Subjedt: Gecqraphy: Argriculture

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we Can nake a

60e2.2 Name: Sonka Chovwa Grade:1QDiv.: Roll No.:O4L01
Page No.

Subjedt: Gecqraphy
HAPTER 14 Aqricul ture -1
T Ansuer the follosira questions
01)aWhatis meant by the tearm aqricultur e
DAns)The word ogricuture' has beei derived rom
two latin_taords ag2r meanig "land and
Cuturemeanivq cultivation.
Agriculture is ddfinocas thecultivationof
|Ehe solin order to qrow Crops ard rea
()Why is argriculture said to be the. backlbone
oF the dian economy
AnS Arqricuture Said to be tho bockboneof_ the
Indion_economy because
Fprovides fpod tor our xpanding opulation
ond foder tor Our livestoik.
Tt ocCOUlTs for a substantial portion
of Trdias
Ttprovides emploumerit o millons of people
Mention any three prolklerms of qriculture 'inIndia
Ans)Unreliable RointalIndian agriculture is
deperdenit toa larqe exten ontha
which are uncertah ,rregular and monsoons

distribuded. ehequady
Small and Fraqmented Londholding :Maiorits
of land holding mIndid are
These Smat and fra omenvery SmaM
tod holdina (annot
Promote madern aqricdlture.
Old and Inefficie
jechniquesMos t of
tamersinIvdio use old and inetf ienrt the
techniques of far ming
dState three aduantaqes of
Ans Cooperative
Aduantoges of Ccoperafve torming are
Ttallows SmalL farmers to
their Source s and buu Înputy
at bulk rodes.
and increa se
volume oF products to open neup
2nables produces to rego tiate tor beter
prices, difus rsks and share
and labour Knoudedoe,skills
Tt mpro ves the quali ts of
Ifarmer S.It erabl es them toife ot m@mber-
oke cave ot arvane tine off
torm ot
ardaet helpin the
nandswhen needod.
02) ahat is meavt by Green Revolution?
Ans) The reen Revoluion ís reaarded as the
OreatesE revolution inthe lountry udhich
trarsform the economy frovn Pt d hel p
to frod Self -Sufffcieny. scaruty
16) Stote any tuwo characteristi(s of Gireen

Ans) Charaderisícs of Gireen Rovolution are:

--| Name: Grade: Div. Roll No. Page No.

of larqe Captal and technological inputs

Acloption of modern StienEific methods of
(c) Statethree neaative impacts of Gire en Revolution
Ans) Threo neqotive impacks of Gireern Revolution in
India are
Lond deoodation due to bveruse of fer tik 2ers
and pesHLides
Dryinq dquitersS
Vaniskina biodiversity
(d)what was tho impact of Oreen Revoluti on on
Tndian aqriculture
Ans ) The impact of ireen Revoluñon on Indian
0Qricul ture are:
Iena bled Tndian aqiculture to (ehang romn
Sussis tende to Commrdiql and marke torienttd.
-The adDption of new tec noloqy unde
Giree n Kevolution Created more employ mot
opportun ities in oqriculture sector.
rabld the farmers to obtain increasing
returns Tom agri(ulture by qreat Qr utilisdion
-3 Give two påints of difference beBwean Extensive
and Intensive tarminq.
Ans Iatensve Farming ttensiwe tarminq
( To obtain high yields, larqe AsConpared les Capi tal ard
Capital and latures arelabour is applied.
( 2 e siz20 ot lond holdirq is The sine of lond holdivq
Small,produdion per s larae and produchion per
hec tare is hign. eckare isto.
(3Y1Most of the produckionis Surplus producion is
Consumed 10tally. soldin the market
b State ans two advantoges pf Commercial formiv.
Ans Aduantagés ot Commeriol formng are:
tncred ses the yeild rote of (ropS.
Bu utilizina hiqh-end mahihery torlultiuodtinq
th lords ,it tokes less time to pértorm
0aritutural 0pera tions.
Ccwhat tupe ot, tarming is
where population 1s sparsêpractised
in areas
and land is in
Ans Extensve favmia is ptacti sed inareas wherel
populaion is spa rse and land is in
Name twd areos in India where such type of
farming is practised.
AhS Punjaband Honana Oreas in India such type
Of farminq is practised.
o u e e r we
we Can
nako a
- Name Grade: Div.: Roll No.: Page No.

()GTie a reason for each of the folliousirq:
Plantations are mananqed by lorqe mutinationa
Ans)Plantati ons ore manangad by large multinatiorol
Compani es because :

Plantation s Crops are qroun on larqe far m whit h

are modern
Scien tific and self Contained units.
Ehormos Capitol învestme nt is required to
Set up 0 platation and a larq numbRr Oft
labou rs are ermploued.

Frelds are rotted instead of Crops inshiftinq

Ans) Cropsare not rotated in dhiftira aqriculture
beca use the people Lahe prach ( skiftin
aariculture have become habi tual of Const ming
SpediC Crops. Hence when the feriity df the
Current ffeld is osE,they shift to another
ffeld instead of changing thein erofps.

I n extensive agriculture yield per

per hoctore

1s low but tota

Ans) Tn extenSive agriculture per hectore
is louw but totol uied 1S lorqe because jd is
phoctised in areos ti th larqe lnd ho ldinqs
using less latbur and less Chemi Lal

r o g e t h e r
w à ditferencn

Name Onska C Grade:ODiv.: Roll No. Page No.

Q4)a) ive two points of difference betuweon plantotion

and hed lar ming

Ans) Plantaion farming Mixed fOrming

Plortation are larq Cultivahon of top ord
trocts of land or estotes pasinq of arimals Simultd neas
Used for Cultivation
USed is called ixed torming
Only on plont s To or more Crops
plahted Ore Qroun togethh

Gve any two effect of qlobalfsati on on Tndian

Ans) TuDo effects of qlobalisation on Tndian agriculfure:
Farmers hove Started adoprtina_modern
tedhniqucs of farming,
Establishmentt of fodd proessirg industries
has inCreased employmeTt.

c) Mention any three measures taken by the

4overnmext to bbost agricultural poductfon.
Ans) measures taken by the. gover omerd to
|-Estabfsh met ot Tndian Counci Of
Ari Cuwture Res arch rgriCuu tura |. unjversitis
vete rinary Prvices and animal breed ng
coxes horticuture daelopmeit, re eanch
tield ot mateoroloay
development in the (entre to
of Kisan lall
seting up ard qrievan@s of
oddvegs -he qu eri es
the toters

(O)Aariculture in Tndia is a qamble on

monSDOn. Explain
Ans)-ndian 0qriculture s dop ndovt to a
large. xtont On h e mon soon s whuch
are unt@rta n,irre.gular aned eyqtuall4
di stributd.
Narly S per t_ot e ht SAudn
aea ont inugs to depend an haintall
rather than inrigation
ha why whan rainS Falogricu ltubal
producfion1s badly_atfectd resultina
inStardty of feodarains.
ás bthre tuoo point Sottow is shifting cutivation
Carried out
Ans)Shiftin Cutivation is Carried out by:
AApatdhof forestis cleared byCuttng and butnig
of the stumps. he ashis Spread an E held asmanur
After the land is clearedof treas.Seeds oree
Soudnia the qround. Neithor plouginq of the
Soil hor any other agricul turalTpracices
are follbued in this tupe of (ultivation.
After 2-3 y2ars,whdh So fer tiits is lost,
|the Helds are abandoneol nd allLed to
reagin jt s Fertilhs
Aguh another_patc of landis cleaved ondl
we can
make a
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Page No.

t e sorno. process ís repedt ed.

b whore s shiftng Cultivation Proctised

Ihdi aStade ary one dis a dvont 92.
Shiftinq (utivation.
Shifting cutvation is practised in Jhurm. in
ASsam Ponam in kerala, Podu in Andhra Pradesh
Koman or Bring9 in Odfshha in India.
Tt accelerates soil erosi dn and Cause. loods
and Siting in the louwer reaches of the
riverine floodplaîns is one. disadvantaae ofF
Shiftirq Cativotion.

c) State ary two steps beinq token by the

qovernment to discouraqe Shiftinq Cultivation.
Ans Steps bëinq taken by thë qorermment to
discouraqe Shifting Cultivation a r e :
1) he b1overhmet is phomatinq nterCroppinq as
an alternotive to shiPing cultivation
2) he bnov@r nmevt is.promatina lorge Stale plantadion
Of Fast qrowing Timber vari etfëS to help in
re Storation of land and Creation o wealth for
h e land awners.

Subsistnce Farming? M2ntion loo

d whot is
feactures of
subsístence: tarmia:
is Charac terigA by Small
Subsistence Formirq
use ot primitive
and Scattered landholding S ond
tools, ike hoe ond diqging Sticks by Family
As the larmers are poor, they do not ug
fertilizesand hiqhyielding Variety 0 sods in

heir feds.
Fac ities ke electricity and irrigation ane
9eheraly hot avalioble to them
Thee Oresut- s in low productivits.
Most of the food production 1sConsumed by-l
h tormets ond u r family

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