Sumit Kumar Mishra Report
Sumit Kumar Mishra Report
Sumit Kumar Mishra Report
Undertaken at
Department Of
Thanking You
This training report reflects the 4 weak summer training at Aryatech Automations Pvt. Ltd.
The report has details of the practical experience and the academic knowledge that I
have gained during these 4 weak as a student and also it is also included details of
many project that I have conduct and involved.
I have made this report on python. I have tried my best elucidate all the relevant details
to be included in the report. While in the beginning I have tried to give a general view
about this language.
Thanking You
Who we are?
What we do?
We are providing hands on summer training programs, projects and on campus
technical workshops in various domains of Engineering like Embedded Systems,
Robotics, Automation, PCB & Circuit Design, Internet of Things, PHP, .NET,
JAVA, Python, Django, PLC SCADA & MATLAB, AutoCad, Staad Pro, Catia,
CNC & Revit. We have covered moreover 200 Govt & Private Diploma &
Engineering Colleges of North India, and successfully conducted over 500 seminars
and trained over 5000 students.
Table Of Contents
Python .............................................................................................................................. 1-2
Scripting Language........................................................................................................................2-3
Built in Functions..........................................................................................................21-21
Scripting Language
Python was conceived in the late 1980s, and its implementation was
started in December 1989 by Guido van Rossum at CWI in the
Netherlands as a successor to the ABC language (itself inspired by
SETL) capable of exception handling and interfacing with the
Amoeba operating system. Van Rossum is Python's principal author,
and his continuing central role in deciding the direction of Python is
reflected in the title given to him by the Python community,
benevolent dictator for life (BDFL).
“Python is an experiment in how much freedom
programmers need. Too much freedom and nobody can read
another's code; too little and expressiveness is endangered.”
Over six years ago, in December 1989, I was looking for a "hobby"
programming project that would keep me occupied during the week
around Christmas. My office ... would be closed, but I had a home
Computer, and not much else on my hands. I decided to write an
interpreter for the new scripting language I had been thinking about
lately: a descendant of ABC that would appeal to Unix/C hackers. I
chose Python as a working title for the project, being in a slightly
irreverent mood (and a big fan of Monty Python's Flying Circus).
Downloading python
Now you will scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and find the “Windows x86
MSI installer.” If you want to download the 86-64 bit MSI, feel free to do so. We believe
that even if you have a 64-bit operating system installed on your computer, the 86-bit
MSI is preferable. We say this because it will still run well and sometimes, with the 64-
bit architectures, some of the compiled binaries and Python libraries don’t work well.
Installing Python
Once you have downloaded the Python MSI, simply navigate to the download location on
your computer, double clicking the file and pressing Run when the dialog box pops up.
If you are the only person who uses your computer, simply leave the “Install for all users”
option selected. If you have multiple accounts on your PC and don’t want to install it
across all accounts, select the “Install just for me” option then press “Next.”
f you want to change the install location, feel free to do so; however, it is best to leave it as
is and simply select next, Otherwise...
Scroll down in the window and find the “Add Python.exe to Path” and click on the small red
“x.” Choose the “Will be installed on local hard drive” option then press “Next.”
Now that you have completed the installation process, click on “Finish.
Setup the Path Variable
Begin by opening the start menu and typing in “environment” and select the option called
“Edit the system environment variables.”
Once you have the “Environment Variables” window open, direct your focus to the
bottom half. You will notice that it controls all the “System Variables” rather than just
this associated with your user. Click on “New…” to create a new variable for Python.
Simply enter a name for your Path and the code shown below. For the purposes of
this example we have installed Python 2.7.3, so we will call the path: “Pythonpath.”
Now that we have successfully completed the installation process and added our
“Environment Variable,” you are ready to create your first basic Python script. Let’s begin
by opening Python’s GUI by pressing “Start” and typing “Python” and selecting the
“IDLE (Python GUI).”
Once the GUI is open, we will begin by using the simplest directive possible. This is the
“print” directive which simply prints whatever you tell it to, into a new line. Start by typing
a print directive like the one shown in the image below or copy and paste this text then
Python has many native data types. Here are the important ones:
Numbers can be integers (1 and 2), floats (1.1 and 1.2), fractions (1/2
and 2/3), or even complex numbers.
Variables are nothing but reserved memory locations to store values. This means that when
you create a variable you reserve some space in memory.
Based on the data type of a variable, the interpreter allocates memory and decides what
can be stored in the reserved memory. Therefore, by assigning different data types to
variables, you can store integers, decimals or characters in these variables.
In programming terms, we usually call text a string. When you think of a string as a
collection of letters, the term makes sense.
All the letters, numbers, and symbols in this book could be a string.
For that matter, your name could be a string, and so could your
Creating Strings
In Python, we create a string by putting quotes around text. For example, we could take our
otherwise useless
Python Operator
Arithmetic Operator
Meaning Example
/ Divide left operand by the right one (always results into x/y
% Modulus - remainder of the division of left operand by the x % y (remainder
right of x/y)
Comparison Operator
> Greater that - True if left operand is greater than the right x>y
< Less that - True if left operand is less than the right x<y
>= Greater than or equal to - True if left operand is greater than or equal to x >=
the right y
<= Less than or equal to - True if left operand is less than or equal to the +x <=
right y
Basic TuplesOperations
The list is a most versatile datatype available in Python which can be
written as a list of comma- separated values (items) between square
brackets. Important thing about a list is that items in a list need not be
of the same type.
Creating a list is as simple as putting different comma-
separated values between square brackets. For example − list1
= ['physics', 'chemistry', 1997, 2000]; list2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ];
list3 = ["a", "b", "c", "d"];
Similar to string indices, list indices start at 0, and lists can be sliced,
concatenated and so on.
Accessing Values in Lists:
To access values in lists, use the square brackets for slicing along with
the index or indices to obtain value available at that index. For
example − list1 = ['physics', 'chemistry', 1997, 2000]; list2 = [1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7 ]; print "list1[0]: ", list1[0] print "list2[1:5]: ", list2[1:5]
Output: list1[0]: physics
list2[1:5]: [2, 3, 4, 5]
Update: list = ['physics', 'chemistry', 1997,
Loop definition
Programming languages provide various control structures that allow for
more complicated execution paths.
A loop statement allows us to execute a statement or group of
statements multiple times. The following diagram illustrates a loop
statement −
nested loops You can use one or more loop inside any another while, for or
do..while loop.
Loop Example:
For Loop:
>>> for mynum in [1,
2, 3, 4, 5]: print
("Hello", mynum )
Hello 1
Hello 2
Hello 3
Hello 4
Hello 5
While Loop:
>>> count = 0 >>while(count< 4):
If Statement:
If b>a:
If...Else Statement:
if b>a:
print(“b is greater than a”)
print(“a is greater than b”)
Function blocks begin with the keyword def followed by the function name
and parentheses ( ( )
Any input parameters or arguments should be placed within these
parentheses. You can also define parameters inside these
The first statement of a function can be an optional statement - the
documentation string of the function.
The code block within every function starts with a colon (:) and is indented.
The statement return [expression] exits a function, optionally passing
back an expression to the caller. A return statement with no arguments
is the same as return None.
Def printme(str):
“this print a passed string into this function”
print str
1. # Function definition is here def
printme( str ):
1 - Science
- Bioinformatics
2 - System Administration
- Unix
- Web logic
- Web sphere
4 - Component
Integration 5 -
6 - Gaming, Images, XML , Robot and more
• Python is being applied in real revenue-generating products by real companies.
• Google makes extensive use of Python in its web search system, and employs Python’s
• Intel, Cisco, Hewlett-Packard, Seagate, Qualcomm, and IBM use Python for hardware testing.
• ESRI uses Python as an end-user customization tool for its popular GIS mapping products.
• It's free (open source) o Downloading and installing Python is free and
easy o Source code is easily accessible