Daily Routines Lesson Notes

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Daily Routines


1. Useful links
2. Vocabulary
3. Common Routines
4. Are routines good or bad?
5. Listening Task
6. Useful Phrases and Idioms

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Some Useful Links

My NEW online course for Crack IELTS Speaking Part 1


More Household Routines


The benefits of Routines


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IELTS Speaking Vocabulary: Daily Routines

Fill in the gap with one word

1. I have a steady routine in the mornings, I ___ get up at 7am and

then have a shower

2. I am busy at work, but I like to study Chinese every now and _____

Answers at bottom of PDF

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IELTS Speaking: Daily Routines
Ways of expressing habits and routines

I get up early everyday

I will get up early (present habit)

I always get up early

I tend to get up early

I typically get up early

More often than not I get up early

My schedule/routine goes something like this…

I always / usually / often / sometimes get up early

Other ways of expressing these Adverbs of Frequency

Always Usually Often Sometimes

Religiously Invariably On a regular From time to time
Regularly Routinely Frequently Now and again
Without fail Generally Occassionaly
Without Habitually
All the time Mostly
Come what may
Day in day out

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If the adverb of frequency is long it usually goes at the beginning or

end of a phrase, not in the middle!

● I get up at 7am on a regular basis

● From time to time I get up at 9 am

● I go to work every Monday without fail

Common Morning Routines

Here are some useful phrases to describe common morning routines
people have.

Note: Phrases in blue are more colloquial (informal)

● To sleep in = to stay in bed a longer time

Note: This is different from ‘to oversleep’ = to stay in bed a longer time
by mistake

● To get up
● To crawl out of bed = get out of bed slowly and with difficulty

To have breakfast
To have a big / hearty breakfast

Note we use ‘a’ if you add an adjective

To grab breakfast = take quickly

I grab a coffee
I get myself a coffee
To brush my teeth

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To have a shower

To go to the gym
I go down the gym
I hit the gym
I work out

Home makers

I prepare the kids for school

I get the kids ready for school
I sort the kids out for school

I do the school run = to take the kids to school

Instead of saying ‘I cook’ in spoken English we often use the form ‘I do

the ____’, especially when talking about chores and household tasks.

I do the cooking
I do the cleaning
I do the washing (clothes)
I do the pots/dishes (=wash the dishes)

For more household routines, check this post and video -



I commute to work = to travel to work, some distance

I check my emails
I waste time scrolling on TikTok


I hit the books every evening (=to study)

I go down the library
I hit the library
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Are Routines Good or Bad? Why?
Here are some phrases you can use to say what routines maybe good,
bad or both!


Build productive habits

Give a sense of productivity
Give me a sense of progress
Can lead to good studying results
Perfection comes through repetition
They help us stay disciplined and stay on track



They make out lives boring and monotonous

They are absolutely, mindnumpingly mundane
I feel I am stuck in a rut
They can cause anxiety
They could lead to depression
Our lives end up lacking freshness

For whom?

Old People
Give a sense of certainty
Can reduce stress

Give a sense of safety
Establish clear boundaries

Working people

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Make you more productive
Easy for managers to organise and control staff

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IELTS Speaking Topic: Daily Routines

Listening Task

Click here to watch: https://vimeo.com/803964331

1. Watch this person talk about a routine they have

A) What is the main routine?

2. Watch again and note any useful phrases and collocations

Answer at bottom of PDF

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Daily Routines: Useful Phrases

I will tell something I do everyday religiously and that is to go for a

morning stroll

Day in, day out (every day without fail)

Come rain or shine (every day without fail)

I really feel the benefit(s)

I typically get up reasonably early

I get myself a (prepare myself) glass of lemon water

I put some exercise clothes on - if it’s cold

Grab my phone and headphones

I head out (go out and go somewhere)

As I start walking I will be choosing a podcast I want to listen to

I pick up the pace (to go more quickly)

All in all, (overall) it takes anywhere from 40 to 60 minutes

I do it mainly for health reasons but also to clear my head

It sets me up for the day (it prepares me for the day ahead)

Have some ‘me time’ (have time for yourself)

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IELTS Speaking: Idioms about Daily Routines

As regular as clockwork = very regularly and predictably

I brush my teeth every morning, as regular as clockwork

As per usual = as always, as usual

My girlfriend is late again, as per usual!

To be a creature of habit = someone who likes to have the same


I hate to miss my early morning walk, I guess you could say I am a

creature of habit

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IELTS Speaking Vocabulary: Daily Routine

Fill in the gap with one word

1. I have a steady routine in the mornings, I usually / always / will /

often / inevitably / mostly get up at 7am and then have a shower

2. I am busy at work, but I like to study Chinese every now and then /

Listening task ANSWERS

1. Going for a morning stroll or walk.


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