Reality: Unfolded
Reality: Unfolded
Reality: Unfolded
Creative August - November 2021
Candelaria, Zambales
Region III
(Central Luzon)
We hope to go back
page 7
“Gusto ko po kasi talagang
makatulong sa pang-araw
araw na pangangailangan ng
pamilya ko.”
page 10
“Dreadful scenario may await
Candelaria if mining would
pursue in the town.”
page 16
Working studes snag on distance
learning amid pandemic
Illustrated by
by Ace Olyn Edquiban
Vince Enan E.
SY 2019-2020 SY 2020-2021 SY 2021-’22
IN NUMBERS 1,277 with 1,225 with 1,210 with
3.07% increase 1.24% increase 4.24% increase
Source: Greenfield Analytics
2 Pamibian, Candelaria, Zambales Region III (Central Luzon) Molder of
journos consistent
on disinformation fight
by Ace Olyn Edquiban
GRATEFUL. Bryan Melano manifests it upon
receiving an unexpected gift that seems to have
Always do fact-checking to unlocked a solution to his distance learning prob-
avoid being misled. lem. (KRIZZA MAE BALLON)
Pamibian journos consistently
called for the end of disinformation
culture which they called a rotten
practice killing the truth.
They did it on their recently con-
cluded Online Forum on Respon-
sible Journalism held via Google
Meet last October 11, 2021 where
they were urged to promote truth
through responsible journalism
and encouraged to lead in dispirit-
ing lies especially when posting on FOR UNREACHABLE GAPS
their social media accounts.
“We are journalists, which Project Dugtong Dunong
launched for better learning
means we are responsible for
everything we write or even post
online,” Alyssa Marie Ebuen,
Greenfield journo said, explaining by Ace Olyn Edquiban
that such attitude must be cultivat-
ed among all of them especially
now that online platforms including e are Edpalin, Project Dug- dahil talaga namang maki- “Bukod pa rito, na-
social media are considered the up- tong Dunong proponent kita mo ang improvement kikipag-ugnayan kami
most used medium of self-expres- hold- emphasized. ng mga bata. Mas partic- sa mga barangay para
sion, since face-to-face communi- ing With the project’s aim to ipative na sila lalo na sa maturuan ang mga mag-
cation is still restricted. the saying nobody provide struggling learners mga online tasks,” Edpalin aaral nating hirap sa
It would be remembered that as should be left be- with gadgets in the new added expressing the im- pag-aaral,” he added.
COVID-19 disrupted togetherness normal schooling, Edpalin pact of it to the learners. The said program is
hind at sa ating
that people used to do, each re- ties up with stakeholders to In addition to this, he still looking for sponsors
sorted to social media while being sponsor qualified students. also said that the school is and for those who are
confined to the ‘Stay Home’ policy
magkakaroon sila
“Salamat sa mga spon- also reaching for struggling willing to donate, just
along with the other standard ng pag-asa,” Aldrin students in the community. contact 09286216889.
sors at mga mag-iisponsor
health protocols.
“It’s high time we enact our roles
as responsible citizens discourag-
ing lies by means of fact check- 431 COVID-19 cases recorded in Candelaria
ing,” Ebuen nodded on the main
content of the forum, saying that by Maureen Ednalino
aside from rejecting lies, they must
not also feed to this. PAGE 6
As of October 30, 2021, Candelar- It would be remembered that the be home quarantined.
ia, Zambales already had 431 first positive case of the munici- She added that the prompt contact
COVID-19 cases. This was con- pality was recorded last May 17, tracing that was done in as fast as 24
firmed by the Rural Health Unit 2020. From there, cases gradually hours also helped in controlling the
(RHU) Candelaria on that same day. increased. fast case increase where systematic
“These positive cases are usually “Though there are recorded flow of coordination was considered
those mobile people, those attend- increases, this municipality’s as well as the awareness of Barangay
ing social gathering, unvaccinated cases upturn is not that fast,” she Health Response Team (BHERTS).
ones, and those who are not following explained, saying that Candelaria’s Here, specimens were immediately
health protocols,” Mercy E. Fernando, response was prompt from its Rapid submitted to the molecular laboratory.
Public Health Nurse of Candelaria Antigen Testing (RAT) to contain- Added to these was also the vacci-
RHU explained. ing the patients in the quarantine nation rollout in the entire municipality
134 of the said total cases were facility; some were also advised to that was scheduled thrice a week.
already vaccinated, while 297
were unvacci-
bers were
134 4
of deaths,
where four
were vacci-
nated, and
431 18 ABOVE
33 were un- SOURCE: Candelaria RHU
Vol. XI No. 1 August - November 2021 NEWS 3
EADING HE- es they may use, the said
92% got jabs
ROES WITH reading advocacy which
NO CAPES. went on in the light of
in PIS, data say
Pamibian volunteerism took place
Integrated thrice a week within 45-
by Diana Espiritu
boost Brigada
School (PIS) Brigada 60 minutes, depending
Eskwela Team described on the learners’ mood
the volunteer teachers for the day. Assigned
who served as tutors reading teachers also as-
of the learners being sisted the said volunteer
advocacy of PIS
assisted on reading in teachers on the problems
the school’s advocacy they encountered during
in reading coincided the conduct of the said
in its Brigada Pagbasa reading intervention.
program that served “The program seems
by Ace Olyn Edquiban as the focus of this to have hit two birds in a
year’s Brigada Eskwela stone for having able to
(BE) due to the limited address reading in the
movement of people time of Brigada Eskwela,” SAFETY SEALED. This teacher depicts
compared to the usual Vivian Muyano, Brigada his vaccine experience this way upon
receiving his 2nd dose of Sinovac. (Con-
activity the school got to Eskwela Coordinator who
tributed photo of CHRISTIAN ANCAO)
be involved for years. also happened to be a
Comprising of 10 language teacher and
volunteers in which reading advocate said, 49 out of 53 or 92% of teaching
majority were the alumni explaining that the pro- personnel of Pamibian Integrat-
of PIS, SK chairman gram aside from being a ed School (PIS) were already
and a teacher applicant BE advocacy is also part vaccinated.
who were informed of of the school’s reading This was according to the data
the activity through the program Project HOPE in of the vaccinated personnel as of
school’s FB post, the response to DepEd 3B’s October 30, 2021 provided by the
program rolled out from that aims to enhance School Health Section through the
Aug. 27 up to Sept. 27to reading among learners School Health Coordinator, Marie
help enhance reading in the country. Cris Estel.
among learners espe- Grateful of their con- Estel said that the increasing
cially those from Kinder tribution to the school’s number of those vaccinated was
to Grade 3. reading advocacy, PIS due to the growing interest of the
HEROES. This serves as a tribute to these teacher volunteers Assisted by the key recognized the said said personnel which was because
who have accepted the challenge to advocate reading even amid reading teachers from teachers last Nov. 4 on its of the proper information drive the
pandemic. (Contributed photo of VIVIAN D. MUYANO) K to 3 who also helped Brigada Heroes Appreci- section was conducting. Monitor-
in the orientation of the ation Day hosted by the ing was also consistently done that
volunteer teachers with Brigada Team itself. made the personnel feel the need
regard to the approach- of the said vaccination.
“At first, it was actually expected
that the vaccination rate would not
from which she and the whole RHU spond fully vaccinated person-
of the municipality are expecting to the nel.
for more to be vaccinated. call to
“Government right now is be vac-
setting out daily target that cinated.
each Local Government
Unit (LGU) needs to meet
in terms of the number of
Illustrated by
vaccines needed to be Vince Enan
inoculated daily and the E. Zarcilla
number of days which it
Acutin needed to administer the
vaccines,” Acutin said.
4 NEWS Vol. XI No. 1 August - November 2021
o target responsible saving and spending in this time that
crisis on its different forms arise.”
This answers this year’s planned advocacy to promote
financial literacy among students that is set in the new normal.
“In this time that money in whatever amount should be given importance
more than ever because of this health crisis, students must learn and realize
the necessity to save and spend wisely,” Aldrin Edpalin, Araling Panlipunan
10 teacher and program proponent said, explaining the activity’s purpose of
equipping them with financial literacy.
TO BE FINANCIALLY LITERATE is AP 10 Ipon Challenge aim that Aldrin Edpalin, AP
He added that the said ac- 10 teacher discusses on his online orientation of the said Financial Literacy Innovation.
tivity was just a continuation (KRIZZA MAY BALLON).
of the Piso Para sa Marso
Financial Literacy Innovation In this time that
He explained that since the the month, where he would and responsibility on the part
that he introduced five years money in whatever setup was not face-to-face, require the students to submit of the students, which he said
ago, where students were
instructed to save one peso
amount should be students would be instructed their passbooks for check- is very necessary at this time
per day from their baon in an given importance to do it at home with their ing. They can also give their that some of their families face
improvised bamboo bank or more than ever be- recycled plastic bottles as progress by submitting via financial crisis brought by this
recycled plastic bottle, then coin banks that they were to messenger pictures or videos pandemic.
cause of this health fill in at least thrice a week. of them doing the task. In order for the students to
opened it in the scheduled
time every March. crisis, students They would also have their “In order to check the ac- be well-informed of the activity,
“We are following the must learn and re- passbooks from where they tivity’s reliability, the parents an online orientation of it was
would enter any amount they would also be oriented to at already conducted with them
same set up, except that alize the necessity would be able to save every least check their children’s held via Google Meet, Nov.
it would be renamed “Ipon
Challenge” that would also to save and spend week. work to avoid cheating,” he 10. Explanation of the said
be opened by June before wisely.” He said that checking of explained, stating that the orientation was also sent via
the school year ends,” he still the students’ progress would activity is for the purpose of messenger and SMS for those
- Aldrin Edpalin, Araling
said. be done every last Friday of gaining financial knowledge who were not able to attend.
Panlipunan 10 teacher
respondents are ready ing,” Jean Bea Ebal said Edrosalam said in a ing Reading Teacher held (SORT)
for the implementation in a virtual interview. message. at Candelaria Central Elementary
of limited face to face Following this, 42 Meanwhile, 6.67% School last Nov. 15-17 respective-
classes, according to the students or 26% are not or 10 are still uncertain ly, per SDM No. 376, s. 2021.
survey revealed by The in favor of the proposal regarding the issue. The award-giving body rec-
Greenfield Analytics last stating that it is still early The said survey was ognized Ginalyn F. Edpalin as Can- CANDELARIA RECOGNIZES
Nov. 8 via Google Form. for the physical classes. conducted in order to delaria’s Outstanding JHS Teacher
“Bukod sa mas OUTSTANDING
“Natatakot pa ako kasi know the Pamibianians’ while Glieza E. Edora, Outstanding PIS TEACHERS
marami ang natututunan it might become a mas- readiness to the return SHS Teacher. on the District WTD fete,
sa face to face, the stu- sive COVID spreader of the said face-to-face Joey E. Caasi was named Out- Oct. 5 via MSTeams.
dent-teacher interaction knowing that at our age, classes.
Source: Pamibian IS Statistics
Vol. XI No. 1 August - November 2021 NEWS 5
GENERATION COMMUNITY SERVICE. Ginalyn Edpalin, PE EIC starts to manifest it with her
first interview to the Pamibian Barangay Officials on the important contents the
Greenfield advocates
community publication needs to have. (KRIZZA MAE BALLON)
ambal-Cande should
live. Its fire should keep
“We started this last 2018, where we
featured the notable things Candelaria
info drive
burning. has. It continued in 2019, and then this by Alyssa Marie Ebuen
This motivates the advo- year,” Edpalin recounted explaining that
cacy of the Greenfield to continually they used the dialect especially in their
feature section, then made the transla- “Tumulong sa paghilom ng
promote Sambal Candelaria through its
tion of it, following the school paper’s komunidad (To help the com-
yearly publication.
medium which is English. munity heal).”
“With the emergence of different
Edpalin still added that eventhough This serves as the aim of
social media platforms that are usually
the move is just a small one, she hopes Pamibian Integrated School
utilized by the young Candelareans,
that this would inspire Candelareans to (PIS) in its management of
a tendency to make them forget their
preserve their dialect amid the growing the Official Publication of
dialect is possible,” Ginalyn Edpalin,
fanaticism of youths in foreign languag- Barangay Pamibian, with its
Greenfield adviser explained stating
es and also promote more the beauty first issue being published last
that some of these youths no longer
of the dialect knowing that the publica- August 16, 2021.
use the said dialect.
tion reaches different provinces of the Being called Pamibian
This she said inspired the publica-
country on its consistent qualification to Express, which was originally of the teachers and campus
tion’s advocacy which is to incorporate
regional and national press conferences named by its barangay-tapped journalists to enact the chief
Sambal-Candelaria in its issue every
on the previous years. Chief Editor and Project Coor- aim of campus journalism in
dinator, Ginalyn Edpalin, the this time of pandemic that is to
publication serves as the com- help in the community’s rise and
munity’s information drive of all healing from this current health
the important points barangay crisis as stipulated in this year’s
people need to know especial- Virtual National Schools Press
ly in this time of pandemic. Conference (NSPC) held last
“To be tapped in this task is August 2021 via MSTeams, from
a great honor, for once again which she participated as official
the whole journalism team of delegate of Zambales.
PIS would do its actual cov- “We are thankful that PIS
erage of the important events through Ma’am Ginalyn Edpalin
and programs of the baran- responded to the challenge. This
gay,” Edpalin said, expressing for us is a big thing that we know
her gratitude for the trust would help us in our commu-
Pamibian Barangay Council nity information drive,” Dufin
gave her in managing the said Eclarino, Barangay Captain
community publication. commented.
She added that it would be With the success PE had on
DIE HARD SAMBAL. A Candelarean reads Greenfield’s previous publication issue that a great opportunity not only its first issue, it is set to publish
features Sambal dialect. (KRIZZA MAE BALLON) for her, but also for the whole its next issue on December
team that was composed 2021.
on distance learning effort “This has always been about the current family
situation that even if they do not want to make
their children work while studying, it seems that
they do not have the choice; however, the school
fellows to be the audience. out last 2020, Pamibianian parents tries its best to have an intervention for them, so
by Vivian Muyano
Tejada explained that with their and other stakeholders were they wouldn’t be left behind,” Sonia D. Tejada,
(parents and other stakeholders) observed with correspondence to Principal IV said, explaining that the school is
“You are the backbone of this cooperation, distance learning has the school’s advocacy of con- also extending help to these students who are
distance learning,” become successful in the previous tinuing learning amid pandemic experiencing difficulties like this in this time of
Sonia D. Tejada, Principal IV year, and is still successfully going through their consistent atten- pandemic.
said on her message during the on as it unfolds its second year. dance not only to the distribution She said that in order for them to at least cope
presentation of the Learning She said that the effort was and retrieval of modules but also with the situation, they are given enough time to
Continuity Plan (LCP) of Pamib- considered a huge contribution in to some meetings held online work. They are also provided with teacher-made
ian Integrated School (PIS) last the aim to continue education in sometimes limited face-to-face materials that the teachers themselves bring
Sept. 11, 2021 emphasizing the the midst of this pandemic. despite their busy schedule at to them. They are also communicated well via
parents’ efforts as well as the other “Your extended help big or home and at work. messenger or SMS.
stakeholders during the distance small will always be perceived a “PIS has been the second “We aim for the best for all our learners. We
learning. huge aid that continually inspires home of our children. Our support always keep in our hearts and mind that no
LCP was considered as the us to give our best because we serves as the counterpart of the one from them should be left behind,” Tejada
school’s skeleton of plans for the know you are there to back us effort the school does for them concluded, explaining that even if education is
SY 2021-2022 where some of the up,” she detailed the core of the from which we are always thank- in-faced of the situation like this, the school still
parents and other stakeholders commendation. ful,” one of the Grade 10 parents does its best to provide for all the learners, wher-
were invited to represent their As the distance learning rolled said. ever or whatever situation they may have been.
Plight on Lies FROM PAGE 2 Survey FROM PAGE 5 said respondents disagreed due to the DepEd’s aim of going back to
the phobia they had from the issue on face-to-face classes if the situation is
Aside from responsible journalism, porary closure of schools, and brought dengvaxia years ago. already safe.
journalists were also discussed with learning to the comfort of their homes In addition, 32.97% or 30 of the total Tejada added that the school is one
investigative journalism for them to through distance learning, which for respondents were still uncertain, due with the government, DepEd and DOH
appreciate more truth and disregard them was quite hard. to their health condition. on providing information drive about
disinformation. “I agree because of the many “Though there are the numbers of the advantages of vaccination.
With the ardent desire to partake in benefits it can give us like keeping uncertainties and disagreement to the She said that its campaign towards
the call for truth, PIS journos swore to us from being seriously ill because said vaccination, we are still glad that vaccine has been successful among
practice integrity on the said advoca- of COVID-19, and also it can give us majority favor it,” Sonia D. Tejada, Prin- its personnel, so it is now trying its
cy be it online or not. the chance to finally be in face-to- cipal IV said, expressing her gladness best on its information drive among
“Let us show that we are well- face classes again,” Diana Espiritu on these students’ open-mindedness parents and learners with the rollout
trained to be responsible citizens explained. that corresponds to the call for herd for the ages 12-17 that recently has
through the principles of Campus Meanwhile, 13 or 32.97% of the immunity that later on would benefit started.
Journalism,” she ended.
PUNTO-DE-VISTA (Point of View)
We asked 100 students on their view of the effectiveness 7
Vol. XI No. 1 August - November 2021 of the implementation of distance learning the previous
“Distance learning has been difficult;
however it also has made me realize that
school year. The survey revealed that 88% perceived this can be my passport towards being a
it effective, expressing their satisfaction towards the 21st century learner because it uses other
program because of the intervention being given to them modes suggested in the said learning that
Molder of that lessened the difficulties. 12% expressed dissatisfac-
tion due to their problems on the process.
shows it can really be anywhere.”
Creative Grade 10 - Homer
Minds Cons
“Nothing is more beautiful than being with
your teachers in the face-to-face classes.”
Grade 10 - Virgil
e hope to go back face-to-face. yes, don’t be surprised if we rise again with ourselves, schools will be open again and we
Last November 15, the pilot imple- thousands of cases every day. will not be in this long period being quarantined
mentation of face-to-face classes has Imagine when we were at school, teachers where facemasks are must outside.
successfully started in almost 100 and friends were there to assist and help us Get vaccinated! Help our community rise
schools all over the Philippines. It has been a great finish our works with the smile on our faces again, and end this crisis that we are facing so
challenge for us to reopen the doors of schools unminding what will happen next. Now, loads of that we, students will be finally back to just
after being placed to hard lockdowns and closed works are needed to be done on our own along being students.
for two years. with the tasks in our distance learning.
This blended learning is the new mode of edu- If only concerned people will participate
cation during this new normal wherein and contribute for our situa-
students will have their modules to tion to
be done at home; some also have be-
online classes. Admit it or not, it is
hard to adapt to this new normal come
as we have different state of living better, no
and capacity to cope with different student will
challenges that this blended learning end their
may bring us because we, the stu- lives carrying
dents are not just students at home. the burden this
It’s sad. Students are having a new normal has
hard time being versatile doing given them. No one
household chores, modules of of us
their siblings, attending their online
classes, emotional and mental break-
down, family problems and worst, some are mak-
ing money at day while students at night. Students would
are exhausted and tired with the new normal but feel imprisoned
we have nothing to do because while the cases in at home. If only we
our country are getting low, people have started follow the proto- Illustrated by
to go out as if we are already back to normal, and cols and discipline Vince Enan E.
Manifested Strength
Yes, there is this
health crisis, but
this wouldn’t be
a reason for us to
yet its family continually soars with
its growth that never compromises.
It even has recorded the highest
increase of 4.24% for the past three
years. This only means our community
never stops trusting its ability to trans-
daunted by any impediments. Not even
pandemic can stop its aim to be the
best to produce the best. Other than its
SBM evaluation, it also tops the other
schools of the district in every aca-
demic competition, a good proof that
stop, for we are form learners to be better citizens of the school continuously manifests, no
Pamibianians, and this society – a good news that we matter what.
we are tough. can always say. Just as what they always say, every-
From the figure that represents the thing has a reason, and if the situation
trust of all our stakeholders, let us seems to be difficult, always find way to
Education Never Stops. It’s more School, not even a tinge change of proceed to the figure that cites our make it an opportunity. It is this that PIS
challenging this year, yet still direction towards excellence, for even excellence. does that’s made even more manifested
outstanding! in this new normal, it still soars to the This year, the school has been with the passion and unity its personnel
Yes, pandemic has brought a huge highest, dominant in all the aspects. evaluated Level 3 for its School- have with its stakeholders ‘support.
impact in our education system. Ev- Let me cite some points, starting Based Management (SBM) by the Yes, there is this health crisis, but this
erything seems to be difficult, but this with its enrolment. schools division. Considering the wouldn’t be a reason for us to stop, for
never impeded Pamibian Integrated It has been 2 years now since the level as the highest, we can really say we are Pamibianians, and we are tough.
last physical classes took place, PIS continuously rules, and is never
8 OPINION Vol. XI No. 1 November 2021
Unfolded Truth
Choose those
who still prioritize e as campus journalists should not infected not only by COVID-19 virus, but also with all the
the majority rather only be defined by the journalism com- lies created by irresponsible online use, may we serve
than themselves petitions because it’s not only what we as emissaries of truth and justice by being investigative
for the good of the are meant to be in. in all the aspects of our tasks, disproving the culture of
disinformation. It is on this time that we are needed not
nation. According to Republic Act No. 7079, otherwise
known as the Campus Journalism Act of 1991, Campus to prove that we are passionate writers, but to manifest
Journalism upholds and protects freedom of the press at that we are responsible ones, trained well to partake in
SENTIDO-COMON the campus level, which means it is a venue to promote building this nation through the principles of campus
(COMMON SENSE) better society through campus journalism. With these journalism.
points being served, we as campus journalists should Yes, it’s always satisfying to win and to give honor, but
ACE OLYN always be reminded that this field is not mainly about the isn’t more honourable if we write for the service of truth,
rather than for glory or gold?
EDQUIBAN usual division presscon we used to join before. Let’s not
With or without these competitions, may
limit ourselves to the thoughts of joining for the sake of
winning for our intensive trainings are not only for that. we continue to write, for it’s not only our
Going back to the chief aim of this field personal dreams that we claim, but also this
reflected in RA 7079, our journalistic skills society’s aim of becoming a better place.
Choose wise are sharpened, so we would all be able Campus Journalism has its way.
to express ourselves based from the Let’s make it manifest.
awareness we have, motivated by
When you decide, please think our society’s current situation, and is
about us. enclosed by its principles that stir
These we are pleading from all those the important values that we need
who may have been given with the to constitute as journalists: the
chance to change our society, you who discipline, fairness, honesty, truth,
have the power to do it. responsibility, integrity, justice and
This pandemic seems to have hinted more. From these we can conclude,
us with the society that we have. Its we do not only train to compete, but
occurrence has revealed the situation our to serve.
country is in. We may have encountered In this time that our society is
Illustrated by Adonis A. Sapiler Jr.
these for years, yet this COVID-19 seems
to have pointed out what we have par-
ticularly what we lack depending on the Applause for our Education Frontliners
types of leaders that govern us. These we
saw particularly in the times of lockdowns would mean a lot to let us still look into how much they give
when people were in the most need, yet
MA-CIONCIONAN boost their morale, their best in pursuit of this education
the aid seemed to have been interrupted and inspire them amid this pandemic.
due to the unceasing conflicts resulted by (ILLUMINATE) more. I see how much they embody
differences in political stands. MARIC DAVINCE From the moment DepEd’s motto on education, “Para sa
Of course, we see the passionate
ones, seriously delivering service that’s
ROSARIO this distance learning Bata Para sa Bayan,” and they make it
has started, they’re more obvious in this time that face-to-
really for everyone, providing the major- already the busiest of face classes are temporarily suspend-
ity’s needs regardless of these political all, preparing left and ed because of this pandemic. We know
colors, yet those selfish are still present, right everything that this it’s hard to discuss without the actual
those who seem to think of what they can new format of education class interaction, but they make it pos-
gain more than the public’s needs. These sible despite any circumstances. They
from which are what we are pleading.
Our teachers are frontliners would need. With the
would exhaust all that they have only
usual setup that every-
It would only be half a year since too. They also risk their lives to bring the learning anywhere the stu-
body has been used to,
today; maybe these remaining times are for us. It wouldn’t cost us any without any hesitation, dents are despite the risk of COVID-19.
still enough to scrutinize before the month amount to at least express them they responded to the They can cross rivers and mountains,
of May. Just the same with what you our sincerest THANK YOU. challenge of continuing be online even if there’s a signal issue,
always tell us about being critical, please this education despite innovate despite their own financial
be those ones. Be inspired by what you status, communicate to anyone in order
They are the most exhausted the risky situation. They’ve been regard-
think would be right for us, rather than to implore assistance for their students,
being right away persuaded by what in this quest of educational ed heroes before, and no doubt, they’re
sleep late at night to prepare instruc-
social media say that may have been continuity in the midst of still one up to this time, whose time,
tional materials, sometimes to respond
this pandemic. Expressing efforts and concern are especially dedi-
part of hoaxes only created to brain- to each of the queries their students
them our sincerest gratitude cated to all of us, learners. Yes, these
wash people’s principles. Please be not PAGE 9
are all their responsibilities; however,
encouraged by false values that seem to
have been accepted nowadays because
majority believe it or because these just
appear funny, or because it has the most LETTER TO THE EDITOR
likes and shares. Our dearest Mr. Enciso,
Please in the name of future gener- at this time that the community is
Dear Editor, in need of its source of information
ation, and for the sake of our country’s Your message is really a motivat-
state in the next years, please do side SY 2021-2022 along with 2020- amid the culture of disinformation. ing one. Thank you for boosting our
on what is right and just. Choose those 2021 has become tough; however, Keep it up! This makes me proud morale. We know you are so much
I saw PIS has never changed on to be once called a journo of our aware on our campus journ prog’s ad-
who still prioritize the majority rather than
what it advocates towards all the school. vocacy, to serve and be an instrument
themselves for the good of the nation. Truly yours,
learners and the community. What for change. We promise to continually
We still have the time, please hear our delights me the most being one of ROGER C. ENCISO live up to these.
call. your former student-writers is your 1st Year Accountancy Student of Truly yours,
In 2022, please choose wise, vote wise effort to still continue your advoca- PRMSU ALYSSA MARIE E. EBUEN
for the sake of us, the youths. cies towards campus journalism. Iba, Zambales Chief Editor
You never stop writing especially Former EIC of The Greenfield
Vol. XI No. 1 August - November 2021 OPINION 9
“ “
finally return time to do F2F classes
We can never
I am not say- compromise the
ing face-to-face How can you
classes must totally Nothing is health of the learn-
say face-to-face ers who later on can
return, but let it be better than to classes can be the carriers of
implemented now be with your be normalize virus if they would
at the areas where
COVID-19 cases teachers and already, when be allowed to go
out. Remember,
are not that active. It classmates. we are all aware
in the face-to-face
actually has started
- Ace Olyn Edquiban the virus is still classes, they would
in some areas. there? be exposed to all
Aside from these the elements that
100 that DepEd has allowed to do piloting, I think - Alyssa Marie Ebuen
may make them
there are still more that must do.
infected right away. Would you like to be the
This distance learning has already exhaust- Should there really be cause of your family’s infection? Remember,
ed us students with the modes that are really
so hard, affecting our mental and psychosocial face-to-face classes amid not all students have their own vehicles to fetch
them to school and vice-versa. Some just walk
health. Of course we are being treated with the this prevailing health crisis? to school and some just commute. Not all lives
different interventions our schools are trying hard
nearby where school is just walking distance.
to provide, but let us all accept, these are not
t’s already been two years since this pandemic These usually are in the far places where upon
enough, for nothing is better than to be with your
seemed to mandate the closure of physical arrival to school, they need to encounter more
teachers and classmates.
schools, bringing learning at the comfort of people first outside their homes.
What will happen to us when we all graduate?
everybody’s homes, and now that everything How can you say face-to-face classes can
What awaits us after these years of distance
seems to gradually normalize, some think, face-to- be normalize already, when we are all aware
learning? How about those to look for their
face classes need to get back too. Some agree, but the virus is still there?
career after these? The quality has already been
some still do not settle to finally give in for the vi- I still strongly disagree. Instead of complain-
compromised, when the possibility can still be
rus is still everywhere. With the points this section ing to the disadvantages of distance learning,
considered. Otherwise, vaccines have already would give, let’s decide where would we side later. why not settle to the opportunity it gives, and
been rolled out, and we in the 12-17 categories
adapt from it?
are so much willing to be inoculated.
ask. These are all for us to be provided with the quality education we need
that even if we are all far from the four walls we were in before, learning is still
MERIDA ago, and just worsen on Whose hearts would not be melted by such a passionate sacrifice each of
them gives?
(REASON BEHIND) this time that face-to-
On the gradual opening of classes that DepEd is implementing, and while
face communication is
ANGEL MARYCEL restricted. With the huge the schools like ours are still waiting for our turns, why take a moment to
SAPILER especially thank them for their efforts of bridging educational gap that seems
opportunity given to the
people online, it seems to be endangered because of this pandemic. Instead of complaining, why
that responsibility to handle not give light to their exhausted world, through our simple thank you and
them has been forgotten. respectful replies on their messages.
Users just perceive it as Our teachers are frontliners too. They also risk their lives for us. It wouldn’t
It’s just so sad to think, a chance that just comes cost us any amount to at least express them our sincerest THANK YOU.
the proliferation of these and goes.
With these that seem to
information online has be-
have spread quicker than
come normal, and as a re-
COVID-19 virus, we cannot
sponsible citizen I disprove just say, there’s nothing
such an irresponsibility. we can do. Lies must not EDITORIAL BOARD
be treated normal only Vol XI, No. 1 – August – November 2021
Social media are supposed to aid because it sounds funny.
people with the information they We can do something about it. By simply Chief Editor: ALYSSA MARIE EBUEN
Associate Chief Editor: ACE OLYN EDQUIBAN
need. not patronizing stuff like these, or by simply
This was my perception before, not insinuating its spread, a step on erad- News Editor: SUNDREA ALFORQUE
when I was still excited in opening icating lie culture would arise, and if ev- Feature Editor: ANGEL MARYCEL SAPILER
my social media account particularly erybody would partake in taking our stand Science and Technology News Editor: DIANA ESPIRITU
the facebook, not until this pandemic against it, sooner or later it would end, then
happened where everything seems to the bigger steps will follow along with some Reporters: BRIGETTE EBILANE, JEAN BEA EBAL,
have inverted the situation.
Let me just suggest to be more aware PAULINE EBUEN, JASLYN KYE VIADO, JESHERIE EMPENO
Though not all, but there are times
when I feel that false becomes true of it. Instead of being blinded by its sugar
because of these irritating disinfor- coated funs, why not be smart to identify FILIPINAS ECLARINAL, ROMEO ECHON,
mation on this platform; and the lies them by fact-checking online and offline. ALDRIN EDPALIN, IMEE HERMOGINO
seem to be accepted. We always have to be reminded that we
It’s just so sad to think, the prolifer- are humans, gifted with rationality. Let’s not Photojournalist: KRIZZA MAE BALLON
ation of these information online has be blinded by the enticing intros of these Cartoonists: VINCE ENAN ZARCILLA, ADONIS SAPILER JR.
become normal, and as a responsible erroneous acts and thoughts. We know lies
citizen I disprove such an irrespon- are wrong, so these must be disproved.
School Paper Adviser: GINALYN F. EDPALIN
sibility. Teacher III
These have been observed years Consultant: SONIA D. TEJADA
Principal IV
Molder of Vol. XI No. 1 August - November 2021
Candelaria, Zambales
Region III
(Central Luzon) FEATURES
by Alyssa Marie Ebuen
usto ko po dents engaged in work amid COVID
kasi talagang 19. Such engagement is due to the
makatulong tedious condition his family experi- Medyo mahirap
sa pang- ences that may have been brought
araw araw na pangangailan- by the pandemic. Though not that ‘yong sitwasyon,
gan ng pamilya ko.” forced to work, it has also become kasi kailangan
his response to the condition being
Optimism, he has this attitude at the eldest among the siblings.
kong sumagot pa
his young teenage. He was sup- “Medyo mahirap yung sitwasyon, sa module ko, pero
posed to enjoy his youth like others kasi kailangan kong sumagot pa sa kailangan kong
Illustrated by of his age, but because of the module ko, pero kailangan kong kay-
Vince Enan E. responsibility that is rested on his anin. Malaking bagay din kasi para kayanin. Malaking
Zarcilla shoulder this early, he has to forget sa pamilya ang kahit na kaunting bagay din kasi
the fun of this youth and focus to kinikita,” he shared, narrating the little
the more serious phase of his life amount he usually earns from working
para sa pamilya
that is supposed to be done when as a laborer in a construction. Though ang kahit na kaunt-
he finally enters adulthood. not as a permanent one, he still finds ing kinikita.”
Jomer Loterte, Grade 10 student
is one of the nearly thousands stu- PAGE 12 - Jomer Loterte
Dalan nin Pag-asa nin Babalin Candelaria
(Candelaria’s Way of Hope)
he only has a few, yet to all the people especially to those material thing, at least through her service.
sila sa lahat ng
has much to give for whose source of living is only in a Nanay Nene has been known in Can- tumulong sa
those that she thinks are form of few peso that are meant for delaria, Zambales as a mother of endless
in need of more than the their basic needs. During the times sacrifice for her children focused to her kanila, di man
material things. people are affected by the lock-
downs left and right, where majority
aim, “To help them achieve their dreams.”
And now that some of them have final-
mismo sa mga
Remember that persistent
mother who endured carrying lost their jobs due to the declining ly reached it, with two of them degree nagbigay sa kanila
her children barefooted through demand brought by COVID-19, holders of Civil Engineering and Second-
the muddy field of almost 3kms she was one of those who offered ary Education, she seems to finally have ng scholarship, at
from their home, only to bring her hands. More than the knowledge of
survival she usually imparts being a
sipped the sweetest taste of their success.
Heavy loads become lighter, that signals,
least makatulong
children to the place she calls, ‘the
shore of their dreams’? Barangay Health Worker (BHW) and such quest is about to end. And with this din sila sa mga
Nanay Nene Espinosa of Baran- a Parent Leader who usually serves sweet success she wants to manifest, she
gay Catol, Candelaria, Zambales – it as an emissary to health among the still believes service to fellow should not kagaya nilang
was her who once was nominated people of the barangay, she does
something that may at least suffice
“Higit pa sa pagtatapos sa pag-aaral,
as Department of Social Welfare and
Development’s (DSWD) Regional hunger among her fellows who like gusto ko balang araw, makatulong sila
Outstanding Parent Leader in 2018 her, needs to surpass everyday sa kapwa, para naman kahit papano
- Nanay Nene
because of her unique service consumption. makabawi sila sa lahat ng tu- mulong
extended to the community as 4P’s Having a heart that beats for the sa kanila, di man mismo
recipient. service of her fellows, she thinks of sa mga nagbigay sa
And yes, she still manifests such a planting vegetable at their backyard kanila ng scholar-
Samaritan attitude that is together with her sons, then when ship, at least makat-
so vivid especially all are already for harvest, she gives ulong din sila sa
on this time that them to those whom she knows in mga kagaya nilang
this pandemic need for free. nangangailangan,”
continuous- “Inspirasyon siya dahil sa kabila this still echoes in our
ly brings ng banta ng COVID-19, hindi pa minds three years ago
scare rin siya tumitigil na magsilbi at when she first shared
magsakripisyo, bagkus lalo pa to us her story of
niya pinaigting,” Sir Murphy one sacrifice and ser-
of her eldest said, who at present vice to others, and
is already a teacher in one of the these she actually
secondary schools at Sta. Cruz. does, now that she
He also explained that such can have more
action for her mother is just so time to share and
simple that should be a similar serve.
idea of helping that doesn’t ex- Be it pandem-
pect for something in return. ic or not, with
“Pinakamatatag at pinaka- or without, her
matapang na nanay sa buong service contin-
mundo,” he described her, who ues, no matter
for him doesn’t just limit her what.
service in her family. Despite
the needs she has to provide
for them, she makes sure of
offering the same to those
in need. It can’t be through
Dalan nin Pag-asa nin Babalin Candelaria
(Candelaria’s Way of Hope) ockdowns that as time goes
Pursuit of Ease
by are represented by different
terminologies, often confus- FROM PAGE 7
ing, yet still needed to be way to be at least positioned, for
grasped… it is the little salary that he aims
Number of cases that are undeniably that usually starts from 100.00
bringing fear, which sometimes appear with daily payment with the work that
paranoia to the real situation… starts from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Societal problems that arise along with the He also shares that whenever he
common loss of jobs and hunger… doesn’t have any call to work, he
All these torture brains, and inflict pain to also accepts laundry. All are for
emotions, resulting to overthinking, and here the family, and if there’s an ex-
comes another that worsens it all – MENTAL cess, to be spent for his studies.
HEALTH. “Gusto ko ring magkaroon
Yet amid such trouble, amid that dilemma ng cellphone para sa online
ha panaon ni covid
the society experiences, Filipinos always class, pero mas mahalaga ang
find way to counteract on the negativity pangangailangan ng pamilya,”
this pandemic brings, for as what is always he says, depicting his so much
(Poga-Poga amid COVID) observed, every Juan is resilient. In whatever love for his family that he can
way he falls, he always stands tall, and finds always prioritize more than his
by Jaslyn Kye Viado way not to be overcome again. personal needs. He is so willing
In Candelaria, particularly in Barangay to share the pain of providing for
Pamibian, there is this one entertainment old the family together with his father
folks do that merely gives them a glimpse of who works at the junkshop and
positivity in the midst of this pandemic. mother who also accepts laundry
Poga-poga, they name it this way. With no works.
exact translation, this Zambal Candelarean He shares too that if he would
term is a Candelarean form of entertainment be given a chance, he would like
to take up Hotel and Restaurant
that usually broaches laughter among the
Management. For him it’s the
PAGE 15 answer for his dream to earn
more, as he can also have his
business through the knowledge
he can have from it. And while
Poga-poga, they name it he is preparing for the attainment
this way. With no exact of his dream, he would be more
translation, this Zambal focused to helping his family
while studying.
Candelarean term is a “Minsan, dasal lang talaga
Candelarean form of en- para lumakas pa ang loob,”
tertainment that usually Jomer expressed, consistent of
the positivity he wants to portray
broaches laughter among despite this life’s unfairness
the audience to make them sometimes.
take a particular situation Bright future is ahead for
or occasion as light and sure for this young man who is
unafraid to risk not only for his
Illustrated by
Vince Enan E. Zarcilla
bright as possible. dream, but most particularly for
his family.
Worth-Emulating Principles
of an Action Woman
by Maric Davince Rosario
le O F
T a m s
D ar t h e F r
aW a lls
A f whic
t e d from nly
-vis t can’t o
ome i
i s a lso h e says,
. H e b u t h
hone kful,
cellp ery than that’s
b u e n s i s v e t hing 00.00
eE ye h e i s . m
lic e
aulin n ke th for s ly 3,0
by P e l a ncho t’s withi be li ly…
n h e wish e month
tm ha If o ca n ith t h one’s
mos press w ds that t how ssibility w ce to go
s t h e x or B u r a n
e ha eem to e with w ut then
o d o
nd p rn? a hin em t e
a t s a k s s , b beyo rents ea ld not be oesn’t se principl f
th s p e m i l e p a o u d c h o
He es h i s ty s h lic h é s u tir e d
him. ited. H e.
i n ipilit P over yet this c he believ s mother ntinu-
im d p i o
are l away fa ako, pe it, with hi ess, can es h kin c
ro s er
ht a succ ys. How ay he se ather’s s long und
r i g l a g a i d a d f g
es it
t a s his w r y i s i n
n po lano ent if eve hile h f sta
mak hihirapa Bryan Me rning. partm nts orks works, w ecause o ally
“N a i n , ” l e a t h e D e
d e
d r y s b a n actu
n e f t u n e c
kaya stan
c art o r of s and lau scor
he iple
kong hts on di le digit p numbe ndemic, rd o usly ? m etim the princ hat says ”
g n g 7 5 p a h a n s o t s.
thou an, a si 0 8 , 8 t h e s o e s u f a i r s e s o re e s
Bry n ’s 26,3 n amid re trying ression th
i f e is un still choo revail m tiful succ ays
io ucat
io a p “L sp beau
ucat that p ex ack et he eam l,” he
of Ed basic ed number the dee is holdb s a y it, y . His dr road to a mag-ara dness
r i s t h t h m sy nr e
unde me in th eams wi there is is
optim is no ea to ko po e sudde d it has t
ng o
o r , ” n
like s m their d ontinuity make it? en, Brya “T h e r e g u s b y t h , a n
ai c v tong ted ream
to cl cational n I really gs of se tudent in ay “Gus is depic eds to d lea.
of e d u
r t , “ C a
e s i b l i n
i s t e n t s
h e re m
A n d i t
H e n e
e a r his p ay
he a g th pers 19. T stil l it . yes . oh rthd
in his rth amon ure of a COVID- n, yet he o f his e e. s s e em t ter his bi ough
Fou n a pict by atio tru ven sa f t thr
e e b r o ught f the situ o n s, c ome the hea Just day s his gif
has lent war ddity o les s
The n nt.
is se , he rec
eiv e s im-
i s s i h e o n g mga mahi- i s h 3 o t h ing i gh
t pe. dihin yu lagang x- His w ctober 2 ame
e thr
o co
have is best t ong intin on po ta g,” he e ft l a s tO e r. . I n His N ld provid
h p kata agtano n is le r dvi s ppy wou s
tries ipilit ko agka one his a teful. Ha always pino
“Pin y mga p o pong m since no n goes f
r a H e s . i l l i o n Fili
G fo r nd m ve n
ma nk le, ofte and ible, e se e 25
de e
pero kailanga is strugg mother the farm - poss people H one of th and ma s this wil
a t g h H i s t o f t e n y y
rap , statin i m . h e r . O o s e j u s t v e r t s a
s ist h s fat work ounger th n is po t he ys,
plain e to ass , while hi also to er y Brya d by this emic, ye e sa
at h o m
s e r v i c e
s i b li n g s
h i s o t h
. n t a n g l e
i s p a n d
i n e er,” h had,
dry er with ning e th . ng t
laun of his old at home nce lear adviser ko
ko t by ream ng E e jus im
e f t t a g a wors p him d ng magi phone h upport h
so m i s l e s d i s o a n a t s t o p o t h e h o s
e n th i p tala g n o to k o y by le w
s, h ag
time s also o tumataw si di po “Gus d not onl the peop
l i n g p o o , k a p i re o f .
sib alas o ak kak- ins se ally
“Mad low-up p a GC ng ecau virtu
f o l g n g but b me and
i m o
para ama sa la po ak his at ho
as a
mak o dahil w xplained
ong r.
k e
lase one,” he e grate-
cel l p h t
with dviser S -
h ir
o p
to k ee
Gus ng Engin
s i t u a h i s a o f t en
ss to , who his
fulne Edpalin through
i o
i n id
A l d r h i m d ro
alls an
n for he t i m es c old non-
B r y an M
s for
B r y a
t him er’s -
on to assis
A- moth d by
Life c re around YAN MEL ) trate
TED. a R Illus piler Jr.
N D AUN d people otos of B E D PALIN . S a
U o h is A
re go tributed p nd ALDRIN don
s mo A
know mily. (Con NO a
is fa
and h
14 FEATURE Vol. XI No. 1 August - November 2021
San Roque
Tan Yay Awit Nay Kainomayan
(St. Roque and his hope)
by Ace Olyn Edquiban
n this time that hope among people seems to decline, there is only one that
they can rely – FAITH, which for them is a companion that gives them hope
that no matter how bad the crisis may bring their lives, there is always this
providence that’s Divine.
North South
Chapter Chapter
with 75, sometimes 65 with 103 stanzas and
or 60 stanzas other 30 litanies
An Empowered field of politics in 2018, then assumed always be the very basis of why one ership that’s worthy of emulation, it’s
the position to represent the youths of decides to run for a government no wonder that this school, PIS from
Candelarean in a woman their barangay up to the present, au- position. where she was also once honed is so
FROM PAGE 10 thoring several projects dedicated to Being known a beauty queen, a proud of the strong woman she has
all their people especially the youths journalist and a student leader in become.
unan yung mismong pandemic, pero like them. her high school days, this empow- If the next generations would be
kahit papaano ay makakapag abot “Sa tingin ko po, there’s nothing ered young woman seemingly has led by the young minds like her, hope
kamay sa mga nangangailangan up special sa mga ginagawa ko as an bloomed so well as a warrior-like is still in view in this nation that’s
to the extent ng kayang maibigay,” SK Chairperson compared sa iba. queen with idealism that is rooted currently tested not only by this virus,
she still added. Kasi itong ginagawa ko ay bare from her true desire of giving hope but also with the selfish acts some of
If others in her age usually go for minimum lang po as a public servant. to people of any state; that beyond its leaders impact.
fun especially on those old normal Siguro po kasi nasanay lang yung that beautiful face, a strong Hope awaits this nation with
days with these young people usually mga tao na hindi sila totally nabibig- woman lives within. the youths like Sheka-
hanging out, or just stay home doing yan ng pansin ng mga nasa puwesto, With her inah leading this
social media activities or gaming just kaya kapag kumilos na yung iba, display of generation.
for fun, she does different. While they akala nila ito na yung maximum na lead-
enjoy life on their young age, she pwede nilang matanggap from their
thinks of her fellows’ welfare, hearing elected leader. But no! There are still
all their pleas, planning to respond to so much more than these things,” she
them, then right away assist. explained the type of leadership she
“Tinanong ko po yung sarili ko kung perceives that the people deserve to
ano yung pwede kong maiambag have, because for her a true leader
sa lipunan para kahit papaano may wants to make a significant difference
maiangat tayong mga kababayan in order to improve the lives of the
natin na nasa laylayan na’t lugmok people. More than the position and
sa sitwasyon ng pandemic,” so full the power it brings, it is the people
of passion, she said it, genuine of that he loves more. He who inspires
her desire to give that’s rooted from and uplifts life of others is worthy of
what she believes is the reason of her the position people give him.
existence. God gives her the gift of Consistent of her principle of lead-
leadership, for there is this much that ership that’s dedicated for people,
she can give through her leadership Kikay always speaks of honesty every
charisma that’s purely based from leader must possess, which should
what God commands, that is more on
sharing, instead of being enticed by
power and fame.
Being called Kikay by her friends
and the people close to her, this 21 INSPIRATION. This child
year old empowered young Filipina, a looks at Shekainah with such
Candelarean has already been known an endearment on the latter’s
in the field of leadership since her ele- conduct of school supplies dis-
mentary and high school days. Honed tribution at Barangay Libertador.
with such principle of leadership that (Contributed photo of
blurs oneself for the benefit of the ma-
jority, Kikay decided to get into actual
16 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol. XI No. 1 August - November 2021
Solution to
End this War
We all want to go back to the
old normal we used to be in. For
by Alyssa Marie Ebuen sure, everybody wants it, then
“D “
right now be vaccinated.
This is seen as the penultimate
readful scenario might bring the town to the hap- solution to this health problem
may await Candelar- less situation other provinces have that we’ve been experiencing for
ia if mining would experienced such as flash floods and almost two years, and for sure it
pursue in the town.” landslides that when investigated wouldn’t be solved if up to this
Responsible mining
This most of the times would be were due to activities that destroy very moment, we are still hesitat-
the environment, one of which was man yan o hindi, ing to be vaccinated.
heard from the simple Candelareans
whose form of simple living comes from irresponsible mining. mining pa rin yan! According to the authorities
its natural resources. Known as the rice He nodded that such activity may Sisirain kung ano and those who have already un-
granary of the North, people usually bring progress to Candelaria which is ang meron tayo, dergone the said inoculation, we
derive living from farming, the reason it one of the third class municipalities of would not only protect ourselves
the province. He added that this may tapos kung wala by receiving jabs but also our
tends to celebrate Laruk Laruk Festival
every October to commemorate every enhance this municipality’s economic na silang makuha, family and all the people around
farmer’s effort of bringing food to every growth and most of all would create iiwanan na lang nila. us. If this becomes the community
Candelarean’s table. employment among its people, yet all Sino ang talo? Tayo! trend, then it would only mean we
Yet this simple, but happy living these are just temporary. Given with are starting to protect and save
tends to be endangered on the issue of the mining activities in the country - Tatay Jhun our fellows and this whole society.
mining that according to some author- that are usually irresponsible, it’s It is understood that on the
ities and reliable sources is about to possible that one day this town would chemicals the activity may emit (e.g. very first time the vaccination is
operate in the town. also be on that same state when its cyanide and mercury that are used introduced, some have doubts.
“Nakakatakot ang mga pwe- mountains are started to be tilled so to separate metals and minerals) that However, with the witnesses
deng mangyari sa hinaharap that those mines in it would all be later on flow to the streams, along vaccinated people have said
kung sakaling ito ay magtu- collected. with it are the activity’s hazardous relevant to its benefits to us based
loy-tuloy,” Tatay Jhun, a “Di ko maimagine ang sitwasyon wastes that most of the times are from their own experiences, and
62 year old farmer from kung isang araw, ang mahal na irresponsibly dumped. with the comprehensive discus-
Barangay Pinagre- bayan ko ay lubog na sa putik dahil “Kung minsan, magandang man- sions our medical frontliners have
alan said, depict- wala nang poporotekta ditong mga garap ng para sa kaunlaran ng ating discussed on the said activity,
ing his fear on puno at mga bundok,” Tatay Jhun still bayan, pero kung ganito naman ang it is high time to accept the only
the said expressed, worried of the many pos- kahihinatnan, siguro di bale na lang,” solution we have – TO BE VACCI-
activity, sible effects this mining may bring to Tatay Jhun kept mentioning, worried NATED.
which he this municipality. of the future the next generations Just as what Dr. Soumya Swa-
said Simple viewpoint, yet realistic may have if ever this activity would minatham, World Health Orga-
for even the ordinary be pursued. He added that he has nization (WHO) Chief Scientist
people can been happy living in this town for says about vaccines being the
understand 62 years of no untoward incidents, lifesaving-interventions in the time
what it can even worse crimes, yet he couldn’t like this, it’s about time we hear
bring to its imagine such simple beauty would the call for us to receive jabs,
environment – still remain, now that these strangers relying on the explanation that
air, water, and promising to bring progress are here. it has undergone elaborate and
land that later on He showed his doubts. thorough process where criteria
would affect its “Responsible mining man yan o and qualities are being checked
people particu- hindi, mining pa rin yan! Sisirain kung before its recommendation. World
larly their health ano ang meron tayo, tapos kung Health Organization (WHO) has
because wala na silang makuha, iiwanan na also been confident that these
of the lang nila. Sino ang talo? Tayo!” he (vaccines) have met the minimum
left his challenge, clear, straight and standards of efficacy and safety.
consistent. The government along with the
Mining is destructive. Whatever medical frontliners has also called
way it is, be it allowed or not, it’s the majority not to be choosy on
way too ruinous where rich its brand, for each has the effec-
becomes the richest and tiveness that has been proven by
the poor becomes the experts.
poorest. May Tatay As this silent war has consis-
Jhun’s stand be each tently drawn deafening sounds
one’s stand to call of straight lines in the battlefield
for the preservation called ICU, and has put these
of whatever Can-
Illustrated by delaria has. PAGE 7
Vince Enan E. Zarcilla
REPORT Vol. XI No. 1 August - November 2021 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 17
aiming for
AS OF the 100%
10/30/2021 herd
is fully vaccinated and we
hope that
in Candelaria,
data say
would really
20,933 by Maureen Ednalino
to it.”
- Mercy Fernando
32% 22%
ty, and we hope that the people would really tiveness against COVID-19 that can at least
cooperate to it,” Mercy Fernando, Public avoid severe effects of the said virus.
SEE US Illustrated by
Vince Enan E. Zarcilla
PIS eyes healthier Pamibianians
help teachers and learners
amid COVID-19 scare
important to check out our
well-being and the ways we maintain physical health
usually respond to it,” Aldrin by paying attention to their
by Frankhesia Anika Edpalin, MAPEH Coordinator mental health; and promote
and the Innovation Proponent health awareness amid the
said. time of pandemic.
n order to address the students’ mental, psychoso-
He also explained if all He added that the attain-
cial and physical health, PIS MAPEH Department
adults experience such ment of the said aims would
launches its innovation named, See Us Stronger: be indicated by the compli-
effects, how much those of
A Pamibian IS Physical, Psychosocial and Mental ance of the activities that the
young age, particularly the
Health Innovation for the Learners in the New Normal. teenagers who are in the learners would submit online,
adaptation period of their since face-to-face activi-
The launching was done Teachers of the Junior High puberty and adolescence. ties are strictly prohibited.
students are still doing active through the School Learning School Department. From this, he said came out These can also be through
tasks to motivate them address Action Cell (SLAC) conduct- “With the prevalence the idea of the said innova- their modular tasks, which
their health, physically, mentally
ed last September 15 at the of this health crisis that is tion which comprehensively would be given along with
and emotionally. (Contributed aims to provide psychoso- their modules and would be
photo of LUCHEL ECLEVIA) Campus Journalism Room, currently affecting all the as-
cial support for students;
attended by all the MAPEH pects of our lives, it’s always PAGE 19
“How to address malnutrition in of Patricia None of Quezon City as the catch basin of the majority
this time of pandemic?” serves as a hub to ease hunger of Candelarean learners.
This question inspired the Lugaw and thirst for the parents and other Scheduled every Mondays
Pantry Innovation spearheaded by stakeholders during the distribution last 2020 and Fridays this 2021
the Supreme Student Government and retrieval of modules. for module retrieval and distribu-
(SSG) of Pamibian Integrated School “This aims to help address malnu- tion, the said pantry is prepared
that started last 2020 and is still ongo- trition in the municipality,” Joey Caa- through the combined efforts of the
ing at present. si, SSG Adviser said, reiterating that parents, teachers and some other
Serving as the school organiza- the said food pantry aims to at least barangay officials who assure for
tion’s community involvement project, give answer to the usual problem on the nutrition the traditional Filipino BEST MONDAY. This seems to be a good start
Lugaw Pantry, which is a food pantry food needs among some Candelar- food may give its more or less weekly for PIS and its stakeholders for its ease
inspired from the Maginhawa Pantry eans knowing that the school serves of fatigue and hunger through its Lugaw Pantry
PAGE 19 every Monday.
Vol. XI No. 1 August - November 2021 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 19
A Medical
Frontliner’s Confessions
on COVID-19 Infection
(An Interview with Racquel A. Felicitas, RN
Rural Health Unit, Masinloc, Zambales)
by Aldrin Edpalin
n this work where exposure she couldn’t manage.
to anyone really happens, She explained that it was no wonder
being infected to COVID-19 many patients usually die when infected,
virus is possible,” Racquel, a especially those senior citizens and with
31-year old nurse confessed after being comorbidities. It was due to the virus’s
infected by the virus upon exposure to rapid progression on them that usually led
a colleague who tested positive. to their death.
And upon her knowledge of a colleague “Good thing I was fully vaccinated.
Though I was infected, it lessened the
who was confirmed infected, she right away
had the antigen test from which she tested severity of the disease, and I recovered
negative, yet still did self-isolation. right away,” she
Later, she already felt symptoms like said, explaining
fever, clogged nose and loss of smell. the advantage
of being vacci-
She underwent antigen test anew from
which she was reactive, then the other
COVID-19 is a nated, because TIRELESS, but still consistent of its service, this is what Racquel, RN
and other fellow frontliners do in their battle against COVID-19.
day swab test (RTPCR) for confirma- deadly disease it did not only (Contributed photo of RACQUEL FELICITAS, RN)
tion. As expected, she tested positive. that should not spare her from
the severity of
Racquel, who has been serving as
Nurse under DOH for seven years in be taken for its effects, but Though already a cliché, it’s still being reiterated, so infection
RHU Masinloc, just gave a binding granted. also her parents would not happen. Standard health protocols are always
witness on how hard it is to be infect- who both were advised such as wearing protective devices like face mask
ed, and that nobody would want to - Racquel Felicitas already senior and face shield, physical distancing, handwashing and hand
feel the same. citizens. sanitizing, self-isolation for those with symptoms then seeking
“From this period, I started to feel body She also shared the difficulty she en- medical help if needed.
malaise along with the loss of smell and dured recovering, for the virus didn’t right “Wag mong hayaang mamatay ka sa takot na may COVID
clogged nose. Then one night, I felt heavi- away disappear. She just tested negative ka, na pwede namang maagapan kung nagpacheck up ka
ness on my chest. It was as if I was suffo- after two swab tests. lang sana,” she firmly advised.
cated that I couldn’t breathe,” she added Vigilance, this she advised to be She reiterated that COVID-19 is a deadly disease that
on the symptoms she felt that she thought considered and done by every individual. should not be taken for granted.
Candelaria, Zambales
Region III
(Central Luzon)
4 26
Elementary JHS
22% IS & SHS
Rural Health Unit’s (RHU) aim of
continuously promoting vaccina-
tion among Candelareans.
page 17
of Tablet
19 JHS
WAR Illustrated by
Vince Enan E. Zarcilla
We all want to go
back to the old nor- Tablets are for
mal we used to be in. the students’
For sure, everybody online class
wants it, then right
now be vaccinated.
page 18