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Republic of the Philippines

Commission on Higher Education

Calzada, Oas, Albay

Subject Code: Prof Ed Assessment for Learning 1

Course and Year: BTVTED IIiA and B

MODULE No. 1 ( Lesson 2 and 3)

Date: Nov 26-Dec 3,2022

Preface Assessment is said to be at the core of the learning process. This implies that
assessment is primarily for gauging and enhancing student learning. It is therefore paramount
for students, teachers and stakeholders to understand what assessment is al about. Why is it
needed, and how it is connected to measurement, testing and evaluation. These shall be taken
up in the first section. Section 1 has two chapters Concepts and relevance of Assessment and
roles of Assessment
Lesson 1
Lesson 1. Describe the functions of testing, measurement, assessment and evaluation
Objectives 2. Identified the three interrelated purposes of assessment
Opener Assessment is a vital element in the curriculum development process. It is used to
determine student’s learning needs, monitor their progress and examine their performance
against identified student learning outcomes. As such, it is implemented at different phases of
instruction: before ( preassessment) during ( formative assessment) and after ( summative) .
This module introduces the basic concepts and terminologies in assessment. Understand the
process of assessment, and to know the following answer on the activities
Activities Gooday!!!

Here’s the module for you to work at home while on blended but since mostly of your
classmate doesn’t have access for a strong internet so I decided and we agreed that through
modular platform. This will be the continuation of our face to face classes. All answers must be
submitted DURING THE FACE TO FACE. “ NO SUBMISSION ON MY GMAIL” next week and this
will be collected before the start of F2F classes. What to do write the questions and answers
follow. Wite it in a yellow pad.

Activity 1

What is the purpose of assessment shown in the following assessment settings? Select
from the options below. Write a short explanation why it is so.

a. Assessment as selection or placement.

b. Assessment as instruction and providing feedback
c. Assessment as determining what learners need to learn next
d. Assessment as diagnosing learner’s difficulties and misconceptions
e. Assessment as determining progress along a developmental continuum
f. Assessment as program evaluation or accountability
1. A twelve-year old out-of-school youth who stopped during the fourth grade took a test
given by the Department of Education to go back to formal schooling. The test
determines the grade or year level appropriate for the learner.
2. Every year, a national normed assessment is given to grade 6 pupils in English, Math and
3. The teacher returned a student’s Math worksheet with written comments. The teacher’s
remarks consist of a compliment and a correction. An explanation was provided
4. concerning what the student did correctly and incorrectly, what was accurate and
inaccurate in the student’s work.
5. A Math teacher gives a test towards the end of the unit. He/She will use the test items a
starting point for discussion of conceptual problems revealed by the test.
6. An English teacher regularly assesses students’ skills by using probes which are brief,
easily-administered measures. The teacher then graphs changes in the number of
correct words per minute (reading) and compares each student’s growth to the rate of
improvement needed to meet learning goals.
7. A TLE teacher is teaching ICT to his students. Through oral questioning, he asked several
students about the use of the internet in searching for information and the computer
file system. He also provided a short computer exercise. After confirming what the
students know and can do, the teacher proceeded to the next segment-how to
download files from the internet?
Abstrac- Were done with meaning now let us take up the basic principles of assessment.
A TEST is a form of assessment. It is a formal, systematic procedure for measuring a learner’s
knowledge skills or abilities. Administered under certain condition ( manners and duration). For a
long time , tests had been an integral part of education. However, it is important to note that it is
not the end-all and be-all of education. Nonetheless, we acknowledge its significance as a source
of information in helping teachers provide the best learning experience for their students. There
are several typologies of tests. The successful use of a test depends on the purpose and the
construct to be measured. An objective test cannot be used to gather opinions or determine
students position on a social issue. An oral est cannot be used to ascertain the writing skills of
students. Personality test cannot appropriately diagnose learning disabilities. An understanding
of the types of tests is beneficial the most out of them.

Types of Test

A.According to Mode of Response

A test may be oral, written and performance
1. Oral Tests – ( viva voce ) answers are spoken.
a. It measure oral communication skills.
b. Used to check students understanding of concepts, theories and procedures
2. Written tests –
a. Activities wherein students either select or provide a response to a prompt. Forms of
written test are true/fase, multiple choice, matching type, short-answer, essays,
completion and identification.
b. It also assess lower and higher levels of cognition provided the questions are phrased
c. Fair and efficient
3. Performance tests – this are call performance assessments
a. Activities that require students to demonstrate their skills or perform specific actions
b. It includes problem-based learning, inquiry tasks, demonstration tasks, exhibits,
information presentation and capstone performances
c. Tasks are designed to be authentic, meaningful,, in-depth and multidimensional.

B.According to Ease of Quantification of Response

As way of scoring, attest may be classified as objective or subjective.

a. Objective test – can be corrected and quantified easily. Scores can de readily compared.
It has specific or convergent response
b. Subjective test- elicits varied responses, answers may have one or more answers, include
and extended restricted response essays. Students have the liberty to write their answer.
This type of test are usually divergent. ( Scores are likely to be influenced by personal
opinion or judgement the person doing the scoring)

C.According to mode of Administration

1. Individual Test is given to one person at a time. Individual cognitive and achievement
test are administered to gather extensive information about each students cognitive
functioning and his/her ability to process and perform specific tasks.
2. Group Test is administered to a class of students group of examinees simultaneously It
develops to address the practical need of testing. . The test is usually objectives and
responses are or less restricted.

D. According to test Constructor

1. Standardized Tests are prepared by specialists who are versed in the principles of
assessment. It is administered to a large group of students under similar conditions.
Scoring procedures and interpretations are consistent. Example National Achievement
2. Non-standardized Tests are prepared by teachers who may not be adept at the principles
of test construction. At times, teacher-made tests are constructed haphazardly due to
limit time and lack of opportunity to pre-test the items or pilot test

E. According to Mode of interpreting Results

1. Norm-referenced interpretations are evaluate instruments that measure a student’s

performance in relation to the performance of a group on the same test. Comparisons
are made and the student’s relative position is determined.
2. Criterion-reference interpretations describe each students performance against an
agreed upon or pre-established criterion or level of performance. The criterion is not
actually a cutoff score but rather the domain of subject matter- the range of well defined
instructional objectives or outcomes.

F. According to nature of Answer

1. Personality Test- has no right or wrong answer but it measures one’s personality and
behavioral style.
2. Achievement Test - measure student’s learning as a result of instruction and training
experiences . This serve as a basis for promotion to the nest grade level.
3. Intelligence Tests – measure learners innate intelligence or mental ability Intelligence
Tests have continually evolved because of efforts to accurately measure intelligence.
4. Sociometric Tests – measures interpersonal relationships in a social group. The test allows
to express their preferences in terms of like and dislikes for other members of the group.
5. Trade or Vocational Tests – assess individual’s knowledge , skills and competence in a
particular occupation. A trades test may consist of theory and practical test.


There are three interrelated purposes of assessment. This on how they fit in the learning process
can result to more effective classroom management

1. Assessment of Learning  Focuses on the development and utilization of assessment

tools to improve the teaching-learning process. This pertains to summative and done at
the end the unit, task, process of period. Its purpose is to provide evidence of a students
level of achievement in relation to curricular outcomes.
2. Assessment for learning  Is ongoing assessment that allows teachers to monitor
students on a day-to-day basis and modify their teaching based on what the students need
to be successful. Pertains to diagnostic and formative assessment tasks which are used to
determine learning needs, monitor academic progress of student’s during a unit or block
of instruction and guide instruction.
3. Assessment as learning Develops and supports students metacognitive skills. This form
of assessment is crucial in helping students become lifelong learners. Employs as tasks or
activities that provide students with an opportunity to monitor and further their own
learning - to think about their personal learning habits and how they can adjust their
learning strategies to achieve their goals. This also allow students to utilize their strengths
and work on their weaknesses by directing and regulating their learning.

Evaluation comes in in their data had been collected from an assessment task. , it is the process
of judging the quality of performance or course of action.

Relationship Among Measurement, Test and Evaluation

Figure 1 displays a graphical relationship among the concepts of measurement, test and
evaluation It shows that while test provide quantitative measures, test result may be used for
evaluation or otherwise.
- Area 1 is evaluation that does not involve measurement or tests. An example is the use of
qualitative descriptions to describe student performance. Observations are non-test
procedures which can be used to diagnose learning problems among students
- Area refers to non-test measure for evaluation. Ranking used by the teachers in assigning
grades is an example of non-test measure for evaluation.
- Area 3 is where all three converge. Teacher-made test fall in this region.
- Area 4 pertains to non-evaluative test measures. Test used in correlational studies
- Area 5 pertains to non-evaluative non-test measure like assigning numerical codes to
responses in a research study.

Relevance of Assessment

Assessment is needed for continued improvement and accountability in all aspects of the
educational system. In order to make assessment work for everyone – students, teachers and
other players in the education system should have an understanding of what assessment provides
and how it is used to explain the dynamics of student learning
1. Students – through varied learner-centered and constructive assessment tasks, students
become actively engaged in the learning process. They take responsibility for their own
learning. They are aware of how they think, how they learn, how they accomplish tasks
and how they feel about their own work.
2. Teacher – Assessment informs instructional practice. It gives teachers information about
a student’s knowledge and performance bas. It tells them how their student’s are
currently doing. Assessment results can reveal which teaching methods and approaches
are most effective.
3. Parents- Education is a shared responsibility. Parents should be involved in the
assessment process. They are valued source of assessment information on the
educational history and learning habits of their children.
4. Administrators and Program Staff - Administrators and school planners use assessment
to identify strengths and weaknesses of the program. They designate program priorities,
assess options and lay down plans for improvement.
5. Policymakers – Assessment provides information about student’s achievements which in
turn reflect the quality of education being provided by the school. Assessment results
serve as basis for formulation of new laws.. Policymakers – Assessment provides
information about student’s achievements which in turn reflect the quality of education
being provided by the school. Assessment results serve as basis for formulation of new

Activity: Let us EXPLORE……

Readings is given already to you now do these activity as an output and understanding of the
lesson. Explain the following statement
1. Assessment is ultimately for grading purposes. Yes or No
2. Students work should always be given a grade or mark. Yes or No
3. Assessment is only the responsibility of program coordinators/supervisor. Yes or No
4. Assessment is one-way. Only teachers are involved in assessment
5. Assessment is an average of performances across a teaching period. Yes or No

Activity No. 2


Note check is a strategy used to allow learning partners to work together to fill gaps in their
collective understanding of the information.

Partner with a classmate and compare notes. Summarize key information ( in bullet form) about
measurement, assessment, test and evaluation. Generate questions can be discussed and shared
with the class. Sample statements and questions are given.
• Measurement does not include • Is measurement necessary for
qualitative data about students’ evaluation?
• Assessment is needed for effective • How do we describe an assessment
learning and teaching centered teaching?


Activity No. 3
Below is a proportion of the memorandum from the Department of Education. Read the DepEd
guidelines and answer the questions that follow

DO 5 S. 2013 - Policy Guidelines on the Implementation of the School Readiness Year-End

Assessment (SREYA) for Kindergarten
1. Pursuant to Republic Act ( RA ) No. 10157 – otherwise known as the Kindergarten
Education Act. Kindergarten Education as the first stage of compulsory and mandatory
formal education is vital for the holistic development of the Filipino Child.
2. Kindergarten Education is hereby institutionalized as part of basic education which was
made effective starting School Year (2011-2012 following the standards and
competencies for Five-Year Old Filipino Children. Along with the implementation of this
curriculum, an assessment tool is deemed necessary. Thus, the School Readiness Year-
end Assessment ( SREYA) was restructured and contextualized into 12 dominant
language pupils in the elementary school system across different developmental
domains aligned with the National Early Learning Framework
3. The SReYA aims to:
a. Assess children’s readiness across the developmental domains ( Physical, Health
and well-being, Motor Development , Mathematics etc)
b. Utilize the results as basis for providing appropriate interventions to address
specific needs of children; and
c. Share with parents the results of their child’s assessment as basis for helping them
to come up with home-based activities for their supplemental learning.
d. The assessment shall not be treated as an achievement test or final examination.
Hence, no child shall be refused entry to Grade 1 based on the results of this

1. What assessment is mentioned in the memorandum? What is the purpose of giving
2. How would you classify the assessment in terms of its nature? What type of test is it?
3. Is this a graded assessment? Why or why not?
4. What is the relevance of the assessment to students, teachers, parents, and the school?
Below are questions which assessment can address. Determine to which group ( student,
teacher, administrators, curriculum supervisors/coordinator and policymakers ) the question
coming from . Explain briefly how assessment can be used to answer the questions
1. Do I have control over my own success?
2. Are my students improving?
3. Are we doing enough at home to support the teacher?
4. Is my teaching strategy effective?
5. How am I doing in comparison to my peers?
6. What should I do to succeed?
7. Does the teacher know the needs of the child?
8. How do we define success in terms of student learning?
9. Is the K to 12 program producing the desired results?
10. How do we allocate our school resources to achieve success?
In view of learning , the purpose of measurement is to numerically describe learning
attributes or quality. It asks the question ( how much” Assessment seeks information to inform
instructional practice and further student learning. Evaluation involves ranking and
Discuss the concept of measurement, assessment and evaluation in the following
1. Mrs. De Leon, a Grade 8 Science teacher, was done with her lessons about physical
science on soil erosion. She gave a test that required students to discuss on how soil
erode and its effect in the environment and living things. She noted that Richard scored
45 out of 50 in the test. She informed Richard that he satisfactorily attained the
intended learning outcome and deserved a grade of 90 with a remark that Richard
showed proficiency in the said topic.
2. Mr. Bautista is Physical Education instructor. He used to direct observation to appraise
the dribbling, passing , shooting and lay up skills of his students in basketball. He rate
Paul a 1.9” on shooting using a 3 point rubric. He observed that Paul was able to shoot
successfully most of the time using two hands instead on one to shoot. He noted that
Paul was a fair shooter.

I. References:

• Teaching strategies for Elementary Science ( Physics, Earth and Space Science)
Eden Joy Pastor et al
• Teaching Learning Procedures
Prepared by:


Program Chair, BTVTED
College Administrator

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