Kata Kerja (VERB) yang digunakan dalam simple past tense adalah Verb Past (kadang disebut V2)
Verb past ada 2 jenis yaitu Regular Verbs dan Irregular Verbs.
IRREGULAR VERBS adalah kebalikan dari regular verbs, yakni kata kerja tidak beraturan.
Ciri-cirinya adalah tidak mudah diprediksi dan tidak memiliki akhiran -ed dibelakang kata kerjanya.
Bentuk simple past-nya harus dipelajari dan dihafalkan agar dapat menggunakannya.
- He met his wife 6 years ago.
- They watched a movie yesterday.
- They had dinner last night.
- I graduated from the university last year.
- She went for fishing las Sunday.
- She did not study in the library this morning.
- The police didn’t find any clues last night.
- He didn’t draw beautiful pictures last week.
- I did not travel to Spain 4 months ago.
- Merry didn’t go to school yesterday.
- Did you live in Bali two years ago?
• Yes, I did.
Yes, I lived in Bali two years ago.
• No, I didn’t.
No, I didn’t live in Bali two years ago.