English is a universal language and it is understood all over the world. In fact, in today's world
speaking English has become a necessity it is not only that our today's generation looks down upon
anyone who is unable to speak English. It has become more like a status symbol. All the companies
are recruiting only those people who speak fluent and correct English. With the coming up of
the call centers and Multinational companies the need for English language has increased ten folds.
With all this happening one cannot afford to live without speaking English.
The manual provides Five units with exclusive exercises of Computer Assisted Language
Learning (CALL LAB) followed by activities of Interactive communication Skills (ICS
LAB) . Exercises are followed for mastering the soft skills, apart from oral exercises in the
lab through the use of software. Chapter wise space is provided for student to practice one or two
exercises in written form. The rest of the exercises are done orally in the lab hours allotted to
them. Chapter wise teacher evaluation on various aspects of verbal and non verbal communication
helps the student to perform better as he progresses in practicing his communication skills. Thus the
student slowly realizes the importance of professional communication and etiquettes which are
now in demand. Hope the manual fulfils the desire of the readers in acquiring soft skills required
for their success.
The preponderance of communication in the academic and professional arena motivated us to take
up this assignment of writing ELCS LAB Manual. We hope that this manual with comprehensive
coverage of all aspects will prove to be relevant and useful for the students. We would like to
extend our sincere gratitude to Dr S Srinivasa Rao, Principal, Malla Reddy College of
Engineering and Technology (autonomous) under whose patronage we were able to write this
manual, we are also indebted to our Head of the Department, Humanities & Sciences, MRCET,
Dr. V Madhusudhana Reddy, for his constant support and motivation to us. All and all, this manual is
your free ticket to the world of speaking better and fluent English. With great pleasure, we
acknowledge the compatible environment shared by our colleagues.
The Language Lab focuses on the production and practice of sounds of the English language and
familiarizes the students with its use in everyday situations and contexts.
CALL Lab: Introduction to Phonetics –Speech Sounds –Vowels and Consonants-
ICS Lab: Ice-Breaking activity - JAM session
CALL Lab: Pronunciation: Past Tense Markers and Plural Markers
ICS Lab: Situational Dialogues/Role Plays-–Greetings - Taking Leave – Introducing Oneself
and Others - Requests and Seeking Permissions
CALL Lab: Syllable and Syllabification
ICS Lab: Describing Objects/ Situations/ People
CALL Lab: Word Stress and Intonation
ICS Lab: Information transfer – from visual to verbal - maps, charts, tables and graphs
CALL Lab: Errors in Pronunciation - Accent - the Influence of Mother Tongue (MTI)
ICS Lab: Making a Short Speech - Extempore
1. Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Lab:
The Computer aided Language Lab for 60 students with 60 systems, one master
console, LAN facility and English language software for self-study by learners.
System Requirement (Hardware component):
Computer network with LAN with minimum 60 multimedia systems with the
following specifications:
i) P –IV Processor
a) Speed –2.8 GHZ
b) RAM –512 MB Minimum
c) Hard Disk –80 GB
ii) Headphones of High quality
2. For the Language lab sessions, there shall be a continuous evaluation during the year for 30 marks
and 70 year-end Examination marks. Of the 30 marks, 20 marks shall be awarded for day-to-
day work and 10 marks to be awarded by conducting Internal Lab Test(s). The year-end
Examination shall be conducted by the teacher concerned with the help of another member
of the staff of the same department of the other institution.
1. Students should bring lab Manual/Record for every laboratory session and enter the lab in time.
3. The group- wise division made in the beginning should be adhered to, and no mix up of students
4. Any damage to the devices that occurs during the activity should be brought to the notice of lab in-
charge, consequently, the cost of repair or new device should be brought by the students.
5. After completion of the activity, certification of the concerned staff in –charge in the observation
book is necessary.
6. Students should be present in the labs for the total scheduled duration.
7. Students should not carry any food items inside the laboratory.
9. Students should not write on or deface any lab desks, computers, or any equipment provided to them
10. Every student should keep his/her work area properly before leaving the laboratory.
1. UNIT – I
CALL Lab: Introduction to Phonetics 01
ICS Lab: Ice-Breaking activity and JAM session 11
2. UNIT – II
CALL Lab: Pronunciation: Past Tense Markers and Plural Markers 17
ICS Lab: Situational Dialogues – Role-Play 23
CALL Lab: Syllable and Syllabification 31
ICS Lab: Describing Objects/ Situations/ People 34
4. UNIT - IV
CALL Lab: Word Stress and Intonation 42
ICS Lab: Information Transfer 51
5. UNIT – V
Phonetics is the systematic study of speech sounds and their production, audition, and
perception. It is the branch of linguistics that deals with the speech sounds and their
combination, description and representation by written symbols. It is the systematic study of speech
sounds of language. Phonetics can deal with the speech sounds of any language.
Speech Sounds
In English, there are twenty-six letters but forty-four sounds (44) the sounds of English are
divided into two main categories; the vowels and the consonants. All these are represented by
specific symbols. The source of symbols is the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), a system of
transcription which attempts to represent each sound of human speech using symbols.
a) Front: A front vowel is that during the production of which the tongue is raised in the direction
of the hard palate.
b) Central: A central vowel is that during the production of which the centre of the tongue
is raised towards that part of the roof of the mouth which lies at the meeting point of the hard
palate and the soft palate
c) Back: A back vowel is that during the production of which the back of the tongue is raised
in the direction of the soft palate.
Pure Vowels
Or Examples
/ɪ/ kill, fill
/iː/ feel, meet
/e/ bet, set
A diphthong is a combination of two pure vowel sounds which changes its quality in a
syllable. A diphthong always occupies one syllable. Diphthong is not two vowels but one
vowel sound leads to another vowel sound.
Diphthongs Examples
/eɪ/ day, play
Consonant sounds are the sounds which are produced with obstruction of air. There
are 24 consonant sounds in English according to the RP of England and production of them
involves some friction. They are given below with examples.
Consonants Examples
This refers to the articulators that are involved in the production of a particular sound. These
are divided into eight types:
Bilabial: Bilabial sounds are those sounds made by the articulation of the lips against each
other. Examples of such sounds in English are the following: [b], [p], and [m].
Labiodentals: Labiodentals sounds are those sounds made by the articulation of the upper
teeth towards the lower lip. Examples of such sounds in English are the following: [f], [v].
Dental: Dental sounds are those sounds made by the articulation of the tip of the tongue
towards the back of the teeth. The sounds [θ] [ð] are pronounced with a dental articulation.
Alveolar: Alveolar sounds are those sounds made by the articulation of the tip of the tongue
towards the alveolar ridge, the ridge of cartilage behind the teeth. Examples of such sounds in
English are the following: [t], [d], [s], [z], [n], [l]
Alveo-Palatal: Alveo-palatal sounds are those sounds made by the articulation of the front of
the tongue towards the area between the alveolar ridge and the hard palate. Examples of such sounds
in English are the following [ʒ], [ʃ], [tʃ], [dʒ]
Palatal: Palatal sounds are those sounds made by the articulation of the body of the tongue
towards the hard palate. An example of such a sound in English is [j].
Velar: Velar sounds are those sounds made by the articulation of the body of the tongue
towards the velum. Examples of such sounds in English are the following: [k], [g]
Glottal: Glottal sounds are those sounds made at the glottis. An example of glottal sound in
English is the [h].
This refers to how a sound is produced and the way in which the air-stream is modified as it
passes through the vocal folds/cords. These are of seven types:
Plosive: It is formed by a blockage of the vocal tract, followed by an explosive release of air.
Examples of plosives in English are , , , , , .
Affricate: It is formed by a blockage of the vocal tract, like plosive, followed by a gradual
release of turbulent air, like a fricative. Examples of affricates in English are [tʃ] [dʒ]
Nasal: It is formed by the lowering of the velum, allowing air to flow through the nasal
cavity. Examples of nasals in English are [m], [n], [ŋ].
Approximant (laterals and glides): It is formed by the constriction of the vocal tract, but
with no blockage of the airflow. Examples of approximants in English are [l], [r], [j], [w]
Tap: It is formed by a quick contact between articulators. , for example, there is the tap [r],
which can be found in the middle of words such as ladder, and butter.
Trill: It is formed by the rapid vibration of the tongue tip by a current of air. For example, in
varieties of British and Scots English it is also known as "rolled r” [r]
Voice of Articulation:
Voice of Articulation can be divided into two-voiced and voiceless. Voiced: Voiced
sounds are produced when the vocal cords vibrate in the larynx. Voiceless: Voiceless sounds
are produced without the vibration of the vocal cords.
I. Give five examples for each of the following sounds.
Sounds Examples
/ɪ /
/ ɜː/
/e / _
II. Identify and write the phonetic script of the underlined diphthongs in the following
Words Sounds
Gold _
/ ʃ/
IV. Identify the sound and write the phonetic script of the underlined sound in the
following words.
Word Sound
a) chat
b) rest
c) thin
d) ship
e) leisure
f) judge
g) laugh
h) cathartic
i) brother
j) singing
k) yacht
l) Food
m) Car
n) Machine
o) Judge
p) Measure
q) Kitchen
A. Objectives
• To give a quick start and initiation.
• To make students to start things on a pleasant note and think differently
• To create interest among the students about a topic by exploring thoughts and
• To learn the use of body language and improve verbal message
• To gain experience in extemporaneous speaking or a prepared oral presentation
• To understand the use of articles and prepositions
• To gain knowledge of word formation through usage of suffix, prefix,
synonyms and antonyms.
B. Content
Ice breakers are particularly well suited for beginning a speech or starting a
meeting. As the name implies, they ―break the ice,‖ help participants relax, and
generally set the tone for the presentation. They help to relax participants, and that
makes them more receptive to listening and contributing. An ice breaker can also
serve to create a ―team atmosphere‖ and motivate participants to work with
others in a cooperative manner.
Our Ice Breaker Activities are aimed at adding some energy and fun,
allowing your team to think and look differently at how they can work together.
Knowing when to insert an ice breaker requires sensitivity and creativity. This
will provide a unique opportunity for your team to develop new skills that can
be critical for success in the workplace.
Lucky Penny: Each person takes a penny or other coin out of his/her pocket
and looks at the date. When it's his/her turn, s/he states the year that's on their
coin and recalls something spectacular that happened that year.
True or False: Participants say three things about themselves - two true and
one false. Other participants guess what the lie is. The correct guesser goes
Know thyself: In this activity, the participants are asked to make a sincere
attempt to symbolize themselves in the form of a pictograph. For example: a
flower for sensitiveness and a stone for hardness.
‘Just a Minute’ or JAM is an impromptu speech test conducted with the time limit of one
Elements of JAM
Effective impromptu speaking is a skill that can be honed through constant practice and
deliberate, continuous training given to the brain.
1. Go back to background knowledge and gather all the necessary ideas related to the topic given
to you.
2. Organize the ideas in a sequential order either thematically or chronologically.
3. Express them with clarity and cohesiveness.
4. Remember the three important rules:
• No deviation
• No repetition
• No hesitation
▪ If I were invisible
▪ What I did during my last vacation?
▪ All that glitters is not gold
▪ Most memorable moment
▪ My goal in life
▪ Women are good managers
Student’s Worksheet:
Choose one of the topics given above and write at least ten sentences on that.
(Listening Activities)
Importance of Pronunciation
A lot of conscious and systematic effort will therefore be needed to acquire good
pronunciation and to make one ‘s own speech intelligible to the other. It is necessary and essential
for Indian students to be able to distinguish between sounds and letters. The English word “next”
for example, has four letters- n,e,x and t- but it has five sounds such as /n/,/e/,/k/,/s/ and
/t/.similarly the word “debt” has four letters – d,e,b and t- but it has only three sounds such as
/d/,/e/ and /t/.here, the letter ‘b’ is silent. The following explanation will help you understand the
exact distinction between sounds and letters.
We are aware that the English alphabet has 26 letters and these represent 44 distinct sounds.
For eg:the consonant sound /k/ is represented by different spellings as given below.
k kind
c call
cc accord
/k/ ck back
ch character
qu queen
qu conquer
different sounds are represented by consonant letters ‘ch’ in different words as given below.
/k/ chemistry
ch /tʃ/ bench
/ʃ/ machine
/eɪ/ Age
/ə/,/ɑ:/ banana
/æ/ mat
/ɔ:/ chalk
A /ɪə/ ear
/ɪ/ village
Further, some letters do not represent any sound. These are silent letters. Here are some examples,
b tomb
c rack
d wednesday
p psychology
t catch
k know
l talk
Another interesting feature of English language is that often we would find a latter or a group of
letters representing different sounds but no indication graphically.
The suffix –ed is used for making past and participle forms. These suffixes are always represented
by the letter –d or the letters –ed. These suffixes are called inflexional suffixes. The inflexional
suffixes are pronounced as /-t/,/-d/ and /-id/.The different pronunciations of these suffixes are
governed by the following rules.
1. Whenever the past tense marker so called -d or –ed falls immediately after voiceless
sounds except -t then it is pronounced as /t/ .
Ex: kicked (t) laughed (t) locked (t) pushed (t) stopped (t)
Whenever the past tense marker so called -d or –ed falls immediately after voiced sounds
(vowels also) except -d then it is pronounced as /d/ .
Ex: begged (d) called (d) loved (d) played (d) carried (d)
2. Whenever the past tense marker so called -d or –ed falls immediately after the sounds -t
and –d then the past tense marker is pronounced as /Id/
Plural markers
Plurals, Possessives of nouns and simple present tense third person singular forms of verbs
The inflectional suffixes –s or –es are pronounced as /-s/,/-z/ and /-iz/.The different
pronunciations of these suffixes are governed by the following rules.
1. Whenever the plural marker so called -s or -es falls immediately after the voiceless sounds
except /s/,/∫/ and /t∫/ then it is pronounced as /s/.
2. Whenever the plural marker so called -s or -es falls immediate after the voiced sounds
(vowels also) except /z/,/3/ and /d3/ then it is pronounced as /z/
Ex: bags (z) boards (z) calls (z) cities (z) comes (z)
3. Whenever the plural marker so called -s or -es falls immediately after the six siblings
/s/,/z/,/∫/,/3/,/t∫/ and/d3/ then it is pronounced as /-iz/
Ex: buses (iz) bushes (iz) catches (iz) edges (iz) roses (iz)
II. Transcribe the following words, giving the correct past tense marker
1. Created
2. Granted
3. Locked
4. Pushed
5. Buzzed
6. Grabbed
7. Molded
8. Faded
9. Padded
10. Crowded
III. Give the word its plural and transcribe into plural markers
1. Page
2. Judge
3. Buffalo
4. Kilo
5. Baby
6. Monkey
7. Book
8. Kite
9. Class
10. Bench
What is a role-play?
Role-play is the activity where one would be given a role to play. The students can assume
the role of any one- such as managers, chef, officers etc. and experience the joy of learning by
getting involved in the character chosen by him. While planning the role of someone else, the
student reflects on the character. By being involved in the character the student has to think in a
broader way, correct his attitude and find facts and responsibilities that are required for an ideal
personality. Role- play allows a student to prepare thoroughly for real life situations and paves a
way to think through the language at the initial stage.
Audio visual recording of the Role-plays can be done. Students are given an opportunity to listen
to and watch their performance; to spot their own mistakes; learn and correct them.
Peer Evaluation:
Fellow students will be able to correct some mistakes made by their peers. Students could be
asked to listen for both great bits of language they would like to use themselves and some
mistakes they hear.
Role-play improves speaking and listening skills. Students develop non-verbal communication
techniques. They learn to use appropriate language in real life communication.
2.2 DO’S
d) Complaining:
• I regret to bring to your notice that some of the items that you have supplied have been slightly
• I’m sorry to say this, but your music is too loud….
• I’m sorry to trouble you, but there’s a problem I’d like to speak to you about.
• I’m so sorry…
• It won’t happen again, I promise.
• I’m really ashamed of myself.
• It’s quite all right.
• I really hope it won’t happen again.
• No need to feel so bad about it. These things happen.
A) Write a conversation between two friends (one invites for the party and the other denies
with reasons).
Syllables are the phonological building blocks of words. There is at least one syllable in a
word. Whenever we speak a word it spontaneously breaks into syllables. A syllable consists
of one vowel sound and two or more consonant sounds as one unit. To understand this, look
at the words below. When you pronounce them their syllables in them become quite clear.
1. Go - one syllable
2. Ta-ble - two syllables
3. Au-di-tor - three syllables
When we describe the structure of a syllable the symbol C is used to represent consonant and
V is used to represent a vowel.
Example- Book-/buk/ (It has the structure of CVC)
A /eI/
Type-2 VC An / /
/ t/
Type-3 CV know /n /
go /g /
The number of vowel sounds generally indicates the number of syllables in a word. Let us
take a look at the different types of syllables in different words. A word can be mono syllabic
disyllabic poly syllabic in nature.
Note- To divide a word into syllables always go by the pronunciation but not by the
spelling of the word.
Activity -1
1. Management
2. Linguistics
3. Register
4. Day
5. Episode
6. Interview
7. Pronunciation
8. Raider
A. Objectives
B. Content
In case of an object you need to know what the object is, what is it
useful for, what its physical and technical features are and what its unique
features are. While describing a person, his nativity, achievements, personality
and physical appearance are important. In the same way while describing a
process, one should mention what the process is, what it is conducted for, what
are the necessary equipment, steps involved and the results at every stage that
are essential to take up the task. And for describing a situation, details about
what happened, who were the persons involved, how it happened and what was
the situation at that point of time need to be mentioned.
Important Features
Brevity: You should not use lengthy sentences and verbose vocabulary to
describe anything. Limit your words and use one word substitutes, idioms and
phrases which directly communicate a lengthy expression. Do not let your
audience drown in the ocean ofdescription. Do limit yourself to important and
direct points that allow the reader or listener to imagine and understand clearly.
One word substitution, simple language and direct sentences would lend
Clarity: Writer can get clarity of thought only with complete knowledge on the
topic. Once he/she is clear in his/her mind, clarity in description can be
achieved through direct and complete description of each stage that is well
linked with the previous stages as well as the stages that follow.
Describing a process
(i) Face-to-Face: A process is a series of actions or operations done to achieve
the end result. Thus, it requires systematic, logical, and factual data along with
the skill of narration. You are expected to narrate a process in technical
language that facilitates your listener not only to comprehend the process of an
experiment or a process but also help him repeat the same with confidence.
Student must have complete knowledge about the entire process. You should
organize the entire process in a systematic manner. So, be careful with this and
always highlight or repeat the important steps or points. Prepare a caution list
as part of process description and give it to your audience at an appropriate
time, either at the beginning, at the concerned step or at the end.
You can adopt first person, second person or third person narration
while writing the description of a process, but whichever you select, stick to it
and practice. If you forget any important information, or want to give a specific
caution you can add it as a note at the end of the complete description. Writing
a process has got its own advantage and disadvantage: Advantage: You can
write, edit and re-edit the information many times until you are satisfied with
your work. You can also take expert opinion if you think it can help you in any
Describing a Situation
2. Collect the information about the date and time of the situation.
3. Do a comprehensive survey of the facts and arrange them in order.
4. Then gather information regarding the result or the outcome of the situation.
5. Arrange all these facts in an order and present them using the same
techniques which you would use to describe a process.
Describing a person
You should gather as much information as you can about a person
before describing him/her. The information like nativity, identity,
achievements, ideological association and personality is needed. For example,
if you set out to describe Vivekananda, you cannot do it without mentioning his
ideology, morality, contribution and personality. If you are describing Badal
Sarkar, you cannot complete it without mentioning his contribution to theatre,
the awards he won and his popularity. For describing a known person, his
family and nativity are important but for an unknown person whom you have
seen in a train, bus or at the mall, you have to depend on his physical
appearance alone. If you can show any kind of diagrammatical representation to
the audience, it‘s a welcome change. Otherwise, you should use to your word
power to describe a person. Following an order, being clear, brief and direct
would help the audience identify the person quickly and accurately.
Describing an Object
It is almost the same as describing a person.
1- Identify the object, its uses, its physical appearance, and its
unique features.
3- Demonstrate the object to your audience and clearly describe each part separately.
1- Use proper language
2- Understand the medium through which you are
describing something. 3- Use the necessary sentence
4- Give clarity.
5- Arrangement of facts should be in sequence.
6- Take care of non-verbal communication in face-to-face, video conference
or TV programme.
7- The focus on voice quality and clarity is a must on a
telephone medium. 8- Be crisp and to the point.
9- Give accurate and updated information.
1- Use the same techniques for all media to
describe something. 2- Use round about language.
5- Jumble ideas.
6- Show inappropriate body language.
7- Be in hurry to finish the matter without allowing the listener to understand it totally.
Tall Short Curly hair Long hair Sharp nose Middle-aged Smart clothes
Fat Thin Short hair Wavy hair Blunt nose Teenage Tidy clothes
Fair Dark White hair Broom Well-built In 40s Casual clothes
Dull Pale Dark- eyed Blue- eyed Young In 50s Messy clothes
Faint slim Bright- eyed Cat -eyed Elderly Bald Bespectacled
Touch screen is a video display screen that receives an input from the
finger touch. The screen is covered with a plastic layer. There are invisible
beams of infrared light behind the screen. The user enters data by touching
icons or menus on the screen. Most touch screen computers use sensors to
detect touch of a finger. Touch screen is commonly used in ATMs,
multinational companies etc.
Kavya: Ofcourse, the first cabin is for the HOD Dr. J. Animesh. He is a tall,
slim, black- eyed, Curly haired and a well natured person.
Kavya: It‘s Surana Sir‘s. He is an elderly man, good natured and the senior
most of all.
Kavya: It‘s Subhashini mam. She is a friendly lady with a fair complexion. Three
more ladies are in that cabin MS. Lavanya a calm lady, MS. Madavi the youngest
one in the department and MS. Sahithi the thin lady.
Vanita: Thank you for the information. I have a class now. I will talk to you
Word Accent
In phonetics, accent / stress means expending extra breath on a particular syllable in a word.
it is a matter of greater prominence and greater audibility. Accent is very important to make
our speech intelligible. The mark (/) on the top of a syllable in a word indicates that
particular syllable is stressed.
Stress shifts
There are a number of words of two syllables in which the accentual pattern depends on
whether the word is used as a noun, an adjective or a verb. When the word is used as a noun
or an adjective, the stress is on the first syllable. When the word is used as a verb, the stress
is on the second syllable. Here are a few examples-
absent ab/sent
object ob/ject
subject sub/ject
permit per/mit
Here are a few rules of word stress. These will help you locate stress in words.
In many disyllabic words the stress pattern shifts according to the usage of that word as a
‘noun’ or a ‘verb’.
΄advent ad΄vent
΄affix af΄fix
΄digest di΄gest
8. Words ending in derivational suffixes such as –ic, -ical, -ically, -ious, -ial, -ially have the
stress on the syllable preceding the suffix.
9. Words ending with –tion, -cian, -sion, and –ion, have stress on the penultimate (last but
one) syllable.
10. Words ending with –phy, -gy, -try, -cy, -fy, -al and –ity have accent on the third syllable
from the end.
11. Words ending with –meter have stress on the last syllable before –meter.
12. Inflectional suffixes –s, -es, -d, -ed, -ing and derivational suffixes such as –age, -er, -ful,
-ance, -ess, -hood, -ice, -ish, -ive, -less, -ly, -ment, -ness, -or, -ship, -ter, and –zen do not
normally affect the stress pattern.
΄child ΄childish
13. Compound words of two different words when pronounced individually, stress is on both
words; but when put together, then meaning changes and so does the stress pattern.
Syllabify and mark the stress on the following words.
Enrich Orthography Authorized Guardian Optical
Opportunity Remedial Courteous Construct (Verb) Picnic
Present (Noun) Cupboard Education Photography Teacher
A. Objectives
B. Content
Introduction: In English, there are different tones that the English speakers
use, and the ones you must know are described here.
The pitch of the voice is determined by the frequency of the vibration of
the vocal cords, i.e., the numbers of times they open and close in a second. The
patterns of variation of pitch of the voice (i.e., the fall or the rise) constitute the
intonation of a language. If you say,
―Put it down!‖ with a falling tone, the pitch of your voice will move from a
high level to a low level. It can be illustrated thus:
Put it D
If you say the same sentence with a rising tone, the pitch of your voice will
move from low to high, as shown below:
Put it
1. Falling intonation ( )
a. \ splendid !
b. How extra ordinary!
3. Commands
a. Go and open the \ window.
b. Take it a \ way.
4. Questions beginning with words like what, how , where, and why.
a. What is the \ matter?
b. Where are you \ going?
5. Question tags (expecting agreement)
a. It was a good film, \ wasn’t it?
b. Its pleasant today, \ isn’t it?
The Rising Tone:
It is used when the pitch of the voice moves from a low level to a high level .It is marked [/].
The rising tone is generally used in:
1. Polite requests
2. Incomplete statements.
a. I’ll buy you a / dress (If I go there).
b. It’s seven o’ clock (and she hasn’t got up as yet).
3. Yes/No Questions
a. Are they / coming?
b. Is father at / home?
4. Question Tags (Expecting disagreement).
a. You are a \ gardener, / aren’t you?
a. Good / bye.
b. I’m so / sorry.
c. Good / evening.
The Fall – Rise Tone:
The falling-rising tone is normally used for special implications, not verbally expressed. It
consists of a fall from high to low and then a rise to the middle of the voice. This tone can be
used either on one syllable or different syllables of a word or sentence. It is marked as [V].
Let us look at the following examples.
a. She is Vbeautiful. (But not very clever)
b. The houses are Vnice (but perhaps the people are not).
c. \ I / can (I am almost sure you can’t)
1. Try and say the following utterances using falling tone.
1. Sit down
2. What is the time?
3. She is a doctor
4. He dances very well, doesn’t he?
5. What a pretty girl!
2. Try and say the following utterances using rising tone.
1. Shut the window.
A. Objectives
• To understand what graphics convey
• To learn the various examples of graphics
• To know the use of visuals in seminars, conferences, etc
• To provide better leadership opportunities
• To learn how to organize a presentation to lure the audience.
• To make students familiar with the content development for oral presentations
• To gain experience in oral presentation
B. Content
Introduction (Information Transfer): Graphics that can be included to put
information or data in continues writing. They facilitate in showing
comparisons and trends over a period of time. Diagrams show the development
of something through different stages of progress. And finally the students learn
the pictorial representation of various steps involved in solving a problem.
Tables: A simple form of graphic representation is a table, in which data are
arranged in horizontal rows and vertical columns that carry labels to identify
what they represent.
One such example is as follows. The table below contains information about
the production of essential supplies in from 1993 to 1998.
Bar charts
A bar chart or bar graph is a chart with rectangular bars with lengths
proportional to the values that they represent. The bars can also be plotted
horizontally. It is very useful if you are trying to record certain information
whether it is continuous or not continuous data.
The above bar-chart lists the number of seats allocated to each party group in
European elections in 1999 and 2004.
A pie chart (or a circle graph) is a circular chart divided into sectors,
illustrating proportion. In a pie chart, the arc length of each sector (and
consequently its central angle and area), is proportional to the quantity it
represents. Together, the sectors create a full disk. It is named for its
resemblance to a pie which has been sliced.
Line graphs
This graph shows the robberies took place in the year 2009 in Hyderabad.
Flow chart
A flowchart is a common type of diagram that represents an algorithm
or process, showing the steps as boxes of various kinds, and their order by
connecting these with arrows. This diagrammatic representation can give a step-by-
step solution to a given problem. Data is represented in these boxes, and arrows
connecting them represent flow / direction of flow of data. Flowcharts are used
in analyzing, designing, documenting or managing a process or program in
various fields.
The map below represents the roadways and the other map represents the
distance between cities.
Importance of Pronunciation
Comment: It is easy to confuse "across" with "crossed" but better to keep them separate.
Comment: Just think of an arc of ants (an ant arc) and that should help you
keep the [c] in the pronunciation of this word.
Comment: No, this word wasn't named for anyone named ''Bob;'' it should be
"barbed wire," although the suffix -ed, meaning ''having,'' is fading away in the
Comment: You aren't being clever to drop the [d] in this word. Remember, it is
the same as "candy date." (This should help guys remember how to prepare for
dates, too.)
Comment: The [th] is a very soft sound likely to be overlooked. Show your
linguistic sensitivity and always pronounce it.
Don't say: doggy dog world | Do say: dog eat dog world
Comment: The world is even worse than you think if you think it merely a
"doggy-dog world." Sorry to be the bearer of such bad news.
Comment: You add the [d] only to the past tense and past participle.
Comment: The accent is on the second, not the third, syllable and there is no [i] in it;
"electorial." (By the way, the same applies to "mayoral" and "pastoral.")
Comment: The good news is, if you say "excape," you've mastered the prefix
ex- because its meaning does fit this word. The bad news is, you don't use this
prefix on "escape."
Comment: Latin for "and" (et) "the rest" (cetera) are actually two words that
probably should be written separately.
Comment: The word is spelled "forte" but the [e] is pronounced only when
speaking of music, as a "forte passage." The words for a strong point and a
stronghold are pronounced the same: [fort].
Comment: Remember, hierarchies go higher than you might think. This one is
pronounced "higher archy" and not "high archy."
Comment: The root of this word is "jewel" and that doesn't change for either
"jeweler" or "jewelry." The British add a syllable: "jewellery"
Comment: Better to lambaste the lamb than to baste him remember, the words
rhyme. "Bast" has nothing to do with it.
Comment: You are liable for the damages if you are successfully sued for
libel. But don't confuse these discrete words.
Comment: This compound is not derived from ''to live longly'' (you can't say
that) but from ''having a long life'' and should be pronounced accordingly. The
plural stem, live(s), is always used: "short-lived," "many- lived," "triple- lived."
Comment: Here is another word frequently syncopated. Don't leave out the
third syllable, [a].
Comment: The definition of "moot" is moot (open to debate) but not the
pronunciation: [mut] and not [myut].
Comment: The [t] was silent in the pronunciation of the word "often" until
circa 19th century English when more people became able to write and spell.
Today the [t] is widely pronounced in England, the British Isles, Australia and
in some regions of the U.S. Most U.S. dictionaries show both pronunciations,
frequently showing the unspoken [t] as the most preferred.
Comment: You may have to use ordnance to enforce an ordinance but you
should not pronounce the words the same.
Comment: Same as above. It is possible that we simply confuse "pre-" and "per-
" since both are legitimate prefixes.
Comment: Though a pain in the prostate may leave a man prostrate, the gland
contains no [r].
Comment: Silicon is the material they make computer chips from but implants
are made of silicone.
Comment: I doubt we will get "snuck" out of the language any time soon but
here is a reminder that it really isn't a word.
Identify and mark the tone in the following statements.
To enable the learners to understand and use a neutral accent that can be easily understood by people
across the globe.
Record yourself reading some sections of the book. Compare the sound of your English with that of
the person reading the book on the tape.
vii. Pronounce the ending of each word.
Pay special attention to 'S' and 'ED' endings. This will help you strengthen the mouth muscles that you
use when you speak English.
viii. Read aloud in English for 15-20 minutes every day.
Research has shown it takes about three months of daily practice to develop strong mouth muscles for
speaking a new language.
ix. Record your own voice and listen for pronunciation mistakes.
Many people hate to hear the sound of their voice and avoid listening to themselves speak. However,
this is a very important exercise because doing it will help you become conscious of the mistakes you
are making.
x. Be patient.
You can change the way you speak but it won't happen overnight. People often expect instant results
and give up too soon. You can change the way you sound if you are willing to put some effort into it.
Quick tips
Various versions of the English language exist. Begin by identifying the category you fall into and
start by improving the clarity of your speech.
To prepare introductions that capture attention, establish credibility, and focus your speech.
To prepare conclusions that summarize your message, provide closure, and give the audience
something to remember.
Public speaking is the process and act of speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate
manner intended to inform, influence, or entertain a listening audience. Public speaking is commonly
understood as face-to-face speaking between individuals and an audience for the purpose of
communication. In short, being a good public speaker can enhance your reputation, boost your self-
confidence, and open up countless opportunities.