Reading Part One
Reading Part One
Reading Part One
This chapter presents: (1) concept of reading, (2) process of reading, (3)
teaching reading, (6) the roles of teachers in teaching reading, and (7) previous
related study.
activity that takes considerable time and resources to develop. Reading is flexible,
meaning that the reader employs a range of strategies to read efficiently (Bojovic,
2010, p.1). In addition, Patel and Jain (2008), reading is certainly an important
starts with decoding the printed and ends with constructing meaning through an
active interaction between the writer and the reader. In brief, reading is a complex
process of reconstructing the author’s ideas in order to gain meaning from the
2018), the purpose for reading also determines the appropriate approach to
reading comprehension. A person who needs to know whether she can afford to
provided on the menu, but does not need to recognize the name of every appetizer
listed. A person reading poetry for enjoyment needs to recognize the words the
poet uses and the ways they are put together, but does not need to identify main
idea and supporting details. In brief, reading activity is activity which aims to
visual thing. The printed words must produce meaningful thought units, not only
must the readers see and identify the symbols in front of him, but he must also
interpret what he is reading in the light of his own background, associates it with
past experience, and projects beyond this terms of ideas a judgments, application
strategies are considered as significant skills that have received the special focus
that goes on between the reader and the text, resulting in comprehension. The text
presents letters, words, sentences and paragraphs that encode meaning. According
Pre-Reading activities:
1. The teacher previews the material, select a key concept and choose a
2. The teacher asks the students to brainstrom everything they know about
knowledge that your students has about the subject. This also empowers
acaemically weak students by letting them know that they have some
Whilst-Reading Activities
2. the teacher gives an explanation based on the global meaning of the texts
3. The students required to have a summary of the text after the teacher gave
an explation.
Post-Reading Activities
1. The students will write an article or an essay, using the phrases learned in
the text.
2. The students will be required to express their ideas about the text.
There are two different kinds of reading. They are extensive reading and
directed individuals who are searching for meaning provided that they are
are reading.
familiar with the strategies of writing. Through this reading, students can
According to Liu (2010), different types of reading are often used in the
when the reader wants to get the main idea or ideas from a passage.
e.g. finding a number, date. It is used when the reader wants to locate a
of a text or passage.
reading differs from scanning in that in search reading, certain key ideas
predetermined topics so the reader does not necessarily have to get the gist
e. Browsing is a sort of reading where goals are not well defined, parts of a
text may be skipped fairly randomly, and there is little attempt to integrate
the way of written form. Unfortunately, since many teachers have problems or
Indonesian context releases problems for the students and the teacher. The class is
generally very large and with only one meeting a week. Most of the time we use
simplified texts for our purposes. The teacher herself has to struggle to understand
the text, or the teacher does not have an adequate background and habit to read a
expression, they do not hesitate to look up word by word in the dictionary so that
the reading is very slow. What the readers need in reading is actually to look up
meaning of the key words and expression. To achieve this, readers can guess the
meaning of the keywords from context. So, the readers need to practice reading
speed with understanding. Speed comes from lots of practice reading interesting
and lengthy texts. The more we practice, the closer would be our approximation to
accurately main ideas of the text. Most students do not understand the text
properly because they could not identify the main idea, make correct inferences,
d. Text Selection
In the text selection, teachers are not confident to choose the teaching
modifications are not required. To use the textbook, the teachers follow the
contents and exercises on the book. In this regard, teachers are occupied with
teaching target that they have to elicit vocabulary items to be designed in the text,
topics of the passage that have been outline in the curriculum, and exercises that
e. Exercises to Include
impose the teachers to implement teaching strategies at the artificial same ways.
items with four options or true-false items are available below the text. The
problems on this matter involve that teachers normally do the same ways inn
discussing one passage to another so that students are boring facing the same
energy. As a result, a good exercise that includes items that ask for facts or
conclusion, there are some problems in teaching reading such as the mastery of
the basics, the habit of slow reading, figuring out inferences, implications, and
settings for a long time. Numerous studies have shown that most EFL students
ideas in the text, difficulty to differentiate the main and supporting points in the
text, lack of a good reading strategy, lack of cultural knowledge, the text length,
The teacher must the strategies that suitable for the students and teacher’s
connections between what they know and what they are reading. Initial
questioning by the teacher can quickly establish if students have the knowledge
base to do this. For example, if the class is reading about Santiago, Chile, and
students lack background knowledge about this area, the teacher can help them by
2. Questioning
There are three types of questions the student can ask: right there, think
and search, and beyond the text. A right there question about the text is factual,
such as, What are the facts here? An example of a think and search question is
What does the writer want me to figure out based on the facts? A sample beyond
the text question is, What is not being said here that I should check by doing some
appropriate to genre and purpose. . Teachers need to teach each type of expository
Creating a mental image of the text being read (or being able to visualize
image the structure, that is, to visualize it while reading so that they can later
make a diagram of it. Diagrams help students make the structure concrete.
Students use different diagrams for different text structures. As students progress
in reading, some skilled readers may continue to diagram the text, while others
may visualize the structure in their minds. There are other ways of imaging the
text, such as forming a picture in your mind, but pictures fade and details get lost.
5. Summarizing
shorter form. First, read the text. Second, identify the text structure the writer
has used. Third, make a diagram of the structure. Fourth, discard redundant
information so that only the key ideas remain. Fifth, circle only the critical
ideas that you need for the summary. Diagrams help readers summarize the
In this strategy, readers activate their background knowledge and apply it to aid
individuals’ experiences with the world together with their concepts for how
written text work, involving word recognition, print concepts, word meaning,
In this strategy, readers ask themselves pertinent questions in reading the text.
This strategy assists readers to combine information, recognize main ideas, and
c. Making Inferences
writers do not always provide full information about a topic, place, personality,
or happening. Instead, they provide information that readers can use to read by
making inferences that integrate information of the text with their previous
d. Predicting
In this strategy, readers are able to gain meaning from a text by making
knowledge to new information from a text to obtain meaning from what they
e. Summarizing
Readers combine information in a text to elaborate in their own words what the
f. Visualizing
Readers can make mental picture of a text to comprehend processes they face
g. Comprehension Monitoring
In this strategy, readers have the ability to know when they comprehend what
they read, when they do not perceive, and to apply suitable strategies to make
better their understanding. Successful readers know and check their thought
show you are a readers by carrying books around, refer to books as you
teach, reading out brief passage that may interest your students, talking
about what you are reading at the moment and handling books as if you
loved them.
b. The teacher is the most important element in a reading class, for her
should provide her student such as an anxiety free atmosphere so they will
feel free to experiment with a new reading style, practice so they will
and timing.
In this part, the previous related studies also described. The first previous
study was written by Shehu (2015), to find out the students opinion about
of working with texts. The findings showed that lack of resources was the greatest
challenge faced by early learning teachers in the teaching of reading. They also
indicated that they were not well equipped with the relevant methods of teaching
reading. The similarity of the previous’ journal article and the present’s study
were to find out the problem and solution. Meanwhile, the difference is this
research using questionnaires. The second Gündoğmuş (2018). The aim of this
research was to identify the difficulties that primary school teachers experience in
the primary reading and writing instruction, and to find out their solution offers
for eliminating these difficulties. The result this study showed that, the difficulties
interest by students, and physical inadequacies; and the solution offers for
similarity of the previous’ journal article and the present’s study were to find out
the problem and solution in teaching reading, meanwhile the differences are this
research will conduted vocational high school teachers at Vocational High School
English teaching challenges as well as the solutions taken by the English teachers
at MTsN Taliwang. The result this study show that the teachers were challenged
constraint. The solution were in the classroom were applying various teaching
journal article and the present’s study were to find out the problem and solution
Karya Andalas Palembang, while the researcher took the MtsN Taliwang.
The last is Marima, Kang’ethe and Runo (2016). This study to establish teachers’
findings showed that lack of resources was the greatest challenge faced by early
learning teachers in the teaching of reading. They also indicated that they were not
well equipped with the relevant methods of teaching reading. The similarity of the
previous’ journal article and the present’s study were to find out the problem and