Journalweek 12
Journalweek 12
Journalweek 12
set aside while finalizing my survey. Monday, I sent out my survey to approximately thirty
different professors as well as the dean of the honors college. I was pleasantly surprised to see
how much other people on campus were willing to help and support my project. The only
challenge I faced while sending out my survey was that I was not clear enough on the
requirements for participants in the email I sent. Many professors responded to clarify which
students to forward the survey to. I reassured them that there are no limitations other than the
participants are required to be current students at Georgia College so they could forward the
Tuesday, I attended the farmers and artisans’ market and helped set up the tables as well
as advertise the Office of Sustainability to students and other people in the community. We had
two tables. At one of the tables, we sold small mint plants in biodegradable containers, herbs,
and seeds. The mint plant was priced at five dollars while the herbs and seeds were two dollars.
We also handed out flyers to advertise the Office of Sustainability, including the flyers I created
last week for Campus Corner. We also had free Georgia College reusable straws, fanny packs,
and stickers. The other table we had was for one of the other interns. She crochets hats, clothes,
coasters, and bags. She got the chance to sell her products as well as take commissions. We also
had the clothing racks from Campus Corner in the center of the farmers and artisans’ market as
well as the sign, so people are aware that it is all free. The clothing racks had a lot of success
since it was all free. The next day I sorted through more donated clothing to fill in the empty
space on the racks. Now Campus Corner has much more room for donations.
Another challenge I faced this week was trying to find an appropriate place to do my
interview. Next week, I will be reserving a study room to take my survey. I already edited my
March 27 2:00 PM
March 28 1:00 PM
March 29 2:00 PM
March 30 1:00 PM
March 31 2:00 PM
Total Weekly 42
Weekly Hours: 42