G20 Quiz Competition Brochure
G20 Quiz Competition Brochure
G20 Quiz Competition Brochure
The G20 brings together the world's major and systemically important
economies. The forum has met every year since its inception in 1999 with
leaders meeting for an annual G20 Leaders’ Summit since 2008. G20 continues
to play a significant role in shaping and strengthening global architecture and
governance on all major international economic issues.
To our great honour this year the G20 summit will be hosted by India. It is the
first ever G20 summit to be hosted in India and also in South Asia. A nation
deeply committed to democracy and multilateralism, India’s G20 Presidency
would be a watershed moment in her history as it seeks to play an important
role by finding pragmatic global solutions for the wellbeing of all, and in doing
so, manifest the true spirit of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ or the ‘World is One
1. Best Team
2. Runner-up Team
Chapter I Detailed Rules
1) Eligibility~ All the students of JIMS, GREATER NOIDA of all semesters and all courses
can participate.
3) Application Process ~
a) The registration shall be done through a Google form link given below:
b) Students are required to fill the form diligently and the details meticulously. (Organizing
committee shall not be responsible for any miss communication due to wrong details)
c) The Organizing Committee shall send a confirmation of participation email after verifying
the entire process as enlisted under the clauses.
d) The organising committee shall accept the registration of 25 teams only on First come first
serve basis.
4) Registration procedure
a) The Google form had to be filled following which the registration would be completed.
b) Each team shall register themselves through the registration form via link provided in their
class groups and the same is given below:
c) Interested candidates must register themselves latest by 23rd April,2023 till 11pm.
Chapter II Competition
5) Rules and Procedure
1) The competition will take place over a period of 1 day (Qualifying Round & Final Round)
Qualifying Round
● Round 1
⮚ Round 1 shall be a Simple Question Round.
⮚ All 4 teams shall be asked MCQ type questions one by one and the team shall
be given 30 seconds to answer the question.
⮚ After 30 seconds the question shall pass to the next team if not answered or
wrongly answered. (Each question shall be passed only once)
⮚ Marking – 10 marks for each correct answer.
5 marks for every passed correct answer.
⮚ There shall be no negative marking in this round.
● Round 2
⮚ Round 2 shall be the True/False round.
⮚ All 4 teams shall be asked True/ False questions one by one and the team shall
be given 5 seconds to answer the question.
⮚ If the team fails to give the correct answer, the question shall not pass to any
other team.
⮚ Marking- 5 marks for each correct answer.
⮚ There shall be no negative marking in this round.
● Round 3
⮚ Round 3 shall be the Rapid Fire Round.
⮚ A set of 5 questions shall be asked by each team at one go.
⮚ The team can answer the question or skip the question as per their
⮚ The team have to make sure to answer rapidly and the time taken by them
to answer all 5 questions will be recorded by the OC member.
⮚ Marking- 10 marks for every correct answer.
3 marks shall be deducted for every wrong answer.
No marks shall be awarded or deducted for skipped questions.
● Round 4
⮚ Round 4 shall be the audio/ visual buzzer round.
⮚ Set of MCQ type audio/visual questions shall be shown on the screen one by
one, the team who wants to answer shall press the buzzer first.
⮚ If the team fails to give the correct answer, the question shall pass to the team
who buzzed second.
⮚ Marking- 10 marks for each correct answer.
3 marks shall be deducted for every wrong answer.
5 marks for every correct passed answer
The team with the highest score after all the 4 rounds shall be the winner of the competition.
Majority of questions in the final round shall be around G20 Summit and some would
be around Current Affairs.
6) Language
7) Dress Code
a) The dress code for the Competition shall be the Western Formals.
b) The above-mentioned dress code extends to the Inaugural and Valedictory Ceremony as
8) Winners
b) The team with the highest score after all the four rounds shall be declared as The Best
c) The team with the second highest scores after all the four rounds shall be declared as The
Runner-up Team.
a) All the participants are bound to follow the code of conduct and the rules lay down by the
organizing committee.
b) Any behaviour of indiscipline with the Judges, Organizing Committee, any other staff
member, or student volunteer shall be dealt with strictly and may lead to immediate
disqualification from the Competition without scope of appeal.
c) Students are required to check their e-mails for all kinds of updates given by the
organising committee.
d) No team shall back out under any circumstances after the confirmation of the registration.
The teams found doing so shall be eligible to face disciplinary actions by the college
E-mail us at:
[email protected]
OR Contact:
9205387350 9560764201