunlkms for Llll:SC n:uctiuos.
Prepared by: M S. KumarSwamy, TGT(Mnthsl l'nge-17-

JO. In thl! rc.nclloo.s given "-:low. idcnllry lht! sobs1ru1cc:.s lhot net as o:.Jdlzlng ru1d rcduclng
(i) 4Na (sl ➔ O, (&) -• 2N11,0 (s)

(ii) ZuO (s) + C(s) - Zu(,) + CO (g)

ll . Write 1hc b11L1nccd chcmlci~ cc111•tiil11 for 1hc foUowlng rcac1im15 nurl ldcn1iry 1he 1ypc of
reaction ln each cu,sc:
(I) 1>otosslum chloride (11.11) + 8wium iodide (n<tl - Pmo.ssium iodide (nq) ~ bnrium
chloride (s)
(li) Zinc cnrbonruc (s) - Zinc oxide \S) + Carbon dioxide (g)

(Iii) Hydrogen (g) + Chlorluc (g) - H)\lrogcn chloride (g)

(iv) Muguesium (s) + Hydr0<:hlorl<k add (aq) - Mugne.sium chloride ("'!J +

12. Nnme the 1ype ol rcoc1ion involved In the rc:1c1ion., rcprc.<cJ1tc-<i by 1he following
(I/ CaO + H,O - Ca(OH}i
(ii) Zn + CuSO, - Z11SO, + Cu
(Iii) AJ,(S0,).1 , 6Nli,OH - 2AJ(OHJ, + 3(Nl·L,)iSO,
(iv) CnCO, - CnO e CO,
(v) M1 + C:1, - • 2 Hr l

J3. Why ,s rmgncsium ribbon clcnned before bumlng ii iu nir'/

U. S1n1e the chur:1c,cri,,;1lcs of n chcmlcn.1re11ction.
JS. Wba1 is n chemical cqumion?
16. Wri1e 1hc bnl11nced chemicnl equiuions for 1he rollowiug chemical rcnclim1s:
(i) Hydmgen + Chlorine - Hydrogen Chloride
(II) 8nrium Chloride + Alu111Jnium •ulpluuc - Bnrlum solphnle + Aluminium chlorid~

(Iii) Sodium + wa1er - Sodium Chloride + hydrogen

J?. \Vrilc. a b:.ilnm.:ctl c.hc.mic::d e.qtmlion with Mate symbols for lhc rollowing reocLirms:
(I) Soh11ions of biirhun chloride nnd sodium sulpha1c ln wo1cr rcnc, io give n prcc~l1111c
of b:.,riuo.1sulph1Hc 1111d rhc solu1 ion of S(ldium chloride.
(ii) Sodium hydl'Oxide solution (in wucr) n,ac1s wi1l1 h)'droel1loridc ocid ,olutlon (in
wulcr) 10 produce ~odium chloride solulion and w111er.
18. How cnn )'OU expln[n lhnt rcspimtion L~ tn e.xothennlc reaction?
Jll. Whm do you mcnn by n prcclplmion rctcl Ion'/ Explain by giving cxnmplc.

Prcp>red by: M. S. KunmrSwumy. TGT[Mnthsl Pngc - IS -

lO. Wh:u :m! antl- rtic:id:inl!":'] N:mle: two ,"lub.~1m1e4W whu:.h arl.'! u$u:,Hy u~ d a.-. :uui-mddanu.
21. Stal~ nuy 1wo wuys to prtJ\'C.UI the mnc:idlty of foot.I comaiuiug oils n.ud fot.5.
22. Whal obscrvntlon, do )'0\1 expect 10 gel when grunulaictl WlC lttkcn In o tc,t lube Is
LCcutcd wilh dilute !\'tllphuric acid1
23. Glw an cKumplc o)f u chcmkul reaction which 1akc pince wilh 1'1111 in 1empcrmurc.
24. Stnte on chnrnc1erl1alc of chemlcnl reaction tnlcing pince when
J6. Nwuc lhc lypc or rcuction involved wl:cn u zinc pl.Die b dipped in n solution or <.."Opper'!
17. In the rcuctioa, CuO(s) + Ho(g) - Cu(s) > H20(I). Pick out the foUowlng:

(f) the , ub:,tilDCC which i., o,ddiscd

(II) 1hc substoncc which i< reduced
(iii) the o:<idizing ngem

(iv) the reducing ngen1

l'rep>red by: M. s. K11m~1Swamy. )'qrrMmhsl l':lge - 15 -

18. \Vbut chemical rcucLiou is iu\101\'(:tJ in lhe co.rro:don of iton't

19. Aluminum meInl when burm in nir rorms aluminium oxide. \\frite: Ihe b.ilnnced chtmicnl
equmion for Lhe rencrion.
211. Is 1he reoc1lon represemed by 1he followlog l'eoc1ion n dlsplocemem reac1ion?

2Kl ; Ch - 2KCI + t,
21. Express the foUowing rcucdoo in tJ1e form of n bolm,c...-d chemical cquulion: "'\Vbc:11 u
smp or copper is dipped lo • solrn,on of silver ni1rn1e. silver mernl t< r reclphnred and n
:mlu1iou or copper nitrme is produced."
22. Write 1hc followillg <'qualiua in u bulanccd rorm'l
NH1 + 0, - N~ + 2H10

23. \\'bui is the process called in wWch a substance is converted into a new mbs1n0&..-e?
24. Nwne the gos evolved whcu • mugucsium ribbuu is dropped lncu dilulc sulphuric ucid?
25. Give nn example of a double displocement reaction.
26. Is copper mort! rcucli\'c iro n'? Gh'C lbc equul.iou of U.te rcuctkm in :,uppol'l o f your
27. Cnn a combm;cion reaction be a redox re.action'!
28. Cnn • double dlsplncemeni renc1loo be• redox reoc11on'I
29. SI:ne one cbarnc1erl1i,1ics or 1..he chemical reaction when lemon juice is added to
po1as.siuu1 pcm1augan;uu ?<1olutfuu?
30. Which gM dne.s evnlw, when diluce HCIi• ndded "' sodlucn carbnn111e·1
3L \Vby is pbutochcmicul rcuc1iun coll!ildore<l Wl c1nlt.nlu~rmic rem.:liua1
32. Which 1enn is npplied for the proress in which unplensnnc smell nnd tns1e develop in
foods comnining foes nod o ils7
33. Whnt nro the substunccs coiled w bk h arc added 10 foods conlnining fats und oils 10
pro1ect tl1em from becoming rancid7
34. Why arc poiatu chips puckllged in ahrugcn?
35. In 1he refining nr sil,•er, silver Is nhrnined frnm sil11er nhlnce by u.1ing copper mernl. Wri1e
dow11 the reacl Ion involved?
36. A shiny brown coloured when hcntcd in wr becomes bbu:k. Nmnc 1..hc e.lemcnl
nnd the blnck coloured subsmnce so formed.
37. Nnmc the ~ub:,tnocc which is o:<ldi.scd in the following reaction:
HoS + Ch - 21clCl + S
38. Why ore nil decomposirlon renccion• endo1hemllc'i
39. ls the decomposidon of vegeuible matcer imo compo.s1 an e...xolbermic reaction?
Prepared by: t.L S. Ku1mrSwnmy. TGTCMnthsl Page- 16 ·
2. Storing tood in relrlgerruors
3. Addlllg UlllioxklunlS
4. St1.1ring food in nn environment o f nitrogen
t • • •• • ••••••••••••• • •• • •• • ••••• • •••• • • • • •••••••• • •• • • • •• • •• • ••••• • •• • • • •• • ••••• • •

Prepared by. M S Kum:trSwamy, TGTCMmh.<1 1'11ge • 14 .


l. How are chemicnl reaclloac; expressed .in the s hortest wn)i?

2. Wlu11 is 1J,c l)'pe of rc.ictiuu in which Ibe rcnct:ull givos simpler produc1s?
3. Wluu is the type of reaction. ia which two or more reactnnts combine to a gi,·e a s.ingle
4. In whkh l)'l"' of renc1ion does nn exclmnge of pnrtners rnL'C place'!
5. Why ore chemical equations bnlanced7
6. Wluil symbol i, U5<.'<.I IO iudkule • sulutiuu mndc in wulcr?
7. \Vhat type o f r~action does occur during the digestion of food inside o ur body7
8. Wbu1 1ypc of rcac1ion is n:prcsc111cd by the followh,g cquntion7

CaCCn - Cao + CO2

9. \Vhat type o f r~ar:tion does occur when silve.r bromide is e:q>o$ed to sunlight?
JO. A solution or n sub.s1nncc l\ used for whi1c-wnsbing.. Nnn,c Lhc sub.,;1w1cc wilh its

JJ. Nwuc the type ofreuction wbJch i> rcpn:scnlc'<.I by the fo Uowing cqua1ion;;

Fe, O, + 2AI - Al203 + 2F e

12. Balnuce tbe fo.Uowing equation using stnte si,mbols: Fe + HO - FeCJ, + H,.

13. Express the following s1nte.nli?nl in the form of o. baJnnced cbemicnl equntion: ·'Sodium
reac1s wilh wn1er 10 rorm sodium hydroxide nnd hydrogen··.
14. Write the balanced chenlicaJ equntioa for the reaction thn.l. occurs between aluminium
hydroxide und sulphuric add forming aluminium sulplmlc wid wulcr.
·15, Whn1 rype of reno1lon dcleS c,ccur w~en ammnnin Ls nllowed 10 " '""' wh h hi•Jrngen
"16. Nnnie , he, l}'J'i'e nr rene1ioi, im,,,tw~d \Vl,en fl ,inc plnn~ i" dirred in :. snl111inn nf Cllrpe,r

17. In 1he renc1ion, CuO( s) + l h(g)...., C u(s) + H20(I} . Pick out 1hc following:

(f) the sub$mnce whtCh L" oxidised

(ii) the substnuce whicb is reduced
(iii) the oxidizing ugcm
(iv) tbe reducing agea1
Prep>red by. M. S. KunmrSwnmy TGT(Mnthsl Page • L'i •

JR. Wha1 chem,cal renc1100 Is Involved in 1he corrosloo nflron'/

19. Aluminum metal when burnt in air forms aluminium o,cide. \Vrit.e the baJanced chemicnJ
~4muiou for Lhu rc:.ic1fo11.
1:36 • 0 (!, HD 4G ~ HD ..1~ L,

5 615922950 ... •

Prcp:ircd by: M. S, KumarSwumy T OT (Moth<l Pnge - 13·

b cc1u11tio11 (I}, H, is oxidiz,-d to H10 w1d in "'luailon (ii). Cu l,; u,i<lisod to CuO.
(b) Reductio n is tbe loss or oxygen.
ror ,,xnmrle:
. CO.• + IIJ
- - t CO+ 11 ,0

M('ltlt.1 '111 Ill '''¥)f"t1 · ~ ··· ·

,ii) ~·uo + II: -.!...+ c~ + 11:0

I '"'"' .-\r'''ll"" 11'i.ll1Ctw,.
L, cquutlon (I}, CO, Is reduced to CO 1u1<l in '-"IUUlion (ii}, CuO is m luctd 10 Cu.

Question 17: A ~hiny hrown-colnurcd elenumt •x·

nn heuling in uir becomes hlack In
t'Okrnr. N11n1e lbc clcmcnl •x·
:md Ille bh1ck •~•luun,d cu111rmu11d (onucd.
Answer: ' X' l< copper (Cu) <tnd the bla~k-eoloured compound fonned is copper o,lde (CuO).
Tbc «1uu1luo of 1be rcucllo n h1volvc<l ou lteutiug copper i, given bcluw.
2Cu + O, ~ 2Cu0
(Shiny brown in colour) (Blnck in rolour)

Question 18: Why do we apply puinl on irun articles'/

Au.:.wcr ; Iso n arc pninrc d bcc:nu:k: ii prc,-c.nL, Lbe m from n.L"lting . \Vbc u paiutcd. 1.Jx,
como.c, or iron nnicles from moi·m 1re nnd mr •~ CUI off . Mence. nistlng ls pre\'ented. So
prl!!-l!nci: of uir und U'K.)i.sIure is csscnlilll ror ruqing t0 1ukc plute.

Quostinn 19: Oil •nd r,11 <• mluining food items 11n, Oushod with nitrogen. Why'/
AIL\"'l\'er: Nitrogen tS an inert g lL'i nnd does oat ens.Uy rc:itt wilb the~e subsuu:w:es. On the other
hand, oxygen re-Jets with food sub<tnoces an:I 1n.1kcs them mnd d. Thu., . bag,• used In packing
fooo items urc llusbod witb uitrogcu gos 10 remove oxygen bisldc tho puck. Wbc11 oxygen t,;
001 pre54!nl ius:ide Lhe pnck4rn111:idily of oil nnd fut ronwining food ite.11\S is n\'Oided.

Question 20: E,pluiu the roUowlng terms ~·Ith one cl<ompk- end,.
(a) Corrosion (b) Rancid ity
(a) Corrosion:
Corrosion is defined a~ a pmce.'lis where material~ u..~ually mernl~. detcrlornte as :t res11l1 of 11
chemical renction witb nir. 1110&.,ture. chemicab1 etc.
For e.umple, iron, ln 1he prc.~noo of moismre. rem:t~ with oxygen to fonn hydruted lmn oxJde.
41'e + 30, + n ll,O - 2Fe,0,J1H,O
I lydrnted iron oxide
71,is hy<lrute<l iron o~ide Is !'Wit.

(h) Runddily:
The procc.<S of oxidation or foLS and oils dull cru, be easily noticed by the chnugc in taste und
smell Ls known a~ mncJtlJty.
for c.,11wplc, the tu.ste und smcU of buuur c hllJlgc; when kept for loog.
Rru1cidity cun be nvoidecl by:
I. Storing food in air tight conrnmcrs
2. Storing food in re.J'rigernlors
3. Addmg nmin>1dnn1s
4. Storing food in 1111 environment of nitrogen

Prepared by: M. S. KumarSwamy, TGT(Muths) _Puge • 14 •

(a) 2K01..,1+ Onl ,.,..,-+ 2Kl1.,1+ OaOr,1,1; Double displacement reaction
1b) ZnCO~,1- + ZnOH +CO, 1, 1: Decon1posttion ,eaction
(c) H:i,t +Cl,1, 1--+ 21'1Cl111: Combination ,eacdon
(d) Mg1, 1 + 21ICl1.,, - + MgClx..,, + 11 11 , 1: Displacement reaction

Prep:ired by: M. S. KumnrSwamy, TGT(Mmh.•) Poge - 11·

Qu<Sllon 9: Whu1 do<S one 11101111 by tX01hcm1k nnd cndothcmtlc n,nclhms? Clvc
Al.b-WC.r : ChemicaJ renc1ions rhn1 release energy in the fonn of ltcnt. lig.111. or sound ore cul.led
exmhermic reuction,.
E,nmple: Mixture or sodium and chlorine 10 yield rnble snh
Nn1, 1 + C l:1,1 ---+ NaCl1, 1 + 41 1 tJ of energy
In 01hc.r word~. combinnlion rcnctiortili nrc exOlhermi~.
Reac1io1t, 1hn1 nb,orb energy or r"'luire energy In order l(l pro~-eed are culled e11Jo1her111!,:
Fc,r example: In Lbc- procc.$S or phutosyn1he..,;.s.. .• plauLS use the uncrgy Crom the. sun IU convert
cnrbon dio~ide unJ \\.'Ut er to gluco):t.: and oxn,ien.
6co~1• 1+ 611 10 1,1 s..n1,ii• , c. 11,lo ~_, 1+60:,.,
Qu,-,,11011 Ill: Why l• n,s11ln1l1011 con,ldcn.-d 1111 cxoLhcnnlc reaction'/ Expl11l11.
Answer : Energ)' ~ rc,1uirecl IO suppon Ufo. Energy in o ur body i.s obtnlncLI from the rood we
eu1. During dige••ion. lnrge molcct1lcs r,r food un, broken down i1110 sln1pler !<Ub<innccs su~h ,.,
glucOSI.!. Glucose combines willt oxygen in the ce.Us wLd provic.lC& energy. Tbc ,!ipecinl llWl., of
this combustion re.netion is re,q,in11 kin. Since l!ncrgy L~ reJen.,;:t!d In the whole process, h is nn
exothermic process.
c.,~,,o,◄.., , + 601,., - 6C01,. ,
v lucosc Oxygen Carbon dioxide Wn1cr

Qu<'Siion JI : W hy nn, dte:umposilion rcuclions called Lhe opposllo of combit..,llon

reucHmL'iJ? ,vril:r. et1uati01L'i ror th~e reuctious~
A11swc:r; Decompctsi1ion rcac1loilS ore those In which n compound breaks down w form 1wo or
more sub$LOncc-!i. ·m esa rcnctlons require o source or energy to proceed. TI1us, 1hey ore the
exact opposhe or ..:ombimltion reuc1ions in which 1wo or mori: sub.,lnnces combine co give o
~w 1.<1ub:,;mncc whh 1hc rclcrt,;,c of enc.rgy.
Oecon,position renction: A 13 + l: ncrgy---+ A + O
211:0v, u.,;,..,,,. 1 2ll li,I +O;j,t
Con1binotion ,eactlon: A + 11- + AH+ Encrgy
211,., 1+O,1, 1- + 21110(,I + Cnergy

Question 12; Write one ~ n otion end, for dccom11osit1011 rcncllons n l1<•n.- cnelllY l~
su1111llcd In lht fonn or hc111, light or cll'Clrk:lly.
A•~•wcr: ( 11) Thcn101I deco111ro,hi1J11:
2FeS0, 1, 1 ~ Fe,0 ,,1 + S0,1, 1 + SO~,,
ferrous sulphmc Ferric oxide Sulphur dimudc Sulphur irioxidc
(b) Dt.-compo,lllon by ligl11:
2 AgCl1,) ,gu • 2 A!J(,t + Cl21 , 1
Silver chloride Silver Chlorine

Prepared by: M. S. Ku111arSwumy TGT{Mothsl Pngc - 12 -

(c) O.,co111poshlo11 by electrid1y:

2.AI.O. . u,ru.,~· 1 ~Al.
1:36 • 0 ~ HD 4G ...if1 HD "'"J L.

5 615922950 ... •

(cl Deco,nposition by •ic-cu-ici1y:

'Al O1 lk<u,c,cy 4AI + JO,.,,
- l i•II() t••
Aluminium oxide Aluminium Oxygen
Qo~ titJO 13: \\Il.w1 is lbc dUfcn:.0,cc b~h, ccu db:1,t.uccmc.111 u_iuJ doubk.l dis1,tm:icuu.:111

m1cUon.1? \\'rite equulions for these tenction.-i.

Answer : l.n a displnccmem reacl ion. n more re:1cti,·e clo.mem rcpfaces: n less reactive. ele.mem
from• com1>ound,
A+ llX -+AX + fl:
where A lS more react i,•c t hnn 13
b u double dlspluce111cn1 rc.1<1lon. 1wo mon~ or n group of n101ns swhch plutcs m ronn new
AB +co-AD+CB
For eX(Ul)ple:
DLttplncem~n• rencl Ion:
C'uSO ~..,1+ Zn1-1-+ ZnSOJt..,1+ Cu1,1
Double dL~pluccmen1 rc11e1io11:
Nn:S0,1..,1 + llt1C'l11..,1 -----+ BaS0,1,1 + 2NaC\.,,
QuCStloo 14: lo rcOuiJJA or sUvcr. u,c rc.."COvery or sn,•er 0-oru s'Uver 0J1n 11c srntnloo
ln\lolvrd dlsplocement by ropprr metu.1. v.rr11c duwn t_h (l rencllon in,·oln -d .
V\gNO,1., 1 + Cu<, , _ . Cu(N0,):1,,.1 + 2Ag 1, 1
Silver ni1nue Copper Copper 11hm1e Silw:r
Queslluu JS: Whal do you meun by u prc,.,.,111,11011 r<'t1cUon1 Expl11i11 by ~iviu~ ...toruplos.
Answer : A rcnc1io11 iu \\•hich nn insoluble sohd (<'U lled prccipi101e) is formed is cuiled o
pr..-,cipiwLlou rc.ucl io11.
For example:
Nt1 1C'O~., 1 + CoCl~., 1 -+ CuC0~,1 + :?Nuq.,1
Sodium cnrlxinm.: Colcmm chloride Cnfciu111 cnrhonn1c Sodium chllmdc
I 1 1hL, rc11c1lc,n, culdu111 c11rbon111c b ob111li,cJ ll< n prcclpirn1e. Hence. ii b u preci11i1a1ion
Anothc.r exum-l'le of precipilntion ronccion is:
Nn:,SO.. ,..,, + BaCt:i..,11 -t BaS0,1" + 2NoCl1.,1
Sodiu.m sutriho1c Bllrium chloride Barium sulphotc Sodium chloride
In 1hi<reaction, bnrium sulph::ue l!ii uhcained :o :i preaipil iih!.
Qu,-sUoo 16: E:<1,1uJn 1110 rollowing In lcrrus or 1t1ti11 or loss or oxyi:tt> with 1wo CX11J111>IC!<
roch. (u) Oxldulion (b/ Rtducllon
Answer : (a) Oxid111,011 is 1.he gnm of oxygen.
For exumplc;
ti) CO: + 11: - +
,,,111k"'nrtt~o. - u,ki.,11"1
(Ii) 2Cu +O: -+Ku0
c..a,11.--,f,,'l'm ""dMW!

Prep:tred by: M. S. KumarSwumv, TGT(Mu1MJ Pnge - 13·

b et1u111io11 (I). 1-1, is oxidized lo ~hO w1d in ot!Ulllion (UJ. Cu is oxidisod lO CuO,
J6. A sbiny brown coloured elemenl when hea.1ed in air becomes blade Name tlie eltment
nnd the blnck coloured sulisrnncc so fonned.
37. Nnme the substance which is oxidised in Lhe (oUowing reaction:
H:S + Cl, ~ 2Fl □ + S
38. \Vhy arc all dt.-co1nposiLion rcacLiou3 cnduthcmLic7
39. ls che decomposition of ve.getnhle numcr lnto compns1 :an exmhermlc reuctlon?

Prepared by: M. S. KumarSwpmy. TOTCMnih~l l'a ge- 16 -

40. \Vb)• is pl1utosynlb~is wt cruJothcrmic reaction?

~I . Bolnnec the following eq11n1ion:
( i} MNO2.,. MCI- MNCl2 + Cl2 + H1O
(lil Nu + 0 , - Nn,O
(Iii) H,O, - MeO + O,
\ iv) Mg(OH)l + HCI - MgCb + H,O
(v) Fe + 0, - Fc,OJ
(vi) Al(OHJ, - Al,OJ I H,O
(vii) NHi + CuO - Cu + N, + HaO
(viii) Al:(SO,h + NaOH - Al(OH), + Na2SO,
(l•J I INOi - Ca(OH>, - Cn(NOi>, ➔ H1O
(xJ NnOH + I1,SO, - N•2SO, + IbO
(xi) Bua, + 1-1, so, - BuSO, ... HCI

(xii) Calcium hydroxide -+- Cru-bou dioxide - Culoi1uu cw-bomttl'. + Wntc.r

(.<iit) Aluminium + Copper cblo rido - · Aluminium chloride + Copper

(xiv) Cnkium + Wnter - Calcium h)-dro,ide + Hydrogen
(xv) Sul1,hur dioxide + O•ygen - Sulphur trioxide
(xvi) MnO, + HCI - MnCI, +CJ, ➔ H,O
(xvii) Zn + HCI - ZnCI,


1. Whu1do you me,an hy n Chcmlcnl reuctlon'i Oivt! on exn11111lc of II ohe111icol renctlon.

2. Whnl do you me~n b)' ll combinnt ion reirtion'? Give nn e.:cump1e.
3. Wbnl do you mcnn b)' o dlspluccmc.01 re1u:1io117 Give un e:u1mple.
4, Wha1do you 1l1C(lll by o dccomrosuk111 ,eoc1ion'I otve 011 exomplc
5. Wlmt do you mcun by a double dL<iplnccmcu1 rcuc1ion? Give an cxnmplc.
6, Expluin 1he 1cr111 ··mcc1rnl)1lc decompo, 11 1011". gi,·ing n sul111ble c,1111nple.
7, Me:mion any 1wo u:.e.s of dl.!COm])OSilion reaction.
8. Gi\'u ru1 c:uuuplc of o renctiou in "1ltlch II Jess reactive 110 11-mctul is dhplu.ucLI by u more
riencti,·c. non-mc1uJ,
9. Why do~ the blue colour or copper sulplwle change when u piece of iron b drop1>t>:1 iuto

Prep,rcd by: M. S. KunutrSwnmY. TGT(Mnlh<l Pnge - 17 -

10. 111 the rooctlort> gn,:n below. ldentlry 1hc s11b<1anccs Ilu11 11c1 "' oxidizing anti reducing
I. 13nlnn,;e 1he chemlcnl equmions for lhe following renctlo1t<:
(i) Cu + H!SO, - CuSO, + SO, + H, O
( ii) NuOM; HiSO, - Nn, S0, + M20
?. DUTere.miare be.t,veen bnlnnced ond oo chenucal equ:uion.
3, Write the (o.Uowing 4:-ht:mir:ul e quation \\it.h .sl.ulc .symbol£.:

(i) CaCO, - CuO + CO,

(ii) 2Nn + 2M,O - 2NnOH 4 H,
(ili) AgNO, ,1, NoCl - AgCI ,1, NuNO 1

Pn:p;ircd by: M, S. KumurSwumy. TOTCMn1M Pugc- 19-

(iv) 6CO, + 614,0 - c . 111100 + 60,

4. \Vha1 do you mean by cxothennic 11nd crido1hennic renc1ions? Gi\'e example.ti.
S. Wbu1 is 1he difference bc1wccn displna:mcm mid double di,plueo111c01 reactions? Wri1c
equnrion.~ for these renccions.
6. Explain. how do o:dd::ilioa nnd reduction processes occur simuLL:meolL~ly,
7. Whlu i• currosiun'! Wri1e tbc cbcmicnl ,,,ac1.io11 U•11 Lake> place during the corrosion uf
8. \\'lllll urc 11Jc vnclous wuys lo rnukc a chc111icul cquution more lnfonrnllivo'I
9. Expl:tin lhe following 1enns: (i) corrosion (ii) Rancidiry
JO. When metal X is treated wilb u diluie ncid Y, Uiea u gus Z is evoh-ed whid 1 bums rendily
by making u ll11Jc cxpluslun.
(n) Name aay two melltls which can behave like met:d X.
(b) Numc uny 1wu acids \\hicb C<Ul behave like t1ci<l Y,
(c) Nwne 1he gas Z.
(d) Is Lhe gas Z lighter Limn or bea,•ier than llir?
(eJ ts 1·he reaction belween mernl X and ackl Y exo1J.ennic or endothermic'?
(I) By 1uking n specific CXlUllj)le of metnl X nnd dilute add Y. wdle • blllnnccd cbemicnl
«JUllliun for the ronclion whkh 111ks:., pince, Alsu laJic111c physkul st111c uf uU the
rencrnni$ and products..

I I • • f f t I t t ft I t t f t. t I t f I t I t t t t f I I I t f I t f ff t t t t t t I t I t f I t I t t t f I t t t t f I I f t f t I f t f t f t t f t t

Prepared by: M. S. KumarSwomy, TGTCMmb•> l'age-20 -

c) No n:uc'l1011 utkcs place.
Sy s@m••lt nnd waler nre produced.
7. Wrhc nn cquution for d<.-cornposiLioa rcucLion when: cacrgy is supplied in 11,c limn of rem/
H-••·• I - • - -...-l-l..._4
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J2 \\'bm do you menn by corro~ion? How cnn you pre\.-cnl it? 25 I 193
13. Mn0 .+ 4MC/ - MnCb+2~hO+Cb
ln 1hc 11bnve cqumlon, nun"' 1he compound whkh ls nxidi>.cd ond whleh Is reduced?

U. Mn1ch the following:

I J 2AgNO, + Nn,CrO. - Ag:C.0.-. 2NaNO., ( ) n) combirmtlon reoc:l ions
2J2 NII, - Ni.+ 311, ( ) h) decomp<,.ltk,n reoctinns
3) C,H, + H.,Q - CM,,O ( ) c) displacc111c1u r.'llclion.,
4) FCJO, + 3CO - 2 F,+ 3CO, ( ) d) double dlspl:tcemem Reactfons

JS. Give two l!Xamplcs for ux.klt11lo1n-cducLiun n::u!lion.

16. In 1hc rellning ol' sll,•er, 1he recovery of sliver from silver ni1mie solu1lon involved
displllcc111ci1t by copper metal. Write ll., rcuctiua involw<L

17. e~plain rnnddily,

18. Nnme the renc11ons inking pince in 1he presence or suohght'I

J9. 2 l'b01,, ➔ C ,., - 21'1\,,+ CO,w

Which of ~JC followiag slotcmcnls an: correct for Lhc abavc'/
a) Lead is reduced. bJ Cnrban dioxide is otidized.
c) Carbon Is oxlJi,.ed d) Lead oxide is re~uced.
i) (a)and (b) il) (u) wu.l M iii) {a), (b), wul (c) d) all.

20. BalJinc"e 1he Following chemi<,.11equ•1ions indudlng the physical s1me,.

n) c.1l.rO• - C, M,OH - CO,
bl Fe + O, - Fc,O,
c) N~h + Cb - N,11 ,+NHd
d) Na ➔ El,() - NaOH + H,

21. Bnluncc 1hc cltc.m.icnJ cqunLion by including Lhc pby;'ilc.u.l s1mc..-..- of the 1mbsumccs For the
following reac1lo1t<.
Barium wu.l M:tJium sulµtw1c iiqucous soluliuns rcttt:t to ghic in.soluble Barium
sulphnle and nqm.-ous solution of 50dit::m chloride.
b) Soillwn hyw:oxldo rcacu< with hydrucldoric uoid IO produce sodium cblorkle und water.
c) Zinc pieces renc1 witlt dilute hydroc:ihk:ric ocid to libemle. hydrogen gru. nnd fonn.'i zinc

22. Which of me following is nm a physicnl change?

(a) Ucnhng or wnter co give wnrer vaponr
(b) Melting of ice 10 give wmer
(c) Dl<solu1inn or <nil ln wu1cr
(d) Cu111hu.sliu11 uf Llqucf,cd Pcuulcum G,s ( LPGJ

23. TI1e following row:tiun is uu ~xamplc uf u

4Nl ligl + 501(g) - 4NO(g) + 611,0(g)
(i) displacemem reac1ion
(il) combioulion reunion
(iii) redox renction

Prepared hy: M. S, KumnrSwpmy, TGTCMqih~l Pllge-22 ·


Syi ~ l f 1.bc following is nol n physicul chru1gc'?

(a) Boiling of wuter t () gi\•e water \'npour
I I.. \. 11,..1_ 1,_; _ _ -1'!-- , _ - l • - •• - • -

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·:~.iii..· .
. ' •.,-__ -wi
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(iv) neu1rolisn1ion renc1ion

(a) (i) und (iv)

(b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (I) and (iii)
(d) (ni) nnd (iv)

24. Which of the rollowing su,1cmen1s nbou1 lhe given re"':tion nre correct"/
3Fe(s) + 4B 2O(g)-• Fc,O.,(s) ➔ 41i,(g)
(i) Iron meiol i< gelling oxidised
(ii) Wmei· is gc11 ,ng reduced
liii) Wntcr is ncling a~ reducing ngcnl
(iv) Wuier l~ uccing a.~ oxklismg ugem

(o) (I). (ii) und (iii)

(bl (Ill) nnd (iv)
(cl (I). (ii) w1J (iv)
(d) (ii) nnd (Iv)

2S. Which of the following nre exmhermic proces,;e,;'!

(i) Renction orwmer wilh quick lime
(Ii) Dflution of on nd d
(iii) E,•uponuion of wurer
(Iv) Subllm.u lon of cnn'lphor (cryi,1nl<l
(•) (I) nnd (ii)
(bl (II) nnd (Iii)
(c) (i) UJld (iv)
(cl) (Iii) nnd (iv)

26. Three benkers labelled 11s A, B und C cad, containing 2S mL of wuter were rnken. A small
nmo11m or NnOM, nnhydrous CuSO, nncl NoCI were ndded 10 1he beakers A, B r.nd C
rcspcc1lvcly. 11 was observed thnt there wa~ on increase in the cc.mpernlurc of Lbc soln1ions
co111uined in beakers A and B. where•• in case or beaker C, 1he lempernlure or the sol111lon
falls. Wblch one oflhc following smtcr,.,111 (,) L,(ore) c urn,c1?
(I) In bcnkerx A and B. e.,01hermic proces; has occurrc-d.
(Ii) In henkcts A nnd B. endmhermic proces< hns occurred.
(iii) In beaker C cxotbcnnlc process h•s occurred.
(iv) In beaker C c11do1herrnic proces5 h<L<occurred.

(a) (i) only

(b) (ii) only
(c) (i) ond (Iv)
(d) (ii) nnd (Iii)

n. A dttu1.e ferro u• sulph:ue sulu1.-,n ,vos gmdunlly added 10 1he beaker comnlnlng aci;llfic-d
pcrnumgnn111e .01111 1011. The light purple <0lo11r of the sohulon l'ndes nnd llnnlly dlsuppcor~.
Which of~"' following is the correct llJ(pllumtkm for tbu ob,crvntion7
(n) KMnO, i, an oxidising ngent, It nxldl,;os f-eSO.,
(b) FcSO, nets a.< no oxidising ugcn1 uoo oxidises KMJJO,
(c) The colour disnppenrs due 10 dilu1 ion; no rcuc1ion i< involved
(d) KMnO, l• on unsrnble compound nnd decomnoses in presence or f'eSO, 10 o cnlou,less
Prepared by: M. S. KumarSwamy. TGT(Math<l Pnge • 23 •
----- -- - ; -
(i) In heukers A und 0. exorhermic prl'k.~~hns occurred.
Sy SOO fiTllenkcrs A nnd B. cnclotheronic process hns occurred.
(ill) !J1 beaker C cxothcanic process h:is occurred.
(Iv) In beaker C endo1hei·mic process hns occurred.

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ZS. Wbicb nmttng 1be following is(urc) double dlsplucomcm rcactiun(s)?

(I) Pb + CuCI, - PhCI: + Cu
(II) N:i,so, + B1,CJ, - BnSO, + 2N11CI
(Hi) C + O, - CO,
(Iv) CH, + 20, ~
CO, + 2~h0
(tt) (i) nnd (iv)
(b) (ii) only
(c) (i) ttnd (ii)
(d) (iii) und (iv)

29. Wblcl1 11111011g the following .i111cmen1(<) ls(ure) 1tue'/ E..po,ure of ,ihtt cMoride 10
~unlig.hl for a ~mg duruLK:m I urns g.rey due lO
(I) 1hc form:111011 of silver by dcoom1>0,111,~1 of silver chloride
(Ii) ,11blim111km of .silver chloride
(ill) Jccomposition or chlorine gns from ~i!,1cr chloride.
(Iv) ~•.ldn1Jo11 of silver chloride
( u) (i) only
(h) (1) and (iiil
(cl (Ii) nnd (fill
(d) (l\'J only

JO. Solid cttldmn r,xklc rcuc1s ,1gorously with wn1cr 10 form cold um hydroxide ncco111runicd
by libcn11lon ol' heal. This process is coUed sinking or lime. Calcium hydroxide dlssol'lll.S in
wnier tn form hs solu1lo11 called lime wntcr. Which nmong rhc following 1, (ore) true ttbo111
slaking of lime ond the solur ion fonred?
(i) h i, nn cndo1hcm1ic rcoclion
(ii) II is ,u1c.~mhcnnic rcm:riou
(iii) The pH of 1he re,rnlling solution will I>, more 1h;m seven
(iv) The pH of Lhc ~~uhfog ,:,;.olu1Ion will be lcs.s 1h.iu1 scveu
(a) (I> nlkl ( ti)
(b) (ii) w1J (Iii)
(cl (IJ nod (Iv)
(d) (iii) und (i,•)

31. Barium chloride. on reucllng wilh ummonium su1phmc. fornL't b.1riwn ~ulphtu.c und
ammonium chloride. Which 01' the following mrrectly repre.<ent• rhe l)'JlC or rhe re1cllr,n
(i) Di!iiplm::e.1ncn1 reaction
(ii) l'reciplrnrion re11c1ion
(iii) Comblmuion ronctlon
(iv) Double Ji<1>lncemw11 reaction

(•J (i) only

(bl (ii) only
(c) (iv) only
(d) (ii) nlld (iv)

32. Elcc1roly,.i.< or wmcr i.< • decompo£1tion rcnc1io1i The n10lc r,ulo ol' hydrogen nnd oxygen
guse.< Uberlltcd during cloc1rolysls ur wu1c1 Is
(a) 1:1

Prep:ircd by: M. S. KumnrSwamy, TGT(Mnrhs) Pnyc . 24 •

Syst<Ei!ffilncemenl re:ic1icm
(ii) Pn:cipitmion n:nc1ion
(iii) Cornblnmion rccu:uon -
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(b) 2: I
(cl 4:1
(d) I :2

33. Which of Ll1<1 following is(are) un cndo1hem1k procc<s(es)?

(I) Dilu1ion of sulphuric neid
(ii) Sublimation of dry ltc
(Hi} Conde.n.sarion ofwncer vupours
(iv) Evaporauon of wmcr

(al (I) nod (iii)

(b) (ii) only
(c) (iii) only
(d) (ii) unJ (Iv)

J;&. In the double displncement reaction bet\\ een nqueous potassium lodJde nnd nc1ueous lend
nltrntc. " yellow pn:cipilttlo of hmtl Iodide is foml<lll. Whlk: pcrfonn!llg the uctlvity If lcacl
ni1m1c is nm nvuitnblc. which of Lbc follo\\ing cun be used in plm.-e orlcud niir..ue7
(a) Lend sulphnte (hL<Olublc)
(b) Lead acetnic
(c) A mmonium nhrnre
(d) Putussl11111 su)plu,te
35. Which of Ll,c following 8"""" cw, be u,cd for sto rage of fresh s-;unplc of an oil for• long
(o) Curbon dfoltltlc or oxygen
(b) Nit rogen or oxygen
(c) Cnrhon dioxide or helium
(cl) Helium or nilroge.n

36. The fo Uowiug reaction is used fo r the prep:,mtioo or oxygen gos io the Jabornto ry
Heat )
2KCI0 3 (s) Catalyst 2 KCI (s) + 302 (g)
\Vhkl1 uf 1tw. following Sluttull:r.u(~) l-;(urc:) ~On'C\;I ubuu1 the l\:Cl~l.On?
(a) ll is :1 decomposition rem:tion and eudo1hc11nic in nature
(b) 11 is a combim1Lirtn renctlt,m
(c) 11 Is u dccomposlliau rcnctlun and ucconipanicd by rolca,ic ufhcut
(LI) ll i• a photochemlcnJ decomposition reaction nnd exothemilc In nnture

'rl. Which one of the foliowlng proces.<es invoi\'O chemical renctions?

(:a) Storing of oxygen ga.'i under pre.s~"ltre in n gn.~ cylinder
(b) Uquefuction of air
(c) Keeping pctr(II inn chnm dish in the nren
(d) Mealing copper wire in pr0>cnce of air nt high 1e111pcm1uro

38. In which Q( 1he fnllc►wing chemicnl l!fJU:tlbns. 1he :sbbreV1nlion:-. reprcsc.iu 1hc correct srn1~
of1hc reactants and 1iroduc1> Involved :u n,actio n tcmpcrntun:1
(u) 2H, (I) + O,(I)--+ 211: 0\g)
(b) 2H, (J!) "'° Oi(I) - 2J 110(1)
(c) 21➔,(s) ~ O, Cg) - 21iJO(IJ
(d) m ,Cg) a o,1gJ - 2 11,000

Prepared by: M. S. KumurSwumy. TOTrM11thsl Puge - 2S -

1:38 • t9 (!, HD 4G ~ HD .ix U

5 615922950 ... •
rrep;treO OY: M, ,), l\llm:1ri)WD:mY, 14 I IMDfnSJ t'llge • a•

39. Wbiclt of ,1., following W'C oombino1l011 n:ac1fons?

(I) 2KCI03 lleat 2KCI + 302
(ll) MgO + H,O - Mg(OH)2
(Ill) ' IAI + 301 --+ ZAI, 0 3
(Iv) Zn + FeSO, - ZnSO, + Fe
(n) (i) w!d (iii)
(bl (iiil w1d (iv)
(c) ( ii) and (iv)
{d) (ii) nnd (Iii)

<IO. Write the balanced cliemical equatio,u for the Following reactions and identify the l)pe of
rca~ltua in eucll case.
(n) Nltrngen gn.s i., trenled wilh hydrogen gas in the pre.'°ace of• cotulyst nJ 773K to form
nmmonin ga~.
(b) Soillwn byJroxldc solution is lrcutcd • •i tlt ucellc uci<.1 10 forw sodium ucc1u1c ut1d "ulcr.
(c) ELhru,ol is wnrmed with clhnnoic acid to fonn ethyl ncetale in the presl!nce of
conce111r:ued M2S0, .
(d) Etbene ls burnt iu the presence of oxyge.11 to fonn carbon djox.ide, water nnd releases
hem nnd l,glu .

41. Write the balanced d1emical equation., for 1he following reactions and identify Lhe
l )'pe of
rcm;Liua In each case.
(n) Tbcrmi1 reaction, iron (ill) oxide reacts with aluminium 1111d gives mohen lroo and
nlumlniutn oxide..
(b) Mogoosium ribbon is burnt ~, ua ullllospbcrc of uiuogco gus tu form solid magn,>iuin
(c) Chlorine is pnssed in nn aqueous ro111ssium iodide solution 10 fonn po1:~sium so.Im ion und solid iodine,
(d) E1h•nol 1~ burn1 in olr 10 form carbon dlo<ide, wmer nnd relenses heat.

41. Complete the miss:iag compon.e nts/vnriables given ::isx nnd y in Lhe foUowing reactions
(a) Pb(N0,)2 (aq) + 2Kl(aq)- Pbl 2 (x) + 2KN03 (y)
(b) Cu(s) + 2Ag NO,(aq)- Cu(N0,)2 (aq) + x{s)
(c) Zn(s) + H2SO,(aq)- ZnSO,(x} + H,(y)
(d) CaCO,(s) ~ CaO(s) + CO,(g)

0. Which wuong foUowing cbuogc.-. nrc cxo1.bcrn'1ic or cudoLlu:rmic in 110.1urc?

(n) Decomposition of forro us sulphate
(h) Dlhulon of snlphunc ocld
(cl Dissolu1ion of sodium hydroxide in ,vu1cr
(d) Dis.'°lution of 3DllDOnlum chlotide iu water

41. \\'cite lbe balonced chemical equntions for the foUowing ceacti.Oct'i
(a) Sodiwn crubonate on reaction with hydrochJoric ai:id in equal motar concentrntion."
g.ivcs sot.Hum clllorkfc wu.J .)uJJWU hyiliogct11..'Utbonat0.
(b) Sodium hydrogencnrbonnte on reut•Lion with hydrochloric nrid gi\'c.s sodium chloride.
w;uer tt!ld libernres: cnrbon dioxide.

Prepared by: M. S. KumarSwnmy, TGT(Mnlhsl Page • 26 •

(d) CaCO, (s) ~ CaO(s) + CO,(g)

43. Which nmnng 1he follnwlng chnnges are exmhermlc or endoihermlc in nn111re'/
(u) O.,compo,iLion o( ferrous sulplllllc
(b) DUution of sulpbur.ic odd
(cl l) i<wlurinn or l<Odi11m hydroxule In wnrer
(d) Dbsulutic:rn of amrnunium chlo ride iu waler

-'M. 'Wrilc Lltc balw11;,'.(.."tJ c.hcmic.:.t.l i;.-quwioru1 for 1.hc t'ollowiu~ rcuclious
(:a) Sodium cnrbonnlc o n reaction wilh hydnx h]oric ncid in equnl 1:nolnr conce:nlral ions
gives sodium chlc)ride nnd sodium hydrogenc:irbonme.
(b) Sodlwu hydrogcncurbo1u11c ou rcacLiou will, bydroddoric uc,d gi,·cs sodium chloride.
wnter nod hbermes carbon dioxide.

Prepared by: M. S. Ku111ll(Swamv. TGT(Mul!lsl Pugc - 26 -

(c) Copper s ulpbme o n with pot:u;:~um iodide precipiUtle.J cuprous: iodide ( Cu:
1,). llheriue-< iochne gn.< nnd nl<o rurll\< pnu~•slum s11lphn1e.

45. Jclen1ify 1he reducing nge.m In the follo\\1ing_ rem:tlon~

(a) 4NH,, + SO, -+ 4NO + GH, O
(bl H,0 + F, --+ HF + HOF'
(cl Fe,03 + 3C0-+ 2F'e + 3CO,
(d) 21-1, + 0 2 -+ 21-1,0

46. Jclen1lfy rho 11xidl,lng nge111(o<idom) in ch• following renccinns

(a) Pb,O, + SHCI - 3PbCI, +Cl, + 4H,O
(bl 2Mg + 0 1 - - . 2Mg0
(c) Cu SO, +Zn -+ Cu + ZnS04
(cQ v,o, + sea-, 2v + 5Cao
(e) 3Fe + 4H,O - • Fe,o, + 4H,
(f) Cu O + H2 --> Cu + H10

47. A solurinn of pnta~;liium chlnrkle when mixed with silver nhrate solutinn., nn insoluhle
wh.ih! subl,tancc ii. formed. \Vrilc. the cOOJuicul rcuct.iou iuvuh·ctl w1d ulso n1011liun t.hc type
of the c:bemicill reaction'?

48. Ferrous sulpbn1c ~ccomposcs with 1111: evolution or • gns having a churactcrlslic odour o(
burning sulphuL \Veile the chemi<rnl reaclion invol,·ed nod identify the cype of reaction.

49. Why do lire flies glow at uigh17

50. Gropes bunging on the pinnl do 001 (cmrnl bul ullcr being plucked !%om the plrucl cun be
fermeaced. Under wbnL conditions do tl>t>5e gropes fermenl 'l Is it a chemical or a physiclll

51. Which nmong 1he following nre physical or chemical ch.loges?

(u) E,•uporution of pclml
(b) Burning of Liquefied Petrolemo Gus (LPG)
(c) Hcoting of nn iron rod lo red J.,L
(d) Curdling o( mlJk
(e) S11bllmn1i,,n of soll!l nmmonluin chloride

52. During the reaction of some meto.Js with dilut-e hydrocblor:ic acid, foUowing obsen.-alioas
(>) Silver metnl does nol show nny clmngc
(b) 111e ~npermure or ,1., reaction mix111re rises when aluminium (Al) ,s nclded.
(c) The rcaclion o( sodlum metal is found tu bo ltlgMy cxplo,clw
(d) Some bubbles of a gos ore seen when l,ad (Pb) is reacted with Ute odd.
E"r lnln 1hese observmions giving sulrnble ren.sons.

53. A subsinnce X, which ls nn o,icle or n group 2 elemenr , l~ used ln1e1isively in 1he ctn1"nt
Tub. akm1Uut i!> P""'"'-HI i.n bout,t-: ulo;o. O u w lLh wuLvr it runus a ~olutiun
which turns red litmus blue. Identify X ond also wrice the cbemicnl reactions involved.
Prepared by: M. S. K11mnrSwnroy. TqrrMn1hsl Page - 27 -
were mnde.
Ille reaction of sowc mctub with uilutc hyt.lrocbloric uuitl. li.!Uowing observutiuns

(u) Silver mctnJ docs DOI show any clllll12c -

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54. Wri1c • balanced uhcmlcul cqun1ion for coch of the lo UDwing reactions and nlso clu.sslfy
(u) Lend acetate solution ;,. trcalcd wi1h ~ilu1c hydrochloric ncid to fo rm lend chlurldo wlll
iicetic nckl ~,bu-Ion~
(h) A plec• n r sodium metal is nddcd 10 nbsohnc othnnnl 1n fonn sodium cthnxl,lo nnd
hydrogen gus.
(cl Iron (Ill) oxide on hCllting wuh cnrbon monoxide gns tenets 10 form solid iro, and
libcrotcs cw·bon dioxide gas.
(d) Hydrogen sulphide gn.< rClltts wi1h oxygen gas 10 l'cm11 ,;olid 1ulphur and hquid wmer.

55. Why do we , Lore silver chloride in dnrk coloured boll lcs?

56. Baw,.:e the C.illuwiug chemic al cquutions and identify the 1ypc of dH!11uclll n:uctiou.

S'T. A 1n:1gne~ium rlbhnn Is harm In oxygen 1n give a while compound X accompanied by

cruis,,iou of light. If the burniug ribbuu is Dow pwccd in an 1111110sphoro or uiLrOb'""· IL
cominue~ to bum nncl fornt'i n comrmuncl Y.
(n) Write lhe chemicnl fon11ulne of X und Y.
(b) \Vritc o balunccd chemical cqui:d ion. when X. ~ di:,..'M'llved in wnlcr.

58. Zinc hbcru1es hydrogen gns when rcuc1cd wilh ddutc hydrochloric add, whereas copper
doe.• not. Explain why'/

59. A sil,-cr a11lclc generally 111n15 black wt.:n kepi in the opcu for • few day,1. 111< or1lclc
when nibbed whh 1onihpnsie again ~,arts ihinlng.
(•J Why do i,ilvcr nrtlclcs Lura blnck when kept in the opcu for u few dnys7 Name lhc
phenonxmo1\ involved.
(b) Nnme 1ho bluck subsrnnce formed and give ils chemicol formula.
00. On heating blue coloured powder of copper (IJJ niu111e in n boiling 1ube. copper oxide
(blncl:J. oxygen 11."-" und a brown g1L~ X is formed
(:l) Write n balnnced c.hemicnl cqumion of1he retlction.
(b) Jdcnlily ihc brown gt1s X evolved.
(c) ldem ll y the type of reac1ion.
(d) Wl~11 could he 1hc pH mnge nqueous .sol111llln nf 1he gns X'/

61. Give 1hcchumc1erls1lc 1cs1s fC)r lhe fnl~iwmg gnses

(a) CO,
(b) SO,
(cl O,
(d) H,

62. Whal happens when n piece of

(•) zinc n• !lal is added 10 cQpper omlphme solution?
(b) nlu1ninl11rn mcinl l< added 10 dlhne hydrochloric ncid'!
(c) , ilvcr n.,tal ;,. added 10 copper , uJpb,1te sol111iu117
Also. write 1be balanced chemlcnJ 1.."<1untkJn if 1he reaction occurs

113. Wh:11 hnppen.< when zinc grnuules nre 1reo1ed wi1h dilule •<>lmion of H1 S0,, HCl, HNO, ,
NaCl nnd N:,011. nlso write 1he cheniic11I « 1un1lons if n:ac1ion occurs.

Pn:parcd by: M. S. KumnrSwamv. TGTCMalhsl Pngc • 28 •

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