United States Patent (19) (11) Patent Number: 5,216,154: Zimmerman 45) Date of Patent: Jun. 1, 1993
United States Patent (19) (11) Patent Number: 5,216,154: Zimmerman 45) Date of Patent: Jun. 1, 1993
United States Patent (19) (11) Patent Number: 5,216,154: Zimmerman 45) Date of Patent: Jun. 1, 1993
[11] Patent Number:
Zimmerman 45) Date of Patent: Jun. 1, 1993
(54) PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF Primary Examiner-Robert W. Ramsuer
N-METHYLMORPHOLINE oxIDE Attorney, Agent, or Firm-James L. Bailey; Kenneth R.
75) Inventor: Robert L. Zimmerman, Austin, Tex. Priem; Carl G. Ries
73) Assignee: Texaco Chemical Company, White 57 ABSTRACT
Plains, N.Y. o o
w 2S N-methylmorpholine oxide which is essentially free
21) Appl. No.: 825,898 from nitrosamine contaminants is prepared by oxidizing
22 Filed: Jan. 27, 1992 a feedstock consisting essentially of N-methylmorpho
s line with an oxidant consisting essentially of aqueous
51 int. Cl. ............................................ CP2/2 hydrogen peroxide in an atmosphere consisting essen
E. search.
ield of Search ......................................... :/1. tially of carbon
free reaction dioxidefrom
product to thereby form a nitrosamine
which N-methylmorpholine
(56) References Cited oxide essentially free from nitrosamine can be recov
EPA 0 307 184 (Bauer et al.) (Mar. 1989) Chem. Abts.
1 11:114,735. 1 Claim, No Drawings
1 2
N-METHYLMORPHOLINE OXDE It has been surprisingly discovered in accordance
with the present invention that when N-methylmorpho
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 5 line is reacted with aqueous hydrogen peroxide in an
1. Technical Field of the Invention atmosphere of carbon dioxide in the absence of other
This invention relates to a method for the production additive materials, there is a substantially quantitative
of N-methylmorpholine oxide. More particularly, this conversion of the N-methylmorpholine to N-methyl
invention relates to a method wherein N-methylmor morpholine oxide and the product will contain less than
O about 25 parts per billion of nitrosamine contaminants.
pholine is reacted with aqueous hydrogen peroxide in The results are particularly surprising because the prior
an atmosphere consisting essentially of carbon dioxide art, as exemplified by the references cited above, teach
in order to provide a reaction product consisting essen that it is necessary to use a second catalytic material
tially of N-methylmorpholine oxide, the reaction prod such as titanium or ascorbic acid in order to obtain a
uct being contaminated with less than 25 parts per bil 15 significant reduction in nitrosamine by-product forma
lion of nitrosamine impurities. tion even when the reaction is conducted in an atmo
2. Prior Art sphere of carbon dioxide.
Bauer et al. European patent application 0,307,184, Amine oxides are useful in the preparation of sham
filed Jul. 9, 1988, discloses a method for the preparation poos, hair conditioners, dish and laundry detergents,
of tertiary amine oxides substantially free from nitrosa 20 fabric softeners and the like. However, nitrosamines are
mine byproducts wherein a tertiary amine is reacted suspected carcinogens and mutagens and also can con
with aqueous hydrogen peroxide in the presence of tribute a yellow color to the amine oxide product.
carbon dioxide at a temperature of 45° C. or less. The It has surprisingly discovered in accordance with the
preferred amine starting materials are alkyl amines. 25
present invention that when N-methylmorpholine is
N-methyl morpholine is mentioned, but there is no men reacted with aqueous hydrogen peroxide in a carbon
tion of the discovery herein that N-methyl morpholine dioxide atmosphere the resultant product, N-methyl
is a unique feedstock in that N-methyl morpholine oxide morpholine oxide will have a nitrosamine contamina
substantially free from nitrosamine by-products can be tion level of less than about 10 parts per billion.
prepared by reacting N-methyl morpholine with hydro 30 DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED
gen peroxide in the presence of carbon dioxide at reac EMBODIMENT
tion temperatures of 50° to 100° C.
Murata et al. U.S. Pat. No. 4,247,480 is directed to a The starting materials for the preferred embodiment
method for the preparation of amine oxides wherein a of the present invention are N-methylmorpholine, an
tertiary amine is oxidized in the presence of carbon 35
aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide, such as an aque
dioxide and a promoter such as ethylenediaminetetra ous solution containing from about 10 to about 55 wt.%
acetic acid, stanates, polyphosphates, etc. The oxidant of hydrogen peroxide and carbon dioxide. If desired,
that is used is hydrogen peroxide. the hydrogen peroxide can be stabilized with a stabilizer
Bauer et al. U.S. Pat. No. 4,994,614 is also directed to
of the type disclosed in European Patent No. 0,409,043,
namely, an alkyleneaminopoly(methylenephosphonic
a process for the preparation of tertiary amine oxides by acid).
the reaction of a tertiary amine with hydrogen peroxide The amount of hydrogen peroxide to be used should
in the presence of carbon dioxide and ascorbic acid. The be less than the equivalent amount of N-methylmorpho
stated advantage of the process is the provision of ter line to be oxidized and, preferably, an excess of N
tiary amine oxides that are substantially free from nitro methyl morpholine is employed. Preferably, from about
samine byproducts. It is stated that the results were 45 0.80 to about 0.99 moles of hydrogen peroxide are used
unexpected because under the same reaction conditions per mole of N-methylmorpholine.
amine oxides made in the presence of either carbon The reaction is suitably conducted at a temperature
dioxide or ascorbic acid individually contain significant within the range of about 50 to about 100° C. at a
quantities of nitrosamines. A wide variety of tertiary 50
pressure within the range of about 0 to about 100 psig.
amines are mentioned as feedstocks including dialkyl EXAMPLES
amines, triaryl amines, mixed alkyl aryl, alkyl-arylalkyl,
aryl-arylalkyl or alkyl-aryl-arylalkylamines including The invention will be further illustrated by the fol
also heterocyclic amines such as N-methyl piperidine, lowing examples, which are given by way of illustration
N,N'-dimethyl piperazine, pyridine, 2-methyl pyridine, 55 and not as limitations on the scope of this invention.
N-methyl pyrrolidine, N-methyl pyrrolidone, N-methyl In the following examples, a 2 liter flask equipped
morpholine, N-ethyl morpholine, and the like. with an addition funnel, mechanical stirrer, thermome
European Patent Application No. 0,356,918 discloses ter and gas sweep were charged with 484.8 g of N
a process for preparing amine oxides having decreased methylmorpholine and 22.5 g of water. To this were
levels of nitrosamine contamination by reacting a ter 60 added 423.3 g of a 35% aqueous solution of hydrogen
tiary amine with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of peroxide. The reactants were digested to a hydrogen
titanium alone or in the combined presence of titanium peroxide content of about 0.01 wt.% and then about 60
and carbon dioxide. g of material (N-methylmorpholine and water) were
European Patent No. 0,409,043 discloses a process for removed
under vacuum. The product was then ana
the preparation of amine oxides having reduced nitrosa 65 TABLE 1
mine contamination by the reaction of a tertiary amine
with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of al Example I I II
kyleneaminopoly(methylenephosphonic acid). Gas used (70 ml/min) N2 CO2 CO2
3 4.
TABLE 1-continued charging a feed stock consisting essentially of N
methylmorpholine to a reaction vessel and contact
Example I I III ing the N-methyl-morpholine therein with a molar
Hydrogen Peroxide" 1 2 excess of an oxidant consisting essentially of techni
Maximum Temperature 84 C. 85 C. 58 C. 5 cal grade hydrogen peroxide in an atmosphere
Digestion Temperature 65 C. 65 C. 53 C. consisting essentially of carbon dioxide under reac
Nitroso Morpholine Content 4 ppm <30 PPB Non tion conditions including a temperature of about
- Pre- 50° to about 100° C. and a pressure of about 0 to
Hydrogen Peroxide 100 psig to thereby form a N-methyl-morpholine
1 stabilized as in EN Patent 0,409,043
2 technical grade
10 oxide reaction product containing less than a de
tectable amount of nitrosamines,
Comparing I and II a 100 fold decrease in nitrosamine . andyl-morpholine
recovering essentially nitrosamine-free N-meth
oxide from the products of the reac
is seen. This very large change is not expected. Also, in tion,
Example III where technical grade hydrogen peroxide 15 said technical grade hydrogen peroxide being
was used, no nitrosamine could be detected. charged to said reaction vessel as an aqueous solu
Having thus described my invention, what is claimed tion free from alkyleneaminopoly(methylene-phos
is: phonic acid) stabilizers and containing about 10 to
1. A method for the preparation of N-methylmorpho- 55 wt.% of hydrogen peroxide.
line oxide which comprises the steps of: 20 k k