Question 1.
Ribosomes were discovered by
(a) Golgi
(b) Porter
(c) Robertis
(d) Palade
Question 2.
In which component of a mitochondrion ATP is synthesied?
(a) Matrix
(b) outer membrane
(c) crista
(d) F0-F1 complex (Oxysome)
Question 3.
Tonoplast, a differentially permeable membrane, surround the
(a) nucleus
(b) Cytoplasm
(c) Lysosomes
(d) Vacuole
Question 4.
Addition of the new cell wall material in the existing one is
(a) Deposition
(b) Aggregation
(c) Intussusception
(d) apposition
Question 5.
The interphase nucleus is enclosed in
(a) a porous double membrane
(b) a non-porous single membrane
(c) a porous double membrane
(d) many membranes
Question 6.
The chloroplast thylakoids are in the form of
(a) interconnected sacs
(b) independent discs
(c) interconnected tabules
(d) stalked discs.
Question 7.
Aerobic respiration is performed by
(a) glyoxisome
(b) lysosomes
(c) mitochondria
(d) stalked discs.
Question 8.
Plant cell differ from animal cell in having
(a) mitochondria
(b) cell wall
(c) golgi bodies
(d) ribosomes
Question 9.
The cell wall of certain fungi is made of
(a) lignin
(b) pectin
(c) suberin
(d) chitin
Question 10.
Desmosomes are connected with
(a) cytolysis
(b) cell division
(c) cell excretion
(d) cell adherence.
Question 11.
Fluid mosaic model of cell membrane state that it has lipid bilayer with
(a) proteins on the outer surface only.
(b) Some proteins embedded and some on the surface.
(c) Proteins on both the surfaces.
(d) Proteins embedded and some on the surface.
Question 12.
Fluid mosaic model of cell membrane was proposed by
(a) Singer and Nicholson
(b) waston and crick
(c) Robertson
(d) danielli and davson
Question 13.
Ribosomes are centres
(a) Photosynthesis
(b) liquid synthesis
(c) Respiration
(d) protein synthesis
Question 14.
A membrahe covering
(a) Mitochondrion
(b) nucleolus
(c) Plastid
(d) Lysosome
Question 15.
Solar energy is converted into ATP/chemical energy by
(a) Chloroplast
(b) Ribosome
(c) Mitochondria
(d) Peroxisome
Question 16.
The organelle regarded a sugar factory in an autotrophic eukaryotic cell is
(a) Mitochondrion
(b) Ribosome
(c) Chloroplast
(d) Endoplasmic reticulum.
Question 17.
Cell wall shows
(a) Permeability
(b) Semi permeability
(c) Impermeability
(d) Differential permeability
Question 18.
Golgi apparatus is lacking in
(a) Higher plants
(b) yeasts
(c) Liver cells
(d) Blue green algae.
Question 19.
Outer and inner membranes of mitochondria are
(a) structurally and functionally different
(b) stucturally different but functionally similar
(c) structurally and functionally similar
(d) structurally similar but functionally different
Question 20.
Smallest unit in cell wall is
(a) Middle lamella
(b) Microfibil
(c) Micelle
(d) Fibril
Question 22.
Polymorphic cell organelle is
(a) Golgi complex
(b) lysosome
(c) Glyoxysome
(d) peroxisome
Question 23.
Organelle covered
(a) Glyoxysome
(b) lysosome
(c) Glyoxysome
(d) All of these
Question 24.
Lysosome contain
(a) Carbohydrates
(b) nucleic acids
(c) Hydrolases
(d) Hormones
Question 25.
Which cell organelle reduces the number of other organelles?
(a) Mitochondria
(b) Lysosome
(c) Oxysome
(d) None of these
Question 26.
The plant cell wall possesses
(a) Hemicellulose
(b) Cellusose
(c) Pectin
(d) All of these
Question 1.
All organisms are composed of ………….. Some are composed of a single cell and called …………… organisms while others, like us, are composed of
many cells and called …………… organisms.
Question 3.
……………… was the first person to describe the cell in 1865 when he used a microscope built by him to examine a thin slice of cork
Question 4.
In 1831, …………….. made on important discovery when he reporeted the presence of a small sphere in the cells of the orchid root
Question 5.
………….. and ………….. combined their views and formulated the cell theory
Question 6.
The presence of several types of organ systems in the body of multicellular organism is a unique example of …………….
Question 7.
Since most of the activities of an organism are present in miniature form in each and every cell, the cell can be called a ………………..
Question 8.
Every cell has its own .life span Old and weak cells die and are replaced by new ones which are formed by the ………….. of the younger cells
Answer: division
Question 9.
In general, cells can be divided into two main types (a) ……………. (b) ……………
Question 10.
The prokaryotic cells are represented by the bacteria, blue-green algae, mycoplasma or PPLO (pleuro pneumonia like organisms) ………….. and
Question 11.
The bacteria can be classifed into two groups on the basis of the differences in the cell envelopes viz the …………. and …………..
Question 12.
One such structure is the mesosome which is formed by the extensions of plasma membrane into the cell in the ……………, ………….. and ………….
Answer: form of vescicies, tubules, lamellae
Question 13.
Several ribosomes may attach to a single m RNA and form a chain called ………….. or …………
Question 14.
Bacterial flagellum is composed of three parts- …………, ………… and …………
Question 15.
In fact, the plant cells possess a conspicuous thick layer of cellilose covering the cell membrane called the …………..
Question 1.
Sometimes a few chromosomes have secondary constrictions at a constant location, which are their non-staining region and give the appearance
of a small fragment called the satellite.
Answer: True
Question 2.
Every chromosome essentially has a primary constriction or the centromere on the sides of which disc shaped structures called kine- tochore, for
the attachment of the spindle fibres, is also present.
Answer: True
Question 3.
The biochemical analysis of the isolated chromatin has revealed that it contains DNA, some basic protein called histones, some nonhistone
proteins and also RNA.
Answer: True
Question 4.
The electron microscope has revealed that the nuclear envelope, which consists of two parallel membranes spaced by 10 to 50nm called the
perinuclear space.
Answer: True
Question 5.
The eukaryotic cells usually possess a large sized, almost centrally located and densely stained organelle containing the genetic material called
Answer: True
Question 6.
The central part of the centriole is also proteinaceous called the hub, which is connected with a tubules of the peripheral tripets by radial spokes
made up of protein.
Answer: True
Question 7.
The electron microscopic studies of the cross section of a cilium or the flagellum shows that it it covered with plasma membrane and its core
called the axoneme possesses a number of microtubules running parallel to the long axis of the organelle.
Answer: True
Question 8.
Cilia and flagella are the hair-like microtubular organelle projected in the form of an out growth of the cell membrane used either for the
movement of the cell or the movement of the surrounding* fluid.
Answer: True
Question 9.
Inside the space lined by the inner membrane of the chloroplast, called the ribosomes a number of organized flattened membranous sacs are
present called the cytoskeleton.
Answer: False
Question 10.
Based on the type of pigments present in them plastids can be classified into chloroplasts, chromoplasts and leucoplasts.
Answer: True
Question 11.
Vacuoles also exert a hydrostatic pressure called the vacuole pressure that gives the mechanical support to the cell.
Answer: False
Question 12.
The primary wall consists of a very fine network of the microfibrils made up of cellulose and pectic polysachharides embedded in the gellike
Answer: True
Question 13.
Many cells exhibit the rough surface endoplasmic reticulum, whereas such granular structures are not present in many of them in the smooth
endoplasmic reticulum (SER).
Answer: True
Column I Column II
(a) All organisms are composed 1. Two dutch scientist E. Gorter and F. Grendel in 1925.
(b) Robert Hooke was the first person to 2. extracted lipid would cover the surface of water.
(c) Cell theory 3. of cell.
(d) The presence of several types of organ systems in the body of 4. describe the cell in 1965 when he used a microscope built by him to
multicellular organims is examine a thin slice of cork.
(e) The initial evidence that the cell membrane contains lipid came
5. and muscle contraction by release and up take of Ca2+
after the study of
(f) After the extraction of lipid from human RBCs they measured
6. a unique example of division of labour.
surface area the
(g) Mitochondria typically it appears as sausage shaped or
7. in its diameter and 1.0-4. 1 pm in length.
cylindrical with 0.2-1.0/xm (average 0.5 Jim)
(h) In human beings the eryth-rocyte’s membrane has approxi- 8. Present all along the length and breadth in almost all the eukary-otic
mately 52% protein. cells consisting mainly of the tubulion protein.
(i) Microtubules are the hollow, cylindrical and stiff structure of 9. and 40% of lipid whereas the myelinated neuron has approxi-mately
approximately 25nm diameter 20% of protein and 80% of lipid.
(j) Microfilaments are solid and cylindrical structure of 8-1 Onm
10. other cytaskeletal filaments.
diameters made up of
(k) Intermediate filament are solid and unbranched filamentous 11. the helical polymer of atin protein.
structure often interconnected to the
(l) Based on the type of pigments present in them plastids can be
12. Chloroplasts, chromoplasts and leucoplasts.
classified into
(m) The central part of the centriole is also 13. proteinaceous called the hub.
(n) The biochemical analysis of the isolated chromatin has reve- 14. some basic protein called histones, some non-histone protains and also
aled that it contains DNA, RNA.
(o) The other important roles SER play in the cell is detoxi fication 15. (i) All living arganisms are composed of cells and products of cells.
of a variety of organic compounds (ii) All cells arise from pre-existing cells.
Column I Column II
(a) All organisms are composed 3. of cell.
4. describe the cell in 1965 when he used a microscope built by him to
(b) Robert Hooke was the first person to
examine a thin slice of cork.
15. (i) All living arganisms are composed of cells and products of cells.
(c) Cell theory
(ii) All cells arise from pre-existing cells.
(d) The presence of several types of organ systems in the body of
6. a unique example of division of labour.
multicellular organims is
(e) The initial evidence that the cell membrane contains lipid came
1. Two dutch scientist E. Gorter and F. Grendel in 1925.
after the study of
(f) After the extraction of lipid from human RBCs they measured
2. extracted lipid would cover the surface of water.
surface area the
(g) Mitochondria typically it appears as sausage shaped or
7. in its diameter and 1.0-4. 1 pm in length.
cylindrical with 0.2-1.0/xm (average 0.5 Jim)
(h) In human beings the eryth-rocyte’s membrane has approxi- 9. and 40% of lipid whereas the myelinated neuron has approxi-mately
mately 52% protein. 20% of protein and 80% of lipid.
(i) Microtubules are the hollow, cylindrical and stiff structure of 8. Present all along the length and breadth in almost all the eukary-otic
approximately 25nm diameter cells consisting mainly of the tubulion protein.
(j) Microfilaments are solid and cylindrical structure of 8-1 Onm
11. the helical polymer of atin protein.
diameters made up of
(k) Intermediate filament are solid and unbranched filamentous
10. other cytaskeletal filaments.
structure often interconnected to the
(l) Based on the type of pigments present in them plastids can be
12. Chloroplasts, chromoplasts and leucoplasts.
classified into
(m) The central part of the centriole is also 13. proteinaceous called the hub.
(n) The biochemical analysis of the isolated chromatin has reve- 14. some basic protein called histones, some non-histone protains and also
aled that it contains DNA, RNA.
(o) The other important roles SER play in the cell is detoxi fication
5. and muscle contraction by release and up take of Ca2+
of a variety of organic compounds