Analysis of Heavy Metals in Vegetable and Agricultural Soil Samples in Gemikonagi and Dipkarpaz (North Cyprus)
Analysis of Heavy Metals in Vegetable and Agricultural Soil Samples in Gemikonagi and Dipkarpaz (North Cyprus)
Analysis of Heavy Metals in Vegetable and Agricultural Soil Samples in Gemikonagi and Dipkarpaz (North Cyprus)
Prof. Dr. Şahan SAYGI
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dilek BATTAL
This study entitled “Analysis of Heavy Metals in Vegetable and Agricultural Soil
Samples in Gemikonagi and Dipkarpaz” has been accepted by the thesis committee
for the degree of Master of Science in Toxicology.
Thesis Committee
According to the relevant articles of the Near East University Postgraduate Study –
Education and Examination Regulations, this thesis has been approved by the
members of the Thesis Committe and the decision of the Board of Directors of the
First and foremost, my utmost gratitude goes to my advisor Prof. Dr. Şahan SAYGI
for his continuous support, guidance, mentoring, motivation, and immense
knowledge throughout my research and study. His office was always open for me to
seek advice, answers and directions. Besides my advisor, I would like to express my
heartfelt acknowledgement to my co-advisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dilek BATTAL for
her guidance, constant support and motivation; and Prof. Dr. Semra ŞARDAŞ for
her insightful comments and encouragement throughout my study. This
accomplishment would not have been possible without them.
Our natural conception and birth is as a result of human cooperation and establish
the priority of our dependency on others for success and progress.
Ultimately, my very profound gratitude to my beloved siblings and parents Mr. Abi
Mathias and Mrs. Akoh Deborah for their continuous encouragement, love, and
spiritual and material support throughout my study and life in general. I love you all.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ……………………….…………..………….......... ii
1. INTRODUCTION .………………………........……………...……............ 1
METALS DETERMINATION ................................................................ 39
6. RESULTS ................................................................................................... 50
7. DISCUSSION ............................................................................................. 61
8. CONCLUSION ………………………..………………………………… 65
9. REFERENCES ........................................................................................... 66
Figure 2.2: Uptake of Hg by 7-day-old oat seedlings from the culture solution of
HgNO3 concentration. (a) Tops; (b) roots ……………………...………………… 11
Figure 4.2: (A) Block diagram of AAS (Jignesh et al., 2012); (B) Elements
detectable by atomic absorption highlighted in pink ………………...…………… 42
Figure 6.1: Comparison of vegetable sample mean concentrations of heavy metals
..… 55
Table 2.1: Comparison of heavy metals levels in vegetables and soil with their
maximum allowable limit ………………………………………………….……… 6
Table 2.3: Threshold values of Cd in edible plant parts established by the Codex
Alimentarius Commission of FAO/WHO (CODEX 2006) ……………...……….. 16
Table 3.1: Plants that perform phytoextraction of heavy metals and metal contents
in leaves ……………………………………………………………….…………. 35
Table 5.1: Location of sampling sites determined by global positioning system ... 45
Table 6.1: Concentrations (ppm dry weight) of heavy metals in soil from
Gemikonagi ……. 51
Table 6.2: Concentrations (ppm dry weight) of heavy metals in soil from Dipkarpaz
…….. 52
Table 6.3: Gemikonagi metal concentrations (ppm dry weight) in vegetable samples
…..…. 53
Table 6.4: Dipkarpaz heavy metal concentrations (ppm dry weight) in vegetable
samples … 54
Heavy metal is a term used to describe metals that have a density greater than 5
g/cm3 and high relative atomic weight, very stable and non-biodegradable in the
environment and are toxic at low concentrations both to plants, animals and human.
Contamination of soil with heavy metals is mainly by anthropogenic activities.
Plants take up heavy metals mainly by absorption through the roots from
contaminated soil and also by their external parts such as leaves and fruits that are
exposed to polluted environment. BCF-based studies revealed that the amount of
heavy metal accumulation in vegetables is highest in leafy vegetables and least in
fruit vegetables and moderate in tuber vegetables. Remediation of heavy metal
contaminated soils can be done on-site or off-site but the off-site (excavation and
disposal) remediation just remove the problem from one site and shift it to another
site with dangers during the transportation of the soil to landfill disposal. The goal of
this study was to investigate the levels of heavy metals in vegetable and agricultural
soil sample thereby determining which plants is bio-accumulator by calculating the
bio-concentration factor for each metal. The vegetable samples and soil samples
were collected from Gemikonagi and Dipkarpaz. Gemikonagi is an ancient mining
city and sea port but the mines have been abandoned with tailings. Dipkarpaz was
used as the control area and the area has no history of mining activities. The distance
between the two areas is approximately 150 km. The samples were analysed using
inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and the heavy metal concentrations
were determined. The results were compared using the SPSS statistical package. The
order of heavy metal accumulation by the vegetables in Gemikonagi were malva ˃
celery ˃ cabbage ˃ purple cabbage ˃ broccoli ˃ artichoke ˃ lettuce ˃ cauliflower ˃
spring onion whereas in Dipkarpaz were malva ˃ lettuce ˃ celery ˃ artichoke ˃
cabbage ˃ purple cabbage ˃ spring onion. The vegetable samples from Gemikonagi
had the highest mean concentration of heavy metals as compare to Dipkarpaz and
the level in Gemikonagi (Malva 718.53 ppm) almost triple that in Dipkarpaz (Malva
240.47 ppm). There were 10 heavy metals which were analysed in the soil samples
and these are the metals in increasing order of mean concentration in Gemikonagi
Hg ˂ Cd ˂ Pb ˂ Cu ˂ As ˂ Cr ˂ Ni ˂ Mg ˂ Al ˂ Fe and in Dipkarpaz Cu ˂ As ˂
Mg ˂ Cr ˂ Ni ˂ Fe ˂ Al. Among the detected metals in the soil samples, the
concentration of Fe was the highest and the least concentration was Hg in the soil
samples from Gemikonagi whereas in Dipkarpaz the highest was Al and the lowest
was Cu. none of the vegetables were bioaccumulator as the highest BCF values were
0.2923 of Cu in Celery from Dipkarpaz and 0.2162 of Cd in artichoke from
Gemikonagi. Majority of the heavy metals analysed were above the acceptable limit
set by WHO and TSPCR which indicated that large amount of heavy metals is
ingested through food.
Heavy metal is a term used to describe metals that have a density greater than 5
g/cm3 and high relative atomic weight, very stable and non-biodegradable in the
environment and are toxic at low concentrations both to plants and animals and
human (Alkas et al., 2017). Heavy metals of major concern are arsenic (As), nickel
(Ni), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), cobalt (Co),
chromium (Cr), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu). Heavy metals occurred
ubiquitously in the environment, usually found in trace amount (ppb to ppm) in
different matrices and their distribution is facilitated by natural and anthropogenic
activities (Harmanescu et al., 2011 and Bortey et al., 2015). Vegetables are essential
part in a healthy diet and health of humans. They have a wide variety of nutrients
such as vitamins, dietary fibre, minerals, proteins and starch. Plants take up heavy
metals mainly by absorption through the roots from contaminated soil and also by
their external parts such as leaves and fruits that are exposed to polluted
environment. Vegetable may also contain some amount of toxic elements (Pan et al.,
2016 and Islam et al., 2007).
The ability of vegetable plants to uptake and accumulate heavy metals differs widely
with species. Lead is accumulated more in lettuce and onion while cadmium is more
accumulated in spinach. The edible parts of leek, pak choi and carrots contain higher
amount of cadmium than cucumber, tomato and radish. The accumulation of
cadmium in vegetables is as follows; legumes < melons <alliums< roots
<solanaceous< leafy vegetables (Zhou et al., 2016). The increase in soil and plant
heavy metals can be attributed to the increased use of livestock and poultry manure
and chemical fertilizers even though heavy metals are ubiquitous in the environment
naturally (Jia et al., 2010). Diet is the main way by which the non-occupational
population get exposed to trace element (Antoine et al., 2017).
≤0.60 (pH>7.5)
≤350 (pH>7.5)
≤350/250 (pH>7.5)
≤1.0 (pH>7.5)
≤100 (pH≥6.5)
≤300 (pH>7.5)
≤60 (pH>7.5)
≤20/25 (pH>7.5)
Bio-concentration factor (BCF) is the ratio of the concentration of an element in
plants to that in the surrounding soil, that is, heavy metal plant/soil ratio. BCF-based
studies revealed that the amount of heavy metal accumulation in vegetables is
highest in leafy vegetables and least in fruit vegetables and moderate in tuber
vegetables. Based on the concentration of metals, Lead and Cadmium occur at high
levels in leafy vegetables while Zinc concentration in tuber vegetables is the highest.
The physio-chemical properties of soil such as texture, moisture, organic matter, pH
and the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of soil greatly influence the form of the
metals and their uptake into plants. Cadmium and Lead transfer from soil to plants is
greatly influenced by soil pH and higher pH values decrease the bioavailability and
toxicity of cadmium and lead. Air pollution can also enhance the accumulation of
pollutants in the vegetable. BCF is a key quantitative indicator of plant
contamination and the estimation of metal transfer from soil to plants by BCF has
been seen in recent research (Chang et al., 2013). Plants with a bio-concentration
factor more than 1 are termed hyper-accumulator and those with a factor below 1 are
The toxicity of heavy metal in plants, that is, phytotoxicity affects plant growth and
development, causes oxidative stress and cytotoxic and genotoxic effects in plants.
There are two primary routes of heavy metals exposure to humans; inhalation and
ingestion. Ingestion through diet is the main route of exposure as we have seen over
the years (the Minamata disease and itai itai in Japan). Chronic exposure to heavy
metals in foodstuff may lead to interference of many biological and biochemical
processes in the body of humans (Balkhair et al., 2016).
Heavy metals are toxic to humans and have the ability to accumulate in the body for
a longer period of time. The different toxic metals exert different toxic effects:
arsenic cause angiosarcoma and skin cancer; long term exposure of cadmium cause
liver and lungs acute toxicity, impair immune system function, induce osteotoxicity
and nephrotoxicity; Lead on the other hand causes low intelligence quotient in
Children, nephropathy, induce hypertension and cardiovascular disease (Zhou et al.,
2016). Low levels of heavy metal exposure to animals have been carried out and
their toxic effects observed with the first effects being trace element metabolism
disruption. For example Cadmium replaces Calcium and causes osteodystrophy in
the skeletal system; in the nervous system, Lead replaces calcium and impairs
cognitive development (Angelova et al., 2010). Heavy metals can cause damages in
lung, kidney, nervous tissues and skeletal system. Diseases associated to both short
term and long term heavy metal exposure are coronary heart disease, cancers (renal,
bladder and skin), gastrointestinal symptoms, reduced intellectual capacity and death
in some cases (Maleki et al., 2014). Small amounts of methyl mercury can cause
stillbirth or miscarriage (Yu et al., 2018).
Geochemical studies revealed that Cyprus is naturally rich in copper and other
metals and the distribution of metals is facilitated by anthropogenic activities such as
mining, urbanization and agricultural activities. The region of Gemikonagi is known
as an area of copper mining throughout the history of Cyprus and copper mining
areas also contain some heavy metals such as cadmium, lead, chromium, mercury
and arsenic. Mining activities in this region by Cyprus Mines Corporation (CMC)
and other human activities facilitated the mobilisation of heavy metals to soil and
water which are taken up by crops. The abandonment of the mining facility, mine
waste and tailings of CMC without proper clean-up measures has let to
contamination of the immediate area and other areas at large.
This study assessed the level of heavy metals in vegetables and agricultural soil in
Gemikonagi region and Dipkarpaz, North Cyprus. Dipkarpaz with no mining and
industrial activities which is located 150 km from Gemikonagi was used as a control
area. Therefore the levels of heavy metals in soil and plants in Gemikonagi and
Dipkarpaz were determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
(ICP-MS) and the results were compared using the SPSS statistical package.
The goal of this study is to investigate the levels of heavy metals in vegetable and
agricultural soil sample thereby determining which plants is bio-accumulator by
calculating the bio-concentration factor for each metal.
The results will be used to guide the farmers and entire population of North Cyprus
for the choice of area (location) and type of crop for agriculture. This study will alert
the officials of Northern Cyprus if the levels of heavy metal are above the
international accepted levels. The study is also a stepping stone for further studies to
be carried out for the assessment of potential human health risk associated with food
consumption using the Target Hazard Quotient (THQ).
Heavy metals occur naturally as ores in the earth crust with their respective relative
abundance. They are naturally found in trace amounts and are non-biodegradable.
Table 2.1: Comparison of heavy metals levels in vegetables and soil with their
maximum allowable limit
Zea mayis 41 47
Cu 10 26 (50)
Apium graveolens 46.85 11
*EU standard 2006, FAOWHO/FAO 2007, bKennethBarbalace. Periodic Table 1995.Accessed on-
line: /7/2018.
Most of the metals occurred as cations in soil with the exceptions of antimony,
vanadium, molybdenum and arsenic occurring as oxyanions (Langmuir et al., 2003).
Sources of heavy metal pollution are mining, smelting, fertilizers, pesticides,
industrial waste and sewage sludge. Soil pollutions of these metals are harmful to
plants and the environment (Ali et al., 2017). Due to the potential environmental risk
posed by heavy metals, there is increased concern and this has prompted researchers
to carry out large scale risk assessment (Cheyn et al., 2012). Table 2.1 shows the
levels of heavy metal in some vegetables and in soil with their maximum allowable
limit and the relative abundance of the metals.
Phytotoxicity is a toxic effect exerted on plants by chemicals and the effects can be
summarised as plant growth inhibition (Table 2.2). Naturally, soil pH ranges from
4.0 to 9.0 in general environment but due to anthropogenic activities that
contaminate soil with either acid or base, the pH can extend to the extreme from 2.0
to 11.0. Soils of this type are usually infertile and phytotoxic due the elements that
are affected by extreme pH (Langmuir et al., 2003).
Table 2.2: Main effect of heavy metals in plants (Gardea-Torresdey et al., 2005)
Cadmium Decreases seed germination, lipid content, and plant growth; induces
phytochelatins production.
Chromium Decreases enzyme activity and plant growth; produces membrane damage,
chlorosis and root damage.
The presence of heavy metals in plants affect chlorophyll biosynthesis, cause lipid
peroxidation, reduce respiration and also decrease the activities of antioxidant
enzymes such as catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), guaiacol peroxidase
(POD). These antioxidant enzymes are widely used as biomarkers in soil polluted
with heavy metals (Ali et al., 2017). Toxic effects of heavy metals are cellular
metabolic arrest, cellular damage, and oxidative stress cause by reactive oxygen
species (ROS) formation (Anjum et al., 2015). Certain heavy metals have inhibitory
effects on the shoots (leaves and stems) and roots of plants and can also affect the
germination process of plants.
Due to the phytotoxic potential of nickel, manganese, mercury, lead, chromium, and
cadmium their respective plant uptake mechanism (phytoavailability), metal–soil
physicochemical interactions, toxicity, relative abundance, and possible source of
contamination are discussed in details below (Langmuir et al., 2003).
2.1 Mercury
Mercury exists in different forms; elemental Hg, organic Hg and inorganic Hg. The
relative abundance of mercury in the continental crust is 400 mg/kg, in granite rocks
is 80 mg/kg, and in shales 180400 mg/kg (Sasmaz et al., 2015). Mercury occurs in
argillaceous sediments and fossil fuels and is very rare in the earth’s crust. Organic
Hg (II) complexes are dominant in soil and the mercury in soil is mostly bound to
organic matter and clay minerals. Sources of mercury in the environment are
anthropogenic and geogenic with anthropogenic emissions causing two thirds of the
total Hg release in the environment. The major geogenic sources are forest fire,
volcanic emissions, soil and water Hg volatilization, and weathering of rocks. All
these sources of Hg pollution have different pathway/uptake mechanism into plants
(Hlodák et al., 2016).
Worldwide data have shown that the mean hg concentration of top soils does not
exceed 400 mg/kg and the highest mean mercury concentration was measured in
Canada (400 mg/kg). The sources responsible for high mercury levels are Hg mining
areas, base metal processing industries, volcanic areas and areas with fertilizers and
pesticides application. The increased mobilization of mercury and higher levels in
waters, air and soil are due to the many anthropogenic activities such as mining,
smelting and agricultural practices. High quantity of Mercury is being emitted in
many countries even though vigorous efforts have been made to minimize its release
into the environment. Due to the high toxicity of Hg and its bio-accumulative
character, it is considered a worldwide contaminant of concern and the different
forms of mercury have different toxic potentials. The persistent nature of Hg and
accumulation capacity makes it clean, very difficult and expensive (Sasmaz et al.,
the observations, it has been suggested that mercury have an impact on reproduction
in occupationally exposed women.
The three soluble forms of mercury that exist in soil are Hg0, Hg1+, and Hg2+. The
latter 2 forms exist in oxidized form at low pH and Hg2+ is unstable at normal
environmental condition and it changes to Hg0, Hg1+. Aerobic bacteria also convert
soil mercury into methyl or dimethyl mercury in the process of methylation
(Tangahu et al., 2011). Mercury mobility in soil depends on chemical and biological
degradation of organomercury compounds and dissolution processes (Kabata et al.,
2001). It has been reported that the bioavailability and phytotoxicity of Hg is lower
in age soils. Organic matter contains the Cl-, OH-, and S2 functional groups that
have a high affinity for mercuric compounds and hence form stable and strong
Mercury accumulation in plants is related to the characteristics of soil and also the
concentration of Hg in soil. Less Hg is taken up by plants when the soil pH is high,
accumulated salts and surplus lime in soil. The soil organic matter also plays an
important role in mercury uptake. The concentration of mercury in plants is directly
proportional to that in soil as it has been reported that when the only source of the
metal was soil, the concentration was high (Sasmaz et al., 2015). Mercury
accumulation is more in the plant roots and the roots take up mobilized Hg easily
and the plant roots act as a barrier for mercury not to be translocated to the shoots.
The bioavailability of Hg in soil increases with low soil organic matter, and
oxidative weathering or enhanced microbial activity (Hlodák et al., 2016).
Figure 2.2: Uptake of Hg by 7-day-old oat seedlings from the culture solution of
HgNO3 concentration. (a) Tops; (b) roots. (Kabata et al., 2001)
Vegetables and fruits have a background level of mercury that vary from 2.6-86 ppb
(DW) and 0.6-70 ppb (FW). Increasing Hg contents in soil, leads to an increase in
plant mercury contents. Plant roots absorb mercury easily and the Hg is translocated
to other parts of the plants. The roots have been reported to accumulate the highest
amount of Hg as compare to the little amount in the leaves (Kabata et al., 2001,
Hlodak et al., 2015). High mercury concentrations have been observed in carrots,
onions, garlic, radish, beets, parsnips, turnips and other root vegetables. The
mercury accumulated by plant roots also inhibit potassium ion uptake. The
translocation of mercury occurs in different tissues in plant; from leaves to grains in
rice plant, leaves to fruits and also from seeds to the first generation seeds of
wheats/peas treated with fungicides containing mercury (Kabata et al., 2001).
Vegetables accumulate higher amount of Hg than fruits and grains and different
vegetables have different capacity to accumulate Hg; Parsley and Lettuce Hg
concentration greater than potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes Hg concentration
(Sasmaz et al., 2015). Lettuce, carrots, mushrooms and lichens take up higher
concentration of mercury than other plants growing on the same area (Kabata et al.,
Mercury phytotoxic effects are oxidative stress initiated by reactive oxygen species
and free radical compound induced by mercury and also affect the morphology and
physiology of plants (decreased uptake of essential elements; growth inhibition in
root and shoot; inhibition of photosynthetic pigment synthesis). The levels of
superoxide dismutase, peroxidase and catalase antioxidant enzymes are also
increased in the presence of mercury in plants. Mercury interferes with the electron
transport in chloroplast and mitochondria thereby affecting oxidative metabolism
and photosynthesis. Hg also inhibits aquaporins and reduces the uptake of water by
plants (Tangahu et al., 2011). Phytotoxicity of mercury can be summarised as (a)
reduction in nutrient uptake and plant growth inhibition; (b) inhibit photosynthesis;
(c) induce genotoxic effects; (d) affects antioxidative systems. Other researchers
also reported that small concentration of mercury in plants can induce oxidative
stress and lipid peroxidation which increase the activity of antioxidant enzymes
(glutathione, peroxidase, ascorbate peroxidase, superoxide dismutase and
glutathione reductase) (Kumar et al., 2013).
2.2 Cadmium
Cadmium is a rare element in the earth’s crust and it is the 65th most abundance
element in the earth’s crust. It was discovered by Stromeyer and Hermann in
Germany in 1817 as a by-product of Zn smelting. The elevated soil cadmium
concentration is as a result of Zinc mining, smelting, application of insecticides,
fertilizers and pesticides, and also sewage sludge application. Phosphate-based
fertilizers and fertilizers made from sediments of sea bed contain high
concentrations of cadmium. Cadmium has a high mobility in soil and is easily taken
up by plants. Cadmium natural concentration in soil range from 0.07-1.1 mg/kg
globally and cadmium is phytotoxic above 10 mg Cd/kg soil. The total cadmium
concentration by FOREGS in agricultural soil in Europe is between 0.06-0.6 mg/kg
(Shahid et al., 2016). The presence of cadmium in the environment is of high
concern. Cadmium is found in very low concentration in soils and raises concern
when found in agricultural soil. Cadmium is an ecotoxic chemical. Sources of
cadmium pollution to the environment are metal mining, smelting operations,
fertilizers and pesticides application and industrial activities and these activities lead
to elevated levels of cadmium in the environment (Lamb et al., 2016).
In agricultural soils, cadmium pollution is the most wide spread as compare to other
heavy metals due to anthropogenic activities such as Sewage sludge and phosphate
fertilizers. The cadmium concentrations in urban soil in china range from 0.11 to
8.59 mg/kg (Zhao et al., 2017). Plant cadmium concentration is high in polluted
environment because cadmium is highly phytoavailable both from soil and air
(Kabata et al., 2001). Cadmium exists as cation at normal environmental pH but
becomes cadmium hydroxyl species when pH is increased. In solution studies, as the
Cd hydroxyl species increase in the soil solution, the uptake by plant roots also
increases which is translocated to the shoots and cause toxicity in plants. Therefore
the uptake of cadmium is increase with increasing pH which may be attributed to
sorption to external cells and the changes that occur in the surface of the apoplast.
Cadmium absorption by plant roots is affected by the presence of humic acid (Lamb
et al., 2016). The phytoavailability of cadmium is influence by many factors both
soil physio-chemical properties and the physiology of plant. The soil properties are
soil particle size, cation exchange capacity, temperature and pH whereas the
physiological characteristics of plant are root exudation and transpiration rate, and
surface area of root. Many species of plant accumulate cadmium in the roots and the
amount translocated to the shoots is very little. The phytoavailability of Cd is
directly proportional to the total Cd concentration in soil because of the different
forms and distribution of Cd in soil. Cd can either be free or adsorbed and this
affects the amount available for uptake. The readily availability of cadmium to
plants is due to the fact that they are predominantly bound to the exchangeable solid
phase which is easily release into soil solution. Cd2+ ion is the predominant form of
cadmium in soil. The uptake of cadmium by plant is mainly through pore water
(Shahid et al., 2016).
The uptake of cadmium is affected by many plant and soil factors. Cadmium is
easily absorbed by the leaves and roots though it is a non-essential metal. A global
research carried out in 30 countries shows that plant cadmium is a function of soil
cadmium. The mechanism of Cd2+ uptake is not fully known but it is likely to be
transported by the same mechanism for Zinc translocation (Kabata et al., 2001). The
figure (2.3) below summarised the cycle of cadmium.
Figure 2.3: Biogeochemical behaviour of Cd in soil-plant system. (Shahid et al.,
cadmium contamination, the pH of the soil is lowered to enhance the uptake (Shahid
et al., 2016).
The formation of complexes between soil organic matter and cadmium makes SOM
to play a vital role in Cd bioavailability. It has been reported that humic substances
bind Cd2+ stronger than the major inorganic ligand at high pH. The effect of humic
substances to the phytoavailability of metals depends on the concentration, source,
form of Cd in soil and physicochemical quality. Soils that have higher organic
matter reduce the uptake of Cd by plants effectively and also remove Cd from soil
solution due to the Cd-sorption on to the functional groups of humic substances. By
the alteration of pH, cation exchange capacity, porosity and particle size distribution,
SOM can affect the bioavailability of cadmium. The transport of cadmium from
roots to the shoots occurs through the transpiration-driven xylem loading. A study
carried out by Zhao et al. (2006) show that a decrease in transpiration led to the
reduction of Cd in the aerial tissues (Shahid et al., 2016).
Cadmium being the most ecotoxic metal that causes adverse effects in plant
metabolism and biological activities in soil is of increasing environmental concern.
Cadmium is phytotoxic and its capacity to cause toxicity is related to the inhibition
or destabilisation of enzyme activities. For example; anthocyanin and chlorophyll
pigments inhibition in plants. Cadmium has a high affinity for sulfhydryl groups and
complexes with metallothionein-like proteins and this is an important characteristic
of cadmium. Due to the affinity of Cd to sulfhydryl, it is likely to be in high
concentration in the protein sites of plants (Kabata et al., 2001). The accumulation of
cadmium in plants affects the morphology and growth of plants adversely and above
the toxic threshold, the biochemical and physiological functions are negatively
affected. Above the Cd concentration of 5-10 mg/g leaf dry weight, plant death may
occur. Very high concentration of Cd at the cellular level can cause cell cycles and
cell division changes, chromosomal aberrations, and reactive oxygen species
production. Excess reactive oxygen species production causes cell death as a result
of oxidation of protein, damage of DNA and RNA, lipid peroxidation, and inhibition
of enzyme (Shahid et al., 2016).
The interaction of cadmium and other heavy metals can either have synergistic
effects or antagonistic effects on the plants. Cd-Fe interactions have a relation to the
disturbance of the photosynthetic apparatus. Cd-Cu interaction has a complex nature
and Cu inhibits the absorption of Cd. General effects of elevated cadmium in plants
are; root damage and retardation of growth, inhibition of photosynthesis, chlorosis,
CO2 and transpiration disturbance and destruction of cell membrane permeability.
In nutrient medium, cadmium concentration of 50 to 75 µM/L, greatly cause
reduction of chloroplast photochemical activities (Kabata et al., 2001). The
symptoms of phytotoxicity induced by cadmium are stunted growth, root elongation,
chlorosis, inhibition of photosynthesis, lipid peroxidation, and impaired seedling
development. Toxicity at cellular level include increased generation of ROS,
deterioration of lipids, nucleic acid and proteins, cell redox interruption, and DNA
strands cleavage. The phytotoxic effect of cadmium is linked to ATPase activity
disruption, photosynthesis reduction, disruption of nutrient and water uptake and
transport, reduction in respiration and growth of plant, nitrogen metabolism
alteration, chlorosis, inhibition of photosynthesis, and reduced plant length (Shahid
et al., 2016).
Table 2.3: Threshold values of Cd in edible plant parts established by the Codex
Alimentarius Commission of FAO/WHO (CODEX 2006)
2.3 Chromium
Chromium is relatively found in trace amount in soil and the most common is the
trivalent form (Cr (III)). In plants Cr is a nonessential element (Ding et al., 2014).
Chromium form both anionic and cationic complexes and have variable oxidation
states. Naturally, chromium has two valence states; +3 (chromic) and +6 (chromate).
The chromate ions are very mobile and can be absorbed by clays easily. The state of
chromium in soil and its transfer from soil to plant is governed by adsorption and
reduction (Kabata et al., 2001). The sources of Cr pollution in the environment can
be from volcanic activity, natural, geogenic or anthropogenic sources, see figure 2.4
(Shahid et al., 2017). The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
ranked Cr 7th out of 20 hazardous chemicals. Soluble chromate is toxic to plants and
Chromium is of high concern in the environment due to its variable oxidation state.
Cr has no metabolic function in plants and not required by plants and is phytotoxic.
Cr(III) occurs as cation while Cr(VI) occurs as oxyanions (examples are dichromate,
hydrochromate and chromate). The hexavalent Cr is very mobile in soil and more
stable. The toxicity of Cr (VI) is greater than that of trivalent Cr and has been
observed in soil at <1 mg/kg Cr (VI). The less mobility of trivalent Cr is its ability to
precipitate at natural pH. The oxidation states of Cr ranges from -2 to +6 but the
most stable chemical forms are Cr(III) and Cr(VI). The both forms are different in
terms of toxicity, bioavailability, absorption and translocation. Many studies carried
out have reported different natural and background levels of Cr but the natural levels
found in the earth’s crust ranges from 0.1 to 0.3 mg/kg. The different studies showed
that majority of the soils have chromium levels of 15 to 100 ug/g and the level
increases as the clay content increases. An estimation of 64 mg/kg Cr accepted level
in soil for environmental health protection. The maximum allowable level of total Cr
in agricultural soil varies from country to country, see table 1.1(Shahid et al., 2017).
than that of Cr (III) because of its high solubility and adsorption. The bioavailability
and mobility of Cr in soil is greatly controlled by clay contents, pH, CEC, and
organic carbon. These physicochemical properties are used to explain the
phytotoxicity of metals (Ding et al., 2014).
The transfer of Cr from soil to plants is affected by two major types of factors: plant
physiology such as root surface area, type of plant, transpiration and type of root
secretions; and properties of soil such as pH, CEC and texture. The pH of soil is an
important parameter that governs the adsorption/desorption and speciation of Cr in
soils. The bioavailability, mobility, and sorption/desorption is controlled by soil
organic matter due to its ability to convert Cr (VI) to Cr (III). The reduction of Cr
(VI) to Cr (III) by SOM is depended on pH, redox potential and CEC. Higher SOM
create a condition for reduction. Increase soil CEC leads to increased sorption of
cationic Cr (III) by SOM (Shahid et al., 2017). The solubility of Cr(III) at pH<5.5 is
low and it precipitates above this pH making its compound stable in soil whereas
Cr(VI) is very unstable and in both alkaline and acidic soil it is mobilized. Due to
the influence of soil pH on Cr bioavailability, safe levels at various pH have been
suggested such as 150 mg/kg at pH<6.5; 200 mg/kg at pH 6.5-7.5; and 250 mg/kg at
pH>7.5 (State Environmental Protection Administration of China). The elevated
concentration of chromium in plants is due to the anthropogenic activities such as
some phosphate fertilizers which contain up to 600 ppm of chromium in soil.
Chromium is a known plant toxic metal that is detrimental to their growth, and also
affects the physiological and biochemical processes.
been observed Hibiscus esculentus, Phaseolus vulgaris, Ocimum tenuiflorum. The
toxicity of chromium can be seen as chlorosis in young leaves and on cereals, root
injury, wilting of tops and brownish red leaves (Kabata et al., 2001).
Figure 2.4: The biogeochemical behaviour of Cr in soil-plant system and its effect
(Shahid et al., 2017)
2.4 Manganese
Manganese is the 12th most abundant element in the earth’s crust with an atomic
number of 25. Manganese is found in sufficient amount in the soil and is also being
enriched by anthropogenic activities which are a threat to plants and animals (Anjum
et al., 2015). Manganese has variable oxidation states such as 0, +2, +3, +4, +6 and
+7. In biological systems, only the +2, +3, and +4 states occur with +2 being the
most soluble form in soil and therefore available in plants. Mn ranges in the
lithosphere is between 350-2000 ppm and forms minerals with other elements. It
occurs as Mn2+, Mn3+, and Mn4+ but Mn2+ ion is the most frequent and replaces
divalent ions such as Fe2+ and Mg2+ in silicates and oxides (Kabata et al., 2001).
The manganese level in soil is in a range of 450-4000 mg/kg soil and the natural
level in soil is in the range of 1.0-4000 mg/kg d.w (Anjum et al., 2015).
There are three forms of manganese in the soil; soluble Mn2+ which is
phytoavailable and insoluble Mn3+ and Mn4+ which are easily reducible.
Manganese is a trace element with some physiological functions in plants such as
photosynthesis, redox processes, serves as enzyme co-factor in PSII (Fernando et al.,
2015). The soluble form of Mn in soil is easily taken up by plants, thus the
proportion of soluble Mn in plants is directly related to that in soils. The relationship
of Mn concentration in plants and the soil pH is indirectly proportional; an increase
in soil pH negatively affects plant Mn concentration. But soil organic matter has a
direct and positive relationship with plant Mn concentration. Excess concentration
of phytoavailable form of Mn is related to factors such as High limed soil (pH of up
to 8); acid soils of pH 5.5 or less and anaerobic and poorly aerated soils due to flood
or waterlog or compact soils. The uptake and translocation of Mn in plants is known
to be rapid as it does not bind to ligands and root tissues or to xylem fluid. Mn is
transported as Mn2+ ions and the phloem exudate has a lesser Mn concentration
than leaf tissues; this lower concentration of Mn in the phloem vessel is responsible
for the lower concentration of Mn in seeds, fruits and storage roots (Kabata et al.,
The frequent reactions of Mn in soil are hydrolysis and redox reactions as the
solubility is mainly dependent on pH and redox potential. The mobility of Mn is
controlled by two factors; reduction of MnO2 and formation of complex by root
exudates in the soil around the plant roots. The Mn in the topsoil is mostly bound to
fulvic acid but the Mn2+ ion is highly ionized (Kabata et al., 2001). The solubility
and bioavailability of manganese is highly control by soil pH. Higher pH favours
adsorption of manganese into soil particles which cause decrease in manganese
availability. Manganese +2 is absorbed by epidermal cells of roots by active
diffusion (Anjum et al., 2015). The bioavailability of Mn is affected by the soil Mn
content, CEC, and pH. The uptake of manganese occurs in two stages: (i) uptake of
Mn+2 in the apoplast of the root cells; where negatively charged cell wall
constituents adsorb Mn+2. The adsorption is rapid, irreversible and nonmetabolic.
(ii) Mn2+ is taken up by symplast in a slow and nonmetabolic process. Manganese
distribution is unequal in plant systems; aerial tissues accumulate more Mn than the
roots. Mn is transported through the xylem with a high mobility from the roots to the
shoots and leaves by aid of the transpiration stream. Mn is relatively immobile in the
phloem transport system. The distribution of Mn2+ at cellular level is unequal;
highest in the vacuoles followed by chloroplast, cell wall and endoplasmic reticulum
(Anjum et al., 2015). On acid soils, the toxicity of Mn is a high threat to the
vegetation as soil acidity below pH 5.3 negatively affects plants. Oxides of Mn are
solubilised by acidic and hypoxic soils to soluble Mn2+ which is known to induce
plant toxicity. Manganese toxicity is very common in Puerto Rico, Eastern
Australia, Brazil, Hawai and tropical Africa due to climate effects and natural
processes (Fernando et al., 2015).
Manganese is an essential element in plants but high concentrations of Mn is toxic to
plants and can lead to inhibition of many processes. Elevated Mn concentration
causes Mn phytotoxicity which is mediated through the inhibition of glutathione
reductase and ascorbate peroxidase which are important free radical mitigating
antioxidative enzymes. High level of Mn in plants also causes oxidative stress
through the antagonism of metals of similar structures thereby causing deficiency in
enzyme cofactors responsible for antioxidative activities (Fernando et al., 2015).
Elevated levels of Mn has resulted in chromosomal and mitotic alterations, disrupted
cell homeostasis, generation of reactive oxygen species and altered metabolic
processes (Anjum et al., 2015).
2.5 Lead
Environmental contamination of Pb has detrimental effects on the productivity of
plants and the health of humans. Due to fast industrialisation, Pb has become the
major common environmental pollutant according to EPA. Pb is not an essential
metal in plants but due to its presence in soil by anthropogenic sources such as Pb
fertilizers and automotive exhaust, it is taken up by plants (Lamhamdi et al., 2011).
It has been reported that the highest Pb concentrations are found in rich top organic
uncultivated soils. Organic matter is an important reservoir of Pb in contaminated
soils. The uptake, translocation and toxicity of Pb2+ vary with the plant species and
tissues. It was found that Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia has more tolerance to high
concentrations of Pb2+ than Erythinna speciose in soil. Research has shown that
some dicotyledons have very high accumulative capacity for Pb2+ than some
monocotyledons (Shen et al., 2016). Due to the insolubility resulting from the
precipitation of Pb in soil, Pb contamination was of less concern. However, the
concentration of Pb in plant roots is correlated to that in the soil and this is an
indication of Pb uptake by plants. Factors that enhance the uptake and translocation
of Pb by plants are low soil pH, organic ligands and low soil phosphorus content
(Kabata et al., 2001).
The uptake of Pb by plant roots is passive and the rate of uptake can be reduced by
low temperature and liming of soil. The absorption of Pb is by root hairs and mostly
stored in the cell wall. The uptake of soluble Pb in solutions by plant roots is greater
and the rate increases as the concentration of soluble Pb in solution increases with
time. However, the translocation of Pb from roots to shoots is very slow and limited
as only 3% of the Pb concentration in the roots is been translocated to the shoots.
Therefore, higher amount of Pb is accumulated in the roots of plants. Liming has a
negative impact on the solubility of Pb and therefore soils with higher pH content
decrease the solubility of Pb and precipitate Pb as phosphate, hydroxide or
carbonate. These complexes are stable. Pb solubility increase with increasing acidity
and therefore plants growing on acid rich soils tend to have higher levels of Pb
(Kabata et al., 2001).
Pb is toxic to plants, microorganisms and animals. The life of a plant begins from
seed germination which is a complex process that involves enzymatic reactions. Pb
is known to inhibit seed germination (Lamhamdi et al., 2011). The toxicity of Lead
is dependent on soil properties such as SOM, CEC, and pH (Cheyn2012). Pb
toxicity depends on the soil properties, Pb concentration, type of salt and plant
species. Excess Pb concentration affects functional groups in macromolecule,
enzyme activities, and thus plant water status, photosynthesis and mineral nutrition
are affected. Toxic levels affect major processes such as seed germination, dry ass of
shoots and roots, and seedling growth (Lamhamdi et al., 2011).
Lead induces oxidative stress in plant parts as a result of ROS production. Due to the
oxidative stress produce by Pb, cell damages occur which lead to reduction of plant
productivity. Lead toxicity includes inhibition of chlorophyll production, plant
growth, root elongation, transpiration, seed germination, seedling development and
cell division (Kumar et al., 2013). Pb toxicity causes adverse effects on seed
germination, root elongation, plant growth, antioxidant enzymes system, seedling
development, chlorophyll production (Shen et al., 2016). Pb is a phytotoxic metal
that causes inhibition of ATP production, alter cell membrane permeability, that is,
Pb reacts with functional groups of enzymes that are involve in metabolism; reacts
with phosphate groups of ADP and ATP; and also replaces essential ions, Pb also
causes production of ROS which is responsible for lipid peroxidation and DNA
damage. There exist antagonism between Pb and Zn and this negatively affects their
translocation from plant roots to shoots (Kabata et al., 2001).
2.6 Nickel
Nickel is a heavy metal with atomic number 28 and is the 22nd most abundant
element in the earth’s crust. Ni exists in two forms either in combination with iron or
as a free metal in igneous rocks. The natural level of nickel in agricultural soil is in
the range of 3.0 to 1000 mg/kg but contaminated soils have a range of 200 to 26000
mg/kg. The distribution of Ni in the earth’s crust is similar to that of cobalt and iron,
even though weathering facilitates its mobilization. Ni can migrate over long
distances and is relatively stable in aqueous solutions. Ni as a metal has valence
states that range from +1 to +4 and the +2 valence state of nickel is present in the
environment more than the others. Divalent nickel is more available to plants
(Anjum et al., 2015). The Ni content of vegetables ranges from 0.2 to 3.7 ppm (DW)
and in other plants such as covers, grasses, and wheat grains ranges from 0.1 to 2.7
ppm (DW) (Kabata et al., 2001).
Anthropogenic activities have increase soil content of Ni massively and some of the
sources of pollution are metal processing, combustion of coal and oil, sludge,
phosphate fertilizers. The industrial sources have significantly increases the
concentration of Ni in soils and make Ni a serious pollutant. The organic chelated
form of Ni in sewage sludge is readily available to plants and thus making it highly
phytotoxic (Kabata et al., 2001). Many anthropogenic activities release high level of
Ni to soil. More than 60% of anthropogenic source of nickel enters into the soil and
is responsible for majority of the pollution of soil by nickel.
The uptake of Ni from soil is mostly by plant roots through passive transport though
can also be taken up by active transport. The uptake of soluble Ni is also facilitated
by cation transport system. Active and passive transport mechanism of Ni is changes
with the soil pH, Ni concentration in soil, plant species, the presence of other metals
and oxidation state. The uptake of Ni2+ is in two stages; a rapid stage that is
followed by a slow linear phase (Anjum et al., 2015). The uptake of Ni is affected
both by plant factors and pedological factors with soil pH being the dominant factor.
Berrow and Burridge found that the Ni content of oat grains was decreased by a
factor of 8 when the soil pH was increased from 4.5 to 6.5 showing that the soil pH
and Ni uptake is indirectly proportional. The uptake of Ni varies with plant species,
some plants are hyperaccumulator such as Alyssum sp, berries and grains (Kabata et
al., 2001). The bioavailability of Ni to plants is governed by Fe oxides/hydroxides,
CEC, soil pH and SOM. The translocation of Ni from roots to other parts of the
plant is very rapid due to the high mobility of Ni in plant systems. Ni can be easily
translocated from older leaves to younger ones due to its high mobility. The
movement of Ni within the plant is controlled by transporter proteins, organic acids
and metal-ligand complexes and the flow of xylem sap aids in the rapid
translocation of Ni from roots to shoots (Anjum et al., 2015). The content of Ni is
highest in clay and loamy soils. In the U.S, soil Ni ranges from 5 ppm to 150 ppm
and throughout the other parts of the world, the range of soil Ni is 0.2-450 ppm.
According to Kabata P. and Pendias H. (2001), the bonding of Ni to organic ligands
is not strong but organic matter is capable of mobilizing Ni from oxides and
carbonates. Soils that have high complexation ability such as polluted and organic
rich soils support the mobilization of Ni. The solubility of Ni in soil and soil pH is
inversely related, that is, lower soil pH favors Ni solubility and higher soil pH leads
to lower solubility of soil Ni. Ni transport and storage is controlled metabolically
and accumulation of this metal is both in leaves and seeds. The plant roots readily
take up soluble Ni and the uptake of Ni by plants is directly proportional to the
concentration of Ni in solution (Kabata et al., 2001).
enzyme activities, nitrogen metabolism, and carbohydrate metabolism (Anjum et al.,
2015). Oats which is a Ni sensitive crop contains 24 to 308 ppm (DW) Ni in the
leaves when exposed to the metal. The toxic concentration of Ni in plants range
widely among different plant species and reports have shown to be in the range of
40 to 246 ppm (DW). Excess Ni induces hydrogen peroxide accumulation and also
causes oxidative stress by the generation of reactive oxygen species. The ROS can
directly or indirectly interfere with the DNA repair system by causing point
mutations. Reduction in the content of DNA and RNA in Nigella sativa and T.
aestivum was seen when exposed to 10-25 ppm of Ni. In Jatropha curcas, DNA
polymorphism was also observed which causes alterations in the sequence of DNA
when it was exposed to excess Ni (Anjum et al., 2015).
There has been increasing concern over the years on heavy metal contamination of
soil around the globe and also many remediation techniques have been developed
(Khan et al., 2000). Due to the non-degradable nature of heavy metals, it is of great
importance to develop techniques other than degradation to reduce or eliminate their
effects in soil and plants. Reports have shown that greater than 50 % of the
contaminated sites worldwide are contaminated with heavy metals and most of them
are found in developed countries such as Germany, China, U.S.A, Sweden and
Australia due to their high level of industrialization (Khalid et al., 2017). The
awareness of the detriments of elevated concentration of heavy metals in agricultural
soil worldwide has improved the development of clean-up techniques for heavy
metal contamination.
Remediation of heavy metal contaminated soils can be done on-site or off-site but
the off-site (excavation and disposal) remediation just remove the problem from one
site and shift it to another site with dangers during the transportation of the soil to
landfill disposal. Soil washing is an alternative to excavation (Tangahu et al., 2011).
The remediation approach of contaminated soil is influenced by the form (physical
and chemical) of the heavy metal contaminant in soil. Therefore, the contamination
site must be assessed accurately, obtaining information about the physical
characteristics of the site and the contamination type and level in the site (Evanko et
al., 1997). USEPA, 2017 stated that these factors have to be considered when
choosing a heavy metal clean-up technique; site geography, cost-effectiveness, time
requirement, characteristics of contamination, public acceptability, financial budget,
goal of remediation, and implementation readiness (Liu et al., 2018).
Figure 3.1: Categories of soil remediation methods (Khalid et al., 2017)
This is the process of replacing polluted soil with non-polluted soil either completely
or partially and the excavated soil is disposed to landfills or treated to recover the
metals. The frequently used techniques for soil remediation before 1984 were
excavation, off-site disposal and soil replacement. Soil replacement boosts
functionality of soil by mixing and reducing the concentration of heavy metals
(Khalid et al., 2017).
Soil isolation is the temporal separation of heavy metal contaminated soil from
uncontaminated soil. This technique is used when other techniques are not
physically or economically feasible to prevent further contamination. Isolation
techniques are designed to set a containment area so that there is no movement of
the metal contaminants or restrict the area of contamination from further
contaminating nearby fields. Contamination site can be isolated during site
assessment and remediation to prevent movement. The contaminated area can be
isolated temporarily to limit transport during the assessment and remediation of the
site (Khalid et al., 2017, Evanko et al., 1997).
3.1.3 Vitrification
High heat can be applied to a contaminated soil that will lead to the reduction of
heavy metal mobility with vitreous material (an oxide solid) as a by-product. This
process is known as vitrification which is defined as the formation of vitreous
material through the application of high temperature treatment in a heavy metal
contamination site. Mercury for example is a heavy metal that can be volatilize by
high heat and in the process of vitrification, the volatilized product must be collected
for treatment or disposed as hazardous waste. Vitrification is a non-classical
technique though it is very easy to apply and can be applied to wide range of heavy
metal contaminated soil. Reports have shown that Zn, Cu, Mn, Ni, and Fe were
immobilized at 1350 oC. Vitrification is achieved when electric current is applied to
the contaminated soil by inserting arrays of electrodes vertically (Khalid et al., 2017,
Evanko et al., 1997).
biosolids, CaO, biochar, medical stone, fly ash, microbes, and phosphate fertilizers.
There are also low cost industrial residues that are being used as heavy metal
immobilizing agents, they include red mud, termitaria, and industrial eggshell.
Biochar is widely used among all the amendments and is an old technique that has
its roots from slash-and-burn agriculture due to its capacity to limit heavy metals
such as Zn, Cd and Pb mobility in soil (Ali et al., 2017).
There are many methods to immobilize metal contaminants using either chemical
reagents and/or biological materials to bind the polluted soil. Immobilization
methods include solidification/stabilization, liming and biochar, encapsulation,
chemical redox and soil washing (Evanko et al., 1997). Solidification/Stabilization
These are the most used remediation techniques for metal contaminated sites. The
general approach for solidification and stabilization is the mixture of agents to the
polluted soil. Stabilization which can also be termed fixation uses chemicals that
react to make the contaminant less mobile while solidification involves processes
that make the matrix solidifies altogether with the contaminant, that is the solidified
matrix binds the contaminant physically (Evanko et al., 1997). Precipitation of the
metals by hydroxides within the matrix is the superior mechanism for immobilizing
heavy metals in contamination sites. There are two types of binders; inorganic which
are blast furnace slag, fly ash and cement; and organic binders which are bitumen
(form a crystalline, glassy framework around the contamination site). The limitation
of these techniques are metal that exists as anions such as Cr(VI), arsenic; metals
with high solubility hydroxides such as mercury cannot be cleaned using these
techniques (Evanko et al., 1997).
Biomaterials are also used as immobilizing agents in heavy metal contaminated soils
due to their low cost and availability. Biochar, an example of biomaterials have been
widely used to remediate heavy metal contaminated soils. Biochar which is also
called biological charcoal is a porous, carbon rich charcoal produced by pyrolysis of
organic residues (such as animal wastes, biosolids, crop residues, municipal wastes,
and wood) at very high temperature. Biochar has been proven to be effective in
enhancing heavy metal sorption, and reduction in phytoavailability and mobility
(Khalid et al., 2017). Biochar can accept or donate electrons to metals (Omena et al.,
2017). Biochar is an excellent sorbent of metal contaminants due to its large surface
area. The various mechanisms of biochar use to immobilize metal contaminants are;
carbonates, hydroxides or phosphate development; the d-electrons of metals are
adsorbed by the p-electrons of biochar surface; precipitation due to the high biochar
pH (example is Pb immobilization); the cations interacts with the functional groups
through electrostatic binding (example is arsenic). Biochar also immobilizes heavy
metals by formation of precipitates, heavy metal absorption, electrostatic interaction
ions exchange, and chelate formation (Ali et al., 2017). Biochar also cause
adsorption of metal cations to soil particles indirectly by pH increase thereby
immobilizing the metal contaminants (Brendova et al., 2016). Biochar can also be
used to restrict the uptake of metals by crops thereby enhancing food safety (Li et
al., 2018). Biochars increase the soil physicochemical properties such as CEC, pH,
and nutrient contents of loamy soil and also limit the phytotoxicity and
bioavailability of Pb, Ni, and Co (Mohamed et al., 2017). Zhai et al. (2018) reported
that lime and biochar have been effective in immobilize heavy metals in
contaminated soil and improve the biomass of plants (Zhai et al., 2018).
Studies of biochar and Brassica have been carried out to investigate the translocation
of heavy metals in roots and shoots. Brassica has been used for phytoremediation
due to its fast growing and hyperaccumulator capacity and is commonly grown
around oil production area. The combination of biochar and lime as a treatment
technique also improved soil environment and enhanced the soil microbial
community (Zhai et al., 2018). Encapsulation
Encapsulation is the process of mixing products such as lime, asphalt or cement with
heavy metal contaminated soil to form solid blocks that prevent contamination of
nearby soils and thus immobilize the heavy metals. Cement is the binding material
of choice due to its cost-effectiveness, availability and versatility (Khalid et al.,
There are other immobilizing agents such as alginate, chitosan, agar, polyvinyl
alcohol, and polyacrylamide that can be used in encapsulation. In oil and heavy
metal contaminated soil, the combination of concrete and lime has been shown to be
very effective (Khalid et al., 2017).
There are chemical reactions that can transform the toxic metal to relatively non-
toxic and decrease the mobility of metals. Chemical treatment can be done ex situ or
in situ. These are oxidation, reduction and neutralization reactions (Evanko et al.,
Chemical oxidation functions by alteration of the oxidation state of the metal atom
via electrons loss. There are commercial chemical oxidizing agents available for
treatment such as chlorine gas, potassium permanganate, hypochlorite and hydrogen
peroxide (Evanko et al., 1997).
Chemical neutralization treatment aims at balancing the pH of soils with high acidity
or alkalinity. Neutralisation can be used as a pre-treatment before chemical
oxidation or reduction and is also use to precipitate insoluble metal salts (Evanko et
al., 1997).
The set back of chemical treatment is their non-specific nature which can trigger the
reaction of other reactive metals and this might lead to the mobility of the metal or
making it more toxic. Chemical treatment as a whole can be used as pre-treatment
method to prepare the contaminated site for other techniques such as
solidification/stabilization techniques. Chromium contaminated soil can be
remediated by chemical reduction where Cr(VI) is reduced to Cr(III) and the Cr(III)
can easily be precipitated over a wide range of pH by hydroxide. Arsenic
contamination on the other hand can be treated by either stabilization or chemical
oxidation. The stabilization of arsenic is done by precipitation and coprecipitation
with Fe(III) while arsenite is oxidized to arsenate which is less soluble, less mobile
and less toxic as compare to arsenite (Evanko et al., 1997).
This is an ex situ method that involves the removal of heavy metal from
contaminated soil by the used of extractants. In the process of soil washing, the
excavated soil is mixed with suitable extractant solution. The selection of the
extractant solution depends on the type of soil and metal. The mixture is thoroughly
mixed for a given time period, and the metals moved from soil to a liquid layer
through chelation, precipitation, adsorption or ion exchange which are being
separated. Example of extractant agents are FeCl3, surfactants, organic acids,
cyclodextrins and synthetic chelating agents such as EDTA and Ethylenediamine-
N,N'-disuccinic acid (EDDS) (Khalid et al., 2017, Marques et al., 2009). Soil
washing can be combined with other immobilisation techniques for a better soil
remediation as shown in figure 3.2.
Figure 3.2: Combination of soil washing and in situ immobilization (Zhai et al.,
3.3.1 Bioaccumulation
and intracellular precipitation. Inactive biomass takes up metals by ionic group
adsorption at the cell surface (Evanko et al., 1997).
3.3.2 Phytoremediation
a b
Figure 3.3: (a) The mechanism of heavy metal uptake by phytoremediation plants
(b) Factors affecting the uptake mechanisms of heavy metal (Tangahu et al., 2011)
33 Phytoextraction
Plants used for phytoextraction have the following attributes; (a) profuse root
system, (b) tolerance to elevated concentration of heavy metals, (c) the shoots must
have high accumulation capacity of heavy metals, and (d) fast growth with large
biomass (Khalid et al., 2017). Phytostabilization
Table 3.1: Plants that perform phytoextraction of heavy metals and metal contents
in leaves (Vasilev et al., 2003, Marques et al., 2009) Phytovolatilization
Phytovolatilization uses plants to take up heavy metals from polluted soil and
transform them into gases which are then release into the atmosphere as
biomolecules through transpiration. The concentration of the volatilized form of the
contaminants is low and relatively non-toxic. Examples of plants that perform
phytovolatilization are Arabidopsis halleri, Brassica juncea, and Chara canescens
(Khalid et al., 2017, Tangahu et al., 2011).
Due to the limitation of phytoextraction by the low metal availability, uptake and
translocation, and biomass, phytoextraction cannot be fully effective. Chelate
assisted phytoremediation used both plants and chelating agents to remediate heavy
metal contaminated soil effectively. This technique has received more attention and
practice over the past 10 years and it is an economical alternative to conventional
remediation techniques. Chelating agents has enhanced the phytoextraction of many
heavy metals such as Cd, Zn, Pb, Cu and Ni. Example of chelating agents used in
chelate assisted phytoremediation include humic substances, nitrate triacetic acid,
EDTA, hydroxyethylene diamine triacetic acid (HEDTA), EDDS, sulfur, and
ammonium fertilizers (Khalid et al., 2017, Khanet al., 2000). The phytoextraction of
Cd was enhanced by EDTA using Lonicera japonica and Althaea rosea plants in the
black see region of turkey (Cay et al. 2016).
Astragalus racemosus Se
36 Advantages and limitations of phytoremediation
There are many important criteria involve in the process of selecting techniques for
soil remediation. They include: (i) cost involved, (ii) time required, (iii)
effectiveness under high metal(loid)s contamination, (iv) general acceptance and
commercial availability, (v) long-term effectiveness, and (vi) applicability to multi-
metal contaminated sites (Khalid et al., 2017).
Figure 3.4: Advantages of phytoremediation and limitation of phytoremediation
(Tangahu et al., 2011)
The analytical techniques used for heavy metal determination include; atomic
absorption spectroscopy (AAS), X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF),
inductively coupled plasma/mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), atomic fluorescence
spectrometry (AFS), neutron activation analysis (NAA), inductively coupled plasma
optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), d.c argon plasma multielement atomic
emission spectrometry (DCP-MAES), inductively coupled plasma atomic emission
spectroscopy (ICP-AES). AAS is the most widely used analytical technique to
determine the concentration of heavy metal in soil (Soodan et al., 2014).
There are three types of X-ray spectrophotometers; the wavelength dispersive X-ray
fluorescence (WDXRF), Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy
(TXRF) and energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF). XRF methods are used
for non-destructive analysis of samples. They are convenient and fast techniques.
Metals in concentration of ppm can be detected by WDXRF and EDXRF methods.
TXRF can measure metals in concentration of ppb because of its higher sensitivity
(Jignesh et al., 2012).
AAS is the most commonly used technique for the determination of heavy metals in
the environment. AAS was developed by Alan Walsh and his team in 1954 for metal
content analysis. The principle of AAS is that free atoms that are generated in the
atomizer absorb radiation at a specific frequency. This radiation is absorbed by
passing UV or Vis through a monoatomic particle medium such as gaseous Hg
(Jignesh et al., 2012). The absorption of this radiation leads to electrons moving
from lower energy state to higher energy levels. AAS is able to determine more than
50 metals in solution, less time consuming, convenient and accurate as compare to
other spectroscopic methods. Standards of known concentrations are used to
determine the concentration of metals in sample through calibration curves. AAS
uses furnace and flame. Though many advanced techniques have come in place,
AAS still has a wide use due to the ability to analyse any type of matrices (Soodan
et al., 2014). The atoms of the sample absorbed ultraviolet or visible light and move
to a higher electronic energy level. The absorption is directly proportional to the
metal concentration and the concentration is determined by standard graph curves
(Soodan et al., 2014).
Radiation source (Hollow-Cathode Lamps, HCL): HCL is the most common and is
composed of a tungsten anode and a hollow cylindrical cathode. They are sealed in a
glass tube containing an inert gas such as neon or argon at 1-5 torr pressure. Each
metal has a unique lamp that is used during its analysis. Multielement cathode lamps
are being used to determine more than one element (Jignesh et al., 2012).
Atomisation cell: The sample introduction is done at the atomisation cell where it is
being dissociated for metal atoms to be released (Jignesh et al., 2012). Atomizer
exposes the analyte to high heat in the flame or graphite furnace in order to separate
the particles into atoms. The frequently used atomisation cell is a flame cell but
graphite furnace is used for a higher sensitivity (Jignesh et al., 2012).
Flame Atomization Cell: In FAAS, a nebulizer is used to aspirate the liquid sample
into a flame. The sample changes to a mist when in the nebulizer and they burn
easily in the flame (Jignesh et al., 2012). Flame is created by mixing oxidant gas
such as nitrous oxide acetylene and a fuel gas such as air-acetylene flame. The
sample for flame atomizer is liquid or dissolved sample. FAAS is relatively
inexpensive and simple to operate (Jignesh et al., 2012).
ii) The duration of the atom in the flame is limited due to the high burning
velocity of the gases and this leads to a high limit of detection (Jignesh et
al., 2012).
iii) Solid sample must go through dissolution process prior to analysis, thus
it is unable to directly analyse solid samples (Jignesh et al., 2012).
Detector: A photomultiplier tube is the detector. It converts the light selected by the
monochromator into an electrical signal proportional to the light intensity. The
signal can be displayed for readout.
Figure 4.2: (A) Block diagram of AAS (Jignesh et al., 2012); (B) Elements
detectable by atomic absorption highlighted in pink
ICP-MS is the best up-to-date technique for heavy metal determination with ultra-
trace detection capability of multielements simultaneously (Soodan et al., 2014).
This technique has a wide range of applications and it is more sensitive than the
other techniques such as AAS, ICP-AES (Soodan et al., 2014).The sample is
introduced into the nebulizer and the nebulizer converts the aqueous sample into an
aerosol by the action of the carrier gas such as argon (Jignesh et al., 2012). The
generated aerosol is introduced into the spray chamber. The spray chamber further
reduces the original aerosol particle size towards the ideal size by providing a
surface for collisions and/or condensation. There are different types of nebulizer;
Pneumatic concentric nebulizer, Cross flow nebulizer and Ultrasonic nebulizer
(Jignesh et al., 2012). Argon is introduced to the ICP torch located in the centre of a
radio frequency (RF) coil for energy supply. The RF field creates collision of Ar
atoms which generate high energy plasma. The sample aerosol disintegrates in the
plasma to form analyte atoms that are simultaneously ionized. The ions are
transferred from the plasma into the mass spectrometer. ICP-MS was used by Alkas
et al (2017) for the determination of heavy metals in biological samples and also by
Soodan et al to monitor heavy metals in agricultural soil in Kocaeli city, Turkey
(Soodan et al., 2014).
There are many benefits of ICP-MS for the determination of metals as compare to
other techniques; (i) it is very sensitive, (ii) both major and trace components can be
estimated simultaneously, (iii) simple and complex sample matrices can be analysed,
(iv) have extreme low limit of detection that range from ppb to ppt, and (v) measures
individual isotopes (Jignesh et al., 2012).
The following were used to carry out the analysis: nitric acid, purity 70%, and
hydrochloric acid, purity 37% (Fluka, Madrid, Spain); hydrogen per-oxide solution
for ultra-trace analysis, purity 35% (Sigma-Aldrich, Steinheim, Germany),
microwave with model CEM Mars 5 (USA), Water was obtained from a Milli-QTM
system (Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA), Whatman #42 filter paper (Merck,
Darmstadt, Germany ), Pyrex glass digestion tubes (Foss, MN, USA) and ICP-MS
7500ce (Tokyo, Japan)
5.2 Instrumentation
After the treatment of the soil and vegetable samples, they were analysed using
Agilent 7500ce ICP-MS (Agilent Technologies, Japan). This 7500ce models has an
ICP plasma-shielded torch, a concentric nebulizer, a quadrupole mass analyser and
an octupole reaction system in a RF mode. The analysis was done in the following
operating conditions; 99.99% spectral pure argon was used as nebulizer gas flow
rate 0.9 L/min, as auxiliary gas flow rate 0.14 L/min, as plasma gas flow rate 15
L/min, helium as reaction gas flow rate 0.14 L/min, temperature of spray chamber 2
C, and ICP RF power 1500 W. Table 5.1 below shows the validation parameters of
the ICP-MS
Cr Mn Ni Cu Cd Pb As
Calibr. Range (ng/mL) 0-50 0-50 0-50 0-50 0-50 0-50 0-50
Determ. Coefficient (R2) 0.9998 0.9997 0.9999 1 1 0.9999 1
5.3 Study Area
This study was carried out in Near East University, North Cyprus and Advanced
Technology Education, Research and Application Centre Laboratory (ATERACL),
Mersin University, Turkey. The areas of sampling were Gemikonagi (35°8′13.48″N,
32°49′57.41″E); that has an abandoned mine and tailings, and Dipkarpaz
(35.617682°N, 34.408731°E) as the control site without any mining activities. The
distance between this two selected areas are approximately 170 km.
On the 22nd of April 2018, 9 top soil (0-10 cm) samples each weighing 200 g were
collected in pre-sanitised plastic zipper bags using a pre-sanitised PTFE-coated
Scoop in the region of Gemikonagi. The soil samples were collected simultaneously
with each vegetable sample at the same location. The sampling coordinates are
shown in Table 5.2. The samples were kept at 4o C to minimise bacterial
colonisation and loss of moisture and transferred to the Near East University
Toxicology Laboratory within 3 hours and the storage temperature was maintained
at 4o C. 7 top soil samples were collected in labelled pre-sanitised zipper bags with
PTFE-coated Scoop in Dipkarpaz and each soil sample weighed approximately 200
g. Each sample was collected beneath and around the vegetables. The samples were
collected on the 29th of April 2018 and transported to Near East University
Toxicology Laboratory within 4 hours at 4o C. Upon arrival at the laboratory, they
were stored in the refrigerator at 4o C until analysis. The sampling coordinates are
shown in table 5.2.
Prior to analysis, soil samples were kept at room temperature in a controlled area to
air dry. After 72 hours, they were ground and sieved through a 1.0 mm sieve. The
sieved samples were transported to Mersin University in labelled and tightly sealed
pre-sanitized plastic bags. Upon arrival at ATERACL, 5 ml nitric acid (65%) was
added to each tube containing 0.25g of soil sample. The mixtures were heated up to
180 oC until the acid was almost completely evaporated and the process was
repeated twice. After the final heating process, deionised water was added and the
suspension was filtered with whatmann filter (0.45 μm). The filtrate was made up to
50 mL with deionised water. This final filtrate was analysed using ICP-MS 7500ce
they were sealed in pre-sanitised airtight polyethylene storage bags and stored at -
20o C until wet ashing treatment.
Vegetable samples
from Dipkarpaz
Vegetable samples from Dipkarpaz were collected on the 29th of April 2018. 7
vegetable samples (malva, lettuce, spring onion, celery, purple cabbage, cabbage
and artichoke) were collected in pre-sanitised polyethylene zipper bags each
weighing 100 g at the same location and time of soil sample collection and
transferred to the Near East University Toxicology Laboratory at 4o C within 4
hours. Upon arrival at the laboratory, the vegetable samples were washed with
deionised water, dead tissues excised and rinsed with deionised water. The washed
samples were allowed to air dry for 4 hours and after sealed in pre-sanitised airtight
polyethylene bags and stored in the freezer at -20o C until treatment.
The vegetable samples were carried to ATERACL for analysis. A dual stage drying
method was used to dry the sample to constant weight. Chopped vegetable samples
were each put in crucibles and placed in an incubator for 30 minutes at 105 oC. At
the second stage, the temperature of the incubator was set at 70 oC and the samples
were allowed to dry for 12 hours (Zhou et al., 2016, Chang et al., 2013). The dried
samples were ground, pulverised in an agate mortar and filtered with an 80 mesh
sieve. 0.5 g of each sample was weighed and 30 ml of acid mixture
(HNO3:HCLO4:H2SO4, 1:1:1) was added to each sample in an Erlenmeyer flask.
They were kept in a fume hood for 24 hours. The mixtures were then heated at 90 oC
on a hot plate until the volume reduced to 10 ml. An additional 10 ml acid mixture
was added to the flask and heated to a final 4 ml volume. The flask was capped,
allowed to cool at room temperature for an hour and 50 ml of deionised water was
added to the flask. The sample mixtures were then filtered through a Whatmann #42
filter paper using vacuum assisted Buchner apparatus. Deionised water was added to
the filtrate to have a 100 ml filtrate. ICP-MS 7500ce model was used to analyse the
filtrate (Maleki et al., 2014).
Table 5.2: Location of sampling sites determined by global positioning system
Statistical analyses of the results were performed using PASW Statistics 18 (SPSS
Inc, Hong Kong). Statistical significance level was accepted at p < 0.05.
C vegetable
C soil
A total of 16 soil samples and 16 vegetable samples were analysed using ICP-MS.
Gemikonagi has 9 soil samples and 9 vegetable samples while Dipkarpaz has 7 soil
samples and 7 vegetable samples.
The metals analysed in the soil samples were Cd, Hg, Pb, As, Ni, Cr, Al, Mg, Fe and
Cu. Their concentrations can be seen in the table below where Table 6.1 is the
concentration of heavy metals in soil samples obtained from Gemikonagi, table 6.2
is soil metal concentration in Dipkarpaz.
The concentrations of heavy metals in vegetable samples were given in Table 6.3
and Table 6.4 for Gemikonagi and Dipkarpaz respectively with their mean
The BCF values of the different heavy metals in vegetable samples were calculated
and the data were given in Table 6.5 and Table 6.6.
Table 6.1: Concentrations (ppm dry weight) of heavy metals in soil from Gemikonagi
Ni 6200.00 19736.54 19736.54 19736.54 32045.64 32045.64 25604.12 22062.17 6671.92 20426.57 6200.00 32045.64
Cr 5953.43 18134.15 18134.15 18134.15 22629.97 22629.97 26521.9 18269.78 4725.31 17236.98 4725.31 26521.90
Al 44432.85 53264.14 53264.14 53264.14 47582.69 47582.69 57584.29 48832.71 52012.47 50868.90 44432.85 57584.29
Mg 25145.69 40296.18 40296.18 40296.18 38714.02 38714.02 49001.9 43552.39 37441.07 39273.07 25145.69 49001.90
Fe 59812.85 54605.81 54605.81 54605.81 52611.91 52611.91 55541.14 51931.28 57605.2 54881.30 51931.28 59812.85
Cu 253.18 182.42 182.42 182.42 169.83 169.83 202.68 177.67 186.69 189.68 169.83 253.18
As 1399.16 1085.49 977.17 668.13 762.92 674.41 1214.58 668.13 1399.16 968.84
Ni 33793.29 29780.55 27294.15 24034.84 25390.13 24109.28 24441.87 24034.84 33793.29 26977.73
Cr 34445.25 33363.04 23981.95 22692.74 22806.01 18855.36 19697.76 18855.36 34445.25 25120.30
Al 39242.27 37362.19 34501.42 30396.74 37445.41 33322.79 31683.88 30396.74 39242.27 34850.67
Mg 15331.81 15185.51 12361.52 12881.83 13984.68 12724.21 13053.62 12361.52 15331.81 13646.17
Fe 36265.91 36994.95 32115.23 42802.61 31990.34 29812.45 31627.52 29812.45 42802.61 34515.57
Cu 56.13 47.44 38.79 43.36 37.92 37.69 42.93 37.69 56.13 43.47
DS is Dipkarpaz sediment
Table 6.3: Gemikonagi metal concentrations (ppm dry weight) in vegetable samples
200 55
The MPL set by World Health Organization (WHO) / Food and Agricultural
Organization (FAO) and Turkish Soil Pollution Control Regulation (TSPCR) were
compared to that obtained from this research as given in Table 6.7 and table 6.8 for
vegetable samples and sediment samples respectively.
400 Dipkarpaz
20000 Dipkarpaz
Table 6.8: Mean Concentration of Heavy metals in Sediment samples
The high rate of industrialisation is a good move towards civilisation but it also has
its consequences such as a source for heavy metal pollution in the environment
which has a detrimental effects starting from the soil and air to plants and to
humans. The natural occurrence of heavy metals and their natural concentration has
little or no effect on the environment. Anthropogenic activities such as mining,
energy industry (e.g.; biodiesel, petroleum, nuclear power and oil shale industry),
agriculture (e.g.; sewage sludge irrigation, fertilizers, and pesticides), manufactured
products ( e.g paints, detergents, leathers and inks) has contributed so much to the
mobilisation of heavy metals in the environment. The presence of heavy metals in
the environment above maximum allowable limit can cause soil barrenness, many
toxic effects in plant such as plant growth inhibition, production of ROS in their
tissues, inhibition of photosynthesis and chlorosis, and also toxic effects in humans
after consumption of plants (itai itai Japan 1912), fish (minamata disease in Japan
1956), or oil (toxic oil syndrome in Spain 1981).
In this study carried out in two regions of Cyprus, the region of Gemikonagi which
has a history of mining and also subsistence farming was compared to another
region, Dipkarpaz with no mining or pollution history but has subsistence farming
activities. Due to the lack of national standards for heavy metal concentration in soil
and vegetable in north Cyprus, the values were compared to that of Turkey, and
The various metals analysed were constant in all the samples in both Gemikonagi
and Dipkarpaz. Malva was found to have the highest levels of heavy metals in both
regions. The order of heavy metal accumulation by the vegetables in Gemikonagi
were malva ˃ celery ˃ cabbage ˃ purple cabbage ˃ broccoli ˃ artichoke ˃ lettuce ˃
cauliflower ˃ spring onion whereas in Dipkarpaz were malva ˃ lettuce ˃ celery ˃
artichoke ˃ cabbage ˃ purple cabbage ˃ spring onion. From this irregular pattern of
heavy metal accumulation by the vegetables in the two regions, the chemical and
physical characteristics of the soil were different in the regions hence different
accumulation pattern because the cation exchange capacity, soil organic matter, pH,
clay content and water content affects the uptake of heavy metals by plants.
The vegetable samples from Gemikonagi had the highest mean concentration of
heavy metals as compare to Dipkarpaz and the level in Gemikonagi (Malva 718.53
ppm) almost triple that in Dipkarpaz (Malva 240.47 ppm). From this result, the
hypothesis that Gemikonagi will have higher level of heavy metals due to the tailing
and abandon mining facility than Dipkarpaz is true. Amongst the vegetable samples
from Gemikonagi, the vegetable with least mean heavy metal concentration was
spring onion (45.96 ppm) while malva (718.53 ppm) was the highest and from
Dipkarpaz spring onion (25.55 ppm) was the least as well as malva (240.47 ppm)
with the highest mean heavy metal concentration as shown in Figure 7.1.
The concentration of heavy metals in the vegetable sample showed a wide variation.
The metals analysed in vegetable samples obtained from Gemikonagi were Cd
(min:0.38 – max:19.23 ppm), Hg (not detected), Pb (not detected), As (not detected
– 0.76 ppm), Ni (not detected), Cr (not detected – 43.76 ppm), Al (4.50 – 128.49
ppm), Mg (288.57 – 4247.44 ppm), Fe (2.26 – 713.48 ppm) and Cu (0.49 – 7.44
ppm). The analysed metal from Dipkarpaz included Cd (0.01 – 224.32 ppm), Hg
(not detected), Pb (not detected), As (not detected – 2.77 ppm), Ni (not detected), Cr
(0.14 – 1025.93 ppm), Al (2.17 – 75.48 ppm), Mg (119.12 – 1349.29 ppm), Fe (4.12
– 82.41 ppm) and Cu (0.32 – 11.34 ppm).
In this present study, Mg was found with the highest concentration in both regions
while Cd had the least concentration. The mean concentration of Cu and Fe of
vegetable sample in both regions were below the WHO/FAO standards. The mean
concentration of Cd and Cr were far above the maximum permissible level set by
WHO/FAO and this might be primarily due to the abandon mine site in Gemikonagi
and human activities such as fertilizers application or use of sewage water in
agricultural soils which increase the heavy metal levels in Dipkarpaz. The level of
As was slightly above the maximum permissible level in both regions.
7.3 Bioconcentration
above value showed that Celery takes up Cu more than other heavy metals whereas
the uptake of Cd was more in artichoke. The very low bio-concentration values
shown in table 6.5 and 6.6 in both regions indicated that the vegetables capacity to
take up heavy metals from the soil is low and the physicochemical characteristics of
the soil do not favour the uptake of heavy metals. The high transfer potential of Cd
and Cu from soil to plants is attributed to the uptake mechanism which is similar to
some other +2 essential elements such as Ca and Mg which are taken up by passive
North Cyprus practice subsistence agriculture in its entire region and mostly in
villages producing vegetables and fruits in large quantity to meet up with the
everyday demand of the inhabitants. Increase cancer cases implies the presence of
carcinogenic substances in the environment and a study by Akun et al (2011)
showed high concentration of heavy metals such as Arsenic, Lead and Cadmium in
soil which are all carcinogens. Majority of the heavy metals analysed were above the
acceptable limit set by World Health Organization which indicated that large
amount of heavy metals is ingested through food. The bioconcentration factor value
indicated that Cd and Cu have a higher transfer potential from soil to vegetables.
Spring onion had the lowest mean concentration of heavy metals while malva had
the highest. To avoid the increase of metal contents in soil, sewage sludge and
chemical fertilizer with heavy metal content should not be used for crop cultivation
as the soil already contain unacceptable high level of heavy metals. A perfect
suitable remediation technique should be done to clean up the heavy metal
contaminated soils and the best, cheapest and eco-friendly technique should be
phytoremediation which could be implemented by the government of North Cyprus
or private organization.
Further research work will be carried out for the assessment of potential human
health risk associated with food consumption using the Target Hazard Quotient
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