Water Management Plan: NTPC GE Power Services Pvt. LTD

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Document No.

NTPC GE Power Services Pvt. Ltd WI-EHS-SJP-001-00

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00 WI en 1 of 9 EHS Medium ESIA Solar Park Nil

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:
19/12/2022 Shafi Ahmad Khan 21/12/2022 Tarun Kumar 23/12/2022 Manish Gupta




1. Prepared by : Shafi Ahmad Khan 19-12-22

2. Reviewed by : Tarun Kumar 21-12-22

3. Approved by : Manish Gupta 23-12-22




Table of Content
S.N. Topic Page No.

1 Objective. 4
2 Scope 4

3 Introduction 4
4 Water Resources 4,5

5 Waste Water Generation. 6

6 Regulatory Context, National Regulations for 6

Water management

7 Impact avoidance and Impact Mitigation. 7

8 Inventory of Water Consumption and 8

Pollution Sources.
9 Responsibilities and Accountabilities 9

10 Annexure 9

1. Objective.

The Water Management Plan aims to ensure that water consumption during the project life cycle
do not result in unacceptable impacts on the water resources and surrounding community. It
focuses on the strategies to be used to monitor the water quantity, conservation measures, and
recycling of water within the Project. The objective of this Water Management Plan (WMP) is
 Monitoring water consumption in the Project during construction and O&M activities.
 Delineate mitigation/management measures to be implemented during construction and O&M phases.
 Establish compliance of National Standard for Discharges
 Establish an appropriate training programmed for contractors, workers, and other stakeholders
 Define the roles and responsibilities for implementing the measures

2. Scope

This procedure is applicable to all NGSL Employees, Sub-contractors and their workmen,
their activities at NGSL sites -unit 6 (220 MW) & Unit 7 (105 MW) for the construction and
operation and maintenance phase of the proposed project. The Plan also identifies the
individuals currently assigned to the various roles designated in this Plan.



The construction and operation & maintenance activities will require water. A Water Management Plan has been
prepared for the Project to support the ESIA process. The Plan was developed to meetthe objectives of water
management during the construction and operation of the NGSL sites -unit 6 (220 MW) & Unit 7 (105
MW). Plan is based on the assessment of impacts on water resources, quality, which would occur during the
site preparation and operation phase of the Project.

4.Water Resources
Surface Water
The natural waterbodies and Site area setting of Moman Badodiya and South Shajapur is
described below:
 Both Shajapur and Moman Badodiya Sites are located within the Kali Sindh River Basin. Both Sites
are located at the ridge in the west-central portion of the basin and ~30 km west from the Kali Sindh
 Few first order streams originate within Shajapur Site. These are non-perennial streams with shallow
 Three (3) large artificially created water bodies are located adjoining the Shajapur Site boundary with
spread area varying between 21 acres to 260 acres.
 Several well defined and prominent first order streams originate within Moman Badodiya Site.A few
second order streams also pass through Moman Badodiya Site. These streams extend along the
entire breadth of the Site in the central and southeastern portion.
 Three (3) large artificially created water bodies are located adjoining the Moman Badodiya Site
boundary with spread area varying between 34 acres to 228 acres

Ground Water

Groundwater was reported as the primary source of water in Shajapur Solar Park and its surrounding area
with some seasonal streams contributing for domestic use as secondary source of water.

Water Requirement

The tables below provide details with respect to water requirement at site during construction and O&M

Table E.1 Details of Water Requirement for the Project

Sl. No Particulars Water Requirement

Construction Phase

1. Domestic Purposes 80-90 KLD

2. Construction Activities 200-300 KLD

Operation Phase

1. Cleaning of Solar Panels 277 KLD

2. Domestic Purposes 9 KLD

3. Landscaping 7 KLD

4. Firefighting and Miscellaneous 30 KL

The water requirement for the Project will be met through tanker water supply during
construction phase. Whereas, during O&M phase, ground water will be used for domestic
purposes and solar panel cleaning activities.

5.Waste Water Generation

Waste water will be generated from the following sources:
 Construction Phase
- Sewage: site office, labor camp.
- Surface runoff from site
 Operation Phase
- Sewage: site office
- Waste water from solar panel cleaning activities

The domestic wastewater generated from the site will be collected through septic tank and followed
by soak pit.

6.Regulatory Context
The regulatory context for water management in India has been provided in table below.
Table National Regulations for Water management
Regulation Requirements
The Water (Prevention and Controlof
 This Act provides for the prevention and control of water pollutionand maintaining
Pollution) Act, 1974 and its amendment,
or restoring good water quality for any establishment.
 Any waste water discharge shall be within the discharge’s limitsprescribed by
Guidelines/Criteria for evaluation of
Permission from CWGB shall be taken prior to any ground water abstraction for
proposals/ requests for ground water
construction and O&M activities.
abstraction by CGWB
The Unit 6 & 7 (Moman Badodiya) and Unit 8 (South Shajapur) falls under Over
Exploited and Semi Critical category. As per guidelines, groundwater withdrawal may
be permitted subject to

 Undertaking of ground water recharge measures. The withdrawalshould not exceed

100% of the recharged quantity.

 The recharge should be implemented within the premises and/or same water
shed/assessment unit. Detail project proposal shall be
included along with the application for NOC.
7.Impact Avoidance and Impact Mitigation
Conserving Water Resources
 Construction Phase
- Optimum use of water during sprinkling on roads for dust settlement, washing of vehicles, concrete mixing for
foundation etc.
- Regular inspection for identification of water leakages and preventing wastage of water fromwater supply
tankers, camp area.
- Construction labor deputed onsite to be sensitized about water conservation and encouraged for
optimal use of water.
- Minimum use of water in cleaning/washing of equipment’s and vehicles.

 Operation Phase
- Feasibility of dry cleaning of solar panels shall be examined.
- Use of water-efficient technologies for cleaning the solar panels and domestic consumptionnodes.
- The surface runoff from during solar panel cleaning shall be diverted to a settlement tank forsettlement of
suspended solids. The overflow shall be treated in the water treatment unit and recycled in the Project.
- Optimizing water usage in the SCADA building by application of water conservationmeasures such as
sensor-based taps, low flush urinals etc.
- Maintain logbook for water consumption.
- Use of water from multiple sources to avoid dependency on one source (groundwater or surface water). This
also includes tapping rainwater received during themonsoons for the long-term and uninterrupted operations.
 The Project should implement principles of water stewardship to ensure water security not just for the site, but also
for other stakeholders within the watershed. Some of the water stewardship frameworks/ standards that can be
adopted are UN Global Compact's CEO Water Mandate or AWS Standards.
 Identify stakeholders directly impacted by the groundwater use at the Project site and developlong- term
stakeholder engagement plan particularly focused on stakeholders near site to develop positive perception
towards Project and its operations.

Rain Water Harvesting

To comply with CGWB guidelines for ground water abstraction, ground water recharge is mandatory in
the Project. RUMSL shall plan to provide rainwater harvesting provision at site. For thispurpose,
rainwater harvesting pond shall be provided at site. In addition, groundwater recharge shall be
undertaken within the Site to replenish the shallow aquifer zones.
Piezometers to be installed to monitor the groundwater level changes in the aquifer trapped by the
abstraction wells at Project site.

Water Quality
 Ensure proper cover and stacking of loose construction material at site to prevent surface runoffand contamination of
receiving water body.
 Open defecation and random disposal of sewage will be strictly restricted.
 Planning of toilets, soak pits and septic tanks, waste collection areas away from natural drainage channels.
 Provision of number of toilets across with easily accessible location as the project site is spreadacross large area of both the
 Use of licensed contractors for management and disposal of waste and sludge.
 Laborer’s will be given training towards proactive use of designated areas/bins for wastedisposal and encouraged for
use of toilets.
 Provision for impervious storage area, especially for fuel & lubricant, hazardous waste, etc. willbe made onsite; and
 Spill/ leakage clearance plan to be adopted for immediate cleaning of spills and leakages.

Other Management Aspects

8.Inventory of Water Consumption and Pollution Sources

Preparing an inventory of water consumption during construction and O&M activities and all pollution
sources from the Project activities is essentially the first step towards managing the impacts. The
Management Plan will involve preparation of an up-to-date inventory of all areas of water
consumption and wastewater discharge sources based on the latest Project activity related
information. This inventory will help in formulating the following management approaches:
 Source reduction
 Resource recovery options
 Recycle options
 Optimal treatment strategies and technologies
 Post-treatment, resource recovery and recycle options
 Ultimate disposal considering the local environmental sensitivities

The inventory database of discharge sources shall be kept as a living document and updated as
and when any new sources are cited at any point in time of the Project period. Any intermittent
water requirement and discharge sources shall also be identified and included in the inventory.

9.Responsibilities and Accountabilities

EHS Engineer

The EHS Engineer of NGSL will be responsible for:

 Implementing the mitigation measures mentioned in this management plan.
 Maintain a database which will record the water consumption quantities and waste watergeneration at
different locations.
 Monthly review of water consumption and waste water generation in the project.
 Conducting regular audits around the Project site to inspect water management practices.
 Conducting regular audits for rainwater harvesting.
 Review conditions of storage location and records related to hazardous wastes as per the conditions of

All NGSL employees and subcontractors will be provided with environmental awareness training
through a site induction process. All employees and contractors will have a responsibility to manage
operations in an environmentally responsible manner and report any visible emission/ discharge/
accidental spillage. All pollution related environmental incidents will be reported to the EHS

10. Annexure
Water generation use and disposal register,
Environment incident register.

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