Project Proposal
Project Proposal
Project Proposal
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Quirino
Diffun National High School
Aurora East, Diffun, Quirino
An Action Plan
Presented to the
Understanding Culture, Society,
and Politics Adviser
Diffun National High School
Diffun, Quirino
Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements in
Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics
Presented by
Escobar, Josef Russell S.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Quirino
Diffun National High School
Aurora East, Diffun, Quirino
Educational Inequality has been predominant in the Philippines since 1942. It stemmed
from the social class inequality, where the poor can’t get education and as a result will in turn get
a low paying job in the future keeping them poor. Even though the economy of the Philippines
has grown and developed to a more stable economy, only the rich people benefited from it, the
poor are not given a chance in developing, honing, and expressing their talents and help the
country succeed.
Almost ten percent of the estimated 39 million Filipinos 6 to 24 years old were out-of-
school children and youth (OSCY), according to the results of the 2023 Annual Poverty
Indicators Survey (APIS). In this report, OSCY refers to family members 6 to 14 years old who
are not attending formal school; and family members 15 to 24 years old who are currently out of
school, not gainfully employed, and have not finished college or post-secondary course.
Differential school access and learning are influenced by poverty and enduring social and
economic inequalities, which frequently persist after school to lead to unequal economic
outcomes and political empowerment. While unemployment in many rural regions is still a
problem, increased urbanization is creating new forms of inequality. Orphans and vulnerable
children, including those impacted by armed conflict, nevertheless have restricted access to their
right to an education and are given scant attention by the government.
Without a high-quality education, children will face many obstacles to later employment
and financial possibilities. They are less likely to participate in decisions that will directly affect
them and more likely to have negative health consequences, which compromises their potential
to create a better future for both themselves and their societies.
They are not employed by many employers because they don’t have the skills and
knowledge that you learn at school which will help you now and in later life as you start work.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Quirino
Diffun National High School
Aurora East, Diffun, Quirino
Good attendance shows potential employers that you are reliable which out of school youths
don’t have.
1. This project aims to give children/youths a chance to redeem themselves and have a
proper education for their future.
2. Increase the growth of the country’s creative minds and development as a whole.
3. Decrease the poverty rate to zero percent, giving high jobs to everyone enabling them to
have a successful life.
Proposed Solutions:
1. Implement anti-no school laws encouraging young people to be force to school even if
they don’t want to. Their mind can’t still fathom the future they hold so forcing them is a
good way.
2. Create non-profit organizations specifically made for the education of the youth giving
them quality education with little to no down side impact on the economy.
3. Give jobs and subsidiaries to families in need but keep them in watch ensuring that the
children are given a proper education and a stable family not worrying about anything but
Action Plan
Activities Persons Involved Time Frame Success Indicators
One such activity Youth with For the What indicates the
that I will conduct little to no developmental success is when our
is the creation of educational stages, it will take country is
non-profit opportunities about 4-5 years to flourishing with
organizations Local create this non- successful people
specifically made government profit organizations with creative minds
for unfortunate Managers all throughout the increasing the
youths enabling country. After that, advancement rate of
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Quirino
Diffun National High School
Aurora East, Diffun, Quirino
them to have a Workers the developments of the development of
proper education. Volunteers the youths in school the country.
These non-profit Donors for a proper Everybody would
organizations will education till they have a job and no
receive money from get a job will take more poverty.
willing donor and about 25-30 years.
will also sell goods For us to be able to
and services eliminate all of
keeping the non- poverty and
profits educational
organizations able inequality will take
to provide for the about 90-110 years
youths needs whilst
still giving them
proper education.
The goods and
services are also
created by the
parents of the
youths giving them
jobs and a stable
income to provide
for their child’s
needs. Those who
have good grades
are given rewards
such as cash prizes
encouraging them
to do better in
school and not just
be a lay person.
These non-profit
organizations will
also broadcast their
achievements in
social media for
more transparency
enabling donors to
see where their
money is going
making them
donate more. Social
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Quirino
Diffun National High School
Aurora East, Diffun, Quirino
Media also creates
another income
opportunity to keep
the non-profit
organization going.