Unit 1

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Unit -1 Dr. N. K. Patel

Natubhai V. Patel College of Pure & Applied Sciences

B.Sc. Semester V
Industrial chemistry (Vocational)
US05CICV02: Heavy and Fine Inorganic chemicals
Synthetic nitrogen products: Ammonia, ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate, nitric
Phosphorous chemicals: phosphorus, phosphoric acid, ammonium phosphate, super
phosphate, triple superphosphate
Industrial carbon: carbon black, manufacture of graphite and carbon, lime gypsum, silicon,
calcium carbide, silicon carbide


Nitrogen plays extremely important role in nature and human life without which a
living cell cannot exit. Chilean saltpetre (NaNO3) and nitrogen from air are significant source
of fixed nitrogen. Nitrogen is one of the major ingredients for production of fertilizer. Soil takes
up nitrogen in the form of ammonium or nitrate ions and forms amino acids with carbon
compounds through the complex chemical system of plants. The amino acids are then
converted into proteins and enzyme. The main sources of nitrogen are
Organic nitrogen compounds formed in soil by recurring natural process
It is of the most important nitrogenous material. It is a base from which all the nitrogen
containing compounds are derived. Mostly is produced synthetically, but during some
chemical processes obtained as by product.
1.1.1 Raw material
Basis: 1 tonne of NH3
H2 = 210 kg
Power = 850KWH
N2 = 960 kg
Fuel gas for compressors = 3800K.cal
Catalyst = 0.2Kg
Cooling water = 12,500kg
1.1.2 Catalyst
Commercial synthesis of ammonia requires an efficient catalyst. Most widely used
catalyst is iron with added promoters e.g. oxides of aluminium, zirconium or silicon at about
3% concentration and potassium oxide at about 1%. These prevent sintering and make the
catalyst more porous. Iron catalysts lose their activity rapidly, if heated above 520C. Also, is
deactivated by contact with copper, phosphorous, arsenic sulphur and Carbon monoxide
1.1.3 Reaction
N2(g) + 3H2(g)
H = - 22.0 k.cals
1.1.4 Manufacture
(a) Haber and Bosch Process
The manufacture of ammonia is carried out by passing a mixture of pure Hydrogen
and nitrogen in the proportion of 3:1 by volume under pressure over a catalyst heated to an
optimum temperature. The method was first developed by Haber and Bosch therefore
known as Haber and Bosch Process.
Manufacturing consists essentially of six phases
1. Manufacture of reactant gases
2. Purification
3. Compression
4. Catalytic reaction


Unit -1 Dr. N. K. Patel

5. Recovery of ammonia formed and

6. Recirculation
Cost is greatly influenced by the pressure, temperature, catalyst, raw-materials purity
and most importantly heat recovery and reuse. For achieving quality material at lower cost
modification in Haber and Bosch Process are initiated.
(b) Modern method/ Kellogg ammonia process
The flow diagram of modern method of ammonia manufacture is shown in figure














Natural Gas
or Neptha


Figure: Flow diagram of manufacture of Ammonia by Kellogg process

In the process natural gas is used for production of nitrogen and hydrogen. The
purified nitrogen and hydrogen is thus reacted to give ammonia gas. In commercial
production sulphur free natural gas is mixed with steam in the volume based ratio of 3.7:1
and compressed to 40atm. The mixture is preheated with the recycled flue or effluent gases
and fed into the furnace. At 800-8500C in the presence of iron catalyst promoted with other
metal oxides conversion of methane takes place with the formation of CO. The residual gas is
mixed with air and fed into shaft converter to get complete conversion. The waste heat is
utilized for the steam generation and generation of ethanolamine which are used in CO 2
and H2S removal. The exit gas containing poison was regenerated in the methanator at 2803500C which ultimately used for heating the feed water.
Purified N2 and H2 mixture was compressed to 300atm at 320 to 3800C in the presence
of catalyst converted to NH3. 14-20% conversion per pass was achieved. NH3 condensed and
separated from exit gas, whereas unconverted N2 and H2 gases were recycled along with
the fresh gases.
Ammonia synthesis is being exothermic the process requires an effective temperature
control system at every stage of reaction.
(c) Latest method
The manufacture of ammonia may be carried out by the partial oxidation of
hydrocarbon (derived from naphtha, natural gas or coal) by oxygen enriched air in the
presence of catalyst. CO is removed by passing through ammonical solution of cuprous
formate. The remaining N2 and H2 gas are utilized for the manufacture of ammonia by Haber
1.1.5 Uses
Ammonia is major raw material for fertilizer industries.
Ammonium nitrate is important nitrogenous fertilizer. Ammonium nitrate plants are
found in most of the fertilizer producing countries.
1.2.1 Raw material
Nitric acid
Both of these are usually produced at the same installation. Particularly all nitric acid
is made by oxidizing ammonia and absorbing the resulting nitrogen oxides in water.


Unit -1 Dr. N. K. Patel

1.2.2 Manufacture
There are three important methods of producing of ammonium nitrate
The latest and most important method is prilling. Modern ammonium nitrate prilling
plant consists of the following operations.
Heated ammonia vapour and 60-80% nitric acid (prepared by oxidation of ammonia)
are introduced at the base of a neutraliser tower operating under a pressure of
3-5 atmosphere and through which neutralized solution is recycled. The neutralization
reaction is exothermic
HNO3 + NH3
NH4NO3 H = -20.60K.cals
Solution obtained from the neutralizer contains about 83% NH 4NO3. This solution is
allowed to pass through heater supplied with steam from the neutralizer. Means are provided
to recover ammonia flashed off the neutralizer with the steam. The heated solution from the
heater is then passed to a vacuum evaporator when its concentration increased to about
95%, 83% solution is drawn off at this point and used in making solution.
The concentrated solution is now sprayed into prilling tower. The falling solution in the
tower is cooled by an ascending current of air; the prilling towers are quite high, up to 185 ft.
The solution is sprayed through spray nozzles in such a manner that the liquid breaks up into
drop of uniform and adequate size. The prills solidify sufficiently as they reach the bottom of
tower. They must be handled carefully until they are dried.
Drying and Finishing
It is very difficult to dry the prills of ammonium nitrate, because it is deliquescent in
nature. The drying temperature must be low to avoid melting.
Various, methods of drying are available. In one method, the material is cooled to
below 90F and the remaining moisture is removed in a second dryer.
In other method known as short tower prilling, ammonium nitrate solution
concentrated to about 99.5% rather than the usual 95% is prilled in the usual way in a short
tower, making use of the fact that strong solution solidifies faster. The last trace of water may
be removed by the process of evaporation than removing it in dryers. However, the quality
of ammonium nitrate obtained by this method is not as good as it should be.
The latest practice is to store in bulk in buildings equipped with dehumidification
Explosive nature
A major drawback of ammonium nitrate is its explosive nature. It is very sensitive to
heat and shock. The risk of explosion may therefore be avoided by mixing it with chalk. A
mixture of NH4NO3 and CaCO3 called nitro-chalk contains 16% nitrogen and does not
explore. Ammonium nitrate can therefore be used safely by avoiding contact with oxidisable
material keeping fire and open flames away and prompt disposal of bags.
1.2.3 Properties
The most important properties of ammonium nitrate (which are of great value in the
fertilizer field) are given in the following table:
Percent of nitrogen
Solubility, g/100gm water
00 C
Melting point
Particle size
Hygroscopic point
Specific gravity , 20.40C

95% - 6 mesh, 16 mesh

Crystal state


Unit -1 Dr. N. K. Patel

Temp. 0C
170 to 125
155 to 84
84 to 32
32 to 18
Below 18


1.2.4 Uses
Over 80% of the world wide ammonium nitrate production goes into fertilizers
Minor amounts to other uses, mainly to industrial explosive.
Ammonium sulphate containing 21% nitrogen is another important nitrogenous
fertilizer. It can be obtained as a by-product or may be manufactured synthetically.
Ammonium sulphate is obtained as a by-product; in the steel industry in which ammonia
(another by-product)-from coke ovens is absorbed in sulphuric acid.
Ammonium sulphate is also manufactured by reacting synthetic ammonia with
sulphuric acid.
Waste streams from various chemical and metallurgical industries are other sources of
ammonium sulphate e.g. ammonia leaching of ores, production of pigments and synthetic
fibres, manufacture of caprolactam etc produce by product; solutions containing
ammonium sulphate.
Flue gases are another source of the ammonium sulphate. The metallurgical smelters
and coal burning power plants liberate large quantities of SO2 that pollute the atmosphere.
The sulphur dioxide is collected and converted into sulphuric acid, Ammonium sulphate is
then produced by passing ammonia gas through 60% sulphuric acid placed in lead lines vats
at about 60C the crystals of ammonium sulphate separate out on cooling.
2NH4OH + H2SO4
(NH4)2SO4 + 2H2O
1.3.1 Manufacture
From by-product
Manufacture of by-product ammonium sulphate may be carried out by passing
cleaned coke even gases into an absorption column, counter current to a re-circulating
stream of saturated solution of ammonium sulphate. A 96-98% sulphuric acid is now
introduced into the stream at another point. The neutralisation takes place and the effluent
solution containing ammonium sulphate is passed to a crystalliser, where crystals of
ammonium sulphate separate out on cooling. The crystals are separated either by filtering or
by centrifuging and then dried. The mother liquor overflowing from the crystalliser is acidified
and recycled to the absorber.
In an old saturation process ammonium sulphate is produced by passing coke oven
gas and sulphuric acid into a vat containing a saturated solution of ammonium sulphate and
then setting out the crystal.
Synthetic Manufacture: Ammonium sulphate made with manufactured ammonia is called
synthetic ammonium sulphate. Both saturator's and crystallizers are also employed in the
synthetic manufacture of ammonium sulphate. The heat of reaction of anhydrous ammonia
and concentrated sulphuric acid obtained by contact process is very high. Hence water
evaporated from the crystallizer must be returned either by means of a condenser or by
addition of water.
Sulphuric acid may also be obtained as a by-product from alcohol manufacture,
nitrating process, alkylation in petroleum refining and benzene production. The acid
obtained by such processes is called spent acid and contains a large number of impurities.
Ammonium sulphate is dried throughoutly to prevent caking. Free sulphuric acid is
removed either by washing on a centrifuge or filter or by neutralising with weak ammonia


Unit -1 Dr. N. K. Patel

Ammonium sulphate from gypsum or anhydrite (CaSO4.2H2O)

A new method which is used at Sindri in India consists of passing a concentrated
aqueous solution of ammonia down a tower packed with aluminium rings against a current
of CO2, so as to form ammonium carbonate.
2NH3 + H2O + CO2
Ammonia is manufactured by Haber process and CO2 is manufactured by heating
CaO + CO2
Now proper proportion of finely ground gypsum or anhydrite is fed into the aqueous
solution of ammonium carbonate in large tanks, whereby calcium carbonate is precipitated
gradually as a result of double decomposition.
(NH4)2CO3 + CaSO4
(NH4)2SO4 + CaCO3
CO2 and NH3 are passed until all the gypsum is converted into CaCO3. The resulting
CaCO3 is separated by filtration and the ammonium sulphate solution is evaporated and
crystallised in vacuum. CaCO3 is used as a raw material for the manufacture of cement.
1.3.2 Action of (NH4)2SO4 as fertilizer
It reacts with lime present in the soil to for ammonium hydroxide which is oxidised by
air with the help of nitrosifying bacteria into nitrous acid. The latter is then converts into
nitrites. The nitrous acid and nitrites also undergo oxidation by means of air in presence of
nitrosifying bacteria and form nitric acid and nitrate.
1.3.3 Properties
Properties of fertilizer grade ammonium sulphate are given in the following table.
Percent of nitrogen
Solubility, g/100gm water
Melting point
Specific gravity , 20.4 C
Bulk density
Particle size
28% + 16 mesh
1.4.1 Introduction
Nitric acid is a strong acid that occurs in nature only in the form of nitrate salts.
Nitric acid is the most important and useful oxyacid of nitrogen.
It is of great commercial importance as it is used in manufacture of various fertilizers
(ammonium nitrate, ammonium phosphate etc), explosives (TNT, nitroglycerine,
cellulose polynitrate, ammonium picrate etc.) fibres, plastics and dyestuffs.
A growing and potentially very important use of nitric acid is the replacement of
sulphuric acid in acidulation of phosphate rock.
Nitric acid was known to the ancient Egyptians because of its special ability to
separate gold and silver.
1.4.2 Raw Material
1.4.3 Reaction
4NH3 + 5 O2
4 NO + 6H2O
2 NO+O2
2NO2 + N2O4
3NO2 + H2O
2 HNO3+ NO
1.4.4 Manufacture
Nitric acid is made by the oxidation of ammonia, using platinum or platinum-10%
rhodium as catalyst, followed by the reaction of the resulting nitrogen oxides with water. The
industrial production of nitric acid by the Ostwald process is described in this section. The
process involves three chemical steps.
1. Catalytic oxidation of ammonia with atmospheric oxygen to yield nitrogen monoxide:


Unit -1 Dr. N. K. Patel

2. Oxidation of the nitrogen monoxide product to nitrogen dioxide or dinitrogen

3. Absorption of the nitrogen oxides to yield nitric acid

Figure: Flow chart for nitric acid manufactured by oxidation of ammonia

Compressed air is mixed with anhydrous ammonia, fed to a shell and tube convertor
designed so that the preheater and steam heat recovery boiler-super heater are within the
same reactor shell. The convertor section consists of 10-30 sheets of Pt-Rh alloy in the form of
60-80 mesh wire gauge packed in layers inside the tube. Gas passes downward with a
velocity designed to give a contact time of about 2.5 X 10-4 sec in the catalyst zone at 8000C.
Product gases from the reactor, containingv10-12% NO, are sent through heat
recovery units, a quenching unit for rapid cooling to remove large fraction of product heat,
and into the oxidizer-absorber system. Air is added to convert NO to NO 2 at the more
favourable temperature (40-500C) environment of the absorption system. The equipment in
the absorption train may be series of packed or sieve tray vertical towers or a series of
horizontal cascade absorbers. The product from this water absorption system is 57-60% HNO3
solution which can be sold as or concentrated as follows by H2SO4
Rectification with 93% H2SO4 ( 660Be) in silicon-iron or stoneware tower produces
concentrated nitric acid and 70% H2SO4 which can be re-evaporated to 93% H2SO4 or used
as it is. Concentration by Mg(NO3)2
Magnesium nitrate solution containing 70-75% Mg(NO3)2 is fed to dehydrating tray
along with dilute HNO3 from the absorption tower. The salt solution act as an extractive
distillation agent, removing water at 1000C or higher, thus allowing rectification within
azeotropic formation. The dilute Mg(NO3)2 solution re-concentrated by evaporation
operating cost is half compare to H2SO4 process
Acid quality and yield improved
Increase in 70% capital expenditure
1.4.5 Physical Properties.
Molecular weight 63.013
Miscible with water in all proportions.


Unit -1 Dr. N. K. Patel

Pure nitric acid is colourless, fuming and pungent smelling liquid.

The impure nitric acid is yellow due to dissolved oxides of nitrogen, mainly NO 2.
It has a corrosive action on skin and causes painful blisters.
1.4.6 Chemical Properties
Acidic properties: Nitric acid is a strong monobasic acid and ionization in aqueous
Oxidizing properties: It acts as a powerful oxidizing agent, due to the formation of
nascent oxygen.
Action on metals: Nitric acid reacts with almost all the metals, except noble metals,
like Pt and Au. The metals are oxidized to their corresponding positive metal ions while
HNO3 is reduced to NO, NO2. N2O, NH2OH or NH3, depending upon the conditions
such as temperature, nature of metal and concentration of the acid.
1.4.7 Uses
As a starting material in the manufacture of nitrogen fertilizers. Large amounts are
reacted with ammonia to yield ammonium nitrate.
Weak acid (ca. 60 % HNO3) is most suitable for this purpose. Smaller amounts of weak
acid are used to digest crude phosphates.
Nitric acid is used as a nitrating agent in the preparation of explosives and organic
intermediates such as nitroalkanes and nitroaromatics.
It is also used in the production of adipic acid.
Other applications include use as a chemical in metallurgy and in rocket fuel
The use of artificial fertilizers, phosphoric acid and phosphate salts and its derivatives
has increased greatly because of aggressive and intelligent consumption. However before
full consumption of these products could be achieved, more efficient and less expensive
methods had to be developed. During recent decades, various phosphorous industries have
made rapid strides in cutting the cost of both production and distribution. Thus, phosphorus,
phosphoric acid and its salt to be employed in wider fields and newer derivatives to be


1.6.1 Raw materials
Phosphorus is now manufacture from calcium phosphate obtained from bone
phosphate' or phosphate rock, Ca3(P04)2
1.6.2 Manufacture
A mixture of crushed rock phosphate, sand (or crushed quartz) and crushed coke in
requisite proportion is fed through the hopper H provided at the top of a closed electric
furnace made of brick work. The base is fitted with thick carbon blocks provided with short
wall made of carbon. The furnace is also provided with an outlet B near the top for the
escape of carbon monoxide and phosphorus vapour. These outlet is also joined to the
cooling system and then to the cooler. There is an out let A at the bottom for tapping out
molten slag. Two stout carbon rods are fixed at the bottom of the furnace, through which a
current of electricity is passed; so as to form an arc.


Unit -1 Dr. N. K. Patel

Figure: Extraction of phosphorous

Silica reacts with calcium phosphate at about 1150C to form P2O5.
Ca3(PO4)2 + 3SiO2
P2O5 + 3CaSiO3
When the temperature is further increased to about 15000C P2O5 is also reduced by
carbon to phosphorus vapour.
P2O5 + 5C
2P + 5CO
The residual calcium silicate forms a molten slag at about1400C and settles down at
the bottom. It is trapped out periodically, through the outlet A provided at the bottom of the
furnace. The mixture of phosphorus vapour and CO escapes through exit B form where it is
led in to cold water, when phosphorus solidifies and carbon monoxide liberates off. The
cooled phosphorus is purified by melting it with a mixture of potassium dichromate and
concentrated sulfuric acid (chromic acid), so that the impurities such as carbon, silicon etc,
are oxidized and phosphorus collects at the bottom. The pale yellow phosphorus thus
obtained is washed with hot water and then filtered through bags of canvas. It is then cast
into sticks. Crude products can also be purified by re-distillation. India has abundant supply
of calcium phosphate, salt and coke, but the manufacture of phosphorus largely depends
upon the production of cheap electric power.
1.7.1 Manufacture
The manufacture of red phosphorus is carried out by making use of apparatus shown
in figure


Unit -1 Dr. N. K. Patel

Yellow phosphorus made by above method is taken in a massive pot made of iron
and provided with a pipe shown as iron safety tube. The iron pot is also provided with two
jackets for thermometers which recorded the temperature of bath. The conversion of yellow
or white phosphorus to red phosphorus is an exothermic reaction; the temperature of the pot
is maintained at 240-250C. An increase in temperature beyond 260C may cause whole of
the phosphorus to various suddenly and cause the pot to burst. Hence a safety valve is
provided with the pot. The pot is heated in a coke furnace made of brick. The resulting red
phosphorus containing some unconverted yellow phosphorus is powdered and boiled with
sodium hydroxide solution to remove yellow phosphorus is again washed with hot water and
1.7.2 Modern method
The latest method of manufacturing red phosphorus is known as continuous process.
In this process liquid white phosphorus is maintained at its boiling point in a reaction vessel for
a period of 5 to 6 hours as a result of which 35 50 % of white phosphorus is converted into
solid red phosphorus. The resulting slurry is allowed to flow continuously into a heated screw
conveyer in which it is carried counter to a current of hot inert gas. The white phosphorus is
now vaporized and condensed to a solid mass and then recrystallized. The red phosphorus of
high purity neither requires treatment with caustic soda nor grinding.
1.7.3 Uses
Phosphorus is used to prepare red phosphorus used in match industries. It is also used
in the manufacture of PCl3, PCl5, P2O5 and phosphorus bronze etc.
1.8.1 Raw materials
Basis: 1 ton phosphoric acid (100%) plus 4600 lb slag
Phosphate rock(70BPL)
4900lb Caron electrode consumption 17 lb
1495lb Air(minimum)
100000 cu ft.
Coke breeze
880lb Electricity
4070 kw/hr
1.8.2 Reactions
Ca3(PO4)2, + 3SiO2 + 5C
2P + 5CO + 3CaSiO3
2P + 5CO + 5O2
P2O5 + 5CO2
P2O5 + 3H2O
2H3PO4 87-92% yield
1.8.3 Manufacture
In the electric-arc-furnace process, phosphate rock is reduced to elemental
phosphorus by the action of coke and heat in the presence of sand. Subsequent oxidation by
air gives phosphorus pentoxide followed by hydration yields phosphoric acid.












2400 oF


H2S / H2O

Phosphoric acid
85 %

Figure: H3PO4 from phosphate rock by electric furnace

Phosphate rock is charged into a sintering oven, where it is nodulized to facilitate
escape of phosphorus vapors in the electric furnace and to prevent the entrainment of dust
or fines (in the vapors). The raw material is sized, and the fines are returned to the sintering
oven. Coke (generally in the form of breeze) and sand are added in carefully controlled


Unit -1 Dr. N. K. Patel

ratios, determined by rock analysis, to the sintered rock, and the mixture is charged into the
shaft of an electric furnace. In the shaft hang three carbon electrodes, which are connected
to a three-phase alternating current. The charge on reaching the level of the arc, is fused at
approximately 24000F, resulting in the reduction of the phosphate rock with liberation of
elemental phosphorus vapors. Since phosphate rock usually contains fluorides as impurities,
calcium fluoride and fluosilicates are also formed. The slag (mostly calcium silicate) is use as
aggregate for road construction. Ferrophosphorus (resulting from the iron impurities) runs out
with the slag. The amount of this material produced may be increased by adding iron slugs
to the furnace charge. The ferrophosphorus is separated from the slag and marketed.
The gases from the furnace, phosphorus and carbon monoxide, are with-drawn from
the furnace by means of a fan. In the one-step system, a current of air is drawn down
through the charge by the suction induced by the fan. The two-step method produces
phosphorus, which is stored for subsequent processing. The two currents (reaction gases and
air) mix in the flue at a temperature sufficient to burn the phosphorus to phosphorus
pentoxide (P2O5) and the carbon monoxide to the dioxide. The gases pass into a tall packed
tower, where they are sprayed with water (forming a mist of phosphoric acid), and thence
through a Cottrell electrostatic precipitator made of graphite (to resist the action of
hydrofluoric acid) to remove any remaining phosphoric acid.
The crude phosphoric acid (85 per cent) is generally purified with respect to arsenic
by the action of hydrogen sulfide. Depending on conditions, the acid may be purified further
by adding sulfuric acid to remove calcium salts. Sufficient sulfuric acid is used to precipitate
calcium sulfate and also to leave a slight excess to inhibit the corrosive action of the
phosphoric acid. This slight excess of sulfuric acid permits the use of lead-lined equipment.
Residual hydrofluoric acid may be removed by the addition of finely powdered silica. These
purification steps usually take place before arsenic removal. The excess silica, calcium
sulfate, arsenic trisulfide, and any suspended material are removed by passage of the acid
through a sand filter. The clarified phosphoric acid (85percent) may be diluted with water to
yield 75% and 50% acid. An overall yield of about 90% is realized on the calcium phosphate
content of the rock raw material.
1.9.1 Raw materials
Basis: 1 ton phosphoric acid (100% H2PO4)
(Equivalent to 72% P2O5)
Phosphate rock (27% P2O5) 5050lb
Sand (Silica)

Briquette binder

7000 lb
500 Ib
450000 cu ft

1.9.2 Reactions
Ca3(PO4)2, + 3SiO2 + 5C
2P + 5CO + 3CaSi03
2P + 5CO + 502
P2O5 + 3H20
2H3PO4 85-90% yield
1.9.3 Manufacture
The raw materials and reactions in the blast furnace process are essentially the same
as those of the electric furnace process. The shaft furnace used is similar in appearance to
the blast furnaces as used by the steel industry.
Phosphate rock is pulverized and mixed with ground coke, which serves as the
reducing agent, binder is added, and the mixture is compressed at about 5000 psi into
briquettes, which are dried to a moisture content of less than 1% in a continuous dryer. The
briquettes, sand (as flux), and additional coke are charged into the top of the shaft of the
blast furnace. Preheated air (from the hot blast stoves) is blown in at the bosh (the lower part
of the furnace). The blast develops a temperature of 2400 to 2500F, which furnishes the
necessary reaction heat. Slag (consisting chiefly of calcium silicate) is tapped from the
furnace hearth once an hour, and the heavier ferrophosphorus (formed from the iron
impurities in the rock and coke) is tapped every 12 hr.



Unit -1 Dr. N. K. Patel

CO2 &
other gas

To phosphorous plant


Phosphporous vapour






pressure 5000


Blast furnace







Figure: Phosphoric acid from phosphate Rock by Blast Furnace

The gas containing phosphorus, carbon monoxide and nitrogen pass from the top of
the shaft through cyclone dust collectors and special fume collectors. The clean gas may be
split into two or three portions. One portion may be passed through phosphorus condensers
to produce the elemental product and anhydrous phosphorus pentoxide. A second portion
may be passed into special boilers for steam generation. The phosphorus pentoxide formed
in the steam boiler is added to the main gas stream. The third portion (generally the largest) is
passed into hot blast regenerative stoves, where it is oxidized to phosphorus pentoxide. The
stoves furnish the prevented air for the furnace blast. The gaseous products from the stoves
and steam boilers are led into hydrating towers for hydration and cooling and hence through
Cottrell precipitators for entrained phosphoric acid removal. The condensed acid (85 to 95
percent H3PO4) may be purified (arsenic removed) by treatment with hydrogen sulfide and
subsequent filtration. About 95% of the phosphorus in the rock raw material is volatilized,
giving a yield of about 90% based on the P2O5 content of the raw material and product.
1.10.1 Raw materials
Basis: 1 ton phosphoric acid (100% H3PO4)
655 lb
46000 cu ft (STP)
Steam and water
1.10.2 Reactions
2P + 2O2
P2O5 + 3H2O
2H3PO4 (94 97% yield)
1.10.3 Manufacture
Elemental phosphorus is often converted to phosphoric acid at locations other than
the original point of production. The conversion involves oxidation of molten phosphorus to
phosphorus pentoxide and subsequent hydration of the oxide to phosphoric acid.
Molten phosphorus is sprayed into a combustion chamber along with air and steam.
Flame temperature approached 3600F. Chamber design varies from one plant to another,
but construction materials are usually limited to acid-proof brick, structural carbon, and
stainless steel, both vertical and horizontal chambers are used, in either case some glassy
meta-phosphoric acid is formed and drops to the bottom of the chamber.



Unit -1 Dr. N. K. Patel










Phosphoric acid
(85 %)

Figure: Phosphoric acid from phosphorous by oxidation and hydration

The effluent gases leaving the chamber (P2O5, steam nitrogen, and some oxygen) are
mixed with a spray of dilute phosphoric acid in the hydration tower. If the tower is externally
cooled, it too may be built of stainless steel. By proper adjustment of reacting streams,
various strengths of phosphoric acid (as high as 116%-equivalent to 84 % P2O5) may be
produced. The usual product is in the range of 75 to 85 % H3PO4. Some acid mist leaves the
hydrator and must be recovered by appropriate means, such as a packed tower or
electrostatic precipitator. In the process shown in the flow diagram a combination cyclone
scrubber and glass-wool filter is used.
1.11.1 Raw materials
Basis:1 ton phosphoric acid (54% P2O5)
Phosphate rock(70BPL)
3600 lb
Sulfuric acid (94%)
3000 lb
1.11.2 Reaction
Ca10F2(PO4)6 + 10H2SO4 + 20H2O
10CaSO4.2H2O + 2HF + 6H3PO4
(95% yield)
1.11.3 Manufacture
The sulfuric acid or wet process produces phosphoric acid by the action of sulfuric
acid on phosphate rock accompanied by the precipitation of calcium sulfate; the resulting
phosphoric acid solution is separated from the precipitated gypsum by filtration and then
concentrated by evaporation. Phosphate rock is charged into a special ball mill, where it is
ground in a dilute solution of phosphoric acid obtained as a filtrate from an ensuing
operation. The slurry is passed into single or multiple tanks, where it is allowed to react with
sulfuric acid diluted with sufficient phosphoric acid to yield a 55 per cent sulfuric acid
solution, In multiple tank operations, acid is recycled to maintain uniform temperatures in the
several reactors. In both single tank and multiple tank operations vigorous agitation is
maintained by propellers or turbines; Heat of reaction is removed by blowing air through
the reaction mass or by flash evaporation under vacuum. In both cases water vapor and
gaseous impurities are carried to an absorber, where fluosilicic acid (H 2SiF6)is recovered by
spraying the gases with water.
Usually acid digestion of slurry 4 to 8 hr at 165 to 175F The purpose of the violent
agitation (for uniform reaction time) and close temperature control is the production of
uniform easily-filtered and easily washed calcium sulfate (gypsum) crystals. If temperature
were too high, anhydrite would form, hydrate later and plug pipes.
The slurry from the digester passes to a horizontal rotating tilting-pan-type vacuum
filler, where phosphoric acid (30 to 35 per cent P2O5) is removed from the cake. Most plant
use tilting-pan fillers because liquors from the various washing stages can be kept separate,
thus increasing recovery and minimizing dilution. Polypropylene cloth makes an excellent



Unit -1 Dr. N. K. Patel

filter medium. The washed gypsum cake is slurried with waste water to a setting pond from
which water is ordinarily pumped back to the plant.




Fluro silicate


Phosphate rock


Diluted phosphoric

Cooling air

Sulfuric acid
4-8 hrs
165-175 oF

Phosphoric acid

Figure: Flow diagram of wet process

The acid filtrate is then evaporated to the desired concentration, usually 54 per cent
P2O5. Forced circulation evaporators with outside heat exchangers are most commonly used.
Fluorine-containing compounds may be recovered from the flash chamber condensate.
Submerged-combustion evaporators are also used, but high-efficiency scrubbers are
required to recover P205 fumes.
Throughout the plant, corrosion resistant materials of construction must be used. The
most common ones are structural carbon or nickel alloy for evaporator heat exchangers;
rubber or carbon-brick for reactor linings; polyester-fiber glass in pipes, ducts, and small
vessels. Yield of phosphoric acid based on phosphorus content of raw material is 95%
Various modification of the process described are in use. Each process strives to
produce a rapidly filterable crystal, to minimize P2O5 losses, and to produce acid of high
1.12.1 Raw Materials
A completely integrated fertilizer complex produces NH3 and H3PO4 Potash (KCl) has
to be imported as India has only small reserves in terms of sea bitterns which have not yet
been developed.
Quantitative Requirements
Depends on grade of material, compute stoichiometric ratios and allow 99% yield and
3% NH3 handling loss.
1.12.2 Chemical Fertilizer
A mixture of ammonium phosphate and sulfate plus potash (KCl)
1.12.3 Reactions
NH3 + H3PO4
NH3 + NH4H2PO4
NH3 + H2SO4
1.12.4 Manufacture
The two principal steps are neutralization and granulation. For neutralization,
phosphoric and sulfuric acids are added to the first of three continuous mixed reactors,
Anhydrous liquid ammonia is added beneath the slurry level in the first neutralizer in an
amount equivalent to 80% neutralization. Further ammonia is added in the 2 nd and 3rd tanks
to obtain conversion to the diammonium salt if a higher N fertilizer is needed.


Unit -1 Dr. N. K. Patel

The exothermic reaction heats the slurry nearly to the boiling point (130C).
Unreacted and excess NH3 vapor is collected from the top of each tank and recharged
below the liquid level. This cuts NH3 losses to less than 3%.
Slurry from the third neutralized is mixed with KCl and absorbed in a bed of dry
recycle fertilizer moving through a rotating drum granulator. This provides a tumbling action
to coal recycle material with a slurry film.
A rotary adiabatic drier reduces the moisture to less than 1%, with a 10 minute
contact time with air initially at 1500C. Dried product is separated into three fractions on a
double deck screen. A portion of the product from the deck of the lower screen (-6 + 12) is
sent to bagging operations. The balance, together with pulverized oversize and lines, is
returned to the granulator. The weight ratio of recycle to product is 6: 1-15: 1 depending on
the grade produced.
1.12.5 Uses
The only major use is for chemical fertilizers. Minor uses are in fire-retardants, nutrient
yeast culture, ammoniated gentrifies.
1.13.1 Raw Materials
Phosphate rock, when very finely pulverized has limited use as a fertilizer itself, chiefly
because of the relatively slow availability of the P2O5. Its main consumption, however, is as a
raw material for the manufacture of phosphoric acid, superphosphate, phosphorus, and
phosphorus compounds.
1.13.2 Reactions
The acidulation of phosphate rock to produce superphosphate has been the most
important method.
Ca3(PO4)2 + 2H2SO4 + 4H2O
CaH4(PO4)2 + 2(CaSO4.2H2O)
CaF2 + H2SO4 + 2H2O
CaSO4.2H2O + 2HF
4HF + SiO2
SiF4 + 2H2O
3SiF4 + 2H2O
SiO2 + 2H2SiF6
The following is a more probable expression of the main reaction
CaF2.3Ca3(PO4)2 + 7H2SO4 + 3H2O
3CaH4(PO4)2.H2O + 2HF + 7CaSO4
1.13.3 Manufacture
The hydrofluoric acid reacts as shown above forming fluosilicic acid but with
incomplete removal fluorine. An excess of sulfuric acid is consumed by such impurities in the
phosphate rock as CaCO3 Fe2O3 and CaF2.The product increase in weight over the 70-75C
bone phosphate of line by phosphate rock used as much as 70%, resulting in
superphosphate with 16 to 20% available P2O5
The manufacture of superphosphate involves four steps
1. Preparation of phosphate rock
2. Mixing with acid
3. Curing and drying of the original slurry by completion of the reactions
4. Excavation, milling, and bagging of the finished product.
Although newer plants use continuous processes, some plants still conduct these
operations stepwise. All plants first pulverize the rock with modern pulverizing and airseparation equipment, most rock is ground to an average finesse of 70 to 80% through a
200mesh screen, with the following benefits
The reaction rate is faster
More efficient use is made of the sulfuric acid and consequently less acid is needed
A higher grade of product in better condition is obtained.
1.13.4 Manufacture of normal superphosphate by a continuous-den process
This is depicted by figure where ground phosphate rock (90% minus 100) is fed by a
weigh feeder into a double-conical mixer (TVA), where it is thoroughly mixed with metered
quantities of sulfuric acid. The sulfuric acid is dilute with water in the cone to a concentration
of 51Be. The heat of dilution serves to heat the sulfuric acid to proper reaction temperature,
and excess heat is dissipated by evaporation of extra water added. The rate of water
addition and acid concentration may be varied to control product moisture. The acid and


Unit -1 Dr. N. K. Patel

water are fed into the cone mixer tangentially to provide the necessary mixing with the
phosphate rock. The fresh superphosphate is discharged from the cone mixer into a pug mill,
where additional mixing takes place and the reaction starts. From the pug mill the
superphosphate drops onto the den conveyor, which has a very low travel speed to allow
about 1 hr for solidifying before reaching the cutter. The cutter slices the solid mass of crude
product so that it may be conveyed to pile storage for "currying" or completion of the
chemical reaction, which takes 10 to 20 day to reach P2O5 availability acceptable for plant
food. The conditions den is enclosed so that fumes do not escape into the working area.
These fumes are scrubbed will water sprays to remove acid and fluoride before being
exhausted to the atmosphere. The scrubber water is discharged to a limestone bed lo
neutralize the acid.

Ground phosphate rock


Wet Scrubber




Pug mill

continuous den




Bagging and

Triple super

Figure: Flowchart for the manufacture of superphosphate by the continuous-den process.

1.13.5 Nitric and mixed acid acidulation of phosphate rock
Europe probably first used nitric and mixed acid acidulation of phosphate rock. The
substitution of nitric for sulfuric acid is desirable, since nitrogen has an essential value as plant
food and can be resold at its purchase price. Also, this saves sulfur. Simple acidulation of
phosphate rock with nitric acid produces a hydroscopic superphosphate, since it contains
calcium nitrate. The TVA and other have studied and recommended commercial processes.
In one, the phosphate rock is extracted by mixed nitric and sulfuric acids, followed by
ammoniation drying and the addition of potassium chloride (optional). Another features
mixed nitric and phosphoric acidulation followed by the conventional steps and others use
nitric acid alone for acidulation. These processes, as well as conditioning against moisture
absorption as practiced for ammonium nitrate, have led to an extension of this acidulation
with nitric acid. Nitrophosphate is also gaining in Europe. Phosphate rock is decomposed with
nitric acid plus small amount of phosphoric acid. The resulting slurry is ammoniated and
carbonated and, if desired, combined with potassium salts and spray-dried to yield a uniform
palletized product.
1.14.1 Raw Materials
Phosphate rock
62% Phosphoric acid
1.14.2 Manufacture
This material is a much more concentrated fertilizer than ordinary superphosphate,
containing from 44 to 51% of available P2O5 or nearly three times the amount in regular



Unit -1 Dr. N. K. Patel

superphosphate. Triple superphosphate is made by the action of phosphoric acid on

phosphate rock, and thus no diluents calcium is formed.
CaF2 + 3Ca3(PO4)2 + 14H3PO4
10Ca(H2PO4)2 + 2HF
The TVA continuous granular triple superphosphate production process is illustrated in










Bulk Storage



Figure: Flow diagram of manufacture of triple superphosphate

Here the ground phosphate rock (75% minus 200-mesh) and 62% phosphoric acid are
metered continuously to the granulator, where reaction and granulation lake place. Fines
from the product screen are recycled to the granulator, and the moisture and temperature
required for proper granulation are maintained by addition of water and/or steam. The
granulator is a cylindrical vessel rotating about a horizontal axis and has in overflow dam at
the discharge end. The phosphoric acid is fed uniformly under the bed of material through a
perforated pipe. When wet-process phosphoric acid is used, it is also necessary to provide
an acid pre-heater. The granules overflow the dam into a rotary cooler, where they are
cooled and dried slightly by a counter current flow of air. The exhaust gases from the cooler
pass through a cyclone, where dust is collected and returned to the granulator as recycle,
the cooled product is screened, the coarse material being milled and returned, along with
the fines, to the granulator. The product is then conveyed to bulk storage, where the material
is cured 1 to 2 weeks, during which a further reaction of acid and rock occurs, which,
increases the availability of P2O5 as plant food, the exhaust gases from the granulator and
cooler are scrubbed with water to remove silicofluorides. The cost per unit of P205 in this
concentrate as compared with ordinary superphosphate is higher, because of greater
capital investment and additional labor and processing. However, this is offset to a great
extent by the ability to use a lower-grade, cheaper phosphate rock to make the phosphoric
acid which is reacted with higher-grade rock. There are also substantial savings on handling,
bagging, shipping, and distributing. The production of concentrated superphosphate has
grown in short tons in terms of 100% available phosphoric acid (APA). Normal
superphosphate production has dropped slightly.
Graphite mixed with impurities is found in nature and is known as natural graphite.
Natural graphite is found in Siberia, Sri Lanka, USA, Canada and Czechoslovakia. In India it
occurs in small amounts at Visakhapatnam, Travancore, Rajasthan and Orissa. The artificial
graphite was first prepared by A. G. Acheson by heating amorphous carbon with certain
catalysts, such as SiO2 or AI2O3 in an electric furnace at a temperature of about 3000C. It is
known that the industrial process converts amorphous carbon directly to artificial or synthetic


Unit -1 Dr. N. K. Patel

graphite in an electric furnace.

1.15.1 Raw Materials
The raw material for the manufacture of artificial graphite is petroleum coke or
anthracite or pitch coke. All these contain small amount of ash (SiO 2) which acts as a
catalyst. The reaction for the allotropic change is
C (amorphous)
C (graphite) H=-2.5 k.cals
1.15.2 Manufacture
The furnace used for the manufacture of artificial graphite is an open top resistance
furnace and consists of a core of the coke being graphitised. The front, back and the floor of
the furnace are made mainly of concrete, with cooling coils in the ends in order to reduce
the temperature of electrodes in contact with air to prevent them from burning. The side
walls of the furnace are built of loose refractory blocks and plates which are torn down
during unloading. Several graphite or carbon rods are inserted through the front and back
walls. The core of coke to be graphitized is also surrounded by a layer of sand, coke and
raw dust. The raw dust acts as insulation. The resistance of the charge increases the
temperature of the furnace to 3000C, at which amorphous carbon is converted into
graphite and voltage decreases from 200 to 40 volts, because of lowered resistance. Some
heat is generated due to exothermic reaction but bulk of the heat is generated by the
resistance provided by the charge to the flow of electricity. At a temperature of 3000C,
any silicon carbide that may be present also decomposes into graphite and silicon. The
latter volatilizes off at this temperature leaving graphite in the furnace. After cooling the
furnace is torn down and graphitized carbon taken out. The insulating sand, coke and silicon
carbide mixture is again fed to the furnace to be utilized again. Power rating is
6000-10000 Kw-hr per tonne of finished graphite. The complete cycle of the furnace consist
of: loading: 1 day; heating-5-6 days; cooling 15 days and unloading 2 days. Hence about 23
days are required from charge to charge.
1.15.3 Properties
Graphite has a two dimensional structure and series of layer. In graphite only 3
valance electrons of each carbon atom are involved. Thus each carbon atom makes use of
sp2 hybrid orbital forming three covalent bonds and three other carbon atoms in the same
plane. The fourth valence electron remains unpaired or free. This makes graphite a good
conductor of electricity. The C-C covalent distance is 1.420A and the distance between two
successive layers is 3.340A. The sheets or layers are held together by weak Vander Waal's
forces. Lead of lead pencils contain graphite and variable quantities of clay depending
upon the hardness required.
Some of the unusual characteristics of graphite are.
Extremely high fusion point under pressure
Low density
High resistance to chemical and mechanical corrosion
Strong resistance to mechanical shocks
Strong resistance to temperature fluctuations
Good electrical conductivity
High sublimation temperature (36000C)
High arc plasma temperature (>50000C)
High degree of insolubility in molten salt
1.15.4 Uses
Natural graphite has widely been used in the manufacture of clay-graphite crucibles,
lead pencils and as a lubricant. It is, however, not suitable for the manufacture of graphite
electrodes which are extensively used in the manufacture of large number of
electrochemical and electro-thermal products (such as aluminium, magnesium, caustic


Unit -1 Dr. N. K. Patel

soda, chlorine etc). This is probably due to the impurities associated with natural graphite.
Artificial graphite can be substituted for any of the use of the natural product except
in the production of clay-graphite crucibles, although several crucibles and trays have also
been manufactured from artificial graphite. For lubricating purposes, it is suspended in water
or oil and placed in contact with moving parts. In electrical industries, graphite is used for
electrodes, brushes, contacts and electronic tube rectifier elements.
Formerly natural products, such as diamonds, garnet, quartz, rouge,
kieselguhar, emery and corundum were used as abrasives. In 1891, Acheson produced the
first man made abrasive, known as silicon carbide in a homemade electric arc furnace.
Later on various other abrasives, such as fused aluminium oxide, boron carbide, boron nitride
and calcium carbide were also prepared commercially in the electric thermal furnace.
Silicon carbide is one of the most important abrasive and was first discovered by
Acheson(1891) while attempting to harden clay in a homemade electric furnace.
When carbon was dissolved in molten clay it was assumed to be mixture of carbon and
fused alumina called corundum and hence the name carborundum.
1.17.1 Raw Materials
Silicon carbide (SiC) is now manufactured by making use of sand or silica and
carbon. The sources of carbon are coke, pitch, petroleum cokes and anthracite. The sand
contains pure silica (98 to 99.5%) SiO2
1.17.2 Reactions
The various reactions involved in the manufacture of silicon carbide are
SiO2 + 2C (amorphous)
Si + 2CO + 144.8 k.cal
Si + C (amorphous)
SiC - 30.5 k.cals
SiO2 + 3C (amorph)
SiC + 2C0 + 114.3 k.cals
The temperature is maintained at 2000c. Higher temperature is prevented as Sic is
decomposed into graphite at high temperature.
1.17.3 Manufacture
Special type of open top indirect heating resistance furnace is used for manufacture
of SiC. The furnace consists of a permanent bed of curved cast iron pieces lined with fire
brick on which the charge is placed. The charge is built up in the furnace around a heating
core of granular carbon. The 30-50 ft long furnace is provided with about 60 carbon
electrodes which are one metre long and 8 cm. in diameter and the central core of iron
connects these electrodes. The ends of the furnace are permanent and the sides are built up
every time with the charge. Excessive heat loss does not take place because the outside
unreacted charge acts as an insulator. The sides are pulled down after the completion of the
process to take out the product. The charge which is a mixture of 53.5% SiO 2, 40% coke, 5%
saw dust and 1.5% salt is added to furnace until it is full. Saw dust increase the porosity of the
charge to permit the circulation of vapours and the escape of carbon monoxide formed, CO
burns at the top of the furnace. Salt is added as a flux. A typical initial current between the
electrodes is 6000amps at 250 volts, but its resistance gradually decreases as the reaction
proceeds and the final current becomes 20000 amperes at 75 volts. After about 2 hours, the
current increases rapidly from 6000 to 20000 amps and remains steady during the whole run
of 36 hours. The temperature at the core is 2200OC amps and remain steady during the whole
run of 36 hour until the reaction is complete. The product is then cooled for 24hour and


Unit -1 Dr. N. K. Patel

crystals of silicon are removed from the furnace. The yield is about 6-8 tonnes per furnace.
The black crystals are broken and then treated successively with sulphuric acid and sodium
hydroxide solution. It is dried in a kiln and graded through a screening or sieving system into,
the powders of various degrees of fitness.
It should be noted that the temperature of the core should not exceed 2200C.
Higher temperature leads to the decomposition of silicon carbide into graphite with the
volatilization of silicon. The graphite formed in this manner is called artificial graphite. The
outer unreacted part of the charge is combined with the next charge for the furnace and
next to the core some graphite formed as a result of decomposition of SiC is obtained. After
complete run, which takes about 36+24=60 hours, the graphite can be separated as a
byproduct from silicon carbide and converted to desired shapes. A part of the core used in
the furnace can be made of coke suitable for graphite manufacture.
A good yield of carborundum can be obtained by taking the following points into
Silica or sand used should be of about 98% purity.
The carbon used may be petroleum coke, metallurgical coke, anthracite etc. having
low ash and sulphur contents.
Fe2O3 and Al2O3 in silica should be as low as possible as they catalyse the
decomposition of SiC. The carbide undergoes decomposition at 2830C.
The temperature of formation of silicon carbide is about 18400C 300C
100 parts by weight of finest grade sand, 60 parts by weight of coke and 19 parts by
weight of saw dust is the charge composition for a good yield of SiC. Saw dust
increases the porosity of the charge or escape of CO and other volatile matter during
SiC formation.
1.17.4 Properties
Silicon carbide has high thermal conductivity due to which it is resistant to shock
because of temperature fluctuations. Its conductivity lies between those of metals and nonmetals or insulators and so it acts as semiconductor. Its radiation resistance is much higher
than pure silicon. It is exceptionally stable to most chemicals at low temperatures but reacts
at high temperatures.
1.17.5 Uses
The most notable property of silicon carbide is its hardness. It is almost as hard as
diamond and is used for making grinding machines, grinding stones, crushers, for giving edge
to cutting tools (razors, knives, swords etc.). On account of its refractory nature and higher
heat conductivity, it is also used for making crucibles. It has also been used as a refractory
material, both in the form of bricks and as loose material. Silicon carbide has also been used
as an abrasive for making the modern grinding tools, which are used as in fabricating the
metal parts of modern automobiles, tanks, engines, rifles, aeroplanes and other machines. It
is also used for carbon rods in resistance heaters.
1.18.1 Raw Materials
Calcium carbide is commercially manufactured from carbon and quick lime at 20002200C in a specially designed calcium carbide electric furnace.
CaO + 3C (amorphous)
CaC2 + CO H = +103 k.cals
The carbon is obtained from coke, anthracite or petroleum coke. Coke has, however,
widely been used. The coke must be compact and have low ash content, low ignition point
and high electrical resistivity (or low electrical conductivity) so that the bulk of the furnace
charge may be highly resistant to the flow of energy. As a result, the energy becomes
concentrated in the charge rapidly producing high temperature required for the reaction to


Unit -1 Dr. N. K. Patel

take place and to go for completion. The coke should also be free from phosphorus,
because it forms a phosphide, which is converted to poisonous phosphine (PH 3), when
acetylene is formed by the action of water on carbide. The presence of phospine may even
causes serious explosion. The coke must contain low ash contents (about 3% or less)
otherwise the carbide formed will be viscous and therefore, will create difficulty during
tapping from the furnace.
The quicklime is obtained by during limestone containing about 97 percent CaCO 3.
CaO + CO2
Magnesia, silica and iron oxides present in the form of impurities hamper production
and give less pure carbide. These impurities should, therefore, be properly controlled before
the charge is fed to the furnace.
Basis: 1 tone of Calcium carbide
Lime: 1900lbs.
Coke: 1300lbs
Electrode paste: 35lbs
Energy: 3000kw/hr
1.18.2 Manufacture
A typical three phase furnace of 25000 kilowatts-hr produces about 200 tonnes of 85%
carbide per day is as shown in figure.

Carbide furnaces fall in the class of combined resistance and direct arc heating,
since some of the heat is due to the resistance of the raw material, but most part of it is due
to sparking across the charge. The furnaces consists of a steel shell 10 X 3 meter in area or
more with the side walls lined with refractory material and the bottom covered with carbon
block, or anthracite to with stand extremely hot alkaline conditions. Most of the recent large
furnaces have closed top (where almost all the CO evolved during the reaction is collected
and utilize) and three phase electric current i.e. they have three vertical electrodes
suspended in the shell and the each is connected to one of the low tension bars. The
electrodes are made up of graphite, fitted and bound. They may be as long as 10 X 2ft and
may be round or oval in the cross section. They are also provided with arrangement for
lowering because they are consumed.
Recently Soderberg Continuous Self Baking Electrodes have been used in place of
prebaked electrodes, since the former permit large capacity furnaces. The electrodes are
dipped in the charge which almost fills the furnace. The layer of carbon or anthracite in the


Unit -1 Dr. N. K. Patel

bottom acts as the bottom electrode. The charge consisting of 60% calcium oxide and 40%
coke is fed from the top. Before it reaches the region of high temperature (2000C) provided
by the furnace, it gets heated by the burning of carbon monoxide (liberated in the reaction)
in air. The latter is pumped through side tubes in the middle of the furnace. Calcium carbide
is formed at the bottom as a result of reaction of calcium oxide and coke. The molten
calcium carbide is periodically tapped out of the furnace and fresh charges added into cast
iron chilled pots of about 5 tones capacity each. The carbide is cooled, crushed and sized.
Commercial calcium carbide thus obtained is generally black, reddish black or
reddish brown, depending upon the presence of iron or other constituents.
1.18.3 A good yield of calcium carbide is obtained when
Lime is prepared from lime stone of about 96-97% purity.
MgO content of lime should not excess 1%. Higher amount may cause reduction of
fluidity of molten CaC2 creating difficulty in tapping.
Al2O3 should be as small as possible, because it also creates the same problem as
created by MgO.
SiO2 should not exceed 1.25%
Fe2O3 + Al2O3 should not exceed 0.5%, because Fe2O3, if present reacts with SiO2 and
produce ferrosilicon. The latter settles down below CaC2 and attacks the refractory
material of the furnace.
Impurities of phosphorus and sulphur in lime should not be more than 0.1% because
they would produce Ca 3P2 and CaS which in their turn produce PH 3 and H2S during
water treatment of the carbide.
Metallurgical coke, petroleum coke and soft coke with low ash content and volatile
matter should be used. Petroleum coke is most commonly used because of its low
ash content and high resistivity.
The moisture content of coke used should not exceed 2%.
60 parts of CaO and 40 parts by weight of coke are used.
The electrodes may be prebaked, square of rectangular made from amorphous
carbon, graphite or continuous self backing type made from calcined anthracite
and coal and pitch as binder.
1.18.4 Uses
Today calcium carbide is used as an abrasive and for the manufacture of acetylene
which is used in oxyacetylene blow pipes acetylene lamps and as starting material for the
preparation of many compounds, such as CH3CHO, CH3COCH3, CH3COOH, CH3COOC2H5. It
is also used in the manufacture of calcium. A small amount or the calcium carbide is used as
reducing agent in some metallurgical processes and as a drying agent.
In India calcium carbide is manufactured at various places. Imports have already
been stopped in 1961.
Some leading manufactures are
Birla Jute Manufacturing CO. Ltd. Birlapur (W.Bengal)
Calico Mills Tromday, Bombay.
Industrial Chemicals Ltd. Talaiyuthu, Tamil Nadu (Madras)
Carbon black


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