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➢ To tell the series of past events.

➢ To express completed action in the past.
➢ To describe a series of completed actions in the past.
➢ To express habits in the past.
➢ To tell someone’s experience.

Kata Kerja (VERB) yang digunakan dalam simple past tense adalah Verb Past (kadang disebut V2)
Verb past ada 2 jenis yaitu Regular Verbs dan Irregular Verbs.

REGULAR VERBS adalah kata kerja reguler biasa.

Kata kerja ini cukup diberi akhiran -ed.
• Bila kata kerja berakhiran -e, maka cukup tambahkan -d.
• Bila kata kerja berakhiran -y, maka hilangkan -y dan gantikan -ied.
• Bila kata kerja berakhiran dengan huruf vokal dan konsonan, konsonan tersebut digandakan
dan ditambahi dengan -ed.

Berikut beberapa contoh regular verbs.

Verb Base Verb Past

Play Played
Walk Walked
Listen Listened
Wait Waited
Call Called
Observe Observed
Live Lived
Work Worked
Invite Invited
Wash Washed
Study Studied

IRREGULAR VERBS adalah kebalikan dari regular verbs, yakni kata kerja tidak beraturan.
Ciri-cirinya adalah tidak mudah diprediksi dan tidak memiliki akhiran -ed dibelakang kata kerjanya.
Bentuk simple past-nya harus dipelajari dan dihafalkan agar dapat menggunakannya.

Berikut beberapa contoh regular verbs.

Verb Base Verb Past

Go Went
Buy Bought
Bring Brought
Cut Cut
Take Took
Give Gave
Say Said
Sing Sang
Swim Swam
Eat Ate
Drink Drank

Subject : I, He, She, dan It menggunakan to be was

Subject : You, We, dan They menggunakan to be were

were not = weren’t

was not = wasn’t


- He met his wife 6 years ago.
- They watched a movie yesterday.
- They had dinner last night.
- I graduated from the university last year.
- She went for fishing las Sunday.

- She did not study in the library this morning.
- The police didn’t find any clues last night.
- He didn’t draw beautiful pictures last week.
- I did not travel to Spain 4 months ago.
- Merry didn’t go to school yesterday.
- Did you live in Bali two years ago?
• Yes, I did.
Yes, I lived in Bali two years ago.
• No, I didn’t.
No, I didn’t live in Bali two years ago.

- Did she come to my house last night?

• Yes, she did.
Yes, she came to your house last night.
• No, she didn’t.
No, she didn’t come to your house last night

- Did they leave school in 2009?

- Did Robby go to school yesterday?
- Did I eat an apple this moring?

Adverb of Time (Keterangan Waktu):

➢ Yesterday
➢ This morning
➢ Last week
➢ Last month
➢ Last year
➢ Last Sunday
➢ Last Friday

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