Flexible Employee Handbook: April 2020

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Flexible Employee

with effect from April 2020

Thank you for joining Blue If you need any help or information while you
are working for us, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Arrow, one of the UK’s leading Details of all Blue Arrow policies are available
recruitment businesses. at www.bluearrowlearningcentre.co.uk or via
your Blue Arrow Representative. All policies are
With our nationwide network of branches non-contractual and may be varied by Blue Arrow
and a reputation for supplying the highest calibre from time to time. Blue Arrow reserves the right
of staff, we recognise that our success depends to depart from the precise components of any
on you. That is why we strive to build a strong policy or procedure where it is appropriate to
working relationship with our Flexible Employees. do so. It is your responsibility to keep up-to-date
We want you to feel part of our valued team. with Blue Arrow policies and procedures.

Terms of Employment
This handbook is designed to give you details of
the terms and conditions you will be working to at
Blue Arrow. It should be read in conjunction with
your terms of employment of which it forms a part.
Should you require any further information about
the matters covered in this handbook, your terms
of employment or any other matters concerning
your employment with Blue Arrow, you should
contact your local Blue Arrow branch who
will be happy to help.

Time Records and Pay 4 Paternity Leave and Pay 13
Shared Parental Leave and Pay 13
Recording Hours Worked 4
Parental Leave 13
Hours of Work 4
Dependent Care Leave 13
Timekeeping 4
Flexible Working 13
Overtime 4
Absence from Work 4
Discipline and Grievances 14
Holidays 5
Sickness 5 Disputes 14
Your Pay 5 Disciplinary Policy and Procedure 14
Pay Advice Slips 5 Procedure 14
Tax and National Insurance 5 Gross Misconduct 16
Tax Code Queries 6 Performance and Capability 17
P45s 6 Appeal Procedure 17
Agency Workers Regulations (AWR) 6 Grievance Policy and Procedure 18
Procedure 18
Pensions 7
Health and Safety 19
Working With Us 8 Health and Safety Policy 19
Our Professional Reputation 8 First Aid and Accidents 20
Entitlement to Work in the UK 8 Fire 20
Outside Employment 8 Electricity 20
Changes to Circumstances 8 Display Screen Equipment (VDUs) 20
Scope of Assignment 8 Manual Handling 21
Personal Appearance 8 Machinery 21
Personal Appearance - Catering 9 Hand Tools 21
Employment by the Client 9 Safety Signs 21
Conduct 9 Control of Substances Hazardous
Property and Resources 9 to Health Regulations (2002) 22
Security 10 Special Notes For Food Production Assignments 23
Stop and Search 10 Special Notes For Driving Assignments 23
Smoking 10 Special Notes For Catering Assignments 24
Alcohol and Substance Abuse 10
Tools, Equipment and Personal Terms of Employment 25
Protective Equipment 11
Night-Working 11 10 Point Promise - Candidates 30
Driving Fines and Penalties 11
Road Traffic Accidents and Working Time Regulations
Accidents in the Workplace 11 Opt Out Agreement 31
Publicity 11
Privacy Notice 32
Our Policies 12
Equality at Work 12
Dignity at Work 12
Public Interest Disclosure 12
Data Protection 12

Family Friendly Arrangements 13

Maternity Leave and Pay 13
Adoption Leave and Pay 13
Time Records and Pay
Recording Hours Worked Timekeeping
Before you start your first assignment with Blue Always arrive for work BEFORE the time
Arrow you need to download the ‘MyBlueArrow’ you are due to start, and call your Blue Arrow
App, you will also receive log in details to access branch if you are caught in traffic.
the Blue Arrow Portal. Each day, record the hours Punctuality is very important. On the first day
you work via the app or portal, the Client will then of an assignment we recommend that you always
approve your hours via their portal. Remember, it is allow for unexpected delays and aim to arrive in
your responsibility to follow the correct procedures good time ready to commence work. If you anticipate
and failure to do so may result in delay or error in being late at any time, contact your Blue Arrow
processing your pay. branch immediately.
Alternatively, you may be asked to use attendance
sheets, other Time and Attendance systems, swipe
cards or some other method to record your start/
break/finish times. In some cases you will also be If overtime is anticipated you will normally be
asked to register your department and/or category told in advance. If you are asked to work any
of work. Full instructions will be provided by your hours different to those notified at the start of the
Blue Arrow branch. assignment, please tell your Blue Arrow branch who
will confirm the arrangement and the rate of pay.
Additional hours are not always paid at a higher rate.
Hours of Work
You will be told how many hours you are
expected to work, before your assignment
Absence from Work
begins. Any changes MUST be agreed with Always call the branch if you are unable
your Blue Arrow branch. to attend work, for any reason.
The hours of work applicable to any assignment If you are absent from work for any reason you
will be notified to you in advance of the assignment must inform your Blue Arrow branch prior to your
start date. In terms of the Working Time Regulations agreed start time on your first day of absence
1998 and Working Time Regulations (Northern and on any subsequent days of absence.
Ireland) 1998 (as applicable) you are entitled to Absence for holidays, Jury Service, Military Service
a break of 20 minutes if you work more than six or other reasons should be agreed in advance
hours on a continuous basis. If, while working with with your Blue Arrow branch who will advise
a Client, you are not provided with your statutory you of the procedure to be followed.
rest breaks, you should raise this immediately You should try to ensure that, wherever
with your Blue Arrow branch. possible, any medical or dental appointments
are made outside your normal working hours.

Holidays Your Pay
Under the Working Time Regulations 1998 and Your pay will go directly into your bank account.
Working Time Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1998 We know how important it is to be paid promptly so,
(as applicable) you qualify for paid holiday. Your have set out appropriate timesheet procedures to
holiday entitlement is 5.6 normal working weeks support timesheet completion and return to us as
(28 days if your normal working week is 5 days) instructed. Where timesheets are not returned to us
paid holiday in each holiday year. This includes we will seek to obtain satisfactory evidence that you
public holidays. did indeed work. Once such evidence is obtained,
Your holiday year will be the 12 month period starting you will be paid directly by credit transfer into your
1st April and ending 31st March each year. If your bank or building society account on the Friday
employment begins or ends part way through the following the week you worked or the week evidence
holiday year your holiday entitlement for that year of your work was obtained. Full payment details will
will be assessed on a pro rata basis. appear in your pay advice.
You may only take paid holiday to the extent that
you have accrued it by your period of continuous
work. If, on the termination of your employment, Pay Advice Slips
you have taken holidays in excess of the statutory
Your pay advice slip will be sent to you using the
holiday entitlement which has accrued to you at
e-mail address you provided in your registration
that time, you will be required to repay Blue Arrow
details or CV, unless you inform your Blue Arrow
the over payment.
branch that you wish to receive a paper copy.
Applications for holiday must be requested through
E-mail payslips will be sent out on a Thursday
your Blue Arrow branch and authorised by the Client.
each week. Printed payslips will be sent out each
If you wish to take paid holiday you must give four
Friday via second class post to your registered
weeks written notice of the proposed holiday dates
home address.
to your Blue Arrow branch. Blue Arrow may refuse
a request for specific holiday dates at any time up You must inform your Blue Arrow branch of any
to two weeks before the first date to which the changes to your postal or e-mail address. A minimum
request relates. of seven days is required to enable Blue Arrow
to update your details.
Blue Arrow may require you to take part or all of any
untaken holiday entitlement by giving you not less
than two weeks notice. Tax and National Insurance
All holidays must be taken in the holiday year We have to deduct tax and national
in which they accrue and cannot be carried over insurance from your pay.
to the next holiday year.
We have a legal obligation to deduct PAYE and NIC
from your pay. You will be asked to complete a New
Sickness Starter Declaration before you start any assignment,
to avoid paying more tax than necessary you can
If you are sick for more than three consecutive days,
also provide your P45 (from your last employer).
subject to certain conditions and the Blue Arrow
It is possible to set up a Personal Tax Account (PTA)
Sickness Absence Policy, you may be entitled to
with the HMRC to manage your PAYE account.
Statutory Sick Pay. Details are contained in your
Please refer to the HMRC website for more details.
terms of employment and in the Policy.

Tax Code Queries Agency Workers
Once you have supplied us with your tax Regulations (AWR)
documents, and started working, any queries
With respect to the Agency Worker Regulations 2010
relating to your tax code should be directed to:
and Agency Worker Regulations (Northern Ireland)
2011 as applicable. From Day 1 of your assignment
HMRC to a Client you are entitled to access any collective
facilities and amenities, such as a canteen and car
Pay As You Earn parking, at the Client’s premises (subject to any
PO Box 1970 criteria the Client imposes on its own employees).
Liverpool You are also entitled to information regarding any
L75 1WX relevant vacant posts with the Client although this
Tel: 0300 200 3300 does not mean you have any automatic right to
Please quote reference no 951/B5028 be appointed to a permanent job by the Client.
and also your Flexible Employee Reference After achieving a 12 week qualifying period you
number, which is on your pay advice slip. may be eligible for rights under the AWR with
respect to parity of pay and terms with permanent
employees of the Client. Blue Arrow will advise
P45s you of any change to your pay and conditions
Should you wish to resign from flexible employment as a result of qualifying.
with Blue Arrow, please request your P45 from your In order that we can ensure you receive your AWR
branch. Temporary Payroll at Head Office are not rights you should tell us about any periods where
able to process such requests directly. you have been engaged by a Client through any
other temporary employment business. If you fail
to provide us with this information it may impact
or delay the application of your AWR rights.
If you believe you have not been afforded your
rights under AWR or have any concerns you
should contact your branch in the first instance.

As part of the wide range Additional Benefits
of benefits of working with You’ll benefit not only from your own
contributions but with Auto Enrolment, you’ll also
Blue Arrow, we are pleased benefit from employer contributions and tax relief
to be using NOW: Pensions as well - making your pension pot even bigger.

as our Auto Enrolment provider.

Proven Track Record
Adopting a straightforward and transparent approach
NOW: Pensions are new to the UK but not new
that removes the burden and potential confusion of
to pensions. They are backed by ATP - Denmark’s
choice, NOW: Pensions makes running a pension
leading mutual pension provider who have, for the
simple and cost effective.
last 45 years, lead the market through successful
service delivery and investment performance
Simplicity on behalf of their 4.7m members.
NOW: Pensions keep things simple by relieving
you of the burden of choice. They also make it easy
for you to keep an eye on things and monitor your
pension scheme online.

Portable Plan
If you have pension savings from previous jobs
or personal pensions, you can easily transfer
these into your NOW: Pensions plan. This can
be done online for free.

0330 100 3334

Additional Contributions
To help boost your retirement pension you can also
pay Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs) on top
of the minimum contributions required. Remember
that all contributions benefit from full tax relief.

Working With Us
Blue Arrow’s expectations of your conduct. Changes to Circumstances
If your details or circumstances change
Our Professional Reputation - tell us first.
Blue Arrow’s ability to offer you suitable assignments To help us offer you the most suitable assignments,
depends on our continued reputation for high quality please inform us immediately of any change in your
and reliability. Please remember to maintain a high circumstances. This may be a new skill you have
standard of professional conduct and to do your best acquired, or perhaps a change of address, phone
to promote the interests of Blue Arrow at all times. number, e-mail address, bank account, mobility
or your availability for work.
Entitlement to Work in the UK If seeking assignments requiring any licence or
permit, for example as a driver, you must inform
You must be legally entitled to work in the UK.
us immediately of any changes to your licence.
You must confirm that you are legally entitled to
You must also tell us if there is a change to your
work in the UK. If Blue Arrow discovers that you
health and fitness compared to the information
do not have permission to live and work in the
provided by you at registration. If you become
UK, or if your permission to do so is revoked or
pregnant, you should inform your Blue Arrow
expired, Blue Arrow will be entitled to terminate
branch who will provide you with a copy of
your employment immediately without giving you
the Maternity Policy.
any notice or paying you in lieu of notice. Blue Arrow
can do so in those circumstances without giving you
any warning in terms of the disciplinary procedure. Scope of Assignment
If there are any changes to your visa or other
If you are asked to do additional tasks - please let
permissions to work in the UK, you must inform
us know straight away.
your Blue Arrow branch immediately.
While on an assignment, you must not carry out
any job functions or tasks that are outside the scope
Outside Employment of your assignment as notified to you. If, whilst
If you wish to undertake outside employment then working on an assignment, you are requested
you must inform Blue Arrow in order to meet Working by the Client to carry out a task outside this scope,
Time Regulation requirements. The work undertaken please contact your Blue Arrow branch immediately.
must not be in competition with the business of the
Client, must not affect the performance of your duties Personal Appearance
and must not prevent you from being available
to accept assignments. Blue Arrow Flexible Employees are renowned for
maintaining a high level of personal appearance
and dress at all times. Presenting a professional
image is very important.
In particular, you should follow all instructions from
the Client regarding uniforms, safety equipment
and PPE, special grooming, appearance or
conduct, specifically with reference to health,
safety and hygiene. If you have any doubts as
to what is expected, please ask your Blue Arrow
branch representative.

If dressed inappropriately you may be sent home 
Treat with courtesy and respect the Client
and required to return suitably attired. In such and all fellow employees.
circumstances, no payment will be made for time

Conform to the normal hours of work for
spent away from work.
the Client’s workplace (unless alternative
In circumstances where you consider that observing arrangements have been made in advance
the dress code may contravene principles regarding by your Blue Arrow branch and the Client).
discrimination, you should contact your Blue Arrow

Take all reasonable steps while working for the
branch in order to discuss the issue.
Client to safeguard your own safety and the
safety of any others who may be present or
Personal Appearance - Catering affected by your actions during the assignment
and comply with the Health and Safety Policy
Flexible Employees working in a catering of the Client.
environment may be required to wear a uniform
provided by the Client whilst on Assignment for 
Do not engage in any conduct detrimental
health and hygiene reasons. In the event the Client to the interests of the Client.
has any specific dress code requirements we will 
Do not use any motor vehicle or any
advise you before you commence the Assignment. mechanised equipment in connection with
any assignment unless proper insurance
cover is in force for such use.
Employment by the Client

You shall indemnify and keep indemnified
If you are looking for permanent employment you Blue Arrow against loss or liability incurred
are in the ideal position as a Blue Arrow flexible directly or indirectly by Blue Arrow arising
employee. Not only do our Clients often offer out of any such use.
permanent work to people who perform well,
If in doubt about any rules or practices ask
but you also have the ideal opportunity to try
your Blue Arrow branch.
a job before you commit yourself. If you are
offered a permanent job by any Client please
let your Blue Arrow branch know immediately. Property and Resources
Flexible Employees are asked to respect
Conduct Blue Arrow and Client property at all times
and ensure the cost conscious use of telephones,
Don’t forget - you’re representing
stationery etc. Telephones, fax machines and
Blue Arrow at all times.
internet/e-mail facilities, etc., must not be used
Please conduct yourself professionally at all for personal use unless prior authorisation has
times. Be polite and aim never to cause offence been obtained from the Client. No personal files,
or misunderstanding. Remember that when on messages or other information should be
assignment you are our ambassador. Future saved on Client computers.
Client assignments may depend on your conduct.
Misuse of Blue Arrow or Client resources
It is not possible to provide a comprehensive list may be treated as a disciplinary matter.
of rules as to how you should conduct yourself,
but the following list outlines normal rules
and practices to be followed:

Co-operate with the Client, its employees
and other workers. Accept the direction,
supervision and instruction of any responsible
person in the Client’s organisation.

Observe any rules and regulations of the
Client’s workplace to which your attention has
been drawn or which you might reasonably
be expected to anticipate or find out.

Security Smoking
Please ensure that you comply with Client security The Smoke-free Regulations 2007 make it illegal
measures at all times, including any instructions to smoke in all enclosed or substantially enclosed
relating to the wearing of security badges public places and workplaces. You must adhere to
or identity cards. the Client’s smoke free policy. Failure to do so may
You may be provided with items such as keys be treated as a disciplinary matter. You must also
and access cards as are necessary to gain access comply with any restrictions regarding the use
to parts of the Client’s premises. These items remain of electronic cigarettes.
the property of the Client and should be returned
as requested or on termination of your assignment. Alcohol and Substance Abuse
Please keep confidential information, valuables,
Blue Arrow regards drunkenness or disorderly
equipment and materials adequately secured
conduct (including being under the influence
at all times.
of alcohol, unauthorised substances, misusing
You must never be in unauthorised possession substances or misusing prescribed medication)
of any property, including cash, belonging to whilst at work, on Blue Arrow or Client business
the Client, your colleagues or Blue Arrow. or otherwise on Blue Arrow’s or a Client’s premises,
Report suspicious incidents or loss of items as being gross misconduct for which you can
immediately to your Blue Arrow branch. be dismissed summarily.
Blue Arrow and the Client reserve the right to test
any Flexible Employee both prior to entry and before
Stop and Search exit from the working location, for the presence
of alcohol or other substances in the body, using
Blue Arrow and the Client reserve the right to
whatever reasonable means are at their disposal.
stop and search fully any Flexible Employee
Should alcohol, unlawful or misused substances
(or their vehicles), both prior to entry and before
be present the assignment will be immediately
exit from the working location, using whatever
terminated and you may be summarily dismissed
reasonable means are at their disposal. Access
from your employment with Blue Arrow.
may also be denied to the working location
as part of the Stop and Search Policy. It is part of your terms of employment that, if you are
asked to take part in a random alcohol or substance
It is part of your terms of employment that,
test this is complied with. Failure to comply may
you must comply with a random stop and search
result in disciplinary action which could lead to
request. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary
summary dismissal.
action and may lead to summary dismissal.
You should inform your Blue Arrow branch of any
A search may be made of your office, desk,
prescribed drug you are taking or course of treatment
filing cabinet, car, bag or person.
you are following which may have an impact upon
your ability properly to perform your job (e.g. by
making you drowsy or affecting concentration). It is
your responsibility to ensure that your practitioner/
pharmacist is aware of the requirements of your
job. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are
fully informed of the potential side effects of any
drug/treatment recommended for you, and that any
potential side effects are reported to your Blue Arrow
branch. Any misuse of prescribed medication may
be considered gross misconduct for which you can
be dismissed summarily.

Blue Arrow regards the selling, purchasing, use Night-Working
or possession of any illegal substance whilst at
work, on Blue Arrow or Client business or otherwise If you are classed as a night worker, you are
on Blue Arrow’s or a Client’s premises, as gross entitled to request a health screening questionnaire
misconduct for which you may be summarily from your Blue Arrow branch in order to identify
dismissed. Blue Arrow reserves the right to any potential risks to your health of such work.
inform the police of any such behaviour. If your health changes after you have filled
out a questionnaire, you may ask for and fill
out a further questionnaire. If you are in any
Tools, Equipment and doubt as to your status, you should ask your
Personal Protective Equipment Blue Arrow branch.

If, as a matter of convenience, you are provided

with any tools or equipment by Blue Arrow Driving Fines and Penalties
or a Client for the purposes of an assignment, You will be personally liable for any fines or penalties
you shall be responsible for the security and incurred due to driving offences for which you are
condition of such tools or equipment. If any tools responsible, including parking fines for any reason,
or equipment are damaged or lost whilst in your whilst using Client or company vehicles whether
care, you will be responsible for the cost of any on public roads or private premises. Failure to pay
necessary repairs or replacement. any fines within the required timescale may lead
You will pay Blue Arrow the cost of repair or to disciplinary action. Any fines or penalties that
replacement where the tools/equipment belong to are levied via a Client or not paid by you within
Blue Arrow. Or you will pay Blue Arrow an amount the required timescale, or are outstanding at the
equivalent to any charge made to Blue Arrow by time you leave Blue Arrow may be subject to an
the Client where the tools/equipment belong to the administration charge. Both will be deducted from
Client. Blue Arrow may, if it wishes, obtain part or all any monies due to you.
of such payment by making deductions from pay due
to you under the terms of your terms of employment.
Road Traffic Accidents
You may be required to wear personal protective
equipment (PPE). If required PPE will be supplied and Accidents in the Workplace
free of charge and must be worn when necessary. All accidents, no matter how small, must be reported
Should you fail to return any PPE provided at the in accordance with the Client’s accident reporting
end of your assignment, in good condition allowing procedures and directly to your Blue Arrow branch
for fair wear and tear, the replacement cost may as soon as possible.
be deducted from any money owed.

Should you be contacted by any section of the
media in relation to your employment with Blue Arrow
or any assignment through Blue Arrow, you will
inform your Blue Arrow branch immediately before
making any response. In no circumstances should
Blue Arrow or any Client’s name be identified in any
statement, interview or other communication.

Our Policies
Equality at Work Public Interest Disclosure
Blue Arrow is committed to the principle of equality We take malpractice seriously.
in the workplace. The same applies to the way You can obtain a copy of the Public
Blue Arrow’s recruitment services are offered Interest Disclosure Policy from
to Clients and Flexible Employees. www.bluearrowlearningcentre.co.uk
Entry to and promotion within Blue Arrow are or via your Blue Arrow Representative.
determined solely by the application of objective Blue Arrow encourages Flexible Employees
criteria and personal merit. to raise genuine concerns about malpractice
No Flexible Employee of Blue Arrow will be treated at the earliest practicable stage rather than
less favourably than another on grounds of age, wait for proof. Malpractice within the Company
disability, gender re-assignment, marriage and is taken very seriously.
civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, In the first instance any concerns should be
religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation or trade raised with Blue Arrow Employee Relations
union involvement. by telephoning 01582 692 830 or by e-mail
This statement has been drawn up to ensure to [email protected].
that employees comply with all legal requirements
and understand the main points of the relevant Data Protection
legislation, to prevent discrimination.
Blue Arrow as part of the Impellam Group is
A copy of the full Equality Policy is available
committed to complying with not only to the letter
from www.bluearrowlearningcentre.co.uk
of the law relating to data protection, but also to the
or via your Blue Arrow Representative.
spirit of the law and places high importance on the
correct, lawful, and fair handling of all personal data,
Dignity at Work respecting the legal rights, privacy, and trust of all
individuals with whom it deals with. You will be given
As part of its overall commitment to equal
appropriate data protection training and a copy
opportunities, Blue Arrow is fully committed to
of the Group’s Privacy Notice.
promoting a harmonious working environment.
Every Flexible Employee has the right to be treated If you become aware of a data breach
with respect and dignity, in an environment free or suspected data breach please report it
from harassment, victimisation and bullying, whether immediately to [email protected].
it is related to disability, race, gender, health, social Additionally if you wish to exercise your
class, sexual preference, marital status, nationality, data subject rights please contact
religion, employment status, age or membership [email protected].
or non-membership of a trade union.
A copy of the full Dignity at Work Policy is available
from www.bluearrowlearningcentre.co.uk
or via your Blue Arrow Representative.

Family Friendly Arrangements
Maternity Leave and Pay Parental Leave
You can obtain a copy of the Maternity Policy from You can obtain a copy of the Parental Leave Policy
www.bluearrowlearningcentre.co.uk or via your from www.bluearrowlearningcentre.co.uk or via your
Blue Arrow Representative. The Maternity Policy Blue Arrow Representative. The Parental Leave
describes the rights of female Flexible Workers Policy describes the rights of Flexible Workers
to a number of maternity benefits. The benefits to take parental leave.
include time off work for antenatal care,
maternity leave and maternity pay. Dependent Care Leave
You can obtain a copy of the Dependent Care Leave
Adoption Leave and Pay Policy from www.bluearrowlearningcentre.co.uk
You can obtain a copy of the Adoption Policy from or via your Blue Arrow Representative.
www.bluearrowlearningcentre.co.uk or via your
Blue Arrow Representative. The Adoption Policy Parental Bereavement Leave
describes the rights of Flexible Workers to a number
of benefits in respect of their adoption of a child. Blue Arrow is committed to supporting our
flexible employees by ensuring bereaved
parents can take parental bereavement leave
Paternity Leave and Pay following the loss of a child. You can obtain
You can obtain a copy of the Paternity Policy from a copy of the Parental Bereavement Leave Policy
www.bluearrowlearningcentre.co.uk or via your from www.bluearrowlearningcentre.co.uk or via
Blue Arrow Representative. The Paternity Policy your Blue Arrow Representative.
describes the rights of Flexible Workers to receive
paternity leave and pay on either the birth Flexible Working
or adoption of a child.
You can obtain a copy of the Flexible Working
Policy from www.bluearrowlearningcentre.co.uk
Shared Parental Leave and Pay or via your Blue Arrow Representative.
You can obtain a copy of the Shared Parental Leave
Policy from www.bluearrowlearningcentre.co.uk
or via your Blue Arrow Representative. The Shared
Parental Leave Policy describes the rights of eligible
mothers, fathers, partners, adopters and surrogate
parents who can choose how to share time off work
after their child is born or placed via an adoption
or surrogacy arrangement.

Discipline and Grievances
Disputes The aims of the policy are:
To be consistent in the treatment
Working in harmony
of comparable cases.
No dispute between any Flexible Employees
To allow for careful investigation before
shall be permitted to occur either on Blue Arrow
penalties are applied.
or Client premises. Blue Arrow requires that each
Flexible Employee will at all times work in harmony To aim to correct behaviour where possible.
with work colleagues. To deal rapidly and effectively with misconduct
It is expected that Flexible Employees will maintain and incapability.
a good working relationship with colleagues at all To be fair to all Flexible Employees at all levels
times, complying with all procedures including of the organisation in disciplinary matters.
the Dignity at Work and Equality Policies. If you This policy is applicable to all Blue Arrow Flexible
have a concern or complaint relating to your Employees. It may be varied by Blue Arrow from
employment you should raise the matter under time to time.
the Grievance Procedure.

Disciplinary Policy Informal Stage
and Procedure In some instances Blue Arrow may consider that
there is no need to take formal disciplinary action,
Purpose and that it is sufficient to counsel you where conduct
Blue Arrow is committed to behaving fairly and or capability are considered to be unsatisfactory.
consistently towards all Flexible Employees when Such counselling will still be documented in your
investigating and dealing with alleged instances of personnel records.
unacceptable conduct or performance. To promote
that purpose Blue Arrow has developed a procedure Formal Stage
for disciplinary matters. It does not form part of any When disciplinary matters require a hearing to
statement of terms of employment unless required to be held, whenever practicable you will be given
do so by law. Blue Arrow reserves the right to depart reasonable notice and those concerned will be
from the precise components of its disciplinary informed in advance of the matter(s) to be discussed.
procedure where it is appropriate to do so. You will receive a letter inviting you to attend the
All cases of misconduct or poor performance must disciplinary hearing. This letter will set out the
be dealt with in accordance with a fair procedure. matters to be discussed at the hearing and any
alleged conduct which led to disciplinary action
being taken. You will be notified of the possible
consequences (including where appropriate the risk
of dismissal). You must take all reasonable steps
to attend the meeting. If you cannot attend the
hearing you should notify the appropriate Blue Arrow
manager and an alternative time will be arranged.
A failure to attend with no good reason may be
treated as misconduct in itself. If you fail to attend
without good reason, or are persistently unable to
do so (for example for health reasons), we may have
to take a decision based on the available evidence.

At any formal disciplinary hearing, you have the You will have the right to appeal against
right to be accompanied by a Blue Arrow Flexible any disciplinary penalty imposed.
Employee or Trade Union representative. You will An appropriate Blue Arrow manager or consultant
be entitled to hear details of any complaint made, will conduct the disciplinary hearing. They will then
and to examine any relevant documents prior make the decision on the level of disciplinary
to the disciplinary hearing. You will be given an action to be taken.
opportunity to respond to the matters raised prior
A disciplinary penalty may be introduced depending
to a final decision being made. At the conclusion of
on the seriousness of the offence. Any further
each stage, you will be given a letter recording the
incident of misconduct or under-performance which
outcome of the hearing and the means of appeal.
takes place within the lifetime of a previous warning
No disciplinary sanction will be imposed on you is likely to result in a more serious penalty being
until the case has been investigated. imposed, even if the nature of the second offence
You may be suspended with pay pending the is different from the previous one.
conclusion of the investigation and/or disciplinary Blue Arrow has the right to determine what
procedure, without prejudice. disciplinary action is appropriate based on the
You will not normally be dismissed for a first breach facts of each case. Not all available forms of
of discipline except in the case of gross misconduct. discipline are appropriate to every disciplinary
The penalty for gross misconduct may be dismissal situation, and it is not required that Blue Arrow treat
without notice and without payment in lieu of notice. each form of discipline as a step in a series to be
followed with an employee before termination.
Blue Arrow’s practice of employee discipline does
not imply that “progressive” discipline is required.
All cases of disciplinary action under this procedure
will be recorded and placed in Blue Arrow’s records.
A copy of Blue Arrow’s relevant records will be
supplied at your request.

The following procedural stages apply to offences Stage 3 - Dismissal
other than gross misconduct: If conduct and/or performance remains unsatisfactory
and you still fail to reach the prescribed standards
Stage 1 - First Written Warning
then dismissal will normally result. This stage of the
If conduct or performance does not meet acceptable disciplinary procedure will normally be carried out by
standards, you will normally be given a first a Blue Arrow manager. The reason(s) for dismissal
written warning. will be specified and communicated to you and
Such a warning will set out the precise details of the where appropriate, reference will be made to any
offence, the length of time the warning will remain previous disciplinary action taken. The dismissal
on file, the improvement in conduct or performance notice will indicate the effective date of termination
required and the time scale if applicable. It will also of employment together with the right of appeal.
set out the likely consequences of further offences Dismissal at this stage will normally be with notice
and what action will be considered if there is no or pay in lieu of notice. A letter informing you of
satisfactory improvement. You will also be notified the termination of employment will be sent to you
of the right of appeal. A letter informing you of the and kept on your personnel file at Blue Arrow.
first written warning will be sent to you and kept
on your personnel file at Blue Arrow.
Gross Misconduct
Stage 2 - Final Written Warning
You will not normally be dismissed for a first
If there is still a failure to improve conduct and/or offence except for instances of gross misconduct.
performance and these remain unsatisfactory, or
The following list provides examples of offences,
alternatively if the misconduct and/or performance
which are normally regarded as gross misconduct.
is sufficiently serious to warrant only one final
This list indicates the type of offences that constitute
written warning (but insufficient to justify dismissal)
gross misconduct but is not exhaustive. An act of
then a final written warning will be issued to you.
gross misconduct will normally warrant summary
A final written warning can also be given for an
dismissal without the normal period of notice
accumulation of minor offences for which a first
or payment in lieu of notice.
written warning may not have already been issued.
The warning will, if appropriate, refer to any previous
disciplinary action and will state the consequences
of failure to improve as required and the length of
time the warning will remain on file. You will also
be notified of the right of appeal. A letter informing
you of the final written warning will be sent to you
and kept on your personnel file at Blue Arrow.

Gross Misconduct Performance and Capability
Falsification of records, or documents including
With reference to capability and performance,
those relating to the attendance or timekeeping
standards in terms of quality and quantity of work
of any employee.
will be discussed and set down between you
Fighting or acts of violence or intimidation. and the Client line manager or your Blue Arrow
Refusal to comply with or deliberate disregard contact for each assignment. Incapability by you
of Health and Safety regulations. may be regarded as justification for dismissal
Persistent refusal to obey reasonable without formal warnings.
instructions given by a line manager.
Wilfully endangering others. Appeal Procedure
Serious misrepresentation on the flexible If you have been given a formal warning or have
employment application. been dismissed with or without notice you will be
Unauthorised possession of Blue Arrow/ entitled to appeal where reasonably practicable
Client property or property of third parties. to the next level of management.
Serious negligence which causes unacceptable Appeals must be lodged with Blue Arrow within
loss, damage or injury. five working days of receipt of any formal warning
Conduct which could bring Blue Arrow/ or notice of dismissal.
Client into disrepute. If your warning was issued by the Blue Arrow
Theft, attempted theft or wilful damage branch, you should lodge your appeal in writing
to Blue Arrow/Client property, or property with Employee Relations at Blue Arrow’s Head
belonging to any individual. Office address: Blue Arrow Ltd, 800 The Boulevard,
Capability Green, Luton, Beds, LU1 3BA.
Failure to maintain the correct frequency
of contact with Blue Arrow whilst Reasons for the appeal must be stated. Mere
between assignments. disagreement with the disciplinary action taken will
not be considered as a suitable basis for an appeal.
Being drunk and disorderly, or under the
influence of alcohol whilst on Blue Arrow/ All appeals will be considered as quickly as possible.
Client premises or business. The decision made on appeal will be final and will
be given to the Flexible Employee in writing within
Being in possession or under the influence 10 days of the appeal hearing.
of illegal substances or under the influence
of misused prescribed medication whilst Please note that this appeals procedure relates
on Blue Arrow/Client premises or business. specifically to the outcome of a disciplinary hearing
and must not be confused with the grievance
Unauthorised disclosure of any Blue Arrow/ procedure, which relates to concerns raised
Client information. by you about your job.
Serious and/or persistent harassment or
discrimination or bullying whether sexual,
racial or otherwise.
Serious act of insubordination or insulting,
abusive or indecent behaviour.

Convictions for any offence affecting staff or
external relations which amount to a breach of trust.
The abuse or misuse of Blue Arrow/Client internet
or e-mail systems, including copyright infringement,
distribution of obscenity, libel, slander, fraud,
defamation, plagiarism, harassment, intimidation,
forgery, impersonation, soliciting for illegal
pyramid schemes and computer tampering
(e.g. spreading of computer viruses).
Unreasonable refusal of a suitable assignment.
Grievance Policy and Procedure They will escalate your grievance to the appropriate
Blue Arrow manager. Your grievance should set out
Purpose the nature of the complaint including any relevant
Blue Arrow recognises that from time to time facts, dates and names of individuals involved so
Flexible Employees may wish to seek redress that we can investigate it. The Blue Arrow manager
for grievances relating to their employment. will invite you to attend a meeting to discuss your
Blue Arrow has a responsibility to ensure that grievance. You must take all reasonable steps to
any grievance that is raised is dealt with promptly. attend the meeting. At any formal grievance hearing,
you have the right to be accompanied by a Blue
The aim of this grievance procedure is to provide
Arrow work colleague or Trade Union representative.
a process by which a Flexible Employee may raise
If you cannot attend the hearing you should notify the
a grievance and where necessary to enable the
appropriate Blue Arrow manager and an alternative
aggrieved person to appeal to the second level of
time will be arranged. If you fail to attend without
management. The ambition of the procedure is to
good reason, or are persistently unable to do so
settle any grievance or issue as near as possible
(for example for health reasons), we may have to
to the point of origin.
take a decision based on the available evidence.
Blue Arrow’s policy is to encourage free The Blue Arrow manager will give his/her decision
communication between Flexible Employees and within 10 working days of the grievance being heard.
their line managers/Blue Arrow to ensure a speedy Blue Arrow is committed to hearing and resolving
resolution to disputes. This procedure is applicable all disputes as quickly as possible. If the grievance
to all Blue Arrow Flexible Employees. involves a Client employee then the Client will
be consulted as part of the procedure.
Stage 2 (Final Stage)
The grievance procedure does not form part of your If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your
terms of employment unless required to do so by grievance you may appeal in writing to the next level
law. Blue Arrow may adopt any procedure that it of management. Your appeal must be sent within
considers suitable to the circumstances. If you have 5 working days of your receipt of the response to
a grievance about your employment/assignment your Stage 1 grievance. Your appeal should outline
you should discuss it informally with your Blue Arrow clearly the nature of the grievance and in what
branch. We hope that the majority of concerns way you believe the matter was not satisfactorily
will be resolved at this stage. addressed at Stage 1.
Stage 1 The manager considering the appeal will review:
If the matter is not resolved to your satisfaction, 
The information you have presented and the
you should put your grievance in writing to reasons you give for progressing the grievance
Employee Relations at Blue Arrow’s Head to Stage 2.
Office address: 
The procedure that was followed at Stage 1.
Blue Arrow Ltd, 800 The Boulevard,
Capability Green, Luton, Beds, LU1 3BA Normally within 10 working days of receiving the
or by e-mail to appeal, the manager will hold an appeal hearing.
[email protected] This timescale can be extended if required.
You must take all reasonable steps to attend the
meeting. At any formal grievance hearing, you
have the right to be accompanied by a Blue Arrow
work colleague or Trade Union representative.
After hearing your appeal the manager will advise
you in writing of his/her appeal decision, normally
within 10 working days of hearing the appeal.
If it is not possible to respond within the specified
time period you will be given an explanation for the
delay and told when you can expect a response.

18 The appeal decision is final.

Health and Safety
Health and Safety Policy 
Co-operate with the Client on Health
and Safety matters and observe all Health
As a company, Blue Arrow has an excellent record and Safety instructions and regulations
of accident prevention and it is our aim to maintain from the Client.
this record by ensuring the health and safety of

Wear (and request if you consider it necessary)
Flexible Employees, Clients, representatives and
any protective clothing and use any safety
visitors. It is Blue Arrow’s policy to make sure that
equipment that has been provided in order
health and safety provision is made for the Flexible
to carry out any assignment.
Employees it supplies. In order to achieve this,
it is necessary to obtain full support from every 
Observe the Client’s Health and Safety Policy
Flexible Employee and Client. at all times and ask for sight of the Policy before
starting any assignment. Take care to follow any
Blue Arrow undertakes to: safety regulations and be responsible not only

Request Flexible Employees and Clients for your own health and safety at work but also
co-operate with Blue Arrow and with each other for that of your colleagues and employees
in order to promote safety and reduce hazards. of the Client.

Request that Clients give details of specialist Clients have a duty to:
skills or qualifications required to carry

Treat all Flexible Employees as they would their
out an assignment together with Health
own employees for all Health and Safety matters
and Safety information.
and ensure a safe system of work at all times.

Pass to the Flexible Employee all information

Provide Blue Arrow with information on special
provided by the Client on Health and Safety
qualifications or skills which the Flexible
issues connected with the assignment.
Employee will need and on special features

Require the employee to adhere to the Client’s of the work that is likely to affect the Health
Health and Safety Policy at all times whilst on and Safety of Flexible Employees.
an assignment.

Co-operate and co-ordinate with Flexible
You have a duty to: Employees on Health and Safety matters.

Assess risks to your own health and safety to 
Provide Flexible Employees working with
which you are exposed at work. This extends them with information on Health and Safety
to reporting any dangers or potential risks to risks and measures.
the safety representative or other official of 
Make available to the Flexible Employees safety
the Client and your Blue Arrow branch. equipment and protective clothing as necessary

Stop working immediately if you consider for the job to be undertaken and ensure its use.
that your working environment is unsafe 
Tell the Flexible Employee the name of his/her
and immediately report the matter to the authorised Health and Safety representative.
safety representative or other official of 
Record any accidents or injuries in their
the Client and your Blue Arrow branch. Accident Record Book and report to the

Work in a safe manner taking all reasonable Health and Safety Executive, in accordance
steps to safeguard your own safety and that with current requirements.
of any persons who may be affected 
Assess Health and Safety risks
by your actions. and record the result of

Report incidents that have or may lead to the assessment.
accident or injury to the safety representative
or other official of the Client and your
Blue Arrow branch.

First Aid and Accidents Electricity
Reporting accidents is really important. Take care with.
All accidents, no matter how small, must be The 2 main risks from electricity are:
reported to the designated Client representative 1. Shocks
and your Blue Arrow branch. All accidents must
2. Fires
be recorded in the Client’s Accident Record Book,
maintained by the Client’s designated First Aider.
The risks of electrical shocks and fires
If you have an accident, get first aid treatment
can be reduced by:
immediately. The smallest cut, if neglected,
could result in infection. Not overloading sockets.
Keeping electrical equipment well maintained
and cable and flex in good repair.
Not repairing or adjusting electrical appliances
Learn the fire drill for every place you work when they are switched on or connected
- each one may be different. to mains supply.
You must ensure that you are fully conversant Never touching light switches or appliances
with and comply with the fire and other emergency with wet hands.
procedures and take part in all drills as organised/
(The repair and maintenance of electrical appliances
notified by Blue Arrow and/or the Client.
is a job for an expert.)
You must ensure that you do not render any fire
escape or fire escape routes at the site unavailable
for emergency use, nor cause any obstruction at Display Screen
any time to any staircases, passages, walkways, Equipment (VDUs)
entrances and exits or any other part of the site.
Be careful when you constantly use
If you require further guidance you should refer
computer screens.
to your Blue Arrow branch or the Client.
Regulations suggest that you take periodic breaks
Make sure you know: from the VDU. This does not mean that you have
How to raise the fire alarm. to stop work. The recommendation is that you take
time out from using the screen every one to two
The fire evacuation procedure.
hours. It is stressed that frequent short breaks
Where the fire extinguishers are are better than occasional longer ones.
and how to use them.
If as a result of regular use of display screen
The whereabouts of all fire exits. equipment you think you may need an eye test,
you should contact your Blue Arrow branch before
taking any test. Blue Arrow will provide a voucher
for the cost of an eye test and contribute towards
the cost of glasses, provided they are required
for use with display screen equipment.
Blue Arrow’s decision on whether you are
a regular display screen user is final.

Manual Handling 
Keep long hair tucked under a cap or tied back.

Do not distract other people who are
There’s a correct way to pick up heavy
using machines.
weights - be kind to your back.

Inform your supervisor if any machine
Manual handling regulations cover the tasks
is not working properly.
involving supporting or transporting loads by physical
human effort. You should familiarise yourself with
good handling techniques as hazards are not only Hand Tools
presented by heavy loads. There is no particular
To avoid accidents with hand tools follow
maximum weight specified in the regulations,
the basic safety rules:
which recognise the fact that whilst weight is
evidently a significant factor, there are other 
Use the right tool for the job.
considerations of equal importance. 
Make sure that it is in good condition.

Use it in the correct way.
You should think about the following points
if you have to do any lifting: 
Do not use tools you have
not been trained for.

Plan the lift. What is the best way to get the
load from A to B? 
Report worn and broken tools.

Ensure you are balanced properly for lifting
by positioning the feet apart. Safety Signs

Adopt a good posture, bend the knees using Safety signs must comply with strict requirements
them to lift, and keep the back straight. on their shape and colour.

Get a firm grip on the load. There are four types of safety signs

Keep the load close to your body.

Lift smoothly trying not to jerk.
1. Information.

Do not twist your body when turning to the side.
White on Green background

Put the load down before adjusting it to the
desired position.
2. Prohibition.
Machinery Red on White background
The 5 main types of danger from machines are:
1. Traps
3. Warning.
2. Entanglement
Black on Yellow background
3. Contact
4. Ejection
5. Impact 4. Mandatory.
Blue on White background
To minimise risk:

Operate only machines you have been trained
and authorised to use. Always ensure you understand and observe
any safety signs displayed.

Make sure you can reach the controls easily
and know how to stop the machine.

Safety guards fitted to machines must be used.

Wait until a machine has stopped and has been
switched off before you clean and clear it.

Beware dangling jewellery or loose clothing
which could get caught in moving parts.
Control of Substances Hazardous Examples of hazardous substances include:
Chemicals, e.g. cleaning chemicals or bleach.
to Health Regulations (2002)
Fumes, e.g. from paint or vehicles that exhaust.
What is COSHH? Gases, e.g. ammonia from refrigerators.
COSHH stands for the Control of Substances Dusts and powder, e.g. from flour.
Hazardous to Health Regulations (2002). It exists
to ensure that both employers and employees do It’s worth noting that even seemingly innocent
all they can in a workplace to minimise people’s substances can be harmful, and that includes natural
exposure to hazardous substances and work materials like wood dust or flour.
in ways that are safe. While many hazardous substances can cause
This means that all hazardous substances need immediate harm, such as a corrosive liquid being
to be identified and precautions need to be taken spilled onto someone’s skin, the main danger posed
to ensure that workers know how to use and handle by hazardous substances is prolonged exposure.
them safely. For example, if someone is in the presence of or
uses a dangerous chemical for a long time, they
The importance of controlling hazardous substances could develop breathing difficulties or skin conditions.
cannot be overstated. In 2012/13, around 35,000
workers reported that they had breathing or lung Examples of ill-health caused by hazardous
problems caused by work, and the most common substances includes:
type of reported skin disease was contact dermatitis. Occupational asthma.
And it’s estimated that around 13,000 deaths Occupational dermatitis.
occur each year due to occupational lung disease Occupational cancers.
and cancer - fatal conditions that will have developed
Skin irritation.
over a prolonged period of exposure to dusts
and chemicals at work. Infection from bacteria.

As an employee you can prevent statistics like this Injury or death as a result of exposure
from increasing. If you fulfil your workplace duties, to toxic fumes.
you can prevent dangerous levels of exposure
and meet COSHH requirements. Employee Responsibilities under COSHH
Employee responsibilities within the COSHH
What is a Hazardous Substance? (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health)
Simply put, a hazardous substance is any mixture Regulations of 2002 include:
or substance that is toxic, irritant, or corrosive - Making use of control measures
whether it’s a liquid, gas, vapour, fume, or dust. and facilities provided by the employer.
They cause harm to the body via routes of entry: Ensuring equipment is returned
By coming into contact with skin or eyes. and stored properly.

By being inhaled. Reporting defects/insufficiencies

in control measures.
By being ingested through the mouth.
Wearing and storing personal protective
By entering the body through cuts or punctures
equipment (PPE).
in the skin.
Removing PPE that could cause contamination
Although there are certain industries that will be at
before eating or drinking.
greater risk, hazardous substances could exist in
any workplace. They are often used directly in work Making proper use of washing, showering
activities, produced by work activities, or already and bathing facilities when required.
present in your workplace’s premises. Maintaining a high level of personal hygiene.
Complying with any information,
instruction or training that is provided.

COSHH Regulations 
Jewellery: with the exception of plain wedding
From 2015, however, new European regulations rings and plain stud earrings, should not be
have been phasing out the symbols you’re familiar worn while on duty.
with and replacing them with new ‘harmonised’ 
Personal hygiene: please take care with
classifications for global usage. personal freshness. Frequent washing and
This system was made by the United Nations the use of deodorants are recommended.
in 1992, and it intends to make all packaging Ensure that your uniform is clean and fresh.
symbols conform to an internationally agreed criteria 
Sickness: never cough or sneeze near food.
(all United Nations countries must conform to it). A clean handkerchief or tissue should be used
If you work with hazardous chemicals you need to contain the cough or sneeze, which should
to know what these new symbols mean. then be disposed of immediately. Hands must
then be washed.
These symbols come with a signal word on the
packaging, either ‘danger’ or ‘warning’ to help Flexible Employees must inform their Blue Arrow
alert you to the level of hazard you face. branch immediately if they are suffering from any
of the following conditions: food poisoning; typhoid/
paratyphoid; dysentery; hepatitis; influenza; ear or
throat infection; stomach upset; open sores; eczema.
Please note that under no circumstances should you
work in a catering environment whilst suffering from
any of these ailments.
Explosives Flammable Oxidising
Special Notes for
Driving Assignments

Always observe the requirements of the
EU Driving Hours and Working Time (Road
Transport) Regulations. If you are in any doubt
Gases Under Corrosive Toxic
please contact your Blue Arrow branch.

Always observe the relevant legislation including
the Road Traffic acts and Highway Code.

Ensure that the load is secure. It is your
responsibility as the driver even if the vehicle
has been loaded by someone else.

Caution Environmental Long Term 

Check that the vehicle has not been overloaded
Hazards Hazards in both gross weight and individual axles.
If you feel that it has, ask the Transport/
Traffic Manager for permission to proceed
to a weighbridge.
Special Notes for Food
Production Assignments

Hands must be washed frequently, especially
after using the toilet, after breaks, before starting
work and between tasks. Cuts and sores must be
covered. Nails must be short and unvarnished.
Acrylic false nails are not acceptable.
Hair must be clean and neat. If long it must
always be tied back and secured under
protective headwear when working in
a food preparation or service area.

Ensure that the load is evenly distributed, It is recognised that the use of hot equipment
particularly after partial unloading. and liquids, including steam, hot or boiling water,
frying oil and the food itself, is an essential part

Always complete sufficient checks on the
of the catering environment and the hazards can
vehicle to ensure its roadworthiness before
never be entirely eliminated.
leaving the premises.
The nature of the catering environment is such

Make sure that the Client is informed of any
that cuts are one of the most common occupational
defects and they are entered in the Defect
hazards in the kitchen. It is essential that cuts are
Report Book.
minimised, by ensuring that all staff, particularly the

Ensure that you know how to operate all less experienced staff, are aware of the hazards
vehicle equipment before starting your journey. and take appropriate precautions to minimise
If you have any doubts contact the Client. injury to themselves and others.
There is risk of injury when carrying out cleaning of
Special Notes for stainless steel equipment, particularly when cleaning
sharp underside surfaces or recesses etc. Staff must
Catering Assignments use common sense when carrying out such cleaning
The following are common major hazards: and use personal protective equipment if provided.

Floors, steps and stairs throughout,
Key measures include:
particularly if wet.

Correct knife training and procedures,

Dangerous machines, including slicers,
particularly with respect to use and storage.
mincers, mixers, food processors
and waste disposal units. 
Staff use the appropriate knife or implement
for the purpose it is intended.

Manual handling hazards, particularly movement
of hot pans and food stocks. Large cooking pots, 
Adequate supervision must be given to all
containing hot liquid, must not be carried across staff and particularly those under training
the kitchen; a safe system of decanting should as young persons.
be implemented. 
Care must be taken when opening tins,

Storage, use and disposal of cleaning products with appropriate safeguards and equipment
and pest control baits. being used.

Storage and use of knives and other sharp 
Care must be taken when opening food
work equipment. packages, particularly when handling wire
staples etc. All such packaging must be

Electrical installation to equipment.
disposed of appropriately.

Access and egress to cold rooms and freezers.

Care must be taken when cutting cling film

Access to shelving in stores and kitchen area. and using mandolins.

Work with hot equipment, including ovens, 
Any breakages, including glass jars, bottles,
bain maries and stills or hot water boilers, bowls or dishes or other equipment, must be
fryers and solid tops. immediately and properly cleared away in

Use of barbecue equipment with respect a common sense manner, so as to reduce
to position near flammable materials, the risk of injury to yourself or third parties -
use of gas cylinders and risk of burns disposed of in a rigid container not a plastic bag.
to public or catering staff. 
Care must be taken when using sinks,
when washing up and also removing sharp
or broken items from dishwashers.

No one must intentionally interfere with
equipment or guarding provided to promote
health and safety.

Terms of Employment Between
Blue Arrow Limited (“The Company”)

and:............................................................ NI Number: ................................................

Job Role: ...................................................

You are employed by the Company as one of its Flexible Employees and will be assigned by it to provide
services to the Company’s Clients from time to time. This document gives details of the terms and conditions
upon which you are employed by the Company, as at the date of your first assignment. It contains the initial
employment particulars required by the Employment Rights Act 1996 s1 or Employment Rights Order
(Northern Ireland) 1996 as applicable. Further relevant provisions are included in the Flexible Employee
Handbook (a copy of which is issued with this document). Your terms and conditions of employment are
contained in the application form completed by you, this document and in the Flexible Employee Handbook
except where it is stated therein that certain provisions are not contractual. Those documents constitute the
entire contract between you and the Company. There are no collective agreements which affect your terms
and conditions of employment unless you are being employed for driving assignments in which case you
will be provided with details of the workforce agreement in place. Training will not be provided by the Company
unless it is specifically required for an assignment in which case details of any training will be provided to you.

Signed by: ................................................. Dated: / /

for and on behalf of the Company

I acknowledge I have received a copy of this document and the Flexible Employee Handbook (BABA-0420-
FETOE), I have read, understood and agree to be bound by all the terms contained in it. By my signature
hereof I authorise the Company to make deductions from salary or final payments due to me as specified
herein. I confirm that in connection with any rights I may be entitled to under the AWR (“AWR” means the
Agency Workers Regulations 2010 or the Agency Workers Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2011 as applicable)
I have provided the Company with a full and accurate employment history.

Signed by: ................................................. Dated: / /

the Flexible Employee

1. In this document the following words shall have If the Company is dissatisfied with your
the following meanings:- “assignment” means performance, attendance or conduct during
the period during which you are assigned by the the probationary period you may be dismissed
Company to work for a Client; “Branch” means from the Company with 1 weeks’ notice. The
the branch stated above. “Client” means the Company may extend your probationary period
person, firm, company or organisation to whom for the better assessment of your performance.
you are assigned to work; “Line Manager” means The probationary period will count as part of
the line manager of the Client to whom you report your continuous service.
on a day to day basis; “WTRT Regulations” 3. The Company will assign you from time to time
means The Working Time (Road Transport) to carry out work for Clients. In doing so you
Regulations 2005 or The Road Transport agree to work under the direction of the Client
(Working Time) Regulations (Northern Ireland) at the premises where you are assigned to
2005 as applicable. work from time to time and to carry out those
2. The Company undertakes at all times during duties in a loyal and trustworthy manner. Whilst
the currency of this contract to use reasonable employed by the Company you must comply
endeavours to allocate you to suitable with all the Company’s reasonable instructions,
assignments and as a minimum guarantees that rules, regulations and policies from time to time
you will be offered at least 336 hours of work on in force. It is your responsibility to ensure you
assignment over the course of any full 12 month are familiar with the Company policies which are
period (commencing on the start date of your available from the Branch. You are obliged to
continuous employment) paid at a rate at least comply with any rules or instructions which the
equivalent to the then current National Minimum Client may request you to observe whilst working
Wage. For part-time Flexible Employees the on any premises to which you may be assigned
guarantee shall be pro rata based upon full time by the Company.
work of 35 hours per week. For the avoidance 4. You agree that you may be transferred to a new
of doubt there is no entitlement to any particular assignment at any time, without restriction to
number of hours of work on assignment in any location or Client, as directed by the Company.
particular period shorter than 12 months. The Further you agree that the Company may
provisions of the Apportionment Act 1870 shall terminate an assignment at any time without prior
not apply to this contract. Save as provided for notice, reason or liability. If you wish to terminate
herein, the Company does not guarantee that an assignment you must give the Company one
there will always be a suitable assignment to weeks notice. Termination of an assignment
which you can be allocated. You acknowledge is not termination of your employment by the
that there may be periods when no work is Company or by you and does not affect the
available for you. In such circumstances the continuity of your employment.
Company has no obligation to pay you when you
5. You are employed by the Company under
are not carrying out work or not on assignment.
a contract of service. The Company undertakes
You are obliged to work when required by the
to pay you in respect of work done by you,
Company. If you do not work when required
whether or not the Company is paid by its Client
to do so by the Company, without good cause,
in respect of that work. The Company is acting
the Company shall be entitled to terminate
in relation to you as an employment business as
your employment with immediate effect.
defined by the Employment Agencies Act 1973
Confirmation of your employment is subject and is prohibited (by s 13(1)(a)) of the Act from
to your completion of a probationary period charging you a fee in relation to the work-finding
of 9 months. services provided to you.
6. Your assigned days and hours of work
are variable and will vary according to the
requirements of the Client. It is a condition
of your employment that you work flexibly
in accordance with these requirements.
The Company will give you as much advance
notice as is reasonably practicable of the
26 hours you will be required to work.
7. Your period of continuous employment with the Where you are employed as a driver, you confirm
Company will commence on the date of your you are aware of your obligations under the
first assignment after the date of signing this WTRT Regulations accurately to record periods
document. No employment with a previous of availability, working time and periods of night
employer counts as part of your period of work as defined by the WTRT Regulations and
continuous employment with the Company. Any not to exceed the maximum number of hours
contract of employment or engagement which permitted. You undertake to inform the Company
was previously issued to you by the Company of the number of hours you work either through
will cease to have any effect on the date upon the Company, on your own account or for any
which you commence work under this contract. third party during any relevant reference period.
This document will supersede any previous You undertake to indemnify the Company against
contract, whether of employment or for services. any driving related fines and/or penalties for
8. Whilst on assignment you will be entitled to which you are responsible.
be paid for the hours that you work. Payment 13. You will be required to work at various places
will be made weekly in arrears directly into your as the Company may direct from time to time.
bank account subject to deduction of tax and The Company may change your place of work
national insurance in respect of hours worked by giving you such notice as is reasonably
in the preceding week. practicable in the circumstances. The address
9. Your rate of pay will at all times be no less than of the Company for purposes related to your
the National Minimum / Living Wage currently in employment is the Branch.
force per hour worked. Enhanced rates may be 14. If you wish to terminate your employment, you
applicable during specific assignments. Rates of must give the Company one weeks notice in
pay may differ from one assignment to another writing. Notice is deemed to be received on
and you will be notified in advance of the specific at the time and date when the Company is in
rate applicable for each particular assignment. receipt of such notice. When your employment
You will be provided with such information at the terminates, if you have taken more holidays
beginning of each assignment. Where overtime than you have accrued in terms of the statutory
rates are applicable you will be notified of this holiday entitlement for that holiday year,
at the start of any assignment. you will be required to pay to the Company
10. You agree the Company may deduct from your the appropriate holiday pay for each day’s
remuneration any sums due from you to the holiday that you have taken in excess of
Company including, without limitation, your your accrued statutory entitlement.
pension contributions (if any), any overpayments, 15. Subject to Clause 2 above, the Company must
loans or advances made to you by the Company, give you whichever is greatest of the following
holiday pay as provided for in Clause 17, periods of prior written notice to terminate your
driving-related penalties or fine as provided for employment; (i) immediate notice if you have
in Clause 12 and any cost of laundering, repair been continuously employed for less than one
or replacement deposit or loss to the Company month;(ii) two weeks’ notice if you have been
in respect of the provision of any personal continuously employed for one month or more
protective equipment, uniform or other work but less than two years; or (iii) three weeks’
wear or any tools or equipment. notice if you have been continuously employed
11. Unless agreed in writing with the Company, for two years or more but less than three
neither the Company nor the Client shall be years with an additional week’s notice for
responsible for your expenses. every year of continuous employment
thereafter up to a maximum of 13
12. You have the option, by signing the attached opt
weeks’ notice for 12 or more years
out form, to agree to work hours which exceed
of continuous employment.
the maximum average weekly working time
limit of 48 hours imposed by the Working Time
Regulations 1998 or Working Time Regulations
(Northern Ireland) 1998 as applicable.
You may withdraw your agreement on giving
to the Company 3 months prior written notice.

The effective date of the notice will depend on If you are absent from work due to sickness,
how the notice is issued to you. If you are given injury or accident, and you comply with the
notice by hand then notice will be effective requirements in this clause and your earnings are
immediately, If by letter via email, notice is sufficient to trigger entitlement, you will be paid
effective 24 hours after the email is sent, If by SSP in accordance with the relevant legislation
letter sent by messenger or recorded delivery, from time to time. The Company reserves
notice is effective 48 hours after the letter has the right to require you to undergo a medical
been posed, based on the post mark. There is examination conducted by a doctor nominated
no guarantee that work will be available during by the Company, at the Company’s expense.
any notice period. 19. 
You may be eligible to take the following types
When you are not on assignment you are obliged of paid or unpaid leave, subject to any statutory
to contact the Company regularly to confirm your eligibility requirements in force from time to time:
availability to undertake further assignments. In 
Statutory maternity leave;
the event that you fail to contact the Company
Statutory paternity leave;
for any continuous period of four weeks following
the end of your last assignment you expressly Statutory adoption leave;
agree that the Company may choose to treat this Shared parental leave;
as your notice of termination of your employment
Parental leave;
with immediate effect.
Parental bereavement leave;
17. Your entitlement to holidays and holiday pay is
as detailed in the Flexible Employee Handbook. Further details of such leave and pay
during such leave is detailed in the Flexible
18. If you are absent from work for any reason
Employee Handbook.
you must inform your Branch prior to the
commencement of your agreed start time on 20. The Company operates pension schemes
your first day of absence and on any subsequent for its workers. You may be entitled to become
date of absence and in the case of sickness a member of one of the schemes. Depending
absence you must comply with the Company’s on your circumstances, enrolment as a member
Sickness Absence Policy. Any absence due to may be automatic. Further details can be
sickness, injury or accident, should be covered found in the Flexible Employee Handbook.
by a self-certification form and any sickness A contracting-out certificate under the Pension
that continues for more than 7 consecutive days Schemes Act 1993 is not in force in respect
(including weekends), must be covered with of your employment.
a medical certificate to cover that absence. 21. You agree that whilst on assignment to a Client,
If you remain absent from work, you must any right, title and interest in any idea, concept,
produce a medical certificate within 14 days technique, invention, design or computer
to cover the entire period while you are absent. programs and the like (“Intellectual Property
The medical certificate must state the reason Rights”) you develop or acquire belong solely
for the absence. If you do not follow these to the Client. You further agree that you will
requirements, you may lose your entitlement do all that is necessary to vest the Intellectual
to Statutory Sick Pay (“SSP”) and may also Property Rights in the Client at their request.
be subject to disciplinary action in accordance You will not at any time divulge to any person,
with the Company’s disciplinary policy. nor use for your own or any other person’s
benefit, any confidential information in relation to
the Client or the Company or in relation to any
of their employees, business affairs, transactions
or finances which you may acquire during the
currency of your employment with the Company.
This clause applies both while you are employed
by the Company, and after your employment
with the Company terminates.

22. Under the provisions of applicable data Green, Luton, Beds, LU1 3BA or by e-mail to
protection law (as may be amended, replaced [email protected] and must
or superseded from time to time) including not be directed to the Client. The grievance
the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) and disciplinary procedures are not contractually
2016/679, (the “GDPR”) and the Data Protection binding on the Company. The Company may
Act 2018, the Company, will collect and process alter them, or omit any or all of their stages,
personal data from you, which may include where it considers it appropriate.
sensitive personal data (“Personal Data”), 24. During the course of an assignment, telephone
on the basis that the processing is necessary calls (or portions of telephone calls) may be
for the performance of the employment contract monitored and/or recorded for quality control,
with you, on the basis of legal obligations customer service, employee training, security
imposed on the parties and/or on the basis that and other lawful purposes by the Client. In
the processing is necessary on the grounds of addition the Client may monitor the use you
the legitimate interest of the parties including make of e-mail and the internet. You hereby
for the purpose of carrying out its business of consent and agree to such monitoring and
supplying temporary workers to Clients and recording. Your consent shall continue in effect
in order to find you suitable assignments. and need not be confirmed prior to, or during
You agree that you have received and read such monitoring or recording. You further agree
a copy of the Impellam Group plc’s Privacy to comply with all specific security requirements
Notice (attached) which is also available on of the Client including where applicable
the Blue Arrow website and you have received consenting to the Client or the Company
a copy of the Impellam Group plc’s Consent on behalf of the Client conducting Criminal
Form (attached), which you may complete Records Bureau checks, credit checks
at your discretion. or personal searches.
“Processing” includes anything that can be done 25. 
The Company may provide additional services
with or in relation to data. It includes obtaining, to you for which it may charge you a fee. You
recording, holding the data and carrying out are under no obligation to accept an additional
operations on the data including organising, service, however should you choose to accept,
erasing or disclosing. you hereby authorise the Company to deduct
“Sensitive personal data” includes, but is not from any weekly pay due to you the applicable
limited to, medical information for the purpose fee. On the first occasion of the Company
of your employment and fitness to carry out your providing you with an additional service, the
duties and data regarding sex, marital status, Company will provide you with a description of
race, ethnic origin or disability for the purpose such additional service including notifying you
of monitoring to ensure equality of opportunity about: the amount of the applicable fee and the
within the Company. identity of who the applicable fee is to be paid to.
You may cancel or withdraw from any additional
You acknowledge that you may have access
service at any time by giving the Company five
to personal and sensitive data during your
days prior written notice.
employment with the Company relating to other
employees and you agree to comply with the 26. The Company reserves the right to amend your
Company’s data protection policy at all times. terms and conditions of employment in writing.
You will be given not less than one month’s
23. The disciplinary rules and grievance policy
written notice of any significant changes.
which apply to you are contained in the Flexible
You will be deemed to have accepted those
Employee Handbook. If you have a grievance
changes unless you notify the Company
about your employment, you are entitled to raise
of any objection in writing before the
a complaint in accordance with the Company’s
expiry of the notice period.
grievance policy. All grievances must be directed
to the Company via Employee Relations at:
Blue Arrow Ltd, 800 The Boulevard, Capability

10 Point Promise - Candidates

To pay you on
To treat you fairly.
time and correctly.

To listen to what To communicate in

you are looking for. a clear and concise manner.

To keep you up to date

To always treat
with relevant changes
you with respect.
to the law in our industry.

To always try to give To consistently negotiate the

you the work you want. best market rates for you.

To be honest in our To listen and act upon

dealings with you. your concerns.

Working Time Regulations
Opt Out Agreement
If you are 18 or over and wish to work more than 48 hours a week, you can choose to opt out
of the 48 hour limit. This is voluntary.
I hereby confirm my agreement to waive the restriction on the 48 hour average weekly working time
as set out in the Working Time Regulations 1998. I understand that this agreement can be terminated
by me giving not less than three months’ written notice to Blue Arrow Limited.

Signed by: ................................................. Dated: / /

the Flexible Employee.

Print Full Name........................................................................................................

Privacy Notice
The purpose of this Privacy Notice is to tell you what information the Impellam Group company
(the “Company”), acting as a data controller and as listed in Annex 1, collects from you, how and when
it may be collected and what happens to it. For the purpose of this Privacy Policy, “we” and “us” refers
to the Company. It applies to the personal data of our Candidates, Suppliers, Clients, website users
and Employees (see below for further explanation of these terms).
Personal Information is any personally identifiable information, such as your email address, name,
home or work address, telephone number, bank details or tax codes, which can directly or indirectly
identify you. We refer to it as “Personal Information” here.

1. What information might we collect about you?

When you interact with us in the different ways described below, we may ask you for the following information:

Personal and contact details (for example your name, email address,
date of birth, gender).

Personal and contact details you give us when subscribing to receive emails,
newsletters or marketing information from us.

During pre-assignment vetting we will request details from you including,
your name, your work history, qualifications, contact details (such as email,
telephone number and home address), your right to work documents, details required
for equality and discrimination legislation checks and your personal preferences,
choices and requirements specific to particular requests or services.

Details of your education, employment history, bank details and national insurance
number, references, right to work and other information you tell us about yourself
(e.g. the information contained within your CV) when you engage with us for the
provision of services.

Information from social media activity (such as likes, shares and tweets)
when you interact with us on social media.

Additional information which you provide voluntarily and/or which we may
ask from you to better understand you and your interests.
We may also collect Sensitive Personal Information about you (including details
of your physical or mental health, racial or ethnic origin, criminal allegations or offences,
trade union membership and/or other Sensitive Personal Information that you may
choose to provide to us voluntarily from time to time.

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32 Impellam Group plc, 800 The Boulevard, Capability Green,
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Contact details to enable the provision of your services to us and the fulfilment of our
contract obligations, this may include names, email addresses and telephone numbers.

Bank details and any other details required to enable payment for the services supplied.
Clients C
 ontact details or those of individuals at your organisation (such as names,
telephone numbers and email addresses) to enable the provision of services
and to facilitate our relationship with you, including relevant marketing.
Website Users 
Information we collect via cookies or similar technology stored on your device
(find out more about cookies and how we use them in our Cookie Policy.

Your IP address.

Information from social media activity (such as likes, shares and tweets)
when you interact with us on social media.

Information you provide if you report a problem with our website or service.

Additional information which you provide voluntarily and/or which we may
ask from you to better understand you and your interests.
Personal and contact details (for example your name, email address,
date of birth, gender).

Personal and contact details of your emergency contact and referees.

During pre-employment vetting we will request details from you including,
your name, your work history, qualifications, contact details (such as email,
telephone number and home address), your right to work documents, details
required for equality and discrimination legislation checks and your personal
preferences, choices and requirements specific to particular requests or services.

Details of your education, employment history, bank details and national insurance
number, references, right to work and other information you tell us about yourself
(e.g. the information contained within your CV).

Information from social media activity (such as likes, shares and tweets) when you
interact with us on social media.

Additional information which you provide voluntarily and/or which we may ask from
you to better understand you and your interests.
We may also collect Sensitive Personal Information about you (including details of
your physical or mental health, racial or ethnic origin, criminal allegations or offences,
trade union membership and/or other Sensitive Personal Information that you may
choose to provide to us voluntarily from time to time.
Referees and 
We require a referee’s contact details (name, email address and telephone number)
Emergency to enable us to confirm certain details provided by the Candidate or prospective
Contacts employee, to facilitate the employment process.

Emergency contact information (a name, email address and telephone number)
is required in case of an emergency where we would need to contact someone
on your behalf.

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Impellam Group plc, 800 The Boulevard, Capability Green, 33
Luton, Beds LU1 3BA (Reg No. 6511961)
2. How, when and why do we collect your Personal Information?

How and when do we collect your Personal Information?
We may collect your Personal Information when you apply for a role through us
(or otherwise contact us from time to time) by:

You responding to an advert on a job board or other website;

By you directly contacting our business;

By you filling in an application form in a branch;

When you speak to one of our consultants by telephone; or

Another agency or organisation passes your details to us.
Why do we collect your Personal Information?
We collect and use your Personal Information because it is necessary to obtain
certain details including Personal Information from you in the work-searching process
and it is in our legitimate interests in the course of operating our business, including:

Responding to your queries;

Providing work-finding services and/or information to you;

Transmitting Personal Information between our offices or functions for internal
administrative purposes;

Setting you up on a work assignment with a client;

Hosting and maintaining our websites;

Ensuring network and information security; and/or

Carrying out direct marketing.
However we will only collect, use and handle your Personal Information when:

It is necessary for our legitimate interests in connection with carrying out our
business, as long as, in each case, these interests are in line with applicable
law and your legal rights; and/or

Where you have agreed; and/or

Where this is necessary for legal obligations which apply to us.

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34 Impellam Group plc, 800 The Boulevard, Capability Green,
Luton, Beds LU1 3BA (Reg No. 6511961)
Employees How and when do we collect your Personal Information?
We collect your Personal Information when you come to work with us from:

Your application to us; and

The information you provide when you complete the necessary forms required
by our Human Resources team.
Why do we collect your Personal Information?
We collect and use your Personal Information because it is necessary to obtain
certain details including Personal Information from you as part of the employee/
employer relationship.
However we will only collect, use and handle your Personal Information when:

It is necessary for the performance of our contract with you;

Where you have agreed; and/or

Where this is necessary for legal obligations which apply to us.
How and when do we collect your Personal Information?
and Clients
We may collect your Personal Information when required in the course
of our business relationship with you.

Why do we collect your Personal Information?
We collect and use your Personal Information because it is necessary to obtain
certain details including Personal Information from you:

To offer services to you or to obtain support and services from you;

To perform certain legal obligations;

In the performance of our contract with you;

To help us to target appropriate marketing campaigns;

In transmitting Personal Information between our offices or functions for internal
administrative purposes;

In hosting and maintaining our websites;

In ensuring network and information security; and/or

In carrying out direct marketing.
However we will only collect, use and handle your Personal Information when:

It is necessary for our legitimate interests in connection with carrying out our
business, as long as, in each case, these interests are in line with applicable
law and your legal rights; and/or

Where you have consented;

In the performance of our contract with you; and/or

It is necessary for legal obligations which apply to us.

Impellam - Privacy Notice - May 2019

Impellam Group plc, 800 The Boulevard, Capability Green, 35
Luton, Beds LU1 3BA (Reg No. 6511961)
3. How we use the Personal Information that you provide to us

General Where necessary and appropriate for our business purposes and also in accordance
with regulatory requirements, and where if required we have an appropriate processing
agreement in place, we may use your personal data for:
The performance of our contracts with clients and suppliers;

Third party professional advisers such as lawyers, auditors and accountants and third
party service providers and consultants performing technical services for us (such as
IT support functions, testing and development work and external consultants);

Where necessary in using technology systems and document storage; and

In using marketing services platforms.
Marketing Opt-Out - You can opt-out from receipt of marketing communication at any
time free of charge by using the “unsubscribe” option included in any marketing e-mail
or other marketing material received from us or by contacting [email protected].
Website Cookies - We use cookies on our website. You can find out which cookies
we use and why by viewing our Cookie Policy.
Candidates We undertake the following processing of your Personal Information on the legal basis
that it is necessary to perform the contract with you and to provide the services we have
agreed to provide to you. Where we have not entered into a contract with you, we may
also carry out this processing because in that pre-contractual stage where we consider
it is necessary in our legitimate business interests in order to deal with requests,
enquiries or comments you have made to us.
Submission of details to clients - If you register to apply for a particular role, request
to be put forward for a role or if you have asked us to put you forward for suitable roles,
we will share some of your personal details including your name, work history and
qualifications with our clients offering potential roles which might be suitable for you.
On-boarding for a work-assignment - If you are offered and accept a work assignment
through us, we will need further Personal Information from you such as NI number, bank
details, emergency contact details and some medical information in order to fulfil our
statutory and contractual obligations to both you and our client.
Reporting to clients and managing timesheets, payroll and work performance -
We sometimes have to prepare reports for clients relating to the services provided
by us for example reports on financial or administrative matters or compliance with
legal requirements. Such reports may contain your Personal Information such as your
name, hours worked and pay rate. In addition we may need to manage submission of
timesheets, payroll services and other Human Resourcing services such as managing
your statutory rights and work appraisals for our clients, all of which would require use
of your Personal Information.

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36 Impellam Group plc, 800 The Boulevard, Capability Green,
Luton, Beds LU1 3BA (Reg No. 6511961)
Candidates Other lawfully permitted processing - We may also use any Personal Information
that you provide to us for example to other companies within the Impellam Group
or to employers or any other company who you ask us to approach on your behalf for
work-searching purposes If you choose not to provide Personal Information requested
by us, we may not be able to provide you with the services and/or information you have
requested or otherwise fulfil the purpose(s) for which we have asked for the Personal
Information, including placing you in a work-assignment. We will where possible
anonymise or aggregate such data for reporting purposes.
Pre-Assignment vetting - We undertake Pre-Assignment vetting. We collect your
Personal Information which you provide to us when applying for a role or registering
for our job-finding services to comply with our (and clients’) legal obligations regarding
your right to work and any necessary qualifications for roles. We may also process your
Personal Information for this purpose where we consider it necessary for performance
of the contract with you, or otherwise with your consent.
We undertake the following processing of your Personal Information with your consent.
Marketing - where legally permitted to do so where you have provided us with your
contact details and have agreed to be contacted for marketing purposes, we may contact
you by telephone or by post for marketing purposes relating to our services, our website,
and/or to research opinion on proposed business developments. Your agreement to the
use of your Personal Information for these purposes is optional and if you fail to provide
your agreement, your use of our work-finding services will not be affected.

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Impellam Group plc, 800 The Boulevard, Capability Green, 37
Luton, Beds LU1 3BA (Reg No. 6511961)
4. How and when do we share International Transfers of your
Personal Information
information with third parties? We may share your Personal Information with
Some services that we provide require the our subsidiaries or third party service providers
involvement of third parties. We have carefully based in the European Economic Area (“EEA”)
selected these third parties and taken steps to who we engage to help us to process the information
ensure that your Personal Information is adequately that we collect from you as part of our business
protected. The third parties may include our clients, function, and/or to host and maintain our CRM
suppliers of IT services, pay-rolling services systems, content or services, on our behalf
or vetting services. and in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
Where we employ third party companies or Some of our subsidiaries or external third parties are
individuals to process Personal Information based outside the EEA so their processing of your
provided by us on our behalf for business functions, personal data will involve a transfer of data outside
including (without limitation) IT support, hosting our the EEA. Whenever we transfer your personal
data on cloud platforms, legal, accounting, audit, data out of the EEA, we ensure a similar degree
consulting and other professional service providers of protection is afforded to it by ensuring at least
and providers of other services related to our one of the following safeguards is implemented:
business. Portions of our services may be provided 
The transfer is to a place that is regarded by the
by organisations with which we have a contractual European Commission as providing adequate
relationship, including subcontractors, accordingly, protection for your Personal Information; or
your Personal Information may be disclosed to 
We have put in place appropriate safeguards,
them. We only provide these organisations with for example by using a contract for the transfer
the information that they need to be able to which contains specific data protection
perform their services. provisions that have been adopted by the
We will have in place an agreement with our European Commission or a relevant data
service providers which will restrict how they are able protection authority. You can request
to process your Personal Information. a copy of these contracts by contacting
We may also share your personal information where us at: [email protected]; or
we reasonably believe that applicable law or regulation 
Where you have consented to it, or there
requires any personal data to be processed, for is another legal basis to allow us to make
example with local tax authorities, immigration the transfer.
officials or for audit or other investigative purposes Please contact us if you want further information
(including in connection with anticipated litigation). on the specific mechanism used by us when
transferring your personal data out of the EEA.
Sharing within the Impellam Group
and to Service Providers Sharing with other third parties
The Personal Information you provide to We may also provide your information to other third
us is collected by Impellam Group plc or one parties such as regulators and law enforcement
of its subsidiaries as listed at Annex 1 below. agencies, where we are required by law to do so,
However where we are legally permitted to do where necessary for the purposes of preventing
so in accordance with this Privacy Policy, and detecting fraud, other criminal offences
we may transfer your Personal Information between and/or to ensure network and information security.
and to other functions or offices within the same
corporate group for the purposes set out above.

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38 Impellam Group plc, 800 The Boulevard, Capability Green,
Luton, Beds LU1 3BA (Reg No. 6511961)
5. How long do we store 7. Your Rights
Personal Information for? It is important to us that you are in control of
your own information. As a result, you have the
It is our policy to retain your Personal Information
following controls:
only for the length of time required for the specific
purpose or purposes for which it was collected, Right of Access: You may request access to
and this is set out in Annex B. However, on occasion or copies of the Personal Information that we
we may be obliged to store some data for a longer hold about you. If you would like to exercise this
time, for example, where a longer time period is right, please contact us at [email protected]
required by applicable laws. In this case, we will or the address below;
ensure that your Personal Data will continue to Right to Rectification: If you believe
be treated in accordance with this Privacy Policy. that any information we have about you is
We support Candidates over many years and incorrect or incomplete, please contact us
potentially throughout their careers and the reason [email protected] as soon as possible.
for which we retain the Personal Data can be an We will take steps to seek to correct or update
ongoing purpose. We also work with Suppliers and any information if we are satisfied that the
Clients over long periods of time and retain Personal information we hold is inaccurate;
Data as part of these relationships. If we have not 3. R
 ight to Erasure: You may request that your
had meaningful contact with you for an extended Personal Information be deleted, where it is no
period of time, we will delete Personal Data. longer necessary for the purposes for which
it is being processed and provided there is no
other lawful basis for which we may continue to
6. Security and Confidentiality process such information. If we do delete your
We employ appropriate security measures to help data we will generally assume you would prefer
protect your Personal Information and guard against us to keep a note of your name on our register of
access by unauthorised persons. Information storage individuals who would not prefer to be contacted
is on secure computers in a secure environment, and we do keep a record of names of those
or in secure, locked storage in the case of hard asking for their information to be erased. If you
copy information. The information is encrypted prefer us not to do this, you are free to say so;
wherever possible and we undergo periodic reviews Right to Restrict Processing: You may request
of our security policies and procedures to ensure that we restrict the processing of your data in
that our systems is secure and protected. However certain circumstances, for example if you are
the transmission of information via the Internet is concerned about the accuracy of the data
not completely secure so we cannot guarantee the or how it is being used;
security of your information when it is transmitted
Right to Object to Processing: To the extent
to our website or from third party websites such
we are processing your Personal Information
as job boards.
to meet our legitimate interests (as set out
We acknowledge that the information you provide above), you may object to the processing of your
may be confidential. We do not sell, rent, distribute Personal Information by us. If we are unable
or otherwise make Personal Information to demonstrate our legitimate grounds for that
commercially available to any third party, but we processing, we will no longer process your
may share information with our service providers Personal Information for those purposes;
for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy.
We will keep your information confidential and
protect it in accordance with our Privacy Policy
and all applicable laws.

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Impellam Group plc, 800 The Boulevard, Capability Green, 39
Luton, Beds LU1 3BA (Reg No. 6511961)
Right to Withdraw Marketing Consent:
6.  8 Updates to this Privacy Notice
You may withdraw your consent to receiving
This Privacy Notice may be updated periodically to
marketing contact at any time by emailing
reflect changes in our privacy practices and legal
[email protected];
updates. We will indicate at the top of the notice,
7. R
 ight of Data Portability: This only applies which is posted on our websites, when it was most
to information you have given us. You may have recently updated.
the right to request we transfer the information
you gave us from one organisation to another
or give it to you; CONTACT US
Right not to be Subject to Automated
Individual Decision-Making: You have the right If you have any questions in relation to this Privacy
not to be subject to a decision based solely on Policy, or if you would like to contact us to exercise
automated processing, including profiling, if such your rights as stated in this Privacy Policy, you may
profiling produces a legal effect concerning you contact us at: [email protected] or write to:
or similarly significantly affects you; The Data Protection Officer
9. R
 ight to Complain: If you are unhappy with Group Legal
the way that we have handled your data, Blue Arrow Ltd
you can make a complaint to the Information 800 The Boulevard
Commissioners Office (ICO) which is the UK Capability Green
authority responsible for data protection. Contact Luton
details are available online, or alternatively please Beds LU1 3BA
ask us on [email protected] for assistance.
You may also request that we restrict the processing Definitions
of your data to that to which you have consented
or for the establishment, exercise or defence of Candidates: Refers to applicants (and those
legal claims or the protection of the rights of another subsequently engaged on temporary assignments,
person, whilst we verify your data as set out in directly or indirectly, by the Company) for any roles
point 2 above; pending verification of our legitimate advertised by or through the Company, whether
grounds as set out in point 4 above; or if the permanent or temporary positions, whether as
processing is unlawful or no longer necessary, freelancers, contractors, flexible employees
but you wish us to retain your data for the purposes or through third parties including Suppliers;
of establishing, exercising or defending legal claims. as well as people who have submitted
Please contact [email protected] and we a speculative CV to the Company.
will assist you and provide you with all rights to Clients: Covers organisations which engage with the
which you are entitled in relation to your Personal Company for it to provide recruitment or other services.
Information under applicable data protection law. Employees: Includes employees engaged directly
If you are unhappy with the way that we have by Impellam (or who have accepted an offer to be
handled your Personal Information, you can make employed) as well as certain other workers engaged
a complaint to the Information Commissioners in the business of providing services to the Company.
Office (ICO) which is the UK authority responsible This includes Company employees engaged to work
for data protection. Contact details are available on client premises under the terms of managed
online, or alternatively please ask us on service agreements or equivalent.
[email protected] for assistance. Suppliers: Covers supplier companies (including
sole traders), vendors, umbrella companies,
partnerships and limited company contractors
who provide services to the Company including
as sub-contractors. Suppliers should ensure their
employees and workers are made aware of the
provisions of this Privacy Policy as applicable.

Impellam - Privacy Notice - May 2019

40 Impellam Group plc, 800 The Boulevard, Capability Green,
Luton, Beds LU1 3BA (Reg No. 6511961)
Annex 1
Group Companies:
The list below is subject to amendment and update – please check www.impellam.com for the latest list.

European Legal Entity Trading Name (if different)

Bartech Belgium NV
Bartech Europe Ltd
Bartech Germany GmbH
Bartech Italy SRL
Bartech Norway NUF
Blue Arrow Ltd
Carbon60 AG
Carbon60 Limited
Career Teachers Limited
Carlisle Staffing plc Guidant Global; Tate
Celsian Group Limited
Chadwick Nott (Holdings) Limited
Chrysalis Community Care Group Ltd
Comensura Limited
Doctors on Call Ltd
Global Medics Ltd
Guidant Global Belgium NV
Guidant Global Europe Ltd
Guidant Global Germany GmbH;
Guidant Global Italy SRL
Guidant Global Norway NUF
Guidant Global Switzerland AG
Impellam GmbH
Impellam Group plc
Impellam UK Limited
Irish Recruitment Consultants Limited IRC; Guidant Global; Lorien; Carbon60
Litmus Managed Solutions Ltd
Litmus Software Solutions Ltd (Ireland)
Lorien Resourcing Limited
Medacs Global Group Limited (Ireland)
Medacs Global Group Ltd
Medacs Healthcare plc
PRN Recruitment Ltd Fast Response Healthcare
Science Recruitment Group Limited SRG; Synergy
Younifi UK Limited

Impellam - Privacy Notice - May 2019

Impellam Group plc, 800 The Boulevard, Capability Green, 41
Luton, Beds LU1 3BA (Reg No. 6511961)
Annex 2
Retention Periods:

Retention Period (up to)

All Candidates
6 months: If no contact made.
Candidates with whom we have had no contact
1 year from the later of:

Candidate registration;

All Candidates
Consent to represent received
Contacted but not placed (for Conduct Regs purposes)
(which is separate from any consent
given for data protection purposes);
Last meaningful contact.
6 years from the later of:
3. T
 emporary Workers

End of last assignment; or
1 year after last meaningful contact.
2 years from the later of:
4. P
 ermanent Workers

Placement date; or
1 year after last meaningful contact.
Not hired: 1 year from registration
Our Own Permanent Employees or Direct Hire Temps
5.  or consent if not placed.
Hire: 6 years from end of employment.
6 months: If no contact made; or
All Others
2 years: from last meaningful contact.

Impellam - Privacy Notice - May 2019

42 Impellam Group plc, 800 The Boulevard, Capability Green,
Luton, Beds LU1 3BA (Reg No. 6511961)
Get in touch:
[email protected]

0800 085 5777


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