Document Penting
Document Penting
Document Penting
A. Background
Language is any mode of communication in which the thoughts and feelings of a
individual are symbolized in order to express meaning to others. English is one of the
languages that is also used. Today, the use of English is not used as a liaison language
between communications countries, but has also begun to spread to other areas, such as
mass media.
There are many mass media in this modern era that use English in publish news and
other unique things. In that reason, as a nation that wants to advance, we also need to be
able to speak English so how we can easily understand what the world wants to speak if
one day is needed.
English is made up of four language skills, namely: Reading, Speaking, Writing and
Listening.Reading is important for our lives, as one of the language skills Is consumed by
everyone. As a reader, we have to comprehend reading materials by Using of good
strategy / technique / method.Kalayo Hasibuan supports that"Reading results in
comprehension when the reader knows which skills and strategies Are appropriate to the
type of text, and understand how to apply the to accomplish the reading purpose
Students often find a difficult word so if reading text that they shouldn't, know its
meaning. Before they translate the word, they must know or understand by
that they can understand their opinios Or can reach the conclusion through reading text in
English through their comprehension.
Some teachers at schools have difficulties , especially English teachers Teaching
their students to read.One of the teachers' difficulties in teaching their students reading is
how to develop the students ’ comprehension toward to reading text, even though they
have taught them using methods.Teachers should have a good strategy by this problem,
including using the Pattern Maker strategy.
In general, the classroom activities of such students in the subject of reading still
read The textbook-based material, finding out the meaning of the difficult words, And
Answer the text-based question.In fact, those students’ classroom activities above cannot
help much in improving their reading comprehension and it makes students feel
bored.The traditional reading classroom where students read the material,and answer the
text-based question could not positive out come on their reading comprehension.It means
that the students do not have a good understanding of reading this way.
The teachers make efforts to develop the reading comprehension of the students The
teachers should know the behavior or characters of every fact, teachers will
find the different behavior and characters of each student that influence their reading
comprehension. By this case, teachers can modify their reading activities, such as by
using Pattern Maker Strategy.
The teacher must be creative in the planning and execution of Learning activities in
which students rely not only on the book text of activities In this case teachers can change
their teaching in particular Reading and doesn't always use text from the students'
textbook.Teachers can modify their teaching by using different style, theme, mood and
tone reading material (humour, fantasy, mystery, adventure, science fiction, family
life,and Animals).Then, students can choose which one they choose or choose Want to
read. Modifying a reading text is important to develop students ’reading comprehension.
The researcher is interested to conduct a class action research under the title
OF SMP YP 3 PGRI MAKASSAR'”on the factual information and explanation above.
B. Problem statement
Based on the background and the above problems it is clear that
most of the students of the second year in Junior High School get difficulties in
English course especially in reading.To make it clearer, the problems in this
research will be identified as follows:
a. Why some students don't know the meaning based on the
c. What makes some of the students unable to identify the generic structure
d. What factors make some of the students unable to identify the language
features in the descriptive text?
The scope of the research will focus to use the pattern maker strategy to improve
the students’ reading comprehension.this is the way that students’ can understand the
content of the reading and know what is the descriptive text means.
Chapter II
Smith and Robinson, in Dirham (2011:10) states that reading comprehension implies
that understanding, evaluating and utilizing the knowledge and ideas gained through and
interaction between and author and a reader within which the written communication
becomes through the medium of print. what is more, Anderson and Person, in Alexander,
(1998:160) states that comprehension may be a special thinking method. The browseers
comprehend by actively constructing that means in internally from interacting with the
fabric that's read.This reading comprehension strategy is designed to help being more
active readers. This strategy is part of a longer strategy to help accurately and efficient
assignment of comprehension to students.
1. Background experience
In reading activity, by having background experience the pupil will beeasy to comprehend the
reading text.
2. Language abilities
In the process of reading comprehension, language abilities areimportant. One must have basic
knowledge of the English language such as Syntax, Semantic, etc. Inorder to read a reading text.
3. Thinking abilities
The purpose of reading is important. The purposes may help some students focus on a key issue
and as a result better understand and as a result better understand and important aspect of the story.
3. a. Descriptive Text
and Wignell (1994) also divide descriptive text into two. First is identification,
describes parts, activities and characteristics. And also Cavanagh (1998) states that
which introduce the subject of the description, characteristic features which are the
behavior, significant attributes. There may also some optional evaluation interspersed
c. Verb of being and having ‘Relational Processes’ (my mum is really cool,
e. Use of detailed noun phrase to give information about the subject ( a very
f. Use of action verb ‘material processes’ (it eats grass, it runs fast)
Pattern Maker is a strategy designed to help students “see” the patterns and
structures behind texts and ideas. Pattern Maker also related to the strategy known as
Metaphorical Expression and shares some of the same planning considerations.
1. Introduce the purpose and content of the lesson. Discuss the value
of using one information source to make inferences about another
source (analogical reasoning).
2. Have students review the analog (the information source you will
be using to help students understand the new content you are teaching).
3. Help students extract the structure of the analog (not the specifics!)
using clear criteria. You may want to provide an organizer for this step.
4. Allow students to discuss and summarize their insights gained from
the analog.
5. Present the new content to students, guid them in applying what they have
already learned about the structure of the analog to the new material.
Alternately, you can have students take what they have learned.
2. Pattern Maker is a highly effective teaching and learning strategy for three reasons:
learning new content, and you’ll hear the same things: Interested and engaged
students are better and happier learners who are far more willing to
Pattern Maker is strategy that capitalizes and on active, pre content exposure to
Prime the engine of deep learning. To see how, take a look back at the four
problem solving. that is, byapplying the ideas, solutions, and structures
B. Related story
VIII-1 Grade in Senior High School of PTPN IV Bah Jambi.She found that the
mean Score of the experimental by using Reciprocal Reading Strategy was low
since the Mean of pre-test data was 25,95 and after the treatment, the students’
Achievement in reading descriptive text was good where the mean of post-test data
Was 69,76 so that the mean difference before and after the treatment was 43,81.
To analyze the data, the research adopted independent sample T-test and
C. The Assumptions
D. The Hypothesis
comprehension pre test mean score of using pattern maker strategy between
experimental group and control group.
comprehension post test mean score of using pattern maker strategy between
comprehension pretest - post test mean score of using pattern maker strategy